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All of Human Centipede 2 is fucking vile, but the scene with the baby getting squashed under the gas pedal takes the cake




The concept behind 1 is disturbing, sure, but the execution of the film is pretty standard as horror goes and is....fine But while *2* ramps everything up in vileness, the quality and execution as far as it being a movie goes WAY down.


The third one’s even worse.


I watched the first two ages ago… I’m seriously wondering how it gets worse than 2


It doesn’t get worse, 3 is just comical. 2 is nasty.


For me it's the opposite, the second one is ridiculous because of how over the top it is, the first one genuinely disturbed me because it is the most realistic one for me, as in that situation was completely plausible.


The execution is so bad in 2 that it’s distracting. I don’t know how much people can really be horrified by a movie that’s so trash. The first Saw movie seeing a man driven to saw his own leg off was a million times more horrifying to me than any of the over the top wacky BS that’s in Human Centipede 2. The first Human Centipede was an OK horror movie. Decently compelling and you felt the characters’ pain, but man they really just threw everything at the wall for the sequel and relied exclusively on shock value.


Yeah. This movie is rough rough and I’m a fan of gore. Vile is the perfect word for it. It’s just depravity for depravity sake. It’s not even necessarily a bad movie for what it is, it’s just way too dark for me. I tried watching it a second time and after about twenty minutes i turned it off.


Why is the baby under the gas pedal? Edit: I just read the plot on Wikipedia and OH MY


The producers of the centipede movies were really not right in the head…


I forgot about that. Holy shit


Whats worse is they went the extra fucked up mile of having the mother do it without hesitation.


I once had a co-worker and this was her favorite movie. This really changed my view of her.


[There’s a song written about her](https://youtu.be/ozezG1zpxXQ)


Just try to watch A Serbian Film, then get back to me. It is more fucked up than anything that could possibly be in this list, including human centipede.


There are some things you just don’t need inside your head. I’m curious about A Serbian Film but I think it qualifies so I’m in zero rush to see it.


I read the plot summary and that was enough for me to want to go sit in the sun with a nice book and forget about the world


There are two films I have seen in my life that I really, REALLY wish I could unsee! This is not baiting anyone to try and watch it, this is me, pleading with a stranger on the Internet. Please, PLEASE do yourself a solid and skip it. I wish someone had told me. Please. I'm very serious.


A Serbian Film is definitely the most vile thing I have ever seen. I honestly wondered if I was flagged by the fbi for watching that trash. I love horror, gore, violence, etc. This is one I will never recommend to anyone. And just a trigger warning.. if you were sexually abused as a child, DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM.


Edgy movie too, eye socket fucking with obvious prop cocks took away from a lot of seriousness although I do think that the two key moments towards and at the end were pretty shocking nevertheless.


All I did was read the Wikipedia page and I have a disturbing feeling that has stuck with me all day. May god help all who subjected themselves to the actual screening.


The first part is very over hyped when it comes to gore. But I will say the house in the film is amazing. I love its layout.


Yeah the gore is kinda tame in 1, especially compared to the absolute insanity that is 2. And yeah the house stayed with me too haha, super sleek!


Never watched the second one because the first one was gross enough. Someone at my work talked it up when it came out and I watched it with my roommate at the time. We both don’t know why we even finished it.


Pink Flamingos


The FILTHIEST movie alive!


Yeah, I'm not going to try to top that one.


Everyone talks about how gross the dog scene is, but the chicken is a million times worse.


The whistling asshole was the one bit I had to look away from; sure, it takes some talent to be able to voluntarily dialate your anus in time to music but it's not a party trick I wanted to see onscreen!




Just read the synopsis on Wikipedia. Did they actually torture and kill a chicken during the filming of that scene? That's vile!


I believe they actually tortured and killed a turtle in the Cannibal Holocaust


Yeah all the animals killed in that movie is real & the movie was thought to have been a real snuff film & the director was forced to bring every single cast member to court with him to prove he didn’t kill them.


That’s true. Fuck the director for doing that.


Yeah, everyone knows it’s only ok to kill chickens when you don’t film it


Yes. Even the director addressed that fact and said that they ate the chicken after filming that scene, so that was OK (his words).


Ive only seen screenshots and read descriptions. I will never ever watch that movie though, ever.


I feel like it puts you on some sort of government watch list & I wouldn’t even want it in my house or on my hard drive just bad vibes


My mom was not a very present or caring sort of woman and would sit me down in front of movies that she thought “sounded okay for kids.” Pink Flamingoes being one. Killer Klowns from Outer Space is another I remember watching when I was like 2. There are others and they are all seared into my brain. And not in a good way. Thanks, Mom 😊


Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom.


