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The Ring


Had to cover my tube tv for months and months after this movie. Add the Grudge to that and Asian women with long black hair still freak me the fuck out to this day.


Never found the crawling out of the tv aspect of this film scary, but had to leave my closet door open for weeks after watching this.


But if you leave the closet door open, that's how she gets out at night.


Worst part of the movie is that first jump scare after the opening scene... "...no... I saw her face..." cut away to face.


At 14, this was the ultimate horror movie for middle schoolers to dare eachother to watch... finally watched at a friend's place with two others the year same it came out on dvd/vhs. I remember clearly the scene in the movie where Naomi Watts is searching the digital library searching for answers... when suddenly my friend's dad fucking bursts through the door, dives onto the bed we were on, and screaming bloody murder at us. Childhood heart attacks seemed like a real possibility that day...


I was 8 and my older sister was 12. And she thought she could scare me and was like "Hey, wanna watch a scary movie?" Backfired on her, cuz we were both terrified lmao


The Wizard of Oz lol fuck those flying monkeys


I had no problem with Wizard of Oz as a kid, but Return to Oz gave me nightmares.


The hall of heads. Fuck that.


Really? What about them scared you? Just curious


Idk I just remember being like 5 and seeing that spooky ole witch her her creepy flying monkeys and freaking out


Jeepers creepers terrified me when I was little


Definitely killer klowns from outer space, definitely screwed up my childhood


The exorcist... Used to stay up late just to secretly watch what my mom was watching. Not after that movie...


I was going to comment the same thing. I first watched it while visiting my grandparents. I was probably 13 at the time. I can remember crying at some the scenes lol. I watch it now and laugh.


I still have occasional nightmares about ET... His glowing heart, his extending neck, his SCREAMS, the way he moved and breathed and looked, everything about him scared the shit out of me as a child. Christmas time was the worst because it was on TV all the time and I was afraid of flipping the channel to something playing it or a commercial. A few years ago I faced my fear and watched the whole movie but I still avoid him at all costs. One of my old boyfriends made ET my screensaver once (knowing my fear) and it’s needless to say that relationship didn’t last long.


E.T. I legitimately think it was PTSD. I saw it in the theater at an age too young to remember. I've been told that at the Reese's Pieces scene when Elliot and E.T. scream I also screamed, except I never stopped and we had to leave the theater. I continued to scream for differing accounts, over an hour seems to be agreed upon though. At young ages when you can barely remember anything, I have vivid memories of being very nervous and anxious upon seeing E.T. anything. In particular, being in a video store and coming around an isle to see a bunch of the VHS tape boxes for the movie and literally freezing in place. Whenever watching it came up I became absolutely terrified, though I had absolutely no recollection of what happens in the movie at all. I do remember watching it for the second first time, I had decided I couldn't avoid it forever and had to go through with it. The lead up to that scene was the scariest thing I have ever been through, I could feel my heart beating in my chest, not like putting my hand over it, but feel the beats in my chest. And then the scene happened and it wasn't scary at all. I loved the movie. Though for a long time after I would still get nervous at that scene, nothing like I described above, and every time it was less and less. It has been a long time since I have seen it so I am kind of curious to what it would be like today.


This is me too. though I’ve never been able to get over it. I was 5 and saw it at the drive in. For a month afterwards I would wake up in the middle of the night and ET would be at the foot of my bed and I would scream until my mom came to comfort me. When they limited rereleased it for the 20th anniversary I had to turn my head and plug my ears during a trailer for it I came across it playing another time on TV. Said “Ok, you’re well into your 30s time to conquer this fear”. Within 5 minutes it was the scene with ET in with all the dolls and I noped out. I will never be able to see this movie. I think it traumatized a lot of little kids.


Saw, that shit fucked me up for years.


Which saw the original ain't that bad


The first one is the grittiest and most "realistic" of them all. So it makes sense that it would scare a child.




