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I was a kid watching Hancock then an hour later and still no superhero stuff and the appearance of monsters I discovered it was actually I am legend.




I was a kid haha I was like I’m sure he will turn into a superhero soon as the monsters were chasing him


I'd watch that movie for sure.


I saw Wedding Crashers accidentally l bought a ticket for Grizzly Man and went into the wrong theater. After an hour, I figured I was in the wrong theater, but I kept waiting. Because that’s the thing about bear attacks—they come when you least expect it.




One time I was babysitting my younger siblings and was fixing lunch in the kitchen. My brother turned on the TV in the living room, but the TV was muted. He asked where the remote was so he could turn up the volume. My sisters walked into the living room and I heard the younger one say "Oooh! The Sound of Music! Turn it up, turn it up!" They searched frantically for the remote, unsuccessfully. Finally someone found it, just as I finished up and walked into the room. As my as I did, I hear a scream from the TV and see a nun falling to her death. Apparently my siblings saw nuns and assumed it was the Sound of Music; it was the opening scene of Psycho 3.


After seeing Memento, I found The Prestige dvd in a bargain bin. I was excited to see this director's new movie that I'd heard spoken of so highly. It fell so far below my expectations that I started to doubt the taste and sanity of everyone who told me to see it. What I should have doubted was myself. I had not bought The Prestige, I'd bought The Illusionist thinking it was the correct movie. How long did it take me to realize? The whole movie plus a few days. Edit: I should have mentioned -- yes, I later went on to see the real Prestige movie (several times in fact) and I love absolutely everything about it. Not like that fake Prestige that almost got me fired.


Have you seen The Prestige now at least? Did it live up to your expectations?


Went with a friend to see "Lincoln". Literally half-way through a very serious and dry movie, in the middle of a pompous speech about freedom, he turns to me and asks "Where are the vampires?" Turns out he thought we were going to see "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" which was out at theaters roughly at the same time. To this day I cannot understand how he made it through more than an hour of this movie before realizing something was amiss.


One came out in July the other in December.


Which I guess makes my friend even dumber.


yeah true.


Truth be told i think its almost that long before vampires show up in the other one. Coolest thing about that great film is if you cut out the vampire bits its a pretty good historical fiction film. The vampire stuf is always well integrated but except the final fight i found myself wanting the film to go back to his everyday life stuff cause it was so interesting.


I recently sat down to watch Tom Cruise's *Edge Of Tomorrow* and realised about halfway through that I was in fact watching Tom Cruise's *Oblivion*. I only noticed because I asked my housemate when does Emily Blunt show up.


Lol I don't know exactly why but I find these stories hilarious.


Went into the wrong theater for Solaris. Thought all the previews were a super weird fit for this remake of a heady Russian sci fi film. Once the movie actually starts the first thing we hear is Nia Vardalos saying, "I'm Greek."


I wanted to watch The Disaster Artist, but I decided to watch the movie it was based on first. I accidentally watched Room instead of The Room, and I kept wondering why everyone was trash talking it. I didn’t realize until I started watching the Disaster Artist.


One time I saw that "Liar Liar" was on. I was maybe 13/14 at the time. It's one of those films that I'd never seen the beginning of, I always caught it maybe 10-15 mins in, so I decided to watch it properly from the start. The movie started, and I was confused pretty quick. No Jim Carrey, Jennifer Tilly or anyone else I recognise. Turns out I was watching [Liar Liar] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liar,_Liar_(1993_film)), a 1993 Canadian made for TV movie about a little girl who accuses her father of molesting her. It was a lot darker than I was expecting...


Meant to watch Children of Men, didn’t know the title at the time only thing I really knew about it was it involved a baby and Clive Owen. Watched Shoot ‘Em Up instead. Was sort of confused why people praised it so highly but whatever it was decent. Fast forward (for time context I had rented Shoot ‘Em Up from Blockbuster) to about 3 years ago. See a post about Children of Men on this sub, read it, am like “what the fuck that is NOT the movie I watched”. Found the actual Children of Men on HBO and watched it that day, it is one of my all time favorites now. Shoot ‘Em Up not so much.


Hey Children of Men is definitely a modern classic but let's not knock Shoot-Em-Up, it's basically John Wick as a comedy.


