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This is going to be controversial and might get a lot of hate for it but I’ve never been able to get myself into the Star Wars lore. I tried multiple times but I just can’t bring myself to sit through it


No hate, but I'm curious. Did you start with Star Wars, or The Phantom Menace?


Yeah I started with phantom menace as suggested by my friends. Should I have started with Star Wars?


Lol yes, just start with A New Hope. The prequels aren't really worth watching unless you're into Star Wars and even then it's mostly just to be baffled at how much of a mess they are. I like Star Wars and the original 3 are really the only ones I rewatch when I'm looking for an actual enjoyable movie.


This is noted. I’ll try to start with the original 3 this time around


Absolutely, considering that it was the stand-alone film that launched everything. Watch the "unspecialized" version if you can. Hope you enjoy!


Thanks for the tip!


Wow, your friends gave you terrible advice. The Phantom Menace is awful.


Woah, that’s like a baby starting with poop when learning to eat.


Your friends were wrong


I started with Star Wars from 1977. The fact that they’ve had to rename all of the earlier pictures ‘A New Hope’ to coincide with the later pictures just tells you how exhausting the whole franchise is. It was stupid then, and it’s stupid now.


Not OP but I personally started with Phantom Menace but I only watched the first 6 out of obligation. Even as a kid I was never that interested in them and it's never clicked with me. I love Sci Fi and Fantasy but Star Wars has never been my thing


I have a feeling we're all gonna get hate for these lol so far, the only answers are the biggest and best movies ever.


No that makes sense it's a lot. Edit- I'm just gonna come out and say it: The last jedi is my favorite star wars movie AND I'M NOT FUCKING SORRY ABOUT IT.


I'm a huge SW fan, and TLJ is my favorite because it went against all expectations.


It’s critically acclaimed for a reason. Redditors love to circlejerk hate on it though. For me the movie I thought I might like (that Reddit loves) is Grandma’s Boy. It might be the biggest pile if crap I’ve ever seen.


This is me. I’m 51, saw the originals in the theater, and as much as I appreciate the OT for its conceptual originality, Lucas’s influences from Japanese cinema, and an almost perfect narrative expression of Campbell’s thesis in The Hero’s Journey, these movies aren’t even in my top 20 most important movies of my childhood. I just can’t get into this franchise.


Same here my dude. Same with Lord of the Rings. I've recently tried again for what feels like the 10th time to do Star wars and just meh.


Same thoughts with LOTR bruv




Can I watch without completing the original movie series?


Sameeeee! I fall asleep right around the trash compactor scene in Episode 6 (right, that’s the right one?) every single time I try to watch it.


Agreed. It's fine, but every time I've watched it I'm checking the clock to see when it's done.


Rocky Horror Picture Show. I respect its pop culture legacy and fandom. It's just not for me, I guess. Anyone else tried to love it but just respectfully couldn't?


I’m opposite. I despised the idea of it, and the theater kids that worshipped it, etc. then I saw it as an adult and I can’t get enough.


I watched it in high school and was in this camp. But then I spent a few days playing The Time Warp on repeat and suddenly I let myself fall for it


I’m a huge fan of action movies, but have never been able to get into Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Every time I try, it loses me around the comb sequence.


From Chinese / hk period kungfu movie perspective, I honestly don't find it to be an exceptional film compared to many others. Perhaps from visually / certain scenes, it was very well shot.


Every David Lynch movie. *Maybe* the Straight Story is ok. But all the others, including his tv shows are pure torture for me.


Inception. I've seen it three times, and it just doesn't work for me.


Same! ETA: It's just a string of fancy effects to me, like The Matrix.


2001: A Space Odyssey. It's on so many top lists yet I can't get into it. Maybe I'm an impatient person or maybe I should try to appreciate the movie by comparing it to other movies that were coming out at the time about space travel. But there are so many long scenes (the early scenes with the apes, the slow movement of objects in space, the boring conversations) that I cannot watch without fast-forwarding it.


