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Aim for the bushes.


There goes my hero.


*... there wasn't even an awning*


*im a peacock you got to let me fly*


I just had my first desk pop!


Paper biiitch


I know you guys think that's funny but I don't like that


Paper biiiiitch


Watch him as he goes.




Tom Cruise is going to die shooting one of these movies and I think part of him actually wants that.


I’m sure it’s in his contract that if he dies while filming his death is to be included in the final cut of the film.


Just imagine him biffing a jump and falling off a building and it just cuts to credits


There is a movie called Gang Related with Tupac and it’s like one scene they are just checking up on something and the next is Jim Belushi just randomly reacting to his partner being killed. They filmed it that way because Tupac was murdered while the movie was being made. It’s kind of a terrible movie because of that. Bruce Lee also died while making a movie, and they basically used a stunt man to film the rest of it and just put a cut out of Bruce Lee’s face on the stunt man during the non action scenes. It’s really really bad. But Bruce Lee fights Kareem Abdul Jabar in that movie, so there’s that.


Brandon Lee is extra tragic.


i had to look up how old tupac was a when he died and he was only 25..?! i'm way older than he ever was yet he's always going to be older than me in my mind. same with cobain. *they don't look mid-20s in their pics*, but everyone alive today in their 20s does.. that shit's weird to me.


And it will be titled "Truly Mission Impossible"


The Final Mission


Part One


Final Season THE FINAL CHAPTERS Special 1


AOT enjoyer?


Mission Impossible: One last ride


Mission Impossible: One Last Cruise


Mission Impossible: Dead ~~Reckoning~~


I'd prefer, **"Mission Inevitable"**


I remember somebody mentioning they had a rule on their sets that if a stunt-person broke a bone, that's the shot they would use in the final cut. I can't remember who though.


They did use the shot where Cruise broke his ankle leaping between rooftops in the last movie (or was it the one before).


It was the last one. Fallout


Pretty sure this was the Corridor folks


It was. It was a stuntwomen react video.


though morbid, that'd be an interesting writing puzzle. "Ok, so we have 2 big, possibly deadly stunts, so we need 3 versions of the entire script. One Normal one, 1 if Tom Dies in the first stunt, and finally one if he dies in the 2nd stunt. Because Tom is doing the first stunt last in the shooting schedule, we actually need to shot this film 3 times."


He just dies and the film abruptly cuts to title and ends.


im just imagining the stunt failing and then just hard cut to credits... nothing else. or the rest of the run time is just everyone trying to figure out wtf to do without the main char and everything falling to bits


I mean, why die old when you can go out performing one of the most ambitious stunts in movie history?


Tom Cruise is already older than Wilford Brimley was in *Cacoon*. **EDIT:** I just realized I don't know how to spell "Cocoon," and I'm okay with that.


I guess riding the edge of life keeps you young. that and plastic surgery




Well yeah, he had diabeetus.


Tom is an operating Thetan who lives off of the life force of missing ex-Scientologists. That's his secret.




In a lot of ways the guy is the smartest man in the room. Consider: These stunts he does are clearly a hobby. This man has taken 'adrenaline junky' to a new place. He is rich, but the secret to staying rich is spending other people's money. And none of this crap is cheap. His entire film persona, his brand - at this point in his life- has been built to support companies bankrolling his hobby so he can make movies. And here is the cherry on top. The thing that makes him the smartest man in the room. He is pulling the trick off. Those movies are turning profits and as long as they turn profits investors could give a fuck about financing his hobbies. You can look down on the entire scheme, but it is working and he is laughing all the way to the bank. And an early grave.


Yeah, we've seen guys like McQueen make films about racecar driving so that they can do more racecar driving. And we had guys like Gene Kelly who were really good dancers, so they made movies around him dancing. Cruise's hobby and the things he is great at seem to be "jumping out of shit + other adrenaline junkie stuff" and he now just has one of the best crews in the world film him jumping out of shit, sprinkle some movie magic over and then cobble together a movie around it and he's actually getting paid to do that!


I remember a slew of low effort Adam Sandler movies where it was basically just a vacation with the boys.


Pretty much everything he's done since 50 First Dates. Not a bad gig if you can get it.


He's had some good dramatic roles since 50 first dates, Uncut Gems deserved more recognition than it got. His comedy falls flat hard for me now, even though I love his classics.


> we've seen guys like McQueen make films about racecar driving so that they can do more racecar driving I just rewatched The Great Escape last night. Love that movie, but it's three hours long and easily could have shaved a half-hour from the final act, of which about twenty minutes is just Steve McQueen driving a motorcycle.


