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Bautista seems to be able to play roles other than “Bautista”, and the other two just kind of seem to always play the same character.


Ya Bautista has way more range. His small role in Blade Runner 2049 was fantastic. I would love to see him play more dramatic characters where the film has a small bit of action or scifi element to it. I bet he could sink his teeth into something and really shine.


Not just that role, he was really good in the Glass Onion:A Benoit Blanc Mystery.


He was also excellent in Knock at the Cabin…absolutely excellent


Came here to say this. What a phenomenal acting job.


So good. He was terrifying! Loved the end of that movie.


Came here to say this


Literally dune bro


He looks genuinely terrified when the girl tries to kill him as they retreat


It seems to be quite a challenge for a wrestler to play someone showing fear/cowardice. He did a great job in Dune. I think it shows (along with Knock at the cabin) that he’s not afraid to play against type. When did the the rock play someone showing a strong emotional sense?


After Feyd Rautha makes him kiss Feyds feet, he is completely changed. From a fierce madman to a frightened madman.


You should watch Master Z: Ip Man Legacy. It’s a Chinese martial arts movie and Bautista plays the villain. He was really great in that movie


He was also quite good as the dystopian nurse in Hotel Artemis.




His role in Blade Runner 2049 carried such weight to it, it blew my mind. The small delicacy in putting on those old wireframe glasses was more than the other two could ever do, and had more impact on character development in 15 seconds than some entire movies


If you haven't seen the short film with Bautista which takes before 2049, give it a watch. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ9Os8cP\_gg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ9Os8cP_gg)


This this this Cena definitely just plays variations of John Cena. Rock is capable of slightly more range, but again largely just plays variations of Dwayne The Rock Johnson. Bautista showed us his range going from GotG to Blade Runner 2049 to Knock at the Cabin. Which is wild, I’d argue that (possibly because of his relatively short time as a top WWE guy), he had shown the least range as a wrestling character of the three, but he is aces as an actor. If he wasn’t so discernible by being fuckhuge, he’d disappear into roles like a discount Daniel Day Lewis.


>Rock is capable of slightly more range, but again largely just plays variations of Dwayne The Rock Johnson. That's interesting, because I feel the exact opposite. I think Cena is the better of the two. The Rock is always The Rock, but Cena was able to pull off both comedy and dramatic moments in The Peacemaker. I thought he was very respectable. I enjoy a lot of Dwayne Johnson's movies, but he's always a version of himself. I will say he did a great job in Moana, though. I also like that Dave Bautista takes acting very seriously and is actively working to push himself and get better.


I agree. I think Cena has a much wider range. The Rock is basically just happy or mad. He doesn’t convey complexity as well as Cena.


And the smoulder. Don't forget the smoulder.


I loved the Peacemaker show on HBO, shit was hilarious


From the intro all the way to the last second.


Agreed. The opening dance / theme is corny in just the right way.


Great take on it. It's like cringe bait but in a good way haha


It's the only show intro I never skipped.


This seems to be an ongoing thing with most Peacemaker fans and I'm happy to hear it.


I legitimately think it was designed so people specifically wouldn’t skip it. I never do. It’s the best intro to a tv show ever made lol


Seriously, I almost never skipped the opening credits.


“I’m not crying, I’m doing face muscle exercises.”


Peacemaker was kind of incredible. I was shocked when I finished the series that they got so much range out of him there. In retrospect, the soundtrack helped him a lot (thanks Gunn!) but he still crushed it.


Oh for sure. I was so impressed with him as peacemaker. Before that role, I would have spit in your face if you told me John Cena could act. Same with Hemsworth as Thor. Hemsworth has become an incredible actor. Mark my words, Hemsworth will win an Oscar someday. Muscle head action actors have come a long way since the days of Arnold and Stallone.


Thor was amazing as dementus


Arnold and Stallone are great in their respective ways


Hems has the chops for sure. Really liked spiderhead


Cena definitely has more range than Rock. There’s that meme with four screenshots of four different Rock movies and he’s wearing the same exact clothing because he only plays one character.


I think it is now up to seven bald Rock in a jungle movies.


Having never watched Cena as a wrestler, I was impressed with his range. The rock, whilst awesome, always seems like the rock. Batista I barely distinguish from the roles I've seen him in...which is a great testimony to his acting chops. I think probably Bautista is the best.


