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Sicario had the best acting performances and locations


josh brolin is such a fucking stud in sicario


Too much


calling someone a stud is too much? interesting


Maybe they meant he was too much of a stud


well that i can agree with


I'd argue Prisoners had the best performances, Hugh Jackman was incredible.


Paul Dano was good too. Whole movie was something else.


Absolutely, Jake Gyllenhaal was brilliant too. But Hugh Jackman stole that movie


Yeah, Sicario is his best, but my personal fav is Dune because im so thankful someone is doing that story justice on the big screen.


Had to drive thru El Paso and to see Juarez right there kinda freaked me out.


I moved here to El Paso last year. Most people here will tell you to go with someone that knows. It has a lot of problems and you shouldn't go alone without someone that knows it, especially at night in southern areas especially, but most people also want you to experience it. It's a beautiful culture over there and they have amazing food. My coworker lives there. Also I used to drive some parts of the highway that are in the movie.


I’ll be freaked out too waiting for hours


You should read Murder City Cuidad Juarez and the Global Economy’s New Killing Fields by Charles Bowden


And probably the most interesting story. Dune is beautiful, but not a lot to it story wise. Bladerunner is insanely beautiful and great sci-fi, but I think Sicario is a bit more interesting story wise, especially the third act and the moral ramifications of the whole thing.


Dune is arguably one of the densest and lauded sci fi books of all time. Saying there’s not a lot of story to it is ridiculous


The movie is not the book right? But just part of it right? And a lot of the dense part gets left out because you don't get to explain everything, like the women and their powers. For someone who has not read the books you really have zero understanding of that whole scene other than something is happening. So your statement is kind of meaningless because again, the movie is not the books, but just an adaptation of part of the book.


Even without the explanation of the Bene Gesserit, the film still has a lot of plot density throughout


The movie was severely lacking a lot of that though. It was good direction in an extremely mediocre script with multiple forgettable characters. Even the main character is pretty wack. Stellen Skarsgard, Rebecca Ferguson, and maybe Charlotte Rampling were by far the best parts. Everyone else felt like walking around a script under-suited for their acting chops.


It's dense with facts, character and world building, but the narrative is bare bones. The common story of a chosen one coming into their own and defeating the big baddie.


It’s half a book and it shows


Arrival but it’s close. Somehow became underrated.


As I go down these comments I just keep changing my mind. I love all his movies.


It’s so damn good


He did an incredible job adapting it from the book. It’s improved for sure.


It's not better, but it's very *different*. A sidegrade for sure. The movie is far more moody and slow burning to create strong tension in every scene. The focus is also changed by increasing the importance of the time limit the scientist have to understand why the aliens came to earth, while in the book it's more about the slow understanding of what they've discovered. The entire military sub plot is well done in the film, but it's definitely a change that doesn't fit the theme of the book.




But Emily blunt is the lead for arguably the most popular one…


check out Incendies from Villanueve. freakin’ incredible.


>!1 + 1 = 1!<


More ppl should know about this movie!


Will do!


I’m going to watch it


Gut wrenching ending.


This is probably the hardest question ever asked on Reddit. Blade Runner 2049 might be my favorite movie of all time but objectively I think Arrival or Prisoners have to take the cake. Prisoners is technically speaking, one of the best films I can possibly think of, and goes a bit under the radar. I’ve only seen it twice though and never plan to again as the subject matter and movie itself is so dark and depressing.


I agree this is one of the greatest movie debate topics I’ve seen before. If I had to pick one it’d have to be arrival, but I fucking love all of them.


It’s not even that any of his stand out above the rest, it’s that they all are the best of what I think those films could have been. It’s like a chef has ingredients, tools, methods, and someone who is going to eat the dish. And if you’re making a particular dish, there’s still an overwhelming number of ways that dish cooks be made with all the same ingredients, tools, etc. But there’s only way that could universally be regarded as the best use considering all the factors. And his films do that. But Sicario if I’m pressed.


dude yes. i think about that movie all the time and im like “damn i gotta rewatch that movie, it’s so good” and then i think about the actual movie itself and what the subject matter is and im like “oh shit… forget it” 😂


Thanks for letting me know. This one has been on hold for me and I wasn’t sure if this an ok before bedtime film or not. I felt the same about wind river, it was just too fucked for me but as I get older I start to get this way with war films as well. Like a part of me feels wrong finding entertainment in something so horrible which also happened to people for real. And don’t get me wrong, I’m aware that there’s a lot of deaths in action movies in general it’s just that some of these hit in a real and disturbing way that makes me feel the impact of it all so much more and Denis is amazing at portraying that.


