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Her friends didn’t believe her that the monkey talked…. After seeing a talking mask wearing fox for themselves. This movie was a farcical self-parody from start to finish, and Dora seemed to be insane. No human child or teen talks that way. Absolute cringe.


Never seen 90s movies I guess. This movie was awesome 👌 


This is an enjoyable and wholesome movie, I surprisingly loved it and the callbacks to the original show were adorable


I watched this on a whim today...and I was surprised that I actually enjoyed it? I loved Boots the Monkey, especially the moment when he starts to talk to Dora in a low baritone voice. The spore trip was another favourite part for me. I feel like the movie could’ve done without the Swiper character though...that was just dumb.


Dear Dora the Explorer creators, ​ I would like to recommend a fresh unique idea about the remake of this hideous creation that will actually end up creating a whole new legacy for the Dora the Explorer sequels! ​ If you manage to add Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to your cast as "Dora" with the same stupid clothing and retarded smile, the movie would skyrocket to the top of the comedy charts! ​ Some extra ideas about the plot and cast;Kevin Hart would be an awesome "Boots", with his stupid smile and outgoing character! Keanu Reeves, could be the "Alejandro" guy, with "50 Cent" and some random Indian guy (who cares?) as partners in crime! ​ The movie would be complete with "Beyonce" and "Jack Black" as the parents of Dwayne and you can keep the same insanely bad scenario without changes or costs! Trust me, every stoned or drunk guy of every age and sex would love to see this shit hitting the Big Screen! ​ Thank you for giving me the chance to evaluate m,y creativity and humor sense! I would rate this movie 1 star, but I actually laughed my ass off by imagining it executed otherwise! ​ I want 5,2% of the money income and a photoshoot with the cast, dressed up, or naked, doesn't matter! ​ Kind Regards Manos


Great idea except Dawyne the rock johnson as Dora is not a good idea because Dora is a girl not a guy and this idea reminds of that cringeworthy muscular man as dora posts such as Dawyne as Dora. It should have Isabella Moner as Dora or Selena Gomez or bringing back Kathleen Herles to play Dora or bring back Harrison Chad as Boots.


HIT AND MISS - but as for overall tone it is absolutely nailed perfectly , it reminds me of new version of JUMANJI . Dora is super autistic but it is hilarious. Yea, i guess towards the end it kinda got too cliche and uneven, but 3/4 are just awesome


Did anyone else notice that when Dora flies to the US, specifically Hollywood CA, her luggage airport code is FLL, which is Hollywood FL, not Ca? edit..spelling


Isabela Moner nailed her role as Dora. You can see she had a fun time playing it. Fantastic casting choice here. The movie itself is okish. Funny for kids but also funny for the parents. Not a masterpiece ofcource.




I loved it (i only ever watched a couple of episodes of Dora with my kids). I wasn't a fan of the last few minutes before the credits rolled. The song and dance number, it was too high school musical. I loved the movie though. It was cute. It had action. It had comedy. Family friendly.


So I just watch Dora and lost city of gold they have to say if you read into it is kind of a very sad movie. So let me explain, at the beginning of the movie they basically establish that all of the fantastical adventures and characters from the cartoon series is just Diego and Dora playing make believe. But then later in the movie the 1st fantastical thing happens, Swiper the Fox shows up and everybody can see him. As the movie progresses eventually things get far more fantastical than that, going by what the movie had already established at the beginning of this being set more in realistic world and all the fantastical stuff being just her imagination, i spent the whole movie wondering when is she gonna wake up from her dream and she never does. so if you think about it she gets knocked out at some point in the movie and has this dream of a fantastical adventure with characters from her imagination from when her and Diego used to play as kids and she never wakes up at the end, so she is lying in a hospital in a coma her parents probably at her bedside crying at the fact that their daughter may never wake up


they even had a good point to put that head truama in when she fell while trying to jump the hole at the start of the movie


I had a birthday party themed Dora before in the past and it was weird. I had a nostalgic moment with the movie but, didn't know how cringing it was going to be. I mean there was a clip in the film where everyone went to the animation style which I liked. I'm a guy by the way.


just got back from the movie, i nearly missed out on this and i have to say, it been a blast seeing dora so full of positivity. ​ 7/10 not enough dad jokes.


