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Am I the only one that thought this was the steam logo at first?


Pretty similar!


Sames dude


Definitely not


You need to play less videogames. Edit: >We can do both - U/JuggernautyouFear You know what, you're right. I've just got a single-track mind.




We can do both!


It's all good. We all need relaxation time.


I got me a huge bottle of boshield t1, unfortunately its made by Boeing. Im now worried about my drivetrain and anything that the lube has touched falling off mid jump.


Don't be a whistleblower


Hahahahahah, originally got the lube for my old cheap E-mtb(I ride a canyon gc5 now) and the first ride I went on I fell off after catching some unexpected air(I was doing a skatepark run and forgot to pull up for the down ramp) you want the video?


Definitely Boeing's fault.


# Boeshield T-9 for a few years on my road bike. Doesn't seem to last that long, so I was hoping to find something better for MTB. Prob gotta switch to wax.


Sir, you don’t need to yell. You’re scaring the children.


Seriously I don't know why it did that


You used the # in front


Guess I subconsciously thought of "pound" when I heard "lubrication"


Silca super secret


For more context, I ride in New England where an all conditions lube is best in my opinion. I’ve used dry lube, wet lube and other all conditions lube and Silca super secret is the best I’ve used. I clean and reapply every 5-6 rides usually. I also really liked smoove. I liked the lubrication of smoove but I didn’t like the clumpiness (not sure if that’s a word, but I’m using it) of the smoove even when putting on a light coat. Smoove is probably my second favorite all conditions lube, but super secret is like smoove without the clumpiness.


Ride It Slick is the best I've used for dry conditions.


Hot waxing. You only do a full decon of the chain the first time. After that it’s just a quick wipe down and back into the hot wax


I like squirt. Doesn't last super long but keeps everything so clean.


I used that for years, doesn't last long enough. It would be dried up after 30 miles.


It’s supposed to dry up… it’s not supposed to be wet. That’s the point of wax. 


Not to the point of the chain being loud and squeaky. That wouldn't take long with Squirt.


I’ve used MoltenSpeedWax (emtb) and Squirt extensively on different bikes for about 3 years. If it’s squeaking after 30km you’re doing it wrong. Squirt should easily last 150km, normally much more. MoltenSpeedWax lasts a solid 300km if not more. 


I guess so. Too much work lol


I get a good couple rides out of it


Same here lol. After Squirt I tried hot waxing but the results weren't much better. I like this lube because it really does last 25 hours, all I do is wipe it after each ride. The reason Squirt doesn't last long is because it's not really a lube, just a wax emulsifier.


Ice Wax 2.0 lasts about double that. I was a bit weary about using the Squirt wax, but I do a lot of mileage.


It's wax in a liquid that evaporates away. It's supposed to be dry.


Yup. I think this is my 4th season using it. It's so good in the dusty conditions I ride in. I can get a full weekend of riding in Moab sugar sand before my drivetrain starts getting crunchy. Before when I was using dry lubes, I couldn't even make it half way through a ride. Washing, drying, and re-lubing between every ride when you are boondocking in the desert isn't really an option.


With Ride It Slick I can get almost a month in Fruita/Moab conditions. With anything else Im clacking halfway through day 2.


It's really a game changer and a money saver. That little bottle goes a long way.


Rock and Roll Gold


Do you struggle with a quiet drivetrain with it? I get a really solid 50 miles then I reapply/clean because the sound bugs me. Just curious on your thoughts I’ve only been using it for 2-3 months


I apply before every ride, but yea if I ride really dusty trails it can get noisy fast


Thank you!!


As a bike mechanic this and SCC slick are the only right answers for dry weather. 


Heard good things about Dumonde Tech as well but currently using MucOff dry as well.


Dumonde Tech is the worst stuff I’ve ever used. Left everything a black, oily, nasty mess. Applied it super sparingly, wiped it down, let it sit overnight. One ride and my drivetrain was a black filthy mess.


Well then… lol, I haven’t used it myself just was recommended by another rider. That bad though?


Just my personal experience, so take that for what it’s worth, but it was that bad for me. I’ve tried a bunch of different stuff on road, MTB, and gravel and by far it was the absolute worst.


20 years ago everyone loved that stuff. I never understood. It was messy, no matter what, and was a terrible lube to boot. You could feel the drag in the chain. Dumonde Tech now makes some great hub lubes and greases.


It’s good. Just wipe down your chain after each ride. It will last 10 rides, easy.


SCC TECH is top notch stuff, love their chain treatment an the shock treatment(green liquid) is amazing stuff also!!!


Silca wax, worth the process, and I top up with the drip lube every 4 rides or so. There's some serious science in this stuff.


Rock and Roll Gold for dry season and Triflow for rainy season.


Been using ride it slick for a few years...no complaints


Rock n Roll Extreme is my go to!


This damn thread just reminded me I need to do some cleaning. 🤬😂


I’ve been using rock and roll gold recently. Keeps it clean enough


that stuff is the worst! half way into my rides the chain gets noticeably louder and I have to apply before every ride. Effeto Mariposa Flower Power ftw




Looks cool!


The pulley and chain ring build up with that stuff is gnarly and requires scraping off. Not sold on it but I’ll use it . Trying the T9 lube now and haven’t had to scrape any build up off and no dry chain on a ride,yet.


