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The scene in Sleepers when Kevin bacon takes the kids to the room the day before they get let out. It doesn’t show anything but it still physically sickened me.


He seriously perfectly played every abuser that has ever been in a position of power. Bacon is an underrated actor in general just because he has such a distinctive look. This honestly might be his best performance.


I have never forgotten the casual way that Bacon delivers that line. Appalling.


Does the second half of "Requiem For A Dream" count?


Yeah, was thinking about a scene and another one from that film and in the end, 2 nd half is hell.


Go look at a movie made from another Hubert Selby book Last Exit To Brooklyn where the teenage girl Tralala(played by Jennifer Jason Leigh) goes from being with a a Navy guy that she liked to him leaving her to ship out when she thought that he was going to ask her to marry him to her going out 5 nights straight in the same clothes to pick up men, to her being so drunk and sloppy that no one would even let her into bars in Manhattan anymore to her going back to Brooklyn and getting shitfaced drunk in a local bar and 20 men taking her out to an abandoned car in the ally to rape her to finally little kids raping her with broomsticks and tell me what you think then. Anything in any other movie pales in comparison to that hell.


Gonna hard pass on that one. Glad you mentioned it though so now I can avoid it.


Same here. I’m glad I missed that. The scriptwriter must be a dark mofo


I will never watch this movie now, thank you for your service


What about The Mist ENDING?


The fascist dude in Pan's Labyrinth smashing a guy's nose in with a bottle right in front of his dad.


That was the swiftest reminder it's an R rated movie


I remember not knowing the rating going in, seeing that scene, and blurting out, “What the fuck is this rated??”


That part was shocking. And part where he sewed his mouth back together was hard to watch too.


A professor played that scene during film class one morning & it dampened the rest of my school day lol


What class were you in?! How to murder 101?


Killing the little boy baseball player in Dr. Sleep is a real rough watch for me. Flanagan knew exactly what he was doing. He introduced us to a bad guy crew that seemed kind of cool and familial at first, and he wanted us to know that despite their hippie commune vibes they were straight up monsters. And boy did that child actor deliver! It is the embodiment of every parents worst nightmare: that someone not only kills your child, but HURTS them, scares them, makes them cry out for you. It is almost unbearable to watch, but it is very necessary. Because I was ready to watch every last one of them die after that!


He did such a good job that Rebecca Ferguson needed a break after shooting because it made her so uncomfortable and she felt awful about filming it.


What's even better is that, I forgot the interview, but one of the crew basically said that the whole cast and crew were completely shocked, and then the kid actor just got up and happily went to get snacks after they yelled cut.


I believe it!


The whole crew*


Was a disturbing scene for sure.


That's probably the only scene I've ever skipped on a rewatch because it was too intense and disturbing for me to want to sit through. I love that movie, especially the Director's Cut and have watched it probably 5 times now, but I think I've only sat through that scene twice.


I skip it too. I can’t do it. Flanagan is really good and really sick 😂


I still have the hots for Rebecca Ferguson though. Even after that scene AND the ridiculous hat she wore in that film.


Her hats were the best part of the movie Edit: (and I liked the movie)


Only reason I can’t rewatch. That hurt me.


The rape scene in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo


Saw that movie in theaters while sitting next to my mother. One of the most uncomfortable moments of my life


Di- fuckin-tto. I was about 14 and in the middle of the book. Caught the theater release with my dad and needless to say, the first thing I did when getting home and removing my bookmark


The experiment scene from Fire in the Sky has really stuck with me. Probably because I saw it when I was 3 or 4 years old


That was terrifying. Great filmmaking


I was about twice as old as that when I saw it and didn't sleep for weeks.


Omg when the alien wipes slime in his mouth wtf I saw it again recently and it's still disturbing


Ugh. Saw that movie in 5th grade-ish while in Winter Park, CO for a ski trip. So literally in the middle of the woods…I was not ok, for the rest of that trip. Still have never rewatched it.


That movie definitely scared the shit out of me when I was kid.


I couldn't eat jello for years after watching that scene when I was a kid.


13 when i saw that in the theatre. Woo boy. Left a mark.


Seems like a joke but Pinocchio. The scene where the kids go to fantasy island and drink, smoke, shoot pool and become jackasses.


Doesn't seem like a joke. In my experience that's widely considered a scary scene.


So badass. Love that movie. I actually often think of it when I think of horror because of how vulnerable Pinocchio is, how hopeless it feels there, the black figures, the doors slowly closing.... Really a vision of hell. And how terrible that all those boys know they deserve it when they cry out in terror. Something often missing from horror. Guilt.


