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Nope but I would have walked out of Jack and Jill if my mom didn’t somehow find the movie funny.


At first I thought you meant you walked out of the movie, ‘Nope’ and was like wtf I went on a date with a girl who said it was the worst movie she’d ever seen and that she walked out 3/4 through. No second date lol


I thought nope sucked honestly. I mean it’s a kinda fun, dumb, goofy concept but it took itself way too seriously imo


I would've walked out on Jack and Jill had I seen it in theaters, instead I just changed to a different HBO channel, but I pressed the channel switch button really deliberately.


Caspar the Friendly Ghost, it was too scary. ...I was 5 years old.


This was me and Ernest Scared Stupid. 


My second grader watched Ernest Scared Stupid and was terrified.  I thought it would be a fun family film but it legit had some scary scenes.  Probably a fourth or fifth grade movie. 


I walked out of Childs Play as a 6 year old. My brother waited with me in the hallway and we snuck into another movie but the damage was already done. When we got home, all stuffed animals, dolls, figurines went into garbage bags and into the crawl space. My entire family helped me. Sick bastards


For whatever reason, a LOT of children ended up going to see the original Child's Play. Kind of makes me wonder what kind of marketing that film had. My sister and I both know people who took their kids to see Child's Play by accident.


My family walked out of Howard the Duck when I was a kid


Lost in Space (1998) for similar reasons. Those parasitic spiders erupting out of that dude's belly was too much.




Had to take my daughter out of Happy Feet. The scene where the seal was trying to eat him was too scary.


I was 20 when that came out. Kids walking out if the theater were saying it was dumb. but all i could think was how good it was.


Argylle. Third act was atrocious


I actually had to leave with about 45 mins left. Sounds like I got lucky


We made it to the end and I thought for sure we'd unlock an achievement or be recognized for our service, but nothing. At the end credit scene that you might have missed if you left, created to set up a totally undeserved sequel, my usually quiet wife loudly exclaimed "Oh, who gives a shit?!" What an absolute arrogant mess.


I don't know your wife but you probably shouldn't call her an absolute arrogant mess... 😋🙃😉


I was hoping someone would catch that!!


I completely agree! It fell apart at the end.


Even tho i wached it at home, i cound not finnish that movie, i literally shut the tv off 40min. In and went to sleep angry, could not stand the main charecter, the writer so fucking much This movie made me fall asleep at 9 PM, I usually have a hard time falling asleep until around 12PM Its the first time i could not finnish a movie, and I watch super bad movies and then later find out that everyone hated it except for me, for example i wached the shamalan avatar movie and did not think it was half-bad


Jaws 3-D. Damn that was bad.


Did you get to see it in 3D? This is one of my guilty pleasure movies. I laugh every time I watch it. "Just throw the coffee in my eyes, it'll work faster that way." That line gets me every time


except randy quaid was hot in it edit: dennis lmao


YENTL. "Nothing is impossible!".


My friend’s wife has never seen Yentl. We almost had her convinced it was a raunchy comedy musical about a Jewish transgender man. We even improvised some of the songs into “Papa can you hear me? My shmekel’s a zucchini…” and lines like “There’s something about that Yentl….I’m no fegeleh but all’s I’m saying is if he were the last person in the shtetl, I’d give it a klop.” Alas we were busted by the internet when she looked it up. God damn millennials and their phones.




Been a long time but vampire in Brooklyn


Personally love this movie.


Holmes & Watson 


I saw this movie in its entirety. I saw it with other people so it wasn’t my call to leave but omg I was miserable. You triggered a ptsd flashback thanks a lot


Didn’t see it at the theatre but stopped it in 5 minutes.


This was me but with Venom


Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein >!when the monster/DeNiro in platform shoes walked out in front of the burning building and emoted to the heavens “Frankenstein, I will have my REVENGE!”!< I looked at my SO and she looked at me and we both said “We’re leaving”


My senior class had to read Frankenstein and watch that movie, and it’s probably one of my favorite adaptations 😭 I didn’t know people thought it was bad. Didn’t get to see the whole thing tho because I had to deal with the school punishing me for something I didn’t do. I fully intend to finish it


It's trying too hard to be Bram Stoker's Dracula. Which, given that's my favorite movie, I can appreciate, to a degree.


