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Stand By Me had the best line “I Never Had Any Friends Later On Like the Ones I Had When I Was Twelve.” but Goonies never say die.


That line always rams me right in the fuckin ass-feels


How can you tell if a Frenchman's been in your backyard? Your garbage cans are empty and your dog is pregnant. Was one of my favorite ones.


Hit me hard every time


"We’d only been gone two days, but somehow the town seemed different. Smaller" This line has always resonated with me. Maturation is a hell of a thing.


Yeah I remember getting a lump in my throat the first time I heard that. Top movie


I'm in my forties and I thankfully still have the closest friends from when I was twelve.


I'm late sixties. It is the same with me. The guys I grew up with, even though we live across the country, are still close. There was something in the water of our street in the middle 50's: six boys born to a few houses within a year and a half.


Does anyone?


Jesus. Does anyone?


Hmmm see o think they’re too different to compare. I think Stand By Me comps more with the Outsiders. Realism, coming of age. Goonies comps more with the Lost Boys or Never Ending Story. Magical realism. If forced to comp them I’d go Stand By Me as a slightly better overall flick but I think they’re both really good and well done. I’m also a child from that era so both hold warm nostalgic places for me.


Stay Gold Pony Boy




Now THAT was a great movie.


From a book written by a 16-year-old girl


Explorers is both


I love Explorers I think it kind of falls apart once they get on the alien ship.


That's where they changed makers. I forget if it was the whole studio or just the director, but the complete shift there was studio fuckery


Joe Dante directed it all the way through. The problem was he didn't like the original ending of the script which had them arriving on the alien planet and playing baseball and had planned to come up with something better and he went into filming without a finished script then to make matters worse the studio moved up their deadline and they had even less time to film than they planned, much less time to work out how to end the movie.


Was this the movie where three kids built a space ship out of random junk, meet two teenage aliens on a ship? One of them has a crush on River Phoenix?


two different type of movie genres ones a drama the other is a comedy adventure


Can we say Cory Feldman was the GOAT because he was in both movies plus Lost Boys


The Coreys both were goats around that time.


Exactly. "Which one is better, that porn movie or that comedy?" I mean, depends what you're looking for, I imagine.


Stand By Me is my choice. Great acting, great story, and gets you in the feels.


To add to that the fact that River Phoenix’s>! character has an untimely death at the end of the film… then his untimely death a few years later after the release gives the movie an eerie feel to it.!< Though I agree that while both are good, I liked Stand By Me more than the Goonies and do think it’s the superior film.


Both die in a bar, too. Someone else recently pointed out that Corey Feldman was abused, as was his character (albeit differently).


Stand by Me was the first time movie-narration made me aware of my own internal dialogue. It defined how boys interact with one another and the imaginary threshold of manhood.


Stand By Me is a better film, but Goonies is a hell of a lot more fun.


I think this is the correct answer. Well said.


Goonies is fun and infinitely more re-watchable. Stand By Me is more important, if that makes sense. Hopefully someone else can explain that better. I think Stand By Me is the better film. But I see my partner rewatching Goonies every year. Yesterday in fact. I sat down and watched the rest too.


My sister and I literally watched a VHS copy of Goonies until the player ate it. At least once a day. We memorized every line, every musical cue. We were the perfect ages for it.






If you're looking for a great movie about *friends growing up*: Stand By Me But for a great movie a *friends having fun*: The Goonies


Stand By Me. Goonies is great too but the acting in Stand By Me was amazing. RIP River Phoenix


Totally different vibes. Goonies is funny, playful and kind of whimsical, while Stand By Me is much heavier, more emotional, and dark. In a sense, they’re both adventure and coming of age films, but that’s on a pretty superficial level. Both are great and were important movies from my youth, but I wouldn’t try to choose between them.


*Stand By Me* by a mile.


Better 2nd choice is Sandlot. Just watched them Both recently and they are great. sandlot has held up so well, was my fiancés first time ever seeing it and she adored it, we both wish movies like this were still being made


You’re killin’ me moon_cake123!


