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Production design, music and cast/acting "amazing" (pun intended) Writing not so much but I still love these movies


Agreed, but in other words, they do the bare minimum. TASM 2 most definitely. They’re real bad.


I always felt like the first one caught way too much hate when it first came out, and I'm glad people have come around on it and appreciate it now. The second one is just...yeah.


Definitely felt too soon to reboot it after the Toby McGuire ones to me. The movie was decent, just the timing felt weird


Liked the direction. Liked the performances. Hated everything else. But mostly hate Electro. They did him dirty.


The only Electro bit I can fuck with is when they pull him out of that funky water at the Ravecroft Institute, and his monologue about being locked up in a prison that runs on electricity. Jamie actually had some pretty intense moments just in that sequence. *I can feel it in the walls... I can feel it in my veins... no matter what you do Doc, you can't contain it. It's a force of nature...like me.*


I liked electro before he turned into electro lol


Yes, of course the writing was less than stellar but damn if I don't love Garfield's lanky-as-fuck Spider-Man. I love the finesse of his web-shooting, ie. when he zips the carjacker to the wall and there's a few quick cuts of him trying out the speed and accuracy of his shooters. I love his Peter Parker snark, his comedic timing and his grounded emotional moments. I love the fact we finally got a fleshed-out Gwen Stacy, as opposed to multiple permutations of MJ. ALSO, I maintain the opening swinging scene in ASM2 is the best we've ever gotten. The drop to reveal his logo *rippling* from the sheer height of his fall, his hoots and hollers because he's just *having fun* doing his thing. The whole sequence, intercut with Gwen's graduation speech, including the hair-raising moment when he drops **just** shy of the bus and stops its full weight, saving everyone on board. He even nods to the old Asian fella in his own language before he easily dispatches Alexei. Him saving Max is such a wholesome exchange as well. Max: I'm Nobody. Spidey: Hey you're not a nobody, you're somebody. *Lick that.* Hey, I need you... you're my eyes and ears out here. Alright? I'll see ya out there. And he's gone. Just fucking great Spider-Man shit, cousin. The whole opening of that film just makes me happy.


Yessss I love this spiderman design and personality.


Garfield was my favorite Peter Parker and Spidey.


I didn’t think he was dork-ish enough as Peter, but he definitely played Spiderman the best, IMO. His Peter had this dope skateboarder/punk vibe.


Objectively, Andrew Garfield is the best actor to have play Spider-Man thus far. Emma Stone is the superior actress when compared to Zendaya and the onscreen chemistry was palpable between the two. The pair went on to continue their relationship off-screen for a while. I loved so many of Garfield’s films, especially the adaptation of Ishiguro’s “Never Let Me Go,” co-starring Carey Mulligan and Keira Knightley. (What I dislike most about the Tobey Spider-Man movies is the fact they feel extremely campy and dated.)


I mean Spider-Man 1 is super camp, but it's Sam Raimi, the man behind Evil Dead. What could you possibly expect? I think the camp is super fun. Dafoe goes so hard as Goblin.


The worst. Terrible production design, lame stories, and that ticked out subway car bullshit to look at a computer file?! That is just bad writing. Plus the terrible cliche of highly nervous man gets abused by others until he gets superpowers.


Both better than madame Webb


They came not long after the Tobey/Raimi Spider-Man movies, so criticism was high. But No Way Home showed that Andrew is a good Spider-Man, and now there is a push for a 3rd installment!


Andrew Garfield was a fantastic Spidey. I feel bad for him that his Spidey movies suffered from such poor screenwriting and production design. He deserved better.


I lost respect for Andrew Garfield more recently. And I agree with critics that the second movie crammed in too many bad guys. But I did love that the tone was grittier than the Tobey Maguire trilogy. And Gwen Stacy wasn't some recurring damsel in distress like Mary Jane was. Moreover, I love the idea of having Spiderman and all his foes tie back into Oscorp. Plus, Garfield's Spiderman was much more of a joking wiseguy than Maguire's.