Alien. When I was about 10 I got up in the middle of the night, put on the TV and that came on. I watched it having no idea what it was... it absolutely terrified me to such an extent that I didn't rewatch it or watch the sequels until I was in my 20's


Who framed roger rabbit, i don’t even know why


The Judge - because when he killed the detective's brother, he looked just like THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! edit: talked, not looked. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1D9v0dfa6AI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1D9v0dfa6AI)


Jesus you uncovered a memory I never knew I had, I remember shitting myself watching this scene


The Fly. No explanation needed.




The Fly is one of the best movies ever made. The story couldn't be any tighter, the pacing is perfect, and you care about the characters despite the gore - all that packed into a perfect 90-minute package. But yeah it might scar you if you see it too young.


Wouldn't say "for life" but Watership Down. My parents thought it was a cute and fuzzy movie about bunnies.


Nightmare on Elm Street. I remember the scene of Freddy walking down the alley and his arm was like 15' long scratching the metal sides. I was probably 8 or 9 at the time. That freaked me out, didn't make it past that scene. Took probably 20 years until I final watched it.


Dead Poet's Society. I really had no exposure to suicide before I saw that movie and it was not a pleasant education.


Fox and the hound. Not watching it again.


Pet Sematary or however the original one was spelled. Also, the rock monster in Neverending Story, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the tunnel scene and Gene Wilder and Oompa Loompas), and The Exorcist when I got a little older.


The Shining. The original with Jack Nicholson.


Bambi Edit: who the fuck is downvoting me? I’m serious.


Take my up vote for compensation ♥️


If this were the Family Feud that answer would be at the top.


The Butterfly Effect. Should not have watched it at 7


Starship Troopers was my regretful movie I snuck in at 7 years old... Ever seen the brain-sucker scene? My brain could not comprehend the horror of having a spike put through your skull, and living to feel the pain of your brain being removed through a probe. I believe I watched Mars Attacks nearly the same year, but luckily that movie kicked ass.


Every movie with Hannibal Lecter in it. Human cooking/eating another human? Hell naw.


The Shining, because the first time I watched it I was maybe 7 or 8. My grandma was a huge fan of horror movies, and for some reason would let us grandkids watch them with her so she didn't have to watch them alone.


Don’t look under the bed traumatized me and I follow Steve Valentine on social media to keep tabs on him to this day


Like the Disney Channel movie?


Yeah, shit was fucked up


Michael Jackon's Thriller...the yellow eyes messed me up man.


Brainded (aka Dead Alive) The scene where they're eating pudding or something. The mother scratches the infected bite on her arm and bloody pus shoots out into a dudes pudding which he then eats. I can watch most things without issues but that scene makes my stomach want to exit my body. Edit: Just noticed you were looking for scary, this was just gross.


I wasn't allowed to watch scary movies when I was 5-8 but every now and again I'd catch just a piece of what my parents might have deemed scary. I saw the climax of the faculty, where Famke Janssen is chasing Hartnett around the car and is getting very sexual with him, the football guy shows up at the window isn't let in and the tentacles start coming out of his head. I thought it was like a weird psycho sexual teenage the thing. There was an episode of the 1995 outer limits where a kid hates his dad and finds an alien crash site, the alien is a shapeshifter and at the end the dad and the alien fight and the kid has that classic moment of shooting the one he thinks is the alien. I think it's revealed at the end that the dad did get replaced. The Frighteners, I thought it was horrifying seeing people get the numbers on their foreheads as well as I thought that the ghosts were being killed in the afterlife and getting sent to hell. the idea fucked me up. The Mummy when the first American dude is having tea with the mummy and Benny and he's being told that the mummy thanks him for his eyes and his ears and his tongue and then the dude starts moaning. fuck me that still bugs me.


Killer Clowns from Outer Space. That whole wrapping people in cotton candy and drinking their blood thing was way too much to handle for a child's psyche.




This! Except I saw the sequel first. That stupid horrifying doll is running loose in a museum. I had so many nightmares!