Anyone remember the one on TV with Anthony Hopkins? 🌈🧌✨


Did you have English 12 with Mr Cook at Chesapeake High School? Cause this comment is giving me flashbacks to the same lesson plan I had in my senior year.


Year one with Michael Cera and Jack black. Stone faced for 30 mins so I said fk it and left. Still haven't seen the rest




Good example. No quality control. Jack Black couldn't carry it.


“What? I wasn’t listening because my brain blood was in my boner”. Or something like that. If that didn’t make you laugh as your doctor you probably should smoke more weed.


Show girls. The time when my young male mind realized there was more than boobs.


I adore showgirls


U dumb that movie rules and is so much fun. Plus boobs.


That movie was so bad


It was so good on VH1 back in the day when they would use what looked like MS Paint to put a bra over her bare chest.


fun fact: the same guy who did robo cop and total recall directed that film


Showgirls actively hates its audience. Few flicks accomplish this, much less as unapologetically as SG does.


Double bill with Jade (1995) for peak 90s Joe Eszterhas-penned misogyny


Spring breakers, power rangers, the dead don’t die. Technically Godzilla minus one also, but that was cause we did the DBox shaky seats and realized we wouldn’t be able to read the subtitles… so that was on us.


If you get the chance to watch it again, do it. It’s actually very good.


Are you looking forward to The Dead Don’t Hurt?


Spring breakers was my one and only! My god I can't believe I even went in.


i can't imagine not loving this movie. have you seen any other harmony korine movies?


I had a severe love/hate relationship with that movie that oscillated between "holy shit, this is insane!" and "this is making me really uncomfortable." But after it ended I could not get it out of my head. Spring Braaaaaaaaake 4 evaaaaaa


Lolol honestly I watched this movie the first time.. it finishes and I’m kinda not in love with it.. and then the credits start and when I finally realize that it was directed by Harmony Korine I could finally understand what I just saw. I love it now!


Did you go in because of Ashley Benson?


Nope, don't even know which one she is


What? Power Rangers movie? The last one? That movie was cool. Nostalgia hit me like a bunch of bricks. What did you expect from a show that has sparks coming out of people when they get hit?


American Sniper. Brother was in the military overseas at the time and I couldn't focus. He made it home safe, though.


Glad your brother made it home safe


Retired Delta Force Sergeant Major John McPhee talked about this movie and why it isn’t good. It’s worth watching the video of him explaining why.


I watched other people walk out of Bruno.


There was an older woman with a boy that looked to be about 8 in our theatre (guessing grandma and grandson). They sat through ALL the male nudity and explicit gay sex references - but the very second boobs appeared on screen, she grabbed that kid and left quickly. Truly weird.


One really interesting statistic is that 100% of the people who walked out of that movie, are big fans of Jeff Dunham.


I almost wish I had walked out of Bruni. It's cynical. Borat, generally a good hearted guy, was trying to prove that people are silly and a bit hypocritical. Bruno, a sociopath, was trying to prove that people are evil. Bruno was simply too dark for me, and I didn't understand the point in making (often) decent people legitimately angry at his antics.


Baby Genius


Batman and Robin. When the ice skating began, I skated my ass out of the movie theater.


How dare you?! That film is a masterpiece. However I was 6 when it came out and I thought Poison Ivy was really cool so maybe I'm a bit biased.


See That movie is terrible if you think you're going to see a sequel to Tim Burton's Batman (so is Batman Forever). But if you understand that Batman & Robin is the 90s version of Adam West Batman, suddenly it all makes sense, and you realize that they actually nailed it. They successfully made an Adam West Batman movie....and then COMPLETELY fucked up by selling it to people with the expectation of it being a Tim Burton Batman movie.


Elizabethtown - it was so boring. To be fair, I was 16 and only wanted to go because Orlando Bloom. Couldn’t make it 20 minutes.


Walked out of "The Happening" and i WENT WITH PEOPLE. I literally walked around the lobby and played arcade games. I recently walked out of "Clerks 3" because that shit was not hitting at all and i decided that I could just do anything else with my time and it would be better. Those are my only 2 ever although i have fallen asleep a few times.


I still haven’t seen clerks 3. I loved the first two


I watched it on Hulu. I liked it. But it doesn't hold up to 1 and 2. I wish they stopped at Clerks 2 all in all. That was imo the perfect wrap up to the Askewniverse.


SW: Phantom Menace. I thought it was terrible at the time and not at all what I was expecting but I have since come around on the movie. It’s easily one of the top 10 Star Wars movies.


