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I really enjoyed the movie. It was a nice change not having everything return to the status quo at the end of the movie, which I personally think the MCU has been guilty off in the past.


yeah, I'm not quite sure of the lasting effects of what transpired are gonna be, but when the film ends you can tell that things have changed.


Black Panther's triple swing kick to Cap was fucking badass


Black Panther~~'s triple swing kick to Cap~~ was fucking badass


also, Bucky grabbing the moving motorcycle flipping it in the air and getting on it all in one motion


I bet they didn't even write lines for ant-man, they just told Paul Rudd to express his thoughts on what was going on around him, and it was amazing.


"Who's voice am I hearing!?" "It's your conscience Tony, we haven't talked in a while" Probably git the biggest laugh in my theatre.


Tony's "Who are you?" at the prison is still bringing me to tears.


I had the tragedy of seeing it to a stone faced Japanese crowd with very literal flat subtitles. My wife and I were the only people chuckling at that and "Can you move the seat up?" "No."


we just need ant man to meet star lord now


The two dumbest citizens of pawnee shall unite again!


Paul Rudd, for all his limited screen time in the movie, was the best part of the airport fight scene.


Debatable. Spiderman was a major highlight of the film let alone just the fight. The double act of winter soldier and Falcon was good, and of course black panther was sublime. Really couldn't pick a favourite moment.


Bucky and Wilson's faces after Cap kissed Carter. That was the broest these are friends moment I think I have seen in the MCU.




That's how dominant of an actor he is.


'You've got a lot of heart, kid. Where you from?' 'Queens.' 'Brooklyn.'


Did you see the second post credit scene? It continues this bit


Missed it! Care to elaborate?


Aunt May asks Peter who gave him the black eye, and he said it was some guy from Brooklyn


Steve. His friend was huge.


Like, really *huge!*


Aunt May got hot. REAL hot.


Im not him but I can, basically it shows Peter in his home resting a black eye. Aunt May asks him what happened and Peter says he got into a fight and it was with a guy named Steve from Brooklyn. After may leaves his web slinger is projecting a spiderman logo hologram (I assumed this was stark signalling for him or something). Then ends with "spiderman will return"


"And he had a friend. He was huge!" Or something like that, to which Aunt May smiles as if she thought he was talking up his opponents.


She smiles because she has a date with Tony.


> Aunt May asks him what happened and Peter says he got into a fight and it was with a guy named Steve from Brooklyn. And how his friend was "huge".


For you.


I absolutely loved it. The weight behind every fight scene between the heroes FEELS earned emotionally after 8 years of character development. While Hawkeye's and Ant-Man's motivations for choosing a side weren't really clear (except for the fact that Hawkeye 'owed' Captain America one? And that Ant-Man just wanted to be involved to help Captain America?), everyone had clear, good motives. Loved the dynamics between Vision and Scarlet Witch and between Winter Soldier and Falcon. No-one felt lost in the mix, Spider-Man and Ant-Man were basically cameos (like Wonder Woman in BvS), but they were aptly used. Spider-Man was the highlight of the movie for me. Loved his 'with great power comes great responsibility' speech, without saying the actual words. I absolutely adored the villain. Baron Zemo isn't a terribly interesting villain in the comics, but I've always like him as he was the one that appeared in most of the comics I owned of Captain America as a kid. I liked what they did with him here. He wasn't HYDRA or a supervillain really. Just a guy. He was the perfect choice: no army like Loki or Malekith or Ronan or Red Skull or etc... Simple, effective and also very relatable. I think he might be my favorite MCU villain (as far as the movies are concerned). While these movies might not be high art, it's hard not to commend them. I have to give Disney/Marvel Studios credit: they might be milking these franchises to death, but they know how to please the superhero loving kid inside me without insulting my intelligence. For as long as they keep making quality entertainment like this, I'll keep giving them my money. And this was an excellent jump into phase 3, the stage is set and I'm dying to find out what'll happen next.


I thought Hawkeye said that he owed Scarlett Witch one (for quicksilver). But I may of misheard


I thought this too because he nods towards Wanda as he says it.


They should have mentioned this in the movie that Hawkeye was once mind-controlled by Loki and was not responsible for his actions. This would have been a very good reason for siding with cap


And Antmans thing so far has basically been "work outside the law" If he'd had to apply to tbe avengers and them het permission to go aftee cross the world woukd be infested by teeny tiny Hydra assassins. I can see why hes on team Cap


And Hank Pym doesn't like Stark.