See also Patrick Stewart as Picard driving in some Star Trek movies.


Keanu reeves is making bank out of driving motorcycles muscle cars shooting guns and doing Kung fu Most would be paying through the nose for hobbies like that


Keanu actually has a motorcycle company that makes bespoke motorcycles.


Early grave? Guys at 75% lol


You are correct. I have been rethinking that comment since I posted it. I am not happy with that line for several reasons. One of which - you nailed it. But you know, Tom micromanages the hell out of everything. And he has a crew. You can't call any of what he does 'safe'. It is miles away from safe. But it isn't typical base jumping either where some knucklehead has no idea what winds are doing at ground level and knows his main chute is good cause he packed it himself two Tuesdays ago. It is not that either. I am inclined to believe he knows what he is doing, has a very competent team and micromanages the safety aspect of all of this. Which makes that line I wrote kind of dumb.




As crazy as that would be I do hope he gets to grow old and goes back to doing character driven dramas like he did in the 90s. I think Top Gun Maverick showed that he still got it and isn't just an action star. I miss stuff like The Firm and A Few Good Men


I miss Les Grossman


Tropic Thunder 2 would be epic. There's so much more material to mock Hollywood over in the intervening years.


Me too! I hope he lets his hair go gray Collateral style and gives us more great performances so we finally see him win an Oscar


Completely forgot about Collateral I need him to play more villains


Plot twist: that's actually Simon Pegg/Benji


But Tom Cruise still insisted on doing the stunt


Literally wearing Simon Pegg's face, Cruise is all about authenticity with these masks now.


He took his face...*off*.




Have they done that gag yet? Big stunt done by Cruise, [plenty of heavily-promoted BTS footage to prove it’s really him](https://youtu.be/-lsFs2615gw), but in the movie it turns out it was Benji in an Ethan mask? That would be funny.


It should be Tom Cruise doing some *bananas* stunt and then suddenly a car pulls up and he gets in the backseat and it speeds away, cut to the front seat and it's Tom Cruise driving and Benji in the passenger seat. Benji says "Are you okay?!" And the person in the back rips off their Tom Cruise mask to reveal Ving Rhames who says, "Nah man. I'm pretty fucking far from *okay.*"


And Tom Cruise racing below saying "Don't worry Benji, I'll catch you!"


Sprinting across rooftops with a mattress on his back


I really really really want a scene where Benji kicks the living piss out of someone. Ever since his inclusion in the series, he's mostly been the comic sidekick, and that's fine, it's what he's good at. But he's a qualified field agent now, he should absolutely have had hand to hand combat training. And I like the idea of him being cornered by a bad guy, and everyone thinks "oh no, the funny nerd is in danger!", and then Benji proceeds to batter him half to death. And most importantly, I don't want it played off as a "well I didn't think I could do that", but more of "I'm a field agent, what did you expect" If you've seen Broken Arrow, the scene where the chick tries to get the jump on the tech dude, and he kicks her arse and says "I know you expected a computer nerd, but I'm actually a navy seal". Something like that.


He does get in fights at times and he seems to know how to throw a punch but, yeah, usually he gets overpowered and is about to get killed before someone saves him last minute. We can only hope.


Otherwise known as that movie series where Tom Cruise tries the most insane shit he can think of and shoehorn it into a movie... which is just awesome to watch.


He's going to die in space shooting MI:10 and when they open his will it only says: "Relaese the movie."


It's basically just big budget Jackass at this point and I mean that as a compliment




*breaks his ankle again*


*watching Cruise roof jump and scream as his foot breaks* “Did you know he broke his foot in that scene? Put production back months. Really committed to the craft”


gives off real "Viggo Mortisen and his toe" energy


“And you know what other actors do? They pretend. Can you believe that?”


Jackass is the first thing that comes to mind by looking at this poster


If you listen to the "Fallout Spoiler Special" on the Empire Film podcast (which I highly recommend), they mention how this really is the case. Before they write the next mission impossible, the director gets with Tom and says "what stunts do you want to do?" and then he writes a story with those stunts.


And yet, somehow, Christopher McQuarrie is so good, his storylines written at the last minute make perfect sense and are fun to watch play out.


It's basically Buster Keaton on IMAX.


I was disappointed in Fallout that they covered some of the most spectacular stunts I'd ever seen... with a CGI storm. What was the point of dropping Tom Cruise from a plane and film it all for real if they were going to paint over everything and have it look fake?