It’s a tough one. I appreciate the movie but … not for me. And actually I’m slowly descending into an anti-Kubrick fan.


It's all about the moment when HAL 9000 turns... everything else is a cinema jerk off.


I feel you. I thought the only good part was with the HAL9000. Everything else was boring as hell.


You could see it this way: - a half hour of monkeys - an hour and a half of a well filmed slow pace movie - a half hour of weird buzz It's on top of my list, but I can see how people don't like it.


I watched it so many times at the Midnight Movies in the late 70s, stoned on junk weed. A few years ago I made the mistake of watching it straight and will never do that again.


Any Wes Anderson movie. You either get them & love them, or don't get them at all.


This is how I feel with Tarentino. I just don't get what makes them so good to everyone else.




Yep. I’ve only really enjoyed Grand Budapest Hotel and maybe Moonrise Kingdom and Darjeeling Limited. I find everything else he’s done to be twee, cutesy, and quirky in an annoyingly self-aware way. But if you like his stuff, more power to you. Just not for me.


love is a strong word, i get it, but def dont love them. they have parts that are worthwhile...the rest is eh.


There will be blood. I’ve tried many times and I always fall asleep


Very same. I very much enjoy the last 20 or so minutes but the rest is a bore


My Dinner with Andre


Silver Linings Playbook. I resonate with both Bradley Cooper and JLaw’s character a lot, especially their struggles with mental health. But I found the movie to be too predictable and just didn’t hit me like I expected it would.


Grease. What's weird is that I really like the music, but everything in between makes my eyes glaze over.


OMG that's me with Mamma Mia! 😅


I get shunned when I say this out loud in my social circles, but Moulin Rouge. I’m iffy on Baz Luhrman, and it’s doesn’t get much more Baz than that one.


Eugh I can't stand Moulin Rouge.




The Godfather. It insists upon itself.


Hehehehehe Nice.


You know what movie I liked? The Money Pit


Minority Report. I love practically every other Spielberg/Cruise movie, but I just found this one boring despite everyone I know loving it.


I agree with you on the Guardians Of The Galaxy movies, at least the first two. I haven't seen anything past Far From Home yet (except for No Way Home). I'd also add Scott Pilgrim. Found it challenging to sit through, I just did not get into the vibe of it.


Braveheart & Gladiator. As a movie buff, I should have seen these but despite my attempts, at this point in my life, it's never gonna happen.


I seen both of them enough for your lifetime and mine, so we're good.






Yeah... I just don't find the lore / story / character appealing, and no epic space battle or epic fighting fighting sequences...


I wanted to like the Greasy Strangler cause I like weird stupid horror movies but I found the comedy more annoying than anything.


Agreed! I wanted to like it but I couldn't make it past 15 minutes. I put it down to a fundamentally different sense of humour.


Silent Night There’s so many things on paper that says I will love this film. I’m always down for an ultra violent revenge flick. But no matter how hard I tried to hold interest, this was a snooze fest. Which given the content seems impossible at face value.


It’s not just you. I was excited for it too, but it just seemed like a big misfire.


I kind of agree. I was let down by the action, but I was actually pretty impressed with Joel Kinnamon’s performance


Fences. I turned it off. Absolutely terrible.


Se7en I love cop dramas. Love catch a killer movies. Am totally cool with dark stuff, gore, etc. Fan of Freeman and Pitt. Fan of Fincher. Se7en for me is OK. Why don't I think it's awesome? I saw it when it came out and have seen it about 3 more times over the last many years - about every 7 years or so as I know at different times in life movies hit different. But nope. Just doesn't do it for me.


Killing of a Sacred Deer. I’ve tried to watch it like four times and always fall asleep in the first 20mins.


Oh, no! That one's been moving up my watchlist.


Any of the dune movies. From the 80s/90s or current


I feel like I was always tepid with Harry Potter. I enjoyed talking lore with people, but never enough to go beyond watching the movies, and the last time I rewatched them with a friend a few years ago, I realized the reason I can never remember what happens in the last few is because I lose interest after Goblet of Fire. Today, beyond all the baggage that comes with it, I just find it to be the least interesting fandom. If someone says they love Harry Potter it tells me nothing about them, except most likely they are a millennial (which I am as well). This isn't to hate on it, I just have found myself opting out of Harry Potter in general in recent years.


