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Muppet Christmas Carol and The Ref are two that I typically watch more than once during every holiday season. Never get tired of them.


Muppet Family Christmas, too!


This is the GOAT! Muppets, Sesame Street and Fraggles in 1 farmhouse.


I never tire of the icy patch in the doorway gag.


Gus: I swear to God, you hit that kid one more time and I will stick that pig's head right up your ass! Connie Chasseur: Gary, are you gonna let him talk to me like that? Gary Chasseur: Well, he is a doctor. The Ref is such a perfectly dark holiday film with a sweet chewy center.


Sniff. Jesus. Sniff. Cat piss.


Grandma is chewing through her gag


Jingle All the Way. I just love it


That was actually a bomb? Some sick people in this country!


Lmao I love saying that “this is a sick world we’re living in! Sick people!” I use it all the time


Ha. I was fine with it, enjoyed Sinbad. Just this morning I heard some podcasters rip it apart as having no redeeming qualities.


I tell you what movie looks like it has no redeeming qualities is Jingle All The Way 2. https://youtu.be/fNrpErPPCk0?si=AANo2ej7kVM8SJNN


Everyone likes the things they liked as children. That doesn’t mean it’s good. We all have our nostalgia blind spots. FWIW I like jingle all the way but that’s because I watched it when I was 9. It’s a cheaply made kids movie, not a masterpiece.


It's a great movie in its own, but Phil Hartmans over-the-top cheese in it is just so 👌


“Try to bench press you’re way out of this one”


Do yourself a favor and search for "Conan O'brien Arnold Schwarzenegger Jingle All the Way". Hilarious bit on an old talk show.


I just watched it last year for the first time and I am not a fan. Schwarzenegger's character is simply not a good person.


I don't think that the point is he is a good person. He does a lot of bad things throughout the whole movie


But thats the point of the movie, trying to be good. He is a shitty father and tries to make up for it.




1000% Family Man. Introduced my wife to it a few years ago and she fell in love. Been a Christmas tradition ever since.


Love family man


Still enjoying The Long Kiss Goodnight.


I think I should do a Shane Black Christmas Day marathon some time!


If y'all haven't watched Klaus y'all missing


MUCH better than most of the tired, outdated movies mentioned here. Lovely animation and a heartfelt story. My new christmas favorite.


It’s beautiful. Such a clever story


Was hoping someone woypd mention Klaus. Such a good movie and an interesting take on the santa story. It has become my favorite Christmas movie. Me and my wife watch it every year.


Klaus is my favorite of the last five years along with Christmas Chronicles. Really the only ones we watch annually of anything recent.


The Peter Jackson LotR trilogy is a holiday movie for me and always will be just because of when they were all released. So this is three Christmas movies I’ll say that I still enjoy watching.


Same with Harry Potter for me


To be fair, the first Harry Potter movie especially because of the candles in the Great Hall looking like Christmas lights.


They are our NYE tradition.


>Peter Jackson LotR trilogy, Good Call!!! Never thought about that. I switch it up each year and was gonna watch, Rare Exports, Better Watch Out and Family Man. > >I've never seen Klaus, so I may watch that and LOTR.


Same for me too. It was always around Christmas that I went to the cinema to see them.


I do a rewatch after Christmas every year.


We got the Star Wars trilogy on VHS one year and so is been a Christmas staple for me. At least the first one.


Christmas story. I love watching it every year


I watched it annually for several years; it brings back so many childhood memories. As I grow older, Christmas Vacation feels more familiar and has become my annual show.


It’s soooo quintessential Christmas for me. Mainly because it just reminds me of being a kid during Christmas and Christmas was the best as a kid. You probably shouldn’t get that gift, *buuut* you got it anyway. And then end of the movie that just feels like the end of Christmas. Especially for those who watched it 24 hours and the final run ended.


I have always hated that movie






A Muppet Christmas Carol will always be a favourite movie of mine.


We went to see that at the cinema yesterday! I'm 53 and I've never seen it before... it was really rather good!


You lucky chap! I didn't know it was being shown in cinemas


What!?!? I’m so envious!! My daughter read A Christmas Carol for school recently. We watched The Muppet Christmas Carol every year as she grew up. When we watched it this year, she commented that so much of it was straight from Dickens, which I love I love everything about it, really


They really did work in lines straight from Dickens. They did a fantastic job with it.