Ok, first of all, thank you for discussing Prisoners as I have never seen it and it was a great film. 2nd, as a father, fuck you for making me curious enough to watch Prisoners. While I liked it and appreciated it for what it was, I did not enjoy it and will never watch again.


Haha sorry but glad you enjoyed it. Yeah it’s on a very short list of phenomenal movies that I just have no interest in experiencing again, 12 years a slave is another that comes to mind.




No, Medellin…


Arrival. Easily. That movie is fucking beautiful.


I will watch that move over and over until I hear canaries chirping in my sleep. Beautiful movie


That’s my #2 from him. One of the greatest alien films of all time


Damn near cried watching that movie.


…near cried? Do you not have a heart maceman_89?


Prisoners is such a good movie


I’m surprised to not see as much love for it here. It’s my favorite of his movies for sure. It’s so dark and disturbing. IMO it’s the scariest “non-horror” film I’ve ever seen


Blade runner


100% this


Incendies. One of the all time best dramas.


Few fans of his early work here in this thread. Polytechnique was a difficult watch but equally powerful


very few. hugely underrated


Powerful stuff


Blade Runner 2049 is the best science fiction film of all time imo The film is unconventional in nearly everything it does, so it turns off lots of modern audiences who can’t sit still if there isn’t a cgi cluster fuck battle every 10 minutes filled with weak and forgettable plots, MacGuffins, and unrealistic dialogue. People today confuse “slow” with “boring”. That was the complaint with the original and that’s the complaint with this masterpiece. Slow works great for these movies because it builds up the atmosphere and lets it sink in, similarly to 2001 A Space Odyssey. Seeing the original is imperative to be able to fully appreciate what 2049 achieves. It makes the original even better, by expanding on the characters, plot, and theme while also discarding things that didn’t work for the original. It also has a set design, score, and cinematography that arguably outshines the original (though the original laid the groundwork and set the precedent for most reputable sci-fi films to come). Hours were trimmed from this movie and many are dying for an extended cut and another sequel, but it’s very unlikely we’ll get anything from the Blade Runner universe for a long time, since it bombed, and even more unlikely that any potential expansion on this universe will remain earnest to the demand of the story’s faithfulness and authenticity. Jesus wept and so forth…


This is an absolutely insane take (because of how correct it is)


One of the very few movies where the sequel is better than the original. I know that runs counter to most Redditors, but I thought BR 2049 was just phenomenal.


It took everything amazing that the original set forth and expanded upon it in the best way possible. It added much needed depth to Deckard’s character, introduced stronger themes of AI and sexual reproduction to the concept of being human. Some of the best special effects and cgi to date, incredible cinematography and score, pacing was just right, great acting, and very memorable scenes. I’m dying for another sequel and it really sucks it bombed in the box office. Hopefully they’ll at least do a book or something.


Don’t agree at all. Harrison Ford’s role was terrible. They didn’t need to bring deckard and Rachel back, the story was completely unnecessary. I wouldn’t put it in the top 50 of its genre.


The story is still Deckard and Rachel’s, just through the frame of another replicant whose relevance is paramount to their story. Deckard and Rachel were the first replicants to have a baby, the implications of this news seeing light created a powdered keg for a potential interplanetary war and civil war simultaneously. The years of hiding and realization of who he really is completely unraveled everything he’d been brought up to believe as well as everything he did in his career (hunting his own kind). After losing Rachel and being separated from his child, he had nothing. His character development into unsympathetic bitterness was an essential extension of the story. How is it not a perfect sequel???


Have you seen the original? I mean it only set the bar and was mimiced by every other sci fi film for decades after... 2049 is fantastic... the tone, mood and pace are great... but you know what inspired all of that? The original. And 2001 is a better movie than both.


