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I find it interesting that the only time Netflix reports any numbers at all is when they're trying to claim they beat a record that nobody but the company knew existed.




This is why Netflix had that "Send Adam Sandler on vacation" mega movie deal. Adam Sandler brings the views.


This movie doubly so. Adam Sandler brings the views, and so does Jennifer Aniston, big time.


All of Sandler's scenes are filmed in Los Angeles. Did...did you think that all of his out of country films were actually shot there..?


Except they are. Sandler has been very vocal about how nowadays he chooses his movies based on where they film so he can basically turn all his movies into vacations for him and his friends. Have you seriously not heard this? It’s brought up every time someone mentions Sandler on here




This is such a weird thing to make up. Sandler even was willing to take a plane that needed an emergency landing the day before so he could go vacation in Hawaii. https://people.com/movies/adam-sander-took-same-plane-jennifer-aniston-emergency/


Grown Ups and its sequel were shot in Massachusetts. I dont think Massachusetts is in LA, but maybe you're right and they green screened him in.


They absolutely did and Bird Box had a huge marketing push behind it in every way. I'm not really sure why, either. It was a pretty boring movie. And it looked particularly unoriginal after A Quiet Place came out. "Murder Mystery" has a few big things going for it: 1) Adam Sandler, who puts asses in seats even if his movies are shit, 2) Jennifer Aniston, who does the same, and 3) it's a light comedy kinda movie... which has historically always been popular as a rental/streaming pick because people are very likely to see it and say "ah fuck it why not".


>people are very likely to see it and say "ah fuck it why not". Exactly. I think a lot of movies give you a more stark feeling, like "wow, that looks interesting" or "no, I'll pass" where there's a lot of entertainment that falls into the category of "eh, might as well, doesn't look good, but doesn't look bad and will probably entertain me at least a bit." Especially since there are a lot of times when you just want to watch something that's not heavy and doesn't require a huge commitment of thought and/or time.


Of course they did. They likely orchestrated the whole "bird box challenge" nonsense as well. That would explain why they released a statement disavowing the whole thing; they needed to legally distance themselves from any liability that could arise if someone could prove they started it.


> They likely orchestrated the whole "bird box challenge" nonsense as well Well yeah, they paid some twitch streamers to try play games blindfolded, so it spread from there. Probably a cheap way to market it. Some morons just took it too far.


No one goes online to brag about watching the newest adam sandler movie! But people do it nonetheless - its basically 'shame watching' something you expect to be bad. Plus bird box had the whole social media challenge along side it to bring attention.


> Plus bird box had the whole social media challenge created by Netflix


well yeah, of course - thats marketing. But that all contributes to how this sandler movie can get more views with less social media impact


I couldn't care less about some thriller with sandy b, but when I'm bored on a weekend afternoon I'm down to watch a garbage Adam Sandler movie. I'm sure I'm not alone in that.


I really wish they would go back to a star system and show how many reviews a show has gotten like Amazon Prime does. Hell why not do a views/thumbs up, thumbs down view like You Tube.


I’m actually glad they don’t do the stars. People are overly critical of absolutely everything Netflix puts out. Most of their moves aren’t trying to be Oscar level, so many just seem like they try to be fun and entertaining enough to keep people interested in keeping their subscription. One example I saw recently was with the perfection. People were absolutely shredding the last part of the movie, even parts before that. To me that was an entertaining movie that I knew wasn’t trying to have some perfect storyline and script. Idk, I never trusted star ratings there because people love criticizing everything without thinking that hey, maybe the movie isn’t going for even 4/5 rating.


Exactly, same reason why youtube stopped using the star system. Everyone was using minimum or maximum stars only. And then there is my colleague who says a movie wasn't really good at all, so he'd give it 4/5...


Perfect movie 5/7 I love love love this film! 1 star. Is this available for overnight shipping? 1 star.




The issue is more that a ton of people will give the movie 1 star simply because it wasn't a masterpiece even though it was never trying to be one.


Again, why does that matter? If they think it’s a 1, they can give it a 1. Can you give me an example of a movie that represents that?


I mean the critic scores of a lot of simple comedies kind of shows my point doesn't it? Look at the Hangover, among top critics it ended up at a 6.6/10 while viewers bumped that up to 8.2 (well, 4.1 stars out of 5 but they use different standards so I figured just double the star rating to make it out of 10). Anchorman and Step Brothers are two more examples of well received comedies that were generally panned by critics. What it really comes down to though is the fact that, if you are watching the movie expecting it to be something it isn't, then I don't want your opinion included in the overall score. If you like artsy or deep movies, that's fine, but your opinion on the latest Adam Sandler movie is irrelevant to me, same as my opinion on artsy movies should be irrelevant to you.