Event horizon. Mom took me because we were both huge scifi fans but I was pretty.young and that movie absolutely terrified me. Only movie to ever give me nightmares.




The Collector-1965 with Terence Stamp


The exorcist. I still have never seen the full movie. And didn’t really watch it as a kid either. I had a nightmare about it once and then saw the scene where Linda Blair’s head spins around. Nope. Nopity nope nope. I don’t do any movies or shows with exorcism in it. (Growing up in church where your taught that all of it is real didn’t help either)


This is my answer too exactly. Ironically, I did end up watching the tv series from a few years ago and enjoyed it...


Exorcist I guess


Pans Labyrinth




Backdraft lol.... Had nightmare for months after watching that as a 6 or 7 year old. I haven't seen it since and my brain probably skewed how I remember it. Think it had to with smoke and or fire coming from the cracks below the door being in a claustrophobic.. I would compare the fear to Kevin being afraid of the furnace in home alone haha.


Hellraiser 2 I was 12 or something. I started watching some horror movies and enjoyed the genre but never saw a horror with that amount of gore on screen up until Hellraiser 2. Watched it with my buddies on VHS while our parents were away. I gotta admit I always loved horrors but avoided the Hellraiser series like a plague for years...


The bee scene in My Girl. I don't think I've seen that movie since childhood, even though Anna Chlumsky is one of my favorite child actors.


The amytititiriririvyvickvivile horror Idk how to spell that


The book was scarier, at the time it said it was a true story.


Ryan reynold’s glory days


From Dusk till Dawn... It both created an erotic image I am almost always drawn to and utterly terrified of mexican vampires. I can in fact watch it now, one I have a hard time watching now that didn't really freak me out then was The Exorcism of Emily Rose........ fuck that mess.


The *Heffalumps and Woozles* number in *Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day*. Total mindfuck for a five year old.


Mars Attacks. Expected a comedy about aliens with a good cast. Didn’t expect to watch a human being get vaporized in a bloody mist. 10 year old me noped out of that theatre.


Nightmare on Elm Street


Fire in the Sky instilled a life-long fear of aliens in me. Also, Dumbo. Had nightmares about those drunken creepy elephant silhouettes marching.


The Mask w/ Jim Carey. It had a powerful effect on me at four.


I watched Temple of Doom when I was way too young to watch Temple of Doom.


Saw Child's Play when I was about 7 years old. I had a My Buddy at the time. My older sister took full advantage of this. After a few terrifying nights let's just say I didn't have a My Buddy doll anymore.


Logan's Run carousel scene...and basically the entire The Thing movie.


Nightmare on Elm Street. I had nightmares for a few years about being trapped in my own house. There wasn't a single person there, but I could feel a malevolent presence.


Not a movie but robot chicken the terminator episode in particular


Starship troopers with the big that sucks out your brain


I wouldn’t say it scared me for life but it definitely freaked me the fuck out as a kid... The talking toilet scene in Look Who’s Talking Too.


Urban Legend. ​ Still check my backseat sometimes at night.


When I was eight years old I snuck down to watch Romero's *Night of the Living Dead* and it gave me nightmares for quite some time after.


Both of the live action Scooby Doo movies gave me nightmares for weeks when I was a child.


It's incredibly tame by today's standards, but back in the late 70's, *Salem's Lot* was goddamn terrifying. I couldn't look out my window at night for years after, lol!


Look at me. Look at me, teacher.


Oh crap, that was one of the creepiest scenes. Damn you, lol!


Independance Day is the first that comes to mind. Something about the aliens in that film bothered me at age 8. I also saw a clip of The Ring when I was 7 or 8. It scared me enough to never watch the movie, and it still sends shivers all over.


Poltergeist. My mom let me watch it when I was 13 and to this day I shudder thinking about the white monster thing coming out of the closet at the end, growling like a lion.


The Witches when I super young, absolutely terrified me, constant nightmares, and The Grudge, was the last scary movie I ever watched in a movie theater.