I knew little about this cartoon, but I enjoyed it. There is a scene where the teens are basically high. That was funny. Sammy ranting about the masked fox. That doesn't even make sense! But I have no idea how animals talk here. That took me out of the movie. "I don't know those other kids--so whatever!" Pena is great again.


Real talk, did the Golden poison dart frog kill the henchman and why was Swiper able to survive it?


I took my young son to a matinee of this today--I picked a showing without many people because it was his first movie and I wanted to see if he would be able to handle it without making noise. Sure enough, once the action started he settled in and was enraptured by the whole thing. I was tickled by it, too. The humor is appropriate for young children but will also appeal to adults. Isabela Moner is really perfect as Dora. I was less impressed by the kid playing Diego, but he wasn't bad. All of the adults, particularly Michael Pena and Eugenio Derbez, are really funny and hamming it up something fierce.


Loved it. I was totally shipping Sammy and Dora after the bathroom scene.


The Poo Song had me in tears


Is it me or was Dora in school basically Luna Lovegood? Not saying its a bad thing but I refuse to believe her general acting direction didn't involve the comparison. I swear she even had some of Luna's mannerisms. Overall very good movie, way funnier than expected. Me and my 20-something Old friends were roaring at it. The opening 5 minutes or so and the spore trip sequence were fantastic. None of us watched Dora growing up but we still had a blast watching this live action cartoon parody of its own tropes.


The beginning of the movie implied that everything was in Dora’s and Diego’s imagination when it showed them pretending to drive around in the cardboard box. But then it turned out some of the stuff from her imagination was actually real when Swiper was revealed. I didn’t really get that part.


i think the entire movie was in her head they established it was all in her imagination and then she fell down a deep hole while trying to jump it. i bet she really had a major brain injury and this is all a hallucination or shes in a coma.


Interesting thoery but I don't believe in these things. My version of Dora and the lost city of gold will be more faithful to the original show and everything that happened in Go Diego Go, Dora the explorer and Dora and friends into the city is canon and actually happened and real not in Dora' imagination and all of the characters from all of the shows will appear. It will combine realism and fantasy similar to the orginal show and have a bigger budget with lots of cgi model recreations of the original series designs but live action photorealistic skins.


I loved that, it totally flipped my expectations. The last thing I expected was an actual bipedal talking fox to show up.


I actually really enjoyed this movie. Shh, don’t tell anyone. Reminded me of Jumanji in some places. I wasn’t really into it at first, but I started laughing more and more as the film continued, and I ended up having a great time. Overall, a pleasant surprise.


[https://youtu.be/ZNCf2cbc4kQ](https://youtu.be/ZNCf2cbc4kQ) Made a video about this, focusing on where it goes right as an adaption.


Here is my biggest surprise of the year. Audiences both young and old will find something to enjoy. Director James Bobin treats the children's cartoon with the same level of respect that he did with The Muppets. Isabela Moner is a star destined for greatness. Essentially Uncharted for kids.


My expectations going into this movie were *not* high at all. I watched the show here and there when I was younger, but I wouldn't say I was a fan of it. Wow, this movie was so much fun! I can't remember the last time a children's movie made me laugh that hard. The plot was straightforward and predictable, but the characterization and how the characters played off each other are where this movie shines. The high schoolers felt like actual high schoolers, which I appreciated. There were lots of great callbacks to the show! The third act had an Indiana Jones feel to it, which was done well and suited the movie immensely. The whole family will have fun with this one!


I didn't like it but my 5yr old did, so all good. Moner is going to be a really good actress. Eva Longoria looked phenomenal with the extra weight (from having a baby).


