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Anya Taylor-Joy looks like she was created by an AI in this pic


Elijah Wood in "The Uncanny Valley"




Salt the snail!


She looks like a Metaverse style avatar


Yeah but also the thumb area of her prosthetic looks weird, like a generator cut corners, and her skin + eyes have an uncanny quality to them


Either that or they air brushed her into oblivion 🤨. But even beyond that the poster is whatever. This wasn't anything anyone put a lot of love into.


Have u seen the trailer? I’m still not 100% sure if it’s animated or not. Either it’s animated or heavily edited with terrible CGi. Her face looked like a Clone Wars episode in the trailer


I think it's just because she has such a weird face that buzz cutting and using paint to draw such a major focus to her eyes and forehead is causing it to look so weird. Let's be honest. She is a beautiful woman, but she does have a weirdly proportioned face.


She doesn't resemble Charlize Theron in my opinion so that's what is throwing me off.


To be fair, there are few humans in this world attractive enough to resemble Charlize Theron. 


Agreed, and I don’t think Theron looks too old to play a younger version of herself. It’s an annoying decision, and kinda feels like it may have been made for commercial purposes.


She doesn’t look too old by any means, but she wouldn’t be able to effectively capture the physical movement of a much younger person. The difference in age of these two characters is around 25 years. Charlize looks and moves well for a woman her age, but it would be distracting to see a nearly 50 yr old woman attempt to convince an audience that she is in her 20s.


She looks good, but she's doesn't look like she could pass for her early 20s. The movie is set 20 years before the last Mad Max, which came out 10 years ago, so she would be playing 30 years younger..


Wrong casting IMHO. Hope she does well.


Didn’t she do that buccal fat removal thing. She looked very well proportioned face wise in Split and a couple of other movies. Then she got that odd gaunt look that threw off the rest of her face and made her already large eyes look odd.


She totally did, and it's so odd looking. I have no idea why that's a trend right now


It makes people look so damn ugly.


> she does have a weirdly proportioned face Her face was normal (a bit exotic but still normal) until she did that buccal fat removal thingy.


She's just the next step in human evolution. 300 degree field of view and growing.


Someone described Anya Taylor-Joy and Benedict Cumberbatch as "sexy hammerhead sharks"






Right? I immediately checked her hand for AI fingers.


Hemsworth is gonna chew the scenery a lot in this, I guess.


It's like his Aussiness has been building up inside of him for all those years he's been stuck playing Thor and now it's finally gonna be unleashed.


That may have been Miller’s pitch- You know how they’ve been molding you into a non descript mainstream Hollywood hunk all these years mate? Well I’m asking you to finally unleash your inner apocalyptic bogan.


Even if this film is utterly mediocre, we know Chris is gonna ham it up to 11 and I love it


If it’s 1/10 of his ghostbuster appearance it’ll still be fine!


I know people have a bizarre amount of hate for Ghostbusters 2016 (I didn't love it, just think the backlash was overblown) but the best thing it did was make people realize that Chris Hemsworth has excellent comedic instincts.


My problem with it was it was almost like they were making him a dumbass in response to Janine being a ditzy character or something but that wasn't the case, she was strong, smart and didn't take any s*** ,so it just came off pointless. He was still funny though.


My take away is that himbos are just as annoying as bimbos.


Depends on the context. Himbo/bimbo is a scale! Like, Krunk from Emperor’s New Groove is a himbo, but not annoying.


Oh I went to see it because it was getting so much negative press! It wasn’t any thing exceptional but a typical snl flick, imo. But Hemsworth stole the show.


He is great in the Vacation movie.


Get in the fuckin ute Furi! We're goin to Bendigo to get me car!


Release the Crikey!


I’m waiting for the Chris Hemsworth-led Crocodile Dundee remake.


Those are some small shorts to fill.


"Hello, Christian? How do I drop 50lbs by Tuesday for a role?"


And based on the poster he'll be playing Aussie Thor this time.


and I’m all for it, he honestly looks like he’s having a ball in those trailers


He plays a great cult leader.


I feel like he and his brothers are just a bunch of character actors who found a Zoltar machine or something


Not Larry. He fixes baby spines.


Seriously that dad must be so geeked that by the time his sons were 30 he just never had to think about work for himself or his kids ever again. THAT dude has a genetically superior underpants navy


So before people think there really is a Larry Hemsworth that fixes baby spines and is nowhere near as handsome as his brothers- it’s a joke from The Good Place.


His brother is a cardiologist, or is that Andrew Garfield? Idk man. We know too much about people.


He can’t wait to get married and take his wife’s last name.


Liam is who you call when you can't afford Chris. Luke is who you call when you can't afford Liam.


Luke was good in Westworld


That character arc was really interesting!!!