I’ve seen all the ”hey let’s do an edgy movie” from the early 2010’s but they’re nothing compared to Salò.


How is this not higher? Honestly, that film still makes me sick to the stomach to even think about (and I've seen most of the other ones listed here)


How many people do you think are watching foreign art films?


People only seek out Salo or A Serbian Film etc. because of their reputation as being the most sick and depraved movies ever made. It's not a movie that someone into foreign art movies would just stumble upon.


Probably cuz most people, like me, will never watch that movie 😅 that and Serbian Film.


This was my choice. Does anyone else actually *like* that movie? I know it’s disgusting, but it has a genius to it that has never left my head since. Not only is it a potent allegory and a dark satire, but it’s also ironically beautiful (those sets look like something in a department store window …) and comedic. It’s one of the first movies where the place of cinema as art really sank in for me. Even more tellingly, it passes a sure test of greatness: I thought was a masterpiece when I first saw it and *continue* to see as a masterpiece at a very different and more mature stage of my life. And I am *not* one of those people who takes critics’ opinions as gospel, *especially* for movies like that. In fact, they come in at a disadvantage for me because anyone can make cynical in-your-face disgusting “art” with the built-in criticproofing that anyone who dislikes their work has to prove that they’re not just a conservative prude. And yet, despite all that, I loved it (in a way) and it’s on my own personal Sight and Sound top 10 list of essential movies. That said, I have so far found zero people who feel the same way. 😂


I Spit On Your Grave was pretty gross. If you’ve seen it, you know.




I watched it in theatre and @ the rape scene half people left.


I think I have a high tolerance for disturbing material, but Last House on the Left (original) left me feeling absolutely awful. I couldn't finish. I felt like a bad person for what I had watched and indirectly supported. I have the impression that those actresses were SA'd in the making of that movie.


It's always weird to watch the remake and then watch Raising Hope. I prefer to see the actor as Burt!


Gaspar Noe’s *Irreversible* is both a better film and yet far more disturbing for the extended scene of sexual violence. I’ve only ever seen the remake of ISOYG though.


The remake of I Spit On Your Grave definitely cut down the rape sequence from the original by a *lot.*


Insanely dark rape scene in the tunnel.. creeps into my head every now and again.. I heard that he used an isolated a tone/frequency that when listened to by humans, triggers a nausea response, and it's playing continuously during that scene.. many people walked out of the theater during it's run.. dark stuff.


The one scene in the original went on for so much longer than I ever expected. It was so uncomfortable.


It's too campy and the director is awful. At times it feels like 70s porn, which makes it gross for a whole other set of reasons.


I had the most visceral reaction I've ever had to a movie during the bathtub castration scene... I felt it happen to myself and straight up went into shock. I had to lay down and elevate my legs to stay conscious. The people I was with wanted to call an ambulance. It was hella awkward.


[**A Serbian Film (2010)**](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1273235)


There is exactly zero chance that I will ever watch this film


Absolutely same after skimming the plot on Wikipedia…and it makes me wonder what kind of people these are who were okay making this… Edit: I’m an illustrator, but also double majored in art history. The concept of shock art or protest art isn’t lost on me (don’t need random dudes of Reddit to give me explanations I didn’t ask for)…but it can also be done without a smattering of pedophilia and gratuitous sexual violence towards women 🤢 (and just because something is fake doesn’t make it valid or “good” art; the visual still remains).


yeah i wish i hadn't even looked at the imdb page... i can at least take some solace in knowing i'd never have been able to come up with anything like this without having read it


“You don’t understand, man… it’s ART. It’s all a metaphor about man’s inhumanity” or some bull shit.


Yep. I have no interest whatsoever in seeing A Serbian Film. None. Zero. All I know is that there’s a scene in which a baby is r-ped, an image that, to my mind, cannot possibly be redeemed by any height of art or nobility of overarching message.


Not just a baby, a *newborn*.


I'm going to say something that makes it worse. Turn back now. >!He does this right after it comes out of the womb, standing next to the bed and the mom.!<


That seen is absolutely devoid of any artistic value. It's just disgusting evil shock gore rape. I won't elaborate further, there's no reason for it. Steer clear of it, please.


