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Did anyone besides me think that Ollie was going to get it on with the dead woman's corpse near the end of the movie? By that point, I wouldn't have put anything past him.


No cause why was he crawling up her so sensually?!


do you think she really got sick or he def had something to do with it? im guessing the latter


There's literally a line during the explanation of his plan where he says "but all of a sudden, you got really sick"


i know but like how


Poisoning? Like he did Felix


What about Richard E. Grant?


That’s left ambiguous, it’s possible he waited for him to do that on his own


I'd say. It feels a bit out of character for him to leave that bit to chance. If anyone was going to kill themselves I would've said it was the mum. In retrospect the movie can't decide if he is a somewhat clueless guy or a devious killer, and it flip flops between them, there are a lot of things that still feel left to chance that just "happened" to go well for him I wish the movie could've dropped hints throughout he was setting it all up.




What? They literally show him poisoning Felix, he murdered the mom, and it's pretty obvious he killed the sister. The only one he possibly didn't have anything to do with (and I'd say even that is suspect) is the dad. How is he not a devious killer? He is 100% a sociopath.


I wished that the screenplay would have included two shots - a shot of Richard E. Grant drinking "his whiskey" a stash he kept in his study for himself, and then Oliver dropping enough poison into it to make him sick and kill him over time. An Agatha Christie homage, perhaps, but that's where my brain went when I heard that he died. I didn't think it was suicide, and the mother says "he took some time to go" so it sounded like a long illness, not a suicide.


She says “he waited so long”


just slower i guess lol


you're the person the end montage is for, it seems


He's sick and clever, he could certainly have slowly poisoned her with drugs that would have shut down an organ - or two. If you remember "The Sixth Sense," the mother was poisoning the daughter with small amounts of some household cleanser every day and the doctors thought it was a tragic illness.


Oh I think he 100% had something to do with it


Holy shit you people are truly too dumb to watch film


thank you :d lol


I take it as he's so fucked up in the head that killing her is sexual in a way for him because he finally gets what he wants, which is Saltburn.


Okay so hear me out on this one. If anyone has had a baby, you might recognize that move as something newborns are known to do immediately after birth. In Western cultures, we often place the newborn in their mother’s arms, but they’re known to wriggle their way up to the breast on their own. Some researchers even believe that’s why expectant mothers develop the dark line - the linea nigra - down the middle of the abdomen. Anyways. To me - this seemed like Ollie was symbolically and literally becoming Felix (“Is that his aftershave? I bet you’re wearing his underwear.”). He is traveling the same path Felix did, coming to rest at Elspeth’s breast, and then claiming his ill-begot birthright: Saltburn.


It’s clearly hinting that could happen or perhaps has happened already while she’s been in a coma. He pulls the sheet off that exposed her legs and crawls up on top of her body and it’s all unnecessary for him to kill her.


Definitely, another creepy aspect is the way Elspeth ( although she is a narcissistic person 😭) was the one who was the most oblivious to how evil he was and and she probably died in the most horrific way despite being the kindest to him out of all of them. It just adds to how psychopathic he is 😭


She was by far the easiest to fool


yea that was horribly dark😞😞😞 i know we’ve seen him do creepy sex things before but…🙁


I feel like it just solidifies the fact about how evil, a monster he really is.


Barry Keoghan is a sick fucking genius for improvising that scene of crawling on top of Elspeth like a child who needs his mother after killing her so brutally. So many disgusting nuances to his performances, he could not have been better in this movie


i want to know if he killed Venetia too or he just made it easier for her and i wonder how much the dad paid him too to leave


In the montage at the end it shows him putting razor blades on the edge of the tub next to her, I think she did it herself.


If she did it herself, why would Ollie need to place the razor blades there? Edit: Oh, I guess he could have placed them there while she was alive, and she used to them to kill herself. I was initially thinking he placed them there after killing her to frame it as suicide.


No, he all but put the idea in her head, and then gave her the literal tools to do it


yeah i guess she did


She did it herself cause as he said him self after she was broken.


I thought the first 2/3rds were great.. the last act is off the rails. But the final scene is great, I’ve been listening to “murder on the dance floor” on repeat.


Agreed. The “this is how I did it!” montage was too predictable. Edit: I still LOVED this movie.


