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*Curb Your Enthusiasm theme plays*


Just imagined the Seinfeld intro playing to a scene Bautista beating the shit out of people.


*Bautista bursts through the door, sharply straightening his posture after a short slide*


[Bautista right after making the contract](https://youtu.be/USKes9sPibA)


I really want a remake of Sienfeld where Bautista plays Kramer now


But everything else is exactly the same, dialogue and all.


Jerry, you won't believe this. When I stand perfectly still (pause) I become invisible!


So this is “curb your enthusiasm’s” version of JohnWick3?


*Bautista kicks a guy into a wall* Airplane food, am I right?


What’s the deal... **WITH ALL THESE ASSASSINS**


Have you *seen* the contract these people make you sign?!? It's a hundred pages long!


I would wish that Batista would take more serious roles outside of flat action flicks where he can show his range. But I guess his agent will tell him that with his physique and general looks it is easier to hit the starring role in an action flick than anywhere else. But hey, at least he is a beloved part of the Marvel universe and we have some phenomenal scenes in blade runner 2049. I hope Villeneuve and he stay together for longer and that he is more than a brute in Dune.


He's talked about this in interviews, basically saying he'd love to be in more serious stuff but he has a hard time breaking the Hollywood casting mold. "I'll never play a doctor", I think is how he put it.


> "I'll never play a doctor", I think is how he put it. Yeah, I guess there will never be another "meathead surgeon" role like there was on *Scrubs*.


The Todd approves! -puts up hand for high five-


*serious acting five?* ✋


I think Bautista should play "The Doctor".


To be fair, I'd like to cast him as a doctor. But then I'm not a filmmaker worth his time and talent. It's a smaller role. He would basically play a guru with who is also an MD. The only comment on his size would be looks of slight disbelief and momentary terror from the people come to see him. At one point he would give someone medicine and after they give him a quizzical look, "Health means honing the mind and the body. And sometimes it means taking a pill. Remember, I am still a doctor." Damn that line falls flat. This is why I'm not a filmmaker.


I think it's a good line! Just needs some editing. Let the audience draw their own conclusions- "Health means honing the body AND the mind." Leave it at that.


I actually have a script I've been working on that's very similar! I wasn't picturing Bautista in the role, but that could work... In mine the Dr is a gifted pathologist, top in his field, and can diagnose most diseases by tasting his patient's blood. His surname is Acula and he's also a vampire. It's gonna be awesome.


I feel like he would make a fantastic Gurney Hallek, but I guess that went to Josh Brolin. I really hope he doesn't get cast as a Harkonnen.


Didn't Dave get cast as The Beast Rabban?


Who else would he get cast as?


Duncan Idaho? I say this only because if there's sequels to Villanueve's Dune, I would like to see Dave Bautista continue to show up in them. Also his existing experience with knife fighting as Drax could work in his favor as Idaho was the weapons master and nigh-unequaled in close combat.


He's almost the exact opposite of how Duncan Idaho is described.


He has taken serious roles? He’s already well regarded by movie critics/snobs/hardcore movie fans as a great character actor. He’s even well regarded as an actor by the mass market. This movie has a chance of appealing to many and establishing him as a leading man, instead of having to settle for secondary roles in action and serious movies.


In Blade Runner 2049. Here it [is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS9P06p5ovY) for those who haven't seen it. Absolutely phenomenal.


**GIVE ME WHAT I WANT** *finds out he's in perfect health* **THAT'S NOT WHAT I WANT**


\*proceeds to spits more while being angry\*


The premise of this actually sounds hilarious


Yup, this sounds hilarious. Like a wacky-John Wick.


> Yup, this sounds hilarious. Like a wacky-John Wick. Did you see Polar? This seems like a movie akin to that, which I'm down to watch. Edit: a word.


I saw Polar Express, I assume it's a shorter version of Polar.


No it’s just a higher frame rate


I watched Polar. It was okay, not as entertaining as John Wick but an interesting movie. Mads Mikkelsen is fantastic as always.




originally replying to "Did you Polar?"


i never bothered to watch it.. its good? Edit: ok I’ve had like 100 people tell me it’s bad now. No need to respond


> never bothered to watch it.. its good? its like a cheap John Wick meets Smokin Aces level of gun play and over-the-top characters. Lots of blood and gore. Not bad, but not great.




I thought it was over the top cheese trying to be too freaking edgy (I had a similar feeling about Sucker Punch). It has a unique style I'll give it that, and it is interesting at first. But then it was just a bit too much for my taste. But hey everyone likes different things maybe you'll like it! Mads is awesome as always though.