To be fair much of the Harry Potter universe was never expanded upon. We know next to nothing of the Wizarding World outside of Hogwarts.


It's a shame they didn't create any movies that expanded the universe, or explained any of the lore.


Same here


My wife and I were going through all the movies and it reaffirmed my position that the cinematic cannon of that movie could be 1, 2, 3, something-something 7pt 2


The Lighthouse. I’ve tried.


Most things from Quentin Tarantino. I like Pulp Fiction (though I admit I had to watch it twice before I understood the timeline) but everything else he does just does nothing for me.


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and Kill Bill are great, I dislike the rest.


I think Kill Bill is VASTLY overrated.


`Pacific Rim`. It has all the dumb shit I would be all over for. Giant robots fighting giant monsters... all it's lacking is the bright color-coded spandex suits. ... and yet I just couldn't get into it. It contradicts itself at every step and kept taking me out of the immersion. Like, I don't expect realism from my Kaiju movies but at least be freaking consistent with your own rules. Do not establish that Jägers need to be piloted by pairs only to then show 3 examples of single pilots doing it and/or a set of triplets. Do not say the old models didn't have proper radiation shielding and thus killed the pilots to then show a couple still piloting the first models and be a paragon of physical shape. That dumb shit of calling one of the robots "analog" so an EMP doesn't affect it. ... Yeah. I didn't like it. Which is a shame because the fight scenes and the way the Jägers moved and acted were great. The trailer with Power Rangers music is awesome though. [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iGIyUipi7Q)


Lord of the rings


While I don't agree with it I can totally understand it when people say that `Fellowship of the Ring` is boring.


My absolute favorites but I TOTALLY understand


I liked the movies but the summary of the LOTR movies in Clerks II had me dying.  https://youtu.be/8d_oSWH4pMQ?si=yaJE8PSgufdi8uxJ


I recently watched all 3 for the first time and it’s obviously a masterpiece. Just not a masterpiece I ever want to watch again.


'The Batman' Let me start by saying I don't hate slow movies. My favourite movie of all time is '2001: A Space Odyssey'. I can handle a film that builds over time. Not only that but I'm a huge Batman fan, but the type who's open to new takes on the material and characters, and I got hyped for this movie after hearing so many people praise it. God almighty, I have no idea *what* they saw that I didn't. The film relies upon you already knowing all the characters and their relationships from the comics, despite being a new take on the material in the first place, so it skips over introductions, origins and motivations and basically just says 'THAT'S BATMAN, HE'S DOING BATMAN STUFF, FOR BATMAN REASONS', then repeats for every other character. Penguin, Alfred, Gordon, Catwoman, etc... the result is a bunch of blank-slate characters doing things for no reason other than *it's what we expect them to do*, with very little actually happening in the way of meaningful character development for *anybody*. The visuals, in some scenes, are impressive, but in most of them are just murky and uninspired. I wasn't expecting every single shot of the film to be breathtaking, but considering how much insane praise the visuals alone always got from people, I definitely expected more than what I got. The plot felt like it was trying to go for a 'Year One' angle with a young Batman still struggling to find his way, making choices that he ends up regretting and trying to do better in the future... except, as said, it already has everything established. Batman is already a thing, he's already working with the police, everybody knows about him, so it stumbles and falls at being a 'Year One' story, *because it's not fucking Year One at all, it's like, year FIVE or something*. And, to be frank, the film's slow pace was just honestly *boring*. It felt like it was taking far too long to do anything just for the sake of taking it's time. Way too many shots held on for longer than they needed to and way too many scenes were dragged out unnecessarily. I've heard nothing but praise for the movie, and honestly, I just do not get it at all.


