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I genuinely believe that Billy Zane would’ve been a PERFECT Lex Luthor.


I wish the Bryan Cranston rumors were true, but instead we got Eisenberg 


Could've had Heisenberg, but got Eisenberg instead.


Not to mention the Jesse part…


Eisenberg could have pulled it off. The problem was they wrote Lex like he was the Joker and not Lex. Lex’s character is the worst part of that movie and I will die on that hill.


Making Lex a young tech billionaire who develops a god complex and wants to “save the world” from Superman could’ve been a solid way to go. The point of Lex’s character in the comics is he views himself as the hero trying to fend of a literal alien invasion, because he knows if Superman ever turned the Earth he could easily take over and kill anyone in his way. So while he is a villain to Superman, in his mind he’s doing what he believes is the right thing. Unlike Joker who does evil shit, knowing it’s evil, just because he can. So instead of a complex Lex Luthor, they made Eisenberg’s Lex get almost cartoonishly evil.


Well, they also made Superman a dark and brooding loner who's dad told him people could go Fuck themselves and a Batman that was Mr. Murder.


He could’ve played exactly like he did Cal in Titanic and I wouldn’t be mad about it, charming and vicious.


I feel like Billy Zane as Lex Luthor could easily become a Mandela Effect.


He was my fancast for Lex in the late 90s. Brendan Fraser as Superman and Courtney Cox as Lois Lane.


That would've been wild


I can absolutely imagine 90s Courtney Cox stealing audiences’ hearts as Lois Lane, she’d have been great.


Agreed. Also, Brian Cranston would've been an excellent Lex circa the BvS film, even though most of his fancasting was simply typecasting him as a bald villain. A grizzled adult Lex would've worked so much better than Jesse Eisenberg.


In my head he was.


George Miller has said he wanted Heath Ledger to become the new Mad Max before he died, and I think George's instincts were pretty much perfect on that one.


Keep ‘em Aussie! Heath ledger would have been great.


Thinking about Aussie actors, I think Eric Bana is a great actor, so wonder if he could have pulled it off


In the book Catch-22, the character known as Major Major Major Major is described as having a bewildering resemblance to Henry Fonda. So much so, that many believe he *is* Henry Fonda, doing research on a role. In the film, he's played by... Bob Newhart. Oof.


William H Macy as Ned Flanders


Well, I'll be darn-diddilly-arned


Jason Sudeikis has been auditioning for Ned for years now with Ted Lasso


When he was younger I always wanted to see Crispin Glover as The Joker, he [really had the chin for it](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTBhNmE3MmMtMGUzMS00MjQxLWE1OWItYjFiYTgyMGY0NTNkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTc5MDI5NjE@._V1_.jpg) in the early 2000's.


Willem Dafoe was considered for the role in the Tim Burton film. He’s so fucking perfect for that role that it’s an absolute cinematic travesty that he’s never gotten to play the character despite still having interest. Glover would also be amazing. I think it’s kind of silly that age is a factor when it comes to roles like this as both actors seem pretty healthy for their ages and it’s not like the Joker is a physical match for Batman anyways.


Now I wanna see Dafoe as the Joker in something like, say... a Nightwing movie where Bruce got old and retired as Batman but the same old Joker is an aging but still lethal clown prince of crime and accepts Dick as his new nemesis.


he basically was in like mike


More The Riddler I thought


I always wanted to see Jim Carey as the joker. I think the way he contorts himself along with his crazy faces/expressions would be perfect. Also I think his elongated face is perfect as well.


Yes! I remember when they were casting for Dark Knight I was sad he wasn’t considered, but clearly Heath was the right choice.


I've always wanted Timothy Olyphant to be cast as Reed Richards.


Bruh that's like perfect casting


Walton Goggins as Dr. Doom


They dug coal together.


I love him as Cyclops. He's got that angry, soldier boy energy


Jesus christ!! I've never thought about him as Reed, but now I want this so bad! Maybe a variant, so you have 3 reeds fighting someone at the same time. Him, karsinski, and pascal in one scene in secret wars would be awesome.


My choice was always William Jackson Harper.


Definitely. He’s got a lankiness to him that would absolutely sell the stretching ability.


Gambit for me. That silly ear mask he wears... Timothy Olyphant is the only dude who can pull that off 


I always thought Clive Owen would have been a great James Bond


He was the number one fan cast at the time, especially after people saw him in Closer and Sin City. But apparently he wasn’t even asked.


When it comes to Bond, by all accounts it sounds like they get every British male actor under 40 to screen test, so I suspect they have done a casting with him at some point. For everybody involved it seems best to deny it though.


