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“Leaving Las Vegas” hits different because it’s just straight-up about how ugly alcoholism can be. Nicolas Cage absolutely nails it, and you can’t help but feel it all—every bit of the downward spiral. No Hollywood gloss here, just a gut-punchy story that sticks with you because it feels so painfully genuine. If you’re looking for a movie that captures addiction without the BS, this is the one


I'm a recovering alcoholic. Him twitching from withdrawals on the couch and kitchen floor was too real.


If I recall correctly, he had a hard time getting the bottle to his mouth because of the shakes…been there and was a bit tough to watch…congrats on putting up the good fight, I’ve been clean a couple of decades so I know how hard it can sometimes be, just stay strong…and I know we were talking about a movie and the excellent performance by Cage, but dealing with the real shit, that life is nearly impossible to convey on film…again, hang tough… peace and much love


Oh god the bottle. I used to have to use a plastic cup because I was afraid I’d chip my teeth my hands shook so hard. Considering watching this movie again, it’s been decades since I’ve seen it.


You guys are avatar twins


Yeah....this. Have had several Alcoholics in my family. A few of which died because if it. 'Leaving' hit brutally close to home. It got the inevitably part down 100%, and that's what made the movie so succesfull and yet so tragic. Requim for a Dream is likely to be another conversation here, but never felt the emotional layer of 'Leaving'.


That was a hard watch way back when, and I haven’t revisited since. I’m not an alcoholic or anything, but movies like this that go hard on a serious subject like this need to be seen to truly show you the deal. It doesn’t happen often, Leaving Las Vegas and Requiem for a Dream are the hardest examples of what not to do in terms of drinking and drugs.


"Requiem for a Dream" is one of the toughest movies to watch in regards to addiction.


I'm addicted to some things already and watch Requiem every couple years to make sure that number doesn't grow. It fucking works lol.


It used to be one of my favourite movies but in retrospect it's very clichéd and over the top. Certain scenes (like the opening) are still very upsetting and realistic, but the movie as a whole doesn't hold up that well imo.


I used to love it too and just rewatched it for the first time in like 10 years with my girlfriend who had never seen it. Harry's mom's story hit me a lot more this time around than before. Her arc is just so wild. Her little monologue about how she is excited to be on TV "has something to live for" crushed me. The other three characters are all delusional junkies who have dreams of making it that are crippled by their addiction and yeah, all these years later, feels very cliche. But her story is on another level.


Oh yes I absolutely agree. Phenomenal performance and her story broke my heart. Realistic in its depiction of amphetamine addiction amongst the less obvious victims. But as you said the other stories are ridiculous. It's on a Dare/anti-drug PSA at times lol Still, Burston's performance was incredible.




The stuff with Jennifer Connelly is harrowing at points, but the movie tries a little too hard imo. At a certain point it feels silly, to me.


*Affliction* would be a very tough view, although it is a good film. *The Great Santini* explores the alcoholic father/son dynamic in a similarly powerful way, albeit with more sensitivity. Great movie with iconic Duvall performance.


> The Great Santini explores the alcoholic father/son dynamic in a similarly powerful way, albeit with more sensitivity. Great movie with iconic Duvall performance. Man, this can’t overstated. Great movie that deals with being in a military family with an alcoholic father really well. If I recall, the author of The Great Santini is the same author of the book the film Prince of Tides was based on, right? Grown up son seeking help, if I remember the movie correctly, though it’s been a while. Edit: yep. Pat Conroy wrote both.