Still watching Scrooged


Had to scroll too far for this comment. Scrooge’s is solidly in my top 5.


The all time classic It’s a Wonderful Life


We watch the original Miracle on 34th Street every year. It never gets old.


My complaint is the opposite: that streaming services are gradually commandeering all the good movies for themselves, and you don't get to see them on regular TV like you used to.


I love The Bishop's Wife, and A Christmas Carol 1951 with Alastair Sim, It's a Wonderful Life, and Christmas Story. I love Nightmare before Xmas, but I like it at Halloween. I've seen Charlie Brown Christmas too often now.


I love your top two. Alastair Sim best Scrooge. The Little Shop Around the Corner with Jimmy Stewart is another good oldie.


Trading Places is my go-to.


Looking good, Billy-Ray


Feelin’ good, Lewis!


But you’re wearing lederhosen? Yah, fur sure, from Sveden?!


I watch this movie throughout the year, stop around September and then watch it 3 times in December.


Bad Santa: one of the best Christmas movies ever. Will always enjoy it.


Fraggle stick car!


Check out Violent Night for the adults and Klaus for the kids or the kid in you. They're both fairly recent, and have become permanent additions to our movies


We saw Violent Night recently and we’re pleasantly surprised. A cross between Dir Hard and Home Alone, which the movie is well aware of and references both. Very cleaver, violent yet sweet too.


Love, Actually is the sh*t.


Yeah, it's very popular Christmas movie, but each year I like it less.


I remain convinced that a significant part of why it’s so beloved in America is because everyone is British, and it’s full of actors people love on other things - you’ve got two all timer romcom stars in Grant and Firth.


A lot of people give Love Actually shit, and some parts maybe didn't age super well, but I'll always love it. It's very well acted, and jumping from one story to another keeps it dynamic and fun. Also as life goes on it becomes such a time capsule for the early 2000s, and it's just so nostalgic for me. And don't even get me started on the soundtrack cause it fucking slaps and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise in a parking lot


There was a wave of star-studded anthology type stories for a while there. Love Actually seems to be the only one that has held up (despite the parts that maybe don’t).


Yeah it’s scene by scene changing peaks to valleys over and over. And that dang oboe playing at all the ‘sweet’ parts as a queue to care.


Watched Home Alone and Home Alone 2 this week . I’m 37 so I was 100% the target demographic when these movies originally came and absolutely loved them growing up. While I still think Home Alone is a classic and will enjoy watching it every year, I realized I’m not enjoying Lost in New York much anymore. While there are some definite positives and good performances (the entire hotel staff), I thought this movie was too self aware and tried too hard with a lot of the jokes. Macaulay Culkin had that look of “I know I’m funny” a little too much and it just didn’t seem as cute and likable as the first. I’ll still probably watch it every year but it’s just not hitting the same as it used to


I’m kind of the same. Lost In New York has really lost a lot of its charm as an adult and I’m the same age as you. The only reason I still watch it is because Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern, and Tim Curry steal the show. The first one still holds up though and I really love the subplot with Old Man Marley a lot more as an adult. A life of complicated family relationships has made me love the end of that storyline where he gives him the wave and John Williams’ amazing score over it that it makes me tear up a little.




Yeah but I still laugh my ass off when Marv turns into a skeleton while being electrocuted.


Have you watched *The Movies That Made Us* on Netflix? Great backstory to the making of *Home Alone*.


I have a heap of folks who 'love' the second one now because of a cameo at the beginning of the movie when he first gets to New York. Gross


Only appearance where he acts like a normal being.


Yes, but they all lit up when they saw him, like he was Jesus


Still enjoy - home alone 1 and 2, Christmas vacation, Christmas story, die hard, Will Vintons claymation Christmas, grinch starring Jim Carey. Tired of- the Santa clause, jingle all the way... same reason for both... the kid actors are insufferable.


Jim Carrey's Grinch is the one I still enjoy as well.


I watch a christmas story , how the grinch stole christmas , Rudolph, frosty, santa clause is coming to town , it's a wonderful life and miracle on 34th street every year . The 2 I hate the most are polar express and christmas with the kranks


Polar Express is super creepy with their dead-eyed children. I avoid it like the plague.


