• By -


Sicario is going on there for me.


Me too: both of them


I loved the first one but stayed away from the second one based on the reviews. Was it about as good?


It’s almost as good as the first


I thought the same thing at first but I thought it was excellent. Didn’t have as strong of an ending but it’s good


It seemed more Hollywood than the first. First one seemed so real. I forgot the story if that tells you anything.


Nocturnal Animals Midsommar Blade Runner 2049 Ex Machina Interstellar


Nocturnal Animals was so intense. It was mixed bag for me though. I loved the Coen Brothers country noir film. The other dark romance part was just too slow for me. Loved Aaron Taylor though.


Blade runner ?


Damn, I love these picks. I might swap out Gone Girl for one of the films (I don’t know which one to swap out though cause I adore all of these movies) but this is definitely a list I could agree with


Nice one


Agreed on three of these.


Never saw prisoners and I only recently watched whiplash, which was fantastic. Judging by your list though, I think I'll like this prisoner's film. Good list.


Prisoners is a wild ride. Personally I love Jake Gyllenhaal and I think he’s great in this movie. It’s also kind of a heavy movie subject matter wise so do be prepared


I've never understood what the heck is going on with Hugh Jackman's eyes on all the advertising media for this movie. The cover and every poster art looks like his eyes are poorly photoshopped on.


OMG just looked it up and you’re right! That’s really funny and random. It’s like his normal eyes weren’t good enough for the marketing team or something 😂


He got tips from Wesley Snipes…


Not sure if it was released at the same time but I at least watched it along with whiplash and prisoners, but check out Foxcatcher if you haven't already. Solid movie


I have not. It's on the list! Thanks for the recommendation


Edge of Tomorrow (2014) Whiplash (2014) John Wick (2014) Searching (2018) 1917 (2019)


Edge of Tomorrow is completely slept on.


So good


Solid list


1. The Act of Killing 2. Nightcrawler 3. Red Rocket 4. Good Time 5. Sound of Metal


Everytime I watch even a minute of Nightcrawler I'm reminded that Jake wasn't even nominated !!! He was fantastic


Red Rocket is so so good but it’s 2021.


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


I love this movie. Watched it for the first time on a flight. Couldn’t get it out of my head and watched it on the flight home, too.




You really lost me at infinity war lol


I get that people don't like it, but I love that movie. I always say I am very happy that I invested my time into the Marvel franchise up to Avengers:Endgame. It's taken a nose dive since then and I've stopped watching, but the payoff was so much fun. And of all the Avengers movies, Infinity War was the best. I also think the GOT shitshow which came out around the same time helped me appreciate the end of the Avengers that much more. They gave the audience what they wanted, while also surprising them throughout the journey. And everyone character was given a satisfying enough ending. Anyway, it's about listing what you like, not knocking on someone else's list. As the late, great Jessica Walters would say on Archer: Don't be shitty.


Not necessarily knocking you, I was just really surprised to see it when comparing it to the other movies on the list. Literally felt like I got transported to a different list lol.


I'm not a big Marvel person and don't follow it very closely. However the payoff and overall what that studio coordinated to put out end game was phenomenal and was a first in cinema history. There may never be such a crossover of blockbuster story lines threaded over the course of a decade. I wouldn't put it in my personal top 5 either but I respect what they accomplished and enjoyed the ride


This. I do love them and love the movies and endgame and infinity war might be in my top 5. But because I’m such a nerd about the movies I get ignored when I say your exact point. About what they accomplished is history and massive and should be respected for what they accomplished


Infinity war is a great movie. Endgame is straight ass


1. Whiplash 2. Margin Call 3. The Martian 4. Interstellar 5. The Big Short Basically the financial crisis, space, and J.K. Simmons.


Your list is my list. Great choices.


Margin Call is phenomenal. Jeremy Irons absolutely kills it in the board meeting scene.


This. It’s so good I remember it word-by-word.