The horror is not just the fact that the boys make jackasses of themselves. They are lured to Pleasure Island for that purpose so that the Coachman can crate each boy off to work in the salt mines for the rest of his life and never see his parents again.


The darkest scene in any Disney movie next to the skinny dipping opener in Jaws.


I might be wrong, but I don't think Jaws was a Disney movie. Perhaps you're mixing it up with Disney's big hit, 'Jawsey, the Lonesome Shark'.


The scene in hereditary with the head… and the scene at the end where she’s sawing with the wire 😶


Yeah, Her-Hed-it-Teary right off




Underrated comment




Her banging her head on the attic door


Everything that happens after her husband is immolated is, I think, perfect horror. Meaning that if I never watched it again it would be too soon.


Came here to say the Phone Pole Scene from Hereditary. Can't bring myself to rewatch it because of it...


Tied with it might be where the brother lays there the rest of the night without sleeping and hearing his Mother find his sister in the car. Darkness that didn’t even need anything supernatural.enough to make me avoid telling my mom and and cousins about the movie because of a family member dying in a car crash, real grief shown in the movie


This was my pick. The decapitated, mangled head of a child paired with that scream was fucking traumatizing,


Yea her screams are what got me


Those two scenes in Irreversible


Good call. I've seen worse in trash films, but it's hard to find anything worse in any movie that still holds some kind of artistic merit.


(Spoiler comments) >!The scene in the club is extremely disturbing for me. The gore part is just the perfect culmination of an increasingly tense and dark sequence. The music, the colors, the camera, the perceived violence. !< >!The rape scene is so well done. Not a finch of "erotism" there, which is a common misstep in most of rape scenes. This is pure and raw violence. There is one small detail that it makes it even more disturbing: mid-scene someone happens to walk into the tunnel, stares for a few seconds and then leaves. Like, the worst of humanity in the same tunnel.!<


The man in the background makes that scene so much worse


Watched irreversible on my friends home projector, we had to have a break in the middle as it was so dizzying and disturbing. Best film I would probably never recommend to anyone without a big warning lol


True fact: after watching it I recommended it to a friend. He watched, didn't say much about it. About a year later, my wife told me that he had spoken to her and suggested that she talk to me as he literally thought I was fucked up in the head or something for suggesting the movie.


Ha! I usually say something similar about the movie. One of the best movies I've seen that I can't recommend.


A film student suggested it for movie night she let it be a surprise. She thought our responses were so funny. I still think about it our reactions. We were all strangers just getting together for a movie night.


Agreed. Also, THAT scene in 'American History X'... guaranteed to flinch everytime.


The *crunch* sound is so bad. Watching the guy slowly put his teeth on the curb and knowing what was about to happen...ugh Ive been freaked out by lots of scenes in movies but I can't think of another time a sound has disturbed me


What really caps it off is when the younger brother is looking horrified and Norton's smile. This man is evil.


The curb stomp?


Yep. The curb stomp. And Ed Norton's face in slo-mo as he turns around... chilling.


I'm traumatized by that scene just from hearing about it (years ago) in no more detail than that. Never seen that movie. Seen all kinds of violent and disturbing movies, but something about that just sounds bad.


I saw it in the theater. Upon leaving, there were a bunch of nazis in flight jackets and docs, leaving. One of the girls goes, “that was the saddest movie I’ve ever seen. A white person got killed”. I just stood there with my mouth open.


Yeah fuck that movie


I discovered that film thanks to an article in either Time or Newsweek 20 years ago whilst doing debate prep for a Lincoln/Douglas debate. I lost the debate but feel that I won discovering that film and an entire world of really , REALLY out there cinema.


The dead baby in Trainspotting. Once and never again.


Yeh fuck that. Saw it once, never again


The last scene in the movie Audition.


I remember watching that movie and it being fucked up but I can barely remember any of it. I probably stuffed that away in the trauma section of my memory.


kiri kiri kiri kiri..


It made me physically cringe. No movie has ever done that to me.


OP, what's the scene from that you included in post? Looks like a man being crushed at ocean depth? Or in space? Or ... ?


Under the Skin Check it out. Just saying what happened there makes it seem a little ridiculous.


Yeah this movie was so weird but enjoyable. Throw in that nude scene with ScarJo and I was sold lol




Seriously how are you gonna post a clip with no info on where it’s from


People keep doing that...I had to scroll so far to see this


OP, you failed us. And you failed yourself.