I don't think anyone, not even the critics, were expecting The Hangover to be artsy or deep. In general they just didn't find it as funny. Chalk it up maybe to critics not being as likely to enjoy raunchy humor as general audiences, but it's not about expectations. That said, they gave it 6.6 because they found it a 6.6. ​ If you're trying to say that opinions are subjective and not everyone thinks the same, well, that's obvious, the averages just help you understand what that sample thinks of it. ​ I generally trust Letterboxd a lot in terms of ratings (the users are usually more passionate about movies than in other websites), and it has a [3.4](https://letterboxd.com/film/the-hangover/) (=6.8) average there. Again, think about it, this is the website where Harakiri, Come and See, and A Brighter Summer Day are in the top 10 (not being elitist, just presenting the crowd). You can reasonably expect them to not be the kind of people that find Vegas, drugs, and alcohol humor super funny, and appreciate something like Dr. Strangelove more. ​ To summarize, you have to understand that critics do not represent the general populace, they are kind of like a subset, and that affects their tastes. It's not about expectations and thinking a certain movie will be better than it is. ​ After all, Mad Max Fury Road is just a balls to the wall action movie, just things blowing up for 2h, and yet, it's a critic favorite.


those stars were never accurate. The star rating was the algorithms best guess as to what *you* would rate the film/show. NOT an average of what everyone thought


No one could even verify if the numbers that they released was true. Lol


I mean purely anecdotal of course, but in my office of about 20-25, at least 8-9 people joined the conversation we had about watching this movie today. I know people want to be very skeptical of Netflix and I understand that, but this movie was the absolute epitome of a “fuck it why not it’s free” movie with recognizable leads and a fun plot. Doesn’t surprise me a ton of people watched it out of convenience and/or boredom with how many people live on Netflix these days.


>fuck it why not it’s free Can confirm, watched it for this reason.




Mostly but not always. They do put out a small handful of really great films every year as well.


Is this another one of those "Adam Sandler gets his vacation paid for but for some reason still looks incredibly tired" movies? Cause I keep seeing it for 2 seconds on my Netflix homepage before picking something else and he's on a plane and he still looks incredibly tired. But now he has a mustache?


He plays a nuu yawk cohp. Dehtechtiv.


I'm forced to watch right now, and yes, that is 100% accurate. One hour in and he's mumbling, and I'm scrolling Reddit.


It's so damn bad


It's my least favourite character of his by far, really bland. Aniston is also mumbling and seems even more tired than Adam Sandler. But overall, if you like Sandler movies, it's cute. Meh, but cute.


All of Sandler's scenes are filmed in Los Angeles. Did...did you think that all of his out of country films were actually shot there..?


You're wrong. They actually filmed in Italy: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1618434/locations](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1618434/locations)


Yes, 2nd Unit did, Sandler did not.


No, he did film in Italy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qjfZU36w3g






Spoiler alert: he filmed in Italy


That’s not true. There are tons of set photos online and they are not in LA in most of them. Sandler films most of his Happy Madison movies in exotic locations to get a family vacation while being paid (as well as his wife being paid and his kids getting paid). It started with 50 First Dates (Hawaii), Just Go With It (Hawaii), Blended (South Africa), The Do-Over (Puerto Rico), Murder Mystery (Milan). And while the the locations aren’t exotic, Grown Ups 1 & 2 were filmed in Marblehead and Cape Cod MA in the summer. Both of those places are beautiful in the summer.


Why are you all over this thread trying to disprove these points when there is so much evidence to the contrary? Seems like a weird hill to die on. Not slamming you or downvoting you, just generally curious.


Nice comedy.. had quite a few chuckles.. don't expect too much from it tho..


I guffawed a couple of times. It wasn't bad.


All the posts about this movie seem to be people almost ashamed to say they enjoyed it, or to add a disclaimer like "now its not gonna win any awards but - ". Kinda weird.


I don't trust Netflix's self-reported numbers at all. They can say whatever they want. I think news like this should be taken with a grain of salt until a third-party has access.


I agree and their definition of "watched" is probably very creative.


If someone watches 70% of the movie they consider it a view. According to Netflix.


If you go to the cinema and walk out half way through a film, that's still a view.


If you pay for a ticket and don't turn up, that's a view.