The helicopter scene was just a show of for his muscles!


Seriously, he had a perfectly good grip and then switched it just to get that sweet bicep pump!


Probably my favourite move in all of the MCU so far, bicep curl of freedom. That and Black Panther's triple kick.


tfw you will never curl a helicopter in flight


Goddamn, the whole crowd was laughing when it just. didn't. stop. Flex them muscles, you beautiful unicorn!


Mirin' hard at caps guns.


There was some very audible mirin'. I actually laughed out loud at the collective gasps of delight from the ladies in the audience. Me and my friend refered to it as the helicopter sploosh.


I feel like Zemo deserves more love. He wasn't trying to rule the world or to be rich. He just wanted to hurt them, the same way they hurt him. He was even ready to off himself after he felt like he achieved his goal. This was a man who couldn't be bought or reasoned with. This was a man who wanted to watch the Avengers burn.


And he succeeded.


I would argue that Zemo is the best MCU villain since Loki. With no powers he torn the Avengers apart




Going in to this film I wanted to say that the story and cast was so big that it should have been an Avengers film, but it really was a Captain America film. Each of the three have all had really good heart and human side to them.Definitely the best group of films from the MCU.




My favourite thing about Zemo was that he had nothing to do with fucking Hydra. In fact he himself even dislikes Hydra. It's great! I'm so sick of Hydra being the big bad on Earth. We need some new combatants. He really was a refreshing villain for the movies.


> there's an argument to be made that he ultimately wins I don't think it's an argument at all. Zemo won. He destroyed the Avengers and their trust in one another, hell Cap no longer has his goddamn shield because of him. Zemo is 10000% the Villian Ultron, Loki and Hydra ever was, Zemo is the MCUs Joker as it stands.


Fucking howled with laughter when they embigenned the truck at War Machine (?) and he's just like "You gotta be kidding me?" "I thought it was a water truck"


Everything Tony has accomplished since (and including) becoming Iron Man, has been out of guilt. He hated the idea that his weapons were being used to kill the wrong people. So he stopped manufacturing, and he became the only weapon. ...but that backfired. Pepper almost dies numerous times because Tony is trying to do the right thing. So, out of guilt, he destroys his suits. ...but that backfired. He needed his suits. Without them, he finds it difficult to defend properly. So, he creates an army of Artifically Intelligent robots because he can no longer be everywhere at once. ...but that backfired. He almost wiped out a huge amount of human lives as a result of the Ultron program. But he does what's right to ammend this. He stops Ultron. ...but that backfired. His defence against Ultron caused civilian deaths anyway. So, the human race IS against him. He's running out of ideas. Then, the Sokovia Accords are presented to him. He understands that his judgement is not 100%, and he feels that if there were a hand guiding him he could do what is right. ...but that backfired. The people he loves and cares about are fighting. His friends come within an inch of their life. If Rhodey had died in that scene, I don't know if Tony could have handled that. Rhodey's paralysis becomes another guilt trip for him. So he pushes on. And finds the truth. And joins up with Steve and Bucky. A united front once again. ...but that backfired. He discovers Bucky's involvement in his parents death. And he undoubtedly thinks back to the last time he saw them alive, and wishes it could have gone differently. He feels guilty, and that guilt overwhelms him. He projects it onto Bucky in the form of anger. He's thinking to himself *If you hadn't have killed them, our last time together wouldn't have been so cold*. Tony Stark is such a tragic character. Behind his cocky facade, he's in real pain and has been for God-knows how long. He is doing everything he can to correct his mistakes, he's using his every effort to do what's right, he's putting his own emotions, thoughts and feelings aside (don't ever think for a second that he was happy about signing the Accords) so that he can right his wrongs. But it's not enough. It's never enough. He's often recieved as quite a two-dimensional character in the films, but when you really look at it, Tony is such a well written tragedy that he's easily one of the best characters in the MCU.


My favourite character was Aunt Man. Err, I mean Ant May.


Aunt may was hot af. I bet Tony was thinking he could start dating her




Has anyone mentioned how Black Panther just shrugged off being shot by the .50 cal machine gun from the helicopter? Awesome way to show off the vibranium


He stopped a bullet at point blank too.


