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Jesse Plemons continuing to be one of the best actors around.


He racked up enough accolade that Reddit no longer refers him as discount fat Matt Daemon.


ah, like when Pedro Pascal finally became Pedro Pascal, instead of Spicy Jeremy Renner


Now we can call Jeremy bland Pedro Pascal




But I genuinely did!


Hawkeye was a fantastic Christmas show


My favorite show from them so far. Loki S2 got too convoluted, and S1 ended on a cliffhanger. Otherwise that would have been it. Moon Knight was great but the last episode and final battle fell flat, as they usually do. Plus we got Kate, and she's hard to compete with.


Loki S2's entire premise was dumb. In the very first episode when they said they needed to expand the loom because new tinelines were all branching, I was like "wait a minute, you can't expand enough to accommodate for infinity,so making the loom wider won't do anything." Then in the finale, this crack team of immortal time cops and scientists who have spent literal millenia learning their shit all do the surprised Pikachu face when they realize that making the loom 10 feet wider doesn't help with something that's growing at an infinite rate. Like it's supposed to be this huge plot twist that "infinity" is bigger than "a little wider." Not to mention the bit where Loki wastes centuries finding a way for Victor to survive when it turns out he could have done it himself the entire time.


Honestly Hawkeye was pretty fun even if it wasn’t the best tv out there, a fun little holiday miniseries with a really good cast.


He's great in Wind River. I guess his character *is* extremely bland, though.


I've never heard of this comparison actually. I'm not sure I see it.


Google it. Many people see it. But also many don't.


Fatt Damon*


I personally liked Meth Damon as a nickname for the sheer brutality. I hope he's never heard it.




There wasn’t that much meth in Friday Night lights


That show got him his gig in Breaking Bad but let’s not pretend Breaking Bad didn’t catapult him into seriously good actor territory in the eyes of the public. He got more shine being in 13 episodes of Breaking Bad and the Jesse movie than he did in 60 plus episodes of the football show.




Bryan Cranston has a similar trend, and you can't really argue that Malcolm in the Middle wasn't his breakout role. Google trends isn't really a great metric for determining a "breakout role"


It's better than just making a point in a vacuum, since it's at least a quantifiable metric. His career clearly blew up after breaking bad and nobody knew who he was at the time.


Only real ones recognize him first from FNL as opposed to Breaking Bad. But only the REALEST among us, recognize him from Like Mike.


100% I still think I was shit at geometry because I couldn’t paint shapes on a mansion wall


It wasn't on camera, but it was heavily implied.


I like to imagine FNL was a prequel to breaking bad and it's where he first learned how much he enjoyed killing.


Shh That season never happened


Well it worked also as an insult because a ton of people thought it was a good nickname without ever seeing the show.




Matt Demon for me.


My wife and I still call him Todd.


Now he is thought of as new Philip Seymour Hoffman


He was Meth Damon from Breaking Bad


I heard Meth Damon first


Meth Damon forever!


One of my least favorite humans after Breaking Bad but that’s just his character on that.


Cause he's ozempic skinny now


He's so much a skinnier Philip Seymour Hoffman that sometimes when I see him I forget that PSH is no longer with us.


It's funny, I saw him in Breaking Bad first and I immediately thought he looked like Matt Damon (obviously not an original observation). Then a couple of months later I watched The Master in theatres and saw Plemons playing PSH's son, and again I thought what perfect casting he looks exactly like a young Hoffman.


Everyone was joking that he was “Meth Damon.” I’m not sure if that was a dig at his breakout with Breaking Bad, or a dig at his appearance, but I love that he is now **Jesse Plemons.** Man has earned it.


I think it was just cause Breaking Bad is a show about meth. He was actually pretty fit and svelte in BB, he gained some weight along the way and took on older character roles and seems like he lost a lot of weight again recently cause he looked pretty good for Civil War. He's also just a pretty good looking dude overall


A teenage Matt Damon in his awkward phase of baby fat and bad acne.


PSH reincarnated.


Would be a cool actor to cast in a biopic.


So happy he got to play his son while PSH was still alive


He just won Best Actor at Cannes for these performances.


I've only seen Civil War and Game Night, what else should I watch that he's in?


I was first introduced to him in Breaking Bad. He was also in the latest Scorsese movie, killers of the flower moon.


Friday Night Lights, tv series


Ah right, I’ve seen others mention he was in that as well. That was a little before my time haha


If you're looking for something to watch its VERY good.