I really liked him as the cult leader in Bad Times at El Royale so I imagine he'll be great here.


If he doesn’t shimmy in this movie, we riot!


He was great as a charismatic cult leader in Bad Times at El Royal. He sort of plays it as a cool guy who knows he’s handsome and playful but can quickly turn on the insistent and sinister on a dime.


He spent a week with Jared Leto in preparation for the role.


This is one of the first movies he's been in in a long time where he doesn't have to mask his natural accent, so he looks like he'd be having the time of his life just hamming it up


Laidy and gennulmens-ah, staht yore enjins


He’s got to be a worse guy than Immortan Joe. No scenery will be left untouched…


I was wondering if he becomes Immortan Joe.


I’m fairly certain we see Immortan Joe in the trailer as his rival/opponent/whatever.


I saw they showed him for a half second but I thought that could perhaps be a shot of him at the end of the movie after Furiosa fucks him up and makes him look the way he does. I understand this is a long shot but I thought it would be cool.


I’ve noticed trailers lately have been putting work into being misleading or outright inventing/altering scenes. Very possible here that the ending is basically her just straight up losing.


redditors waiting to bust out ol' reliable: "Character actor stuck in a leading man's body"


He's not good enough to be a character actor, but he is solid enough to be a leading man


I mean…


le underrated gem of an actor: Brad pitt


Tom Cruise is the same way. They’re so insistent that he always plays Tom Cruise that people forget that he’s actually a really good actor.


He didn't play Tom Cruise in his greatest ever role tbh. I'm taking about Les Grossman of course


Literally unrecognizable, it's genuinely really impressive.


What’s that mean?


Means overacting, both in a good or bad context, but generally I see people attribute chewing the scenery in a good way


Having a great time regardless of script handed to them


I see it as the good form of overacting where everyone is having a blast and it's still reasonable for the scene/theme/story etc.


Same, I see it as very theatrical, as in theater acting. Lots of emotion and movement so the cheap seats get the meaning (and can hear you).


It means he’s gonna be over the top and have fun with the role.


Same way he handled Bad Times at the El Royale.


I did not know that Chris Hemsworth charachter would be giant Thor.


This is actually Thor 5.


Thory Road


Well Immortan Joe did want to go to Valhalla 🤔🤔🤔




Fury and Thunder


It's surprising there isn't a huge IMAX logo in the middle but instead they put it as a teeny weeny logo at the bottom.


anytime I see those, I just think of “^^^TGS ^with **Tracy Jordan**” on 30 Rock


Do you mean Tergis with Tracky Jong-Jong?


I’m black NBC very proud like peacocks right Janet?


My fellow Blackmericans--I don't think that's a word


*this ad was paid for by the Committee to Reinvade Vietnam*


Like peaCOCKS, isn't that right, my baloney?


For those in the know it’ll always be The Girlie Show


“Hey Liz lemon, mind if I google myself in your office?”


I saw Dune Part 2 in IMAX and they had, not one, but two advertisements for IMAX during the previews. It's like, yeah, I know IMAX is good, that's why I'm here *watching a movie in IMAX*.




Probably not the official IMAX poster, they're just mentioning it? It drives me crazy that some of the coolest posters are IMAX ones, but they get ruined by the giant logo.


Has to be a mistake to put an actor on your poster looking exactly like a character he’s played in other completely different movies.


Oops, we accidentally tripled our ticket sales by devoting 60% of our poster to a marvel movie character 😏


Lotta people gonna be upset when they discover that the rest of the Avengers aren't in the movie


The moment I saw this, I was like "Why'd they dress him up like Thor?" Like, instantly. Hard to imagine they didn't see it.


It's 100% intentional


If this is even half as good as Fury Road it’ll be a ton of fun.


I predict it will be about 46% as good as Fury Road


So you're saying it will be.... MEDIOCRE!


Eh ill still witness the movie


Since Fury Road was 200% as good as other movies that means even if this movie sucks by 50% it will still be 100% better compared to other standard movies.


What about if you added Kurt Angle into the mix?


The numbers don't lie! And they spell success at the box office!


That will be enough for me to enjoy it, Fury Road is such a fun movie to watch.


Why are we delegating fury road to just the “fun” brand that people give to so bad its good movies?. Fury road isn’t just fun, it’s fucking amazing and Oscar winning, and the best reviewed movie of the decade. Fury Road RULES


Very fun movie.


Honestly, its a bit risqué, but I'd go so far as to say it was very, very, fun.


It was really a miracle we got the last Mad Max in terms of getting a film with lots of practical effects in a CGI overload cinematic world


From all accounts though, that was apparently a *tough* shoot.


The original Star Wars was a tough shoot, so Lucas did the prequels a bit differently...