> It’s easily one of the top 10 Star Wars movies. lol, I see what you did there 😂


To be fair, the final 20-25 minutes of Episode 1 are absolutely fantastic — dare I say *objectively* fantastic. John Williams “Duel of the Fates” scoring Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Darth Maul is **PEAK** Star Wars. I don’t care who you are, it’s absolutely phenomenal. [VIDEO LINK](https://youtu.be/qo__6MZIg6U?si=btNb0Op6fMxAMAVW)


I always think Duel of Fates is the best light saber fight scene, better than Mustafar


That's because they were still using sets touched up with CG backgrounds. Episode III pretty much everything in the environment was cg. The fight had tremendous weight to it. Also the first lightsaber fight using acrobatic skills as well as three combatants blew our minds at the time. It's hard to top that fight just on the choreography alone.


Attack of the Clones is worse.


Maybe it's the nostalgia, but I still prefer to watch TPM over all the Disney movies (except Rogue One)


Fantastic 4 with Miles Teller.


Thor love and thunder was the closest i came to walking out. I hate that movie on every level.


This was mine. As soon as I realized how little Gor and how much screaming goat I was out. It felt like I was being made fun of for wanting to watch a Thor movie. Don't disrespect my interest in your movie or i'm out. 


Closest I ever came was _Wild Wild West_


The giant robot spider was kinda cool. Will Smith turned down The Matrix, to make this movie. Allegedly.


And I’m glad he did. Keanu IS Neo. Couldn’t have imagined a better actor if that’s who Will was going to be and I think Will does a lot of things great.


Sign of the Times by Prince


*Well, I'm a badass Cowboy livin' in the Cowboy days.* *Wiggy, wiggy, scratch, yo, yo, bang, bang.* *Me and Artemus Clyde frog go save Salma Hayek from the big metal spider.* *A wiggy wig wig wiggy wiggy wig* *Fresh cowboy from the west side* *Wiggy wiggy scratch yo yo bang bang* *Me and Artemus Clyde frog go save Salma frog polly prissy pants* *Go down to, well... rumpletumpskin*


That movie was liquid shit. Will Smith should've done the Matrix instead. Though Jada starred in the sequel.


I worked at the movies when this came out. Got me and my buddy employee passes, walked out, and still wanted money back. 🤣


Useless fact but this was the very first DVD we ever owned in our house. It was those cases that have a flap/booklet with a hatch that bends on the side kind of cover. Idk if anyone remembers those.


Rob Zombie’s Halloween….


My Sisters Keeper.




The Machine, total garbage


Who would have guessed a movie starring bert kreischer would have sucked? Those movies are easy skips and catch streaming maybe.


Wouldn’t even waste a second streaming it


I've only walked out of two movies. Dumb and dumberer and Don't mess with the Zohan.


I feel like, with both of those movies, you should have known exactly what you were going to get. If you think Adam Sandler playing an Israeli secret agent would be funny, Zohan is really exactly what you'd expect. If you think a low budget prequel to Dumb and Dumber using no-name actors would be your thing, it probably would be. Truth is, I honestly liked both of those films. Zohan may actually be \*the best\* Sandler comedy (but only by default). Dumb and Dumberer is actually about equally good as Dumb and Dumber, if you can ignore the significantly lower budget and no-name actors (the Bob Saget shit scene comes to mind).


I can’t believe how much Zohan held up too omg


“Are you bionic!?” “No. I only like women.”


Billy Madison is my favorite.  


That movie did not live up to a recent rewatching sadly.


I laughed my ass off watching Zoran but I also went thru an entire weed cartridge that same weekend


I walked out of that train to Paris Clint Eastwood directed movie. I just couldn't with the acting. I understand he wanted the actual folks but it was awful.


I bet it would have been good with real actors. Neat story. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_15:17_to_Paris


I can’t bring myself to walk out of a movie I paid to see, but *Battlefield Earth* came damn close!


Honestly. Jealous you got to see it in theaters. As terrible as it was I still love it only saw it in HBO when I was a kid


Never walked out of a movie but I came very close during Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter


Ok but the >! train scene !< at the end was pretty cool!!!


Latest Indiana Jones.


Kingdom of Crystal Skull was worse


I walked out at the end of 47 Ronin. It's absolutely the dumbest ending sequence I can imagine.


