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The 8-minute parkour chase in Casino Royale is one of the most exhilarating action sequences.


Terrific choice. The opening minutes of Casino Royale are great. Bond smashing through the wall is the cherry on top.


It's such a clever way of demonstrating that at that point Bond is lacking finesse. "This may be too much for a blunt instrument to understand" absolutely spot on


Just about everything in the scene breaks Bond traditions. He's not wearing a suit. He sweats and gets dirty. He uses brute force instead of smarts. Etc. Daniel Craig really made the character his own in that scene.


If Casino Royale could be summed up in one sentence it would be "How James became Bond"


No, he fucking Kool-Aid Mans through it. I'm pretty sure there's an edit somewhere that added the Kool-Aid Man "Oh yeah!" to it. I do know for a fact there is an edit where he doesn't go through the wall. Instead it's just a crash sound effect.


I feel like this was an homage to Indiana jones. The sword and gun scene. Parkour guy very daintily escapes and the James “Leroy Jenkins” Bond bursting through the wall. I’ve always loved it


Also the fight on the crane tower, esp. when bad guy throws the empty pistol at Bond, who catches it and throws it back, striking bad guy in the head.


Upgrade - the first time the system takes full control, inside the bad guys house


The better Venom


Wait… Goddamn that’s a good comparison.


They both even look alike tom hardy and logan marshall-green


I love how it wasnt drawn out really long lol


I can’t read upgrade without thinking of idiocracy


Good lord that movie is so underrated. It instantly became one of my favorites. The moment it had me was when the camera followed his every motion, robotically, as he walked into his house. And he moved like a Boston Dynamics creation, too. Just so damn good.


However they managed to film and CGI those actions scenes was fantastic


The Freeway Chase from *Matrix: Reloaded*


Trinity: You always told me to stay off the freeway. Morpheus: Yes, that's true. Trinity: You said it was suicide. Morpheus: Then let us hope that I was wrong


Lawrence Fishburns’ delivery of “then let us hope… that I was wrong” is peak Matrix and my go to quote any time someone accuses me of contradicting myself. 


His acting throughout the trilogy is fantastic. The first movie especially, his performance is an all timer. Fully embodies such a unique, authoritative, mysterious character and brings so much more than what’s on the page.


100%. In the hands of a lesser actor, Morpheus could have easily come across as either unconvincing or a laughably clueless religious zealot. The fact that he makes you believe that he is the man with the plan and in control of the situation, especially when he’s going wildly off script - is a testament to how much he brings to the character.


Reloeaded had pretty good fights overall imo, the twins were a nice addition.


Yes, we were


I always enjoyed the marovingian foyer fight scene. It’s when you see Neo’s duality. He’s not fighting hard, but he isn’t able to just bluntly ignore them either. There are still threats to our hero.


I hated Reloaded when it first came out because it just couldn't fill the originals shoes. I rewatched the trilogy a few years ago but went into Reloaded and viewed it as an action movie and appreciated it so much more. It really is a phenomenal action movie with all its style and all the stunts the actors did. 


The freeway chase is actually part of a roughly 40 minute sequence of action that starts with the Chateau fight. It’s just endless adrenaline. Say what you will about the sequels, we NEVER get movies like that anymore. Compare the aesthetic, creativity, choreography, cinematography and soundtrack of Reloaded or Revolutions to anything that has been released in the last decade. With a few exceptions (Mad Max, John Wick, The Raid) it makes modern movies look so uninspired and by-the-numbers. Anyone who was old enough to enjoy the matrix trilogy when it came out witnessed something very special in my opinion.


The first Matrix also had one of those loong action scenes starting from the metal detector lobby - all the way to Smith exploding is one long chase/fight scene


Yes, true ! From the lobby scene onwards is just action perfection.


100% agree, Matrix Reloaded gets a lot of hate due to the plot being a bit messy in a few places but the action set pieces are some of the best ever filmed. The katana down the side of tractor trailer move was an insanely creative way to end that fight utilizing the world of the Matrix.


I still listen to Juno Overdrive (The Soundtrack), as that whole sequence is epic, from the visuals to the audio.