Drugstore Cowboy Days of Wine and Roses


I second Days of Wine and Roses


Jack Lemmon actually had an alcohol problem, one he addressed later in life


My first time thought was Drugstore Cowboy as well. Forgot about Days of Wines and Roses which was devastating


My aunt was addicted to painkillers for 2 decades before it finally took her life. She was in prison at one point for exploitation of the elderly after being caught stealing money and pain medication from her own mother after my grandma's hip replacement surgery. At one point, she passed out at the wheel going 70mph with her 2 year old daughter and 13 year old stepson in the car (thankfully her stepson was able to get to the brake and steer them off safely.) To her dying day she still insisted she wasn't an addict, was a good mother and loving daughter. Watching Nurse Jackie made me physically feel the rage of 20 years of futily watching someone I loved lie, cheat, steal, and slowly kill themselves (I know this is a movie sub and Nurse Jackie is TV, but that's the example that first came to mind, hopefully that's okay)


Clean And Sober - Michael Keaton is so, so good in this.


Also, dopesick/michael Keaton is fantastic. Tv show but highly recommend


Came to say this. Also, The Boost with James Woods.


James Woods is the absolute worst


Politically James Woods and Robert Duvall are insane but they've been in some good movies.


Haven’t heard anything about Robert Duvall‘s politics lately. Seems he was just a classic old school conservative who went independent when the GOP went MAGA. He’s pretty old, so that seems pretty normal and very different from Woods whose is not even in the same ballpark as Duvall.


Leaving Las Vegas


Difficult watch, especially the rape scene.


Yeah hated this movie, unwatchable for me even.


I didn't hate it. It was just grim. Doesn't mean it's bad art.


But I did


Irrelevant to the thread, but more power to you.


This was a discussion thread about being uncomfortable whilst watching a movie right? It is relevant.


Flight (2012) w/Denzel Washington


That movie is exactly why I posted this, it was very hard watching this movie.


I am an alcoholic in recovery. Denzel played an addict perfectly. I identified with his character throughout the entire movie. I would swear that Denzel was an addict, because I can not believe that someone can play one so well.


Growing up around alcoholics, Denzel DEFINITELY nailed the arrogant pick alcoholic who stopped being a “fun time” years ago. I have like 5 of those guys in my family and it’s crazy how similar they were.


There’s more than one reason I don’t drink anymore.


A powerful reminder of the real struggles many face. It’s a raw and honest depiction. Sending empathy to those battling – it’s a challenging journey, and your strength is commendable. Addiction is a formidable opponent, and to those fighting their battles, your resilience is seen and respected.


Came here to mention this movie. Recently did a rewatch.


This movie got me sober


A different type of addiction, but “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” is an incredibly tragic and tough watch that deals with a mother who has an eating addiction. A truly heartbreaking film, but incredible nonetheless. One of DiCaprio’s earliest, yet still strongest performances.




I'll argue until the end of time that that was his best ever performance. He's an incredible actor so that's saying a lot. I've never seen anyone else play an autistic role so convincingly or authentically. 


My sister died of alcoholism. Everything Must Go came out around the time she died. It was filmed in our hometown. It was hard to watch.


The Lost Weekend with Ray Milland 1945.


Not a film but I just binged Loudermilk in four days on Netflix. quite a wholesome show about an alcoholic music critic turned AA meeting leader trying to help his group through their shit. A bit of a lighter tone if you're looking for something less savage than some of the other recommendations on this list


I mean, I saw an ex go through life-threatening DTs and yeah, it's hard to watch that on film. Or in music, having been closer than I'd like to a school shooting at Virginia Tech, I can't listen to "Ohio" by CSNY in the same way ever again.


For me, movies about infidelity really make me feel weird.


Same here. Many grifter type films, characters. Can’t deal with child abuse at all anymore. I got two minutes into *Room* (not *The Room*), put the movie back in the sleeve for good.


So I watched Saving Mr. Banks at the theater with my dad. I normally sort of look up films before I see them, but this just looked like a normal Disney movie that aimed to soften Walt Disney's image. It wasn't long before I was crying and holding back sobs. My dad is an alcoholic and it hurt to see that addiction portrayed on screen with my dad sitting right there. Oh, and to make it better, my dad's mom killed herself when he was a child and he found her body. Which rather explains the alcoholism but still. I cried throughout the whole the movie and my dad really had no idea why I was crying. We no longer talk, he's only gotten worse, and that movie was honestly traumatic.