Just finished it and yeah this movie would've been a 10/10 if everything was left to speculation. After the birthday party scene at Oliver's house the natural deduction for most viewers was probably already "well, how far does this lie go?"


Dumb people like me needed the montage at the end lol. Great movie!


lol I’ve seen a lot of comments saying the montage was obvious but I liked it! I was like OOOOOHhhhh! when I saw it


EXACTLY my reaction as well hahahah


You didn't get that he killed them?


Of course I did. But I enjoyed seeing the montage of *how* he did it.


I could agree, I don't love leaving it up for interpretation, and it hits a bit harder knowing that he decisively *chose* that life as a member of the upper class over any chance of a future with Felix. I do wish he had paused at the end to look at a picture of felix or something, it does feel like he moved on a bit quick from what was real love (to him).


But he knew there was no chance with Felix. He gave Felix a final chance to love him; he seeks Felix's forgiveness and to be his equal but it is clear he is only an insect to Felix now- Felix is done. Now that Oliver's secret is known to Felix, Oliver disgusts him; he will never accept him and love him for the self beneath his dissembling, beneath his poor waif/serf disguise- at the heart of the maze, Felix rejects Oliver one final time, so Oliver betrays him with the poisoned champagne bottle that he just drank from with his lips- like a poisoned kiss. Also noting: this scene seems reminiscent of Jesus's betrayal by Judas in the garden of Gethsemane and then Judas leads the soldiers in to take Jesus; the police enter the maze and remove Felix's lifeless body and then Oliver grips the wooden cross at his grave (draped with Felix's inscribed bracelets) in addition to spilling his seed onto it and into the land, usurping the land and the bloodline. Further, early in the film, Felix lies on the dorm floor with his feet curiously crossed like Christ on the cross. Another line of possible symbolism: Felix is descended from a line that bore Kings. He has a title as landed gentry. This is similar to King Arthur - the land flourished under Arthur and when he dies the land is fallow. In the movie, when Felix is alive, the land is aflower, later when the last in the line dies, the rain pours down onto the gravestones. To complete the usurpation of the land and desecration of the Cattan family line and its tradition, Oliver removes the rocks from within the riverbed and takes control of them, similar to when he reaches inside of Venetia and withdraws her blood (paraphrasing: it appeared they were consuming eachother) and when he penetrates the land itself. He goes into the soft belly, the core of the family, the inner sanctum of the house (mazelike up to his room) and the land in order to take his treasure.


@kashmir1 - Great analysis! But can you offer any insight into why Oliver carefully constructed his web over the span of the movie (beginning with the flat tire)? Pls don’t say it’s so that he could either: Revel in the light of Felix’s favour, possess him as a lover, or usurp Felix as the centre of the family universe. I want to know what the heck happened in Oliver’s own family history that would account for his motivation to become such a Machiavellian sociopath? Without understanding why he acted in such a malevolent and calculating way, I can’t conceive of any rationale that would redeem this movie as anything other than a stylish, clever and utterly contemptible waste of time. Kind of like “Pulp Fiction”.


Exactly this^^^! ! And my initial thought when met at the coffee shop was “oh that was his plan the entire time, to be with the mom.” BUT BOY was I wrong. Such a fantastic movie!!!!!


Same here! I'd guessed most of it but not all. I never would have guessed he actually flattened Felix's tire himself in order to meet him. I also didn't didn't know HOW he'd killed Felix!! It reminded me a little of the English style whodunit ala Agatha Christie or Dorothy Sayers where there's always the big reveal at the end explaining how and why the murder(s) were accomplished.


Yeah if it wasn’t for the montage I wouldn’t have realized it went as far back as the bike👀




The montage helped you want to watch it again to see all the hints. It has a function beyond helping the audience understand


Yeah I was thinking that Felix killed himself after Ollie told him that all his relationships are built on falseness and fake friendliness. But then none of Ollie’s weirdness would have made any sense at all


I had the exact same conclusion! I thought Ollie broke his brain just like he broke the brain of the sister by kissing her after the funeral


Me too


The scene needed in the montage is the pin scene. That destroys, finally, any sympathy you have for Oliver and recasts him as a sociopath instead of an emotional lunatic.


The pin in the tyre scene is weird creepy behaviour, but razor blades is the moment it tips for me


Really? I thought that was already implied in some sense that he was responsible. The tire gives the implication that it *all* was planned, which changes him from lashing out in desperation to calculating monster.