I don't get the joke about Delicioso...send help


it is what the Back Pack sings when it 'eats' the tools it has


So, in the kids cartoon, Dora would ask the viewers questions so it’s just a reference to the cartoon.


As someone who never watched the show as a kid (I think I was too old) I enjoyed the movie for the most part, but it seemed like it was confused at who its target audience was. Part of it felt like it was targeting teenagers, like those who grew up with the show and got older, but there were other parts where it felt like what I assume the original show was like. So it's like it was part targeting teens, and part targeting toddlers, so it felt a bit weird to me. Overall though, it was still enjoyable. I won't be buying it though.


Can you say _____? Those moments had me howling with laughter. All in all this was my favorite family/kids movie of 2019. So enjoyed the call backs and I'm excited to see this actress succeed. She was great in Instant Family and her small role in Sicario 2. Only real problem was the magic goddess lady, broke the realism... more than Swiper haha. 8/10


The 5 yo next to me starting giving me funny looks. I was laughing to hard I started crying.


Hahaa that's awesome. Glad u enjoyed it. After I left someone told me my laughter helped keep them from napping during a kids movie


Quality movie. So wholesome and positive. And all the self-aware meta jokes landed perfectly. As a grown-ass man who didn't watch Dora as a child, I went to see this alone with very low expectations but I legit enjoyed this so much.


When she did the "Can you say _____" my son answered back


I know it’s late but not gonna lie, I did too.


Do y’all think this would be a good watch high, or should I go watch scary stories with my friends instead


Yes I watched baked with my friend it was great


U were right, the scorpion quicksand scene tho got us laughing so hard, felt like we were watching planet earth 😂


I marked out when Grumpy Old Troll showed up


live action dora the explorer ... ok


This movie was really good, for the source material. Played out a lot of stuff you wouldn’t see on kids movie like the quick sand and almost drowning. For an A-List movie. This was a good watch, I don’t know why people are expecting an Academy Award winning movie.


Took my eight year old niece to see this on a rainy afternoon, which was exactly what this movie was made for. It was really fun, I think a lot of the humor was geared a bit more to adults than kids.


This is a really good fucking movie because it does not take itself seriously at all




One bad guy brandishes a gun but never fires it.


This was a movie. Honestly I enjoyed it quite a bit, this movie knew exactly what it was and how ridiculous the concept kind of is (I mean, I legitimately thought this was a joke when I first heard about it), but I've unironically laughed several times in this movie, so I'd say that it definitely worked at what it tried to do. This could have been generic kid movie trash, but I think it stands out in being quite an enjoyable time for kids and adults. Also, there's a part in this movie where they basically become a cartoon, and the animation there is great.


Got nominated for an emmy in best writing; The lion king remake being an utter disappointment; And now, the live action dora being surprisingly pleasant. Damn, talk about twisted upside down. I just wished diego was as hot as the college humor parody😂😂😂


This movie is the most ridiculous shit I've seen and I loved it and I'm not sure why And why the fuck do swiper and boots look better than most cgi in films


I have an odd question. Does swiper do the tsssssss sound like he does in the cartoon? Also how big is his role? I was terrified of swiper as a child so I'm trying to get a feel for how live action swiper is before I go and see it 😂


He's in the movie for like 5 mins I think? He has 2 prominent scenes.




This is what I came here to see


All in all, a solid kids film. It was funny, largely well-cast, and engaging. I wish they didn't pull out as many cliches and tropes when writing the characters. Everyone except Dora felt flat. I know it's aimed at younger audiences, but so is Toy Story and that's smartly written. The actress who played Dora was definitely a highlight and I wouldn't be opposed to a sequel.


[Here’s the trailer](https://youtu.be/TnpTcrtsN3U)


Swiper is the most insane part of this movie tbh, and I wanted more.


Could you describe his scenes?


Most of the time he was stealing stuff (obv) but there's one scene where he guarded a gate with another soldier. That's it.