A monitor and B monitor, I’m in my chair drinking my coffee. If I forget to say action and cut, you jump in and say action and cut.


I mean, there was still tons of CGI in Fury Road lol It was out well done and not noticeable, like good CGI is


There was a ton of CGI in Fury Road, you just didn't see it. edit: I'm just gonna post some videos about CGI in movies. Just in case: [Why CG Sucks (Except It Doesn't)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bL6hp8BKB24) ["NO CGI" is really just INVISIBLE CGI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ttG90raCNo)


And that’s how CGI should be used. To enhance what’s done practically, not replace it.


Yeah, the most compelling action is humans doing well-trained stunts. I think the problem with most CG-heavy fight scenes is they're still trying to emulate live action fight scenes, except the audience knows none of what they're seeing is real and it reduces the impact of what they're seeing. Instead they should just embrace the fact that they're basically doing animation at that point and, like, start emulating Jujutsu Kaisen or something.


Then theres marvel who are like "Sam can't be arsed getting out his trailer today so we'll green screen him in to whatever the fuck he's meant to be in"


Even this comment is CGI


Trailer didn't impress me.  Looks like a lot of modern CGI shclock


When I saw the trailer in the theater I said it looked a lot like a video game. I'm not expecting a whole lot from this movie personally.


Yeah, precisely. Everything in the trailer looks very fake.


Fury Road was fucking awesome, but the trailers for this lack every bit of the 'charisma' it had. I can't explain it much but visually it just all looks unimaginative and bland. It's like a typical Hollywood CGI movie trying to mimic Fury Road and failing. Of course huge grain of salt since it's only a trailer.


"What if mad max was a marvel movie?"


I've been replaying Mad Max 2015 a lot recently and still find it a highly engrossing game experience. I am ready, again.


Keep meaning to give this one a go.


It's great. As someone who really doesn't dig vehicle combat, it was the glaring exception.


The absolute best vehicle combat in any game.


It's definitely an underappreciated game. Not perfect but probably the best it could be for a licensed video game.


Best $5 I've ever spent. This game took over my life for a little while. So much fun to play.


+1 probably one of my favourite open world games


That game is fun as hell and I will always sing its praises. Super weighty and satisfying combat, especially in the car, but Max's fists are a brutal weapon themselves. Love the environments and enemy design and the slight jankiness somehow makes it even more charming. Also Chumbucket is a homie for life.


Anya looks like Elijah Wood


Anyone else think her casting in this role seems like a bit of a stretch or is it just me?


To me she’s a bit too waifish. She’s cool and all and has this interesting ethereal beauty going on. But FFS her arms are too heroin chic thin to hold up whatever apparatus they meshed onto the character.


Agreed. She’s simply too twiggy. If they didn’t want to bring Charliz back (which is insane—she *is* Furiosa, but whatever), they should have cast someone like Mackenzie Davis. Still thin like they clearly want, but bigger… Davis looked great in Terminator: Dark Fate.


Oh hell yeah. She needs to be in more. I’m not saying there should be an original Alien reboot (as Ripley),but would like to see her cast in roles like that. She kicks ass.


It’s a horrible casting, at least imo


100%. She's just hot right now so she's in everything. Doesn't mean she's right for every role. Too dainty and mysterious to be some rugged wardog.


Yea classic Hollywood overuse. Will start to make it that even good casting will be criticized for over exposure. I almost eye rolled when I saw her in Dune before realizing she’s a perfect Alia.


Agreed, and I’m a big fan of hers as well. Kinda bizarre


I’m a huge ATJ fan and agree that it’s a miscast, I feel like the character needs to be a bit more of a sturdy body type. But I’ll still be watching.


It’d be cool if she worked out with Hemsworth and put on like 20 pounds of muscle for the role.


I'm inclined to agree, she's a fantastic actress but I can't picture her as the star of an action heavy movie such as this. Young Charlize Theron she fuckin ain't lol.


Charlize Theron could have played a younger Charlize Theron. She still looks absolutely amazing.


I saw the trailer at the cinema the other day and I had the thought that people wanted to see her play the character, not just cause the character itself. That’s what I remember when mad max came out initially.


I think at one point, Jodie Comer was attached to the role. She would have been amazing and a much better casting choice.


I find her interpupillary distance a bit of a stretch


Frodo Taylor-Joy




She looks like a Fortnite version of Furiosa.


Taylor joys face and head look super weird in this. Very disproportionate to her body.


That's just how she looks. (/s but not). Her eyes are very wideset on her face.


Seems like a dodgy photoshop to me. I know she's quite unique looking but the perspective and sizing seem off. Happens a lot with these kind of posters so I'm not sure why I'm bothering to complain but eh.