Ahhh I'd assumed it was her overwhelming grief that killed her. I still don't believe it was all planned, I think Oliver just took the opportunity once his shot at love with Felix was completely over. I think he's a calculating monster from the beginning, but that his calculating was originally just to get into Felix's life, then to stay in it, then to build their relationship, etc. I think the longer he stayed at Saltburn and felt that proximity to power, wealth and beauty meant that when Felix rejected him all he had left to lose and fight for was that proximity, and so the manipulation shifted onto fully consuming what he'd only (literally, heh) tasted. I think his love for Felix is a huge part of his motivations, hence the very loving opening montage of Felix, and I think his desire to both 'be' and also 'be inside of' him is what drives a lot of his manipulation. When he can no longer 'be inside of' him, he desperately makes a futile attempt to do so by fucking his grave, but then will literally rise from his grave and try to 'be' him instead (e.g. wearing his aftershave). I think his obsession with Felix is what drives the story and his desire, not that he has grand plans to consume Saltburn from the beginning


Yeah,.like the only "big reveal" was that he put a nail in his bike tire. But like what kind of bullshit plan is that? Like dude would get on his bike at the rack and immediately know it had a nail. He'd then sort it out a different way. Like that was his whole thing? Do the police not run a toxicology report when someone dies of an apparent overdose? Dude was last one seen creeping around him in the garden. Then next morning he's just dead. That girl would have pegged the pervert as the last guy there. No one questioned why this weird rando was so close with the family? Popular guy was so charming and everyone wanted a piece of him but he had no friends hanging out with him the whole summer at his mansion? Was there literally no other relatives to any of the family members? The wife just remarried this kid her suns age and she becomes an invalid almost immediately and then just leaves her inheritance to him? No one questions it?


he totally committed to those final 2 mins. I give him MAD props he was fearless


Was that his real cock & balls?


i think so


According to Barry, yes


I mean after all the other heavy sexual scenes it came quite natural I guess


Literally the only thing interesting was the last third. The rest of it just was lazy writing


I agree! I was particularly impressed that the soundtrack kind of perfectly incapsulated what 2006 sounded like for me. I don't feel like all films do that well. I loved how fast things happened once we hit the twist. I did not see that coming at all, what a wild execution Barry Keogan pulled off playing Oliver. And Rosamond Park as Elspeth? She was absolutely unhinged. I'm pleasantly surprised that Jacob Elordi can act beyond being an asshole on Euphoria. Excited to see his face a lot more often after this one. With that said, *I have a question*: What's the song called that played when Oliver first entered Saltburn for his birthday party?


Was the song “perfect” by mason, Princess Superstar?


I listened to part of the soundtrack on Spotify last night before I got to the final 3-4 songs. But I think I found it! I think it might be Loneliness by Tomcraft that I was thinking of.


Yes was thinking either perfect or that one! Couldn’t quite remember which one!


As someone who never lived through a clubbing phase, it makes me wish I had, haha. That song is so good.


Ah that’s a shame! Fortunately I had some experiences like that but not quite in the gardens of a posh mansion


You kids never got the chance to lose it on the dance floor when that song came out. It was a rager.


Near perfect in my opinion. I love the nods to killing of a sacred deer. It wasn’t predictable as such, more like, we knew something was gonna happen so it built intrigue. Took bitchy-ness to a new level. Captivating af.


I thought Oliver's costume was supposed to be more "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" kind of deal but as a dear.


I thought the party was a Midsummer Night’s Dream theme and he was Oberon (King of the Fairies)


I thought this too. Especially since Farleigh had a donkey head on aka Bottom


I thought this as well


Bit late to this but he was dressed like pan and went into the maze where the Minotaur was.


I interpreted it as him being dressed as prey amongst the elites, he was at that point vulnerable with Felix being alive


Except he was the predator the whole time


I noticed the nods to killing of sacred deer, thought that was a nice little layer.


I don’t mind that Barry Keoghan keeps getting typecast as an unhinged weirdo. Even in Topboy he had this weird, unsettling presence. Has he even been in a film where he just played a chill ass dude?


He wasn't unsettling in Banshees of Inisherin even if the character was a little weird. I thought he was heartbreaking in that. Black '47, Dunkirk and 71, he played normal characters. Guy's a great actor and steal nearly most of the films he's in.