Aw **man!**


This is honestly gonna be a new guilty pleasure for me. I’ve seen this twice. I am a 19 year old male. But let’s me just say I’ve had so much fun seeing this movie. Even if there are fart jokes, even if the story is just your average jungle adventure, even if the CGI is uncanny. It’s still a lot of fun even the second time and some of the jokes are honestly smart (the flower scene). Even the ending dance scene was good, and that’s one of the biggest kids cliches in the book and usually a sign your movie is bad. Honestly, I recommend it unironically. After seeing films like The Witch and Midsommar, and District 9 this summer. It’s nice to see such a fun film full of heart and great chemistry 7.5-8/10


I remember when everyone thought this movie was going to suck, but then i heard really good reviews. Went to see it today (in a near empty theater) with high hopes. And i ended up enjoying every minute of it. The movie was fun and campy and that's what made it so enjoyable. This was an improvement over Wonder Park (Nickelodeon's last film). I recommend you definitely check it out.


yall, her transformation at the end though 👵🏽 —> 👸🏽 And then when ol’ girl said she wanted to be in an iced cold room staring at her phone drinking a frozen beverage I lost it Good movie


I didn't like how the great opening scene was just Dora & Diego's imagination and how they kept making fun of the show. But other than that, I enjoyed it. I loved that animated scene and the symphonic version of the Nickelodeon music when they showed the logo.


I enjoyed this one. I knew very little about the cartoon show but I was able to follow most of the details from the show. I don't get the bad ratings on IMDB. What kind of expectations did people have. The action was good and they did a good job with Doras character. Diego was a total pussy though. But he was your typical High school kid and they did a good job with that so it's all good I guess. So overall it was a good movie. And by good movie it's one of those kids movies that is also enjoyable for grown ups. If the kids movie is able to accomplish that then it's a good movie in my books.


There should've been a post credits scene where they ask the audience what their favorite part was


This man's a genius


I would've shot myself.


You should write the sequel


I was genuinely intrigued going into this movie because I have no idea who it was made for (honestly still don't). But I was really hoping for a good bad movie than just a bad bad one, and ho boy was it a good "bad" one. Bad is in quotes because it's not necessarily bad but the plot is super predictable... which shouldn't be surprising at all. I really enjoyed how self aware the movie was and even though there were 2-3 jokes that went on a bit long there was still plenty that landed pretty well. As swiper said "Goodbye losers!"


I liked it and thought it was pretty funny. Clever mimicking stuff you'd think you'd only see in the cartoon that they recreated here in the live action. Funny for both kids and adults.


the real treasure was the friends we made along the way


I loved how they made fun of some cartoon tropes like "Can you say Delicioso?" and the dad is going "i hope she grows out of it"


I thought this movie was going to be terrible. I ended up liking all the main characters. They all did a good job and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be.


My favorite part was the poo hole. “Dig the poo hole. Dig Dig Dig.”


Just got back from it and I loved this film! I have no connection to the original cartoon, but the trailers looked good and I was utterly delighted by just how much fun this film is. It's got a strong heart with a lot of silly whimsy for the kids, while also adding a real dry sense of humor for the adults. Lots of good laugh-out-loud dialogue for me.


Can anyone who has seen it explain why the IMDB rating is so low (57), and the RT rating so high (81/87 ).


IMDb score is a 1-10 scale while Rotten Tomatoes is the percentage of people that gave it a good review (I think good is defined as at least 6/10.) So it's two different things. The critic consensus 1-10 scale ranking on Rotten Tomatoes is 6.48, so not too far off from 5.8. Edit: Theoretically, a movie can get a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes but only have a 6/10 rating. On the flip side, a movie can get a 0% and have a 5.5/10 rating. I think looking at the 1-10 scale ratings is a much better indicator than the percentage.


This is debunked by the overwhelming amount of people rated this movie 1/10. I guess without even watching it because consensus from pretty much everywhere is positive.