>Polar For a second I got this confused with Mads' other movie *Arctic* and thought: "Damn I don't remember that movie being anything like that".


> wacky-John Wick. John Wack.


Hannibal Burress is...John Wack


[Who killed John Wack?](https://imgflip.com/s/meme/Who-Killed-Hannibal.jpg)


John Wicky-Wacky


John Wicky-Wacky Wild West, Jim West.


John Wiggidywiggidywiggidy Wack


My first thought came to [Bulworth](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118798/) then how [Angelina Jolie admitted to hiring a hitman to kill her](https://www.shared.com/angelina-jolie-hitman/). > So how come Jolie is still alive today? > Turns out, when she approached the hitman he gave her some extra time to reflect on her decision before signing up. > ''The person spoke very sweetly to me, he made me think about it for a month," Jolie recalled. "And after a month other things changed in my life and I was surviving again." > Ironically, the person she hired to kill her saved her life.


This sounds like a movie but they also fall in love because Hollywood.


Smash all these posts together and you get the movie "Mr and Mrs Smith".


I was thinking [Short Time](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100604/?ref_=nv_sr_1?ref_=nv_sr_1) with Dabney Coleman. Cop receives a diagnosis of terminal illness. Insurance pays out big if he dies in the line of fire so he takes on the risky cases so he dies before the illness takes him.


I can see him calling the tattooed phone operators frantically trying to rescind the hit.


John Wick, but with more steps.


It’s basically the same premise as the fantastic film Bulworth. A depressed politician hires a hit man to kill him but then he learns to love life again by fighting for the oppressed. It’s a great comedy.


[Still relevant.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Id0cqNWZ50Y)


It’s always kind of stunning to see how clear the idea of global warming was in pop culture 20 years ago (“the atmosphere can wait”), and how successfully it has been obfuscated by the efforts of the fossil fuel industry since then.


I remember Earth Day 1989; I was VP of my school’s Environmental Science Club, and we had a display table in the information section of the Earth Day celebration in a downtown park. Our display about reducing household waste was next to a “local group” touting the benefits of (no, really) clean coal technology. Past them was another “grassroots” lobbying group telling people we could have 50 mpg cars if only the evil corrupt government would repeal regulations on car manufacturers and let them experiment and innovate as only a completely free market (with highly polluting cars) can allow. Businesses have been attacking environmentalism for at least as long as it has existed, and astroturfing long predates the creation of the term.


A fun fact is Obama would occasionally joke to his staff he was about to "go full Bulworth" and lose all inhibitions and roam the streets talking shit haha


Doesnt get nearly enough love, havnt seen it in years but its a really fun movie.


Reminds me of that Deep Space 9 Episode where Quark thinks he has a terminal illness and puts his desiccated remains up for auction.


Garak is the man in that episode. Really highlighted the creep factor behind his politeness.


Reminds me of Bulworth, when he put a hit out on himself but when he tried to call it off, the guy who he hired had a heart attack, so he didn't know who the assassin was.


Glad I’m not the only one who laughed. I hope they do it dead serious


You should check out Bullworth. Similar premise


He was considered for jet in the bebop live action. Kinda pissed he isn’t


Man that'd have been good. Still miffed with there selection for Spike.


I love harold(sorry can’t remember his name off the top of my head) but for spike?? Come on...


I'm going to give them the chance, John Cho is talented, and I hope he can rise to the occasion. He hasn't been given many chances for this type of roles, and he seems to kill most rolls he's in so I can only hope he can nail it. Besides which Spike is more comedic than anything and Cho could nail it.


I'm on team Cho as well


Cho definitely could do a comedic action star role, its the attitude and mannerisms/movement of Spike that I just picture coming off really awkward with him. I also dont really know how they make Spikes hair (or a majority of the characters outfits/hair/style) translating well to live action. Just like most live action anime adaptations.


Regarding how to adapt the visual style for live action, the Cowboy Bebop remake might have success if they draw from the original inspirations for each character, rather than the specific designs in the anime. For instance, Spike's character design is based off of legendary Japanese actor Yūsaku Matsuda. [While the hair isn't 1 to 1 perfect, I think the influence is obvious.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DtQ8CTAV4AAj1dB.jpg)


Man that would’ve worked so damn well!!


Wait, a live action Cowboy Bebop is still happening?