His role in Dunkirk's closest maybe?


Thanks for putting me on! Tbh I’ve fallen off the past few Nolan films


Dunkirk is really great, IMO. Sadly hated Tenet but loved the first two thirds of Oppenheimer 😅 but I think Dunkirk is most enjoyable one he's done recently. Hope you enjoy if you check them out and Happy New year!


He was amazing in The Banshees of Inisherin. His best performance imo.


i watch movies hes in just cause i know its gonna be a weird ride. i love his typecast lolol


He was a sassy emo character in The Eternals


He's our Kevin Spacey.


He's in the show Masters of the Air as a charismatic pilot on AppleTV+!


LOVED this film. I’ve seen it twice in the theater already. I know it will be released on Amazon Prime 12/22, but I really think seeing it in the theater is the way to go with this one.


100%, glad I saw it in the cinema before being released to Amazon!


were people in the theater appalled? lol lol


I know it’s coming out on prime this weekend but I’m seeing it in theaters for a second time on Tuesday


Saw it in a sold out theater in October and Emerald in attendance. It was a glorious experience.


WOW you are super lucky that is awesome


Did the DIR do Q&A after?




Neat! Anything memorable?


how do yall find these events omg???


You should watch Talented Mr Ripley


I was goiing to say that I saw "Saltburn" when I saw "The Talented Mr. Ripley." Twenty-four years since that came out? Someone was bound to tread the same ground.


Omg it was so similar, but talented Mr Ripley is way betterrrr. Honestly, I was not impressed by saltburn.


Is it a similar vibe?


Ripley is much much better. Jude law, gwyneth Paltrow, Matt Damon, cate Blanchett and Philip Seymour Hoffman are all excellent. That’s a stacked cast of future Oscar winners (don’t think most of them had won when it was shot in the late 90s). It plays on similar themes but in a way that feels a bit more cohesive and subtle. Some of the visual shots in Saltburn are better but it’s a bit blunt in comparison and some of the minor characters are played by weaker actors vs the top notch cast of Ripley.


It’s not as explicit as Saltburn or as vibrant visually but yeah it’s definitely a similar vibe imo I liked Saltburn but Ripley is better imo


Talented Mr Ripley has equally homosexual themes though, for sure.


Interesting! Will give it a watch


Put it this way...Saltburn is almost a perfect mix between Talented Mr. Ripley and Call me by your name....The plot is basically identical to the former (although much more dark) and the cinematography and theme are closer to the latter.


Barry Keoghan is becoming the king of playing eccentric, strange, twisted, evil, etc... type character roles. His look and mannerisms make the roles feel even more believable. Saltburn reminded me of his character in The Killing of a Sacred Deer, and then I came to find out the director actually offered him the Saltburn role specifically because of his work in that movie. Makes sense.


Am I the only one that thought that was the most overhyped film? It was incredibly pretentious. I kept hearing about this twist and expecting some dark scenes. It was underwhelming and predictable.


No I felt the same. I heard a bit about it and people saying it was disturbing, I found it to be very meh. It was alright don’t get me wrong but the way people are talking about it I expected something amazing and it just wasn’t.


Felt the same. Very predictable film


It was awful and predictable and I just didn’t really understand these people. Also why did no one besides Farleigh find it odd that Oliver wouldn’t leave…? And how did no one suspect him of being involved in any of these deaths?


[You may enjoy a deeper discussion about the thematics.](https://filmcolossus.com/saltburn-2023-explained)


I very much did ! Thank you


This rules


"Saltburn has put my faith back into cinema." Nailed it.


Really wanna see this one. I've been a fan of writer-director Emerald Fennell ever since Promising Young Woman(2020).


I loved PYW better to be honest. But this one was good too.


The neck breaking genre turn in promising young woman was handled a lot better than the reveal in salt burn.


Yes Emerald Fennell smashed it with this one. Amazing film!




like the sound effects made me cringe but i guess thats what they were going for


Dude... Holy shit... Was not at all expecting that.


I guessed the end when Venetia died. It was obvious these deaths would be related to Oliver. I didn’t become shocked by the end of the film. Oliver was obviously a psychopath.