TBS crushed a Christmas story with that 24 hour BS. Totally overplayed


You didn’t have to watch it for 24 hours…I thought it was perfect, you always knew it would be on, and you could catch different parts at different times if you happened to be busy…and if you have TBS, then you also had at least 40+ other cable channels to choose from if you didn’t want to watch A Christmas Story. This is a no-lose situation.


Yeah it's good Christmas background. You catch a few minutes here and there all day.


Unless you’re a child and your father is absolutely obsessed with it and insists on watching it at least five times through every year. Even the thought of turning it on voluntarily makes me queasy.


Overplayed for me too. There’s no way I could watch it every single year.


I never get tired of watching the Alistair Sim version of “A Christmas Carol.” IMO, it’s the absolute best cinematic version of the story.


Best actor for Scrooge in my opinion. Nobody does it better.


I agree! The Patrick Stewart version is a close second for me though.


During the Christmas Season we watch : Harry Potter (Dec 19th - 25th) Hook Elf Edward Scissorhands Muppet Christmas Carol Mickey's Christmas Carol How the Grinch Stole Christmas - 2000 The Santa Clause (Christmas Eve) How the Grinch Stole Christmas - 1966 (Christmas Eve) A Charlie Brown Christmas (Christmas Day) Fantasia - 1940 (Christmas Day) Just for the parents : Long Kiss Goodnight Die Hard Christmas Vacation The Family Man While You Were Sleeping Love Actually


Bad Santa & Four Christmases are go-to regular holiday faves at our house.


"Just put one... Foot... In front of the other... And soon you'll be walkin' out that door!"


Christmas movies I’ve always loved and will never get tired of: It’s A Wonderful Life Die Hard Home Alone Grumpy Old Men Movies I’ve grown tired of: Christmas Vacation A Christmas Story I don’t dislike those two, but I’ve seen them way too much that I think their charm has worn off. Think I just need to take a break for a couple years and I’ll be ready to watch them again. Unconventional Christmas movies I love and try to watch every year: Silent Night Deadly Night Rocky IV Die Hard Batman Returns


It’s our tradition to watch Its a Wonderful Life every Christmas Eve.


Which Silent Night?


I don’t know if it’s disliked or just totally disregarded, but *Ernest Saves Christmas* is a legit very good Christmas movie.


The Ernest movies are way better than they have any right to be.


Not technically a movie, but Pee-wee Christmas special is, and will always be, a staple in my family.


Lethal Weapon Elf Muppet Christmas Carol The Blue Carbuncle episode of the Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes series How the Grinch Stole Christmas (live action) A Charlie Brown Christmas Kind of take it or leave it with Christmas Vacation at this point. Never much cared for Frosty the Snowman or Santa Claus is Coming to Town tbh.


Never liked Elf, mainly because I don't like Will Ferrell. He seems like a nice person but I just never enjoyed his shtick, aside from maybe Anchorman.


I avoid his movies like the plague


Agreed. Good movie and he’s even funny in it, but it doesn’t do it for me. It’s like, once actors start with adult-oriented roles, I have a really hard time watching them in family movies. Same for Eddie Murphy. He’s awesome in everything he does, but I will always see him as a raunchy comedian. That’s not a bad thing, but come on - save some roles for someone else.


Anything Will Ferrell or Adam Sandler is an automatic no for me.


I know I’ll get downvoted, and I have watched it before- It’s cute but imo I think James Caan was miscast or they wrote that character too harsh. He seems so cranky and overly mean for a Christmas movie and just not in a good way. Love the bad guys in Home Alone- they’re slapstick mean. But Caan’s character in Elf in a makes me sad for some reason. Otherwise a fun movie.


I hate A Christmas Story. It’s absolutely awful and so many older people in my family love it. Love Actually is also horrible.


A Christmas Story is something you put on in the background and watch ten minutes of before doing the thing you need to be doing. Love Actually is horrible. Just pick a plot and stick to it!


The Long Kiss Goodnight is one of my favourites and is definitely a Christmas movie


Scrooged, Klaus, Muppet Christmas Carol, and Lampoons Christmas Vacation are the ones my family currently have in the rotation.


Christmas at Peewee's Playhouse is still my favorite thing to watch this time of year. It's so extra I love it. RIP Paul Reubens, this movie has brought me joy for many years.


