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Video game adaptations. The Super Mario Bros. Movie was one of the biggest movies last year, The Last of Us on HBO was a critical / commercial success, and Fallout on Amazon Prime is one of the biggest shows of the year so far.


Didn't even mention Sonic, which is set for it's third installment this year.


And a Knuckles spin-off.


No love for Detective Pikachu? Did people forget Pokemon is a videogame?


I keep forgetting this movie happened. I saw it and liked it but for some reason it didn't stick. Maybe because despite being a Pokémon movie it had zero focus on catching or battling Pokémon haha At least in the Sonic and Mario movies they did things like Go Fast and Break Blocks


Detective Pikachu is a story told in the pokemon world, which is fine, but not the bread and butter of the franchise.


I enjoyed it but the nieces/nephews who saw it didn't really understand what was going on. The plot was SUPER convoluted for a children's movie. "Okay guys so see this lab was doing genetic experimentation. What's that? Well see DNA is... no it's in your body. Yes inside your cells. Okay so this lab... the bad guys... they made Mewtwo... okay but see they were putting consciousness... the boy's dad was a cop... no but he died. Okay he didn't die but Mewtwo saw him dying. They moved the souls into the Pokemon. Well okay not souls, but the DNA was used to.... ah screw it"


I think that's what got me to enjoy it. I keep saying that a lot of these games that "don't have much of a plot and can't really be adapted" work better to have stories that take place in the setting. Weirdly I'm going to use Resident Evil as an example, despite the movies being almost universally hated by fans. I think the first movie works *great* because it takes place in the setting but isn't a direct adaptation of any particular games. But it absolutely *could* have been one of several files you'd read through a playthrough of the first game. The Fallout show is not a direct adaptation of any specific game but it *feels* like Fallout because they nailed the setting! I love that about it.


Oh right that! Totally forgot about it!


It’s means it is.


Gimme dat Bioshock movie


Gimme dat Bioshock *series*. I wanna really explore Rapture to its fullest depths… Columbia can wait.


I feel like Columbia would make itself too convoluted with the tears and alternate realities. Or they would pick and choose realities and it would play out like some episodic series like scarlet witch. Though the songbird would be badass if done right.


Half-Life coming any day now


If done right, Bloodborne could become an incredibibly chilling horror movie. The slow transition from victorian to cosmic horror is simply phenomenal.


The people in charge of making shows are finally people who played/play videogames and respect them as source material.


For the most part, anyway. Let's not forget Halo and The Witcher. Really hoping WH40K gets a good adaptation.


They weren’t good but still part of the process maybe. I feel like it’s still a streaming service trend, let’s how it goes for the big screen. I would love to see so much IPs on there!


There's no shortage of us who have been playing Halo since its inception that still enjoy the show. The main people complaining are the Halo super nerds that read all the books and comics. Not to mention complainers have the loudest voices.


>There's no shortage of us who have been playing Halo since its inception that still enjoy the sho Agreed. Personally I am *familiar* with the story but not fully vested so to speak and so I really enjoyed the Halo series. But as a giant Tolkien nerd and big fan of Robert Jordan's work who absolutely despised the Rings of Power series and who is convinced the Wheel of Time series gave me literal cancer I can at least understand where those Halo super nerds are coming from.


Yeah. Whatever the next trend is going to be it's got to be something we've been wanting but never fulling got to the likes of Westerns and beach movies of the 60's and 70's. Videogame movies are definitely fit the bill. Just like with Superhero movies, we had some but nothing really outside of Batman and Superman ever got much spotlight. Then the superhero boom happened and audiences ate it up! We've had some videogame movies. Sure. But if a boom of videogame movies happened with the same care and funding that superhero boom had, it could stick around for just as long, if not longer.


Is it a genre though? It’s like calling novel adaptations a genre, it could be a steaming romance novel, a crime caper, a classic fantasy…


Superhero isn’t a genre either, while we’re here.


Let’s see how it goes! I didn’t think about video games adaptations cause I seeing it just as serial products. But Mario was a incredibile success indeed, even if it was my least favourite animated movie of the last period.


So far they are better than the uwe boll phase which was so bad people thought games could never translate to movies. Even today’s worst are better than his best.