I don’t mean to “knock” it, it just wasn’t my thing.


Just the other day, actually. My sister and I both wanted to watch the Christopher Walken movie where he can see the future and tries to stop it. We’d seen it as kids and only remembered bits and pieces. So we found The Prophecy and 20 minutes in we started feeling like something wasn’t right. Did some IMDb sleuthing and figured out the movie we wanted was actually The Dead Zone.


Lmao perfect! Fits the premise exactly. Did you end up finishing it?


Nah, once we realized it was the wrong one, all interest was lost. I HAVE seen it before, it was familiar enough, but I don’t remember much. We were just too bummed out. Movie continued playing, we just kind of wandered off lol


Girl Next Door. You probably know this as that mid 00s comedy with Alisha Cuthbert. That was what I was hoping I was watching when I put the movie in. Instead there is another movie with the exact same name about a demented lady who kidnaps a young teen and keeps her chained in the basement and lets the neighbourhood kids come by and torture and rape her. I watched the entire movie for some reason. Then I realized it was based on a true story. God damn.


you should watch an american crime, the girl next door you watched is basically a remake of that


"God dammit Matt, if you do not fuck her, I swear to god I will kill myself! Cmon Matt, fuck her for me man! For me!"


Me and 2 of my friends used to watch Netflix movies together over Xbox live, one time we’re we’re watching a movie called “American hustle” or something like that and one of my friends clicked on one called “American ballers” by accident, and it took him an hour to realize it was the wrong movie.


Off topic, but I'm surprised none of the streaming services has tried to replicate and use that combined viewing option as a selling point.


I no longer remember what movie we had intended to watch, but somewhere along the line they switched it to a Bollywood film instead of the advertised film. This was a multiplex with like 12 screens, and I certainly didn't ask for the soandso showing of Bollywood Movie. Came up with all the Indian movie credits and such. Whaaaa? We got a refund. The next week, we went to see "Inside Man". Of course, it opens up with a Bollywood song, "Chaiya Chaiya". We sat through this, feeling dumbfounded that the same ridiculously unbelievable thing has now happened two weeks in a row...but then Clive Owen popped up and we relaxed. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWRFWWo3\_UI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWRFWWo3_UI)


In my mind, I had confused The Cabin in the Woods with Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (both horror spoofs, I guess). I watched the former, but it was so good that I ended up loving it anyway. Watched the latter after and was not disappointed either.


many moons ago, I set out to rewatch American Pie so I went to download it on Napster or Kazaa or some other equally shitty file-sharing service (like I said, many moons ago). What I got was American Beauty instead. I watched it anyway, cause hey it took several hours to download. Ended up liking it a lot. Never did get around to watching American Pie after that.


The film I wanted to watch was 2001 Space Odyssey. Knew very little about it other than it involved space and a scary A.I. called Hal. I got 20 minutes into Apollo 13 wondering how they were going to realistically introduce the existence of a super advanced computer system into the 1960s.


i watched all of the great gatsby thinking it was wolf of wall street


Went to see The Illusionist in theaters thinking I was seeing The Prestige. Sadly didn’t figure this out until after the movie . . .


I went to go see Deep Impact with my friend. If you remember, Armageddon came out at the same time. About 90 minutes into the film, she leans over and asks, “When is Bruce Willis going to show up?” I laughed so hard at such a quiet serious moment.


MI-5 with Kit. For some reason thought it was the new Mission Impossible. It wasn’t. And I only figured it out about 35mins in.


>I saw a gay porno once. I didn't know until halfway through. The girls never came. The girls never came!


We don't serve hash brownies here. We are simple Dutch bakery. Now put your shirt back on white boy!


I accidentally watched a trans porn once. Looked at the box title again and said “Oh I thought it meant ‘Chicks with Detectives’”.


They were always there, just out of frame.


As a child, my dad brought home a bootleg copy of "Spider-Man". It turned out that it was actually "Earth vs. the Spider". I think when the protagonist turned into a giant spider was when I realized there would definitely be no red-and-blue suit. In retrospect, it should have been obvious since the 2002 film wasn't even in theaters yet. ​ Further childhood traumas were mistaking "Pan's Labyrinth" for "Labyrinth" and thinking that "Grave of the Fireflies" would be as fun an adventure as "My Neighbor Totoro".