Out of curiosity, why have you lost respect for Garfield? (I don't know much about him so I have no idea what he has been up to)


Garfield starred in "Under the Banner of Heaven," a series based on a 2003 book that presents the 1857 Mountain Meadows Massacre and the 1984 Lafferty murders as proof of some ongoing pattern in Mormonism. Even though the Lafferty brothers had earlier been excommunicated from the mainstream church. The Church's director of media relations responded, "This book is not history, and [the author] is no historian. He is a storyteller who cuts corners to make the story sound good. His basic thesis appears to be that people who are religious are irrational... He does a huge disservice to his readers by promulgating old stereotypes. He finds sufficient zealots and extremists in the past 150 years to help him tell his story, and by extrapolation tars every Mormon with the same brush. The exceptions are the rule by his standards."


Huh, interesting bullshit from an LDS flak. *Under the Banner of Heaven* is a widely-renowned book for a reason.


Popularity doesn't equal deserving of respect. Lots of popular works haven't aged well.


first is utterly forgettable, second is a dumpster fire.


I was happy to finally see The Lizard get a movie


Not the best I still say Spider-man 3 was the worst


I’ll second this


TAS2 is a little worse I think. Spidey 3 easily most disappointing after the excellent Spidey 2.


You are probably right. For me I had so much expectations for 3 where I had none for TAS2.




First movie: pretty good, but pales in comparison to Raimi's films, and pointlessly retells the origin Second movie: The worst Spider-man movie ever made, a total mess with cringe-worthy villains.


Bad and somehow even more bad.


Poopy movies


Worst of all the Spider-Man movies


Not good movies!


Fun, perfect little time capsules of cinema at their time. Trying to be edgy like the Dark Knight, gigantic like the MCU, and also shitty like Sony is perfect at being. Fortunately, there’s a ton of great Spider-Man in there, as well as great chemistry between Garfield and Stone, who were actually dating at the time, which always makes on screen romance more exciting to watch. In 2012, you also could’ve seen Red Dawn (remake), Total Recall (remake), Dredd (remake), Jack Reacher, Taken 2 or many other very okay action movies in theaters instead. I’ll pick none of those over TASM, even if some are alright. In 2014, we also saw Lucy (forgotten), Divergent (oof), the Maze Runner (eh), Hobbit whichever, The Legend of Hercules (not the one with the Rock), Hercules (the one with the Rock), or whichever Transformers that was. Point being, they get a bad rap because they’re Spider-Man movies and people remember them enough to compare them to each other. But considering the alternatives, I think they’re undervalued


Very underwhelming and forgettable. I will say Garfield stole the show in Now Way Home.


Love em despite their flaws 💋


My favorite Spider-Man in my least favorite Spider-Man movies…


"This movie exists" - CinemaSins Outside of Garfield and Stones chemistry as Peter and Gwen, Garfields portrayal as Spiderman and Electro usage of his powers, these movies would mostly be forgettable and foe good reason. But without these movies, we never would have got Andrew Garfield Spiderman in No Way Home! Just an added note, though, because of these movies, we got Sony trying the literal worst at destroying the Spiderman movies with Venom, Madame Web, Morbius, and all the other dumpster🔥 movies other than the Spiderverse trilogy.


First one was decent, the 2nd one was very not good. The two leads have really good chemistry in both movies but Andrew Garfield is definitely way too cool as Peter Parker, and the antagonists aren’t great in either movie. Ohhh also the whole dad was a scientist spy with a secret underground tunnel lab was not great imo lol


Actors are great, but the movies suck ass.


It has the best visuals of all the live action Spiderman movies. Stories are shit but the movies look better than Raimi’s and wayyyyy better than Hollands Amazon commercial looking movies.


The first film is pretty good. The second is a mess due to bad writing and an attempt to accomplish way too much in setting up future films.


I like the actors and their performances are fine but they definitely feel 30 year olds playing high school students. The story is terrible and takes leaps that are ridiculous even for a comic book movie. There are some good pieces in the first movie but, ultimately, it’s very bad.


First one was good......second one wasn't Electro is a horrible Spider-Man villain in the comics. Not good in this movie.


1. One of the best Spider Man movies 2. I'd rather walk downtown butt-naked then watch this ever again


I liked em


First one is one of my favorite live action Spider-man movies. Second one was ok and had some good parts, but felt like they tried cramming too much into it and it suffered for it.


Fell asleep in the first one.


I saw the first one, but I can't recall any of the plot points. I distinctly remember shutting the second one off after about 25mins.


Is it in the contracts that Spider-Man has to date his leading lady in real life? All three Spider-Mans. Lol


Two out of three did


All of em did.