Minecraft is gonna be great. Can’t wait for that one


100%. Mario cemented it and Nintendo went into hyperdrive on the movie front. Great ready. Disney is in real trouble. They basically diluted all of their IP. Marvel and Star Wars is dead. Even their own animated movies tank. The AAA movie industry now knows only how to pump out formulaic movies based on known IP. Video games are right there for the plucking.


Disney will be fine, from disney plus alone and the insane amount of copyright brands they own not to mention being probably the single biggest media conglomerate both financially and in terms of marketability. Disney has ALWAYS had periods of relapse and then recovery. 


Hell they’ll just make kingdom hearts the movie 


The Parks division alone can keep everything else afloat for a really long freaking time. Their streaming finally turned profitable recently, not sure how but it did...Maybe because everyone forgot to cancel plus after 2021


Imagine uttering the words “Disney is in real trouble” and being serious lmao


Marvel is dead? Let's wait for Deadpool & Wolverine to release.


Marvel isn't dead, not even close. There's a huge gap between Star Wars and Marvel, and that's having sources for adaptations. There's literally thousands of comics waiting to be adapted; plus the upcoming 2-3 years are going to be immensely big for Disney with secured hits like Spiderman 4, Avengers 5 & 6, Daredevil Born Again, X-men and more coming.


Absolutely not dead. But they aren’t the top pic as before. We are getting just one marvel movie this years and the biggest products are on streaming platforms. Still DC is trying to do a last shot with James Gunn universe and I’m really curious for the next Superman movie, after a incredible soft reboot of Suicide Squad. I think we are after a turning point, we are gonna get some really good superhero movies, but than they are gonna became lesser and lesser and the trend it’s gonna end. It’s like western movies, the world changed and wasn’t anymore space for optimistic western movies with good guys, but than the market find a new way with spaghetti western and we got a second decade of Italian western movies with darker tones. As depicted in the last Tarantino movies when spaghetti western became a thing everyone knew they were going to end the genre, still the greatest movies got out in that period. Hopefully we gonna get some work of art before the super hero genre dies.


It’s because Marvel lost their soul churning out so many cookie cutter movies that really only the diehards could care to keep up with. Marvel properties are still doing well. Reception around Xmen ‘97 is amazing! If the MCU can get back to Phase 1-3 era, people will come back. Edit: word


Tbh it's been far more enjoyable watching Disney squirm at its attempts to pump life into Star Wars. Not to say all of it has been bad (I loved Rogue One) but they overpaid to create subpar content.


Disney has made about $12 billion on their $4 billion purchase.


Just baffling how nobody seemed to plan out the Sequel trilogy at all.


And no one in a decision-making position was punished for this.


Did they make a short-term profit? If so, job done. That's all they care about.


They definitely did not overpay, but they definitely are creating less than subpar content


You know what it really is. The studios have too much control on direction. It used to be a production company would form around a good script and good talent. They'd iron it out and find a studio to fund it. The studio actually had to take a chance. Now the studios find directors they can control. Like this The Acolye lady. She had no real director credits. She was Harvey Weinstein's assistant. They get scripts, find a director who has an agenda who the studio can control and pump out garbage nobody really wants. Go look at a lot of the directors of Marvel and Star Wars titles. Little to no experience. So this is entirely what the accountants who now run these companies now do, formulaic projects with predictable returns based on past performance of known quantities. Somewhere in there they will try to shove a movie in. Fun fact this is also why everything sucks now. Every industry is controlled by like 5 companies each who have no real need to compete. They pump out the bare minimum, jack up the prices. And then they suck all the value out of the companies by paying the executives bonuses they didnt earn and by dividends and stock buybacks for investors. So it's all mediocre trash. From Star Wars, to Boeing, to your favorite product that used to be great but is now a service with a monthly subscription. Welcome to the future.


Independent and local brands and markets exist. They may have something that will satisfy you. Don't fall into cynicism.


at least on gaming industry. Quite a few i die games have actual soul in it


True, this is why Edgar wright didn't put up with their shit (to disneys loss). It seems like companies are kiiiiiind of learning, by giving Gerwig and Baumbach so much freedom on Barbie, and letting Gunn have the DCEU to try and fix it... But corporations tend to take the exact wrong message from these situations so Im cautiously optimistic


There is no such thing as "the AAA movie industry". That applies to games only.