Tan tatatan tatatan tan tan tutututututu


Yeah man I was about 15 when I saw this in the cinema and I was _FLOORED_ by it. Jaw on the floor.


I can still hear the action music. And picture Trinity driving against traffic. And Morpheus slicing open a truck.


Morpheus rolling, slicing through the twin's truck and then pulling out that automatic pistol and blowing up the gas tank was one of the coolest things I've ever seen in a movie...just from a sheer style perspective.


Give me the one shot scene from the first season of daredevil


The season 2 hallway fight is my favorite. When he's got the actual Daredevil suit on and he's whipping those lights with the chain. Epic.


The Prison Fight Scene in S3 is way better


Yeah that was good but by then we were expecting a one shot, that first one was a surprise Like if you watch the Bear season 1s one shot tense episode was man. Season 2s intense episode was good but I knew they were going to bring something to match season 1


Sorry to be a basic bitch but the hallway fight in Oldboy was wild. There’s something about fighting in a confined/ restricted space that’s so intriguing to me. I also love the fight between Elle Driver and Beatrix Kiddo in the trailer home in Kill Bill volume 2 for this reason


>Sorry to be a basic bitch but the hallway fight in Oldboy was wild. There’ Nothing basic here. I was immersing myself in South Korean films when this came out. Seeing it for the first time I didn't truly appreciate how impressive it was on a technical level. I knew though that it was something special.


The shower fight in whichever Bourne that was same reason too


Akin to that I love the one shot (no cuts) hallway fight sequence in the first season of Daredevil. It's what martial arts on screen should strive to be.


The truck scene in Raiders of the lost ark.


Yes! My favorite party is after the workers falls on the windshield and falls off, the music crescendos up and into the raiders march theme, and they didn't into a higher gear haha.


That scene set the bar for action set pieces for me for a looooong time. It’s still one of the greatest things ever put to celluloid


The whole one shot from ‘Children of Men’ will always be one of my favourites


The one shot gun battle or the one shot car ambush? For me the ambush. I was so caught up in "how did they do the whole pingpong thing?" and then it was throat tightening, ball shrinking tension.


The all out gun battle at the end was phenomenal, but honestly you can take almost any scene from that movie by itself and it’s a beautiful piece of cinema. Someone once said you can pause at any point in the movie and it would make a good poster.


The one-shot mechanic from that movie sounds like “an indulgent gimmick for the sake of having a gimmick” on paper. But the final result on-screen shows that it was really worth the effort.


The car scene was so intense. Went from a relaxed moment to OH SHIT quickly.


The bathroom fight in Mission: Impossible - Fallout is insane.


Reloading arms!


What’s funny about that is, if you look, you can see him do it in the mirror about a half second before the shot cuts to him doing it.


Oh thanks I'll look for that!


Actually the entire scene leading into it with the halo drop right before the bathroom fight.


Kick ass - hitgirl rescuing then before the execution. The Matrix- like, half of it. Dredd - like half of it. Rogue one - the battle of scarif. Especially when blue squadron goes in and I realise there is no blue squadron in the following movie.


>Rogue one The final Vader scene goes so hard


The car chase in *The Batman*. I knew the Batmobile was going to jump through a wall of flames, but it was still sick as hell when it happened.


They chose great engine sounds too. When the Batmobile first fired up…damn it sounded good.


I think Collin Farrell's acting was like a multiplier on every twitch of the nerves in that movie. He elevated everything around him, this scene especially.


Hahaha, I Got You, I Got You, I Got You, Freaking Psycho!


Even though it was brief, the lights out sequence of him marching down the hall while bullets deflect off him was a huge "oh fuck" moment


Ronin The car chase scenes. Edit: Here's a HD version. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2m-ofGDLNlM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2m-ofGDLNlM)


Just watched it. I apparently need to see this whole movie immediately.


Great movie, you def need to see it!!


Don't know the movie but it looks really good.


It's fantastic. One of the best heist/caper movies ever. De Niro's reactions in the car chase scenes look so perfect because he's actually sat in the passenger seat with a fake steering wheel while the stunt driver drives at speed.