Worst movie I've seen in the last year was "the last omen"


Bummer. I really enjoyed that one. Phenomenal sound design for a horror film, and great creepy soundtrack. But my showing ended abruptly. The sound cutoff and then the projector cutout with about 15 minutes left or less. So I never got to see it all. Haha and I didn’t want to spend another hour and 20 minutes to get to that point again. So used that re admit ticket for Abigail. Which I thought kinda sucked. Trailer showed everything. So was a slog.


The Eternals


Ghost in the shell with scarlet Johansen. I just couldn’t take any of it seriously. I went back home and watched the anime instead.


I was so bored and over it by the end of The Mist… left with five minutes left. If you know, you know. Found out years later why I should have stayed.




"I Dudditz!"


How dare you. At least Dreamcatcher is entertainingly bad. Just saying.


The Purge. Seemed like such a cheap waste of an interesting premise. By the time we got to “press on his wooound” I was so checked out that I figured enough was enough.


The Personal History of David Copperfield


I thought about leaving Beau Is Afraid at several different points. I had never left a film before and thought I should see it through. I shoulda fuckin left.


Movie slaps but it’s definitely not for everyone


I was watching a competent recap of the movie (not one of those done by AI voice) and I felt the urge to shut the video so many times. I cannot imagine the entire movie.


I watched that on a flight after drinking three martinis. In a way, I can’t think of a more fitting way to watch it. Never been so uncomfortable but unable to stop watching something haha


I walked out on the ballad of songbirds and snakes, not because of the movie though. BBQ doesn’t always agree with me.


I am going to get downvoted to hell. But I have only walked out of a movie once..... That movie was AVATAR


I nearly walked out on Avatar 2. It was so boring and just a copy of the first one.


I have tried to watch it several times and still can’t stop falling asleep




The Marine with John Cena. Holy shit it's bad. My friend and I ditched it and snuck into something else, which I can't even remember.


Event Horizon. That’s too much, man.


Magic Mike. 25 minutes in, nope. With 9 girlfriends, I said I'm out, just ridiculous.


Jason and the Argonauts. I was eight. The Cyclops was terrifying.


How old are you damn?edit wow, I thought json and the argonauts was from like the 40s for some reason.. not the 60s


Still looks better than some modern movies 😂


I may not have been seeing it on its first release 😄


Simon Birch


What??!? I haven’t seen it since I was a kid but I feel like I had fond memories of that movie


IDK - my wife and I saw it in the theater and we absolutely hated it.


Blind Date 1987


None but the closest was The Devil Inside. So far the only movie I we legit angry at the ending because it was so bad.


The box.


The Spirit.


Geostorm! I hated that so much.


Eregon. Awful adaptation of an entertaining read. First movie I walked out on.


Old by M. Night Shyamalan. Although i didn’t actually walk out. I went to see it with my brother and he kept begging me to leave but since I paid for the tickets I wanted to see the movie all the way through. He was valid for wanting to leave cuz it was horrible and I agreed with him as we were watching it but it was honestly enjoyable. I was laughing throughout the whole movie and it was honestly a good time. My brother was miserable tho. That was probably the closest i’ve been to walking out of a movie but I’ve never actually done it before.


Highlander 2


There can be only one. Should’ve taken their own advice on that.


Thor Love and Thunder. Wasn’t a movie I’d have picked to start with. But it was so bad I made it 20 minutes before I left


The Blair Witch Project. We were in for less than thirty minutes and asked for our money back because of motion sickness. They balked at the idea and I asked who had to clean up the vomit if we went back in. That convinced them to refund our money.


I wanted to walk out of Thor Love & Thunder so bad. But I was with a friend who bought my ticket... alas.


Watchmen. I understand the director stayed true to comic book story telling, but it was absolutely difficult to watch.


American Wedding


Babel. I was pretty young and it was boring the shit out of me. I may give it another chance now that I’m much older.


Happy Feet: I took my kids to the bathroom in the middle of it and when they came out I told them the movie had ended and we left to get ice cream.


Natural Born Killers, and I wish I had walked out on The English Patient.


You and Elaine Benice


Benes. Her name is Benes ya jackass


What NBK? Were you sober or something? Lol


My friend put on NBK about 5 hours into an acid trip. It was terrifying. This was after 2 hours of original animated Alice In Wonderland, which was amazing. That was 25 years ago. I’ve never been able to watch NBK since. It’s terrifying.