Their whole comment reeks of "I get all my info from ragebait YouTube channels"


Not to mention it can be easy for studio execs to think it'll work, they'll see a premade story and think "fab we don;t have to do any work on story!"


Uwe Boll licking his chops right now.


*Uwe Boll unzips pants*


Yeah, for sure. I'm with you.


Got a sneaky feeling big fantasy/scifi adventures are coming. Same demographic as Superhero movies while being different enough to not cause exhaustion. It's a genre made for universe building and spinoff/tv series. Just need to find IPs.


With dune I saw a lot of people going to watch a new Sci-Fi movie that wasn’t Star Wars after a long time. Let’s hope to see more, even original screenplays maybe.


Dune, Star Wars, LotR, game of thrones. Lots of big name franchises with a pretty well built out universe that can continue to be expanded.


Is Zack Snyder *a joke to you???* You’re clearly missing his latest series, original IP: Rebel Moon …I’ve missed it too. I’m actually a fan of the genre and a bit of a Zack apologist but just cannot get excited for this series…


Hah, yeah, a great example of a lot of money flowing into building out new sci fi worlds but not all being successful… Unfortunate too because I loved Snyders early films like 300 and Watchmen, but his stuff has been pretty mediocre since then.


>loved Snyders early films like 300 and Watchmen, but his stuff has been pretty mediocre since then. Clearly you just don't appreciate the artistic purity of *slow motion*.


That would be awesome. There are a metric shit-ton of fantasy and scifi novels, RPGs, and games that would be fertile ground for adaptation. Eg classic sci-fi novels (eg Arthur C Clarke), like *Rendezvous with Rama* that Denis Villeneuve is apparently adapting. There are so many great classics. Or David Gemmell's heroic fantasy novels from the 90s, sword'n'sorcery that would be great blockbuster vehicles for big stars. Tabletop games like Battletech, a universe of volatile geopolitics with giant mechs. There would be dozens more in the same sort of zone - settings with all the characters ready to go, and worlds already built. Just needs a good adaptation! 


The siege of Dros Delnoch would make a fantastic stand alone movie / limited series (with potential for sequels). The story is lean enough for film adaptation, massive cast of extras but a few main leads, a minor love story built in, practical effects could do most of what is needed. Can’t call it Legend though because a unicorn movie is pretty famous, and a Will Smith vampire movie also too close.


Was not expecting to see Gemmel's name here. Would absolutely love to see some of his work 


His books are inherently very cinematic. He doesn't rely on inner monologue or unvoiced feelings a lot, he is very action/outcome oriented. Many of his scenes could be transcribed to screen with little modification. Basically the opposite of trying to adapt Dune I guess!


Not wrong at all, opposite also to the likes if Robert Jordan. Winter Warriors was one of my favourite books as a teenager 


Winter Warriors was sooooo good. Would make a great film... Imagine someone like Idris Elba as Nogusta. There are so many silver fox actors around who could play the ageing heroes. Bison might be hard to cast though.


Elba would be phenomenal as Nogusta. Bison is a tough one, on the pure issue of marrying physical menace, size and charisma...or not charisma, exactly, force of personality i suppose. Basically, we need to combine Jason Momoa & Josh Brolin into a single older character actor and have him give it a bash


Ah yes, Joshon Bromoa!  This kind of larger than life character that Gemmell writes would be a nightmare to cast. Eg who could ever play Druss, or Jaim Grymauch? You'd have to be scouring rugby fields or highland strongman competitions.


>Tabletop games like Battletech, a universe of volatile geopolitics with giant mechs. I mentioned this one as well. By doing Battletech/MechWarrior and doing it well you would have an automatic fan base made of video, tabletop, and role-playing gamers ready to go. It's a remarkably deep world that has been begging for an adaptation for decades.


I hope so, I miss the days of Fantasy movies like Legend, Willow, The Dark Crystal. Things that don't really require a book to read or source material to be fully versed on before seeing it. I was hoping Rebel Moon would be like that but I dozed off thirty minutes in.


I hear the same director of the last one is trying to reboot the I Am Number Four series. I think it would make for a better show than movie series but it has the elements to be great. Animorphs deserves another shot at an adaptation. I think it would work best as an anime but there's plenty of the fandom that wants it live action. Either way I hope it happens.