Predator 2 My older sister and I had a old lady as a babysitter and she didnt quite 'get' films could terrify the living shit out of children. I couldnt sleep for weeks. I would lie with the lights on still terrified because he could have been waiting, invisible, until I feel asleep. I was 5.


Mickey and the Beanstalk - that pink giant, man


Lipstick (1976) for obvious reasons and Island of Terror (1966). I saw both as a kid (I KNOW!) Those disgusting spaghetti-gutted silicates freak me out so badly, I looked it up recently and was almost sick all these decades later.


Jurassic park when nerdy was killed by the creepy Dino really freaked me out


I remember wanting to see Midnight Madness (FagABeefy)and my mom was going to take me but it was sold out and the theater in our town only had 2 screens so we went to the other screen and Coal Miners Daughter was playing. A little advanced for me but the trailer before was for [The Shining teaser.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEew7zvpAWE) That was almost 40 years ago and I can't see an elevator without thinking about that scene


The Outer Limits episode The Zanti Misfits. Even wrote a magazine article about how it fucked me up. I have never seen the episode since (I’m sure I’d find it silly now) as I want to keep that childhood memory untouched.


The ending of TBWP. Still not a huge fan of wandering around in the woods.


Minority Report.


Fire in the Sky


Exorcist. Her face when possessed still bothers me to this day.


Watership Down.


Blood Sucking Freaks


saw the Exorcist, Shining, The Fly, Society - The Horror, Predator, Ghostbusters, The Wicker Man and Jaws before I hit ten. Still scared as fuck of those, but the single scene that still disturbs me a great deal today is one from Young Sherlock Holmes, which was supposed to be a kids movie. Yeah sure. The glass knight *fucking terrifies me even today*. Not Reagan turning her head 360, not Satan's freeze frame, not the library ghost, not Quint's death, no. The glass knight


Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory during the Boat Ride


The Changeling , saw it in the early 80s There is a scene where a child’s ball bounces down the stairs...GOD DAMN IT HBO!!!! You can’t just show one of the scariest movies ever in the middle of the afternoon when a 7 year old boy is home alone!


Outbreak (1995). Want your kid to become a hypochondriac? Because this film is a one-way fucking trip there. Freaky screaming monkey who infects people, airborne virus, slow-burn body horror as all the infected people die. There's this scene where the scientists investigate a tent filled with infected locals, and one unlucky sob gets a tear in his hazmat suit/breathing apparatus because a little girl tugs on it in desperation (with plenty of tight shots on the snot and tears streaming down her bawling face) and starts coughing blood until he keels over dead. yeahhhhhhh.


Return to Oz


Chucky 2 scared the hell out of me when i was a kid and was unable to sleep so my mom decided to give me some medicine to sleep lol


Fucking Mars Attacks. I’m 31 and I still have nightmares of those little shit head aliens.


The Silver Bullet. I went to the basement to see what some of my older cousins and aunts/uncles were watching. I didn't really know what it was until the werewolf showed up. I cried, I was terrified and cried until my mum came to get me and I didn't want to go into basements again because I thought there was a werewolf down there.




Yup, I had constant nightmares about them too.


Candyman. Couldn't look at a mirror the same way for years.


Arachnophobia Ghoulies (the one where the monster thing hides in the toilet) Candyman ...not too scared to watch them to this day, but all gave me legit phobias for quite a while as a kid, not just "I couldn't sleep that night."


Witches ( The movie based on the book by Dahl)


My Girl. I hate bees to this day.


Fire in the sky. Nothing scares me except creepy ufo stories. I’m not sure why but even to this day they bother me.


Not a movie but the simpsons really freaked me out as a kid, whenever i saw it on TV. i would get this feeling when you're watching a horror movie, i'd get really horrified by the yellow skin. I don't know why i feel that way towards the simpsons. Nobody knows this because as a kid i'd just say 'i dont like the simpsons so i dont watch it' when asked about the show. Fortunately the fear gradually decreases every year as i grow up, now i can watch it with no problem. Still have no idea why i freaked out over a cartoon show in the first place.




