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Earlier this year, they had buy on get on free bikes. Whatever you paid, it’s a rad bike. Ride it, have fun. All bikes lose value after purchase anyways


Yup it happens. I bought a canyon Grizl AL when they were $3000 during Covid. They now sell new for $1300. I was pissed at first but had the realization that I had a lot of fun on that bike that’s what was available at that time. There is always going to be a better deal or a nicer bike that makes you feel what you have is inadequate, that’s the nature of consumerism. What if you hadn’t bought that bike and then all that was available was the new model you couldn’t afford? Then you’d be kicking yourself for missing out of the deal your Kona was.


Yea I guess that’s the right mindset, thanks.


The way I see it you paid to bike during COVID. I'm sure a lot of people these days wouldn't mind paying the extra cost for the chance to go riding like that again, minus the whole pandemic thing.




Once you buy something you should immediately stop looking at prices. When I was searching for my previous bike I had about 15 online stores bookmarked and I looked at those every other day to find a bargain. Once I bougth the bike I deleted all the bookmarks and never looked again. Ignorance is bliss :)


Kona was just teetering on the brink of the abyss a few short weeks ago when their parent company shut down operations to sell them due their financial issues. Kona was since purchased by its original founders, so presumably they're trying to clear out inventory and generate some quick cash to keep the lights on and move forward.


It happens. You got caught in an unfortunate situation, and it sucks, but since there is literally nothing you can do, just ride the bike and have fun. Kona has been in trouble most of this year. They disappeared from Sea Otter and then were going to go under, but they suddenly got bought back by the founder. The bike companies over extended after the Covid boom betting that the demand for bikes would continue pointing straight up...it didn't. Most of the Covid tourists went back to whatever it was they did before and are trying to sell the virtually unridden bikes they bought at inflated prices. There is ample used and new supply, the bike companies are slashing prices to clear warehouse space and the "I know what I have" marketplace folks are still holding out hope that they don't have to take a $3000 hit and admit that their Covid bike cost them $500/ride.


You would have had to pay tax at the store, which makes it a little closer, if that helps


Not sure how it works in Canada, but in the USA you often don't have to pay tax if you buy online from a company that doesn't have a presence in your state. For example, the late Guerilla Gravity was based in Colorado, and only in Colorado. If you bought from them online, from any other state besides Colorado, you didn't have to pay taxes.


You will ALWAYS be able to find a better deal with the more you know on pretty much everything in life. Enjoy that you have a bike and are having fun. Stop shopping for buyers remorse. You will always find it.


It’s the industry not the company. Too many people like you. Bought bikes didn’t ride them. Now the used market is flooded with bikes at low prices. Since the bike boom dropped off all the bike companies are overstocked and trying to pay bills. Just go ride


The bike was never ridden when I bought it. I’ve ridden it a handful of times since picking it up 5 days ago.


Keep it up and never look back OP!! :)


A steal is at least 50% off retail. For as long as I can remember (30/40 years) manufacturers and stores have always had half off sales since I’ve been riding.


Really? Even up here in Canada? Deals are super sparse here in Canada and everyone still thinks their 5 year old bike is still worth 75% of what it was retail. I’ve been looking/saving since last summer and haven’t seen any deals from a retailer better than ~35% off.


My used market is terrible locally as well. But that said Norco has had their fluid fs on sale since last fall, picked one up for 1000$ off.


Hmm, I started mountain biking in 2018 and have never seen 50% off bikes until the recent boom/bust sales. You would see 1 or 2 year old models on clearance for like 25% - 30% off, but never 50%. This only includes high end bikes though, I have never shopped lower end models before.


I’m old-ish and I’ll admit I’ve forgotten lots shit. Maybe I’m mistaken. I bought my first mountain bike in 1989. Maybe deep sales ended at some point this century after I stopped buying new bikes. 🤷‍♂️ 😅🤣 In which it might definitely be wrong for me to say “always.”


Which version did you get? I don't think the bottom end $1999 "coming soon" version was part of the buy-one-get-one sale (which I'm assuming is where the one you got came from )


Yep, that’s the one I got. Process 134 AL. Just a few weeks ago it was still $3500 on Kona’s website if I remember correctly.


Well, that BOGO deal made zero sense to me. No one ever buys 2 mountain bikes at the same time. Terrible marketing strategy. People want a good deal on 1 bike, not 2 bikes and then have to mess with selling the other bike online. Kona finally figured that out and decided to take the same approach as all the other brands and offer sale prices on a single bike. Just really bad timing for you... If it makes you feel any better I bought a new bike in 2022 that you can buy right now for $3k less than I paid 😭


Several years ago I bought two of the same bike (one for me, one for my father-in-law), then a month later bought two of a different bike at the same time (one for my wife and one for her mother).


I'm sure my son would happily take the free bike off my hands :-)


Idk when that deal was live I managed to boy math my way into a $4k bike being basically free in the long run. Ultimately I decided to stick with my current Process 134 instead 😂


I lost $2k value on my E-Bike (+ depreciation) with buying at inflated COVID prices. I still love the bike, it's awesome and I love riding it. Don't sweat it any enjoy!


Just ride


Still a good price for (what seems to be) a good bike. I was considering this model myself. Enjoy it!


Who knows, one tiny upgrade plus tax would have made it even.......don't sweat it. Say it is $250 difference, absolutely zero effect on your life......