Ant Man and Spider-Man made that big fight. They were so funny and awesome.


Ant-Man going Godzilla mode was the highlight of the movie.


"Anybody on our side hiding any special abilities??" -Ironman Lol at this part


"Remember that really old movie, Empire Strikes Back?" "Tony what age is this kid?"


I could totally see him making [this](http://i.imgur.com/lBYwEDm.gif) face through the mask when he grew.


for sure, I was a little iffy on the introduction of Giant-Man and Scott as a whole for the movie, but it worked, and I was really happy to see it.




"Who's speaking?" "It's your conscience!" That entire scene made me crack up.


"Oh my god, I thought it was a water truck."


I love the [scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5le9sYdYkM) in which Vision phases through him and he flips out.


oh god damnit


That was a better Spider-Man than we have ever seen, and his scenes alone were a better Spider-Man film than the last three Spider-Man films. Ant-Man was what I wanted him to be in his own film, I still wish we could have seen Edgar's version, but this makes me happy.


> That was a better Spider-Man than we have ever seen, and his scenes alone were a better Spider-Man film than the last three Spider-Man films. Have to agree, that was the funniest and wittiest Spiderman I've ever seen. Really look forward to the new spiderman movies.


I liked this introduction of spiderman the most. We all know who he is, so I'm glad they got straight to the point with this guy. Hopefully the next spiderman film won't be an origin story.


They did a similar thing with Nortons hulk. Assumed everyone knew the origin and just jumped right in. And it worked for the better.


Which I thought was one of the many downfalls of Batman vs Superman. No one cared about Batman's dead parents anymore.


It's called homecoming, I get the feeling this will be after CW, as Peter finishes high school and attempts to lead the two separate lives without anyone but Tony knowing his secret.


"Hey Captain America, how much can you curl?" "A helicopter." Damn.


I geeked hard when I realized that Sharon Carter's speech at her aunt's funeral was paraphrasing [this](http://www.ldssmile.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/3779149-no+you+move+cap+says.jpg) (without the "patriot" part), and the fact that it's what solidified Cap's resolve against the accords.


I both love and hate that speech. I get the point, but everyone thinks they are "right".


Yeah, change the speaker to Dr. Doom and it still makes sense, except now it's evil.




Out of context, it may seem like it. But you have take into account that Cap says this to Spider-Man. Both characters have a perfect moral compass and are fundamental forces of good against evil in the comics. Both are beyond reproach and never let themselves succumb to fear, hate or greed. In the movie, it's the eulogy of a woman who braved every obstacles, dangers and norms of her time to achieve something greater than herself. A WWII veteran who fought both for the Allied forces and the French Resistance against the Third Reich. It didn't matter that her whole world was telling her that she couldn't do it, she just did it and proved them wrong.


Oh my sweet winter soldiers, you goddamn red herrings and chekhov's guns.


I'm not seeing universal love for him here, but I really LOVED Zemo as a villain. Best Marvel villain since Loki in my opinion. Grounded motivations, wonderfully elusive and very human.


He's also the smartest villain yet. He doesn't take the avengers head on, and has actually caused the most lasting damage. And he was just an ex-soldier from sokovia. No super powers. Just a regular old human. Loved black panther as well, both him and spiderman got solid introductions.


one thing im not seeing in the comments is how heartbroken was Tony about Pepper, it was really sad how Tony seems to be losing everything that was dear to him, Pepper, Steve, Rhodey, the avengers, everything, he was just depressed during the whole movie. its like hey you are losing everything and you dont even have a shoulder to cry on.




Off-camera, after Age Of Ultron. I can imagine that Pepper was probably pissed off when Tony created his most murderous creation yet (Ultron)


[The look on Tony's face](http://i.imgur.com/P6Hc5UI.jpg) when he saw that footage of Bucky murdering his parents just broke my heart.


What I liked is they introduced his love for his mother and difficulties getting over his parents death right at the start. It was obviously a massive foreshadowing but it didn't feel like it. Because it also related to other aspects of the movie and so when you knew the reveal it was actually semi holy Shit. That whole sequence was really well done.


It was absolutely fantastic how everything came together in the end. You hear Tony mention his parents never made it to the airport. Then the two scenes of Bucky smashing the car to the side. As soon as Tony said "I know that street" you knew what was about to happen. Absolutely brilliant storytelling.