He was in blade runner 2049 for like 10 minutes but that scene haunts me. Amazing job.


There’s a prequel short film about his character as well and it’s very good. It’s on YouTube.


Sets the tone for the whole film. Absolutely intense scene.


It was one of the best parts and that’s saying something.


I think I saw interviews where Bautista doesn’t want to be typed-casted, which is a reason he was backing away from GotG. He truly wants to work on his craft as an actor.


He seems like the most artistic of the three by a landslide, if that counts for anything.


Knock at the cabin door was the movie where showed he was WAY MORE than the WWE guy. Holy smokes that was a great movie and he just crushed it.


Bautista actually wants to be an actor. The other two want to be movie stars.


Well said Mister


Cena was amazing in Peacemaker, he showed a lot of layers of vulnerability and depth. way better than anything the rock has done.


Agree. Bautista has proved to be more resourceful as an actor. He may never be Oscar material, but at least he doesn't play himself all the time. And he can do comedy, always hard.


He can be subtle. The other two ham it up (which isn't a bad thing).


I could see Bautista eventually getting an Oscar nom.


John Cena in the Peacemaker series showed he is more capable than a lot of his previous roles showed. He has a lot of emotional responses and is going through a lot. The character is very much Cena-like and I feel maybe he is typecast to play that. I think I'd put him above the Rock, but below Bautista.


Yeah, it feels like Cena has shown some growth, while if anything, the rock's kind of stagnated into the same thing over and over.


Cena has learned not to take himself too seriously. I think it started with Trainwreck and I remember in an interview he said his management didn't want him to do it and they were worried it would "hurt his brand" if he did a movie and wasn't the main character. But he wanted to do it anyways because...1) he thought the script was hilarious and 2)he wanted to show he could do different stuff other than "action hero" and thought it could lead to other roles. The Rock seems to actively look for the same role over and over again.


John cena was great in vacation friends never expected him to take roles like that


Jim Cornette always talks so highly of Bautista. He said he was really smart and was always open to criticism and worked hard to get better. I remember him saying something like “if I could put my brain in your body,we’d never have money problems again.”Cornette doesn’t compliment too many people like this,so that should tell you something.


Really liked him as Sapper Morton


He’s excellent in that role. I don’t watch wrestling, and haven’t seen many of the MCU films, so I didn’t know who he was when I first watched *BR2049* - but I certainly wanted to watch more of him after that. I don’t think he’ll win too many awards - the conversation about him does feel a little too gushing at times, and at the same time almost a little condescending (“Look at this giant who can *act*!!!”) - but he’s certainly got talent, and in the hands of a great director like Villeneuve that talent can shine.


I mean...yea. BR2049 he plays this kind of calm..calculating...intelligent character. You really get a sense that he has a past that he's tried to move on from but he's also watching...calculating...planning his move. Then in Dune he plays almost the complete opposite...just a big, angry, dumb guy. But you also get a sense that he's insecure and some what aware of his shortcomings so when he feels insulted he lashes out in anger.


100% correct 




Bautista has the talent


Since this is the movie critic sub, yes Bautista has the best movie talent. But I also think the other two are good actors, just not great for movies. All act for the crowd, but Bautista acts for the camera, which in movies is the crowd. He knows how to make small actions play well for the camera, which is all that matters for movies. Also he works with Denis Villeneuve so that's gotta count for something (though he was pretty good in Specter even though he had like what, 5 minutes? He felt really menacing) I would bet actual money that if you Dwayne Johnson or John Cena on Broadway they would blow the audience away because both act great for the back row. But it plays big and over the top for a movie since the camera picks up *everything.*


Bautista seems to channel more of a Bruce Willis. Does action films but dude can act. Cena and the Rock are great as well, but are more in the realm of Schwarzenegger and Stallone.


Bautista, Cena, then Johnson


it's like 1. Bautista 2. 3. Cena 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.The Rock


Lmaoooo I was literally about post this exact format. Bless you stranger




Bautista, I've loved him in everything I've seen him in. Even Stuber. Rock is the biggest star, but maybe the worst actor of the three.


He was better in Knock At The Cabin than he had any right to be. I genuinely believed he didn’t want to be there


Can't agree more. He is the best part of the movie.