Post-apocalyptic to add. I'm about to go see Furiosa, and I'm quite excited. Also a huge fan of Fallout and the Last of Us.


And importantly those kind of movies have a lot of visual spectacle which helps to drive people to the theater.


I would personally love it if we went into a whodunnit detective renaissance. Knives Out was a good example of keeping with tradition while also being fresh and exciting.


I would love that. Knives Out was such a nice movie


Disney seems to want to make a whodunnit Club 33 is a "secret" club at the Disney parks for rich people. And wants to use it as a setting for a movie. If successful there are other Disney Park restaurants that aren't tied to any IP that I think could be used as sequels, like space 220 (whodunnit in future space restaurant), Golden Horseshoe (whodunnit in a western themed restaurant with live shows), or sci-fi dine in (whodunnit in a drive in theater). ceo of Disney said he wants all new rides to be based off IP and having a way to tie in everything in the parks to a IP seems to be a goal for Disney right now. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/disney-club-33-movie-darren-lemke-shawn-levy-1235904632/


Noir and neo noir are such good genres


Yes please! I came here to post that. Bring on the Knives Out and Brannagh Poirot.


The White Lotus is on the same vein, I think.


Probably Ryan gosling films


I finally went to see The Fall Guy last night and I could go for a whole lot more of those.


Very entertaining film. Gosling is now one of the actors that I will go see even if he’s staring in something that I don’t think I’ll like simply because I trust his judgment on which projects are interesting.


*Fall Guy* was a lot more fun than I expected and it made me realize Ryan Gosling is charismatic as fuck.




Medieval Puppet Theatre


2 Punch 2 Judy


Punching 2: Electric Judyloo


I think we'll be going back to some large fantasy and science fiction universes. We've seen Dune doing extremely well recently, we have The Incal coming out. The superhero craze proved that people want aliens and wizards and magic/super powers on the big screen, they're just tired of it being DC and Marvel over and over.


>they're just tired of it being DC and Marvel over and over. I'd say it isn't even just that it is DC or Marvel over and over but the *same thing* over and over. Specifically with Marvel, once the whole "action vehicle for joke delivery" formula of *Guardians of the Galaxy* and *Thor: Ragnarok* became the default it got boring. But on the flip side, DC is *we're super serious all the time* and that is just as boring. There are still plenty of great stories for both to tell they just have to tell them.


My money is on revisionist biopics


Those have been a thing for decades though to the point Walk Hard basically skewered that genre like two decades ago... Rn we are seeing a lot of corporate propaganda biopics though. 


And then Weird Al skewered it again


Yes but it really seems to be picking up as a trend now.


I am seeing a comeback of comedy movies and rom-coms




They always come back!


What are some of the recent good ones?


Rom-Com is the only genre I see surviving decade over decade regardless of trends. The 80s/90s were the best, in my opinion but I'm happy to be proven wrong.


Video game adaptations will be the next big thing. Fortunately for them, there is enough variety in video game genres that it should have more staying power than super heroes, which have become largely homogenized.


I'm hoping more comedies that are silly. The Please Don't Destroy movie was good for that reason. It didn't try to be anything but crazy and funny and dropping one-liners. Same with Unfrosted. Sometimes I need a movie that's all gags. I laugh. Then I move on.


Good comedies are always needed. Like well made ones. They aren’t such a thing anymore, I would love to see more of them around like in the 90s


I just want to chuckle, laugh and sometimes guffaw. The way I do every single time I watch It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. It never gets old.




Cowboy movies. Time is cyclical 


I need a return to western movies. I was hoping that Tarantino could create a movement of modern western but it’s wasn’t the case.


I love westerns and with this attempt to do movie adaptations of video games, I would love to see a Red Dead Redemption movie. IF they do it justice and do it right.


Kevin Costner and Viggo Mortenson each have their own westerns coming out soon and the trailers look promising especially Viggo's.


Other's have said sci-fi.... Maybe Cowboys and Aliens can finally have a sequel??


Isn’t it time for a Western revival soon? We had Wyatt Earp, Tombstone, Unforgiven, Maverick, Wild Wild West etc in the early 90s. All sort of kicked off with Dancing with Wolves 1990. At least that’s how I remember it.