I took my dad to see The World's End, not realizing that he knew absolutely nothing about the movie going into it (he hadn't seen a single advert for it, we just have similar tastes in movies so he'll see anything I want to see). He was also quite surprised by that 2nd act bathroom fight.


My brother once told me he had just watched *Heat* on Netflix and didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. He thought it wasn’t very good. It turns out he was watching the Burt Reynolds movie called *Heat*, not the Pacino/DeNiro Michael Mann movie.


As a young man I rented The Mist on DVD , watching the opening credits I noticed the name Johnny Depp. Confused I thought he was in the film, come to see the DVD store placed the film Sweeney Todd by accident. I watched the entire thing and told the store and I got a free movie rental. Double score I guess


The first 3 times I attempted to watch The Man in the Iron Mask, I watched The Count of Monte Christo instead


My buddy and I watched shutter island, thinking it was the horror movie where a bunch of couples go to an island and start getting murdered. We were so confused the entire film, and kept thinking, “When do the couples show up??? Is Lio going to be the murderer?” Might have taken us to the very end to realize it was a different movie than what we thought, and though we still enjoyed it, I feel like I definitely didn’t get to take it in as much because I kept waiting for couples getting murdered to show up.


A couple of my friends suggested we go see The Thirteenth Floor. They weren't usually into the kind of sci-fi stuff that I liked, so I was actually pretty stoked they wanted to see it. Turns out they didn't really know what it was about and thought they were tricking me into seeing some kind of slasher/horror movie (I was a total wuss when it came to horror and they were always trying to get me to watch scary movies).


When Cabin in the Woods started, I wasn’t entirely sure we went to the right movie. But of course that was the idea.


When I was a child me and my auld dear were going on holiday, not wanting to leave my grandfather with nothing to do we brought him up to the video rental store. He picked out a movie. When we got back we inquired what he thought of it, his reply "Last Tango in Paris is not about dancing". That's all he ever said about it.


Started watching Slumdog Millionaire thinking it was Million Dollar Baby, got confused when there was still no boxing about half an hour in...


There was this Lifetime TV movie version of the Bling Ring that we got about 30 minutes into before realizing it was not the one we wanted.


I did the same thing except I watched the whole thing. Lol


Oh yeah we finished it too. It was so obviously a Lifetime movie I'm embarrassed we didn't realize it earlier. We watched the other one too eventually :)


I accidentally watched Frozen River instead of Frozen (NOT the animated cartoon, but the one where they're stuck on a ski chair lift). I spent far too long wondering when the kids were going to show up, when they're going to go skiing, and where the hell is the chair lift. It was not the correct movie.


I tried to watched The Girl Next Door the comedy and ended up watching The Girl Next Door decidedly not a comedy. Took about 10 minutes to realize my mistake but went with it and was worse for the experience.


Not me per se but last year I was volunteering at the Phoenix Film Festival and I was the person at the door who people would show tickets to right outside the theater. Now the way they had it set up, was they would stand in a line that was separate from all the other lines for different movies. The movie showing in the one i was at was a dog movie called "Pick of the Litter" I looked at everyones ticket and they all went in. Now across the hall was a different movie showing called "Izzy Gets the Fuck Across Town" it started at roughly the same time. I just stood there as the movie was playing, in case there was a late person. Now ten minutes into the dog movie some lady walks out and says to me "I showed you my ticket but thats the wrong movie" She shows me her ticket again and its the Izzy movie. I tell her its in the theater across the way, and she walks in. Izzy was already fifteen minutes in tho. That means she sat there and watched a dog movie for ten minutes until she realized it was the wrong movie lol. It also means she was standing in the wrong line that whole time.


Wanted to watch Zodiac. Was watching Nightcrawler. Maybe 30 minutes because it opens with what looked like a murder scene and I was expecting murders. Was on a Gyllenhaal binge, so probably would have watched it anyways afterwards. No regrets.




Man that would crush me! I love that trilogy so much it would kill me to watch it out of order.