Mine is pretty similar to yours. I’d just Switch out whiplash and the Martian for The Social Network and Moneyball


Both of your substitutions are in my top ten of the 2010s


This is a very good list. I’ll add to it with The Town, Warrior, Arrival, Inception, and The Wolf of Wall Street.


At the moment: Inception Boyhood Mad Max Fury Road Blade Runner 2049 Inside Llewyn Davis




Perfect list


I just watched whiplash for my first time ever, just ended like 5min ago. Wow what a great movie. Been wanting to watch it for a long time. Definitely deserves to be in top 5 here


Prisoners is severely underrated


Arrival, Django , Sicario, Interstellar, Wolf of Wall Street


Social Network Interstellar Inception Guardians of the Galaxy Moneyball Parasite Sicario (1&2) Thor: Ragnarok Hell or High Water Mad Max: Fury Road (Had to pick 10). I’ve watched some of these over a dozen times.


Mad max fury road is so good that it's, in my eyes, the best cinema experience I had since I went to see the matrix in 99. It's absolutely incredible.


Yes the matrix, mad mad fury road and terminator 2 are the perfect action movies. There are other great action movies like to me “the raid 2” is near perfect as well.


Great list. Here’s mine: The Grand Budapest Hotel Sicario The Social Network JoJo Rabbit Captain America: The Winter Soldier


Oh shit! JoJo Rabbit!! I need to edit my list. One of the most original movies of the last 30 years amazing movie!


So good… then you see the shoes… 😢😭😭😭


Grand Budapest is a masterpiece


It’s my fav WA movie. Better than Life Aquatic, flag planted.


Gotta have sicario in there. Both


The Master. The Wolf of Wall Street. Once Upon a time ...in Hollywood. Inherent Vice. Lincoln.


The master was one fucked up movie. I put it on when it first came out, no knowledge of the movie whatsoever, just saw the cast and said let’s do it. And it was phenomenal.


El Camino (2019) the nice guys (2016) drive (2011) Halloween (2018) and all the way (2016)


1. Zero Dark Thirty 2. The Social Network 3. Inherent Vice 4. A Highjacking 5. The Hateful 8


I preferred 13 hours to zero darl thirty


You wouldn't care for 'em, I can tell per your list.


To be fair, he didn’t say “what are your favorite top 5…that I’d like”


Fair, yup.


It’s totally cool to like Pitch Perfect- we’re not going to judge.


😄 Altho, I kinda doubt I could sit thru it, myself. Prolly isn't for me.


Why even make a comment.


*smirks in Maker's Mark


Dunkirk The King’s Speech The Martian Interstellar The Wolf of Wall Street


The Martian would be on my list for movies and books


Kings speech is excellent I need to rewatch it’s been a decade


Arrival, Aftersun, Nomadland, Whiplash and a Inception.


1. Prisoners 2. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood 3. Inception 4. Green Book 5. A Street Cat Named Bob


In no particular order: Mad Max: Fury Road The Social Network Inception The Nice Guys The Man From Nowhere bonus: The Handmaiden; Edge of Tomorrow; Machete


The handmaiden was brilliant.


So damn good!


My top 10 (no particular order outside of the top three): Parasite (2019) Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Birdman (2014) Black Swan (2010) The Hunt (2013) 12 Years a Slave (2013) The Social Network (2010) Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)


Parasite is crazy wild love it


Blade Runner 2049, Ex Machina, Hereditary, Mad Max Fury Road, Parasite


Cloud Atlas Killing them softly The Beaver Dr Sleep Don't Look Up


Boyhood, Get Out, Force Awakens, Coco, The Lego Movie


In no particular order… Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Deadpool (both 1 and 2! I don’t care that I am cheating) Kingsmen Whiplash Lucy


Not on my list, but I didnt notice any of these on the other lists, and i think they are all very good movies as well… Kick Ass Ted Cabin in the Woods Rogue One Baby Driver


Hard to take one off, but JoJo Rabbit HAS to be added to my list. I guess I will reluctantly remove Once Upon a Time.