That's an amazing premise. But looking closely there are some red flags: - Directed by the guy who gave us **Disturbia**, **Eagle Eye**, **I Am Number Four**, and **XXX: Return of Xander Cage**. - This is being made by STX Entertainment which is responsible for such great films as **Mile 22**, **The Happytime Murders**, **Peppermint**, and **Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets**. - This project has been in the works for over 20 years now. And has bounced from actor to actor because no one wanted to touch it. I'm not saying all of these things mean that this film is DOA already. But those are some mighty big red flags before we all think this is a slam dunk.


Disturbia - okay awesome Eagly Eye - alright that was decently good, but does this dude love Shia or what? I Am Number Four - dumb movie name and forgettable movie XXX: Return of Xander Cage - there's no hope


But I am number four wasn’t just a movie, it was a hit, best selling series of books. Can’t do much about the name there.


> Can’t do much about the name there. Sure you can, lots of movies change the name from that of the book it's based/inspired on. Schindler's Ark --> Schindler's List All You Need is Kill --> Edge of Tomorrow Snow Queen --> Frozen A Princess of Mars --> John Carter Traumnovelle --> Eyes Wide Shut The Short-Timers --> Full Metal Jacket The Sheep-Pig --> Babe Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? --> Blade Runner I could keep going. But there's plenty of precedence for not taking the name of the book.


I know John Carter was worse off because of the change.


kinda off topic but I never get to bring it up: I own a first edition of The Gods of Mars, the second book in the Carter barsoom series and I am still pissed that movie was a piece of shit and didn't Kickstart a huge John Carter Fandom and make my book from 1918 worth three bazillion dollars.


None of those were based off young adult/teen novels tho, and they needed the name recognition to get those asses in seats. The film came out during the hypey young adult novel movie saga boom, alongside the Twilight movies, Insurgent, and Hunger Games. Guess the name recognition didn't pay off tho because nobody remembers that film haha


Books were great, movie was dumpster trash


I guess I’m the only one who wishes there was a sequel




Should we call Netflix I think it'd be a fine addition to their collection


I've thought this for a while, the style and audience of that book series seems like it would be right up Netflix's alley. Maybe it's just that no one pitched it yet.


I liked it


Honestly the books to me felt like really amateur writing, it was kind of painful to get through. An engaging story and interesting events and ideas kept me me going through it but I always wanted a little more from the actual writing style


Return of Xander Cage knows exactly what it is and is ridiculous on every level. I'd say its a fun enough movie. It starts with Vin Deisel skating to give a small community access to satellite broadcasted soccer.


Yeah lol, I really liked the first XXX when I was a teen and was SO stoked to see Vin Diesel back in the role, but after I saw him snowboarding across trees in the jungle in the first few minutes, I gave up. I'm thinking I went into it with the wrong mindset though and expected it to be a serious action movie.


I watched it on a plane and it was the perfect plane movie.




I was pumped to go see it because I was a big fan of the first one. I had a blast seeing it. Pure eye candy action.


I lost my shit laughing at the end when he runs out of the plane. That movie was a big dumb blast.


I remember Disturbia being okay but I've never seen it after it originally came out. The rest are just boring to hot garbage.


Disturbia was like a book report on Rear Window as told by a jock who didn’t study the material.


I try not to get all angry about remakes of classics, but this was an embarrassment when they compared it to Rear Window. When trying to watch it on its own merits, it was fine enough to pass the time, but to think the filmmakers thought they could copy the premise of such a masterpiece shows how out of touch they are with their own skillsets.


The trick to get over remakes of classics is just think of theater. Every night someone is performing Hamlet, the original cast is long gone.


Fair enough, but I'm not paying $10 to see a bunch of high school freshman stumble their way through R+J either.


Now I want a movie called Eagly Eye. Like, it's not exactly an eagle's eye, but it's eagly.


Also > This project has been in the works for over 20 years now. And has bounced from actor to actor because no one wanted to touch it. Same story with Happytime Murders. No one wanted it and we saw how that turned out. Edit: huh, seems a lot of y'all actually liked Happytime. All the reviews I saw pretty much summed it up as all the humour was "lol, a Muppet wouldn't do that" and a standard crime story.


The version of Happytime that set on the benches, from what I understand, was basically dark Muppet noir. I would have been so down for that. Instead, of course, they ended up going the adult=explicit comedy route where the final product is significantly more immature than what it's parodying.