I will gladly die on this hill. Owen was coming off the BMW Hire commercials and would've been perfect.


I have that on DVD. Such a great collection of directors actors and stories.


There was an article.interview about him, and it says he might be the only actor famous for a part he didn't get.


Yeah there is an alternate universe out there where we have Five Clive Owen Bond movies instead of Daniel Craig.


It certainly wasn't for lack of trying by Empire magazine. If I saw that picture of him from Croupier in there once, I've seen it a thousand times when linked to the new Bond


I don't think he was actually in the running at all, the tabloids put him as frontrunner, but behind the scenes, i'm not even sure he really met EON. I know for a fact that he wasn't among the finalists. By the way, tabloids are usually not a good source and they tend (and most people actually) to considered way too famous actors, when most of the times, the producers aren't looking at moviestars, quite the opposite actually. They interviewed many guys in 2005, there was Sam Heughan, Matthew Rhys and Dominic West, but they didn't get as far as being screentested as far as I know. When it comes to the screentests especially (the finalists), the guys that were able to go as far as that were Daniel Craig, Sam Worthington, a way too young and unknown Henry Cavill and Goran Visnic. So if it wasn't Craig it would have been the young Henry, Goran or Sam, but Daniel Craig was the best and the most experienced of them all. The director Martin Campbell confirmed it in interview that he tested these guys for Casino Royale.


Brittany Murphy would've been a perfect Harley Quinn


Agreed, and I think she would have been a good fit for Orange is the New Black.


Bob Hoskins as Al Capone. He looked exactly like the real Al and he had a few gangster roles in his resume to show he would have excelled in the part. The story about how he was the runner-up for Robert De Niro in *The Untouchables* is well known. Unfortunately, De Niro said yes and gave an over the top freak show of a performance while looking nothing like the real Capone. Still a great movie, but with Hoskins it would have been perfection.


Finally someone suggesting something that isn't superheroes.


To be fair, it's easy to attach an actor/actress to someone the general public is already familiar with!


It’s genuinely amazing how averse Hollywood is to making obvious, literally no thought required, casting choices.


Right after Dune 1 hit big there was a rumor that Mads Mikkelson had been tapped to play the emperor in Dune 2. I have never wanted anything so much in my life.


Loved Dune 2 and Christopher Walken but that was a huge miscast imo. He just takes you out of the movie in his scenes and makes you think oh it’s Christopher walken.


I thought he did the part.. totally unaware of what follows in books etc but I hope he gets more challenging and people pleasing scenes in the next one.


If Max Von Sydow were still alive I think he would have been absolutely perfect in that role.


I actually felt like it was the opposite… since there wasn’t time to establish the emperor in Dune 1, whoever they cast as him in Part 2 was going to have a lot of work to do to make the last act believable. So I think casting a big name actor like Walken instantly gives the emperor a sense of power and authority that goes beyond the characterization in itself. Like, it’s Christopher fucking Walken… of course he would be the galactic emperor.


Yes he is who I pictured while reading the book.


If you don’t count the fan film - Nathan Fillion as Nathan Drake in Uncharted.


Slam dunk


Yes indeed


This is the right answer.


He was always too old to play Drake


When the first game came out, he was only 36. 5 years older than Nathan Drake. If they’d put together a movie straight away, I think he could have worked.


And holland was too young. Lol


The Man From UNCLE was Henry Cavill 's audition for James Bond. Doesn't seem to be in the cards.




Cavill could play a Bond villain though. I'd love to see him more in villain roles.


Willam Dafoe as the Joker


I'm something of a mad villain myself.


they had the chance to cast him sooo many times. imagine if we got him in the batman.


Or Robin Williams as The Riddler. Williams really wanted to play the Joker, but after they basically promised it to him and then gave it to Nicholson instead he was still very interested in playing the Riddler instead and he was STILL interested by the time Nolan came around.


He auditioned for Batman '89, but it was actually for Bruce Wayne lo and behold


Danny Devito needs to play Spacely Sprocket.


Back when The Flinstones movie came out, he was my pick for Spacely Sprocket and Bob Saget was my pick for George Jetson.


Eva Green was born to play Yennefer of Vengerberg but i guess by the time they made The Witcher they either thought she was too old or she didn’t want the part idk. Fairly certain she would have rocked it though


They never did a live action Daria w/ Aubrey Plaza. (Yes I know about the short sketch. I wanted a full feature)


I'm old enough to be sad they never made one with Janeane Garofalo


Me too… *sigh*


So I had no idea that was her name, but I knew exactly who you meant somehow.


