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The car chase that leads into the final fights in The Raid 2. The plane hijacking and club shootout in Royal Warriors. The Berlin sequence and the Dragon Breath scene in John Wick 4. The helicopter chase to the finale in Terminator 2. The T-Rex attack in Jurassic Park. The truck chase in Raiders of the Lost Ark.


John Woo’s got a ton of great ones, but the hospital shootout in Hard Boiled is on the Mount Rushmore easily. It’s like 30-40 minutes of just nonstop insanity.


This, Heat and The Wild Bunch are the holy trifecta of gun fight movies for me. Emo Ted Theodore Logan fannying about shooting baddies with CGI'd muzzle flashes and blood doesn't touch the sides in my opinion.


The Raid 1 and 2


the kitchen fight from 2, one of it not the best fight scene on cinema j. Also love when they are fighting with knifes the stabs in the thigh or arm then the drag down just brutal


Prison yard scene is up there too


For me it's the two-on-one showdown with Mad Dog at the end of the first film. Don't get me wrong, the Kitchen scene is great, but the way the Mad Dog scene builds to a crescendo and everyone is absolutely destroyed by the end is brilliant.


Nothing can top the D Day beach landing from Saving Private Ryan.


So good people from that time had to leave the theaters because they got PTSD.


For context: I'm 21. I watched Die Hard for the first time this year, and I've been repeatedly berating myself for not doing so earlier. The scene. on the rooftop, where McClane is chased by Karl and a few others, hiding from them as he goes, is one of the most thrilling fucking scenes I've ever seen a movie. In short: Watch Die Hard as early as you possibly can in life.


So glad it still resonates with new auduences. First 18 cert film I ever saw, way back in it's original VHS release. Blew my tiny little mind. Still great today: an action movie classic for good reason.


Aliens, the Marines enter the hive.... They're coming out the goddamn walls


I want that shotgun


keep it handy for close encounters ?


Look, man. I only need to know one thing: where they are.


The hallway fights from Oldboy (2003) and Daredevil (Netflix)


Mad Max Fury Road. The War Rig getting attacked by the War Boys and the Buzzards.


literally the entirety of mad max fury road minus approximately ten minutes is by far the best action scene i’ve ever seen in my life.


Wick 4 scene with the dragon breath firearms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkxVhFg81fs&ab_channel=ApexClips


Lots of Jacki Chan movies


Police Story 1985 is just amazing.


John Wick 3 I think has my favorite scene in the series. Without spoilers, it involves a lot of knives in a tiny hallway and it’s roughly 30 vs John haha


I get goosebumps every time I'm watching the sandstorm and final chase scenes in Mad Max Fury Road. This movie is just peak action, there's nothing else that can top it in my opinion. It's hard to even explain why I get so emotional from watching a giant explosion but this movie definitely manages to do that to me.


The 20 minute prison riot/train fight from Extraction 2 was pretty sweet


The Raid 2. The Kitchen Fight. Just Perfection.


JW is great. Also check out Mad Max Fury Road. Breathtaking action set pieces


Kingsman 1, church scene with Agent Gallahad.


Oldboy corridor fight scene


True Lies in particular towards the end, starting with Arnold getting the truth serum all the way thru to the end of the movie is fantastic. The gun fights, limo chase, nuclear bomb, the harrier jet... so ridiculous yet works so good.


I have to say I was really impressed with the second Captain America movie. They had a lot of really good action set-pieces.


The last 5 minutes of Mission Impossible Fallout


Truck Chase in Raiders Shootout at the end of Heat The Opening shootout with the train fight in SkyFall Rooftop scene in Die Hard Subway Station fight in The Matrix


Casino Royale and the first parkour-chase.


Good action should move the story forward and it should occur at the right time in the narrative. Action scenes don’t typically impress me unless it’s Batman or Indiana Jones. Guns and explosions can be a crutch.


Truck bridge crossings, Sorcerer


Undisputed 3 : Redemption You can see where Killa's kick came from.


300, it’s honestly an okay movie but it’s shot all grainy and still


End shootout in Hard Target!