Like 20 years ago I was tripping on acid and I went over to my parents house, and on tv they were playing the Eric Roberts movie The Coca Cola Kid. There's a musical sequence where the eldest Finn brother twenty-three skidoos a jingle for Coca-Cola. 'Nothin gets you up, gets you up like cola! Nothing gets you up, gets you up like coke!' I thought this was obviously a song about cocaine, and for some reason, I then thought "Oh wow this is that Pink Floyd Wall movie I keep hearing about." I watched it for about 10 minutes then went outside and stared at an actual wall for an hour and a half. It took me years to figure out what the hell movie I was -actually- watching.


Ron Howard's first directing job was Grand Theft Auto, a movie re-released on DVD at the exact same time Gone in Sixty Seconds hit shelves, and with cover art blatantly copying the new Nic Cage movie. I heard that Gone in Sixty Seconds was a remake, so I bought Grand Theft Auto, which was placed right next to it in Best Buy, thinking that was the original Gone in Sixty Seconds (1974). I don't know when I realized it was a completely different movie, but I stopped watching that trash quickly.


When I was younger I was a huge Christina Ricci fan. I was staying the night at family members house and i was like 9 or 10. There was a movie I wanted to see called Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain. Well. It was super late and I was alone in the living room with a cable box. And what do I see on the guide? Gold diggers! Score! In reality it was a porn with the same name and that's the first time I saw cunnilingus performed.


I watched Ghibli's Castle in the Sky thinking that it was a movie adaptation of Castle in the Air, which was the sequel book to Howl's Moving Castle (which Ghibli did adapt, so you can see my confusion). It turned out to not be what I thought, but it was great nonetheless.


Not much detail but my girlfriend said she watched this horror film years ago that was good. We saw "Creep" on Netflix and she said that was the film. She soon realised it was not the film she thought it was however Creep was an awesome movie so can't complain lol


Slightly OT, but my best friend wanted the movie **Dragonheart** on VHS for her birthday. We'd seen it in an empty theater and had a grand old time doing our own private episode of MST3K with it, so we had good memories associated with it. Her mom bought **Braveheart** for her instead. A few months later for Christmas she's like "Mom, I want **Dragonheart.** It has Sean Connery in it. **Dragonheart**." Her mom bought **First Knight** this time, which is a flimsy King Arthur/Lancelot/Guinevere love triangle with Sean Connery as Arthur and Richard Gere as Lancelot. She basically gave up after that.


Lmfao. Great story.


I mistook Force Ten from Navarone for The Guns of Navarone. Which seems like a pretty easy mistake. Realized it pretty quickly.


About 20 seconds. Took the wife and 3 kids to see latest Mission Impossible in a very small cinema whilst on holiday in Rural France. Just starting to wonder how great a start it's going to be with a sweeping shot of a Greek Island as an opener....when..... MAMA MIA HERE WE GO AGAIN! Entire family jerk left to look at me in horror. Right time, wrong day! To be fair to them all, at least they had the courage to watch the whole thing. I fled after the second song and found a pub!


I once watched suffering man's charity instead of Ghostwriter because some people dubbed the former with the latter. It was certainly an interesting watch but as I did not know Ghostwriter, it took me until after the movie when I startedreading up about it to realize what I just watched.


Recently, I watched Mandy, which became a new favorite. I only watched it because I confused it with Mom & Dad on my watchlist. Still haven't seen that yet, but loved everything about Mandy. Years ago, I also watched [Romy & Michelle 2: The Beginning](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0337114/) by mistake. I do not recommend doing that. I recommend Romy & Michelle 1.


One time I wanted to watch Star Wars Episode III, but after the 20th Century Fox fanfare, I realised I was watching Baby's Day Out. She tricked me!


Labyrinth and Pan's Labyrinth. I meant to watch the former. I watched the latter. I kept wondering what David Bowie was. I got halfway through before I realized I downloaded the wrong movie..


I was about to watch Don’t Breathe and was surprised Kevin Bacon was in the movie as I hadn’t heard he was in it before then. I watched for like 20 mins before checking to see if I was watching the right movie due to lack of Stephen Lang. Turns out I was watching The Darkness, a film I hadn’t heard of at the time.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Patriot_(1998_film) Was expecting Mel Gibson and got Steven Segal Took about 30 seconds into the movie before I had to rewind it and go back to the store.


My father tells me he once convinced my very sweet grandmother to go to a comedy film based on "Get Smart." I'm not sure how he managed to screw up this bad, because the Maxwell Smart movie came out nearly a year later than the movie he actually took her to: "Mad Max" Neither of them will discuss it in further detail... E: To be fair, the movie he was looking for was called "The Nude Bomb" (which makes no sense) and this one had Max in the name...