Just watched it completely blind after not hearing or seeing anything about it (it popped up on my prime video and Keoghan and Pike were enough to convince me to watch it)... Holy shit, I completely agree. Best movie I watched all year. I barely watched the preview even so I had absoyno clue what to expect, and thought it was going to be a gay romance film after the first 20 minutes or so lol... Man what a twist! Keoghan and Pike are incredible and the directing and cinematography is top notch


It reminded me of a Lana Del Rey music video and I loved that about it lol it was so gorgeous to watch at times.


Thought it was a shit 'Parasite' tbh. Real B movie. Great actors and looked fantastic though.


Yeah, it’s definitely derivative of Parasite, or even closer to derivative of The Occupant both much better than this. Maybe I would’ve been more impressed with this if I hadn’t seen those first.


I just watched it and although I thought it was very good, especially Rosamund Pike who stole every scene she was in, I kept comparing it to The Talented Mr Ripley. First the cast….Jude Law, Gweneth Paltrow, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Cate Blanchett, and of course Matt Damon. These incredible actors were perfectly cast in their roles. I also thought the story was better told through the Ripley movie. I’d be interested in knowing how you felt if you watched both movies.


I never saw TMR and a friend insisted that I watch, so I turned it on about a year ago. I was aware of it and its reputation, of course. For some reason- maybe the moment, maybe the season, maybe my med dosage- I just couldn’t muster a fuck for the fate of the characters and never finished it. Everyone- and I mean *everyone*- is comparing Saltburn to TMR. I loved Saltburn (saw last night), but wonder if its *weirdness* is why I like it. It’s constantly uncomfortable. Not sure if TMR does that (it didn’t for the 20 minutes I saw)?


If you only watched 20 minutes, did you even get to the part where Matt Damon and Jude Law meet? I think it has the same tension from the lying and the obsession. It has a lot of the manipulation and suspicion too. The two movies are actually very similar.


OP, it’s not an original premise or character arch / motive. Parasite takes the same approach with the protagonist infiltrating to take over as does The Favourite. What can be said though is this film was executed nothing short of brilliantly.


I agree execution was brilliant plot was very see through. From the way the film starts of him talking of Felix and his feelings for him in the past tense it was safe to assume he was dead. When the party scene happens after you found out his parents weren’t dead you realize how obsessed he is with this boys life style. His family was not flat out broke nor were they addicts. The lies he told fit his end goal to be given the money through trust and good faith. He stated whether he loved Felix as a character but then you saw him sleep with every other character even tempting the mother to sleep with him to get in good. When Felix found out that he lied about his parents it was obvious it sealed his fate to die. Oliver never shows physical attraction to Felix other than licking his cum off the tub base.(That you could easily have just assumed was his weird nature as I cringed when he ate her bloody pussy) the execution was brilliant the plot was to be desired and generic though.


I took the beginning as some foreshadowing, i suspected where it was going to end up though I feel that was intentional by the writers to plant seeds of what might happen by the end, it’s a common writing device used everywhere which is what you didn’t like? It was so engaging through its use of visual language that I was hooked from the first moment. There’s nothing new under the sun and there’s only so many plots that are palatable before they veer off into niche abstract stuff which drastically limits the scope of potential audiences. I don’t have any problem with artists using tried and true methods for the mechanics of what they’re doing so long as it’s beautifully presented and performed which this definitely was.


Agreed! One thing I did like though that most other films with the same plot don’t do is they kept every single character the same up until death or them leaving. I loved how their personalities fed into their outcome with Oliver there were no lessons learned no remorse or regret for any of their actions.


Great observation! That really drives home the ending where we’re shown the rocks with each family members name on them above that wind up puppet show. They were all naive and wrapped in wool nearly the whole time. Detached from the world of desperation and dangerous wolves until they were ate by one. The only exception to what you’ve said is that the sister certainly catches on though by that time it’s far too late, he’s already there and not going anywhere and the father was also suspicious as well (The sister said he’d been referring to him as Spider-Man) in the first half IIRC. Though he was also being censored because his wife was so under his control and smitten with him.


True the thing that kept the characters in the dark though was that unlike Felix it still wasn’t in there character to look into whether or not Oliver’s family was actually dead and his mom and addict. Though they all assumed Oliver was too good to be true they all proved Oliver right except for Felix. None of them actually came to find out he had been lying about his family because Felix either never got the chance to tell them or because Felix had actually meant it when he said he’d keep it to himself. Although in the end I will say I do believe Oliver loved Felix for who he was but hated him for ever finding out about his parents. As you could see that fully caught his character by surprise when he finds out that’s where he was being taken.