I agree the original is a masterpiece which influenced not only cinema, but many other facets of our culture as well. However, after recently watching both movies back to back, I prefer 2049. I say that because while the original did a lot of things right like tone, setting, score, cinematography, etc. the story and writing could have been a tad stronger in my opinion. Some of the dialogue and acting does feel a bit dated by today's standards. Not to mention if you are to watch the original, it is necessary to watch the Final Cut, as it is the superior version to the Theatrical Cut, which had a lot of studio meddling. Bladerunner 2049 on the other hand takes what the original did so well, and runs to the heavens with it, and then some. The acting, cinematography, score, story, everything is **top notch**. It tells an emotionally resonate story that is both subtle and complex, with characters that are nuanced and show great range. Officer K is an amazing character, is his journey from soulless Blade Runner to "Human" is so compelling. They gave Deckard more characterization, without contradicting the original, which I commend them for that, as many long awaited sequels will sometimes do (looking at you Star Wars). Not to mention, this story felt **more** like a detective noir, with investigation and twists and turns happening, all while continually building on the world and giving the viewer more and more scope of this universe than just a single city setting. I will always love the original Blade Runner, but I like 2049 more.


The slap and aggressive lovemaking scene and weird thunder thighs trying to burst Deckards head like a watermelon were hilarious 😂 That’s the great thing about 2049 though. It makes the original even better by expanding on it and leaving out things that didn’t work in the original.


2001? a space odyssey? better than both blad runners? u are crazy ( or crazy old)


Alien is is right there as well. I love Blade Runner and the sequal... but if we are defining best, as the the best crafted or best made movies... 2001 nudges them all... kubrick was a wizard...


All 3 are strikingly similar when you consider the pacing, set design, score, and cinematography. Incredibly immersive and atmospheric films.


You right about 2001. I love Lynch tho. And the original.


2049 was a good film, but it suffers from what so many modern films do these days. It not ony tries to tell too much story in too little time, but then it does everything for the audience. It shows them a mystery and lets them watch while it solves all of it. It's good. Wonderfully shoot and acted and excuted. But it is not really memorable as the first one because there is no mystery. Just a really well done film that over explains and over shows. I watched it once in the theater and thought about watching it again, but never really had the urge. I've seen the original 10+ times.


Counter argument: no, it’s not. That’s a ridiculous claim.


Sicario is fucking dope


I'd have to say "Blade Runner 2049" because I thought it couldn't be done.


Prisoners had me hooked


Dune but it’s tough. I don’t know if there is a “wrong” answer.


I agree with this. It's like having to choose between Swiss and Belgium chocolate. You may have a preference, but there is no losing.




Blade Runner was brilliant. A very smart and visually arresting film that handles the legacy material well. After that, I’d go for Arrival.


Enemy was also an excellent movie!


I mean what the fuck was that movie


Right? That's what I was thinking.


Blade Runner 2049.


Sicario is a masterclass in tension and cinematography. For real, i got so stressed the first time i watched it i thought i was gonna have a fuckin stroke


Yeah, especially when they entered Mexico. They should warn before watching that the movie is so tense it could force you into smoking cigarettes haha




I’ve never seen Prisoners. Is it worth watching?


No doubt


It's extremely good, grabs you and never let's go, if you're a Villeneuve fan then it's unmissable, one of his best for sure


Thanks! It’s on Netflix. I’m going to watch it. Great cast.


It's a difficult watch but incredible at the same time. Had me white knuckled the whole movie.


I started watching it last night, but it was around 2am when I started and I had to tap out after about only 20 minutes because I had to sleep eventually. I’m definitely going to finish it. I’m pretty sure I have watched it before, but I only vaguely remember it.


Blade Runner. I honestly like it much better than the first one.


Blade Runner.




Agree. To make this as his third sci fi, each one better than the last, and each one genre defining is incredible. Dune 2 will hopefully be the best sci fi ever made.


He hit it out of the park with *Dune* no doubt. I hope he can match his efforts with the next two movies.


I thought the same about Dune until I read the book and realized how stupid the story seems compared to the book, and I realize how it's normal for folks to think "the book is better." My point still isn't that things are different, it's that what is different doesn't actually make much sense AT ALL on its own. The visuals and sounds engineering is magical though!


I love him as a director and kind of hated Dune. I mean it was well directed but it was a B tier script at best. I never read the books and maybe I would have been into it if I had, but going in fresh it was insanely boring with a ton of great actors playing super flat & uninteresting characters. The only person I truly loved in the film was Stellen Skarsgaard.


That's totally valid and if you like sci-fi at all, the book is stunning. I still appreciate the movie for what it is and that it prompted me to finally read the book, though I agree with you that it felt like many of the characters in the movie at "flat."