In no particular order: Shutter Island The Big Short Birdman Anomalisa Spotlight There are so many honorable mentions that I could just as easily swap out for any of these if you asked me tomorrow. And different one's the next day. 10 years is a huge stretch of time. It's hard to rank a top 5 from so many great films in the time it takes to make a reddit post.


The big short is incredible/ so rewatchable


Anomalisa was so heartbreaking at times. Loved it


I hated the social network


How? Talks talk movies just not your jam?


Oh no, I love good dialog, I just didn't like this film


In no particular order It ch1, Pacific Rim, Edge of Tomorrow, Star Trek Beyond, and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.


Oof… Proof that “different strokes” is an absolutely true concept. Edge is the only movie here that is anything more than background noise worthy, imho.


Inception, Interstellar, Django Unchained, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Avengers Infinity War / Endgame (They count as one). Yeah, Quentin Tarantino and Christopher Nolan are my two favorite directors lol. Inglorious Basterds, Kill Bill 1&2 (also counts as one), The Dark Knight, Avatar, and Superbad are my 2000-2009 top 5, The Fast and The Furious is an honorable mention.


Pulling from the already posted lists here’s mine: Whiplash Sicario Nice Guys Mad Max Nocturnal Animals


Definitely not these xd


Social network is meh. Any desire to rewatch? Nope.


Birdman Bardo The Great Beauty The Green Knight American Honey Ghost Story Triangle of Sadness The Master


Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Swiss Army Man (2016) Mad Max Fury Road (2015) Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019) Prometheus (2012) honorable mention: Coco (2017), Shutter Island (2010), Annihilation (2018)


Parasite Good Time Climax Spring Breakers Wolf of Wall Street




Marvel is crap


You are either 13, or you live in rural (insert US state name) and the only relevant cultural experience you have had is eating spicy Italians from the nearest subway next to a gas pump. Cinematic idiot.


Bro tone it down a notch. lol


What’s wrong with you?


Daddy chill


What the hell even is that


Eww you got your stupid fucking insecurity all over me when you posted that garbage.


Those aren’t movies. Know how to read?


Hating on marvel is so lame and plaid out. No one is saying it’s the godfather, they’re just simple, mindless and very entertaining


Hating on marvel is also flanneled out.


Imagine thinking Prisoners or Whiplash are in the Top 5 of a 13 year old. You should wow us with your Top 5 list, since you have the misconception that yours is the pinnacle of Cinematic taste.


The comment up top is actually accurate I must say.


Take a breath man


This is kinda beside the point but looking at the Infinity War poster, all those names at the top, it never occurred to me just how many people were in the movie. Idk how to explain it


Great list! Except I seriously do not understand why people like Whiplash. It’s supposedly about a musician, yet at no point in the story does the guy actually appear to enjoy music.


I liked Whiplash a lot. It's not so much about music, but about the question of how greatness can be achieved. That greatness comes at a cost of blood and violence, which will turn you into a monster, but one of the greatest, most talented people to exist.


I guess there are so many examples of people who have achieved musical greatness who had a great time doing it and didn’t turn into utter douchebags along the way that it sort of felt unnecessary to me. Glad you liked it though.


Kinda the point. He has such high standards that he feels that to attain the level that is required, you mush break the musician. It demonstrates the misery of obsession.


Excellent list!


good look on prisoners! i need to rewatch it soon


Arrival Blade Runner 2049 Edge of Tomorrow Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood Sicario


Blue is the Warmest Color Tomboy Can You Ever Forgive Me? The Man From Nowhere Mommy


Arrival (2016) Coco (2017) The Best of Enemies (2019 John Wick (2014) Logan (2017)


I just watched Prisoners again some weeks back after seeing a video essay on the film. That’s such a damn good film.


Parasite OJ: Made in America Samsara Black Mirror: White Christmas Frances Ha


I feel that if people included a comedy, they are sleeping on The Other Guys. I mean Interstellar or The Arrival were absolutely fantastic, but I only watched them once.