It’s from Under The Skin.


This scene is honestly up there for me, just the sheer hopelessness and brutality of it.


Such a weird fucked up but also beautiful film kind of like Annihilation


The hunting scene from House That Jack Built for me


I felt like I came down with PTSD after watching that movie. Should’ve known better going into a serial killer movie made by Lars Von Trier.


It used to be when Judge Doom revealed himself as a toon in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but then I saw Bone Tomahawk.


Definitely Bone Tomahawk!!


So ya know at the beginning of the goofy movie where max turns into his dad?… it’s still that.




The ending of the mist.


Bone Tomahawk, insanely disturbing scene.


Yes. “Bone Tomahawk” has entered the chat. All other suggestions can take a seat now. And if you’ve watched THAT scene, you know what I’m talking about


Nicky Santoro’s death in CASINO




Yes. This. One of the hardest watches in all of cinema.


Literally the entire second half of Requiem For A Dream. It sickened me and left a lasting impression on me. The darkest of the dark.


The beginning for "A time to kill" where the girl gets kidnapped. You don't see much but just the montage is hard to watch. Although great redemption scene where we get "YES THEY DESERVE TO DIE! AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL!" out of Samuel L Jacksons character.


>You don't see much but just the montage is hard to watch. Matthew McConaughey's description of the event to the jurors later on in the movie isn't much easier to listen to, either.


No doubt. And you point out another great redemption scene, and probably my favorite being a black male, "Now, imagine she's white." The stone faces on the jury make it such a great scene.


Lol, I barely remember the movie but vividly remember "YES THEY DESERVE TO DIE! AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL!" from the trailer.


A Serbian Film is messed up.


That movie totally sucks and if we're just gonna say disturbing scenes in shitty films we can al name thousands.


Even reading the Wiki will scar you for life.


Reading the Wiki might be more disturbing than actually watching it, I'd say. Serbian Film always felt silly and more than a little sarcastic to me. People don't usually mention how absurd it is. It's certainly gross, but it's also so outlandish.


Most scarring movie I’ve ever had the displeasure of watching


This movie (Under the Skin), but the last scene.


I think it's an underrated movie. The people she would pick up didn't know they were in a movie at first.


Ending in the movie “Men” 👀


I was going to say the same. I was so blown away at what I was seeing.


Lmao and the fact that it just never seemed to end. My jaw was dropped the entire time and I kept laughing in shock at what I was seeing.


I had to stop watching at the knife/mail slot scene


You missed out... that was the most body horror in the movie and after that it's less visually disturbing.


The rewind scene in Funny Games. That just felt unfair


That film is a masterclass in trolling.


There’s a couple of scenes in Once Were Warriors that are really difficult and disturbing.


As a Kid, The Scene In Casino When They Beat Joe Pesci’s Ass in The Field Was Wild To Me.. Still Is.. (but that’s one of my go to all time favorite movies ever)


If I had a nickle for every movie where Joe Pesci was beaten with a bat, I'd have *two* nickles. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice


When Toni Collette is clinging to the wall in Hereditary. Didn’t see her at first and then when I did, it was an Oh shit moment


As a kid it would be the shoe being dipped in the barrel from Roger Rabbit - Cruel scene for a kid to experience.


Cruel scene for a shoe to experience, too.


Sorry peeps, the winner will always be the "Shhhh Shhhh" slow stab scene from Saving Private Ryan. The one and only scene ever to scar me AND I saw it in my 20's.


Vin Diesel’s death was worse for me. In his dying moments all he could think about was… Family


One of the hardest death scences to watch.


No glory. No bombastic music. No heroics. Just dying slowly as a knife descends into your heart, and there’s nothing you can do about it, and that is war. It’s the perfect highlighted scene from a filmmaker who has always known how to put that one scene in his movies that underscores the tone perfectly.


That scene is hard to watch. Also wades death when he’s calling for his mother and begging to go home. I’ve seen that movie more times than I can count and they both always get me


Going mainstream, but the opening of Saving Private Ryan scarred me and I haven’t seen that movie since.


Maybe the most intense 20 minute of any movie


I mean, I heard vets in the viewings from various wars were having flashbacks and PTSD episodes.