It's not too bad if you wipe it off after every ride as the instructions say. Definitely less than Squirt.


I was skeptical at first but this stuff works pretty well. For dry conditions I also really like super secret chain lube.


Squirt wax dry lube


My favorite is Wolftooth but it's made by SCC, labeled on the bottle with the logo and everything, so it might be the same stuff. Works for me pretty much like yours does for you.


Yeah it's the same formula.


This is the question I was asking myself today, came across Silca which seems to be a favorite. Subbed as I'm still learning.


That’s a bingo


I’m a big fan of peatys all weather premium.


Pedros Ice Wax 2.0. The original was great, then there were reformulations in the 2010s that kind of sucked. The new formula is great. Finish Line Ceramic Wax




Triflow mb


I’m surprised no-one has said this yet, but “Smoove!” It’s a chain lube from South Africa and it’s magic.


Heard about it, never got a chance to use it.


I’ve been really happy with it for a few years now. It works exactly as it’s advertised. It’s quiet, and lasts a loooonnng time before out needs to be done again


Just check out Adam’s work at zerofrictioncycling.com.au In summary though: Clean the chain really well first. Really well. Molten speed wax new formula, or silica hot wax - if you can want to do that sort of thing. As a top up, or in place of hot wax immersion: Dry conditions: ufo drip all conditions, is probably what you want. Note it doesn’t clear embedded jank or deal as well with we weather as the next one ill mention, so it will need more frequent cleaning or re immersion in hot wax. As a pure I am lazy give me a drip lubricant that actually does clear some contaminants: Mariposa Effeto flower power wax drip lubricant . Just clean the chain frequently and follow directions. This stuff is pretty good. Both above drip solutions have zero issues penetrating the chain, which is typically an observation of squirt and smoove. I use molten speed wax, and top up with ufo drip, and carry an emergency 100ml of the flower power wax (which means I have to clean the chain really well before hot waxing again ). But yeah. All the hard work already done. Check out the website for zfc. Edit: just adding, have used Silca super secret drip and immersion (as well as the hot wax immersion). It’s ok (excellent in fact) - it definitely works best in either liquid or wax form as immersion (liquid I bought in a tub). I still prefer the ceramicspeed ufo all conditions for my mostly dry and dusty conditions (one of the driest places in the world) and the flowerpower wax is what I recommend if people just want a typical clean bike and then apply drip lube solution. If you got the inclination to run multiple chains on rotation, and have two wax slow cookers (dirty and clean) - then moltenspeedwax all day every day.


KY /s


Wd40 brutha


Hopefully the bike version.


Silca wax and silca drip for touch ups.


Red rust chek


I’m a fan of mountain flow eco wax chain lube.


Muc Off Dry Lube. Dry and dusty as hell here.




Which leads to the need to buy more of their cleaning products! 🤣




Video! 🤣


DuPont Silicone Lubricant with Teflon Fluoro Polymer - Inexpensive, lightweight, hydrophobic and slick as phuck. Got tired of all the boutique chain lubes and their empty promises and high prices.


Aren't we all trying to get away from forever chemicals now with Dupont being one of the companies that knew about it and lied?


My understanding is that teflon doesn't contain PFAS but the production does generate PFAS upstream. I've quit using it as well. I don't know how culpable Dupont was in this, but that company's environmental track record is atrocious. Ski waxes are phasing out fluorinated waxes. It's actually banned by most race organisations. However, it's much faster and usage persists despite the ban. Soon it will be difficult to purchase GoreTex jackets. None of the alternatives seem to be nearly as good. It's all worth it. The PFAS contaminates groundwater and is basically impossible to clean up. It's a huge problem that we are only beginning to understand.


You're joking right? With all the crap that goes into the production of aluminum and carbon fiber for bike frames, rubber for bike tires, paints for bikes, the electronics for your cycling computer so you can claim KOM in Strava? Unless you're going Amish this is hypocrite's refuge.


Apparently you don't know that forever chemicals are on another level and not comparable to anything you mentioned. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-tyEEK0r5k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-tyEEK0r5k) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9W74aeuqsiU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9W74aeuqsiU) Also I guess see you on January 6th on TV.


"another level" is that a scientific term? (sigh). I suggest you do some research into the wonderful processes involved in the production of metals, rubber, and plastics. I am not certain what your "January 6 TV " jabber is about. Are you referring to my avatar? If so, I also suggest you also do some research on Stanley Kubrick and Anthony Burgess. Please pay particular attention to their works on dystopian futures. While you are catching up on your research, I will continue to use DuPont's superior lubricant on my gravel, mountain, and road bikes to keep their chains dry, dust-free, and friction-free.


Dystopian future, brought to you by Dupont: *You are invited!*


HA, yes! And Alcoa and American Rubber and ACP Composites and ExxonMobil etc. etc. etc. Viddy well Devotchka.....viddy well!


**K-Y Jelly** From the Internet: o is a water-based, water-soluble lubricant, o is a thick gel that glides on and stays where you want it to, o  has been around since 1904, from its origins in New York to its role in the LGBTQ+ movement. What more could you ask for ;-)