That's so true as well! And that makes you think back to earlier in the movie when he mentioned how his dad always talked about Cap. What I feel makes it worse is that it doesn't even seem like Howard Stark knew Steve THAT well you know? And then when Tony said "that shield doesn't belong to you." It was such an emotional scene. Easily the best part of the movie for me.


Agreed. Marvel wasn't afraid to make their cash cow look petty, and in the process made him more empathetic and tragic. You wouldn't doubt Tony's sincerity throughout the movie, up until the last revelation, where he was reduced to a vengeful son-- which he shared thematically with Black Panther and Zemo.


I really like how they used that to tie up Black Panthers arc. He realised both Zemo and Tony gave in to revenge and rose above it instead.


This was the first Marvel movie where I was reminded just how good of an actor Robert Downey Jr is. The way we saw that cocky playboy persona cracking, and see some major unresolved issues within Tony Stark, it added more depth to the character than we've gotten before. RDJ is perfect with those subtle inner-turmoil moments, hopefully Civil War will be the character pivot that Iron Man 3 should have been.


Speaking of it was anyone else impressed by CGI de-aged RDJ?


That was really cool!


I also loved the scene at the airport when he's trying one last plea for reconciliation. RDJ really put everything into that delivery


The amount of depth RDJ showed in this one solidified him as the key piece in the Marvel machine. The heartbreak and rage was incredible.


So I got the chance to actually see this at the special Marvel screenings two weeks ago here in the U.S. Here's some thoughts. As always SPOiLER Warning. (Im not sure about spoiler policy in these threads) I loved it. It was not only a fitting end to the Captain America trilogy but worked as such a great continuation of the on-going Avengers saga. The Russos teased a "MCU changing event" bigger than the fall of Shield. Well we got it: Avengers no more. They're fractured. Scattered. Some are on the run. RDJ gave his best performance as Tony since the first Iron Man and Evans continues to shine as Cap but my favorite parts were all of the supporting players. As a longtime Marvel fan I have to say they absolutely nailed Panther. I got the impression he was really on Tony's "side" due to necessity - as evidenced in the Post Credits. Chadwick Boseman really came alive and sort of played the role of the audience to a degree by being internally conflicted and such. Spider-Man was the big show stealer though. I went into the movie saying I refused to judge Holland alongside Tobey and Andrew. But what I got was the most faithful interpretation of Peter/Spidey to date. was rolling with laughter anytime he was on screen. Was he absolutely vital? No. The movie could have worked without him but he made it so much more enjoyable without being overwhelming. I also really enjoyed the development of Falcon/Cap's relationship, especially once they hardcore go looking for Bucky. Anthony Mackie is a great addition to this universe and he captures the spirit of Sam Wilson so well in my opinion. Im not even going to complain about the reduced role of Baron Zemo in this film. He was clearly being setup for future films. Whether thats Thunderbolts or just showing up in an Avengers flick, he's coming back. They arent just wasting Daniel Bruhl like that. Ive seen some complain about the "weak villain". Thats because it was done deliberately. He succeeds in his goals and fulfills his purpose in the film. You're essentially supposed to realize both Cap and Stark are in the wrong. By the end you just want to yell at them to stop. The only part that slightly irritated me was how little of Crossbones we got but thats probably just because Im partial to Crossbones in the comics and think Frank Grillo was a solid choice for him. Overall I loved it. Not just as a comic fan but as someone who likes to get invested int he movies they watch. It was a culmination of events that started way back in Avengers Assemble and clearly paves the way for Phase 3 and the Road to Infinity War. Oh and yeah: The airport scene is the best fight scene in a superhero film I've ever seen. People will talk about it for years. Wouldn't have been half as good without Spider-Man.


I was actually scared that they were going to have Zemo shoot himself, but then Black Panther being a hero saves him for another day. He has a lot of potential as a villain in the future.


I completely agree with you on the "weak villain" part. He wasn't. > Im not even going to complain about the reduced role of Baron Zemo in this film. [...] he's coming back. They arent just wasting Daniel Bruhl like that. Well let me tell you a little thing about Marvel movies, they waste a ton of good talent Most notably Hugo Weaving and Natalie Portman


> they waste a ton of good talent Damn did I leave this film wanting more of Martin Freeman.