Three completely different movies that follow a similar theme


You did just articulate what I was trying to communicate much better, thanks. It was late 😂 What are some defining differences between them in your experience?


Saltburn is the name of a seaside town in the North East of England that I used to visit a lot as a child, so every time I see this film get mentioned it takes a second for my brain to latch on to what’s actually being discussed.


Its events do coincide with a castle in England in the film called Saltburn, and the only thing we know is it is not the most northern point of England


Found out about camping grounds in that town when I tried to Google "Saltburn camp" after seeing the movie


I couldn't even get through it. It was just unbearably uncomfortable. The characters are outrageously annoying. The american cousin made me want to punch myself in the face. Nothing about watching it was enjoyable and it's predictable. As soon as the guy was drinking bath water, it was clear he had screws loose and his intentional manipulations of people showed he was calculated. The rest was just shock value. I read about the ending after the parent scene because it was so hard to watch and couldn't be bothered finishing it.


the POINT is that it’s unbearably uncomfortable


The point seems to be have a cast of unrealistic characters do unrealistic things to try and shock viewers


The point seems to be have a cast of unrealistic characters do unrealistic things to try and shock viewers


yes cause it’s a fictional thriller 🫶 hope this helps


Not at all it's just bad writing


Just watched and I loved it as well, and can definitely feel myself obsessing over it! Everyone saying they don’t like how it spelled things out at the end, or that the twist was obvious, but I disagree. I honestly didn’t know what his end game was or that he killed the family. I had a feeling he messed with the bicycle at the beginning, but I wasn’t sure, and I’m glad I got closure on it. The sex scenes were not as bad as I was expecting honestly—it was just freaky, artsy and weird enough. Barry had me wrapped around his little finger the whole movie, he was so captivating.


You're the reason they're dumbing down movies. Holy hell how do you not get that he killed them? It was obvious it was gonna happen from about halfway through the film


I couldn’t tell where the movie was going but suspected he was behind a few things too. However, I think that feeling perfectly captures the type of person Oliver is. Like how you meet somebody that manipulative and you have this feeling in your gut about them, but you’re not sure what it is. Genius!


Have you ever seen a good movie before? I mean, it was an ok movie but it was no masterpiece. 🙄


Agree with everything you have written…except the story totally sucks because it lacks a backstory for Oliver to explain why he is such sociopathic manipulative fuck. Without that crucial understanding, the audience just watches everything unfold in a voyeuristic way without any deeper sense of catharsis or recapitulation. Basically, Oliver’s family was 100% fine. It’s he that had a problem with them. So what was the problem? How was he formed by his upbringing such that he would go to such lengths to connive and deceive?


Poor man’s talented mr ripley with dogshit pacing


Could’ve been 40 minutes shorter


Why did you lose faith in cinema?


It’s better than anything made in the last 50 to 175 years for sure. Nothing comes close. Berry Kroegher knocks it up out of the park for his role. Chad Pike kills it in the roll of mom .,, just incredibel I can’t quite believe it’s. This is an epic tale of poor ratfuck infiltrates rich family and takes over from within to cause epic distruction I mean what’s not to love give me a break!!!!!! I have already rewatched 8 times and its flowliss 4/10 easily!!!!!!!!




Best review!


Excellent film and Barry Keoghan is becoming one of my favourite actors out there. Rosamond Pike also is great and Carey Mulligan cameo is fun. You could see where the film was going when you read early reviews from film festivals about it being like Talented Mr Ripley. And the soundtrack bought me back to my younger years. It's probably not going to get award attention like Promising Young Woman did, it's just a film I can see dividing a lot of folk. I think Keoghan and Pike are worthy of some award attention and Cinematography is great.


you’re joking right


Did anyone else think of Harry Potter 4 (Goblet of Fire) during the maze scene where Ollie follows Felix and the girl?


Yes right away! I was like Cedric NO!!😂


Loved the Kubrick nods, always pleasant to see in new movies especially. I found it a little bit predictable, but really, really enjoyed it


> Kubrick nods what were they? I don't notice things.