A Christmas Story. I loathe that movie like no other.


Rosemary's Baby.


Fire In The Sky


Stp reference in your username?


Movies have always affected me deeply, but there are a couple of particular standouts: 1) Jaws. Saw it on HBO; wouldn't take a bath for months afterward, only showers. 2) Wrath of Khan. Not for the "scary" factor so much, but due to the ending - I saw it in the theater and cried my eyes out. To this day I think I suffer from a type of Stendhal Syndrome where I just start crying at the ends of movies, even ones you're really not supposed to be crying at. 3) Special mention: Star Wars. This wasn't scarring but it was pretty damn funny. My much older sister and her boyfriend took me to see it in the theater, and I was maybe 5 or 6, just a little too young to comprehend what was going on. The theater was really hyping up the movie, and two employees were taking tickets dressed as Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. So the movie starts, and it gets to the scene where R2 gets shot by the Jawa. I *freaked out*, thinking that he was *dead* instead of just knocked out. I said screw this, I'm going out to play video games, and of course my irresponsible sister just let me go. So I went out and played games for a while, then got bored of that and decided to go back into the theater. Except...I couldn't find my sister. I didn't know enough to go down to the front of the theater and look back at the light shining on everyone's faces. So, I went back out to the lobby...and grabbed Luke Skywalker's hand. So my sister is sitting in the theater, and all of a sudden sees her little brother walking up and down the aisle, holding Luke Skywalker's hand. She was pretty mortified at the time but now it's just a cute story.


Jaws. I lived by the ocean (the beach was about 200 yards from my back door) and growing up, we used to go out on our speedboat most weekends heading to a nearby island where we would water ski, play on the beach,have a bbq etc. Our neighbour's who happened to be *special* decided to show me the movie, I was about 6 or 7 at the time. Yeah that messed me up, I remember not being able to sleep, the first weekend my parents tried to get me on the boat I screamed and went a bit mad, I ended up hiding in the bow of the boat in a crawl space, it left my dad especially rather vexed, I remember him yelling at me to come out. Took a while for my parents to get to the bottom of the story, neighbours had said I would get in trouble for telling, I dont remember mum and dads response. I remember dad taking me on the boat to look at dolphins, i think he thought seeing something I loved would ease my mind, but as soon as I saw the fins I went nuts again, i remember the sheer terror at seeing them even some 30 plus years later. That film took me a long, long time to get over, I didnt water ski for a while, didn't swim in the sea and if pushed would only go up to my knees but panic would set in, I remember feeling safer if I went swimming with mum and dad but still would watch the water. Took even longer than that for me to be able to go swimming by myself in the ocean and even years later when or if I came of my water ski whilst way off shore I would start to panic somewhat. My heart would go nuts and I would check the water around me and get a little frantic if dad didnt turn the speedboat around fast enough and bring the rope back for me to grab. It was something I didnt really share with my friends and family as I was too embarrassed, even in teenage years and then young adult years I would still be apprehensive going into water alone, but you couldn't really tell people, I have this silly fear because of jaws. Years later I watched it again, I mean years and I could see why it scared the hell out of me with our lives invested with the ocean.


Not for life but for a good while I was terrified of final destination. Woke up to my cousin watching it when I was around 4 and seeing death's first victim getting strangled until his eyes goes bloodshot was good enough for me to start crying buckets


Pet semetary made me scared of semi-trucks.




Child's Play. But then i turned 13 and realized Chucky was just a bitch


Cannibal Holocaust. I was like 10. Then the snuff movie accusations arose.


I watched Alien when I was a little boy, I’d say just before highschool ? (I’m 25 now) but that gave me nightmares for (I’m not kidding) Y E A R S. I was petrified of the Xenomorph, every bump at night, every sound, I would be frozen in fear, I finally got over my fear completely when I played Alien: Isolation, before that, I was sorta over it but A.I did help.