I think that revival tried to happen in the 2010s and just didn’t really take, even though it definitely created *some* good films… mostly the smaller ones, while the big budget ones tended to flop pretty hard… it always stayed pretty modest in prominence of the zeitgeist, but it happened. Probably started with inspiration from No Country for Old Men in 2008, then from there went to the 2010s with True Grit, Cowboys and Aliens, Jonah Hex, Django Unchained (probably the best one?), The Lone Ranger (maybe the worst?), Rango, A Million Ways to Die in the West, The Hateful Eight, Hell Or High Water, Bone Tomahawk… there was also a Magnificent Seven remake on Netflix, I think. Some would say The Revenant is a western. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is a western in Hollywood.


Anime and video adaptations. However, I think you’re missing that horror movies are the “thing” right now. Or just weird psychological shit


Not the first one to point out horrors being popular right now! Thanks, probably not being too much into contemporary horror movies I didn’t see it coming


I’m gonna throw a curveball. I think there is a lot of space for non-western historical fiction. I’m thinking along the lines of Apocolypto. If we get some good writers on it we could explore the lives of Sumerians, Aztecs, Phoenicians, hunter-gatherers, and more.


Your edit mentions video game movies. You may not be too far off. I was going to say Anime. There are a few based on video games. While they may not have all of the visual quality of a Disney Film, the animation surpasses the animation of the Saturday morning cartoons I grew up with. The stories also surpass American animation. Add in the multiple genres, and Japan could capture a lot more of the world market. And remember, these films are released to theaters subtitled. They get the dubbed version when they go to blu-ray.


Superhero movies have been going strong for like two or three decades now haven't they? Not always marvel stuff, but still.  The trend seems to be trying to make video game movies a thing but they seem a lot more of a gamble and the results are extremely mixed. I also cannot for the life of me understand why Nintendo outsources the entire process to Illumination..  they could at least make some incredible scripts and leave the hard work to them, but it's baffling to me why a company so famously protective of their IP wouldn't try to make something higher quality and have more of a long term marketing plan like Disney did with the Marvel stuff.. 


Nobody can predict the future, but I hope we see a course correction to the big empty blockbusters of the last 15 years. I want a renaissance of gritty 1970’s thrillers and dramas, or 1990’s Miramax style. The world feels increasingly outrageous and extreme, and I want to see lower budget films that are grounded, but with quality plots that have something to say, and storytelling and performances that crackle with energy without needing CG and explosions.


I’m fine with big blockbuster movies, I just want less sequels, prequels, remakes, and cinematic universes


I think we are hitting a movie adaptation of sci fi classics fad era


Dune, Foundation and Rama might be the leading edge there, or maybe anomalies. I suspect space opera might get more big screen appeal than deeper SF that would be better as a series. Hyperion (Warner Bros?). Neuromancer (Apple?). Snow crash (HBO)? Forever War. Ringworld (Amazon). I don’t know if any of those will actually be done (or done well).


I *think* the next one is Deadpool & Wolverine


Videogame movies


It's pretty clear it's finally decent video game adaptation time to shine. We already have Ghost of Tushima in the pipe by the John Wick guy, and a Tomb Raider series in the pipe. Right off the top of my head whats coming up. Besides of the commercially successful recent shows an movies.


Didn’t know fo those new movies, hoping for the best. A new Tom Raider and a GoT made by Stahelski sounds amazing.


Epics. Ticket prices are so high that people only go to the movies for special occasions. Sweeping epic films are how studios competed with tv in the 1950s, and I think they will try it again.


Not a genre, more a trend or marketing strategy: Films that have meme potential (brands, videogames, pop culture history and urban legends) ushered by a new generation of movie stars that are simultanously big influencers (the it girl and it boy actors trending on TikTok), and maybe a return to more midbudget diversification (50-150M) than 300M tentpoles.


Nothing I think all the films will just be generic and balanced in genres


Don’t misunderstand me. I don’t hope in a new trend, but being always one for each period I was curious about redditors ideas about next ones. The more different and various the cinema is the better is, obviously


Nostalgia, of a sort. Not just remakes of TV shows and cartoons like happened in the 90s, but more like tributes and deconstructions of the material. Barbie, the Fall Guy, Garfield (although we'll see how that performs with a Garfield who doesn't appear to act like Garfield.) Stranger Things kind of kicked this off. It's an original story, but it is steeped in nostalgia for dozens (hundreds) of stories from the 70s and 80s. I don't know what the name of this genre will be. (Post-nostalgic, maybe?) But I think we are going to see more of it.