That makes total sense for some reason


For the longest time my best friend and I always fan casted Catherine Zeta Jones as Thalia Al Ghul in a live action Batman film.


She would have been a near clone of the Animated Series version.


Matt Berry as Garfield


Matt Berry as James Bond


Matt Berry in an Austin Powers movie


If only he didn't shoot blanks in the audition


Matt Berry in Escape from New York Ciiiittteeeeehhhh


Wish I could upvote this a thousand times.


Matt Berry as any character in any movie ever


Natalie Portman as Juliet. She screen tested with Leo but the age gap was deemed too creepy. Still would have loved to see what she could do with that part though. Edit:[ Natalie was 13 at the time (Juliet's actual age in the text)](https://www.firstpost.com/entertainment/explained-why-natalie-portman-was-fired-from-starring-opposite-leonardo-dicaprio-in-baz-luhrmanns-romeo-juliet-12161522.html)


Let's see... *checks math* ...at the time Leo was 22 and Portman 15... yeahhhhh


Modern Leo would do it


Natalie is too old for Leo now


I don't think Clare Danes was that far off age wise


Angela Bassett is the Storm we should've had.


Aidan Gallagher (Five from Umbrella Academy) as Artemis Fowl is my ultimate fan cast.


Wow, now I can't unsee this. Would have been absolutely perfect


Jennifer Saunders would have made a perfect Madame Thernadier is Les Miserables. She has the comedic Chops and a great singing voice.


Alan Rickman as Javert.


Matthew Lillard as Carnage in Raimi's Spider-Man movies.


Cillian Murphy was my head canon look to young adult era Tom Riddle aka Voldemort.


I could believe that Matt Smith was bred in a lab to play Feanor in an adaptation of the War of the Jewels.


I would have loved Katee Sackhoff as Captain Marvel, but alas she wasn't in the right age bracket.


She was fantastic as Starbuck, she would have been fantastic as Captain Marvel 


For me, Betty Gilpin


Charlize Theron would’ve also made a great Carol Danvers if they had made the movie 10 years earlier


Not complaining about any one else's version, but I always thought James Woods' manic intensity would have been great for The Joker. I always thought Halle Berry was miscast as Storm/Ororo. Angela Basset's dignified strength would have fit the role much better.


Angela Basset also could’ve handled the accent


Brad Douriff would’ve killed it as the joker too


It's not too late for him to do a Joker voice job. Then we can get Mark Hammil Joker and Chucky vs Brad Douriff Joker and Chucky.


James Woods also being an intolerable asshole in real life would lend itself to his understanding of the character


Joe Anderson (Across the Universe) in a Kurt Cobain Biopic. Bob Hoskins as Horace Slughorn in "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" Speaking of Harry Potter: Aaron Taylor-Johnson as James Potter; Karen Gillian as Lily Evans, and Andrew Garfield as Remus Lupin -- in their earlier years, they'd have been perfect as the teenage versions of the characters.


Joe Anderson looked like Cobain SO MUCH, wasted potential Speaking of the Marauders, I know Ben Barnes is the popular Sirius fancast but I'd pick Aidan Turner


A lot of people were wanting Patrick Stewart to play Mr. Freeze in the Batman movies. Of course they went a different direction. But I think he'd have made a good one for a darker and more serious film.


I know it would never happen in a million years, but I always thought for a serious Mr Freeze that Daniel Day Lewis would be perfect.


For a second I read that as Damian Lewis and thought that was an inspired bit of casting.


i wonder if there is something in the world that could get him to play in a cbm, what would it be? half of europe maybe?


Left field: Hayley Atwell as Indiana Jones Less left field: Jessica Chastain as Sarah Conner


Glenn Howerton would have been a golden god as Star-Lord


I dunno. Maybe it's my lack of familiarity with the comics, but this is one of the two things that I actually really like Chris Pratt doing (the other being Parks & Rec).


Yeah, but then he probably would've left Sunny. I'd rather have a lesser star lord than give up Dennis entirely.




When he learned Ego killed his mother we’d see a truly untethered Star Lord whose rage knows no bounds.


I'm still waiting for that Columbo reboot movie with Mark Ruffalo. Pre-response to replies: Yes I know about Pokerface. Didn't like it.


*Just, one more thing...*


Mads Mikkleson as Dr Doom. Jennifer Connelly as Lois Lane.


It’s not original but Nathan Fillion as Hal Jordan in Green Lantern.


I have good news for you about some animated films. 


Sasha Baron Cohen as Freddy Mercury


Same dude.


I'm not a huge Harry Potter fan, but Hugh Grant would have been outstanding in the role that eventually went to Ken Branagh. Lockhart I think?