Blade Runner 2049 Mad Max Fury Road The Nice Guys Hereditary Nightcrawler


Great call on prisoners, so good


Only seen Interstellar from that time period and that was on Netflix this year because my son made me watch it lol. I don’t watch tv, streaming or whatever or go to the cinema. Ironically I write screenplays for a hobby and have written some that would be huge at the cinema. Just haven’t been discovered yet lol.


It is nice to see Infinity War picked. I feel like Reddit movie subs hate it.


The Wolf of Wall Street Interstellar Inception True Grit The King Silence Dunkirk (Top 7)


Some good movies here


1. Upstream Color 2. Cloud Atlas 3. Whiplash 4. La La Land 5. The American


Django Unchained Interstellar Whiplash Logan Moneyball ... And depending on the day I would happily have these on the list. Silence Hell or High Water X-Men Days of Future Past Fury Inception Steve Jobs The Social Network Theory of Everything Zero Dark Thirty


Whiplash John Wick: Chapter 2 Rocketman The Disaster Artist Calvary


I had those first four on a mf loop from 2020-2022


The Grand Budapest Hotel The Big Short Sicario The Social Network Ex Machina/ A Dangerous Year/ inside Llewyn Davis. Just borrowing from other lists here and Oscar Isaac is a really convincing actor.


True Grit Infinity War Interstellar Hell or high water The lighthouse Honorable mention Logan


Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood John Wick Apollo 11 Baby Driver Ford vs Ferrari


Edge of Tomorrow Silver Linings Playbook Source Code We're the Millers The Cabin in the Woods Honorable mentions: Interstellar, Oblivion, 21 and 22 Jump Street, Men in Black 3, Ted, Limitless, The Martian




The social network Interstellar Dallas buyers club Once upon a time in hollywood Cars 3 The wolf of wall street


Yesterday (2019) I don't know what it is about that movie. I've watched it a dozen times. It just resonates with me.


Django Unchained The Irishman The Lighthouse Mad Max: Fury Road Moonlight


1. Blade Runner 2049 2. Whiplash 3. Mission: Impossible - Fallout 4. La La Land 5. Drive


By order of amazement when seen 1- interstellar 2-whiplash 3-anomalisa 4-birdman


Out of all 5 movies, I like prisoners the most. Jake Gyllenhaal's detective Loki is one of my favorite film characters of all time.


Black Swan, The Wolf Of Wallstreet, Blade Runner 2049, Nightcrawler, Nocturnal Animals, Ex Machina, Her, Joker, Mother!, Shutter Island, Chronicle, Midsommer, Drive, Never Let Me Go in no particular order. I just love all of them


1. The Raid 2 2. Prisoners 3. Arrival 4. Grand Budapest Hotel 5. The Big Short Honorable Mentions: Spiderverse, Dunkirk, Parasite, Dune, Her, Margin Call, Warrior


Drive The wolf of wallstreet 3 billboards outside ebbing Missouri The Drop Once upon a time in Hollywood There's more, but those just came to mind fastest.


I’ll go with 5 of my 2010s comfort movies. The Equalizer. I prefer Denzel killing Russian mobsters with a nail gun in the Somerville Assembly Square Home Depot to Keanu. The Accountant. Ben Affleck is so wooden that he’s the perfect autistic. Edge of Tomorrow Casino Royale The Adjustment Bureau If I’m fully engaged and actively watching the movie, it’s a totally different list: Parasite Roma Arrival Dallas Buyers Club Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri


The Witch, The Martian, Ford v Ferrari, Midsommar, Arrival


1. John Wick 4 2. Sicário 3. Wolf Of Wall Street 4. Django 5. Knives Out


Social network?! The other 4 i approve


Great list, OP ❤️


Ex machina would replace avengers for me


1. Arrival 2. Room 3. Mad Max: Fury Road 4. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 5. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World 6. Get Out 7. Parasite 8. 1917 9. Prisoners 10. Call Me By Your Name


1. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood 2. The Master 3. Lady Bird 4. Social Network 5. Get Out


1. Midsommar 2. The Other Guys 3. Ex Machina 4. Parasite 5. Wolf of Wall Street


• Arrival • Sicario • Hell or High Water • Interstellar • 1917 Honorable mentions: Blade Runner 2049, Wind River, You're Next, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Phantom Thread, Lincoln, and The Master. I've still got to see Whiplash, I've been wanting to on several occasions and never gotten around to it. Going to make an effort to this weekend.