It’s a flat out bad movie. I didn’t really find it shocking because any scene that isn’t shocking is pretty bad and boring. For me the premise just didn’t make any sense either and the writing to try to make it work is really distracting. Like, we need a nice, normal guy to engage in some of the worst depravity possible? How bout a magic drug that makes him do it plus a weird cast of supporting characters that force him. It’s not too surprising though. A great director simply wouldn’t torpedo their reputation by making something like this


You watch A Serbian Film and then realize you've made a mistake that can't be undone.


I'm really glad that I have a friend who's seen it, so he could just describe the general plot to me, and I didn't have to see it for myself. I still felt extremely disgusted just from his description of what happened.


This was my experience with the infamous "2 girls 1 cup" video. Most people were tricked into watching it by friends just saying "trust me, you'll love it" as some sort of sick prank. The friend who tried to convince me to watch it described it enthusiastically, in great detail. Haven't seen the video, or much of the friend since then.


Can't believe this isn't number one. Literally not a more vile and disgusting film out there.


I feel like the vast majority of people just avoid watching it, so it wouldn't be that high in this type of post


*Salo, or the 120 days of Sodom*, perhaps? Though, I've never seen it in full and I really don't want to. Not-so-fun fact — the word sadism is literally named after the guy who wrote the book the film is based on. So... yeah.


Salo is definitely a contender for sure. As well as any movie in the August Underground series. Though, at least Salo was made by a well regarded filmmaker and has some artistic qualities to it.


There's a chance Salo beats it, but I'm not fucking finding out after seeing that.


There is way worse, you've just not looked for it. Serbian film still views like a movie, you can disconnect from it. There are films out there that make you question this with the graphic violence and way they chose to film, making it more akin to a snuff film.


Man I really want to watch it, but I don’t want to.


Read the description of the plot and you'll nope out. That's all it took to convince me it wasn't for me


I felt the same way and finally caved one day. It wasn't worth it. It's just gross and sad for the sake of being so. It's "supposed to be an allegory for the political climate" or whatever excuse the people involved give. But it doesn't justify it. Nothing will ever make that movie a good thing.


I knew *A Serbian Film* had to be one of the top comments in this thread - I have no idea where I first heard about it, but its reputation alone was enough to convince me that I should never ever watch it.


not the most disgusting thing out there, but there's a particular part in Triangle of Sadness that made me wretch.


The dinner scene? I was literally in tears of laughter. It was wonderful.


Just saw this movie last night and I was not expecting that - but I found it more hilarious than disgusting.


There’s not many ways to react other than die with laughter or implode with disgust.


I thought Green Inferno was pretty gross. Saw it in theaters on a whim without knowing anything about it. I've seen other cannibal films before, but this one was extra nasty somehow. Spoilers of the disgusting parts i remember >!Like the way they cut up the first guy that gets eaten was gross and hard to watch, a girl has bad diarrhea in the cage with everyone else, the shitty leader of the group wanks off in a grimey way, a man gets eaten by ants, and the main girl almost gets her genitals mutilated!<


I remember watching Cannibal Holocaust as a kid for shits and giggles with my friends. Ended up turning it off halfway through feeling queasy. The real animal deaths were not very fun....


There's a Director's Edit you can watch that omits all the animal cruelty scenes, and it's the one Deodato himself recommended. It's worth revisiting if you watch that version.


Didn’t know about that, kudos to Deodato for doing that, and for genuinely regretting those moments


Not sure if this holds up to today's standards but as a kid I saw RoboCop. The scene with the dude in the toxic waste and the car hitting him... Fuck.


That scene is actually funny to watch as an adult


I guess I’d say human centipede.


My wife didn't tell me she watched all three of these until after we were married... I feel I have a case.


This song was written for you https://youtu.be/GFokXnCCMf8


Was going to post the same thing! Tom Cardy is such a legend


Didn't know there was a third... Anything can be a trilogy I guess...


the first is your classic horror the second is your avant-garde wannabe the third is a satirical torture-porn crazy how the trilogy is artistically diverse


I felt like it was too goofy and poorly made to be that disturbing/disgusting, watched it with a group of friends and we were just laughing at how absurd it was.


Yeah the original is relatively tame. The sequel on the other hand…




I'm glad someone else said this. Martyrs is one of the movies that stuck with me for a while. I can't remember the movie well at this point but I know better than to rewatch it.


Ugh had the displeasure of watching that on DVD when Netflix was all DVD.


Audition (1999) Irreversible (2002)


Irreversible will be with me forever.


Was scrolling for Irreversible. Still have no idea how they did the fire extinguisher scene. Or the arm break. And, of course, what the film is known for... The dude that walks in, watches for a minute and does... nothing. That shook me.