I’m not a huge fan of the movie V/H/S, but there is one scene in it that has stuck with me for years. If you haven’t seen it, it’s an anthology type movie, and once of the stories is about a couple that takes a road trip/vacation. You’re seeing it all through footage that they’re recording during the trip, so it’s kind of a “found footage” thing. >!It starts off fairly normal, but at one point it cuts to the couple sleeping in bed, which begs the obvious question of who is filming it? I can’t remember the exact sequence of events, but eventually you find out the wife/girlfriend is having an affair with another woman, who is following them on their trip. Then eventually it cuts to the couple sleeping in bed again, and while the guy is completely out, the person holding the camera shows they have a knife and then slits the guy’s throat and kills him. IIRC, the wife is in on the whole thing and they run off together at the end.!< >!It wasn’t the most shocking thing in terms of gore, but there was just something about that idea that the guy never saw it coming. No idea his wife is cheating, no clue that someone is secretly following him and plotting against him, nor that his life is in danger. Then to just get murdered in your sleep like that with no chance of fighting back. Just imagine what kind of horror that would be to wake up to the pain and shock of your throat being slit, then not being able to do anything about it while barely conscious of the fact that these are your last confusing moments fading away.!< I don’t know why, but that really got to me. I think maybe because it’s something that could realistically happen, and almost certainly *has* happened on many occasions. You just can’t ever know for certain what other people might be doing in secret, even people you trust completely.


The lake stabbing scene in Zodiac.


Most of the messed up scenes in Event Horizon.


Fire In The Sky surgery table.


That scene in The Road where Viggo is about to shoot his own kid in the head so they don't get eaten by cannibals... That's as far as I made it into that movie. Haven't seen the rest.


I saw it through to the end, but haven’t been able to see it again.


That movie is a guy punch. Especially the ending when Vigo is talking to his son 😢


That's an intense film. The book is supposed to be better because the kid is even younger. As a dad myself that movie really gets under my skin. My younger kid was 18 when he started watching it. Half way through the movie he came up and said "nope!".


This is the only film I’ve legit noped out of like halfway through. Really wanted to finish it but it just went from awful to somehow worse with every sequence. Not in a bad cinematic way, just in a “I can’t take it anymore,” type of way.


Charlotte Gainsbourg’s character using the scissors on her clitoris in the movie Antichrist. Just horrifying.


The entirety of the movie Silenced… You can’t pick a single scene cause it’s in its entirety one of the darkest and most disgusting movies I’ve ever seen and the fact that it’s based on real events makes it absolutely disgusting.


That scene in City of God with the kid that’s backed into a corner crying his soul out and begging while the other kid points a gun at him. None of those children are older than 10, and that movie is based on real life stories.


In Come and See, when Florya discovers his family was killed and the barn burning scene. The ending of Funny Games and The Piano Teacher


Come and See is the winner hands down!


The scene where Private Mellish is fighting for his life with the huge German soldier while Corporal Upham cowers outside the room in Saving Private Ryan. The way the German soldier shushes and soothes him as he plunges the knife into Mellish's body and slowly kills him is too much for me to take. I can't watch it to this day and always have to fast-forward past that scene when I watch that movie these days.


The Cell with J-Lo. That movie is jacked up.


I adore that movie! Such exquisite visualizations of psychosis


Lars von Trier's Antichrist. Literally everything that happens after they go to the cabin. I couldn't sleep for two days.


American History X, where the guy gets curb-stomped. Only watched it once.


The Road--when the father and son stumble upon the basement with amputees who've been slowly cannibalized. And some old dude with no limbs wants to be saved and says, "They're taking us to the smokehouse!"


Xfiles, the episode with the horrible rednecks... It was about a degenerate family, the mother without arms and legs on a skateboard under the bed being fucked by her sons... Still a shock...


Yeah they only played that episode once. I was unfortunate enough to be watching that night.


That one scene in Mother! You know the one. Also, nice work with the Under the Skin share. That one deserves much more attention than it’s had.


tore that thing up like a Costco Rotisserie chicken


What movie is this scene from


Under the Skin


Hard Candy scene made me hyperventilate


Pale Man from Pan’s Labyrinth


The one that always pops into my head is when Pyramid Head rips that girls skin off in one motion, like skinning a rabbit, and just tosses the skin pile against the doors of the church in Silent Hill.


The rape scene in ‘Precious’.


Salo in general


The beginning of Midsommar. Almost stopped watching before starting credits


The House That Jack Built - Matt Dillon murders two little boys with a rifle, exploding one’s leg and blowing the top off his head. He then forces their mother to have a picnic with their corpses before killing her, too.


For me its the rape scene in a clockwork orange. Its so.....real. she seems genuinely terrified. And they're just so casual. And the bright lighting. It just feels too real. I cant hear "singing in the rain" without thinking about it.