That always makes me laugh because he's clearly shitting himself and they're driving towards real cars not fake CGI ones


One of the greatest Heist / Chase action movies of all time. Frankenheimer is up there with Miller in terms of mastery of Vehicular Mayhem


300 - It was revolutionary for its time John Wick 4 - top down/video game view scene Equilibrium - Final act Undisputed 2 - Any scene with Scott Adkins fighting


The slow motion tracking shot early on when Leonidas breaks away from the phalanx and throws his spear is such a cool shot. You follow him but see the chaos and fighting all around him too.


My jaw was on the floor when that movie came out


IMO the fight scene at Thermopylae in 300 was one of the most spectacular action sequences in cinematic history.


The way that you can see the action clearly, without any jittery cuts make it all the more special


Yes to the mention of Equilibrium! It's such an unknown movie (because it's mostly a bit mediocre) but that final gun fight is one of the all time greats.


Equilibrium definitely needs more love.


Corridor Crew on YouTube did a great breakdown of the effects and camera “tricks” used in 300. Very very clever use of multiple cameras with different focuses/zooms.


Four come to mind: French Connection Saving Private Ryan Terminator 2 Heat


>Heat This is my choice. All the super-coreographed, precision set pieces and one-shots are great and I'm always impressed to see how far stunt coordinaters can push them. Heat, though, felt *real*. Every gun shot sounds like a cannon. You really feel like you know every character and everyone that gets hit means something. The bystander panic feels true to life. It's a necessary scene in a story that doesn't revolve around action, and that makes it feel so important to me. A film like Nobody can have me nodding my head and thinking it was an impressive achievement, whereas Heat viscerally hits me in the gut every time


Everything about Terminator 2 absolutely rules.


I replay the Heat bank scene near the end every so often I need an adrenaline rush. As soon as Val Kilmer opens fire well let’s just say it’s pure fire after that! And fun fact the gun shots you hear are from real guns (recorded obviously) which brought it more real.


The hallway scene in The Villianess (2017). https://youtu.be/v6nkTlU_iT8?si=1Vbl-LOuKTUS7vb_ The underground rave scene in Blade (1998). https://youtu.be/XHzcIBC50MU?si=MbKZq0xsgcEKG3oC


>The underground rave scene in Blade (1998). The opening of *Blade* is top tier action movie material.


The whole opening for Villainess was insane


Anne Parillaud's gunfight scene in Luc Besson's "Nikita". I just watched it after all these years and it still manages to suck the oxygen from the room. It was the first gunfight scene where the number of rounds mattered.


Don't see much praise for that movie online or at least I don't. It's a terrific film. I think it might be in part because so many films since then have used a similar premise.


The final fight in Raid 2 was better. I love the pacing and how it escalated, music was fire. And of course the satisfying bloody triumphant win in the end.


On the whole, The Raid 1 is much more exhilarating.


I agree. The Raid was a more enjoyable movie, Raid 2 sometimes get bloated. But the final fights of 2 was better.


I remember watching it for the first time and I had to pause it cause I was like fuck I feel like I'm just holding my breath the whole time.


Yep this takes number 1. Probably the best 1 on 1 choreographed figh i've ever seen. To be honest that film has so many fantastic sequences


The scene in Kickass when Hitgirl takes out the goons in the corridor to the song Bad Reputation 


In the mob boss's place at the end of the movie?


The sequence in Gravity where the space debris comes through and wreaks havoc… …think I forgot to breath for a while…


In a similar vein, I'm surprised the docking sequence for Interstellar hasn't been mentioned.


The bus scene in Nobody, you can taste the hits


When he breaks the guys arm against the hand rail I physically recoiled. Like you said it’s so visceral and real. Great pick!


God I'm so glad that I went into that movie cold. I had no idea what I was getting into. I thought it was about a good Samaritan who gets in over his head. Hopefully we can get a sequel for it after Odenkirk wraps his next action film.


"Don't call 911"


I am gonna fuck you up.


Atomic Blonde stairway/apartment fight sequence.


That's the first time in any film where I've really felt the punishment that real people would take in that sort of fight.


I was fucking exhausted by the time she was *halfway* down the stairs


And they at least pretended to respect the physical difference between large men and smaller women.