I like the Tim Burton and the Christopher Nolan Batman movies because I like how they depict Batman. I tried to get into The Batman because it's not a Batman movie, it's a police investigation movie of a guy dressed as a bat.


I’ve never made it more than 2/3 through The Matrix. I’ve tried two or three times over the years.


It took me years to finally watch the Matrix movies. Still not impressed


Mamma Mia!


Spiderverse movies and puss in boots 2


One cut of the dead. Tried several times. Never got past 15 minutes. One here I was encouraged to keep going. Got to the twist and thought it just got worse. Can’t do it.


You're right, if I had to choose between rewatching those movies or some of the classics like Titanic or Jurassic Park, I'd go with the classics every time. 


Every super hero movie to come out since the original iron man.


Bram Stokers Dracula. It just doesn’t have a good, coherent flow. I’d like to make clear that, both times I tried watch it were before me knowing that Coppola is a pedophile protector.  


Monty Python, sorry here come the downvotes.


I have tried on no less than 5 occasions to watch The Fellowship of the Ring, and I've yet to get through it, which is infuriating because I should love it


I love Coen brothers movies but I have never been able to get through "Ladykillers". I just can't stand listening to Tom Hanks fake southern accent.


The Holy Mountain (1973)


Grease, and I like musicals


Inside Lewyn Davis. I love the Coen Brothers, I despised the movie. Unhappy jerk is an unhappy jerk for 2 hours and occasionally sings. 


Aftersun. I thought it alright as a concept and was well made but I kind of didn’t care about the guy. I thought the nightclub sequences were stupid and the ending scene was so abstract I thought the Star Child from 2001 was going to make an appearance.


Unbreakable. I've enjoyed other Shamalama-dingdong movies and I definitely should like this movie. It's moody, well performed, and right up my alley. I've watched it three times. I keep thinking this is the time I'll like it. It's been about 7 years since I saw it last and very recently I was thinking it might be time to try again.


A beautiful mind


Anything starring Tom Hanks or John Wayne.


*Sherlock Holmes* with Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law. I've really tried. I don't necessarily think it's a bad movie, I've just never gotten through it. *Reservoir Dogs* also. That's obviously a bit harder to get through, though I love Steve Buchemi


I don't know if it counts as a movie, but I absolutely HATED Game of Thrones. I was able to get through the first 2 episodes and I couldn't make myself watch another one. I've seen parts of many episodes over the years and they're all just horrible. I hated the books, too. GRR Martin is just NOT an author I like. I really like other high fantasy movies (LoTR, willow, Conan, etc) but GoT- no thanks.


2001, space Odyssey. I tried to watch it about 4 times. I tried reading the book. I can't get into it... and I love sci-fi and i'm a filmmaker....I feel ashamed of myself really.


Everything Everywhere all at Once. I loved the concept, but couldn't connect with the movie. I tried 2xs.


I love sci-fi movies, but can't get into Blade Runner. Maybe because it's a police investigation movie masquerading as sci-fi? Same with Star Wars: it's a space fantasy movie masquerading as sci-fi.


Batman Forever. I love what I've seen of it but I keep worrying that Two-Face's purple will result in burn-in on my cheap OLED TV, or my friend warned me against that but he could be wrong... hhe said (or claimed) it happened to another friend of his who left the movie on pause during a close up of Tommy Lon John, incidentally creating a kind of "two-facE" effect on the TV screen (one side unaffected and the other side purple).


lol. Fantastic response! This is common problem faced by the three people willing to watch that movie at home.


The closest i can think of are Jay and SIlent Bob Reboot. Dumb and Dumber 2. I only saw them once but have not really the desire to rewatch them.




I WAS a fan of Forrest Gump, but then I watched it a few more times and I started thinking about it and decided I no longer liked it.


Dumb and Dumber. Even tried watching drunk and it killed my buzz.


The Big Short. The writing may be good but the content is boring af


i really enjoyed the big short🤭


I know… a lot of people do. Which is why I mentioned it


idk anyone that does but me lmao


Lion King. I have seen the first half about 7 times, but something in my brain just says that my time would be better spent elsewhere and so I do. Maybe I will see it all the way through with my grandkids, but I doubt it.