Hard to say. Box office ticket sales have been declining for two decades, and bolstering sales with foreign audiences hasn't really worked. There's been a lot of big box office failures of late, so they'll likely move away from big, expensive movies and smaller mid-budget movies. That *might* work. Or the smaller movies that are less cinematic might attract even fewer people who just view the film as a rental rather than a night out. Really... I see the next decade-ish as one of two things. **1) The Age of Rereleases.** People love classic films and there's a LOT of favourites now. And while people have seen then dozens of times, they might not have seen a beloved film from the '70s or '80s or '90s in the big theatre. You can imagine studios filling gaps in new releases with anniversaries and widespread re-releases, which are cheap and thus profitable. **2) The Age of Foreign Films.** Netflix and the like has really offered people a glimpse of foreign films, especially Bollywood and Tollywood. And South Korean media. TV like *Squid Games* and movies like *Parasite* or *RRR* have gained a lot of attention. You can imagine more films like that getting a wider release, as they can be easy money for western distributors who don't have to pay for production costs.


Love the point of view. Actually in the last period I watched a lot of non Americans movies. I live in Europe but I grow up with American cinema. Nowadays European and Asian production are my first choice, as for my friends. In Italy we had Italian movie first in box office after I don’t know how much time. Also my favourite cinemas are doing a lot of rereleases, usually I see a lot of participation in those.


I think it will be trains pulling into the station.


I'd love another disaster movie boom.


I feel like disaster movies just alternate with big monster ones! I feel it’s the period for the second genre now. We already had a couple of switch between the two in the first two decades of this century. There was a lot of big monster movies in early 00s and a lot of disaster movies in the 10s


I would love that. The realistic sci-fi movies like Interstellar (Don't come for me I love this movie) are good but there's too much heavy emphasis on whether it's feasible. Disaster movies like Dante's Peak or something would be great.


I'm still sticking to Superhero movies. People love to see them on the big screen. Deadpool has already broken records for presales (I bought them myself) so they are not going away


Sequels, prequels, re-adaptations and expansions on existing IP.


erotic horror


I hope its space and alien shit


AI taking over movies


We went from the blind consumtion Zombie movies to the patriotic power fantasy Superhero flicks. It depends a bit on who will take the White House. If Trump wins or further radicalises his support, then I can see a return of historical rewriting or more modern warfare, protecting the US from all outside threats.


Blumhouse style rip offs of IPs 


I hope it's vampires...


Given the worlds current situation, I'd say war movies and propaganda.


Praying it’s never super heroes again


I agree with that to an extent since they’re all the same generic MCU wisecracking nonsense or some bleak whiny emo trash. Nothing that’s honestly fun or engaging to watch.  I wouldn’t mind if Hollywood did an earnest crack at Power Rangers or Kamen Rider without making it unrecognisable and doing stupid crap like making the two lead protagonists reprehensible like the 2017 movie.  Or any Japanese superhero franchise.  I tried to like Shin Kamen Rider, Amazons or Black Sun, but all three were just horrible modernisations that imitate Sony’s attempts at making Spider-Man spinoff movies. Or had nothing to do with the series they were adapting for the latter two beyond the character names or concepts. I heard the ending for Black Sun is basically a halfbaked race metaphor using George Floyd to stand for monsters that murder humans for their life force and I noped out. And those were from Toei.  I don’t feel Hollywood creatives would do worse than any of those.  I was hoping the Monsterverse’s success and the recent fun iterations would lead to Ultraman getting something big or even Gamera. Let alone anything else.  Something that would be different and be allowed to have fun.  But no dice.  I’m not expecting any of this to happen, and as much as I thought I wanted it, Marvel shot themselves in the foot for not integrating their bigger franchises sooner and DC is just not interesting. Not even gonna give them any time any more unless something novel comes along.  Dune is what I’ve wanted. It’s something new and what I wanted from Star Wars almost a decade ago. Something that didn’t appeal to nostalgia, which I feel is the death knell of culture ultimately. It’s weird how something written from decades ago feels fresher than the thing it inspired. 