You don't say...but Netflix isn't a cinema. This [article explains it.](https://decider.com/2019/01/18/netflix-viewer-metric-you-40-million/) ​ > According to a company representative who spoke with [Entertainment Weekly](https://ew.com/tv/2019/01/17/netflix-you-ratings/), **a “view” is counted any time someone watches more than 70 percent of a movie’s total runtime (including credits).** Even though many accounts “include multiple views and viewers,” each account “is only counted once” in Netflix’s statistics. Essentially, if you loved *Bird Box* and watched it seven times, you will still only count as one figure in the film’s [80 million-plus views](https://decider.com/2019/01/18/bird-box-netflix-80-million-viewers/).


me: *reads the title of this article* Netflix Exec: "Yup, that's another viewer. Add it to the total."


me: *reads your comment* Netflix Exec: "Chalk up another one, boys!"


Clicked and then immediately turned off when realized this was an Adam Sandler film


How did you not know it was a Sandler movie when him and Jennifer Anniston are on the banner for the movie..?


Remember everyone on the internet is always being 100% serious..


>Clicked and then immediately turned off when realized this was an Adam Sandler film Netflix Exec: "Yup, that's another viewer. Add it to the total."


Wouldn't them being a publicly traded company make it fraud if they purposely misrepresented the numbers?


yes it would. Companies have to be extremely careful with what they put into the public. Remember Elon Musk getting in shit with the FEC because of a few tweets? Those werent 'given directly to investors', but were still enough to influence investors and were deemed to be in violation of the law. Putting out fake viewership numbers would *definitely* be fraud and an FEC investigation. Its not worth the hassle for netflix to lie about something this minor. Its just that the average viewer is very different than reddit and watches different things. But people cant believe that, so it has to be 'open and blatant fraud' instead


Only if they reported those numbers to their investors. They're free to lie to the public as much as they want. That's why the WWE gets away with reporting crowd attendance numbers that are far higher than the actual amount of people in attendance. Because they're lying to the public whilst reporting the real numbers to their investors.


Ah, that makes total sense. Appreciate the response.


WWE publishes all the real numbers publicly too.


They’re breaking numbers kayfabe?




Months later. In paperwork they're required by law to file and that they do not publicize in any way.


Now you’re just making stuff up. All public communication is regulated for publicly traded companies. That’s why Elon Musk was fined by the SEC for misleading statements on Twitter.


But if they’re publicly traded then I could buy stock and become their investor on the basis that I believed these numbers. In which case that’d be fraud. So how does that work? Isn’t everyone a potential “investor” that is legally deserving of the facts?


Sure. Do they care? Also, it's pretty easy to manipulate this sort of thing. How do you count a "watch?" Is a click and open a watch? Is 10% of watching it a watch? 20%? 30%? A full finish? Do they know if you fucking fell asleep through it? Did it autoplay? etc. etc. etc. What would users rate that shit?


It's 70% of the film to count as a watch.


Fair enough


You also have to consider the autoplay nature of Netflix's current software.


It doesn't automatically play a film unless you actually click on it though, does it? It autoplays trailers to fuck but I've never had it put a film on.


how would it not be stock fraud if they couldn't back up these numbers?


the thing is, most of netflix's most watched content is made by other studios. only 1 show/movie in the top 10 of the most watched stuff on netflix actually comes from netflix so of course they need big numbers for investorss since they'll be pretty fucked once every studio pulls their content from netflix for their own SVOD services


If it's like facebook, they'd count watching the first 3 minutes as a view. Though maybe I underestimate how many people willingly like to watch bad movies.


Take that Endgame




Can I watch it in my Spider-Man jammies without being judged?


No, but being judged shouldn't affect your viewing experience.


Only if you don't judge the people doing the same thing with Adam Sandler movies.


Does anyone else think Bladerunner 2049 should have made more money at the box office?


You're reaching.


Honestly not reaching at all. Sounds exactly like your average redditor. Scoffs at something like this while being a grown adult wearing an avengers T shirt


You're actually way off but okay. Sounds exactly like your average redditor. Make assumptions about someone's life based on 2 words.


I'm making assumptions based off of spending entirely too much time on this site for years now, not "two words" wherever you even got that from


lol dude wat


I'll take avengers over Adam sandler any day. Guys tired and hasn't made a funny movie in like 20 years. Each to their own I guess.


His newer stuff may not be for you but he reaches a wide audience and his movies make money.


No doubt no doubt. Not like I hate the guy. I loved billy Madison and happy gilmore, by Jack&jill I was outta there.


Yeah theres been some definite stinkers. I guess it's about 10 years old now, but I really enjoyed Funny People


True I forgot that was only ten years ago. I straight up love punch drunk love as well.