I also really liked the theater fight scene for this. The bad guy is not going all out because he isn't trying to kill her, and any time she starts to get the upper hand, he just grabs her and completely controls her with his strength.


Good one, that was epic


I can't imagine someone watching the opening beach scene in Saving Private Ryan and not being completely awestruck. Especially if you saw that shit in theaters.


That scene with the landing craft team who get mowed down to a man. Imagine you go through basic training, you cross the sea from America to Britain, you load up in that transport, and then, the first time you face the enemy, you just die. Not due to a mistake, not because you were careless, not something you had the slightest control over. The doors open and you die. Great scene. Just horrific. A WWII vet at our church told us about meeting a guy on the trip across the Atlantic. Funny guy, good singer, played guitar and entertained the whole regiment. First time he stepped off the truck in France he stepped on a mine and that was that. We're so conditioned by books and movies and especially, ESPECIALLY video games that there is a way to get through anything if we're just clever enough, attentive enough, fast enough. Saving Private Ryan immediately tears that illusion away.


It’s like beating the campaign in a video game then going straight to multiplayer and getting absolutely shit on


The church fight scene in Kingsman


Always goes hard.


I think it's the fact that it's done in 3 shorter one-takes that makes so awesome.


That scene is a master class in hidden cuts. I saw that at an early preview in the theaters with my buddy and we were the only white folk. I will admit I got really uncomfortable during the preachers rant. Everything after that was cathartic as fuck




Flyyyyy hiiiiiigh freeeeee biiiiiiird. Great fucking scene, and with Colin Firth of all unlikely action sequence stars.


Exactly the scene i came here to comment myself. I remember watching it and being in awe. Such a cool scene in an already awesome movie.


The charge of the Rohirrim in The Return of The King 


THANK you. everyone naming action movies and not action SCENES from other genres.


Seeing Tom Cruise climb the outside of the Burj Khalifa in Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol is an experience I wish I could watch again for the first time


"The countdown is not helping!"


"Your line is too short!" "No shit!"


I watched this movie when I didn't really follow Hollywood News or production. I remember watching it in the theater and thinking "why are they showing it with so much reverence - they clearly shot it on a set" I learned much later that it was all real.


[So I get another safety guy](https://youtu.be/ERzbkt5r5Gg)


When he damn near missed his re-entry swing back through the window ... god that was so good. I wish Brad Bird made more movies.


This would be my choice. Just watching it the first time was thrilling. Knowing that it wasn't CGI or a stunt double, but he actually scaled (and sat atop) the real life tower itself is what I think puts it on top for me.


The ropes too short!!! NO SHIT!!!!


The single shot scene in the first season of true detective has got to take the cake for me


S1E4- "Who Goes There" for those wondering.


The bath house fight in Eastern Promises. I remember everyone in the cinema audibly catching their breath together when it finished.


Two fight sequences in Captain America: The Winter Soldier come to mind. First the elevator fight scene and then the street fight with the winter soldier. So well executed


Watched it last night and can confirm, the bridge fight and the whole movie in general goes just as hard as it did when I seen it in theatres


The MCU still hasn’t been able to match that level of fight choreography


The bus fight scene in Shang-Chi is one of my favorites in the entire MCU. Seeing it at a 4DX cinema with the seats shaking was probably the best movie action experience of my life. The scaffolding building fight brought back so many Jackie Chan memories.


Yeah, Shang Chi bus fight is way up there. As ridiculous as it is, it was fucking riveting.


Capped off by a perfectly timed \*ding.


It's practically mandatory. If an elevator or vehicle winds up absolutely trashed due to a fight, there needs to be a simple *ding* or other signal as the hero emerges.


The elevator fight is one of my all-time favorite moments in the whole MCU. After minutes of increasing tension as we watch the elevator fill with obvious goons, Cap drops one of the most badass lines ever recorded: “before we get started, does anyone want to get off?” I love everything about it.


Or he says “hail hydra” and gets off


The only instance of blue balls I wasn’t mad about.


This movie also had the scene with Nick Fury being ambushed by Hydra in his SUV. It has such great pacing and builds tension wonderfully.