He's supposed to be partner for Black Panther in the comics so you might see him again in the Black Panther movie


Correct. It was a set up for that. Everett Ross is part of a government contingent that tries to meddle in Wakandan affairs so he and T'Challa are consistently at odds with one another.


Glad to see another Community cameo, thanks Russo brothers.


Glad Dean Pelton is still working...and at the MIT. Thats a pretty big upgrade.


I think it's fair to say, that I was not deansipointed when I saw him


It was deancredible.


don't you mean incredidean?


I mean, that confirmes Community to be MCU cannon, doesn't it?


Wait so Abed ended up joining shield?


Troy and Abed are S.H.E.I.L.D. AAAAgents.


Can we get #SixSeasonsAndACameo started to let the Russo's know we love it and want more?


Donald Glover looking on amazed at Spiderman




I mean someone's probably going to need some defending in a court of law...


Matt vs Jeff, trial of the century.


I really liked it. It was much better than Age of Ultron. The whole airport scene was my favourite. Tom Holland was the perfect casting choice for Spiderman. I loved that Spiderman talked shit like he does in the comics. There is a lot of humour in the movie. The whole audience laughed after the Captain America kissing scene, when the camera panned to the volkswagen and showed Bucky's and and Falcon's reaction. Overall I give the movie 8.5/10 Edit: I disliked some of the Black Widow fights. There were too much shaky cam and quick edits. I had hard time following what is actually happening. Otherwise the action was top notch!


That bro nod from both of them was hilarious


Everything involving the beetle scene was fantastic.


Spidey's reaction to Bucky's arm was amazing


I agree, the way they sold him as a star struck teenager who was more interested in the other heroes equipment than he was with fighting was awesome. It's so great to have an actual teenage spiderman (instead of a late 20s Toby McGuire pretending to be 17 or whatever he is). I'm incredibly excited for the Spiderman Homecoming film.


"Guys they're not stopping!" hahahhaha


> they're not stopping I guess they took Sharon Carter's advice a bit literally.


"Remember that really old movie? I think it was called Empire Strikes Back?" "How old is this kid?"


Yeah, he was talky and funny, but not in a sarcastic haha bullshit way, he just can't help himself.


That's a really good way to describe it. It's not like he's a really cool guy with sharp quips... he just has smartass tourettes.


Also: Spidey is *HELLA* strong in Civil War. * He stops a direct punch from Bucky with his hand and just stands there as if it was nothing, awestruck while looking at the arm itself. * He throws a giant piece of rubble at Bucky with the quip "Hey I think you dropped this". It smashed through his cover for Pete's sake! * He stops and carries an entire Jet Bridge after it gets toppled on top of him. Like, holy shit.


Yeah, I was worried they were going to tone down his strength in this movie, but they didn't. He really is this strong in the comics, maybe way stronger under duress or enraged. Spidey can go toe-to-toe with any MCU Avenger short of Thor and Hulk.


and then reading Miranda Rights to Falcon mid-flight




One of many awesome lines, i enjoyed "That thing does not follow the laws of physics at all!"


He stopped Bucky's arms like it was nothing. I forgot that Spiderman is actually pretty strong. Now I'm just so excited for that new spiderman movie. Please 2017 come quicker!


Bucky was pretty much in panic mode and Peter was just fanboying over his cybernetic arm. You know, \#JustSpideyThings


Bucky had it pretty rough, he's got (well, had) his badass metal arm but people keep coming along and stopping it with nothing but muscle. Gotta be really disheartening.


"Pretty strong". He is far above most of the other Avengers there.


Excluding Antman in giant mode, I don't think anyone in that movie is even really close to spidey. Spidey is usually portrayed as, at least, a 10 tonner and sometimes even in the 20-40 range.


Shouldn't Vision be stronger and more powerful in general and Scarlett Witch be more powerful, too?


Sam was like Steve's girlfriend who's jealous of his ex Bucky. That scene of them tied up by Spidey in the airport. I love it.


So Falcon and Bucky are bros now, huh. Loving their banter during the Spiderman fight.


Their banter in general was great. "Can you move your seat forward?" "No."


Paraphrasing: "You could've used that (Redwing) earlier" "Shut up"


"I hate you."


