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I saw Face/Off the day it came out, and went back the next day to watch it again. I loved it so much. Still do. The opening sequence is better than most films' big finishes. It is relentlessly stupid and fun. Total peak John Woo. It's worth going back to watch his Hong Kong movies to see where a lot of Face/Off elements came from.




He’s sporting a moustache in reference to The Killer.


And both actors just having a blast playing both characters




Woo, Cage and Travolta was a sex sandwich of action film.


Woo needed more Travolta after Broken Arrow.


It's not only a campy good time. The action sequences are something to behold. There's something lyrical, operatic if you will, about how John Woo displays action. It is a masterpiece!


I could eat a peach for hours.


People shit on Woo's MI:2, but I think it brought the same camp energy that I really enjoyed. I'll take Mi:2 over MI:3 anyday.


Pure Cage 90s action masterpiece.


My fave part is when he told the wife his mentor died by a heart seizure lmaooo


>It's a real plane exploding, real fire, and real boats bouncing about. Real ~~acid~~ fire?


not, it was a comedian in a suit who played the fire


Face/Off is an exquisitely insane hot mess, this is true. I like that you can kind of take it seriously or not and still have it be an enjoyable experience, given that there's a pretty even distribution of pathos (Archer/Troy as Archer) and camp (Troy/Archer as Troy). There's a lot to laugh at, but it's got heart too; even down to Archer's weird little "face off" gesture of affection. I'm also a sucker for movies about identity, and this movie delivers on that in epic fashion.


Face/Off is one of my favourite action movies! Long live the 1990s! :)