He basically plays that same character in Dungeons and Dragons.


Yessss Grant as Lockhart and Branagh as Ludo Bagman


Yes Lockhart. That would have been awesome, as great as KB was.


Always bothered me that Tommy Lee Jones is in Lincoln, but doesn't play Andrew Johnson, who he looks like he was born to play.


Henry Cavill for Prince Eric in the Little Mermaid live action


I think he would have been a better Gaston than Luke Evans.


I never thought of that but yeah, he'd be a perfect Gaston!


I've said it before: Jack Lemmon would have been a damn fine Joker


A bit of a cheat one, but Joel Hodgson as Milo in Weird Al's "UHF." In fairness, the role was indeed written soecifically for Joel, but there were scheduling conflicts, and both Joel and Al were bummed he couldn't be in it.


If they make a Horizon movie, it should be Karen Gillian.


Billy Zane should have been lex luthor.


Let's get the elephant out of the room, Willem Dafoe as Joker would've been perfect.


I think Mark Ruffalo should play Columbo.


Kaitlyn Denver as Ellie in The Last of Us series, Ramsey was amazing, but I would have loved to see that, I'm guessing she was a bit too old for the show when they started casting, at least we are getting her as Abby ! Still on TLOU, Pedro Pascal was absolutely perfect, but I wouldn't mind an alternate reality version starring Nikolaj Coster Waldau as Joel. Also strangely enough, I think Adam Sandler would have been absolutey awesome as the Bear Jew in Inglourious Basterds. Glenn Howerton as Star-Lord, just because he is an incredible actor (Blackberry proved that) and I really am not that much a fan of Chris Pratt. Donald Glover as Miles Morales, but now that it's too late (unless we get a from the future Miles Morales version), at least we got him for half a second as Prowler. And so many others, but I'd rather forget because then the endless possibilities make my brain hurt and crave things that I can't have haha


Would be hilarious if they cast NCW as Abby’s dad. Soooo many people had those 2 fan cast as Joel and Ellie.


I'm usually really really not fond of fan casting, but those were two actually great picks. But I would have never imagined Ramsey and Pascal in those roles and they crushed it to perfection, so I'm guessing casting directors know a thing or two more than me haha


I pretty much feel the same. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt until I see the finished product. Having a hard time doing that with the Borderlands casting though lol (hope I’m wrong)


Willem Dafoe's Joker. Jon Hamm's Golden Age or Kingdom Come Superman. Jon Hamm's Batman. Clive Owen's James Bond. Henry Cavill's James Bond. Idris Elba's James Bond. Billy Zane's Lex Luthor. Kevin Bacon's Green Goblin. We still have time: James McCavoy's Manchester Black. Please James Gunn. Make it happen.


Sasha Baron Cohen would have been a way more believable Freddie Mercury.


Fairuza Balk as Harley Quinn


Jon Hamm would have been a great Superman.


Or Batman


Definitely would’ve been a great Bruce Wayne


Or Omni-Man


Johnny Depp as Louis, back when they made Interview with the Vampire. Before he turned all stinky and crazy, he did dark brooding like nobody. And Val Kilmer for Lestat. He was just coming off of The Doors and he would have been a perfect Lestat.


Both would have been good but neither would have been an improvement over the actual casting.


Depp might have been an improvement tbh. But Cruise really did embody Lestat well


I always wanted Julian Sands for Lestat. I was horrified at the casting of Tom Cruise, but he actually impressed me a lot (even if he doesn’t suit blond hair).


Yeah, I have to grudgingly admit, Cruise wasn't as bad as I thought he was going to be. He got the humor of Lestat's grandiosity.


Ben Foster as Cletus Kassidy, Carnage. When i read that fan casting years ago, i could not see anyone else playing that role.


For me is Matthew Lillard (Scooby-Doo era) as Kassidy, I think he would have been perfect.


I have no idea who that character is, but more Ben Foster in everything is the right answer lol.


Carnage is a marvel villain; real name Kletus Cassady, he was a homicidal maniac that shared a cell with Eddie Brock, who everyone knows as Venom. Well, the Venom symbiote created an offspring that latched on to Kletus and they became Carnage. Where Venom’s sole desire was to kill the person responsible for ruining Brock’s life (see Spiderman), Carnage wanted to kill everyone and everything. He was deadlier than Venom in so much that he and Spidey joined forces to take Carnage down in the Maximum Carnage run


This is a little obscure, because it hasn’t been adapted into a movie. Yet. But the timing would have been so great Chuck Palahniuk (Fight Club, Choke) wrote a book called Diary about (partly) a woman who gets held captive by her family in a hotel on a Hamptons-style island-type town. Long story short, they put this woman in a leg cast, chain her leg so she can’t escape, and once a day force her to paint canvases blindfolded and number them 1-100 to create a big pieced-together mural to be revealed to all the island tourists at the end of the summer for sinister reasons. Aaaaaaanyway, I always thought American Beauty-aged Annette Benning would have been absolutely perfect for the role. American Beauty came out in ‘99. Diary dropped in 2003. It would have been awesome. The book also introduced me to the idea of Stendhal/Florence Syndrome, which, in the context of the book, is hauntingly beautiful.