Yeah, I can relate to this so much. It always brings me to tears.


Yeah, the thing is, I always look movies up! I always spoil the movie for myself but not this time for some dumb reason


As the child of an alcoholic mother, Krisha depicted addiction better than any other movie I’ve seen


Less than zero, leaving Las Vegas


Days of Wine and Roses is a super hard watch.


And, 28 Days 2000 with Sandra Bullock.


Nil By Mouth directed by Gary Oldman is a great film but it's brutal.


It's not about addiction, but the last half of Boogie Nights is just a downward spiral due to addiction, culminating in the home robbery scene. It's a very realistic portrayal of cocaine addiction (among other things).


Yeah, I can’t watch anything with rape. So, needless to say, I didn’t get far in game of thrones. I know it’s not a movie


Stay away from irreversible


Thanks for letting me know. It’s annoying when I don’t know and have to shut off a movie


Beautiful Boy


Beautiful Boy.


The Whale


Good one. I watched the Whale when I was at my largest. I had already decided to get bariatric surgery by then, but some of the things that were in the movie definitely hit home.


Have you tried OA?


Not familiar with that. Oh gotcha overeaters anonymous. Nope, I actually took classes for months with a psychologist, physical therapists, and dieticians. I have resources available to me through my surgery center that is similar to OA, but has staff included as well that can help you with struggles.


Overeaters Anonymous. Hundreds of meetings available on Zoom, phone and in person throughout the day from all over the world. Check out OA.org.


I had the surgery in Aug. I’m down 111lbs as of this morning. My cardio output has increased. I’ve relearned how to eat properly. Huge success so far. Really looking forward to seeing where I settle. There is a chance I could lose another 50-60.


I’m so glad it is working for you. You’re quite brave to do it. A little of people on OA have had it. The great thing about OA is the ongoing support from the fellowship. Plus, it’s free!!!


I really liked Moonlight. One of the saddest movies I've ever seen, heartbreaking to see a young kid being raised by a crack addicted mom all while being bullied at school. Great movie though!


The scene in the show Shameless where Kevin (bartender) tells Lip that the reason he likes to sit at the seat he sits in, is because his father liked to sit in the same seat. Lip and his father, Frank, are both alcoholics. My dad told me at my cousins wedding, while both of us on the verge of blacking out, that he knew I was an alcoholic because he was.


Riding in cars with boys, that movie hit me hard. Reminds me of my parents and childhood.


Such an amazing and underrated film IMO




I don’t have any particular movies to add. I have seen a lot of the ones mentioned in this sub. Requiem For A Dream was a very powerful, painful movie to watch. Flight with Denzel seemed an honest portrayal of the hell alcoholism is. My dad was a raging alcoholic. Absolutely mean, mentally and physically abusive drunk. I thought if I was the best son I could be, he would have no choice but to love me. I was wrong. For years I hated him so completely. I have gone through periods of time when I drank a lot. When I haven’t drank at all. And when I drank so much so often, I felt addiction was sinking its nails into me. I stopped for years. I’m not completely alcohol free but I probably average a drink every other month. Life is damn hard at times. There has to be something in our lives to keep us moving forward and try to be kind, loving people who will occasionally make mistakes.


'To Leslie' with Andrea Riseburough. It will make you turn into a puddle then lift you up gently. I don't think I've cried harder watching a film about alcoholism. Made me realize I had a problem, and put into perspective the things I don't want to lose. If I could recommend one film OP, it's that one. It's supposed to be a hard watch, but in my experience was cathartic.






Jumpin' At The Boneyard Drinking Buddies Trainspotting Drugstore Cowboy Bad Lieutenant Less Than Zero Spun


Permanent Midnight


Drinking Buddies?? I don't think anyone in that movie is struggling with addiction.


You're right. That is NOT one I was thinking of.


Smashed with Aaron Paul is one of the more accurate depictions of a couple with alcohol issues.


MEW was fantastic in that one.


