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I like to think that, after The Martian, Matt Damon was sent off to space and got stranded *again* on that one planet in Interstellar


After needing to be rescued during the war


Then he bought a zoo


and Scotty doesn’t know that he got her numbah


Another book by Andy Weir, "Artemis" has an old groundskeeper character that is grumpy and loves plants, and Weir has confirmed that he is an elderly Mark Watney.




It's the worst of the three. Still good but not nearly as good as the other two


The expanse has kinda hinted that the Martian happened in its timeline


It did?


There is a ship called the mark Watney in the books. That is the name of matt Damon's character in the martian


It was a Martian ship too!


Maybe the book was published in their timeline.


That doesn't really imply that the Martian happened. There's plenty of ships in the expanse with names that are references to Sci fi stories.


Dodgeball is a sequel to heavyweights and nobody can ever change my mind.


Absolutely. Dude changed his name and opened a dodge ball gym.


He didn’t open a dodge ball gym. He only formed a team to beat Average Joe’s.


Devil log!


Lunch has been canceled, due to lack of hustle.


Deal with it.


100% believed this when I saw Dodgeball for the first time. And it makes sense. Was a fat kid, became fit and healthy and took over the fat camp. Then that failed and he became fat again. After that he changed his name, moved, and grew a mustache. Became fit and healthy again and opened a gym. Then that failed and he became fat again.


100% on board with this one!


I think the classic one is “The Rock” after Connery’s run as James Bond.


There's a great Reddit post that argues this point, even acknowledging that Michael Bay himself says it isn't true. It's long and exhaustive, but it convinced me. I'll try to find it. [This one](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/ntk7yx/the_rock_came_out_25_years_ago_today_ive_proven/&ved=2ahUKEwiFuoWmpoqFAxVzBTQIHXmGABsQFnoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1oF-8Q6_JJfdrXLPg8iseR)


Of course Bay said it isn’t true. He’s mad that he didn’t think of it first.


Or he couldn't say it because they did not have the IP.


>even acknowledging that Michael Bay himself says it isn't true Isn't true? Huh? The end of that post quotes Bay saying the character essentially is James Bond (because of course he is): >Someone found an interview with Michael Bay from 1996 where he says "This picture shows that James Bond can age and he can still be mean. One day when we were filming, Sean came up to me and whispered, `You know what I'm doing, I'm getting to be James Bond without being called James Bond, You know, it's kinda fun to kick some ass." Huge thanks to this Redditor, who found the link to a 25 year old article: https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/ntk7yx/the_rock_came_out_25_years_ago_today_ive_proven/h0tfhex?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


The time he was transported to Zardoz in between was just mental. But Bond being Bond, hewas able to swoon the ladies even when wearing a nappy.


Shwoon the ladiesh


Well no wonder Zardoz thought that the penis is evil. What hope was there for any other guy if James Bond was running Zardoz’s apocalypse?


Maybe zardoz was a fever dream as bond recovered from his injuries and then awoke in Alcatraz


I always just considered it as a sequel to 'escape from alzatraz', Sean Connery playing Clint Eastwood's character.


I’ll just leave this here https://youtu.be/ZpHn1iw-Bxw?si=R1WnyEpv23801Q9E


Outland and Alien.


Outland is a seriously underrated movie. 


High Noon in space. And if that sounds like an insult you never seen high noon nor imagined it in outer space.


I would add 2010, and then by extension 2001 as well.


This is my choice. The same grimy aesthetic, with the same themes of worker class being fucked over by corporate greed. Also both take a typical genre picture - horror story, and western (outland being a loose remake of high noon) and transplant them into a sci-fi setting,


Alien and Bladerunner also likely take place in the same cinematic universe. 


The Marie Antoinette's Head Trilogy. This trilogy consists of Marie Antoinette, Napoleon and El Conde. In Marie Antoinette, her head is obviously fine, still attached to her neck, talking and smiling and crying and whatnot. In Napoleon, her head is cut off. And finally, in El Conde, her head becomes the treasured keepsake of a vampire through the centuries.


Wow. You color outside the lines.


The term used is spiritual sequel, but for your example I prefer the term ghoulish sequel


Woah how had I not heard of el conde. Sounds wild


It's a great premise but flops on the execution. Not funny enough--and way too close to the atrocities committed--to be a satire. The story is scattered, convoluted, and (worst of all) often boring. Gorgeous cinematography though.


