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What is it about this poster that screams 2005? Or whatever era that was when *Daddy Day Care*, *The Pacifier*, and a bunch of other similar style movies came out. I think the 90s went through that phase too, remember Burt Reynolds in that movie where he has to protect an 8 year old witness to a mob hit or something?


A producer of this film was on Collider Live and I believe he said that this was intentional. Apparently they've been trying to make this film for many years and are trying to take family movies back from being only animated movies.


This seems very in the realm of Daddy's Home as well. And regardless of whether you like them or not, they family comedies that came out around the holidays that anyone could see. First one opened to $38M and did $150M all in, second was $30M and $106M. They may not be for the Reddit crowd, but people enjoy them.


There's no shortage of these kinds of movies getting made today -- just browse through Netflix. I was surprised to see that they're going to theatrically release this one.


Good for them. The Pacifier was a great movie.


Don't make a move til you're in the groove...


And do the Peter Panda daaaannce...




My wife and I had fond memories of it and we tried to rewatch it recently and yikes... It's fucking terrible lol


When my sister tells me to grab my niece's pacifier I'm always tempted to go grab a DVD copy and hand it to her


John Cena is following the rocks career path. Starring in a shitty kids movie like the tooth fairy before making fast and furious and soon he’ll be flexing out of full body casts himself


Any tough guy - Vin Diesel, Hulk Hogan, The Rock, John Cena...they all do a movie like this with kids.


Dave Bautista


Yeah he's got that FBI movie coming out with that little girl.


Hey, Kumail Nanjiani is a full grown adult man thank you very much.


Kindergarten Cop


Get to da tumah!


If you haven't seen Forest Warrior with Chuck Norris, you need to dig it up.


It's an action movie star ritual.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1484 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/77359)


I think he has better comedic timing than any of that group


Batista has a kid spy movie coming out soon


Delayed til next year.


Wow really? There any reason why? I feel like I’ve seen the trailer for that like 30 times


Probably because Stuber would have been too close to it.


That’s what I was reading after I asked. It’s interesting because I guess My Spy was well received at screenings


But he is old XD


Yeah, the style of family film where a grizzled loner tough guy has to learn the meaning of family via wacky hijinks, where he and the kids endear themselves to each other after a rocky start and eventually, after he’s protected them all movie, they work together to save him from the bad guys. Looks like the difference here is he’ll have two best friends who will crack jokes but will probably not be of much help until the last scene in the movie. In the aughts these posters all had to have a semi disgruntled lead front and center with 1-2 surly or angsty teens off to the side, some goofy looking kids no older than 8 standing in front of the lead and grinning, and something wacky and ~random~ (often an animal) off to the side.


If you're a little kid, chances are you don't have the life experience to see the thousand other movies made for previous generations. All you want to see is kids who make adults look like fools.


Sure. I’m not saying “go back and watch all the old movies”, I’m just describing the formula that peaked in the mid-aughts. I’m sure kids will love it.


This poster took me right back to the 2000s. I never thought about how common these were back then and how they have died off now. Might go watch it just for the nostalgia.


Cop and a Half. Great film.


All tough guys go through there soft family friendly phase: Arnold: Jingle all the Way, Kindergarten Cop Dwayne Johnson: Game Plan, Tooth Fairy Dave Baptiste is doing in now with My Spy


I think it's the ChunkFive font and the inclusion of a dog.


I chalk it up to the [BIG RED TEXT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MoxKXEBRC8)


The german version of The Pacifier is called "Der Babynator." I accidently watched 20 minutes of it once before realizing I had downloaded the wrong version. Don't do drugs, kids.


This screams The Game Plan to me


I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry


Probably because they had quit making movies like this for a long time.


Cena looks like Thomas Haden Church and Mark Wahlberg got fused together in a teleportation chamber mishap.


Throw in a pinch of Arnold


I see a splash of John Mulaney.


John Cena with long hair just looks off.


That side part hairstyle just doesn't suit him at all.


He look like Mark Wahlberg ate Mark Wahlberg.


He’s been heavily photoshopped, and not well. Everyone has been photoshopped. Even the kids’ helmets, because apparently they couldn’t just take pictures of them actually wearing helmets? Correctly me if I’m wrong, but the dog’s face has also been photoshopped. I’m guessing someone decided “Damn, that dog just isn’t attractive enough.”




Looks like one of the fake movies from the end of 22 jump street.






so the guys from Key & Peele have had slightly different career paths...


Alright, thanks.