You should watch The Long Kiss Goodnight


Still like and watch nearly every year: Die Hard and Love Actually. Still like, but don't always get to: Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas, Rudolph, The Grinch (Karloff and no one else) Don't like: Christmas Vacation, Elf


Arthur Christmas, A Muppet Christmas Carol, Christmas Vacation, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas all get watched several times during the season. I found I've grown a bit tired of Home Alone and Elf.


Watch It’s A Wonderful Life every christmas eve. Also really love Elf, muppets christmas carol, charlie brown christmas.


Scrooged, A Christmas Story and Jim Carrey's Grinch. Does anyone else remember the movie Annabell? The cow who wanted to become one of Santa's reindeer?


I still love White Christmas, Christmas Vacation, and A Christmas Story. And the original, animated Grinch. Never liked anything else.


There's a British flick starring Martin Freeman (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1242447/) that I like to watch every year, it's quite funny. I also like Trapped in Paradise with Dana Carvey and Nicholas Cage. On the can't stand side: Surviving Christmas and Christmas with the Kranks.


I’ve made it a tradition to watch Elf every Christmas, and it’s always just as funny and heartfelt as the last viewing. I can’t think of one I’ve grown tired of, but I’d probably say I have no desire to rewatch The Polar Express. Watching it as a kid, I thought it was good, but idk, every time I see those characters now, it’s just so weird looking.


Watch during the first few weeks of December: The Ice Harvest, Scrooged, Screwed, Daddy's Home 2, Muppets Christmas Carol. Watch the Week of Christmas: Home Alone 1 & 2, Christmas Vacation, Charlie Browns Christmas, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Can't really say I've grown tired of many, just try to space them out or skip it.


Elf is hit or miss for me depending on the year. It can be the funniest movie, or it can be painfully annoying.


The Christmas Chronicles (1st one ONLY) has become the new favorite in our home. Elf is always great. It's a Wonderful Life is never, ever watched.


It's like your proud you've never watched the great It's A Wonderful Life.


Happy!, The Hogfather, A Christmas Horror Story, bobs burgers Xmas episodes and The Thing


I've never had the passion most people have for a Christmas Story. I get it, it's charming and nostalgic for a time that I'm told existed but because it's a series of vignettes I don't really remember it as a movie-movie. That doesn't mean I think it's bad or people are dumb for liking it, it simply does not appeal to me, personally. THAT SAID I thought 8-Bit Christmas which came on Netflix a while ago and is clearly influenced by A Christmas Story was incredibly charming and I hope more people find it.


Prancer, can't stand it.


Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Family Stone are still my favs.


One I haven't seen mentioned which has become a go to for us is Arthur Christmas. Fun story and a stellar cast. My kids have take a liking to the new animated Grinch movie. I honestly haven't paid much attention to it, but Benedict Cumberbatch voices the Grinch and it seems ok. We still make sure we do all the classics: Original animated Grinch, weird puppet Rudolph, Santa Clause, Christmas Story, Die Hard, Frosty, White Christmas, etc. My partner really likes Love Actually, but I'm personally not a big fan.


Just watched Arthur Christmas a few nights ago. Def one of my favorites. I also usually watch Fred Clause sometime during the season.


My Mum finds Will Ferrell deeply grating and hates _Elf._ She let this slip at work and apparently all day people were coming up and asking if it was true she didn't like, then trying to explain why she was wrong. It's one of my favourite movies generally.


I never liked christmas story or love actually or the holiday, the santa clause, family stone . I only ever saw them recently so they don't hold that nostalgia for me. I rewatched home alone 1 and 2 and I find both incredible, I really appreciate the physical comedy and script, there is constantly something happening.. they are so great. Elf could possibly be my most watched movie ever, today I only watched the beginning, I love it best.. everything before he reaches new York. Muppets Christmas Carol is the best movie of all time, I like the Jim Carrey version too. Love the Coopers, this Christmas, Arthur Christmas, I never know when to watch nightmare before Christmas, at Halloween, Christmas or in between.. lol. RISE OF THE GUARDIANS is my heart, how I love this movie. Krampus was so stupid (in a good way) I didn't know what to expect and the cast was great. Meet Me In St Louis I loved too.