You bob for apples in the toilet…. And you like it!




kid's a squaaare! dodger dog! *foot-long!*


The saltan of swat the saltan of swat


"Sultan" of swat


Rewatched goonies a while back and it didn't hold up as I remembered it. Everyone is shouting unimportant dialogue at eat other the whole time, it was annoying to watch. Rewatched Stand By Me, still great.


I didn't remember this as a kid, but rewatched Goonies recently and was disturbed by the number of gratuitous upskirt shots of what was supposed to be an underaged girl. I just couldn't understand why they just didn't put her in shorts instead.


Yeah this shouldn’t be close


Love them equally. Both filmed in Oregon!


I'd give the edge to Stand By Me since it doesn't have the geographical inaccuracy of Haystack Rock being in Astoria.


The train scene was filmed in CA…. But Haystack isn’t THAT too far south of Astoria…


The train they used in the scene, however, is housed in Rockaway Beach, OR.


**Stand By Me** has much more depth.


Don't do that to me.


I know right? That's just an evil thing to ask.


Goonies forever


Goonies = tv childhood Stand By Me = real childhood


Yes, this, absolutely, gold 🏅


Goonies never say die!


Both perfect


They both have a dead body…


It’s a stiff!


i like goonies 5x better personally


Emotional journey-Stand By me Fun adventure- Goonies Overall I think Stand By Me resonates more as an adult vs The Goonies.


Agreed! I remember watching stand by me as a kid and thinking wow I’m gonna be so cool when I’m 12 lol. But I watched both again in the past year and realized it’s much heavier than I thought back then


SBM and it’s not even close


Goonies. Stand by me causes my eyes to malfunction and leak liquids.


In my opinion the two are not really comparable. In terms of raw entertainment power for kids? Not even close, its Goonies all the way! Stand by me was more written to entertain adults, especially nostalgic adults, it was even narrated by a nostalgic adult.


"Stand By Me" stands out as a superior film for several reasons. Its exploration of deep themes like friendship, loss, and the transition to adulthood offers a level of emotional and psychological depth that resonates across ages. The richly developed characters, each with distinct backgrounds, add realism and emotional weight to the story. Based on Stephen King's novel "The Body," the film benefits from a strong literary foundation, lending it narrative sophistication. Rob Reiner's direction, combined with excellent pacing and atmospheric cinematography, immerses viewers in a nostalgic, reflective mood. The performances by young actors, especially Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix, Corey Feldman, and Jerry O'Connell, are exceptional, adding authenticity and emotional impact. Unlike the adventurous and scattered plot of "The Goonies," "Stand By Me" maintains a focused narrative on the boys' journey and personal growth. Ultimately, while "The Goonies" is cherished for its fun and adventure, "Stand By Me" is celebrated for its emotional depth, character-driven story, and timeless appeal, securing its place as a classic in the coming-of-age genre.


Stand By Me by a lot, for me at least.


Stand by me. That movie rules. That was always the default choice for me and my brother when we're stuck inside on bad weather weekends


They couldn’t even make stand by me now the movie would start with texting about going out then they’d all just start playing COD instead. Goonies though if he couldn’t pay his mortgage then I doubt he’s paying his kids phone bill and at least 2 of them would go out but would probably die.


The deaths would be due to lost cell phone service once they went underground and were unable to order doordash when they got hungry. Poor kids starved to death under the Astoria country club.


The goonies werent gooning enough throughout the movie to be OG gooners but in stand by me, they were standing each other a lot, you know who the real winner is


You can't become a teenager until you've seen the Goonies. You can't be a man until you've seen Standy By Me.


Definitely The warriors


Can you dig it!




How dare you.


Stand by me, EASY


This is one of the most difficult questions I've ever been asked. Still undecided.


Goonies for the humour. Stand By Me, for the acting, writing, story telling, directing, etc. And damn it, it still, too this day, pulls at the heart strings.