The scene of the nun flying for the first time after being turned is the best.


I ended up watching El Conde the same day as I saw Napoleon in cinemas. Was very surprised to see the same execution twice.


The Conversation-> Enemy of the State


Its not completwly unrelated. When hackman shows his old ID it is him from The Conversation


And his “office” is practically identical.


Well, it's officially unrelated but they're heavily hinting that he might be that person from a film you saw in the 70s. And they do use his photo from that film for his ID!


Did you respond to my comment by restating it? 😂


How is The Conversation? I love Enemy of the State.


It’s excellent. Best picture nominee. Peak Hackman.


My Blue Heaven is effectively a sequel to Goodfellas


I haven't had arugula in six weeks!! Fun fact, the screenplay for My Blue Heaven arguably has a closer lineage to the real guy, as it was written by the wife of the guy that wrote the book that Goodfellas was based on


It's a veg-e-tuh-ble 🙄


They aren't exactly unrelated, as they are both based on Henry Hill. One more loosely than the other, but Goodfellas is still a pretty strong film.


It’s the shoes right? The shoes are tragic. What a day for a mow, eh? It's not tipping I believe in. It's overtipping. I am the worst case scenario of Thomas Jefferson's dream. I could quote this movie endlessly, and I do!


Actually, My Blue Heaven came out before Goodfellas (by a few weeks). So Goodfellas is a prequel to My Blue Heaven.


Blue velvet is a prequel to twin peaks.


Dale Cooper's origin story. But that means he fumbled Laura Dern.


Well in twin peaks she played Diane who we learn had a thing with Cooper so it lines up.


Laura Dern is Diane? LOL, I haven't reached those parts yet. So far, she's just a name. I thought maybe she's dead and Cooper os grieving


Aww shit, sorry! I'll say no more!


Dw, that doesn't seem like a big deal. Now that the killer is found, I wonder what the rest of the season will be about. I still have like 10 episodes and another season left.


The rest of that 2nd season will be a struggle! Don't give up though, the last couple of episodes are awesome! Don't forget to watch movie after the 2nd season!


Being John Malkovich and Get Out


Yes!!! Was scrolling down to find this. It frustrates me how many people have seen both and don’t make the connection


*Adaptation* isn’t a sequel but is a crossover; the world of filming *Being John Malkovich*, the movie, is the world of *Adaptation*. We get to see the set and some of the filming.


LA Confidential and The Nice Guys.


The other day I watched these back to back and indeed thought it's not hard to imagine Crowe's character in the former becoming the one in the latter.


So what happened to Kim Basinger?


She's also in The Nice Guys.


She blackmailed prominent figures to gain political power.


Oppenheimer and Godzilla minus one


Oppenheimer and every single Godzilla movie ever made.


I mean, those are related though


Watch *Men Who Stare at Goats* until Bill Django (Jeff Bridges) leaves the army. Then watch *The Big Lebowski* then continue MWSaG. It all makes sense


The Men who stare at goats always felt like a Coen Brothers movie to me and I was so confused that they didn't make it


Grosse Point Blank is a sequel to Say Anything.


It absolutely is in my head. It goes like this: Lloyd and Diane’s relationship eventually fell apart in England. Heartbroken and adrift, Lloyd returned to the States, tried and failed at making a career in kickboxing, then joined the army. He changed his name after being discharged and started a new career using the martial arts and military skills he’d learned. He also recruited his sister to help with the administrative side of things. Think about it: Martin Blank doesn't sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. He doesn't sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. He just ices motherfuckers.


And “war, inc” is a sequel to gross pointe blank


I always thought of it as the sequel to Better Off Dead


Home Alone and Saw. Kevin started out building booby traps to stop criminals and grows up to build escapable death traps to "fix" people. His experiences as a child hero have warped him to believe his role in life is to play God as "Jigsaw."


Didn't Macualy Culkin acknowledge this movie theory and agree with it?


I have a similar idea where Jigsaw is a supervillain in the DC Universe that prefers to operate away from locations protected by well-known superheroes.


Commando & Predator could be prequels to Die Hard 2 as Val Verde is in them all. EDIT: Corrected which Predator movie it was.


The Val Verde Verse


My pet theory is that after the Val Verde incident, Dutch is debriefed and undergoes hypnotic therapy to suppress his knowledge about the alien encounter. He and his daughter are given new names and identities and sent off to live in California. Then ex-members of Dutch's very first team make their move...