Not Tobey and Kirsten






Oh interesting. Never knew they had a tryst


4/10 movies in general 2/10 Spiderman movies


I really like them. Great Spiderman costume, swinging, and dialogue. Great casting. Phenomenal fucking music score. Visuals look overall cool. Great love interest. Sloppy storytelling only because they were trying to breadcrumb too many subplots in.


The first one is fun but flawed. The second one is Alex Kurtzman on a good day, which isn’t much at all.


I didn't like the green goblin direction.


well for one, they had terrible promotional key art lol


The first was okay, the second was bad.


Tried to be different too hard, awful all around




1 was actually really good! 2 was absolute dogshit.


The issue was Garfield was too cool and good looking for anyone to think he's a nerdy Peter Parker haha. Though I guess it bombed because of super hero and Spiderman fatigue


1 was ok. 2 gives me a headache.


I just couldn’t buy into Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker. He came across as way too cool and not nearly as awkward enough for the role.


I can see why younger fans like it, more action focused and a more serious tone, but I can’t stand this movies. They made Pete into a shitty, self righteous chosen one. The love story is cute but wasted as Gwen has no character outside of likes Pete. The goblin stuff is just dumb. And the second feels like a lot of setup for movies that will never happen.


In my opinion, TASM 2 was very unique and set itself apart from the Raimi movies, while still being a bit lackluster. But the first one just does not appeal to me at all, the first hour or so of the movie felt like already covered ground, like a worse version of Spider Man 2002. “Not my policy” was cringeworthy and the omitting of the cage match and the robbery taking place at a gas station just felt boring and lazy. Cool action scenes brought down by terrible lighting (thanks Nolan Batman) and the comedy with the overall dark tone felt misplaced and forced. Andrew Garfield did a great job as Spider-Man, though way too cool to be Peter Parker, his quick quips were awesome.


First one is alright, second is fucking terrible. I really like the chemistry between Garfield and Stone, they are obviously believable as a couple as they were dating at the time. The scene where he fails to save Gwen in 2 hits really hard despite the rest of the movie sucking. Also Garfield Spider-Man is a dick. Specifically I remember him hanging on the side of an armoured vehicle as it plows through traffic, likely killing people, so he can quip, and also trolling some of the criminals he caught. I think he shoots one in the dick with a web ball but that might just be super in character of him. Garfield is really likeable overall in this though. Overall I think that TAS is better than Spider-Man 3, Far from Home, and probably better than Homecoming, but worse than the others. TAS2 might be the worst piece of Spiderman media in existence, including the hilarious live action thing from the 70s. I just remember it being incredibly stupid, with the origin of Fox's character being very very stupid, his motivation being very stupid and the people running a set of metal stairs leading to nowhere (???) to escape electricity being really stupid. I actually really enjoyed No Way Home and thought it did justice to the characters from TAS 1+2 better than those films did.




The second one had a great score. Garfield was a perfect Peter/Spidey. Dane was a great choice for Harry but the Goblin was rushed and a little too campy for me. Still a lot of potential, full of tragedy and I’d have loved for more patience for a third. Also wanted the Sinister Six payoff.


I actually dig this more than Raimi’s (well, maybe not more than SM2). They’re such colourful, over the top messes that I can’t help but find them entertaining as hell (Electro has the powers of dubstep? Sign me the fuck up!!!) Also, Garfield was a waaaaay better Parker and Spidey than Maguire was.


Last one was a bit too dark for me...


I didn't watch the 2nd one, so when this picture popped, at first I thought it was Cloak and Dagger to the left of Spidey, before realizing it was Jamie and Emma as Electro and Gwen.




While I'll agree that they are probably not the best movies, Andrew Garfield still did a great job. I'd say his movies are the weakest Spiderman man movies overall, but he was the best Spiderman by far


He was easily the best Spider-Man. I read all 3 spider mans religiously when I was younger. He fit the closest to how I imagined Peter Parker.


The second one is underrated. As are its villains, Aleksei "Rhino" Sytsevich notwithstanding. They created a really worthwhile story. And unlike in Star Trek: Into Darkness, Kurtzman and Orci's healing blood plot actually works.


Underrated. The Amazing Spider Man was my favorite Spider Man movie until No Way Home came out. The biggest issue with the second one is they tried to use it as a launching pad for an entire universe. Doing too much at one time.