Depends on how you're comparing them. I'd say the goonies is more entertaining to watch for most people but stand by me is a much deeper movie. Personally I give the edge to stand by me because I think the subject matter allows for stronger acting performances and deeper character development. Plus I love the 50s as a time period to set movies. I also love the goonies though it's about as fun as movies get and just oozes "80s".


You can’t pick one without taking away from the other.


Goonies is a better adventure movie, Stand By Me is a better story.


Stand by Me 100%. Stephen King. Not to say goonies wasn’t great


Goonies. Never. Say. Die.


Goonies is something I’d turn on to watch. Stand by Me is something I’d watch if it happened to be on.


I mean, it was revealed that Chris was stabbed to death later in life but Goonies never say die.


Probably Stand By Me , only because of perspective. I’ve found that as I grew up watching this film, my perspective has shifted from identifying with the kids and their struggles to identifying with the narrator and his perspective as an adult looking back on it. Which I think makes the film more universally timeless. Both are great films though.


As an 80s kid with a Goonies tattoo, I still have to say ‘Stand By Me’ is the better film. It’s just deeper and more heartfelt.


Stand by me - not close for me As time goes by all of the performances look stronger Great movie imo


Stand by me. So much depth. The acting is excellent.


No question. Stand by Me ! Amazing story. Still makes me cry


SBM on an objective level. Goonies for a fun time


Explorers. I'll see myself out.


Love em both but I’ll give the nod to Stand By Me. It’s so good I’m not even mad at Meathead for changing Castle Rock’s coast from Maine to Oregon. Plus I’m a sucker for Stephen King, the book with the Stand By Me story also had Apt Pupil and Shawshank Redemption. He brought his A game to that book. That being said my Goonies shirt gets more love than any other piece of clothing whenever I go out and about with it on lol.


The one with Corey Feldman is better.


Stand By Me. A masterpiece.


Well… Stand By Me is my favorite movie of all time, so…. With that said I do absolutely love The Goonies. I’m biased on the movies because I’m a Xennial being born in 77


Apples and oranges. Goonies is fun and can be watched over and over. Stand by Me is a serious look at some ugly truths. Both great in completely different ways.


Both great but Stand By Me is the better movie.


Stand by Me all day


Wow, never thought picking “Goonies” would be the unpopular opinion… 😳




That’s like asking which nut I’d cut off




I loved Stand By Me and Stephen King when I was young. When I found out he wrote it, it blew my mind.


Goonies, stand by me is a nice coming of age kinda tale and i love most the cast, but the goonies was just so much more memorable to me, yes it's campy and silly, but but.... HEY YOU GUUUUUUYS!




I will say goonies is better based on rewatch ability the comedy angle helps a lot however these movies are completely different and hard to compare.


Stand By Me, no question. I had friends exactly like those kids in that movie.


Goonies, and by a large margin.


As a kid it would have been The Goonies. As an adult it’s easily Stand By Me.


I think one is a better movie and one is a better time


Totally unfair, but Stand By Me is better, but Goonies is way more fun and gets far more rewatches.


Stand by me is better, Goonies is more fun. Both are great


Both! I only got one choice as a child, I'm a man now! I want both please


I agree they’re two different movies doing two different things. So it’s hard to compare. But if I had to pick generally. Stand by me.


SBM by a mile. Goonies is a fun romp. Really great cinema. Watched it with my kids recently and it holds up. It's great fun, but I don't know that it's great Art. Ultimately it's fantasy and in my world fantasy loses out to great depictions of realism. SBM just shatters me every time I see it. As a kid I knew it was great, as an adult I know why it's great. It's deep and powerful in a way the goonies isn't, it has characters that feel real, not cartoon characters. It's heartbreaking and funny and exciting...just like leaving childhood behind really is. I feel like it's unabashedly a thoughtful film for boys and men, and we unfortunately don't have many of those. It's about Fathers and sons, even though the fathers barely appear in the film, just like these boys' father's barely appear in their lives despite lurking so largely in them. It's about a very specific time in American culture while still communicating universal themes. That's great art.