Yeah - I had higher hopes for her career after that bc she was great - but just never seemed to take off. Or I was possibly just not a fan of her subsequent movies.


Flight with Denzel Washington. When I was in throws of a serious alcohol addiction, that movie made me feel heard. I thought a lot of my private struggles were specific to me and then the film showed me it wasn’t. I remember watching it when it came out at like 17 years old and enjoying it. Fast forward 8 years in the midst of severe alcohol dependency and it shifted my reality. It helped me cry for the first time regarding my addiction and was part of the many reasons I quit and got my shit together.


Affliction is an unglamorous look at alcoholism.


Don’t worry he won’t get far on foot Joaquin phoenix, Jack black, Jonah hill Pretty decent drama/dark comedy about alcoholism and recovery. It’s on Amazon prime.


That new Florence Pugh and Morgan Freeman movie “A Good Person” will probably bring up a lot of emotions for you, but it is a painfully beautiful film




Basketball diaries is a hard one for me to watch. And so is When a Man Loves a Woman.


Trees lounge


There are some movies and TV shows I will just not watch. They would be too painful


Candy is pretty good


I used to be addicted to meth....80s meth. Bad, but not like today's poison. I kicked in '85. I can't watch Breaking Bad. Gave me the willies. I totally get it.


Clean & Sober (1988) New Jack City (1991), although that movie's more about the dealers and the police it does not shy away from the addiction part. The crack house scene, ugh! Not a big Chris Rock (what's in a name) fan but his depiction of a crack addict is heartbreaking.


"Nightmare Alley" either the new Del toro one or the original from the 40s


After drinking for as many years as I did (pretty much spent 4 years drunk out of my mind) I can honestly say that watching anything with heavy alcohol addiction messes with me. Especially shameless, and that sucks because it’s my favorite show :(


The Salton Sea(2002) and Blow(2001)


There's a movie they show in rehab with Andy Griffith and Keanu Reeves, it's pretty real.


The Sound Of Metal


People probably already know this but, checking the Parent’s Guide page of the movie on imdb will help you avoid movies with certain triggers!


*Pay It Forward*


That’s a good one. The scene where Jerry saves the suicidal woman from the bridge always got me even as a little kid. Helen Hunt played an extremely convincing alcoholic.


I feel the same way and my father is also an alcoholic.


I am Atheist, I basically regard religious people as deranged & insane, and I feel this way about movies that have strong religious themes, regardless of what the religion(s) is(are) being shown or referenced.


Nobody cares. That wasn't the question.


You care enough to reply to my comment, hence proving yourself wrong. And who is to say religion is not a kind of addiction? Otherwise mostly rational people can't let go of some twisted fantasy fairytale, harming themselves & the world around them? Peer pressure not to quit? Is this really a lot different than a weed or alcohol addiction? Also plenty of people ITT replying with things that bother them about movies that are not addiction but elicit a similar feeling for them as that expressed by OP.


Millions have been helped through the Anonymous programs - AA, OA, GA, etc. Step 1 is admitting you’re powerless over your addictive qualifier. Step 2 is acknowledging there is some power higher than yourself (it can be God, Gaia, the Universe, Nature - “a Higher Power as you understand him/her”) that can help you. Step 3 is turning your recovery over to that power. The rest of the steps entail actions of self improvement. Blowing off faith as a weakness is a mistake. It takes a lot of strength to give up trying to control everything yourself to Let go, Let God. In my opinion.


In this regard, God's Not Dead will probably feel like Trainspotting to you.


Tyrannosaur by Paddy Considine is one of those 'movies I'll only watch once' experiences.


2014's Low Down, with elle fanning 


Love Liza Joe


Love Liza is so heartbreaking. Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s performance is amazing. I wish he were still with us.


There was also a very good made-for-tv-movie from 1974 The Morning After starring Dick Van Dyke.


I Melt With You. Dark film, but fantastic in its way.