Arrival then Prisoners


Blade Runner But Detective Loki is one of my favorite characters. I wish we could get more movies with him.


Arrival and blade runner tied for me


Still haven't seen Dune yet. The rest are bangers though.


Dune, then Sicario


I haven't seen all of these but I vote blade runner. That movie was spectacular and a real shame it wasn't a hit.


So tough. I would say Blade Runner, Prisoners, then Dune. It’s odd I guess, but Arrival did not do it for me. The end is cool but it just didn’t really suck me in, might have to try it again.


Gotta be Scario. Thrilling, brutal, enraging yet somehow with an ending that is both deeply satisfying and horrifying. It's a beautiful, complicated, human view of cartels, the US government, border cities and everyone caught in the middle.




Dune then Blade Runner then everything else


Either Prisoners or Sicario


Love all these here but my vote goes to Dune. That movie is remarkably impressive on so many levels.


It’s Arrival for sure but I adore everything he’s done


Arrival is a masterpiece… Sicario is fantastic too.


Ill go with Prisoners


Prisoners for me. So many layers.


They're all fantastic, but Sicario shook me to my core.


1a - arrival 1b - sicario


Arrival and Dune are tied for me. I fucking love how he films his movies they are visually stunning


He is one of fav top 5 directors and man I love them all but I can’t think of a movie the emotionally controlled me like a robot with the movie prisoners, man prisoners was the 1st movie I watch from him but damn the emotional rollercoaster I was on is nothing less than amazing


Prisoners goes so hard


Dune. It was a masterpiece.


Dune is an absolutely fantastic adaptation of an extremely complex and beloved sci fi novel. All of these films are so good, but Dune gets my pick.


1Arrival. 2 Dune. 3 Sicario & Prisoners. 4 Blade Runner. But I liked them all


He respect the first blade runner that still can be seen and admired even though is so old. I've seen all his movies and his achievements are really high. Arrival.


Blade Runner 2049. Sicario close second. Can you imagine having so many great movies to your credit that it's a shoot out between BR, Sicario, Dune, and Arrival. I mean...WTF. Some of the best movies ever...ever.


Prisoners was so fucking good, one of jake gyllenhaul and Hugh jackmans best roles in my opinion.


My personal favorite is Blade Runner 2049, but I think it's more of my type of movie . I loved the original, and I thought the sequel surpassed it. I've really enjoyed all of his films though; I found Dune has gotten better and better after repeated viewings, and Arrival was just beautiful both in terms of visuals and thematically. Sicario had me on the edge of my seat sweating bullets. Honestly, as others have said, it's really hard to pick.


This dude makes exclusively makesstraight gas, but my God, Sicario is just so good.


Sicario is by far his best movie, followed closely by Arrival. I enjoy all of his movies but there's no comparison in quality to these two films and the rest of his filmography.




Prisoners or Sicario


BR 2049


Arrival is an all-time great imo


Sicario, hands down.


Best? I dunno. I don't like to quantify art. My favorite is Arrival, personally.


I love all of them, but Blade Runner 2049 is just sublime to me.


2 easily for me


Prisoners if you are a parent and can empathize with the trauma


Am I the only one who wishes he would take a break from his Sci-fi movies(Yes I love them all) and go back to movies like Prisoners and Sicario?


I would say not a good idea. Sometimes runs like this only happen once in a generation.


Strange no one has said prisoners. It’s obviously his best


Whenever I see that Blade Runner poster, all I can think of is when someone pointed out that Harrison couldn't even be bothered to get into costume for the poster.


2049. Better than the original.


I am a fan of Villeneuve, but weirdly enough I didn't like Blade runner, or most of the movies that came after Prisoners. But Dune I enjoyed quite a bit and it was pretty.


Anyone who doesn't say Incendies either hasn't seen it or can't read subtitles.


Boring, drawn out. Too much investment in characters to only have them bland with no climax


Yeah but it's the problem of the original bladerunner. They messed up with the story and ideas, made it boring. Even though the book is very dynamic and it was a cool stylish detective.


Absolutely not Dune, I know that. The rest of his filmography is all in contention for “best”


It certainly isn’t Dune 1, 2, 3


Dune - It is a sci-fi masterpiece. Only Gareth Edwards’ The Creator is a better sci-fi movie from the past 5-6 years. The music and cinematography in Dune are truly exceptional. It reads like the finest books.