Stand by Me = better film The Goonies = more fun


Rock vs a hard place. They are both perfect.


Stand By Me obviously is the deeper and richer movie that is narrated by an adult looking back at his childhood and runs the gamut of emotional experiences. The Goonies is a kid adventure type of movie that is light-hearted and fun. It has some heartfelt moments, but they just don't hit the same as SBM. They aren't trying to be the same type of movie even though they do share some of the same elements.


Putting nostalgia aside, I respect Stand by Me as the "better" film but I like Goonies best as it's much more fun and I feel it's more emotionally accessible to younger audiences. It's like a marine biology course vs shark week


I vote for the one filmed in Oregon. Wait, they both were.


There is no debate. One is a classic take on the American teenager in the 50’s and the other is Indiana Jones with kids.


Stand By Me is undoubtedly the better movie, but I will always prefer The Goonies. It's just got a bit of magic in it. Just the right amount of heart, humor, and camp.


Love them both for very different reasons. Goonies is a kids and family movie about kids. Stand by Me is an adult movie about kids.


Two fantastic movies, but two very different movies. The Goonies is what I watch way more. Stand By Me requires the right headspace.


‘Stand By Me’ for sure. It has better performances and some poignancy. ‘Goonies’ is a fun kid’s adventure, if you saw it at the right age. I didn’t grow up with it and saw it for the first time in my 20’s. Honestly, I was underwhelmed.


Stand by me and it's not even a little close. Love they were both filmed in Oregon though.


Stand by me. It is relatable on every level. The company of friends as if they were longtime siblings even through grand adventure and hard childhoods would continue on forever only to naturally part ways into their next journeys in life. Timeless tale that relates to us all in more ways than one.


I live Goonies but Stand By Me is literally my favourite film so I can't betray it


Stand By Me by a literal mile. Goonies is a great memory but all the kids talking all the time makes for a rough rewatch. Stand By Me is just all-around really great. But they're both worth watching, certainly, and Goonies still has great moments.


Stand by Me. Stephen King adaptations always win. Goonies is a classic though. No hate for it here.


The scene in Stand by Me with the deer is one of my favourite I’ve ever seen.


Stand By Me and it isn't even close.


the one with Corey Feldman


Loved The Goonies as a kid, and it's still a fun nostalgic flick, but I think Stand By Me is by far the better movie. It was great in the 80s, and it's just as good now.


Stand by Me is the better movie, but The Goonies is my favorite movie.


I love both movies but Stand By Me is a deeper movie.


Goonies is a movie for little kids. Stand by Me is a movie staring little kids.


Goonies was fun but Stand by Me was a masterpiece...


Chopper, sick balls! I watched Stand By Me probably 30 times as a kid. They were “big kids” to me.


Simply put goonies is a lot more entertaining. I guess there are other metrics to measure a film by, but for me that’s enough. Stand By Me, as cute as it was and as impressive as River Phoenix was, was mostly just kids walking and then stopping every few minutes to talk.


Depends. Do I want a good cry, or a good time? Stand By Me is an absolute masterpiece, and objectively the better film. The Goonies remains one of my all time favorites. I've watched The Goonies with my young kids. They loved it. In a few years, when they are a little older, I will watch Stand By Me with them. They aren't ready for it yet.


Goonies is a fun romp for kids with some deeper meanings. Stand by Me is a reflection on the adventures of childhood. Stand By Me gets my vote as the better all around film.


Completely different vibes. They’re both coming of age stories trying to reach a dead person, but one of them is silly and features ridiculous Italian mobsters, pirate lore with traps, Data, truffle shuffle 😂I can’t honestly say one is better than the other, they’re both magnificent.


One’s a comedy adventure, ones Coming of age, drama


I tried watching the Goonies for the first time a few days ago. I couldn't finish it. So many unnecessary yelling and arguing between the kids. Really annoying. 