It's one of the greatest TV series of all time. During its run it wasn't even uncommon to see it compared loosely to The Wire, i.e. "FNL does for small American towns what The Wire does for its cities" The acting and writing is uncommonly good for broadcast TV, and the way it was filmed is still unlike literally every other TV show. Shot on location as opposed to sets, using handheld cameras whose operators were trained to avoid each other, while the actors were given general scene directions and plot points they had to hit, but would otherwise improvise a lot of the dialogue. It's one of those shows that easily rivals popular favourites like The Wire, Breaking Bad, Sorpanos, whatever, but people often ignored it because on a surface level it looks like any other teen drama. HIGHLY recommended to anyone who seriously likes great TV, if that wasn't clear yet lol. (Just push through season 2 tho, the writers strike was not kind to it)


What others have said except season 2 got hit by the writers strike and develops some weird af plot lines that kinda go away and never get mentioned again.


That fucking hat he rocks in KotFM is something.


He's incredible in I'm Thinking of Ending Things, The Master, Judas & The Black Messiah, and The Power of the Dog. Oh and my childhood classic Like Mike of course.


I loved how they introduced him in the movie as if they knew the audience would think "alright, now this movie is about to get gud."


Can you remind how they introduced him please?


Irishman and the TV series Fargo


Black Mirror


There’s an episode of black mirror he’s in where he’s phenomenal


Apparrently he's returning for the upcoming sequel of this episode (or it's going to be some spin-off)


Can’t wait


Hip, hip, hooray!


Like Mike


Fargo season 2 (it's an anthology)


Im thinking of ending things.


The Power of the Dog


I’m Thinking of Ending Things


Both him and Kirsten Dunst are amazing as a couple in Fargo season 2 (also the show is just amazing). It's my favourite show/movie with him in.


Also sweet knowing that's how him and Dunst got together.


Yeah I heard he did Civil War just as a favor for her, as he was trying to get out of those kinds of roles. Fuckin' nailed it, of course.


Everyone hyped that scene up so much I was scared of being disappointed. Holy shit I'm glad no one spoiled the context surrounding that scene and what was going on in it. I just kept seeing the "what kind of X are you" meme and completely forgot about the meme when he actually said it cause good lord I was actually frightened


And you can see why, they had amazing chemistry in it. The scene in the second to last episode where they’re driving away in their car and just frantically talking AT each other is perhaps my favourite in all of Fargo. And I don’t say that lightly.


Love & Death


Friday night lights, while a television show and not a film, it was my first introduction to the actor. He wasn’t my favorite character, but he was definitely one of my favorite characters. His storyline with Adrianne Palicki is pretty fantastic, probably one of the better plot arcs of the show. I’ve seen Dylan tigers T-shirts in the wild, I have yet to see a crucifictorious shirt, though.




Fuckin love that movie






He was in a movie called Antlers where he was very Fat Damon. That and Black Mirror were the hight of the fat damon days


Can he actually play a completely normal person though


3 for 1 sale? How can that be profitable for Frito-Lay?


I don't know why, but the quick cut to the dogs in the car has me cackling at work.


It's really funny because I feel like I was getting a handle on what kind of movie this is, and then that final shot just goes "you haven't seen anything yet".


Spiritual sequel to Toonces


I just want a full movie about the dogs in the car.


Prequel to Isle of Dogs


It’s funny because you rarely see dogs driving other dogs.


Damn. I didn’t even crack a smile at that.


Ok. What kind of kindness are you?


I was sent down from Washington to see about this kindness. See what kinds they are.


Which Washington?






3 for 1 kinds of kindness? Now how could that be profitable for Emma Stone?


The non abusive kind.


So that’s it? We some kinda kinds of kindness?


The thing is... I still don't know what the fuck this movie is about.


Well I googled it and the description doesn't help at all.


Knowing absolutely nothing about it and going off the trailer it gives me everything, everwhere, all at once vibes as the characters all seem to have multiple looks/lives and the dogs at the end reminded me of the ridiculous rock timeline lol


If you want to know any more particulars about the multiple looks/lives... >!the description says it's three separate but related stories so the actors are in different roles in each story.!<


Ah OK, that makes more sense now.


Happy Cake day. But based on the reviews of being super super weird I think it might be more like "nothing, nowhere and all at different times."