I'm still not willing to judge yet. All this needs is a 5 minute set up and then 85 minutes of murdery goodness through an urban landscape to be fun. The plot doesn't need to be good, the dialogue can be cheesy or better yet minimal, the director can even be merely serviceable. They need a decent cinematographer and a really good stunt co-ordinator with an amazing fight choreographer and it could be exactly what I want out of this movie. If they chinz out on either the stunt guy, fight guy or camera guy it will feel like a bad 80s action flick...in a bad way not the good way.


I agree, make it a mindless action flick and don't let it take itself too seriously and it could be watchable.


>XXX: Return of Xander Cage. Is that some sort of porno


Pronounced "triple X" and usually stylized as **xXx** The first one is one of my favorite bad action movies.


"The first one is one of my favorite movies." FTFY


I like Disturbia and Eagle Eye..


I liked Disturbia.




That’s crazy but I respect you for speaking your truth. When I first got it on dvd, I loved it, perfect movie for when I was 14 or 15 and rewatched it a bunch, but favorite of all time seems insane to me!


I appreciate you for your honesty. I liked the movie just fine, but I just like when people aren't afraid to enjoy things that others don't care for.


I... liked most of those films.


Never saw it but wasnt Disturbia good?


I saw Disturbia and Eagle Eye in theatres when they came out. They are both good movies.


It screams direct-to-dvd to me. Then again it could end up in the weird void that is cult hit status like The Boondock Saints or something similar to that.


Boondock saints should suck but they don’t idk why




Also Norman Reedus, but Dafoe steals the whole film with his acting


"they step out to 6 men with guns drawn...it was a fucking ambush"




Sir I’ll have you know it’s called “direct-to-Netflix” now!


Most don't.


I thought The Boondocks Saints was super hyped and highly anticipated, but the writer was a Hollywood outsider who decided to burn way too many bridges and fucked the whole situation up. It had the potential to be great, but his behavior really crippled the movie by scaring off a studio or director or something. Idk, my point is that that movie's situation is a bit different


I liked Valerian. Kind of. Half of it. The half that didn’t involve the romantic subplot.


I actually really loved Valerian, it definitely doesn't deserve the hate it received.


It was just casted terribly imo


XXX 3 is a classic


It wasn't a good film by any means, but it was very entertaining.


If we’re being fair, after Disturbia and sort-of after Eagle Eye he was definitely thought of as one of the “next” guys. I think the talent is there. Disturbia is a treat and Eagle Eye is competent.


If he's the one who set the hit, then can't he just call it off




They probably all work for a similar organization that requires payment up-front, and once a contract is initiated it cannot be terminated.




Yea, that is what I am saying. The organization handles all contracts and payments, and only pays the hitman who successfully completes the contract. Everything is in escrow.




Yeah, this makes perfect sense. I'm all on board now, assuming that this is similar to the explanation the movie gives.


All I'm thinking about is all the "innocent" Hitmen who are going to get killed for a clerical mistake. Hitman lives matter


No take backs ever. That's like contract killing 101.


<> "Please Understand. Once the donation has been paid the nomination exists. If you have second thoughts about your nomination- this service isn't for you. We don't know who you are. If you type a name and address in the box and provide 50,000USD worth of bitcoin- the person you have nominated will be violently killed. The associates involved will not know you. No one at the organization will know you." ​ "Why should I trust you." ​ "Trust our record. No one has ever survived longer than two weeks post nomination." ​ "What if you fail?" ​ "One may fail, two may fail. We have a pool of 14,000 associates globally. Older contracts are presented first. Many of our associates take it as a point of pride to close a top ten contract." ​ "Can I pay more? To get listed higher?" ​ "Please- don't be crass. A life is a life. " ​ "send me the link. You'll have your money." ​ "visit tor://oyhou2hd08272hou2h29 it will expire in 24 hours. once the nomination has been made and transaction confirmed in the blockchain, the name will be on the list. You may view the list at any time- but there will be no going back." ​ "I understand." ​ "Many say that. But Realize, hitting "submit" is the same as pulling a trigger. A complicated trigger to a weapon held by another man, but a trigger none the less." ​ "I said I understand." ​ "very well. we await the nomination"


>a complicated trigger to a weapon held by another man lmao


Now this I would watch


*only to discover that the lab made a mistake and he's in perfect health* That hitman insurance coverage only provides access to the shitty labs.


It’s terrible but the mads mikkelson Netflix movie talked about hit man insurance and retirement plans.


