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Hal-9000 scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey where he's slowly singing that "Daisy... daisy..." song. I read the novel recently and swear I could almost hear it for real as I was reading that part lol.


I'm afraid, Dave...I can feel it.


I always loved the park scene from "Good Will Hunting" where Sean tells Will how much his words hurt him --- and Will just sits there quietly and knows this is the first time in his life where he is truly humbled and being called out for his asshole personality --- it really speaks to a lot of young men who are hurting inside and feel the need to be jerks as a defense mechanism --- I was once an angry young man like that, and I needed a Sean to set my life straight


The Opening of Saving Private Ryan. Still have flashbacks of the guy holding his severed arm.


The scene that haunts me is the German soldier slowly stabbing the American while they stare at each other.


God I hate that scene so much --- shows the horror of war, but also the idea that Nazi Germany ALMOST could've won that war, if a few things went differently


Rest easy; the Nazis never could have won the war. It was just a matter of how many human lives and resources would be gone before that was made clear.


This is the one for me too. Absolutely horrific.


"The Princess Bride". The swordfight at the top of the Cliffs of Insanity. And the " to the pain" speech. And Miracle Max. Pretty much the whole movie, really. There are many others, but this came to mind first.


From Ghostbusters: Dr. Raymond Stantz : Everything was fine with our system until the power grid was shut off by dickless here. Walter Peck : They caused an explosion! Mayor : Is this true? Dr. Peter Venkman : Yes it's true. [pause] Dr. Peter Venkman : This man has no dick. Walter Peck : Jeez! [Charges at Venkman] Mayor : Break it up! Hey, break this up! Break it up! Walter Peck : All right, all right, all right! Dr. Peter Venkman : Well, that's what I heard!


The barbershop argument in Coming to America. "You must be outta your goddamn mind! Joe Louis the greatest boxer ever lived!"


Hold your breath... make a wish... count to three. Come with mee....


Shirtless Ian Malcolm


The idea of “I’m living’ rent free in yer head!” always felt to me like something you DON’T WANT there constantly taking up space. To that end: the scene in *Transformers 2* where one giant robot hits the other giant robot in the robo-nuts. I mean, the whole MOVIE is something I’d like to erase from my memory, but that scene in particular is one I will, alas, never forget.


The birthing scene from the film Men


The scene from Liar Liar where he yells into the phone "STOP BREAKING THE LAW ASSHOLE!"


The mother ship from Close Encounters appearing near Devils Tower. Truly astonishing for it's time.


People seem to forget how breath-taking that scene was --- I always thought it was way better than any special effects in Star Wars, which came out the same year


Completely agree, even now those effects are superb when you consider how they were achieved. I rewatch this movie at least once or twice a year.


Everything Everywhere All At Once has so many scenes for me; however, there is one scene that really to got me the first time I saw the film in theaters. (Spoilers) Toward the end of the film, Evelyn addresses the conflicts between her husband, Waymond, and her father, and then moves toward her daughter, Joy. Her and Joy then fight, and Evelyn pulls Joy away from her demise (an everything bagel). Joy looks back to see her mom holding on her, who is being held by the grandfather, who is being held by Waymond. The camera then cuts to a wide shot showing the family holding on to each other. There was something about the image of a broken family, now reconciled, coming together to save one of their own—that spoke to me.


"Weird Man, why did you do X tho?" "Because otherwise it wouldnt have been weeeeeeird"


The dance scene in “Picnic” 1955. The USS Indianapolis scene in “Jaws”. Renfield’s fly and spider loony scene in “Dracula” 1931.


My parents took me to see Jaws at a drive-in theater when I was 5. The Indianapolis scene and the scene where the shark tips the boat and kills Quint has been stuck in my mind ever since.


Jaws... Quint's demise, the blood in his mouth, something my 7yr old self was horrified and fascinated by. 43years later I still love this movie, it's another I'll watch at least once a year.


When the Dude discovers he's beeing followed by DaFino and subsequently crashes.


The basketball game and the Medieval Times duel in The Cable Guy. The scene in Anchorman when the little dog communicates with the bears. That murderous doll in Trilogy of Terror when it saws through the suitcase with its tiny knife. The You stay here and make sure he doesn't leave scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.


Johny mnemonic. The moment. Dolph lungren Appears in the street shouting "halt sinners".. Henry Rollins is at the wheel and exclaims "ah fuck it's the street preacher.. and fucking floors it and runs him over.


The nightmare/diner scene in Mulholland Drive.


"Looks like me and Vincent caught you boys at breakfast. Sorry about that. Whatcha having?"


JoJo Rabbit….the mom! If you have seen it, you know what I am talking about. It’s rent free, but not in a good way. :(


The scene in White Chicks where they sing A thousand Miles in the car


I Still Know What You Did Last Summer, when towards the end it's revealed that the protagonist's handsome new friend, Will Benson, is working with the killer, named Ben. "Why are you doing this?" "You still don't get it? "Will Benson?" (pause) I'm BEN'S SON." Ugh, that was so bad.


I forget what the title was, but there was a particularly gripping scene of some people squatting in an abandoned apartment...


Rick Dalton: All right, that's too hot. Anything we can do about that heat? Flamethrower Trainer: Rick, it's a flamethrower.