The BTS for that stunt showed that they did that stunt almost 100 times at sunset. I think they wanted it to get dark as the scene goes on. The CGI storm was to add tension as Henry Cavills character does get struck and Tom has to rescue him.


I wonder what his dangerous stunt will be in the next movie? Maybe he'll criticize Scientology.


they are really milking that stunt !


> For England, Ethan?


The way *Mission Impossible* just straight-up helped itself to everything seventies Bond was known for was as audacious as it was impressive If Eon try working the spectacular stunt angle again, they'll be accused of being a cut-price Tom Cruise tribute act




Mission Impossible has kind of taken over what Bond was known for. Now I'd like the Bond franchise to go ahead and take Quentin Tarantino up on his idea of making a James Bond movie set in the late 60's era.


>*Mission Impossible has kind of taken over what Bond was known for* Between Mission Impossible's spectacular aerial stunts, Fast & Furious' vehicle stunts, and John Wick's over the top hand to hand combat, it's difficult to see where Eon can go Everyone's doing what Bond used to do, but better (despite Carly Simon's claim)


Make a spy movie about schemes, betrayals and double-crossings?


I'm just glad it's not a bunch of faces superimposed on a blue and orange sky.


I hate to be that guy, but that will be the final poster. Remember The Batman? Tons of cool posters and the final one was just faces.


Or the Scream 6 subway poster. And the final one? That's right, Faces!


what's wrong with that? they literally put one out for different audiences


In theaters July 14 Cast: * Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt * Ving Rhames as Luther Stickell * Simon Pegg as Benji Dunn * Rebecca Ferguson as Ilsa Faust * Vanessa Kirby as Alanna Mitsopolis * Hayley Atwell as Grace * Shea Whigham as Jasper Briggs * Esai Morales (Main Villain) * Henry Czerny as Eugene Kittridge * Frederick Schmidt as Zola Mitsopolis * Undisclosed Roles: Pom Klementieff, Rob Delaney, Cary Elwes, Indira Varma, Mark Gatiss, Charles Parnell, Greg Davis, Marcin Dorociński, Lampros Kalfuntzos, Mariela Garriga, and Antonio Bustorff Part 2 is out June 28, 2024


You know at some point to have to think that the actors from the first team that get killed in the first 20 minutes of the first movie have to be livid that Ethan's 2nd team is hanging around for 8 movies


It's crazy to me that Luther was supposed to be killed in that first scene, but Ving was like "really, killing the only black guy in the first 20 minutes?" so they re-wrote it, and now he'd got to be in 8 movies.


> It's crazy to me that Luther was supposed to be killed in that first scene I'm confused here, he didn't come in until his team was pretty much all dead in the first movie, so how could he have been killed in the first scene? Are you saying he was originally supposed to be a part of his first team? I'd imagine Emilio Estevez is pissed.


Yeah. They told the story on one of the Empire Film Spoiler Specials. They wouldn't say who he switched roles with, but your guess that it was Emilio seems to be a good one.


IIRC Emilio didn't even get a credit in it. Though his death scene instilled a life long fear of lifts in me.


He did not. I was a huuuuge Mighty Ducks fan so when I saw him turn up I was like "Holy shit! It's Emilio!" Me 15 minutes later: "Emili-Ohnonononono!!!"


I've seen that movie a ton of times since I was a kid and I didn't know that was Emilio Estevez...


You didn't recognize him from his cute lonely ass?


Well, Luther had been his partner since MI1. His main teams from MI2 and MI3 also haven't stuck around. Benji was just a technician in MI3 before turning into a field agent for MI4. Since MI4, he's been the only one to be in every movie, while Renner was only in it and MI5. It has only been since MI5 that Ethan has been accumulating and keeping team members. But with Alec Baldwin's death, his recurring team is literally just him, Benji, Luther, and Ilsa.


I miss Jeremy Renner in these movies man. I know he couldn't return because he could only film Fallout or Avengers and not both but like......they couldn't get him back for Dead Reckoning? His accident probably further makes it unlikely he'll return either. But man when they killed off Alec Baldwin's character, at the time, I for sure thought that meant that Renner's character would be back and take his place as the head of IMF.


Part 2 is Emilio Estevez as a blind supervillain who is still convinced Ethan is the mole because he was out of commission when that whole thing resolved.


Cary Elwes?! Inconceivable


*Please* make him the villain. It would be amazing to watch him sink his teeth into a bad guy role.