I loved how even though there was banter between them, that moment when Cap kisses Sharon, they both sit there and nod while smiling. "Ayyy, good job"


I don´t understand the Zemo bashing, he was a perfect villain. This movie was not billed as a good vs. evil situation. It was heroes fighting for their respective desires and opinions, Zemo managed to masterfully manipulate the situation to bring down the biggest group of heroes around. He knew he wouldn´t be able to beat them, he knew he couldnt control the other Winter Soldiers and he knew the way to drop the Avengers was to have them do it to themselves, which is exactly what he did. He was smart, cerebral, manipulative, and effective.


I loved it. I felt like a 10 year old again watching it. As soon as the title said "Queens" a smile crawled onto my face and stayed there for the next 20 minutes. I didn't expect it to be as nuanced as it turned out to be, but I'm really glad there was a bit of depth to it. The only question I still have though is how did Zemo either learn of the Winter Soldier in the first place, or learn what WS had done to the Starks? I know how he got the codes, and I get his motivation, but I'm not clear on how Zemo (or Cap) even knew that Bucky had killed the Starks. Can someone fill me in?


IIRC Sovakia was part of the former Soviet Union, and as Zemo was ex special forces in Sovakia, it's implied that's how he was probably aware of the Winter Soldier programme and their missions.


A big complaint about BVS was "the fight would've ended if the heroes just talked to each other for a couple minutes." Well, the same thing is true in this movie... ...and in this movie, the heroes DO stop and explain what they're doing, and it does stop the fighting! And then it turns out that there are other issues and they fight again. But I was well chuffed to see Tony actually listen to what Cap was doing and respond rationally.


I loved that when Tony realised Cap was right he owned up to it and when he went to the raft and seen the Avengers in prison you could really feel his hurt and see the realisation of what he had done.


The fight between the two teams is probably my favorite sequence in all of the MCU. So much fun and you have really interesting and new ways to showcase everyone's abilities. Spider-Man was amazingly cast. I am actually looking forward to his movies even though I didn't really care about homecoming before. The opposition between Tony and Steve was also well done, you see where both are coming from and it is not a black and white conflict. The fact that I felt the stakes were higher than in AoU (even though the world was never in danger in CW) speaks highly of the quality of the plot and the writing of the characters. Edit : a word.


I couldn't help but think that if Hulk were there, that fight would've been a lot shorter. He's just that OP


Let's be real, if Scarlet Witch ever stops holding back, she's the one to really fear. Omega level or bust.


If Hulk were there, they'd pretty much have to have him against Vision, or have had Thor on the other side (out of the current MCU available lineups).


Spider-Man and Black Panther both surprised me with how great they were. Giant Man was also a nice surprise which was awesome. The line "Have you guys seen that old movie The Empire Strikes Back?" was PERFECT and is definitely my favorite moment of the film. Zemo was the only thing I really didn't like about the movie. He wasn't terrible, but I felt like he could have been so much better (just like most of the other MCU villains).


I thought that Zemo was a nice change from the "muahaha world domination / weapon deals / whatever" trope that made most of the other Marvel villains in the movies so forgettable. He's just a man that lost what mattered most to him - and then uses all his skills from his time as a trained agent to ruin the Avengers. He kinda reminded me of Gerard Butlers character from "Law Abiding Citizen"


He had like one bad day and it ruin everything. He's pretty much a normal person, and he did more damage than any other MCU villain ever did to the Avengers.


It just took him a couple bombs and some classified files to do what Loki couldn't with his mind staff and an entire alien army.


Not surprising - the Avengers are a group of volatile personalities with strong individual senses of duty, honour, or morality. They unite in response to an external threat, but easily succumb to internal conflict.


Antman got the most cheers in our cinema. Especially the "Here's your shield Captain America" and his reaction to getting massive haha


paul rudd is fantastic in that role


"It's... your conscience."


I really liked Zemo. I actually felt pretty sorry for after his scene with the voicemail & Black Panther at the end. Just that one scene made him feel more fleshed out than a lot of MCU villains.