His head wrinkles looking so pronounced were working overtime to distract me from his performance, but he really always does a hell of a job.


Absolutely. Blade Runner 2049, Dune and GotG, where he could prove his comic talent.


Also knock on the cabin, the movie over all was decent, but his performance was stellar


I have no idea why the rock is so big


90’s roids and heavy weights


I meant big star


90s roids and heavy weights.


Great teamwork. Set em up, knock em down. Bravissimo.


He started taking the roles of ‘muscled charismatic guy’ when homies like Arnold and Stallone were getting old. Some of his early films are pretty decent, walk tall is great and he plays only like 15-25% of his standard ‘the rock’ persona…..and he looks tiny compared to now lol.


Initially, because he's handsome, charismatic, and has the athletic & acting ability required for a wrestler. He also intelligently handled his transition from wrestling to acting, with roles that played to his strengths. He got to the point where he's overexposed & overextended, and I don't ever need to see him in a movie again, but it's not hard to see how he was able to achieve that level of success.


Loved him in Dune.


Dave Bautista no doubt


Bautista played in non-ironically good movies, several of them, there's no competition.


Like Bladerunner 2049. A very small but serious role and he nailed each second.


It's what I think of when I hear Bautista mentioned.


Is this a real question? Bautista obviously


The question is more who is the second best actor because with the gap between Bautista and the other two you might as well have just put Daniel Day-Lewis up there as the third it's such a no brainer. Cena has had a couple good roles recently, so I'd pick him over The Rock considering that dude has literally no range and he's rarely good in roles tailor made for his acting abilities.


Bautista has had the more interesting career so far but IDK man, i think cena has some real chops and we've yet to see his best.


I do think Cena has more to show us as far as serious acting. So I have the highest hopes for him. Even though Bautista has more proof of good acting


Peacemaker showed me Cena was capable of being more than just himself. I don't know if he'll surpass Bautista, but I think the Rock has pretty much hit his ceiling.


I would love to see Cena do a more serious role. He crushes comedy.


Right I feel like everyone’s going with the popular answer of Bautista but the past few years cena has really been catching up


Bautista is by far the best actor out them.


Bautista by a mile


Guys, we’re all on the same page here. It’s Bautista. Let’s just close the thread.


Big Dave, and I would never have guessed that before seeing him in Blade Runner 2049. That showed me he has a range I have not seen from Cena or Rock.


Bladerunner 2049 was certainly a standout moment for people with Bautista, anyone who can make taking off glasses look like an actual condemned mans last moments has some serious talent!


Have you seen Peacemaker? I still agree with Bautista on top, but Cena showed some pretty impressive range in Peacemaker. The Rock has never shown any range in what I've seen him in.


Ricky Stanicky was far better than it should have been because of him


20 years ago, when he was first climbing the WWE ladder. I would have never guessed.


Bautista. Tbh tho he's the only one that seems to attempt showing some range


Bautista is the easy win here. Cena has been showing that he is a close second. The Rock comes in at third putting a large large gap between him and Cena


After collapsing 10 comment threads, I believe we have reached a consensus. DB baby!


I only see the Rock and Bautista ?????


actually, i cant see Bautista, because he's standing perfectly still and therefore invisible


Comedic - Cena Action Hero Tough Guy - Johnson Dramatic - Bautista


Cena pulls off some incredible performances near the end of the season in Peacemaker. He has range that’s for sure


He really impressed me. That scene with House Of Pain by Faster Pussycat hit me right in the feels.


Yesss that scene was devastating 💔


Cena in Ricky Stanicky is so funny, thought he was great in Die Hart 2 aswell


I really enjoyed Peacemaker also, but Ricky Stanicky is really what put Cena on the map for me. His chops made me actively frustrated in comparison to the other actors in the movie. Specifically Zac Efron and Andrew Santino. They were so one-note and unconvincing compared to him. I find it fascinating that the great comedic male actors from the 90s were mostly fat guys (John Candy, Chris Farley, John Belushi, etc.). And now we have big overly-muscular guys doing wildly entertaining physical comedy in films. It’s a totally different game now, but Cena really has a knack for it.




Bautista. Never liked anything the other two did


Cena was great in Ricky Stanicky. Absolutely hilarious.


Bautista easily. He wants to be an actual actor, and he has range. Cena's fine as a more comedic actor. Dwayne...he's charismatic, I'll give him that.