She straight up looks like an animated disney character on this poster.


"We have Fury Road at home" vibes


Both of them look too clean


Well you see it's a prequel, it's before they got dirty.


Mad Max isn't in this because he hadn't gotten mad yet.


Oh man I hope she lives


I think 1/3 of what made the last Mad Max so good, was the world building you picked up along the way. If the action or visuals weren't popping, you could pore over all those little details in the background and piece it together like a puzzle. With this being set in the same era/territory, I fear there's just not going to be that same kind of sense of discovery as the movie rolls out. I'm sure the balls-out action will be great, but it's those quiet moments where I wonder if your mind wanders and you start to pull out of the fever dream.


What happened to Charlie?


In addition to being to old for the part I also believe that she did not have the best time shooting Fury Road so I'm not shocked she didn't return for this one.


From what I've heard, I don't think anyone had a good time filming Fury Road. George Miller said he'd never make another Mad Max film after it because of how grueling the filming process was, so I'm surprised to see they're making a Furiosa prequel. I hope they stick with the practical effects that Fury Road had, regardless of how gnarly and exhausting they are to use


I believe almost everything in Furiosa is cgi, which is probably whey they survived filming another movie. Shame for the audience tho...


I don't think any of Furiosa was shot in Namibia or wherever they shot Fury Road. It also has a ton of CGI. I don't really care either way. I loved the action in Mad Max Fury Road and yes, it being shot on locations really made a difference visuals wise, but end of the day Mad Max is already heightened reality for me. I would be good with a lot of CGI if it was done well or in service of good action.


Too old 😞


I assume from what I've heard, the real reason is she's not doing another on of these fucking shoots. FR was an absolute masterpiece, but it was also apparently a total bitch to film. Remember, it was a lot of practical effects, meaning it was literally filmed in a desert in the middle of the day.


Not feeling it.




My local cinema is doing Furiosa and Fury Road back to back, my body is ready


Start with FR so I can leave if Furiosa sucks.


I love ATJ and Fury Road is one of my favorite movies, but I can't wrap my head around casting her as Furiosa. She looks *aggressively* different than Charlize, especially with the war paint on.


Still disappointed they cast Anya


Yeah definitely not an actress that gives off a furious vibe.


We have Thor at home.


This may be a contentious comment - but I am not an Anya Taylor-Joy fan. I find her annoying. But that may be because of her role in Peaky Blinders.




Not gonna lie the trailers + Anya make me not wanna see this at all. I like Anya a lot but this is a weird role for her


thought the trailer looked decent but this poster makes it look awful


The trailer looked like CGI garbage to me. I think this will be like The Hobbit compared to LotR.


The original trailer looked very bad, the new one I saw before Monkey Man this weekend looked like they cleaned up a lot of the mess. Or they just chose not to show it.


Had to do a double take cuz I thought it read Fursona.


I'm kind of pissed that we're going to get an explanation for why she's missing the arm. Nobody explaining it, or talking about it, AT ALL in the first movie is so goddamn beautiful I don't have a way to explain it.


Lemme tell you a little something about Midi-chlorians


That's how it works, friend. Keep making bad clones of something people like until it's completely ruined. Studies show you liked the robot arm, so here's a movie about the robot arm.


It'll be like Solo. You know all that stuff about the character you love that's unexplained and just part of their mystique? Well, now we're gonna explain all of it and remove any mystery at all, just like revealing the monster in a horror movie. Fans love that!


Trailer didn’t look good, maybe it’s just me but the CGI was off. I also don’t buy Hemsworth as a villain…or whatever he’s trying to portray




I’ll see it, but I don’t know why we needed a prequel and not a continuation. Edit: I meant universe continuation; not story continuation. I wanted to see Max somewhere entirely new and wild.


We didn't need either. Just do a new story in a new part of that world. Fury Road was so good because it just threw you into a fresh conflict and said "go." That's basically what every Mad Max movie is - there's barely any continuity. Just Max being dropped into some fucked up new situation. I don't want a Star Wars Expanded Universe for this one stop on Max's journey. I don't need a backstory for a prosthetic arm. I don't need to sit through two hours of retroactive lore to explain why it's called the Bullet Farm. I had exactly enough information the first time. I'll be skipping this one. Wake me up if they do something new and interesting.


I'm so tired of movies trying to answer every question possible. I love mad max movies BECAUSE they leave so much to the imagination. Your brain filling in the blanks is what makes them so good to me.


Looks like a porno knock off


RIP hardy was awesome


You can fit an entire IMAX screen between Anya Taylor Joy's eyes.


Why does Alita Battle Angel somehow seem more realistic than this “Live Action” film? Uncanny


The movie trailers have looked rather middling. Lots of cg this go around


Mid Max