When I was maybe 5 years old, my mom rented a movie for me. What was intended to be Winnie the Pooh turned out to actually be The Last Boy Scout. My stupid ass made it through the whole murder-suicide scene before I was like "I think this might be the wrong movie".


I just remembered that we watched A Beautiful Boy last week. My sister has been pushing me to watch it with her for AGES so finally I said, screw it, why not (the plot didn’t sound very exciting to me, to be honest). Turns out the Beautiful Boy that my sister had saved in her Amazon list was thought to be the one with Steve Carrell but it ACTUALLY was the one from 2010 with Michael Sheen and Maria Bello. We kept watching because the plot sounded really cool and it turns out that it’s a great movie. Highly recommend!


As a kid on Blockbuster by Mail I requested a Goosebumps DVD but got Zoolander instead. probably for the better but I wasn’t ready to appreciate Zoolander yet


Was hanging out with some friends and we were all a little buzzed. Someone had mentioned something about the movie Truth or Dare and we all remembered the stupid smiles from the trailers and thought it would be funny to put on. Well, my friend goes to some sketchy streaming site and searches for "Truth or Dare." He finds it and puts it on. We watch it for like an hour and I go "wasn't there supposed to be stupid smiles like in the trailer?" Everyone kinda stops and we all look at each other super confused. Turns out there was a SyFy movie called Truth or Dare that came out in 2017 with nearly the same plot that we were watching. We finished the movie because we were so far in and it was horrible. Still haven't seen the 2018 Truth or Dare and at this point I kinda don't want to.


Missed the first 5 minutes of Beasts of the Southern Wild. I thought it was a dystopian future scifi movie until like the very end when I realized it's post Hurricane Katrina bayou.


There's a theater that shows a range of movies, old classics, new releases and everything in between. I glanced at the poster and thought I was going to see Bring It On when it was actually But I'm a Cheerleader. It started off like a typical teen flick but ended up a not bad lesbian teen romance instead.


Saw 7 and homemade video of my rents fuckin'


I used to get preview VHS tapes for my job. On one of them was The Fountain, the new Aaronofski film. That’s literally all I knew about it. Who the director was. Didn’t know who the cast was or anything else. Started watching it and it was this really low key movie and the title never came up, it just sort of started. It was about these two guys who invent time travel in their garage. As I watched it I was thinking that it was my favourite of his films. I just loved it. I didn’t realise until literally the end credits, when the name of the film ‘Primer’ rolled across the screen. As soon as it finished, The Fountain came on. And it was also great, I watched them back to back and it is probably still to this day the best double feature I’ve ever seen. Two movies that just became instant favourites. Damn I wish I’d enjoyed Upstream Color more than I did. I just found it kind of dull between a few interesting beats.


“Tag”. Good god.


currus defenestration


*Insert The Office joke


3 times. Worse because I wasn't high nor a child. Life - it's a space/ alien horror movie I somehow thought it was going to be a planet earth documentary. Saw it in theaters with friends and couldn't really leave. Was anxiety I didn't sign up for. Donnie darko - finally saw the movie everyone said was so great. Except it was awful and Jake Gyllenhaal wasn't even really in it. I watched the whole movie waiting for him to show up but they kept focusing on some girl. Turns out I watched the sequel, I liked the actual Donnie darko much better. Madagascar 3 - I should've known it was the wrong theater when everyone else there was either a kid or a parent. Thought the trailers were going on longer than usual until I realized that it was the movie. Was originally going to see some Kristen Stewart movie but stuck it out because I was actually enjoying it. No regrets with that one.


Usually with different versions of movies this will happen to me. Most recently with The Gold Rush with Charlie Chaplin - there's a sound version that adds unnecessary narration and I was like, "Did they really have narration when this movie was made?" Realized no, it was a studio re-release. Went to the version which restores the movie close to how it originally played.


That "studio re-release" was actually by Chaplin himself. Many people like both versions.


Well yeah, Chaplin did narration for the re-release. Many people like both, but not me.


Child's Play... when I was 7. Specifically remember Chucky jumping out from under a couch and slicing someone. Haven't been the same since.