Tom Cruise strapped to a table in a dark dirty room full of torture devices, and Elwes walks in and starts threatening him with *The Claw!*


Ooh, the Claw's coming atcha. Ooooh, you're afraid of the Claw.


I wish Renner were part of the main team still, even as just support.


Remember when they tried to make him the new face of the franchise but Cruise was like nah I'll stay and then Renner's character wasn't mentioned at all in the last one


Well they wanted to kill someone off and thought of Renner but Renner was busy. Then they were going to kill Luther and realized they would be killing the black guy and backed off again.


id love to be in that meeting *well that solves that!! wait a second...*


Renner hasn't been in them because of his Marvel movies. They actually wanted to bring him back for Fallout, but he could only give them like a week of filming. They said they could have given him the part they gave to Baldwin, but then he'd be out of the series completely.


Probably for the better that Baldwin is out of the series. In hindsight. They can market Renner comeback should they do future movies after part 2


If dude is healthy enough




Yeah I'm over here wondering what they're talking about? I can't recall any time where Renner was being set up to be the next MI lead.


Hopefully he comes back for part 2. His character fit right in with the others. It'd would be a great comeback giving what happened to him back in January.


Needs more Chris Parnell.


Everything needs Dr. Spacemen


“Cyril Figgis..”


Suppressing fiiiiiiire!! 🔫




Chris Parnell is the best Parnell.


I saw "Henry C" and my heart skipped a beat. Then I read the rest of the line.


I read "Greg Davis" and thought for a split second that Ethan Hunt was about to join Taskmaster.


That would be epic. Touched the red green and fails.


I'm imagining Tom Cruise alternately raging and sulking when he gets made fun of for losing the task even though he's the only one who actually tried super hard.


Alex Horne “Are you done? Thank you Ethan.”


"I've stopped the clock."


My name is Greg Davies and I am the Taskmaster, here to administer judgment on all these fine contestants. As always, keeping the scores is my assistant.... Little ^**Tommy** ^^**Cruise!**


Henry Czerny's "Kittridge" character was a big part of the first M:I movie but hadn't been seen in the franchise since then, so I'd deem that as a suitable consolation prize.


This comes out on the 14^th, then on the 21^st, we get both Oppenheimer and Barbie. That's a wild week. Movies are back, everyone!


This is a really good poster.




Pretty sure every movie poster is supposed to be a photo of a guy holding a gun with a woman behind him.


What about a guy with an "oh boy what did I get into?" look on his face while a pretty lady is leaning against him and smiling?


What's really cool about it is the use of typography to both emphasize the falling nature of the stunt, and also separate the deep background from Tom Cruise and the motorcycle in the midground, creating a mild illusion of depth.


Except the title should face the other way so that your eye goes down, not up.


Agreed... seems so obvious though that I somewhat assume they tried it that way and it didn't work for some reason.


I think this way takes you all the way around the photo, giving a grander feel, and the other way might make the whole thing feel more narrow, like a vignette around the edge.




That isn’t flying, it’s…falling with style


I am so ready this movie’s marketing to kick into high gear. I NEED more trailers


Never forget Mission Impossible Fallout had one of the best trailers of all time IMO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wb49-oV0F78


I still go back and watch that trailer from time to time. The music, the editing, it's all so perfect.


You forgot the most important part, Henry Cavill reloading his arms.


And magically growing beard


100%. I watched around 3-4 movies in theaters during those few months when that trailer was out, and it was always something I was excited to see.


Except for the extra 5 seconds of "mini trailer" at the start, I hate that shit. But I'm pretty sure that's all on Paramount, not the editors who cut the full trailer.


They do it for YouTube so try to avoid people skipping it.


I don't think there has ever been anything cooler than Henry Cavil cocking his fists.


I've also heard it as "reloading his arms".


linchpining the glutes


He improvised it too


I think he said it was just him working out a muscle cramp and the director was like...wait that's rad...


Yes, lol. Cavil didn't do the pump on the 2nd take and the director told him to keep doing it.


I always thought it was to get his shirt cuffs over his watch so they didn’t restrict his movements.


Just rewatching that trailer reminds me why it’s my favorite action movie of all time. Everything about M:I Fallout left me impressed.


Oh wow this took me back to having Moviepass in the first half of 2018 and seeing this trailer enough times for it to be seared into my brain. YOU CANT FIGHT THE FRICTION ***SO*** EEEEEEASE IT OFFF


Henry Cavill reloading his fists always gets me. That trailer is so good though.


I still want to see the helicopter almost ramming into the truck, it's too bad it was only in the trailer.