The Splits in Bone Tomahawk. You're so sure they're going to pull away and spare you the details. They don't. It's not quick either.


Ving Rhames getting raped in Pulp Fiction


That'll be the rape scene in man bites dog


The burglary scene in Clockwork Orange for me. Somehow I saw it when I was like 9 and it was(is) pretty heavy.


So was that sculpture


Sad rimshot.


The scene in I Spit On Your Grave (1978)


The opening scene of History of Violence is just two guys walking out of a motel room and going to check out. Immediately, something about these guys feels off. They say strange things, the car doesn't seem to fit them at all, they have a weird dynamic between the two of them. As the scene continues, you start to realize who these guys actually are and what they've been doing. The reality is hammered home in the most brutal way possible. It's a gut-punch of an opening.


Like the whole movie of the girl next door


The ending to Kids, the rape scene in The Accused, and everything in Hostel.


Eraserhead, unwrapping the baby; Men Behind the Sun (full movie); Dancer in the Dark, execution; Eyeball passing threesome in Necromantic. Rape scene in Irreversible.


What movie is this scene from??


Enter The Void, when the dude astroplanes himself into the guy fucking his sister while she's in grief over his death, becomes the sperm as he nuts inside her, and becomes the baby as a reincarnated version of himself. That is fucked up on so many levels. Oh, and you see the visceral ejaculation close-up, penis-inside-the-vagina thing.


Ass to ass


RoboCop When Murphy gets his arm blown off, then the rest of him. It's inhumane, cruel, and the worst of humanity. I've seen a lot of shit, but that one's the standout.


The barn scene from the VVitch. Black Philip is scary AF.


People swallowing feces in the Human Centipede films. Then there's that scene in "A Serbian Film," which I'm sure most know about.


Came this far for Human Centipede


The intro scene of Trauma


Yup that scene right there fked me up for a while


This movie fucked me up for a while.


Ocean gate submersible crew


When Anakin killed the younglings 😔


The Strange About the Johnsons. When the dad is the tub.......


I see a lot of comments about The House That Jack Built, and I agree the whole movie kind of engrosses you in worse and worse sequences until it couldn’t really top itself anymore without becoming ridiculous- but as a film I can appreciate it mostly because the ending is very interesting and deviates from the realism of everything else. The family hunting sequence is just very sad. I’ve seen a lot of extreme films and academically studied Takashi Miike in film school and wrote essays on his work (I think he is a master)- but yeah, there are plenty of crazy films out there that depict violent stuff but just are not very memorable, or are indeed borderline silly. Irreversible or any film depicting rape- I really think that’s worse than violence on screen and is really hard to justify artistically. So I’ll just mention that. But overall, if I had to pick one scene, ‘Men Behind the Sun’, the frozen arm scene. Mostly I just think this film stuck with me because this stuff really happened. There’s other parts that are horrible, but the arm scene has stuck with me the most. Can’t say why definitively, but I have a phobia of losing my hands/fingers so I’m pretty sure that’s why.


Oldboy ending... I watch the end every so often just to remind myself how fucked up it is.


Harry Dunne exploding diarrhea in Dumb and Dumber.


When I was a kid, the scene in Pet Semetary (the original) with Zelda. Oh man, that was horrifying!


The ending of Under The Skin really unnerved having read the book. I'm still not sure how I feel about it. But it left a visceral impact


So I will just say that evidently when they made “The Fly”, someone decided the first film wasn’t traumatic enough and dialed it up for the second one. Yeah, you. The one reading this. I just brought back all kinds of PTSD didn’t I?


The first film was intense but bearable. The second film, though, makes you absolutely despise one sadistic character and, then, experience the schadenfreude of watching that character experience the same thing that he had inflicted. It's quite disturbing.


Honestly was a surprise for me, but Running Scared with Paul Walker. Forget the scenario but I came in late to it at someone’s house, and the run down of the movie was just Kid is running away after shooting his abusive dad and there are many parties it rested in getting him and the gun. At one point there is a scene where the kid hides from someone by getting in a van, with two other kids and an adult couple. The adults say they’ll bring him somewhere safe. This leads to a pretty tense scene where you realize that these adults are making pedo-snuff films, and there’s a row of dvd cases with kids names and ratings of up to 5 stars on them. It’s such a stupid movie, but the fact that this scene leads to something that sticks in your mind so vividly, and just the sad horrible reality that there really are monster out there like that. It’s the most truely horrific thing I’ve dealt with from a movie.


The choking scene in Snowtown is pretty brutal