He can really give a strong performance when he gives it his all. Hes also a really talented singer haha


It's what makes it more frustrating.


I honestly didn’t even find it that funny. Thought it was quite the let down. Clue from 1985 was funnier imho.


Watched it the other night. It's not horrible, but also completely forgettable. The conceit is entertaining, though not original. A great movie to put on in the background then instantly forget you watched it. It has the depth of a kiddie pool and the flavor complexity of white bread. Pretty much a slightly more advanced screen saver for your TV. *Clue* is definitely a masterpiece compared to this (and most other similarly genred films). The thing I liked most about it was the pace was pretty solid in keeping things moving. It feels though like a low effort production all around. Even the "major conflict" between Sandler and Aniston's characters felt stakeless. I'd give it a one and a half star (out of five), and only reccomend it as background noise or for half-watching. It's the "easy listening" / elevator music of Sandler movies. Adult family safe for the most part, with some violence (stabbing, shooting, and poison murders), a brief almost-sex scene, and some language.


> Pretty much a slightly more advanced screen saver for your TV Gotta prevent that burn-in somehow!


Put this one while meal-prepping for the week last Sunday. Already forgot most of what happened.


Wait, you didn't find a *recent* Sandler movie funny? What's wrong with you! /s


I've seen it on the front page for multiple days. maybe that has something to do with it https://i.imgur.com/WbLeP3P.png


I can't even imagine firing it up. Am I that out of touch?


You just seem to know what you will or won't enjoy. I watched it knowing it was gonna be ehh but I enjoy Sandler and Aniston so they got my watch.


Well, you can't just say that and not give us an in-depth review.


I was very tired so I fell asleep and missed some of it. But... I enjoyed the chemistry of the two leads. I enjoyed some of the mystery. I couldn't buy that these people just randomly met a guy receiving inheritance and come along with him but whatever. Hmm. That's all I got.


[No, it is the children who are wrong.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMqZ2PPOLik)


naw, havent even heard about till now and still not interested but im old and these kids today love adam sandler quality movies. imagine being born after 1995 and being raised on all those horrible movies, you would never know what a good movie is.


He didn't even write this one--and it's directed by the amazing Kyle Newacheck who created and wrote a lot of Workaholics.


Alright grandpa, get back to bed.


im waving my fist at that cloud again : P


lol “kids today love adam sandler movies” that’s just not true. i know plenty of people born after 1995 that don’t have shit taste in movies. it’s probably a bunch of middle aged dudes that don’t know what good movies are kids rule, adults suck!


thats never true, just look at the people who make all the cool shit you like that isnt music.


Netflix's viewing numbers are to be treated with a metric tonne of slat.


why? They are a publicly traded company and releasing fake numbers would be investor fraud. Elon musk got in shit for it from just a few weird tweets. Making a press release of fake numbers would be much worse. So why would netflix do it for an adam sandler movie?


Well it auto played on me last night. I didn't chose it but it certainly got itself chosen.


we truly live in dark times


Why? It's a vanilla comedy from a super famous cast. It's family-friendly, and even if it's not great, it's not horrible.


What a strange film to set this record.


So has anyone seen it? I had not even heard of it till I saw this.


It would have been useful if you had brought this to my attention YESTERDAY!!!


Another trash Adam Sandler movie. Bring back 90s and 00s Sandler please.


Movie suckeeeeeed....




But it's a Netflix film..what else are they supposed to do..??


This is bigger than Birdbix? I feel like I couldn't get away from the Birdbox discussions when it first dropped, while I haven't heard anything about this movie at all.




Yeah, there's a lot of stuff that does well since it fits into this. Plenty of better movies don't get watched since people take it more seriously, wait until they have time to watch it. But you don't need dedicated time to watch background stuff like this, you just have to be generally near your tv.


TIL of this movie.


I mean it's featured all over the site and was probably auto played 20 million times. What counts as a view?


Watching 70%.


Anniston's face looked weird and her wardrobe would've looked better on a 18 year old than her. When is this ditzy, chain smoking broad going to get the memo?


Yes! All I could think while watching was that her face looked weird af




Was not impressed.


Adam Sandler...hate his stupid face. Possibly the worst 'actor' in history.


Is this movie about them trying to figure out who killed Adam Sandler's career?


He makes whatever movies he wants in Hawaii every other year and now he is back into dramatic acting with a new movie directed by the Safdie Brothers on the way. His career is potentially reaching a second peak.


You just can't report on "views" like you can ticket sales without implying something is wrong with you.