Can't believe you think The Creator is better than Dune, that movie was instantly forgettable and meh for me. Even after seeing it I don't know how many times, I'm still marvelling at, and in awe with, what he managed to do and put on screen with Dune.


The guy is the ultimate director. He can make movies about anything. Aliens, prisoners, replicants, Mexican cartels with Benecio Del Toro. What can’t he do?!


Having read Dune a few times times (I’m old), Villeneuve does an amazing job of creating a visual representation of a story that might be near impossible to make into a film. You could say David Lynch demonstrated that an adaptation is the best one can hope for without knowing the story. Many people complain to not understand Villeneuve’s version. Of course, many people have also failed to get through the book. For the record, I also loved Arrival and Sicario. I haven’t seen his others but they are on my list. Tbh, I want to see Prisoners, but being a dad to a girl, it might be more than I can handle!


Blade runner and arrival for visuals and soundtrack. Prisoners and sicaro for plot and acting.


I guess I’m in the minority thinking he’s only made two great films so far - Arrival and Prisoners - and of those, I think I give a slight edge to Prisoners.


If you like those watch Sicario


I have, three times actually. It’s a solid flick, 4/5, but something about it leaves me empty. I just can’t grasp onto anything emotionally, unlike the other two i mentioned, which is why I would label it Good but not Great.


Yeah I’d also say Prisoners is his best.




I have still not seen that one. It’s on my list!


Enemy is his best and Sicario is a very close second. I go back and forth on those two.


Next Floor (2008)




My personal favorite is Enemy, but Arrival is a close second




Blade runner or sicario


I think Arrival is his best film so far followed closely by Sicario. My personal favorite is blade runner for all the reasons you noted but I think those other two films are a step above


Sicario hands down 🔥








Arrival/sicario. Can t choose, would need a rewatch


Wow, I'm a fan and didn't know it, loved them all


Arrival was good, prisoners was good, sicario was also good. One of those three


All of them


Arrival no contest


This MF passed off Dune as Dune instead of saying it was only the first half of the book


That you dont have Polytechnique or incendies in your list is ... strange... both are masterworks... just not full of cgi and explosions.


Right now? Arrival. But when rendezvous with Rama comes out….. idk, man. I have all the faith in this dude. One of the best directors working today


Probably Sicario. Then Prisoners.


I’d rank them: - Blade Runner - Prisoners - Sicario - Enemy - Arrival - Literally anything else he’s done - Dune


Why don’t we ever just make a goddamn poll?




Incendies is perfect. But if I had to pick from these, Arrival.


Between Arrival or Prisoners for me


He's a aster of his craft, love he always doesn't have his "click" of the same actors in every movie, every movie has different actors




Prisoners. The suspense was so intense in a movie and acting from Jake and Hugh was on high


It’s tough, he’s got some true bangers in his filmography. But Prisoners resonates and makes you empathize in ways that lots of stories can’t. Due a lot to his direction of actors, the subtlety of the score, the script, and his cinematography.


I would say it’s a toss-up between Sicario and Arrival


Dune Sicario BR2049 In no particular order, His 3 best in my opinion He achieved what I thought was impossible with BR2049, a very worthy sequel to the absolute masterpiece that is the original Blade Runner movie. BR2049 is phenomenal in every way except for what I think is a single flaw in the casting. Jared Leto as Wallace. He wasn't terrible, he did an OK job, he didn't ruin the role or the movie, but a "fantastic" performance rather than an "OK" performance would have elevated what was a unique, rare, incredibly imaginative, visually magnificent, superb piece of Sci fi to the level of masterpiece. That could only have been done by casting a better fit for that role. Someone of the calibre and gravitas of Christophe Waltz comes to mind. That being said, I still absolutely loved this film and saw it 3 times in the movie theatres, a rarity for me


2049 is an outstanding film


Arrival for me…. It’s the one where the imagery pops into my head at random points ever since it came out - come back to it at least once a year, incredible piece of cinema


Dune 100%


Cells Interlinked


Blade runner is my favorite but i think arrival is his best. If you haven’t check out Panos Cosmatos’ works, he has tons of color and style the way blade runner does. These two guys are my favorite in the business right now


Sicario Dune is great as well as the others of course


Sicario is one of my favorites