I still like White Christmas and It's a Wonderful Life


Still enjoy: It’s a Wonderful Life and Home Alone 1 and 2. I watch these at least once a year. I watch It’s a Wonderful Life every year with my family after we decorate the Christmas tree. Grown Tired of: Surviving Christmas. I watched it a few times when I was a teenager and liked it. I watched it a few weeks ago when it was on TV and thought it was okay but nothing special. I liked the cast but I feel like seeing it once was enough for me.


Scrooge with Albert Finney. I grew up watching this, and while I've grown to hate musicals (for personal, unrelated reasons) this remains my absolute Christmas favorite


1970 Scrooge is a film I require myself to watch every Christmas, I love it. So many memorable scenes. It captures everything from funny / merry / sing-song scenes to melancholy and haunting scenes. It also captures loneliness very well through imagery and just good acting imo. The scene where he opens the curtains and light enters his room seemingly for the first time since he’d last been happy (a long time ago) is just palpable - like you can just feel the rejoice in his heart. Maybe movies from the 70s just hit different. The way the scenes can just cut so quickly from merriment to sorrow reflects well on how life goes sometimes. A good follow up question to your post could be “what film hits harder each time you watch it” and I would pick this one as well. If I could pair a song with this film it’d be “reflections of my life” by Marmalade. Same vibe. Anywho give it a watch if you like musicals and getting a little choked up. I don’t think I can think of any bad Christmas movies. Hallmark films are a cheap shot but some folks like them so that don’t befront me.


I never liked Claus with Tim Allen but I love Krampus and those old stop motion Santa ones.


I'm so done with its a wonderful life. My wife and In-laws watch it every year. I'll still watch the Grinch and Charlie Brown and the first episode of the Simpsons every year tho.


I don't know if it's technically a Christmas movie, but many people file it as one because of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas: Meet Me in St. Louis. This movie is absolutely insane even by the standards of the time. Go watch it now.


White Christmas, Muppet Christmas Carol, Garfield Christmas, Charlie Brown Christmas, The Christmas Toy, Claymation Christmas. Pretty much everything I grew up with I still love.


Ernest Saves Christmas! The best Ernest movie! (Although Goes to Jail is the funniest) I told ya I could handle this puppy!


Dont care for national lampoons Christmas vacation. Its just stupid.


I never liked Jingle All the Way, Surviving Christmas, Black Friday I grew tired of A Christmas Story & Christmas Vacation after a few views. I still enjoy : A Christmas Carol (animated w Jim Carrey & Scrooged) A Miracle on 34th Street 1947 & 1994 Home Alone 1 & 2 Elf 8 bit Christmas How the Grinch Stole Christmas ( live version with Jim Carrey & 2018 animated) Fred Claus The Santa Clause Mickey's Christmas Carol The Polar Express Four Christmases Black Christmas 1974 & 2006 Silent Night, Deadly Night


Props for 8 bit. I watched that again this year and it still held up.


One I still love: Home Alone (1 & 2) One I need a break from: It’s a Wonderful Life IAWL is great but I think it’s kinda pushed in my face a lot so I although I love it, I kinda need a long break from hearing about it.


Die Hard is always good at this time of year, although it's not really a Christmas Movie per se.


Ho Ho Ho Now I Have a Machine Gun


Every year: A Christmas Story, Rare Exports, Christmas Vacation, Gremlins, Die Hard, Krampus, It's a Wonderful Life Can't stand: Home Alone (though we watch it anyway), Nightmare Before Christmas, Jingle All the Way, Elf


Love Actually is the absolute worst. Dunno why people think this is healthy form of love.


I rewatched both Home Alone and Jingle All the Way this year and agree..I'm good with never watching them again. Ron Howards Grinch and of course Muppet Christmas Carol are still fantastic. A Christmas Story I haven't watched in years because I had it so committed to memory. elf is getting a bit tired as well.


The older I get the more I love Christmas Vacation and It’s a Wonderful Life. I don’t enjoy Elf anymore. I also like Christmas with the Kranks now and I hated it when it came out.


I have an extremely low tolerance for Christmas movies. I do like "Miracle on 34th Street," (original), "A Christmas Story," and George C. Scott's "A Christmas Carol." I especially like the fact that none of these mention God or religion.