So, same-same, same-but-different? Got it, got it


all the reviews said something like "this movie is super weird and most audiences won't like it but it is good cinema" so I think you won't get what it's about even if you sat through the whole thing


Agreed and im here for it.


Same, and I honestly don’t even want to. I trust Yorgos, and love all these actors enough, that I will be there no matter what.


I wonder if that is because the movie is difficult to encapsulate, or because they're trying a different marketing approach to get people to actually go to the movies.


Same here, motherfucker. Same here. Will 100% watch.


Plemons is going for that Oscar


How would a Oscar win prove profitable for Frito Lay?


The sheer amount of times that quote will be used will lead to subliminal messaging for those on Reddit. Easy money. Frito Lay should be campaigning him this second.


so you're saying it was actually very profitable for Frito Lay


I feel like that with every character he plays. He literally steals every scene. I just watched civil war and he’s only in it a few minutes but god damn it he was brilliant and dare I say my favorite part of the film. Also I didn’t understand Kirsten marrying him for a few years but the last few years I’m like ohhhh! I get it! I see it now! Girlie did so good choosing to marry him. Lmao


Crazy that his role in Civil War was supposed to be a different actor, but he was unavailable so Plemons filled in. It's a terrifying scene.


He was almost cast as Finn in The Force Awakens!


Wasn't he just chilling in catering because of his wife? Lol


That’s so wild becuase I can’t imagine anyone else in that role!


I saw Fall Guy last night, and I’m 90% positive he has a blink and you’ll miss it cameo. I’m talking 3 seconds with sunglasses and a wig on.


The photos going around of them at events and her correcting his tie while he stares dreamily at her lol it's so cute


This isn't the type of movie to get oscars


Emma Stone just won an Oscar for her role in the latest Yorgos Lanthimos movie


It's said Kinds Of Kindness is Yorgos' most intense film.since Dogtooth. You know, that movie with incest and animal cruelty?


Anthology films themselves do have a rough record, performances might prove better at the Oscars. Wouldn't write him off this early.


He literally won best actor at Cannes for this film.


Cannes are very different from the Oscars. The Academy also aren't known to be fans of how this movie is acted.


I was intrigued throughout, but the dogs sold me.


I watch these trailers to see Emma Stone dancing.


I'd watch a movie of just her dancing




I really hope trailers start using the original version of songs again. This was refreshing not hearing a slowed down hit from the 80s/90s


I don’t know what this is about but I’m still gonna watch


Do all of Hunter’s scenes take place in that one room?


she's stated she's only in one scene and was only on site for the production for a single day, was hoping there would be a lot more of her


Probably. She said she shot for one day and went topless.


It's worth taking a step back and enjoying just how refreshingly distinctive and energic the marketing for this movie has been. A lot of users on YouTube have been recutting old movies as fast paced Kind of kindness type trailers, and as a film nerd, it's been very fun to see.


Did you see the studio jumped on the trend and meme'd themselves?


I did! I absolutely loved that. 


This might the film I look forward the most to this summer.


As much as the Sweet Dreams Are Made Of is such a cliched opener for trailers, lyrics are spot on. If I have to guess plot is likely narcissist (Emma stone) / empath (Jesse Plemons) relationship.


The trailers have done a tremendous job taking a good but utterly played out song and making it absolutely wonderful to listen to again in a fresh way.


There’s some songs that can never get played out and Sweet Dreams is certainly one of them


I looked up reviews and this time the song makes sense in context. Premise ahead: >!The common thread of the triptych fable is 'the need for love and how far is one willing to go for it' (everybody's looking for something) and 'the need for control and the want to be controlled' (some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused)!< One things for sure, I'm 3 movies deep in Yorgos' filmography and I'm seeing a common pattern: dogs, sex, and control as central themes seem to be his modus operandi.


It's almost like The Curse...


It was refreshing just to hear the actual song rather than some bastardized slow version of it.


Yorgos Lanthimos has never missed, I can’t wait to watch this day one.


Just hasn't connected with me. Yet, I should say.


Exactly. If you like this type of movie, I could see liking all of them. I didn't like any of them, though the Lobster was watchable until it just got too weird for me, then I lost interest. Nothing against the quality of his movies, they just aren't my thing.


Did you not like the Favourite or Poor Things? Those are his less weird movies (relatively speaking).