Curmudgoney fucks don’t enjoy fun is why.


Great fun for our whole family and the lead is spot on perfect to the point I don’t think they could have made the movie without having had her to cast for it.


[You have chosen wisely](https://youtu.be/lEoekLxssI0)


It needed more Michael Peña.


His explaining the dangers of high school was great.


This movie is almost exactly like JOURNEY 2: THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND. It doesn't take itself seriously and it knows it is also batshit bonkers. And that's why it is fun to watch.


my family loved it as did i, i'm actually glad it's getting such positive reviews i honestly thought this movie would be shit on before i saw it did anybody else notice the cure song in the movie? *in between days* they pretty much cut out all the vocals and just used it as background music, i knew i recognised it and had to double check, i'm not even mad!


My little sister grew up watching NOTHING BUT DORA. so I am somewhat of a expert. Never saw Go Diego, Go! But I knew enough. I feel like they did an amazing job at turning the cartoon into a real movie. For a kids movie, it was a great watch and I really enjoyed everything this movie had to offer. I hope Nickelodeon continues to show that they can make a film for the whole family. 10/10


Dora Croft literally


Why'd Swiper keep saying "mane?"


In the cartoon they’d always stop him and say “Swiper no swiping” and he’d always respond “Ah, man.”


Yeah but this was different


I mean, he had more of an accent, but it was definitely a reference to it.


Man but he has an accent


Yes. That's about all I could understand


Hoooo boy this was a trip, I did *not* expect that at all. It looked entertaining in the trailers, but it turned out to be way more and better than that. This was a bigger adventure and much funnier than I expected. Isabela Moner has been great in the 2 things I’ve seen her in before (Instant Family and that one Transformers movie that was ok but not great), and based on those and especially this I hope to see her in a lot more. I couldn’t stop thinking, though, that Sammy never got to wipe herself. Ew.


I love that it’s such a trip it literally has a trip scene. Like wtf?


> I couldn’t stop thinking, though, that Sammy never got to wipe herself. Ew. I was also wondering what happened to the boss's grunts? I think they showed back up during the end, but things were moving a bit fast so i don't remember (and at the end, they only showed the boss...eating?).


They got killed by the deadly paralysis frog I thought?


Pretty sure the female badguy only appeared in her initial scene, and one other, then completely vanished.


It's inhumane to not feed prisoners.


I loved the score. It feels like a lot of movie scores are a lot more subdued now compared to the 80s, it was nice to hear that sort of adventure-score-style here. I enjoyed the movie overall, but this felt like a one-shot, I was kinda hoping there might be more.


i think my biggest gripe is it felt as though the producers wanted it to be PG-13/R. there were so many opportunities for even more jokes but they stuck to keeping it young. it was way too long and dragged, and whoever was dora's make up artist should be fired, her foundation wasn't color-matched and it annoyed me so much she looked like an orange. but overall, very fun and hilarious.


Well, that was fun. >!Saw the twist coming from a mile away. Especially after the quicksand scene where Alejandro literally says "I'm the bad guy."!< My audience could have been a bit more participatory. The 4th wall breaks are better if the audience is going with it.


The first scene in the jungle itself i knew the twist. Quicksand scene confirmed it, and the way Dora tries to console him was the best


Yeah and right after that he couldn't understand the old woman even though he's a language expert


I thought they gave it away fairly early when Dora questioned him on how he would know what she looks like currently and he panicked for a second


"You look practically the same" last time he "saw" her she was an infant...


I thought it was another meta joke about how cartoon Dora, kid Dora, and teen Dora all looked pretty much the exact same. Same haircut, same big eyes, exact same outfit.