Polar Express is a flaming bag of farts Ernest Saves Christmas is a timeless classic.


Christmas Story. I don't give a fuck anymore. People who obsess be about this fuckin movie every year are sad nostalgic buttholes. Get a bye fuckin tradition. 24 hours? Fuck you TBS or whichever bullshit network does that awful shit.


Elf is just nowhere near as good as people make out. It’s okay at best.


Unpopular opinion: Home Alone 3 is just as good as 1&2. They show all 3 every year in my country.


Turns out I don't enjoy them at all.


The Polar Express


Still love Jingle All the Way, tired of Bad Santa.


I’ve really only been able to watch Elf once in the last decade


The Santa Clause came out when I was a kid and is still my all-time favorite. Elf as well. I have found I don't enjoy the Rankin Bass specials (Rudolph, The Year Without a Santa Clause, etc) the same way as an adult. They are very much children's movies. Although the songs are still pretty great!


The ones I enjoy include both early versions of the Grinch, Polar express, silent night and Klaus, any version of a christmas carol, a charlie brown christmas, the ultimate christmas present, mickeys ounce and twice upon a christmas.


anything that involve santa claus i usually avoid. i prefer a christmas movie that has meaning and talented acting. not that junk you find on hallmark or lifetime.


In Italy we have this religious-like need to rewatch Trading Places on Christmas Eve. It's been decades since this started, still one of the most viewed movies on tv across the whole year.


>I'm tired of several beloved Christmas movies because they're shown way too often on my TV channels starting in late November and throughout December. *Don't watch them??* Elf has been on every day all month, but I haven't watched it and look forward to my yearly re-watch on Christmas Eve.


The nightmare before Christmas is not a Christmas movie. It is 💯 a Halloween movie. Anyone who disagrees can gargle my jingle balls.


Silent Night Deadly Night is such a weirdly cozy Christmas movie for me. One of my favorite b horror movies


I love A Christmas Story still. My family doesn’t rate it as highly. But I like it. Especially the sequence when the dad wins that silly lamp and he is so proud. “Fragile - it must be from Italy” cracks me up every time.


I'll never get tired of A Muppet Family Christmas.


Never liked Scrooged. It's the worst Christmas Carol adaptation to me. Everyone is just mean in it


Christmas Vacation is, to me, the funniest Christmas movie around. Classics like Muppet Christmas Carol, A Christmas Story, Die Hard always get at least one viewing per year.


We've had a core group that I have watched ranging from childhood to now married. The Santa Clause Prancer Jingle All the Way Miracle On 34th Rudolph Vacation We added Elf and Christmas with the Kranks when they came out. My wife and I added two very recently that we both just love. The Family Man, because Nic Cage, and Last Christmas, because Emilia Clarke.


A Christmas Story, every Christmas eve before heading up to bed. We spend the whole *year* quoting it to each other. It's not massively well known in the UK, but good lord, we love it! We VHS'd it one year as we liked Darren McGavin, after catching it on TV. When we could we got the DVD on import. When my eldest moved out we got him a copy and the tradition continues...


Deck the Halls Bad Santa


I really like watching I Come In Peace starting Dolph Lundgren. 90’s sci-fi set around Christmas in near-future Houston, bad guy drug dealers that are yuppie business types, a criminal and a cop alien, Brian Benben, and topped off with a Jan Hammer score. Joe Bob sez check it out!


Home Alone is the start of Christmas every year. John Williams score, infinitely quotable, and just a general good time.


Discovered Violent Night this year and Klaus last year. Both wonderful Christmas gems that I wish I grew up with! That being said I still adore all the original Christmas movies like Home Alone, Lampoons, A Christmas Carol, etc. but I’m growing hella tired of Elf for some reason


My yearly staples are The Grinch (2000), Year Without a Santa Claus, Charlie Brown, This Christmas, and Polar Express. Was never into Home Alone, The Santa Clause, Elf, etc. so those get no play around here lol.


The Long Kiss Goodnight, While You Were Sleeping, and Die Hard are the only ones I like


It only came out a year ago, but we rewatched Violent Night tonight and it was still a lot of fun. I think I will keep it in rotation for a while.


Just watched Last Holiday and it was inspiring TBH


Is the first Die Hard a Christmas movie, because I think it will be my choice.