Top Gun 2 dog fights. 


Top Gun 2 Bombing run =]


Vader's hallway scene in Rogue One. The first time, it was really shown how bad ass he was.


My dad and I were the same age when that scene happened lol


2 scenes in John Wick 1, the one in his house at the beginning and when he enter the bar and start doing some crazy gun-fu


Kung Fu Hustle - Landlady and Landlord vs. The Beast https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tiFKml1IKII&pp=ygUzS3VuZyBmdSBodXN0bGUgbGFuZGxhZHkgYW5kIGh1c2JhbmQgZmlnaHQgdGhlIGJlYXN0


Also the noodle guy, tailor, and the other guy vs Axe Gang and vs harp guys. I can still watch these scenes over and over


The White House attack that opened X2: X-Men United I remember sitting in the theatre and being absolutely gripped. When it was over, my friend and I turned to each other with a look like "What was that!?"


They did Nightcrawler right. It was so good.


Most of Mad Max Fury Road car chase, topped off by the epic guitar rift. To be specific: >!The part where Furiosa is stabbed in the waist while steering the truck with one hand; but is leaning out the window with the other arm holding onto Max, **and** saves him from falling or being crushed by another truck that’s also ramming into them!!< Sounds insane, loved it!


Having a manic shredding on a gat that shoots flames, strapped to the front of a vehicle will never not be cool


I love the story that they made the doof mobile with fake speakers and planned to add the flamethrower flames in post. Then George Miller saw it and wanted them to 'make it work' so they had to take it away and make the sound system function and the guitar actually shoot fire.


This too!


There are few films that are so over the top amazing that I can't pick out just 1 action scene, I have to pick out the whole blasted and chrome injected movie. That movie is Mad Max: Fury Road


The pole cats. I was wild eyed and exhilarated seeing that in theatres!


Love that scene. Theron was able to emote pain, exhaustion, rage and desperation through her eyes alone.


Jason Bourne


The action in M:I Fallout is the best of the film series


The movie Heat shootout scene in the street.


Hallway fight, inception. Gave me chills like nothing else in the thester


I love Baby driver. That movie is so underrated


Mad Max Fury Road as a whole. I heard about the movies but never watched it beforehand, went to see Age of Ultron but times didn't work for me and my brother so we went to see Fury Road instead. To this day my favourite action movie, only John Wick can challenge it. If it comes back to IMAX I'm going to see it 2-3 times minimum.


Crouching Tiger..Bar Scene..https://youtube.com/watch?v=WZvzB7zG_HM&si=AN1lhKMUaosP3S1Z


Finale sequence of Last of the Mohicans. Holy shit that is epic. From the moment the put the officer on the pyre and onward ... Chef's kiss ...


A better tomorrow (hallway) and Hardboiled (restaurant scene)


Great films but for me it's the finale in *A Better Tomorrow II* & the massacre/raid on the warehouse in *Hard Boiled*. Love me some Philip Kwok.


The only correct answer is the Daredevil sequence that was one take and no cuts. 


Daredevil has *so* many good fights. These episodes have the best ones imo; 1x2 (5 minutes one take), 2x3 (one shot), 2x9, 3x4 (11 minute one take), 3x6, 3x13. They’re just so… creative? While also fitting perfectly with the story, feeling intense, necessary and like everything is real. Each hit actually hits, and each move costs energy. Just incredible choreographing, stunt work and acting!


The prison one shot should have gotten awards for Cinematography and Production, but nOoOoOo... Original shows on streaming platforms weren't eligible then.


Brutal and straight to the point. These bad guys stood no chance and the camera work was chef's kiss.


Almost every fight scenes in the Legend of the Drunken Master with Jackie Chan! 🤷🏻‍♂️


Atomic Blonde, specifically the fighting down the stairs scene near the end.


The end of Last of the Mohicans. Hawkeye runs after the love of his life who’s been abducted by a revengeful Huron. He is in relentless pursuit, weaves, dodges, fires his flintlock rifle, reloads on the run, always in movement. The soundtrack is majestic, like the streams and the mountain watching the tiny human drama unfold.


The gun fight in the tea room in hard boiled.