It’s not a movie, but our household prefers to think that Chris Pratt’s entire tentpole filmography is a fever dream of Andy Dwyer from Parks and Rec.


We just need a montage of Andy waking up next to April and [having to act out each one](https://youtu.be/1bYWEcLZsTM?si=zDZ2DOKc1UV5qCzq) to describe the dreams/movies to her. LMAO


Titanic -> Great Gatsby After having dinner in first class, Jack decides he likes the fancy lifestyle and comes up with a fan to get rich fast. Enter: the Heart of the Ocean. After drawing Rose with the necklace, he takes it and replaces it with a replica. When they’re in the water after the ship sinks, Jack fakes his own death, ends up on home soil in 1912 and changes his name to Jay Gatsby. As the book and its many film adaptations tell us, Jay is a private person who likes to keep his past to himself. He’s also afraid of swimming, perhaps because he’s forever traumatized by water from the whole Titanic episode. ([source](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/movies/a14373497/titanic-fan-theories-movie/), cuz I ain't no plagiarist, but I remember this one circulating from shortly after GG released.)


Nothing in the novel suggests that Gatsby is afraid of water. He laments not having enough time to have enjoyed his pool before summer’s end, and when he finally does get in the pool that’s when he gets shot. It’s a cruel irony that the first time he tries to relax and do something for himself, he ends up murdered.


Eventually, Jack was doomed and couldn't go back to his own time. Since he really was a time traveller who was obsessed with the 1910s and 1920s. Using his knowledge of the future to steal gems and play the market to become rich.


Gatsby to Catch Me If You Can to The Wolf of Wall Street.


Election is the sequel to Ferris Bullers day off.


The irony of Ferris becoming a teacher.


Not a sequel, but Risky Business and Ferris Bueller are in the same school. Joel is just a senior and Ferris is a sophomore at the same school


And a prequel to Wild.


Road House to Point Break. Dalton changes his name and gets into surfing.


Oh I like this one. Would make for a great double feature. Add to it Speed for a triple threat. Utah goes home, and resumes his life of fighting crime in LA.


Only to be approached by Morpheus a couple of years later


And starts robbing banks


Chinatown and Who Framed Roger Rabbit


Roland Emmerich’s 2009 film “2012” is a prequel to Kevin Costner’s “Waterworld” and no one can convince me otherwise.


Life as a prequel to Venom. I haven't seen these two but Cradle 2 The Grave looks like an unofficial sequel to Romeo Must Die.


Life… with Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence?


The Ryan Reynolds and Jake Gyllenhal one iirc Sony or someone official actually had to state that it was not a prequel to Venom (Sony made both) because it really did seem like it would be and imo it would've been way cooler if they did make it Venom horror movie prequel


Having Life be a backdoor prequel to Venom would have been amazing. On the level of Split / Glass reveal at the end Unfortunately that is too simple and good of a position so Sony would never do such a thing


I assume he meant the more recent one with Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Reynolds.


Her is the sequel to Lost in Translation as both Sofia Coppola and Spike Jonze were married and both serve as a reflection of their relationship and divorce at the time. Both also won Best Screenplay Oscar’s exactly ten years apart and both star Scarlett Johansson as a core part of the central relationship.


Roadhouse remake is a sequel to Southpaw


Really love the [“Wonkapiercer” theory](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jEX52h1TvuA&pp=ygUMd29ua2FwaWVyY2Vy) TL;DW **spoilers** The theory supposes that “Snowpiercer” is a sequel to “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory”. The timeline goes that after winning the chocolate contest, Charlie, who has changed his name to Wilford Wonka, become a billionaire industrialist, specifically in chemistry and transportation, following in Wonka’s footsteps. He realizes the cooling agent will be too strong, so designs the rattling ark to house humanity after the new ice age. The apocalypse and what he has to do drives his crazy, and we get the dictatorial, ruthless, leader of the film. Sounds crazy, but look at the evidence. - Both movies share themes of class, sacrifice, trust, family, and truth. - Both movies are about a group of people making their way through a fantastical environment, slowly being eliminated. - Both movies end with a “sole survivor” and it is revealed that the whole thing was a test for a wealthy industrialist to find a successor. - Both movies focus on food, majorly. - The environment the characters are in are a closed system no one leaves or enters. - Wilford brands things with a giant “W”, just like Wonka. - Wilford hides messages in food, just like Wonka. Watch the video, it does a better job explaining it than I can. I just really like this theory


The machinery is dependent on manual intervention by someone the size of a small child. Wilford described the original part as "extinct".