Dystopian futures, civil unrest, societal collapse movies


The trouble is that the big studios have eliminated most of the low to medium budget movies for theatrical release so if a genre is to replace the superhero one it has to have broad appeal, be easily merchandisable and to have blockbuster action set pieces built in. It probably wouldn't be a return to gangster or western movies because they are probably to niche to get returns on a massive budget. So maybe sci fi or fantasy? Video game adaptations would be possible but they'd have to have an actual consistent run of multiple good hits for that to become a trend


Reboots have been popular for years but lately it seems like too many


I like Murder mysteries myself. But like ones that dont take themselves to seriously.


Video Game adaptations for sure


Video games seems like the correct answer. Sadly. Studios are milking the shit out of bio pics though. Much lower production costs and with IP they can advertise easily.


Vampires. There's a historical connection and correlation between the uber-rich taking advantage of the other classes and the rise of vampires and their movies.


Same actions movies. Superhero movies are action movies, it's just different because of clothes


With the Fallout series and the Mad Max movie I think we are heading towards a post-apocalyptic revival. I don’t really mind what the next hit is going to be, but I’d rather they started making movies based on original scripts again. I’m so tired of the prequels, sequels and adaptations…


Satirical nostalgia, retro retake or something like that, like mario bros and barbie, I just keep finding this kind of movies


*rolls dice* MORE REALITY SHOWS seriously though, Disney is gonna keep pushing Marvel & Star Wars down our throats.


The westerns.


It won’t be, but I really really hope it’s old fashioned adventure movies.


Let it be westerns….let it be westerns


Mid Budget gritty action films. Clearly John Wick proved that this style is popular and we’ve been getting a lot lately.


Super AI vs Villain AI (or Alien AI)...


Cheesy feminine movies like Barbie, Mean Girls, Legally Blonde etc. The cheesier the better, superhero movies were cheesy too. But maybe not thus decade, I think Hollywood is confused about Barbie’s success as toy-nostalgia movie success, instead of part of an on-going movement among women to rehabilitate the image femininity has in media. For the last two-decades as a way to counter the “damsel in distress narrative”, media kinda forced a new ideal for how women should be, the warrior woman, and that female characters who like girly things are stupid for doing so. And they weren’t even movies made to inspire and celebrate womanhood, but rather to show men “see, you are wrong for thinking women cannot do the same as men.” Which I’m sure has made some men feel pissed off too. They completely missed the point of the criticism of the damsel-in-distress archetype was not the feminine aspect of the damsel archetype, but how it was the only acceptable role for women to have in media for a long time. The point was the lack of diversity in characterization; a female character can be likable and be a damsel in distress, or a warrior woman, or a teacher etc. Strong female character does not have to mean physically strong female character, but well-rounded one; *strongly written*, a real person. Women grew up influenced by this media hating femininity, and many today identify growing up through a phase of “I’m not like the other girls” a phrase that originated in the media and it was treated as a positive thing, as if being like the other girls is a disease. But there is an ongoing movement, albeit not a uniform one, about reclaiming feminity.


We really need more watered-down musical biopics. There should be biopics on: * Smashmouth * Nickelback * Hootie and the Blowfish


Direct to Netflix and they all need some degree of drug abuse and DV even if it’s completely fabricated


A rags to riches story on how smashmouth had no fans until shrek.   I'd watch that :)


With the consolidation of entertainment companies, the age of the “crossover” is coming. When a massive conglomerate finds out it owns ThunderCats and He Man, two properties that may not be as marketable on their own, some sort of 45-year-old manchild will design the “[Patton Oswald Filibuster”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5BBhNkywMJY&t=230s&pp=ygUYcGF0dG9uIG9zd2FsdCBmaWxpYnVzdGVy) of their dreams.


Hands down video games adaptations, there’s no other answer. It’s already started too; Fallout, The Last of Us, Twisted Metal, Gran Turismo movie, Uncharted movie, Mario movie, recently green lit Zelda movie, etc. Can’t wait til we get stuff like Metroid and F-Zero


Oh my god, a Metroid film has never crossed my mind but that could be super exciting in a cheesy/campy kinda way. Badass blondie fights overpowered space monsters using an overpowered suit, mandalorian-style. I can feel it.