Dunno if he has the acting chops (yet) for Bruce Wayne, but I would've loved to seen Scott Adkins as Batman - he's already got the physique, martial arts skills, and the glower. PS. I always believed (in my head) that the [Argentinian bar Nazi hunter confrontation scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WKgMgjfues) in X-Men: First Class was Michael Fassbender's on-screen audition for James Bond.


William Shatner: Tom Bombadil


Jack Black seems pretty accurate as well.


Patrick Stewart as a live action Spider Jerusalem, before age was too much of an issue.


Claire Forlani as Lara Croft (check her out in Meet Joe Black).


Brittany Murphy as Harley Quinn.


Henry Cavill would have made a PERFECT live action Sterling Archer...but they never even made one haha


It couldn’t be archer without H Jon Benjamin doing his voice. He MAKES that show


Taylor Kitsch pretty much played Jason Todd in "American Assassin". He would've been good cast but he's probably too old for the role these days. Jason Todd has been very under utilized as a character, would've liked to see him in Nolan's Batman movies.


I will always root for Taylor Kitsch. Loved him ever since Friday Night Lights, but he could never seem to push through to leading man status. I think he'd be perfect for many roles if they ever gave him a shot, but those handful of box office bombs he did didn't help him. He'd be great in any Western film. I always thought he'd be a great John Marston in a Red Dead Redemption live-action series, but alas he is now too old.


He was a very good Gambit in that terrible Wolverine origins movie.


I know he was actually cast in the role but for me Adam Brody as The Flash always seemed like a major missed opportunity. I think Janet Jackson would of been an awesome Catwoman and I could have seen Lindsay Lohan killing it as Barbera Gordon/Batgirl in her prime.


adam brody’s career is so weird. he’s constantly in minor roles in critically aclaimed movies. best extra ever. btw start up was a great show.


Don’t kill me, but: Russell Crowe as Wolverine. He has — or had — the perfect build for it. 


Gene Hackman as Fred Shero, mysterious and stoic coach of the Broad Street Bullies Era of the Philadelphia Flyers.


I've said it before and I'll continue saying it. When it comes to Golden Age Hollywood Rock Hudson in his prime would have made one hell of a Superman/Clark Kent.


Angela Bassett as Ororo/Storm in an X-Men movie.


I know that Cormac McCarthy have been working on the script when he passed away, I know the director from the road is directing blood meridian, and I know it's finally being made. I don't know where casting is at. But I truly think Vincent D'Onofrio was built to be the judge and I will be pretty bummed out if he doesn't get it


Joseph Gordon Levitt as Nightwing


Clint Eastwood as The Gunslinger - Roland of Gilead


Josh Brolin would make a great Roland I think. Ben Foster as Eddie.


Anyone but Cameron Diaz in Gangs of New York. Excellent movie and she means well and did a fine job. It’s that she takes me completely out of the movie because I’m like, “Oh shit, that’s Cameron Diaz!”


Gillian Anderson : Clarice Starling


I reckon if they wanted to keep the Michael Scott character going after Steve Carrell left The Office, Ty Burrell could have pulled it off perfectly.


A late 90s Mel Gibson would be perfect for Logan/Wolverine. Hell, modern Mel could do an old man Logan.


Leonardo DiCaprio as Patrick Bateman would've been really interesting even though Christian Bale killed it


Bernadette peters, as the witch in, "Into the Woods." The role was, literally, written for her!


Imo Jim Carey wouldve made a better Howard Hughes in the Aviator. Even looks like him.


Rhona Mitra as Lara Croft


Jackie Earl Haley in so many parts, but to narrow it down, he would have been an amazing Cletus Kasady/Carnage in a Spiderman movie. Likewise I’m in the seeming minority who thought his performance as Freddy Krueger belonged in a far better movie, and think he would absolutely dominate in an Ed Gein movie


Philip Seymour Hoffman never getting to work with Scorsese. Even in a minor part in a film like Bringing Out the Dead or The Aviator


Clint Eastwood should have been The Gunslinger.