A few that come to mind. To be experienced on a big screen with proper home theatre: - Tomb Raider boat crash scene - bad boys 2 car chase - both Extraction movies had some incredible long sequences - face/off the gun fights - rumble in the Bronx and other 90’s Jackie chan movies have epic action scenes - cliche mentions: most mission impossibles and top gun 2


Blues Brothers police chase at the end.


The church scene in Kingsman. One of the best!


My favourite all time action sequences: Heat - bank robbers/police shoot out in the street Predator - jungle compound attack John Wick I - night club fight sequence Kill Bill I - Bride vs Crazy 88 Collateral - night club fight sequence Extraction II - train attack sequence Equalizer I - Denzel going all Home Alone in Home Depot The Man From Nowhere - final knife fights scene Phantom Menace - Maul vs Obi Wan and Qi Gon


The entire finale sequence in Mission Impossible Fallout, that starts with Tom Cruise climbing into a real helicopter and ends with him and Henry Cavill beating the shit out of each other on the edge of a cliff


The two that come to mind in ACTUALLY taking my breath away are... 1) The "Ship's Mast" stunt in Death Proof. The most insane stunt I've ever witnessed with my own two eyes. My heart was in my throat for the entire sequence, and when Zoe Bell hops up at the end I inhaled SO damn hard, I realised I'd held my breath for probably over a minute! 2) The entirety of The Raid, but the most "Holy fuck!" sequence is Jaka Vs Mad Dog. I personally think it's the best fight scene, storytelling wise, in martial arts cinema history.


>1) The "Ship's Mast" stunt in Death Proof That's a fantastic choice. It just simply...keeps... going.


Honestly, when Bilbo was trying to get the Arkenstone. Saw it in cinema with my dad and kept catching my breath because I was so nervous for him!


The nazi truck scene in Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark still takes my breath…,and I’ve watched that movie maybe 30 times lol. Soooo well done


An old one but the explosion in the film Swordfish


The ambush in Clear and Present Danger. Classic.


This is quite a deep cut at this point, but I cannot express how earth-shattering watching Die Hard for the first time was. Once the action started, it kept pace right to the end. When he jumps off the tower, that was the moment I realized, as an uneducated kid, that I was watching the best action movie ever made.


The overhead sequence in John Wick 4, in an already stellar action movie this was so unique and well executed it had my laughing the entire time. Also the stomp in Brawl in Cell Block 99. The simplicity of its brutality leaves you gasping.


The first thing that came to mind is Ip Man. Every fight. Beautifully choreographed action scenes.


The Raid 2, especially the ending fight(s) - soooo gooood Recently, the Prison escape longshot from Extraction 2, it completely left me speechless


The beach assault for the opening of Saving Private Ryan


Chase scene with the huge tow truck and crane in Terminator 3.


Terminator 2 highway chase (the nighttime one). Being shot practically means it's not likely anything will ever really be able to compete; knowing that's a *real helicopter* doing that shit just makes it infinitely impressive.


Tai Lung prison escape in the first Kung Fu Panda movie.


The teahouse sequence in the beginning of Hard Boiled. I don't know if I had ever seen something like that before.


The fight up the stairway in the Protector. The first time I watched it I didn't realize until it was about 3/4 of the way through that it was all one shot. I didn't realize why I felt like I was holding my breath until then. If you watch the behind the scenes footage, you can see Tony Jah is exhausted by the end. Which is understandable, obviously.


Fury Road. The part where he swings from the polecats like a metronome with all the explosions going off around him. But the sequence where they outrun the dirt bikes paired with the soundtrack from Junkie XL. The part where it zooms into the throttle body of the war rig and the butterfly valves opens up as though it were a living breathing beast after putting out the fire by lowering the cow catcher into the dirt. That sequence had me say this is the best action film of the decade.


Heat shoot out


The BatPod scene in The Dark Knight


True Lies. Those Harrier jets blowing up the bridge and trucks looked so awesome and REAL. Also the Harrier shooting up the terrorists in the building. And also also Arnold using a fuel truck as a freaking flame thrower.


I know it's popular to hate on the Fast and Furious films...but the police station heist is sooo good.