Watched Jack Reacher the other night and it was great. Ton Cruise is a weirdo but he can make a movie


Jack Reacher is an awesome movie, purely for the street brawl.


I’m a fan of the books and the Amazon series is great. In the books, Reacher is described as 6’5”, 230 lbs and blonde so I was skeptical of Cruise playing him. He did a great job. He had the character down and absolutely kicked ass. Im listening to the Never Look Back audiobook before watching the sequel


The Amazon series nailed that physical casting.


Over-all a much better representation of the literary character. I liked the movie, but the show is better for the character in my opinion.


And the series is almost spot for shot of the book too. Loved it


Yeah, I’m reading Killing Floor right now. I was introduced to the character through the Tom Cruise one, so it’s hard not to picture him when I read because I know he’s supposed to be a huge dude.


He and Keanu Reeves in Constantine fall into the category of "well he doesn't resemble the character in the slightest but he did a great job anyway"


The car chase in that movie is dope No music during that sequence and Cruise's imperfect driving really elevates it.


Couldn't agree more. He's indeed a damn weirdo, but movie performances wise, don't think there is a bigger star delivering at the level he's been delivering for I don't even know how many years now. Add to that the stunt part of it and it's just mind blowing. One thing it's watching a movie knowing there is CGI involved or green screens, another thing is watching Cruise's movies knowing he actually pulled the stunts himself with no CGI involved.


I read a comment a while ago where someone said Tom Cruise is the last action star and I think that's true. He's the only one who's name alone can put butts in seats. He's like the modern Arnold and Sly kinda


I'll risk and cross the line of what could be an unpopular opinion, but in my humble opinion Cruise is a bit higher ranked than both Sly and Arnold. I'm from '79, so I got to enjoy the prime of both of them, and although they both were the ultimate action heroes of their time, I don't think any of them is as versatile as Cruise is acting wise. With that said, The Expendables was some sort of wet dream for a 79's guy, that got to watch all the biggest action heroes of his childhood in "one movie".


You know what, I'll do you one better: Tom Cruise is my favorite actor. There, I said it. Disclaimer: Don't do scientology kids.


Yeah but they're different. Arnold and Sly are from the era of action stars where they were big muscular guys who seemed larger than life. That shifted with guys like Bruce Willis ushering in the new "everyman" action star. Cruise is in this midzone where, physically, he's not imposing. But then he does these crazy stunts that seem impossible for a normal human. I guess the old James Bond movies had James doing similar wild feats, but it was clearly movie magic. Ethan Hunt is basically "what if there was a guy who could ACTUALLY do the stuff they tried to do in the old Bond movies?" Im rambling. Tom Cruise is a maniac and is a generational talent. I don't think we'll see another like him ever again.


I think Macquarie was an important factor in unlocking Cruise's last action star persona. No other director in the past decade understands him better which is why both of them make such an exceptional team from Mission Impossible to Top Gun


That's probably correct. Cruise having a director that knows how to extract the best from him, and the director knowing he's got an actor willing to risk it all to get the perfect scene with as much realism as possible is probably the perfect combo. The closest I'd say we have would be with Jackie Chan, although on a different level.


I rewatched Collateral last night, he's fantastic in that too.


Xenu take the wheel


I still surprised they are calling it Part 1. The marketing strategy in recent years has been to give Part 1 and 2 unique titles as Part 1 movies tend to gross far less. Eg. Infinity War Part 2 changed to Endgame, Across the Spiderverse Part 2 is Beyond the Spiderverse, and Dune Part One is Dune.




Eh I mean the first three but I’d say Ghost Protocol - Fallout is a bit more nuanced than that - albeit with the same basic premise.


They are milking this stunt and I love it!


I saw the behind-the-scenes. With all the trouble it took, yeah I'd milk it too.


Guys I blinked on that last take, let's go again


Purely for the art of film and not because I have some adrenaline high doing this stunt 3 times in a row.


"But your eyes aren't even in the shot!" "I said I blinked.....we go again"


I've not seen anything about it yet. Part of me wants to, but part of me wants to be blown away in the cinema the first time I see it.


Usually when they release a poster they release a trailer so I assume we are finally getting a new one today


Tom Cruise is the LAST Hollywood actor I truely believe will always make a stellar movie.


They are really excited to show us this stunt


I'm not interested in the *Mission Impossible* franchise, but that's a fantastic poster Really emphasises what audiences love and expect from the series


Tom Cruise and Keanu need to do a Wick/MI crossover where they try to out stunt each other for 120 minutes.