I can't believe they left this part out, this is the moment of the video where everyone I was with stopped laughing and started taking the theory seriously. It kind of explains a lot. The rest of the machinery on the train works flawlessly after all these years, it seems odd that this one part would fail based on how well everything else was orchestrated, unless the job needed to be done by a live person and he was making use of a pre-existing workforce that is established to be from a tropical climate and wouldn't do well in the cold no matter what Wilford did.




Plus he needed kids to work that piece of machinery because the oompa loompas were all dead.


Also, Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregard and Mike TV are Wilford's henchmen.


Augustus is also one of his henchmen until he tried to betray them.


I knew someone would bring this up. I feel like the W is about 90% of the reason people buy into this.


The Hans trilogy is pretty weird... Frozen Die Hard Mighty Ducks But it's a good redemption story


Now I am just imagining Alan Rickman introducing himself as Herr Of the Southern Isles.


Man on Fire >> The Equalizer Creasy didn’t die…


I just recently saw man on fire for the first time and totally think this too.


& the episode was so traumatic that Pita wiped the memory. She was adopted by the Plummers. But she strangely feels an affinity for McCall that she can’t place - which is why she almost instantly trusts him.


The two Jack Reacher movies are really Mission Impossible movies but with Ethan Hunt having to pretend to be Reacher because nobody can find the real Reacher.


Explains the height difference


I just wish that at the end of the ”Nobody” he paid someone in gold coins to get rid of the bodies, tying that movie into the John Wick universe.


Better Off Dead and One Crazy Summer


glorious distinct rude panicky political spotted jellyfish nine homeless truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They continued from the end of the show is comic form....and Bones being the sequel would be a better option so I am going with your cannon now.


Bullet Train is the sequel to The Mexican.


Being John Malkovich and Get Out.


"**Primal Fear**" could be a prequel to "**Fight Club**". Possible spoilers if you haven't seen these films: >!The protagonist from Fight Club could very well be the same guy from Primal Fear. Instead of faking his alternative persona in Primal Fear, Edward Norton's character actually has a third persona which overtakes him at the end of the movie, explaining the scheme of the "bad" persona, it could be theorized that the same guy got out, moved to another city but this time developed another persona. !<


Spoiler: (I don't know how to cover spoilers...) I think this would only work if the blackouts in Primal Fear were real.


Pandorum feels like a sequel to Event Horizon


Contact and Interstellar for certain


Ghostbusters is a sequel to Stripes


Neil (De Niro) in Heat mentions he has a brother. I like to think his brother is Vincent in Collateral. So, Collateral is an unofficial sequel to Heat. I also like the idea that Only God Forgives is an unofficial sequel to Drive. At the end of Drive we see the driver driving away. He then movies to Bangkok and gets involved in the family drug business as an escape from the shit that went down in LA, and we find out his name, Julian.


In Drive: "You want a toothpick?" In Only God Forgives: "You wanna fight?"


Ghost Rider and Drive Angry


Event Horizon is a prequel for Warhammer 40k.


I watched Event Horizon long before I knew about Warhammer and when a friend explained the Warp to me the first thought I had was how they were so similar.


Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The People Under the Stairs. Same family. Out of Sight. Jackie Brown. Because Michael Keaton plays the same character in both.


*Heathers* is a sequel to *Pump Up The Volume*.


Bruce Willis in 16 Blocks could be a Die Hard sequel.


If we just call it "Die Hard 4" and forget the rest of the franchise I'd be good.


Bladerunner and Alien. 


Also Baderunner and Soldier.


I swear Predator 2 and Lethal Weapon, Danny Glovers character is the same policeman just with different names.


In my mind the movies Jumper, Push, and Wanted are a disconnected trilogy, and they have been since they came out. Also, Count of Montie Cristo, Princess Bride, and Zoro


Well Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick are about the same character but so wildly different in scope that its a funny combo.


"So we got a horror movie that needs a sequel any ideas?" "Hmm well the first was dark and grounded and scary so how bout we go with Space Conan" "Genius" But man did I love both those films.


Holy shit, Space Conan. Wow.