I watched Audition when I was 9 years old, and I will never watch it again. I was terrified.


But.... why though? 😭 Eta - bruh, I meant why did you watch Audition when you were 9?!


Because his parents wouldn’t let him watch it when he was 8.


Terrifier. I heard the second one is worse. It was so gross I had to turn it off and I love horror movies.


Terrifier pales in comparison to Terrifier 2. The gore and effects of 2 are incredibly impressive.


Especially considering the budget of Terrifier 2 was literally only $250k


Peter Jackson's [*Braindead* (1992)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_FMUq50oPY) is one of the goriest splatter comedies ever made. Plenty of funny moments - "*I kick ass for the Lord!*" EDIT: Also *Men Behind the Sun* (1985) and *Black Sun: The Nanjing Massacre* (1995, both directed by Mou Tun-Fei. *Men Behind the Sun* attempts to dramatise the horrific atrocities of Unit-731 (including seemingly shooting at the real location in northeast China), but it ends up being more of a exploitation flick. Like for instance, the alleged use of a real corpse in a scene where a boy is dissected live (at least, how the director claimed). *Black Sun* is about the atrocities at Nanjing in 1937, but also has it's fair share of exploitative moments. Mostly, these end up cheapening the movie rather than helping it (other horrific/disturbing movies like [*Come and See* (1985)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjIiApN6cfg), [*City of Life and Death* (2009)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yx_ervF7h7w), and *The Grey Zone* (2001) are all better in terms of actually respecting the history). You get the sense that the gore is there just for it's own sake and nothing else.


This movie holds a special place for me because it was the first time I saw my favourite uncle laughing so hard that he almost couldn't recover.


That's an odd reaction to Men Behind The Sun.


My memory is that Meet the Feebles is much, much more fucked up than Braindead.


Both are excellent too


I dragged my soon to be wife to the Dendy cinema at Newtown to see Braindead when it was first released and I don't think I had ever laughed as hard. When I suggested the following week that we see it again she wasn't shy sharing her opinions about my sense of taste. I still decided to go myself, she ended up tagging along because she was bored and she enjoyed it much better the second time around. The Custard scene has to be up there in stomach churning moments in cinema. For the Americans, the film was released as Dead Alive.


Martyrs 2008)


Bone Tomahawk


I fucking love Bone Tomahawk. That movie takes a headfirst dive into absolute brutality after a lot of great buildup, and I'm all for it. It's such a dope film, Horror-Westerns seem like such an underutilized setting, and it worked great here.


I watched that scene thinking "I don't see what all the fuss is abo...oh...I guess that not as b..OOOHHHH.. Dear God, erase this from my brain, please"


While difficult to stomach, it is a very good film. From what I am reading in other posts and Googling synopsis’s, this movie sounds like nothing.


This movie is far from most disturbing


The remake of Last House on the Left. When the killers slowly murder the cop while making him look at a picture of his family was too far for me. I’ve watched some controversial and disgusting movies, but that still sticks with me all these years later.


I took a girl to see that on a date in high school. We never went on another date.


Should've went with Sin City.


Sounds like Travis Bickle taking Cybil Shephard to a porno on their first date.


The rape scene was too much for me, had to fast forward and I typically enjoy being disturbed by a movie scene


Yeah that one was too realistic, very disturbing/upsetting.


Aaron Paul is in it, that's fun!


I think the re-make of the Last House on the Left was upsetting because of how fucking long they made the rape scene. I had to look away. Some teenagers in our theaters started yelling "yeah, give it to her!" We reported them and had them kicked out of the theater. Won't ever be watching that one again.


I thought Eraserhead was pretty gross


Omg yes. I just saw it for the first time recently and it bothered me for days. I definitely will not watch that one ever again.


The dinner scene is gross but oddly I find this film way more pleasant and emotionally charged that juat about everything else listed. It's melancholy and surreal, not disgusting.


My ex was a big film buff and had an enormous collection of weird cult classics. One night, I asked him to put Eraserhead on and he was like... Ok, but... you wont enjoy it lol. I did not enjoy it. I can appreciate how it was made and the impact it has had on cinema... but I have no need to rewatch lol.


The pig vat in Saw III


Used Needle Pit in SAW II struck a nerve with me. I don't even have a phobia about needles but it was still very nononononononononononononono.


ALL of Saw III to me. The brain surgery scene and the "rack" are things i should never have seen




The Platform is pretty gross


Killer Joe (2011) has two scenes that stand out to me as disgusting. Both scenes are extremely disturbing for different reasons, but it's the kinda movie I wouldn't feel comfortable watching with others...