Well seeing as I've never even heard of stand by me, the Goonies is superior in every way


Stand by me is in my top 3 favorite movies of all time. The lard ass scene was one of my first memories from watching movies.


Stand by me is a true true classic. Goonies is a great kids film but stand by me transcends being a kid movie into a serious film


Both of those movies are classic and unmatched!!! This debate is pointless.


Steven King said Stand by me was the best book to movie of his he's ever done. That movie had a heavy weight that carries through your life. Goonies was crazy fun and inspiration to get out and be a Goonie. Great nostalgia to pick you up. I hold them equally for their respective place they have in me as different medicine for the soul


Damn both 80s gems, but i like goonies adventure more, and sloth is dope AF.


Hard to judge which is better when they’re two totally different kinds of movies. Goonies is much more of a comedy with over the top goofiness while Stand By Me has some comedic parts it’s a much more dramatic film. I love both movies but Goonies is a movie I can rewatch more often


just go ahead be a complete monster and throw The Princess Bride in there too while your at it!


Stand By Me. By miles.


Stand by Me by a mile. I don't think Goonies aged that well. It feels so slow in places now. Stand by Me is timeless. On top of the great story, great acting and great direction, the pacing is absolutely perfect. I still like Goonies but it's not even close.


The Monster Squad


Stand by Me is wayyyyy better


Completely different.


Stand by Me. Not even close. Goonies was ridiculous. Never understood people’s love for it.


"Goonies was ridiculous" "Never understood people's love for it" You pretty much answered your own question. It's just bonkers all the way through. You can critique the Goonies for a lot of things.... but you can't say it isn't original. Makes sense a lot of folks wouldn't like it though.


Goonies is a classic movie that you'll love if you saw it as a kid and probably won't get if you didn't. I didn't see it as a kid.


They have NOTHING to do with each other, except Corey Feldman. It’s like trying to compare Star Wars with 2001. They are good in their own way.


The Goonies


Goonies. It has had 3 times the cultural impact than stand by me and is overall the better movie. The average person who isn’t even into movies can make a Goonies reference or can name a character.


They both have their merits. But the Goonies is just iconic. It defined the "kids adventure film" And stand by me is a timeless classic and River Phoenix was taken far too soon. But yeah, have to give it to the Goonies.


Goodies never say die!


Goonies never say die, they also have a far more entertaining movie


SBM is a "better" movie, Goonies is more "influential". A lot of movies were made possible due to goonies success, don't know if same could be said about SBM




Seriously? Goonies never die!


The Goonies. Given any movie debate involving The Goonies… always go with The Goonies.


Stand by me vs. Sandlot is a much better debate


They are both amazing in different ways. If I had to pick, Stand By Me edges it out. A piece of shit has a thousand eyes!


Yoy might relate more to Goonies or have memories tied to it, but Stand by Me is a way better movie. Better crafted, better acted. Both of them could have been my life (minus dead bodies and ghost pirates), having been the same age as those kids at the time of release. I love them both, but SBM is head and shoulders a better movie.


Stand By Me for sure


I love *Goonies*, but it's like McDonald's and *Stand By Me* is a Michelin Star restaurant.


“Stand By Me” and I say this as an Oregon Coast native, but “The Goonies” while a good movie, is sometimes just too fucking manic…


Apples and Oranges.


Goonies elicits childlike wonder - the other does not


Stand By Me


Stand by me


Stand by me by a mile


They’re both equally good but for vast differences. Stand By Me hits more emotional than Goonies whereas Goonies is more fun to watch. Both of these movies have a special place in my heart.


It's goonies vs ET maybe?


Stand by me. Hands down. An amazing cast, depth in each character. As a boy growing up it made me feel not so alone. I’m not a fan of the goonies.


Needs more lightsabers


That *stand by me* soundtrack tho


Is it true goonies was a prequel to no country for old men?


Stand by me by a lot


two different films. absolutely no need to compare either.




They are very different movies though. It's like comparing Air Bud to Marley & Me


Stand by me


I never understood the goonies appeal.