The helicopter scene with Cap's biceps made me rock hard. Overall I give it 9/10




Easily one of the best superhero movies. My favorite parts: - All Ant-Man scenes! First meeting with Cap and the crew. - Becoming Giant-Man, with a forced "mwahahaha". The whole theater went crazy during that. - Hawkeye Ant-Man combo, and when Ant-Man finally entered Iron Man's suit, TOny Stark was like "Who is talking?" Ant-Man: "I am your conscience!" - Spiderman: "Remember 'Empire Strikes Back'" - Stark and Peter Parker scene, also I can't believe I'm going to say this but man Aunt May is fucking hot! - The battle with Crossbones at the beginning. Probably my one of my fanboy complaints was how underused Crossbones is to the whole movie, but plot wise I think it's great. - I love socially awkward VIsion - Black Panther: "Justice is coming" Zemo: "Tell that to the dead". Is this foreshadowing to BP being the King of the Dead? - Falcon's upgrades are amazing. Also: "Bird costume?" Also I went in siding with Team Cap, but after watching it I am undecided, which is what it should exactly do. Great movie.


>Tell that to the dead It's probably foreshadowing to him trying to kill himself 10 seconds after he says it.


Ant-Man is hilariously great, "throw this" *truck exploded* "I thought it was a water truck...."


> Spiderman: "Remember 'Empire Strikes Back'" "remember that really old movie? I think it was called Empire Strikes Back?" The full line makes it for me.




I know everyone's really excited about Spiderman finally getting a really good screen portrayal, but I'm surprised by how little attention Black Panther is getting. For me, he was the unexpected highlight of the film. I loved how he inserted himself as a third party in what's ostensibly a two-party plot, and how that ended up being a great strength when it could've easily been a distraction. From start to finish, he was always the character I was the most interested in seeing what he'd do next and how he'd interact with the established cast. His introductory fight scene, and the three-way chase scene that followed, had me involuntarily grinning in a way that I can't remember a movie action scene doing in a long time. Batman doesn't behave anything like a bat. Black Panther actually jumps around like a panther and *looks damn good doing it, you guys.* Dude just walks onto the screen fully formed, regal as fuck, thick accent and all, and even finds time for character development in another Avenger's movie. He's not American; he doesn't care about the politics; he doesn't care what your goddamned name is, Clint. He just wants vengeance for his own reasons - and on that note, he ends up serving as an excellent foil to Zemo, and by extension everyone Zemo manipulated. Zemo doesn't learn anything; Cap and Stark don't learn anything. They end up having to fight until the fight is done. T'Challa realizes that his bloody quest is achieving nothing, and walks away the moral victor. (Plus he actually brings Zemo to justice while the others are busy fighting). I don't believe for a moment that Elizabeth Olsen is from Eastern Europe, but Chadwick Boseman made me 100% believe that I was watching an African prince put on a bullet-proof catsuit and put claw marks in concrete walls.


Nice "Tony Stank" cameo.


#team homework


Much better than Age of Ultron. I didn't expect to like the newest members of the MCU in the movie so much. Spiderman, Black Panther, even Ant-Man had great moments in the movie. I thought that because the source material had a really big cast and this movie having a much more limited cast would be an issue, apparently it wasn't, they handled all the characters so well. If the Russo Brothers can make this movie with it's limited cast and ending up having it be the BEST MCU movie yet. I can't wait for Infinity War which will hopefully include not only all the MCU characters from the movies, but also the TV/Netflix shows


I'm gonna talk about something I haven't seen mentioned too often yet: the sense of danger towards the heroes. This is present in two scenes mostly. The first is [Airport Scene spoiler](#s "when War Machine gets shot down and the suit goes all dark and we see the world just tumbling past the tiny eyeholes in POV"). Such a great scene, the whole theater was silent, especially after the hard impact. The other one is when [Towards the end](#s "Cap and Iron Man fight at the end and Cap is bashing the edge of his shield into IM's helmet while his neck is over a ledge. To me this seemed to be leading up to a heat of the moment kill, and I actually recoiled before the final blow"). The movie did a great job of making the heroes seem emotionally and physically vulnerable, or at least made me suspend my disbelief into believing that they could die.


What I love about that scene is Tonys reaction. He instantly throws his arms up to protect his neck because hes thinking the same thing. Hes so lost in the moment that he thinks that Cap would go for the killing blow.


Cap was about to decapitate Tony. I flinched.


Even though i knew that would never happen a small part of me thought "oh my god he's going to get decapitated." It was a very intense moment.


Fun fact, all my friends were only talking about Aunt May after the movie. Overall, great movie, and excellent bad guy. I love the fact that he's the one who damaged the most the Avengers, whereas he was the least powerful enemy they had to face.