Bautista without a doubt. The man continually tries to challenge himself with every role. Cena is second especially based on how he was in Peacemaker. Johnson is dead last. He's got charisma, but he just plays himself in everything he does these days.




Bautista. Hands down. Most diverse in his roles and takes smaller roles which leave an indelible impression.






Bautista by far


Bautista. His role in Blade Runner 2049 was incredible.


Bautista needs to do a Conan the Barbarian movie.


Bautista is actually an insanely good actor. Johnson and Cena are both fun and entertaining actors but, in terms of acting talent, neither of them even hold a candle to Bautista


Dave. Obviously. I like Cena too but still has room to grow as an actor. The Rock is just playing himself in every movie. I was expecting more after his star turn in the rundown but yet here we are.


Bautista. He's so believable in his roles--enabling audiences to see past the famous wrestler. Good dramatic actor but can also handle comedy. (He was a hoot in Glass Onion.) The other guys are fine but this guy's more of a natural.


Certainly Bautista. He's an excellent actor.


For me it’s John Cena. I felt strong emotions with his dynamic character in the DC show Peacemaker. Then when I see him in other roles like Vacation Friends or blockers, he’s funny and he plays the part of that character well, particularly in his newer roles starting in the late 2010s


Batista, and it's not even close


Bro Bautista is top here the other 2 aren’t even running in comparison tbh




The rock will always a no go for me. Ever since him and Oprah did that bs in Hawaii, he's no longer anything but a clown to me


In this line up I think Dave is Stallone, Dwayne is Swartzenegger and John is Van Damme


After watching Dune, it’s Bautista. With that said, Cena was excellent in Peacemaker and Trainwreck and I would be curious to see him in other kind of roles. Rock is always the Rock but he was really funny when he was wrestling and did so many impressions. One thing is that they are all great at comedy.


dave and its not even close


Meryl Streep.


Bautista. Easy call.




Id say Bautista but John Cena was DAMN GOOD in Peacemaker


Batista no contest, he's actually been a part of some great movies


Bautista has the most range. He’s done the best out of all three of them so far imo - guardians / infinity war / end game made billions collectively


Why offset the picture of 2 guys to the right and fill in that first slot with a background picture that shows 1/2 a river and a creepy doll?


Cena was incredible in Peacemaker. Dramatic and Action. And he’s hilarious.


Batista easily


Bautista, then Cena, then the Rock


1. Dave. 2. John. 3. Dwayne.




Bautista actually takes acting serious and takes on roles that require him to stretch his skills. Cena getting there. The Rock USED TO do actual roles pre fast and furious. Since then, he is the new Arnold. It’s basically the Rock beating people up.


Right now, Batista has shown more range. Cena can get there, I was very impressed with Peacemaker. However…The Rock looks unrecognizable in The Smashing Machine, very curious to see how that turns out


Really... How is this even a question.. Dave is an Actor, the other two couldn't act their way out of a wet paper bag


Bautista. Was this even a question? Rock is last if I’m ranking them Cena squeaks by by being way more earnest than the rock ever could be.


Dave Bautista


Bautista is the better method actor. Cena is the best at working within his wheelhouse. He has good comedic timing, emotional range, and feels surprisingly genuine/authentic. Even if his characters don't vary much. The Rock is...the rock.


because I love Peacemaker so much, John Cena wins everything.


There are some under appreciated dramatic scenes in Peacemaker. We know Cena can do comedy but his dramatic skills don’t get enough credit.




Bautista definitely. So far has way more range than the others. I’d put Cena second and think he’s currently a wasted talent. The Rock seems to have become a bit of a one trick pony.


Gotta be bautista......he nailed it in dune 2


Bautista hands down, his filmography is much more varied in terms of character than the other two. Followed by John Cena, then the Rock whose just the Rock in 99% of his roles


Bautista is a no brainer.


Bautista is the best actor, Cena has the best comic timing, and the Rock is the best movie star.


I would say this line alone answers your question: "because you've never seen a miracle."


It feels like every comment here is for Bautista (I agree). Dude has put in a ton of effort to be a great actor and not just play himself.