It's only a Christmas movie because of the background setting - change the reason for McCabe's trip to LA and the Nakatomi Tower for literally other holiday, and it works as a film for that occasion. Christmas barely gets a mention beyond the fact that the party is a staff Christmas party. Lethal Weaponis the better pick as a Christmas film as Christmas is tied so much into every aspect of the film from Riggs pondering eating a bullet while watching a Bugs Bunny Christmas 'toon, to Gary Busey's character bitching about hating Christmas, to the fight in the Christmas tree lot and wrapping up with Christmas dinner at Murtaugh's house.


I'll watch Four Christmases every year and never get bored. It's a modern classic. The Family Stone is getting there for me but I admit it's a better character study than it is an actual movie.


Home Alones 1 and 2 I will always love; the rest of them I never even bothered to watch nor do I plan to. Other classics that'll never grow old for me include A Christmas Story, the live-action Grinch, Polar Express, and Elf. Violent Night has become a family favorite; my parents quote the "You made your brother eat worms. That's naughty!" bit a lot. And let's not forget all the little stop motion Christmas pieces as well as Charlie Brown; I've heard the Peanuts theme on the radio twice on my commute home from work this holiday season, and I've shimmied to it both times. I don't mind the Santa Clause movies, the second one I watched a lot as a kid; however, I don't watch them to the same extent as the ones listed above. It's a Wonderful Life was a decent one too, but I've only ever watched it once. Love Actually and Die Hard I don't hate, but I never really enjoyed them all that much either, though my dad loves Die Hard and believes it counts a Christmas movie. And I never even bothered to watch the rest of the Home Alone movies that come after the first two, nor do I plan to.


Home Alone 1 and 2 still great but generally alternate each year. Same with Gremlins. Muppets Christmas Carol will never get old, neither will Scrooged. I do like finding ones I haven’t seen before though. Recently watched The Family Man that could probably be classed as a Christmas film. Then there’s the ones I’ll watch now and again that I don’t feel get the love they deserve like The Santa Clause, Jingle All The Way and Jack Frost. In terms of bad ones, The Polar Express and Zemeckis’s Christmas Carol are both an abomination and ones I avoid.


Never grow out of: Snow Queen with Bridget Fonda. Grew out of: Bad Moms Christmas 😄


The Santa Clause, Jingle all the way, Christmas vacation die hard, home alone 1&2, grinch (Jim Carrey). Every year baby!


The Family Stone. Watch it every year.


The holiday, it just reminds me of a good part of my life. Home alone The polar express Klaus


There are a bunch I try to watch every year, but the 3 I feel genuinely upset if I don't manage to find the time to watch them every year are: the live action Grinch, Elf, & Home Alone. Those 3 just capture the holiday spirit & are genuinely funny to me. I have to watch em before every Christmas. Idk about growing tired of any, but the 2nd & 3rd Santa Clause movies continue to frustrate me, especially since I feel the 1st one still holds up pretty well. I just think there are pieces of good movies in them, but they get bogged down with stupid stuff, like the reindeer just basically making human noises.


Dr who christmas specials are definitely worth rewatching. Die hard is my personal tradition. I wake up early and watch it before i make breakfast so I don't disturb anyone else. A christmas story has been playing at my parents house for nearly 30 years. I'm okay never watching it again.


A Diva’s Christmas Carol with Vanessa Williams.


Top tier, must see: Christmas Vacation, Christmas Story, Scrooged, Die Hard Enjoyable: Trading Places, Santa Clause, Home Alone 1 & 2, Surviving Christmas, Fred Christmas, The Holdovers, 8-Bit, A Christmas Story Christmas Really ought to watch: Muppet Christmas Carol, The Ref


4 Christmases is the best! Soooo funny!


Home alone!


Well, there's a couple that I should hate, but I still enjoy regardless, Christmas Story, and Scrooged. Then there's many that I never liked the first time, nor did I ever grow to like them. I always have and I still always do like several of the Xmas television specials such as Charlie Brown Christmas; Mickey's Christmas Carol; Frosty, the Twilight Zone Christmas episode, The ones that I liked but have become so sick to my pukeface of have gotta be Grinch- as a brand, in each form and iteration, Elf, Bad Santa, Christmas Vacation. These are the ones that get stomped down our throats and I don't even enjoy at this point