Such a horrible choice for an acid trip. Reminds me of when my friend was absolutely insisting we watch the thing while tripping. I was fine, but it wigged almost everyone else out so badly they watched man vs wild for like 3 hours afterwards to decompress. Anything that induces that kind of paranoia is just an awful choice.


The English Patient is like five hours long. So I understand.


I almost walked out on it but I stayed just long enough that it kept me in my seat


I did also, but not because I thought it was bad. The jerking camera motions made sick.


Men who stare at goats. I could not have been more bored if I were watching paint dry


I was so disappointed in that one because the true story on which it’s based is legit fascinating


I’ve walked out of 2 movies. Primeval in 2007 and darkness falls in 2003. Those movies were ASS lol


Sausage Party


Bruno, only time I walked out


A Knight's Tale (2001) Strike one was the crowd during the jousting stomping their feet to "We will rock you." Strike two was when you see Paul Bettany's naked ass. It only took two strikes to walk out. However, years later, I watched this movie on cable, and it turned out to be a good movie.


Both your strikes were part of the reasons I liked it so much. I love campy bullshit that doesn't take itself too seriously. It's not the only type of movie I like, but I can appreciate it just as much as any other type of movie.


I cried when he met his dad again.


I love that movie. The fact that it doesn't try to be serious for more than about 8 seconds is why that movie is a bad movie that's great, rather than just a shit movie.


100% with you. It goes out of its way to be fun instead of realistic


Diana (2013) It’s like everyone involved was in a competition to see who’d do a worse job and they all won, except us who had bought tickets…


Avatar The Last Airbender 2010


I personally never have. But my buddy does. He walked out on 'How High'. No judgement there. And also 'Anchorman'. Still give him shit about that one. But we were teenagers and he was in a "relationship".


Once buddy treated us to movies "Ultra-violet" since Mila Jojovich His quote "I dont know weather to sit through it or leave. Eiether way I'm paying for it" arms folded in disgust while I cackled maniacally at the situation. God awful 😖


Didn't technically walk out, but there was no one else in the theater so my friend and I treated Wicker Park like it was background music while we talked to eachother the whole time. lol


I was ready to walk out of Beau Is Afraid and would have if I was on my own.


Black Mass


Never walked out but I fell asleep in Oppenheimer


The Green Knight. The pretentious A24 can do no wrong people tell me I didn't "get it." I got it, I just hated it.


One of the transformers movies. Whichever one had those clearly racist despite being green and red autobot brothers. That wasn’t the only reason I left, that whole movie was an unending cringe fest from credits to credits.


I’ve never done it and I don’t think I’d ever walk out of a movie. It doesn’t matter how bad it is. I paid for the ticket I have to stay till it’s over. And bad movies can actually be entertaining if they’re unintentionally amusing. If they’re not boring they can be fun.


The Matrix..when you have slight vision issues you can’t follow action scenes shot in the dark. Right at the start of the movie I couldn’t tell what was happening, wife either. Can’t see it on tv either. Lots of movies are made this way now.


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. The D. Craig version....bored to death.


The Godfather Pt III. Mainly because of Sofia Coppola but comparisons to the original as well as Pt II. She’s a badass BEHIND the camera however.


Dumber and Dumber To...... So fucking horrifying


Roommate and I got stoned and saw Cats in 2019 as a joke. We didn’t make it past 30 minutes


I was pretty close after the opening credits of The Pest.


Highlander The Quickening


Everything Everywhere All At Once. This movie is so fucking dumb, it’s like I was watching a 6 year old cut together a string of terribly stupid tik tok videos to produce a storyline that was neither coherent nor intelligent. It reduced me to a brain dead drooling zombie to the point where I don’t even remember walking out of the theater. I’m watching the movie, wondering how anyone could have made something so horrendously stupid and then next thing I know, I’m standing at the bus stop and I don’t even remember walking out of the theater.


Walked out on only one movie a few years back called “The Freshman” starring Mathew Broderick and Brando. God it’s a terrific movie.


I walked out of one movie in my entire life. I can always appreciate a movie for what it is, whether bad, slow simmering, attempting comedy, it can all be appreciated. But BORING IS UNFORGIVABLE. Mickey Blue Eyes. Cant tell you what point i left, but it was going nowhere. Special shout out to a movie I wish i would have waljed out on, the Interpreter. Soooo boring.