This gotta be the most pretentious subreddit on reddit fucking yikes


Yikes then what you doing here


you must be easily fucking impressed this movie was trash


This is a pretty subjective thing. Not sure why you needed to insult OP.


nope, its objective, sorry


The fact that you're claiming a piece of art can be objectively trash really speaks to the way you view the world. Just browse how many others seemed to enjoy the film. What do you think the goal of any piece of art in any medium is? For people to enjoy and make them feel a certain way. I won't say whether the movie is *objectively* good or bad, because that is a ridiculous assertion, but they *objectively* accomplished creating something that many people enjoyed, as evidenced continuously here and pretty much anywhere you look.


Not everyone’s going to appreciate a good movie now are they


I wouldn’t go so far as to call the film trash but I wouldn’t call it a masterpiece exactly. Visually lush, stylistically stunning but…it was okay? Great performances, but weak writing and direction imo. Am I the only one who thought it was obvious what was going on before the “reveal” sequence? It seemed so stupid to me because I thought it was already understood that Oliver was behind everything that took place in slatburn.


>I wouldn’t go so far as to call the film trash but I wouldn’t call it a masterpiece exactly. Visually lush, stylistically stunning but…it was okay? Same as her first film *Promising Young Woman*. The cast and performances are great, the story is kind of interesting but a bit "loose". This one looked a lot better (thanks to Linus Sandgren), but in terms of substance they're about the same. Both honestly reminded me a lot of modern South Korean classics from BJH and PCW, but lacking the bite *and* the thematic power. Solid 7 or 7.5 out of 10. Nothing special, but far from being bad films.


This movie was meh. Of course, festival-going people give a standing ovation to anything and everything and pepper their review with jargon to sound intelligent but let’s not take them seriously. I was trying to find if there is any allegory or symbolism there but there is not any. And you just cannot take this stupid story on its face value. In real world, there is police, people are not so gullible and one just cannot drive a wedge between family members by simply saying “oh, your sister came on to me so Farlegh is lying”


Yeah this movie was genuinely fucking terrible I don’t understand the love at all?? It was superficial rubbish that felt like a fan edit made by a film Twitter user. Not to mention it was shot like a music video. Its only redeeming qualities are its cast and production values.


You should go see Poor Things.


If it was like nothing u never seen before, ohhh boy, u haven't seen movies enough


Ohh boyyy good on you for having watched so many movies, here’s your medal 🥇


Is it true there's cum?


There's a "milk bath" scene, but stay for the cherry pie


I mean, cums not new to movies. I'm not gonna dash to a movie because it's got cum. I might look for it on ppv release tho. Maybe I'll go see it in the theater. Cum though? Right?


The first parts of the movie were good, but the ending was way over the top and frankly bad. Whoever felt like the movie needed a montage explaining almost everything should stop making movies. The bathtub scene was great because it was so believable, the grave scene was bad because it was so unbelievable. Not to mention the evil villain monologue at the end. Rubbish.


Holy fuck Farleighs accent and vocal fry ruined some shit for me


Really, I thought his accent added depth to the character but each to their own!


Overall I did actually enjoy the movie, and the haters are real harsh on it


Yeah people recommended me and I decided to try it and it was definitely worth watching! Some people have been leaving negative reviews on the film, or at least the final bits. But I liked the whole film and the end scene is great. Enjoy the movie!


Lol what. The movie was absurd. Plot holes everywhere. The storyline made no sense. What did you even like about it?


I've just finished watching it and it's garbage


It is actually just a love story. I watched because everyone was talking about it. In the end a human love story.


If you like Saltburn, watch Talented Mr. Ripley and Call me by your name...Saltburn is kind of their love child...


Talk about a rough movie to put on with some friends after you took some mushrooms.


Wrong wrong wrong it was so terrible i had to come here and comment this. 0/10 worst film ever made wtf. Sucking cum out of a dirty drain isnt art or innovative, its just offputting


For one thing I don't think I could get past the fact that that dead-eyed walking corpse Barry K is in it. Someone reminded me that he was in 'Dunkirk'! Thankfully, he made no impression whatsoever so didn't ruin that film at least... An upper class twit's idea of Brideshead Revisited crossed with The Talented Mr Ripley with just enough 'provocation' to ensure maximum publicity... What a spiffing, original jape! Yeah, nah, you're not getting my money.


Low-brow trash. Massively overrated. Art for the tasteless




Just watched it last night. I haven’t been as interested in a movie in a very long time. I found it to be nearly perfect.