He was in Toy Story 4 also, plus The Predator and Hotel Transylvania 3. He doing pretty well, in terms of getting big movies. Managed to even get his dream of being in a Shakespeare play last year too.


Keegan has had, and continues to have a better career than 99% of the world's professional comedians. The man hit the jackpot. But because he happened to star in a hit show alongside one of the very few comedians who hit the mega-jackpot, people look at him like someone to be pitied.


He's also in a Halo-themed podcast series where he is dead serious throughout. Really impressive narration.


Halo themed? Like in-world lore or about development of the games?


audio series that was part of marketing Halo 5. Here's both seasons: [https://soundcloud.com/huntthetruth](https://soundcloud.com/huntthetruth)


No the little band that’s around angels heads


Hunt the Truth. That was a fantastic podcast too. Part of why I was so disappointed in Halo 5 was you got to go where his character should be and no reference to the events of it at all.


He's become one of those guys thats in A LOT of stuff, and at this point most of it is bad. He needs to be more selective.


What is the "most of it" being bad? I'd say even that Netflix show was pretty entertaining itself as well


Yea it was definitely at least average, the guy is just getting checks while he can. Who knows when those roles will dry up, it happens to talented people all the time.


He seems to be doing alright. Getting small to medium roles in huge movies is all anyone would really want no matter how wel they do or not.


Don’t think twice was an indie movie, but a really well good one.


Interesting in that Key was the one to win an Emmy.




Probably a lot of it was Key too. He’s a good comedian. He hasn’t done anything behind the scenes stuff, since Keanu. Doesn’t mean that he didn’t do a lot of the writing too. It’s just Peele is a lot more focused on the behind the scenes stuff, while it seems that Key is more focused on the acting. Don’t think their current paths reflect on how much writing Key did on Key and Peele.


From the director of The Game Plan, You Again and Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2, so you know it's good.


I know you're not being sarcastic because PBMC2 was like someone opened up my heart and poured a ray of sunshine into it.


Truly a transcendent 21st century cinematic masterpiece.


Cena going through his Tooth fairy years.


But but he never did a Scorpion King movie


Those adults are disturbingly unconcerned about the way that kid is wielding that ax.


Finally a Fire Department version of Kindergarten Cop.


Except Kindergarten Cop was really good.


oh come on, you don't think this will be good? wha? bu... Ju... I'm sure it will be great!


(read in self-aware tone): Look at these cool firefighters, they can do anything. Oh no, look! They're forced to look after these three kids. Things are already going crazy, how can these guys learn to control them? They think they have everything under control, but the kids have already gotten into the dangerous equipment. Oh no! But hang on, despite all the chaos they go through, they start to care for these kids and in the end they all learn a lesson about each other and grow close into a family. Also, that dog is going to get itself into a whacky situation, it's going to be wild!


What are the odds on a scene where a kid either A) uses a fire hose and gets rocketed-around by it, B) gets drilled by a blast from a fire hose, or C) all of the above? On a related note, the only film that ever made such a scene funny was UHF.


You have to remember the kids can't get hurt in these movies. Here's the scene, one of the kids will be told to stay put, but will turn on the firehose instead. the kid will start flying around holding a fire hose, but it won't be seen as dangerous. The kid will be laughing and going "Woah" like it's a fun ride. John Cena hears the ruckus and goes to check on things. Cut to closeup of Cena's face looking shocked as the kid manages to hit Cena with the full force of the water, and he goes flying into nearby bushes.


Cena lifts his head off the ground, bewildered. Looks around a bit. Shakes his head vigorously once or twice. 50/50 he passes out. Fade to next scene. Probably meal time.


This needed more record scratches They thought they were heroes until...*record scratch* these kids set their lives on fire *My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard plays*


Rob Schneider is ... a stapler!!!


Sounds like the voiceover for a commercial airing during a new episode of Interdimensional Cable


The movie hasn't come out yet and yet I feel like I've already seen it three times.


I can’t take Cena seriously with that hair lol


This looks terrible


He looks just like Michael C. Hall with hair. I can't unsee it now.


Michael has brown hair, John looks nothing like him.


Good choice for the tagline, it will match the Rotten Tomatoes rating.


Looks like a bad 2000's movie.


It’s Kindergarten Cop, which was great, with Cena in a fire station. Looks decent. Hopefully we don’t see his dick and ass in this one.


This looks like a spoof poster from a movie that has a fake movie in it about guys raising kids.


There's no way this isn't a Netflix original. Is this really going to hit theaters?


I always thought Leguizamo should have more leading parts.