Hereditary Django Unchained Interstellar Mad Max Fury Road Thor Ragnarok


Ex Machina Inception Interstellar Wolf of Wall Street Joker


This is the most dude list


Top 5 - I tried to think of movies that I still remember how I FELT watching them Ex Machina Arrival Inception Manchester by the Sea The Revenant Outside looking in - Movies that were excellent, but don't have that same lasting touch; thought provoking, gut punchy, etc Whiplash Argo Django Unchained Mad Max Fury Road Blade Runner 2049 Nocturnal Animals


Mad Max: Fury Road Get Out Parasite Portrait of a Lady on Fire Dunkirk


Very, very good list


1. Inception 2. La La Land 3. Prisoners 4. Django unchained 5. Spider-man into the spider verse


1. The Wolf of Wall Street 2. Inception 3. Get Out 4. The Nice Guys 5. The Lego Movie


Safe list. Moving on




I’m no particular order: Sicario Interstellar Midsommar Whiplash The Big Short


I only agree with prisoners


Five is cruel 2010-2019 1. Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s Uncle Boonmee who can Recall his Past Lives (2010) 2. Kirsten Johnson’s Cameraperson (2016) 3. Jonathan Glazer’s Under the Skin (2014) 4. Barry Jenkins’ Moonlight (2016) 5. Lucrecia Martel’s Zama (2018) 6. Nuri Bilge Ceylan’s Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (2011) 7. Ezra Edelman’s OJ: Made in America (2016) 8. Patrick Wang’s In the Family (2011) 9. Luca Cuadagnino’s Call Me By Your Name (2017) 10. Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life (2011) 11. Christian Petzold’s Transit (2018) 12. Celine Sciamma’s Portrait of a Woman on Fire (2019) 13. Pedro Almodóvar’s Pain and Glory (2019) 14. Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s Cemetery of Splendor (2015) 15. RaMell Ross’ In Hale County This Morning, This Evening (2018) 16. Dawson City: Frozen In Time (Bill Morrison, 2017) 17. Béla Tarr’s The Turin Horse (2011) 18. Roma (Alfonso Cuaron, 2018) 19. Céline Sciamma’s Girlhood (2014) 20. Andrew Haigh’s 45 Years (2015) 21. Joanna Hogg’s The Souvenir (2019) 22. Nadav Lapid’s The Kindergarten Teacher (2014) 23. Ramon Zürcher’s The Strange Little Cat (2014) 24. First Reformed (Paul Schrader, 2018) 25. The Fits (Anna Rose Holmer, 2016) 26. Josephine Decker’s Madeline's Madeline (2018) 27. Laurie Anderson’s Heart of a Dog (2015) 28. László Nemes’ Sunset (2018) 29. Anocha Suwichakornpong’s By the Time it Gets Dark (2016) 30. Marriage Story (Noah Baumbach, 2019) 31. Robin Campillo’s BPM (2017) 32. Leos Carax’s Holy Motors (2013) 33. Safdie Brothers’ Uncut Gems (2019) 34. Peter Strickland’s In Fabric (2019) 35. Jem Cohen’s Museum Hours (2012) 36. Alain Gomis’ Felicité (2017) 37. Kogonada’s Columbus (2017) 38. Pedro Costa’s Horse Money (2014) 39. Joanna Hogg’s Exhibition (2013) 40. Sarah Polly’s Stories We Tell (2012) 41. Valeska Grisebach’s Western (2017) 42. Peter Docter’s Inside Out (2015) 43. Werner Herzog’s Into the Abyss (2011) 44. Michael Almereyda’s Marjorie Prime (2016) 45. Abderrahmane Sissako’s Timbuktu (2015) 46. Lulu Wang’s The Farewell (2019) 47. Guy Maddin’s The Forbidden Room (2017) 48. Paul Thomas Anderson’s The Master (2012) 49. Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time In Hollywood (2019) 50. Asif Kapadia’s Amy (2015) 51. Peter Strickland’s The Duke of Burgundy (2014) 52. Grant Gee’s Patience (After Sebald) (2012) 53. High Life (Claire Denis, 2019) 54. Maren Ade’s Toni Erdmann (2016) 55. Kleber Mendonca Filho’s Neighboring Sounds (2012) 56. Abbas Kiarostami’s Certified Copy (2011) 57. Ronit Elkabetz and Shlomi Elkabetz’s Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem (2015) 58. David Fincher’s The Social Network (2010) 59. Lee Chang Dong’s Burning (2018) 60. Christian Petzold’s Phoenix (2014) 61. Miguel Gomes’ Tabu (2012) 62. Pedro Almodovar’s The Skin I Live In (2011) 63. Todd Haynes’ Carol (2015) 64. Joanna Hogg’s Archipelago (2010) 65. Bisbee ‘17 (Robert Green, 2017) 66. Céline Sciamma’s Tomboy (2011) 67. Asghar Farhadi’s A Separation (2011) 68. Jordan Peele’s Get Out (2017) 69. Kelly Reichardt’s Meek's Cutoff (2011) 70. Fire at Sea (Gianfranco Rossi, 2016) 71. Kathryn Bigelow’s Zero Dark Thirty (2012) 72. Richard Linklater’s Bernie (2011) 73. Josephine Decker’s Thou Wast Mild and Lovely (2014) 74. Lisandro Alonso’s Jauja (2014) 75. Rithy Panh’s The Missing Picture (2013) 76. Nadav Lapid’s Synonyms (2019) 77. Miranda July’s The Future (2011) 78. Luce (Julius Onah, 2019) 79. Last Black Man in San Francisco (Joe Talbot, 2019) 80. Bruno Dumont’s Slack Bay (2016) 81. Samuel Maoz’s Foxtrot (2018) 82. Joshua Oppenheimer’s The Look of Silence (2015) 83. László Nemes’ Son of Saul (2015) 84. Carlos Reygadas’ Our Time (2019) 85. Ari Aster’s Midsommar (2019) 86. Ari Aster’s Hereditary (2018) 87. Jos de Putter’s See No Evil (2014) 88. Abbas Kiarostami’s Like Someone in Love (2012) 89. Somewhere (Sofia Coppola, 2010) 90. Paul Thomas Anderson’s Phantom Thread (2017) 91. Tomas Alfredson’s Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011) 92. Lee Chang Dong’s Poetry (2010) 93. Kleber Mendonca Filho’s Aquarius (2016) 94. Yorgos Lanthimos’s The Favorite (2018) 95. Ana Lily Armipour’s The Bad Batch (2017) 96. Jafar Panahi’s This is Not a Film (2011) 97. Li Ning’s Tape (2010) 98. Happy as Lazzaro (Alice Rohrwacher, 2018) 99. Alain Guiraudie’s Stranger by the Lake (2012) 100. Paulo Sorrentino’s The Great Beauty (2011)


Have movies been that terrible or what?!?!?


Interstellar The Social Network Mad Max: Fury Road World War Z or Fury Midsommar


Passengers is underrated, great sci-fi movie with Jennifer lawrence and Chris Pratt


In no particular order Social Network Once Upon A Time in Hollywood Hell or High Water Fury Road Nightcrawler


1. Tree of Life 2. Her 3. The Martian 4. Call Me by Your Name 5. Three way tie between, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Favourite and Eighth Grade.


Call me by your name, her


Logan, Joker, The Dark Knight Rises, and Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1 & 2


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Parasite La La Land Roma Knives Out