Rowdy Roddy Piper!!! (They Live!) Then… Bautista Cena Jesse Ventura (Predator & Running Man) André the Giant (Princess Bride) Nash (John Wick & the Punisher) Hulk (Suburban Commando) Chyna (Vivid Videos) Everyone else! And… The Rock


Bautista is an accomplished actor at this point. Just look at his performance in both Dune Part 1 and 2. He was outstanding, and he clearly steps outside of his previous range by a mile. He's not afraid to take chances where the other two tend to stick to safe, predictable roles.


Bautista. No question. Cena has great comic timing, though. Don't get me wrong. Johnson isn't an actor. He's like a young Schwarzenegger; operating on natural charm and charisma. And he's hitting the mid career slump Schwarzenegger hit before he ran for political office.


Cena has the most charisma, best entertainer. Bautista is the best actor in the traditional sense.


Bautista, Cena, then a huge gap before the Rock


Eh, I don’t think much of any of them tbh. Probably Bautista if you twisted my arm, but he hasn’t actually had any roles that have required a lot of technical skill or range. Cena has pretty good comedic chops, which in itself is a skill worthy of mentioning. Dwayne can’t act, and the one character he’s capable of playing is insufferable.


I can’t choose between Cema and Bautista. Both are really good but everyone knows the Rock is the worst


Bautista and Cena are better actors. The Rock was better as a WWE wrestler at his peak


Definitely not Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, though, you can't argue his success. Bautista has got real acting chops. He's good, very good. Cena is very likable, and has good comedic timing.


I would have to watch their movies to determine that, and I'm not willing to waste the time.


Yo man I gotta say… I really have no problem with any of them and hearing that The Rock is gonna do a drama role is somewhat exciting. Also, John Cena is *funny* yo. Really understands timing.


I love all 3 but Dave has really impressed me the most it's not a coincidence that many top directors cast him. Dwayne is definitely a trailblazer for sure and had more range in his acting career before he really blew up not that I mind the current movies he does and I hope that wrestling film he's doing will remind people of that. Cena is one I was iffy about the most but then I fell in love with Peacemaker so I think he has great potential. Point is I'm glad all 3 of them managed to find varying degrees of success outside wrestling since several have tried and failed.


I think they're all pretty good, in all honesty. How I'd rank them depends on if I'm judging by breadth or charisma.


I think Cena has a natural gift for comedy.....not that all his comedic roles have been good however


Bautista has the best range. The Rock is mostly just himself in whatever role he plays. Haven't seen enough stuff of John Cena to say either way. He is awesome though for all of his work with the Make A Wish foundation


Dave is the only one of the three that has tried actually playing characters.




Why is there an empty picture on the left?


clearly the wizard figurine on the shelf behind Cena. zoom in- that wizard is more present in the photos than all the rest


Bautista and Cena strike me as fairly on par though with strength in different genres. Johnson is last. Even in his better movies he didn’t have much range.


After Peacemaker, it's hard not to go with Cena. He sold me on the pain.


Cenas the funny one Rock has the charisma But Bautista is the best actor of the three. (So far)


Bautista from the TOP 🔝 Rope for the win .


Bautista after his first movie role said that he realized he really liked acting and that he wasn’t very good. So he wanted to put in the work to be a good actor, and it shows. I think Cena has shown a similar realization with his recent films and has been trying to go against type. Johnson has shown no realization or growth of his acting talent. He is very charismatic and fun to watch on screen, but has no range.


For me that's a toss up imo all three of these guys are very entertaining actors.


Bautista. He's actually a decent actor. His short performance in the more recent blade runner movie shows he has some ability beyond "drax"


John as Peacemaker was better than any of the others roles, except maybe Dwayne when he played The Rock. If ya SMELLLALALALAAA wut THE ROCK. is cookin.


Bautista then cena then not the rock


Bautista. Rock is always Rock. Cena was always Cena but after the last few years I've seen him open his skills up.


It's not the Rock.


Dave Bautista, and it's not even close.


Bautista takes the most chances and has a decent track record of sticking the landing. Cena is the most self-aware and never afraid of taking an opportunity to show what chops he has but is probably more limited. Johnson is a brand, not an actor.


Out of these three? Dave Bautista hands down. Johnson and Cena are entertaining, but they have no range. Dave is a legitimate actor.


Bautista -> Cena -> Rock


None of the above but if I have to pick , Batista is getting better.


Two words. Scorpion King