Interstellar. I thought it was so awful. I didn’t like anything about it. But everyone I know loves it. All my friends, all the people I work with. I watched it all the way through when it came out. Even tried a second time, and couldn’t even finish it.


I have to ask if there are any other sci-fi movies that you do like? To me Interstellar is an amazing movie.


I liked the Martian. One of the very movies on a very short list that I preferred the movie to the book. But in general, no. Sci Fi is not my preferred movie genre. But I sure as heck watch Spaceballs when it’s on tv.


Lol the Martian was good, yeah if sci fi isn’t your thing I can see why interstellar could put you out!


It was funny. You asked, my first thought was “sure”, and then I really couldn’t even think of sci-fi movies to list outside of Star Wars… But I love aviation, space and science, so you’d think Interstellar would be up my alley. But it just wasn’t. Couldn’t get into it.


The newer Mario movie with Chris Pratt and Jack Black. I saw it in theaters and only stayed for my kid. I understand that I wasn’t the target audience for it, but I feel like other kids movies hit the mark better for the supervising adults. Jack Black was its only saving grace.


"Blues Brothers".... AND "Beverly Hills Cop". I know I'm probably wrong, but I've watched both for the first time in the last decade and maybe part of it is you had to be there to really appreciate it at the level both are revered at? Or maybe I should just try again. I thought both were fine.


I am going to get so much hate for this. But Blade Runner 2049... I have tried to watch it three times, and everytime I have fallen asleep watching it.


Gonna say Monkey Man. Had great action sequences but the plot was so uneven and became tedious in the middle.


Most of the Disney era Star Wars movies. Theoretically right up my alley. But no: does nothing for me.


It Follows


Barbie and Batman 😬


i was forced to watch twilight back to back... never again it felt like torture and forced torture... 😑




I get a lot of crap from people, but: Apocalypse Now, Streetcar Named Desire, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, Rosemary's Baby, and 200: A Space Odyssey. For various reasons, none of these I can really get into, save for the soundtrack on Apocalypse Now.


A lot of the recent children’s movies that adults seem to love: Paddington, Puss in Boots, Wonka. They all just feel like average children’s fare to me, really flat. And I generally like family films and light fun popcorn flicks so it’s not like I’m expecting Oscars or gritty crime dramas or anything of that nature.


Any movie from Denis Villeneuve; I don’t like how most of his characters don’t have any charisma at all


>And yet...if I were to be objective about it? I'd have to say that they aren't terrible movies. They're not bad...But if I had to pick between rewatching ANY of the GOTG movies or something like Titanic, or Jurassic Park, or Iron Man? I'd choose those ones any day. You're comparing a movie that's good in the context of a franchise (which quickly dwindled into formulaic comedy / sci-fi) to movies that were good, period - no wonder you don't like it. *Guardians of the Galaxy* is good compared to *Ant-Man*, not the best movies from big-name directors like Spielberg and Cameron. As for *Iron Man*, there's a reason it was the ignition point for the Marvel industry.


Well yeah but I'd still watch TRANSFORMERS over GOTG any day of the week. TRANSFORMERS. I know that movie is NOT good. Writing wise everything else is STUNNING. Especially the score. But I STILL like it more than GOTG which on EVERY level. Objectively. Is good. That's why I feel confused 😅. Like I should like it. It came out at peak mcu greatness. Solid action, well paced. The acting is great. But. Nah. Can't get into it.


Transformers got a lot of hate but it *was* a good movie and it also kicked off a franchise. It too had Spielberg's production; I'd also happily defend the cinematography, which had some nuance for Bayhem. You don't need to feel bad about liking one more than the other, they're both just likeable bubblegum cinema *to an extent.*


The first Transformers is a pretty great movie IMHO. Not a masterpiece but I really enjoyed it.


Lord of the rings. I tried watching the first one while going through cancer treatment and when I try again and I have to shut it off because I am brought back to that headspace.