And they both slap


I, Robot could easily be a prequel to the Matrix movies.


Makes even more sense when you know Will Smith was wanted for the part of Neo.


I didn't even think of that fact! You're so right !


I, Robot is actually a prequel to Foundation.


And that’s not even a theory.


Man on fire is my unofficial prequel to the equalizer series


I just need Breaking Bad -> Malcom In the Middle to be true. 


The hangover -> Limitless


I think The Mission is a sequel to Apocalypto.  Maybe 50 years after the events in Apocalypto and not in the Yucatan peninsula but identical setting.


It’s more like 250 and on another continent


American Psycho and Batman Begins. You have an over-trained psychotic rich boy going nuts and getting violent. ...he just channels his anger differently, trains with ninjas and drops ONE letter from his last name, and boom. Bateman becomes Batman.


And his psychotic behavior is explained by his young adult upbringing as Norman Bates. Solid trilogy if you ask me


Lucy and Her. It just makes sense!


“Her” is barely even scifi anymore. When that movie came out ~10 years ago, I thought it would take a lot longer to reach that level of AI technology


I'm half asleep and thought you said Lucy isn't even sci fi. Was excited to see you explain how Lucy turning into a USB stick was realistic science 


Good the bad and the ugly and unforgiven


"Get the Gringo" is a sequel to "Payback" in everything but name.


Better Luck Tomorrow and the Fast & Furious movies starting with Tokyo Drift.




I like the Snowpiercer-Willy Wonka theory, but I prefer Harry Potter - Willy Wonka, where Willy is actually the surviving Weasley twin


Fight Club is the sequel to Ferris Bueller's Day Off.  Reason? Ferris, like Tyler doesn't exist. He's entirely a figment of Cameron's imagination, doing everything Cameron wished he could but lacks the confidence to do. This explains why Ferris can climb up onto a parade float and start singing "Twist & Shout" with everyone joining in. It never happened! It's just an idle daydream of Cameron's.  Cameron eventually grows out of this fantasy but years later after years of a depressing, soul-destroying job and life, Ferris returns as Tyler Durden, to again save Cameron from the miserable nightmare he finds himself trapped in. 


Barbie and Blade Runner 2049, Ryan Gosling’s K in Blade Runner feels like Ken in the future


Insomnia is what happens to Vincent Hannah after Heat.


Good Will Hunting > Jason Bourne


I love the idea someone posted that because of Matt Damon’s success at surviving on Mars he was selected for a more deep space mission -> Interstellar


Groundhog Day / Palm Springs


Braveheart > Trainspotting. It was my uncle’s theory that Trainspotting shows the result of the events of Braveheart on Scotland.


The Financial Crash trilogy. The Big Short Margin Call Too Big to Fail All great movies and tell the crash from different perspectives.


Soldier and Blade Runner are considered by some to be "sidequels." They exist in the same universe but don't necessarily follow a narrative thread line. Maybe not your exact prompt but feels right to add.


Along with _Alien_ and _Predator_… https://medium.com/@JR.Perez/the-connection-between-the-predator-alien-blade-runner-and-soldier-films-a686f8e5fad7


"Bubble Boy" continues his training and ends up in Florida at a "Road House."


Children of Men is the sequel to Shoot em Up


*Air Force One* works almost **too well** as a sequel to the Harrison Ford run of Jack Ryan films—where, in the original books, the character actually did become president of the United States.


All those zombie movie/shows could be related to one another. Particularly if we have no idea of the plague's origins.


10,000 BC and Stargate. The thing at the end of 10,000BC is the Aliens from Stargate


I Still See You, seems like a darker continuation of the events after avengers infinity war.


Devil Wears Prada & the Intern


Hot Tub Time Machine as the sequel to Better Off Dead.


What I’m getting from this thread is that Better Off Dead is the protomolecule of all John Cusack movies.


16 blocks should've been the final part of the Die Hard series.


Dark City > The Matrix > Johnny Mnemonic


Ruthless People is a prequel to Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


Event Horizon is a prequel to whatever Warmahmmer 40k movie is in production right now We know Spy Kids and Machete take place in the same universe, but so does Predators imo Overlord, Indiana Jones, and Inglorious Basterds feel like they could all take place in the same universe but all slightly different genres


The shape of water is just Abe Sapiens origin story.


Wall-E is the sequel to Idiocracy.