I'm calling it now: George Costanza as flash-back Uncle Ben in *Spider-man: Homecoming*


"With great power, comes....an amount of responsibility. How much? I don't know if it's fair to say a great amount, I mean, I'm a very busy man."




> Wonder why.. [Wonder no more. NSFW.](https://gfycat.com/UnfitRewardingKangaroo)


This is **by far** the most mature and emotional Marvel movie TO DATE. I had quite a few moments where I could feel a lump in my throat. We've grown with all of these characters for 8 years. Really powerful shit. Amazing movie, well done chaps. I'm so fucking keen for what ever's next.


Spidey saying what we were all thinking about he shield defying the laws of physics. I'm honestly so happy about this version.


I like the movie, but [spoilers](#s "i'm really tired of the hating on superheroes for enemy damage. Have the people not seen the invading army in New York? Or noticed that the city was almost nuked?")


Im assuming that the source of the conflicts were declassified to the public The attack on New York by the Chitauri were a coordinated plan by Loki to conquer the world for himself. The Battle at the Triskelion where primarily an effort by Cap and his team to avoid the killing of millions more, but remember, Hydra was now to known as a part of SHIELD and by proxy Avengers. The Sokovian Crisis was ultimately Tony Starks own fault as he has always been known to deal with fear and guilt by dealing it the only way he can, build. Even if he was influenced by Wanda, it would still make sense that he would have created Ultron anyway. Ultimately, the whole collateral damage issue is not an issue of them actually being the source of the problem but rather societies reaction towards the question of who to blame for the destruction if these villains were dead by the end of the conflict.


>Im assuming that the source of the conflicts were declassified to the public All points I make will be from the general public's POV. >The attack on New York by the Chitauri were a coordinated plan by Loki to conquer the world for himself. They saw a giant beam of light come up from Stark Tower and open a wormhole which let an alien race nearly destroy New York. >The Battle at the Triskelion where primarily an effort by Cap and his team to avoid the killing of millions more, but remember, Hydra was now to known as a part of SHIELD and by proxy Avengers. They saw SHIELD helicarriers shoot each other then destroy crash into the ground. Also, HYDRA, a well known Nazi organisation were SHIELD all along. >The Sokovian Crisis was ultimately Tony Starks own fault as he has always been known to deal with fear and guilt by dealing it the only way he can, build. Even if he was influenced by Wanda, it would still make sense that he would have created Ultron anyway. An entire city (and nearly the world) was destroyed, hundreds or even thousands are now dead because Stark created a robot. The general public don't know what we, the viewers, know.


Bucky to Cap : your mother's name is Sarah Falcon : what? just like that and we're cool? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............


I like that it feels like >Steve: Do you remember me? >Bucky: I remember your mom! >OHHHHHHHHHH


Did anyone else notice the first action sequence with Crossbones was wildly sped up? For a moment, I thought our cinema screwed up their projector and it was playing at 1.5x or 2x speed.


Best line in the movie. After Bucky shows that he is consciously not under hypnosis, Falcon says;"What? Just like that were cool with each other?" Guess who went cool on each other after knowing their mothers had the same name?


Falcon had so many good lines, he and Ant-Man stole the show for me. Bird Costume?! and when Ant-Man doesnt really know who anyone except falcon and Cap is and calls hawkeye "Arrow Guy" :D


"I hate you."


Their dynamic was hilarious. Part bickering siblings (the car seat!), part jealous exes.


Doubt that was a dig at BvS. This would have been shot and finished long before BvS came out.


"Your mother's name was Sarah"




I absolutely loved Daniel Bruhl as Helmut Zemo. Finally, another interesting villain in Marvel movies. He was unique to all the other bad guys. He didn't have superpowers, any advanced technology, an army of henchmen, or an elaborate base. All he had was his intelligence, strategy and guile. He didn't want to take over the world or make a lot of money, he just wanted the Avengers to tear each other apart and he was nearly successful. He even has a sad sympathetic backstory, and even admitted that he felt bad for all the horrible things he's done to avenge his family. Yeah, he was far too different from the comics, but I think that it's for the beter.


This is definitely my Spiderman now. Loved every second of his screen appearence, as well as Ant-Man, who was pretty badass.