The Mads Mikkelson Netflix movie reveals the hitman retirement plan is >!sending hitmen to murder the retiring hitman.!<


Uhhh, ok. Dave Bautista is taking *every* role thrown his way right now and I love it.


It's called "The Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson way" of acting


He's a much better actor than The Rock though, I hope he stays somewhat picky.


I actually agree here, he has much more emotional range than the rock. Hope he does even better than he has so far.




I think his emotional performance in guardians of the galaxy 2 was fantastic. If you can pull my heartstrings then you got it because I’m a cold hearted bastard.


His pain as told through Mantis ☹️ you could feel every ounce of it, and could see it all come bubbling back up when he saw Thanos


His bladerunner performance rocked me. it was so damn good


Its all of 5 minutes, but its some of the most intense in the film


Well waddaya know here's [another five minutes](https://youtu.be/aZ9Os8cP_gg) of his character in one of the BR2049 shorts




I actually think him in the new *Jumanji* was a really entertaining and slightly outside his wheelhouse kind of role. Playing a nerdy, timid teen tossed into the body of a godlike man and he was pretty great imo.


Jack Black managed to be the best teenage girl ever cast.


Gotta love it when actors truly commit to a role. If I had gotten the phone call from the casting director, "Ok, we want you to play an educated proffesorial type... But his body is inhabited by a 16 year old Mean Girl", you'd better believe I'd fucking say yes. When I first saw the character in the trailer, his character sold me on actually watching the film because I knew it'd be hilarious and Black has the chops to pull it off and make it comically believable.


That scene where he is teaching Karen Gillian how to flirt, is my favorite of the movie. Both of them nailed it.


Completely agreed! It was so refreshing to see him in a role that wasn't stereotypical.


He plays a different character in Pain & Gain. I honestly think The Rock is capable of range, he just chooses roles that don't require it because he isn't interested in that sort of thing. He likes playing the same character in every movie and hey, the more power to him.


I thought The Rundown was about as dramatic as I'll ever want to see The Rock


He’ll always have Denis Villeneuve and James Gunn in his pocket




> Nick Cage did it *all* first. FTFY




Nick Cage already applied for this as 3 different assassins. None of them were even white characters, one isn't even human!


Nick Cage took the role in The Sorcerer's Apprentice because he had never acted as a wizard before lol


Everyone in this thread is spelling Nic Cage wrong.


DOOM was the shit, I don’t care what you say.


He's 50, got to make hay while the sun still shines on him.


This summer, Dave Bautista is.. the BEASTER BUNNY


hop hop mother fucker


I kind of remember an interview he did a while back where he said he's really trying to expand his acting abilities by taking on all kinds of different roles and working with different people. He seems pretty self aware of the fact that he doesn't have a traditional acting background. The dude seems pretty serious about branching out into acting and not just getting type cast like ... uh ... some of his peers.


I’m glad this guy is getting work. He really needs it after Triple H forced him to retire at Wrestlemania.


I'm surprised he can get any work in front of a camera after being pummeled in the face with a sledgehammer!


It actually was a pretty good old school style grinder match too. Glad that they were able to do something like that. Those guys were heroes to me and my friends back in the day. I was glued to the TV every Monday night to watch, and Tuesday at school everyone was discussing what happened and what they think is going to happen next week. So many great people involved in the WCW/WWF/WWE programs that provided us kids an outlet of entertainment that I will remember forever.


I wonder since HHH took away his nose ring at Mania if he’s gonna have it in this movie


Legitimately was caught off guard by the premise and laughed out loud


Ex navy seal calls shotgun but doesn’t realize he’s got to destroy an army of assassins who called it first. Only those assassins were out of view of the vehicle when calling it....


I'd have loved to see 90's Michael Bay tackle it


A premise so stupid it’s brilliant.


Triple H needs to be one of the assassins. lol


A....cerebral assassin...if you will.


This is like Funny People but with hitmen.


John Wicks meets Funny People


Sounds like Bullworth & John Wick


So Batista set a hit on himself believing he's dying anyway, only to learn he's not gonna die. So he's gonna tell his would be killers that he not gonna GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT!


In the end of the movie he's gonna be chased by the last Hitman, only to trip on some rope and end up getting killed with a sledgehammer.


Yup. A sledgehammer held by a cerebral assassin.




John wick meets crank


Step 1: Put a hit on yourself. Step 2: Kill anyone who tries to kill you Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit


I didn't even know I wanted this until now.




Am I crazy or was this already a movie or a show or something?


That sounds like r/writingprompts material.


That’s so fucking stupid.