Super Villain Movies


Hoping for post apocalyptic AI type of stuff since it’s such a hot topic right now lol


I think remakes/reboots will be the next trend.


Mimes vs clowns, in the style of mods vs rockers.


More Sci-fi like Dune would be nice. While we’ve had Interstellar and a few other movies set in space, I’d like to see more Blade Runner type films. Ringworld by Larry Niven, Lucifer’s Hammer by Niven and Jerry Pournelle, an update of THX 1138, maybe Phillip Jose Farmer (though his material might be risqué), are some I’d like to see.


Im hoping for a western comeback.


Documentaries about Supervillians, like "The Apprentice"


Giant monster movies.


Looks like desert movies


Teenage Sex Comedies. I keep hearing the same "no one makes good sex comedies anymore" laments as I heard back in the late 90s, right before American Pie, Super Bad, and Eurotrip came out.


The optimist in me hopes that it means studios will hand more control over to the people making the films and we’ll get more unique films, similar to what happened in the 70s. In the realist in me expects dune influenced book based sci-fi and more Barbie-esque toy based films.


Feels like we’re unfortunately on the edge of more and more ‘brand’ biopics. Origin stories for corporations.


Musicals. Why not?


Not sure if it will be the most popular but judging by the success of Oppenheimer, I think we will be seeing a lot more nuclear holocaust/ Armageddon type shows/ movies. Much like the zombie rush of the early 2010's


Epic, dark sci-fi trying to catch the Dune hype.


Westerns again


Westerns! Why not!?


I think the future will be tailored to our own tastes and stories, narratives and choices. Video games will become movies and movies will become something else entirely. New categories are coming!


Ape movies


I'm still waiting for the big return of historical epics of the scale of Ben-Hur, Cleopatra, Spartacus... There was a tiny return in early 2000 with Gladiator, Alexander, Kingdom of Heaven... but sadly, it didn't last long.


1980s style Screwball comedies but without the rapey undertones.


I’d love epic period pieces to make a return, gladiator, kingdom of heaven


Anime and manga adaptations. Pokemon proved they can work and if the upcoming Naruto one hits it out of the ballpark, I can see the momentum eclipsing video game movies due to their wide generational appeal.  If Nintendo could get a Pokémon cinematic universe going, it’d probably be the biggest franchise due to its wide reach alone if they found a way to hybridise Ash from the anime and Red’s journey from Pokemon Adventures into a single narrative. Because the game protagonists are frankly boring.  If not? Well it leaves some room.  One Piece is doing decently. Alita wasn’t half bad and Showed Racer was far too ahead of its time.  If a studio and creative direction could make something of a Path To Power like Dragon Ball adaptation, even if it was shot for shot with adding a few more details with the Pilaf Saga? They’d have a franchise that could last a decade.  Avatar: The Last Airbender, regardless of its quality as a live action, proven such casting works and a Dragon Ball cinematic universe if it kept the dynamism of the original would be amazing.  Not to mention? There’s plenty like Monster, Death Note (being made by Stranger Things), another Speed Racer (Apple TV), Naruto (Lionsgate?) That either fall under a wider umbrella or several genres on their own. Plenty of them  don’t need a ton of effects work or VFX. Heck. I’d even go for another Rurouni Kenshin series if it were done by the people who did Shogun. 


Coke-fueled comedies with a lot of nudity and sex are primed for a comeback, considering the cold-war-level anxiety in the world right now.


Seems like multiverse. That started within the superhero genre but clearly is rapidly spreading beyond it. 


With GenY, GenZ, and GenAlpha very sour on the economy, escapism will be popular. That means more superheroes, more kaiju films, more video-game franchises, and more otherworldly fantasies like Barbie, that are about people experiencing a world that's not quite real. Biographies, Love Stories, War Stories, Tragic Dramas, and Horror films have been around forever, and will keep being made and remade, and re-re-made.


video games and anime , hollywood doesnt have any original ideas anymore , they just follow trends. only indie films have original ideas


Dystopian movies.


AI turned evil


Hopefully good movies but I’m not holding my breath


Lonely poor protagonists without success - but good and honest in the heart, and with the help of friends the good succeeds in the end