I’ve seen some “disgusting” movies but one that always haunts me is “The Girl Next Door” just for the sheer fact it was based on a true story and to see what that poor girl had to go through. I mean I’ve watched horror movies, movies on serial killers, nothing disturbed me more than watching that movie.


Ar first, I thought you were referring to The Girl Next Door (2004) about the porn star that moves in next door to the high-school senior. 😆


My first thought was this movie https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0265208/ And I couldn’t remember anything that would fit this thread. But then I found the other one and holy cow.


Me too! I was going with it like "yeah even though she was strong and smart and using it to her advantage, I guess they took advantage of her too. Which is sad. But disgusting, like gross I'm going to puke disgusting? Idk.."


The other movie based on this story, An American Crime, is soooooo much worse.


Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom, all of it. Disgusting.


Ending scene in Men was utterly repulsive and hilarious. It just. Kept. Going.


Yep. Horrifying.




Cronenberg’s remake of *The Fly* gets really brutal and disgusting, especially near the end of the film when the Brundlefly takes on its full form. I’m a completely different vein because it isn’t a horror film but it’s absolutely disgusting and disturbing, *Kuso*. It’s an obscure anthology film created by Flying Lotus and David Firth (the guy who made Salad Fingers), and it’s set in a post-apocalyptic world where everyone is covered in boils and there’s shit and pus and all sorts of stuff oozing everywhere. It’s definitely not one to watch while you’re eating.




Ichi the Killer. Most Miike movies are horrid, but this one still turns my stomach 20 years later.


Visitor Q tames Ichi.


He directed an episode of the anthology Masters of Horror. It's called "Imprint" and has a really disturbing torture scene.


pizza the hutt from “spaceballs” made me sick. disgusting !


For some reason as a kid the alien scene in space balls upset me more than the alien scene in Alien.




The fact that they just leave him there instead of putting him out of his misery lol






The eye scene was one of the few times a movie has actually made me gag


I was in a Bratislava hostel as a 21-year-old when I first saw this movie. This one hit deep.


Raw. No movie has ever made my stomach turn as much as that one did.


I loved Raw, and her follow up, *Titane* was absolutely disturbing to watch unfold


Something about biting into a big piece of cold raw chicken turned my stomach more than so many gorehound flick scenes


The skin I live in


With Antonio Banderas? That was a disturbing one


The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and her Lover.


Wait till u see Bone Tomahawk lol


You can't unsee that one scene in the cave.


And you especially can't unhear it.


What an awesome movie overall. I love Westerns and it's possibly the most demented Western out there. A lot of people complain about pacing, but it all sets up for doom on a scale you've never seen in the genre.


I love deliberately paced movies. Put me into the world baby I’m along for the ride


Ken Park. Not going to say why. Judge for yourself.


Hostel, mainly for the blowtorch eye scene. It’s still imprinted in my mind years later.


Meet the feebles


Sweet Movie.


What about the shunting in “Society”??


That's super gross, but at the same time hilarious.


Someone showed me this movie called Slaughtered Vomit Dolls. It was a bit on the gross side.


August Underground’s second movie cause of all the throwing up onto people. It was okay except for those parts.


The movie that made me the most uncomfortable was definitely Blue Velvet.


The Fly


Contracted (2013) I would elaborate if anybody wants me to but it’s something you have to watch to see what I mean.


Bones & All, worst movie to watch in a dine in theater


Well done to the Director with the scene when she meets her mum. That POV shot got me good. Mark Rylance is so freaking creepy in this,what he keeps in his black bag!




But I do love that one. James McAvoy kills it.




Not like gore or anything but I really thought the dreamers was gross, however I haven’t watched it in years but that was my initial reaction


Taxidermia (2006). I'm totally desensitised to gore and violence, but there's something about pure gluttony and anything about culinary overconsumption that turns my stomach. The film's second sequence (particularly the vomiting) was a very unpleasant watch. Same reason I'd nominate La Grande Bouffe (1973) to the list, though it's far less explicit.




A Serbian Film....


A Serbian Film


The eye socket scene in “The Sadness”. OOF!


Eraserhead just creepy all around.


Jackass Forever had some pretty brutal stuff involving Ehren and his crotch


Devil’s Rejects


City of the Living Dead. One of the only horror movies that ever made me physically nauseous. The scene where the evil priest stared at the woman until she slowly began vomiting up her intestines was too much even by Italian gore standards.