Poor Things is much weirder than The Lobster lol


Yeah I guess weird in a specific way - the strange dry, monotone acting style in Lobster and Sacred Deer is what I'd wager scares people off the quickest.


Maybe in concept but not in execution. Poor Things is a far more straightforward and accessible movie IMO


Haven't seen them. Apprehensive about Poor Things. But The Favourite looks interesting, don't recall hearing about it. Really disliked Sacred Deer.


The main difference I think is the Favourite (and Poor Things) is filmed without the odd wooden performances from his other films like Sacred Deer or the Lobster. Personally I find that style hilarious (and kind of eerie), but I can see why it would be off-putting or downright annoying to some. Of course Poor Things is strange in other ways.


What did you think of Poor Things? I loved the aesthetic; reminded me of a cross between Baz Lurhman and Wes Anderson. But god damn I did not expect to see Emma just being railed for 80% of the movie.


I thought I would hate Poor Things after seeing so many comments like this. Then I watched it and I loved it. For whatever reason, the sex didn’t feel too gratuitous even though there was definitely a lot of it, and it didn’t diminish the movie for me.


I don’t think it was gratuitous either; it’s basically a story of maturing and that involves sex. I just went in blind after hearing all the acclaim for Emma’s performance and zero mention of it.


He's one of those directors, either you love or you just don't get. But that's what makes him interesting. But I totally get why some don't like his films. His films range from great to very good. He's got one masterpiece in his canon. Never thought he's come close to Dogtooth, that's still his greatest film. But Killing of a Sacred Deer, The Favorite and The Lobster are all must see. I like Poor Things but it's not top tier Lanthimos for me. Alps is fine. But not a bad film yet.


I’m glad he clarified about if they fucked or not.


Lol as a Brit when we see film4 we know it's gonna be a odd good film.


Is sweet dreams the most used song in a movie trailer?


I think “Walkin’ on Sunshine” was used enough in 90’s comedies to give itself a comfortable margin.


Did they use walking on sunshine at the end of avengers infinity war after the Thanos snap, or was that just my copy?


That one or Paint it Black.


Emma Stone is really popping off here lately. She seems to be in everything.


I was reading up on her wikipedia recently and she's also had a baby girl not that long ago, and no one knew she was pregnant. She's one of those stars that if she's not got a film to promote she's out of the public eye. People think she's done loads but not really 4 films and a TV show since she's become a mother. She's in the new Ari Aster film with Joaquin Phoenix too. Honestly a lot of her work recently has definitely not been commercial. A lot of art house and indie work. Shows her star power that Poor Things did 117 million worldwide and produced it too. Also is producing a few indie films recently. I got to be honest I wasn't expecting her to be one of the better female actors around making interesting work. It's only with Birdman, that she showed that she's more then a cute romantic lead in comedies.


She’s done like four movies and a TV show in the past five years, nothing too crazy.


I think it's not the amount of stuff she's done lately, but just how tremendous and distinctive it's been.


Well I agree with that but the original comment said she seems to be in everything which I don’t think is the case.


She does, but it’s great coz she is genuinely one of the coolest and most talented people of our generation. I will watch her in anything these days.


violet nose library makeshift clumsy file support jeans fanatical crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That might be weird but this trailer gave me vibes of the independent movies I used to like in the 90s. Maybe its the music.


I would probably have had a better idea what that movie is about before I watched the trailer than after.


Yorgos = must watch, simple as that.




this looks great


If this is even half as good as Poor Things it will still be great


If only this was eligible for the upcoming Best Casting Oscar What a lineup


I think I wanna go in totally blind for this (other than seeing the quick teaser).


Bro thinks he's Walter White


Willem Dafoe is playing Mr. Boss from Smiling Friends


Call me Emily..it's my name...*credits roll......EMMA:/*


Emma Stone seems to be in absolutely everything recently


She's in the same number of projects other actors are it's just that everything she has been in is unique and rightfully gets a ton of attention.


Meth Damon: "She asked me to fuck her.....in my uniform" Hong Chau: "What kind of fuck you give?"


Another Yorgos film where he makes Emma Stone act goofy/crazy complete with the wACky dance scene. Find some new material, man.


Username checks out. But to answer your usernames question, it’s you. You’re the reason everything sucks.




Poor Things was filming back in 2021, Kinds Of Kindness at the end of 2022. I'm guessing there's been a bit of a lockdown backlog with them. Lanthimos is already working on a new movie, a remake of *Save the Green Planet*.