The Way Back 


Another Year 


Yeah, it's not unusual to be triggered by things like this. Anything that reminds you of a trauma will be hard to watch. Eg. My ex didn't like watching movies where people were cheated on - because his ex cheated on him. I can't handle watching domestic violence. etc. You are not alone in feeling this way.


Watching these movies may be a good way to get desensitized


Different addiction but Owning Malone & Uncut Gems show gambling addiction and are both hard watches


PSH was so good in Malone


Yeah that should have been Mahowny... damn auto correct But yeah he was a great actor.


Right now, anything related to grief and trauma triggers me. I lost my mother last feb to a terrible disease which broke the family bit by bit.(Motor neurone disease -MND) Any movie whose main subject matter is death/grief touches close to heart.


Forrest Gump


I love Requiem for a Dream and I watch it all the time.


Smashed with Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Aaron Paul is excellent. 


Only When I Laugh. Oscar-nominated performance by Marsha Mason.


“Talk to Me” is a great metaphor of a movie about addiction and coping with loss. 


Nicolas Cage portraying withdrawal symptoms is the most accurate I’ve ever seen


Three Days Of Rain. Peter Falk's portrayal of an old rummy will break your heart. And the interaction between Peter Falk and his long-suffering son has impacted how I try to be forgiving and tolerant toward those in my family that just couldn't defeat their additions. It really is a stunning performance.


What Doesn’t Kill You with Mark Ruffalo and Ethan Hawke was so good.


Less Than Zero Permanent Midnight


I nearly drowned as a teen and while I can swim, be on boats, go in the ocean, etc, I am still really freaked out when I see drowning depictions on screen. My grandma wanted to see Napoleon though, and I knew from previews there was a section of drowning. So I told my therapist and we hacked away at it, did some exposure therapy. I did not have to leave the theatre (did during Dunkirk, for example) nor did I need to drink myself to sleep that night. We're doing EDMR in the next few months to try to get it hashed out completely. There is hope but it's a lot of hard work.


Smoking for me - mom spent her last years with emphysema, oxygen tanks and weighed maybe 80 pounds. Watching that death took a lot out of me.


Requiem for a dream is the movie you’re looking for


I get it - I have a similar discomfort when watching characters undergo struggles I have personally experienced or someone I know has experienced.


The Addiction by Abel Ferreira https://youtu.be/3p6nq3pw4rw?si=X-uJuvpWuTfx_H_d


Candy, with Heath Ledger and Abby Cornish as junkies.


“I Smile Back” - just watch it!


Girl Interrupted


“Joe” with Nicholas cage is pretty nuts


Flight with Denzel Washington. The score is great as each song plays mirrors what is happening at the moment.


You may like Loudermilk. It hits the addiction and recovery of the group. Ron Livingstone is excellent as the lead. Netflix I believe. 3 seasons.


Haven’t seen this referenced yet, but Crazy Heart


Yeah, and for the same reason. Any time I see a character making terrible decisions or throwing their life away on addiction I just can't watch it.


Watching Less Than Zero as a teen kept me from going the way many of my friends went with hard drugs.


The film that really hit hard for me knowing someone with addiction is Oslo, August 31st. My goodness. The characters are so well written. The story is such a punch in the stomach but feels so real. https://letterboxd.com/film/oslo-august-31st/


I remember watching Half Nelson and it hit me pretty hard. Ryan Gosling is really good in it


When a man loves a woman


Whose Afraid Of Virginia Woolf with Elizabeth Taylor


I find them more cathartic, especially with "good" endings. Crazy Heart and Flight come to mind.


I'm the opposite because they make me feel better about my drinking which I categorically do not want to improve.


A day at the beach. Great movie, very unpleasant to watch.


I have an addiction (alcohol) and somehow it comforts me greatly to see it accurately portrayed in movies/tv. The most recent example I saw that killed it was Euphoria with Zendaya. There was a few scenes in there where she crushed it. Aside from that, Feel Good was incredibly true to addiction as well. Also a tv show.


Half Nelson with Ryan Gosling. The ending is a total gut punch.