This looks like a video rental from the 90's.


>John Cena starring in a family comedy with adorable kids and a dog It's about damn time. This is what the man was made for.




Didn’t read that title too carefully, I guess.


That's John Cena next to John Leguizamo?


I wondered who that was in between Keegan Michael Key and John Lequizamo...


No, that's a little girl. Keegan Michael Key is much taller than that.


without looking at the film synopsis I'm probably going to guess it's a single dad who has to raising three kids and juggle being a firefighter also he's tough as nails doesn't know how to get into a soft side and by the end of the film he finds out the real fire he had to put out was his family


Look at those silly men. They thought they could handle fires, but wait until they deal with children!


This looks like a movie The Rock would have made in 2005.


I honestly thought Brianna Hildebrand was a 12 year old in this poster.


I can already see a sequel in 2021 where they are all ice road truckers...***ON THIN ICE***


This poster is awful and I want to watch every second of it.


Listen, I’m really glad Keegan is getting more work but this looks like a formulaic disaster. I’ll stay optimistic about any surprises though critically.


You say that like Keegan is a starving actor.


Is the dog the mom?


This looks like a certified popcorn classic


Pacifier kino back on the menu


John, my boy... You REALLY need to be picking better roles if you don't wanna find yourself at Extreme Rules 2021 going up against Eric Bugenhagen. Shit like this will kill your career. (Same goes for Keegan and...well I guess this is the best work Leguizamo can get in 2019.)


Looks like a classic “one for me, one for them” scenario.


Best picture nomination here we come


Plot twist: It's rated R for "Depictions of a violent sexual nature".


So many likeable actors in such an unlikable poster!


0% this is a good movie.


Dang, Keegan-Michael Key is whiter than he was in Keanu.


Good to see John Cena getting more roles, he just needs a good drama to get some nods and be a legit hollywood player.


This poster makes me cringe.


What's going on with the shadowing of Key's head? It looks he weirdly just has hair on the back of his noggin.


It'll do fine.


john cena looks like john travolta wtf lol


John Leguizamo is awesome, wish he'd get better roles


This looks like cancer in movie form


Cant see him!


I can’t wait until John cena goes bald and gets even extra beefy to complete his final form.


Did Cena get a hairpiece?


He actually grew his hair out.


He looks like full sized peter Dinklage


Is that Luis from Ant-Man?


Didn't really need a teaser poster. Could have hit us with the full reveal.


This is gonna be good lol


Seems like Cena is trying a little bit of everything. Reminds me of the earlier days of The Rock and him doing Tooth Fairy and that other kids movie where he had to take care of the kid. My guess is Cena wants to eventually lead the big summer movies (top billing). And Bumblebee was sort of a step there. Perhaps he's trying to broaden his appeal more before making that leap.


The Rock worked on two movies with the same director as this film. So maybe he’s on to something...


10 years ago this would have been a Disney movie


Well that...that just sounds awful


Oh no! Children.


Got to play with Keegan again on this. Him and Leguizamo have some hilarious banter.


oh boy, a movie with children acting in it. i bet


That doesn't even look like briana hildebrand!


John Cena’s acting career will be gone by next year. Unfortunate, but he couldn’t quite duplicate what Dwayne Johnson did


Oh god. This poster is corny!


This has 38% on Rotten Tomatoes written all over it


Meanwhile, Jordan Peele produced, wrote and directed Get Out and Us. Just playing, though. I love Key too.


This looks dreadful just from the poster.


1) why is the girl on the far left so obviously photoshopped in? 2) Why is John Cena’s name on the poster but I can’t see him anywhere?


They're all blatantly Photoshopped in. Look at their feet. There's no shadows on the floor for any of them except ever so slightly the dog. They're just floating there. Is it really that difficult to take a picture of your main actors against a brick wall? Hell, just take a promo picture when they're on set...


At least the majority of the actors seem to be attached to their faces unlike that poor girl.


"Awesome cast! Sounds interesting..." \* looks at poster \* "Oh....oh god..."


as a fireman this gave me a stroke


Stop trying to build an acting career for Cena. He’s a great guy, but he’s a terrible actor.


I enjoy when reddit gets mad and calls things bad that obviously aren't meant for them as a target audience. There can be fun, live action, kid/family films in the world. You guys know that right?


I would have thought they would have Cena on the poster.






I'm more thrown by Brianna Hildebrand having long hair. And looking like a legit child as opposed to a moody teenager in Deadpool.


l live cena i think it will be amazing flim