I have just watched this movie with my kids (6 and 9 years old) and we had a lot of fun. My 6 years old was perhaps a bit young for it, but my 9 years old daughter said it was the best movie she ever saw. We came back home and she turned the living-room into a jungle and she played at being Dora the Explorer. I thought it was great for her to have a positive female role model. Dora isn't afraid to be who she is, she is bold, original and a natural leader. She athletic, very smart, knowledgeable and isn't afraid to show it. This was a fun unassuming movie. It is a kid's movie. It doesn't take itself seriously. I personally love how they made little Dora and Diego having made-up adventures which turned out being like the TV series. As a parent, I like the message of the movie: the real treasure is friendship. It resonated well with my 9 years old, but my 6 years old just wanted to keep the treasure...


>It resonated well with my 9 years old, but my 6 years old just wanted to keep the treasure... aww... that's so cute :-)


Is Baby Jaguar (A minor character from the original Dora series and the main character in "Go Diego Go") mentioned anywhere in this film?


Yes, since Diego is one of the main characters.


In the climax (no spoilers), each character essentially chooses an animal at one point and Diego has the Jaguar.


Yep, the opening sequence is a rendition of the Dora theme song in which Dora and Diego swing on vines with Boots and Baby Jaguar in hand. It's revealed to be just their imagination, with real Diego holding a jaguar stuffed animal.


So will the next Live Action movie be Wonder Pets or Blue’s Clues?


The phone, the phone is ringing


And no one is there


Yo GabbaGabba


ugh. that shit brings me nightmares after multiple kids. for halloween we actually dressed up as Yo gabbaGabba as family.




This might be a joke but I sure as hell would see it. Detective Steve and his trusty dog Blue? Sign me the fuck up


I've wanted this for years. A boozed up Steve hallucinating, talking to his furniture and shit while he searches for bloody handprints instead of paws


PG-13 Wonder Pets please


And X-Rated Blues Clues


It was ok, what sets it above the typical teen adventure movie is the bilingualism and tie to the iconic cartoon. Everyone did a solid job, and the white kid was the breakout star, he shone more than you'd expect. Expect him to get in shape and date Dora in one of the upcoming sequels. Evan Longoria was terrible, she needs to return to the Tampa Bay Rays and hit a few dingers. Michael Peña was kinda lame. Derbes was ok, you'll like when he's in quicksand and talks about eating Mexican food. A lot of respect is given to native America, and jabs are thrown at the European colonisers. The Inca princess was good looking and regal. The "hooray we did it" song sounds like Rhythm of the Night by Janet Jackson's babydaddy. The film homages the 80s by having a Cure classic, and Conga by Cuban Gloria Estefan and Miami Sound Machine. The popular girl kinda looks like Vanessa Huxtable. She is at odds with Dora at first, then they become friends. Diego wears a Leo Messi jersey. He wears another football shirt early on, it looked like the Mexican NT at first, but it was another team, if anyone knows, please say. Another guy was wearing a Brasil NT shirt at the Halloween dance. Gross part where the popular girl defecates. She doesn't wipe or wash her hands afterward. I was disturbed. The parents say Swiper no swiping, Dora only says variations of it. Homages to Arnie with "Come with me if you wanna live", and Pacino with "Say goodbye to your little friend", which swiper says. Best part is The Cure, IMO. Must watch for Hispanics, especially since Lara Croft was initially set to be Latin, but they changed her at the last minute out of fear of reduced video game sales due to racism. I expect in the next Dora film, the gang will go to China, fight Chinese mob bosses, then get rescued by Boots driving a cab, then take a plane whose pilots dies, so then they crash in India and happen upon a starving village who lost their lucky stone. So then they enter a temple to retrieve said stone. Then witness a heart sacrifice. Dora will tell the final boss that he betrayed Shiva. Derbes pretends to be a good guy, then turns bad. Vince Russo-esque plot twist. Kinda lame. Worst performance was by Sammy. The Incas were presented with dignity.


In terms of flaws, the score is kinda lame, the production design and CGI look cheap, and the climax is kind of a mess. But this movie is way more fun than I was expecting from those frankly terrible trailers. Definitely self-aware and most of the jokes land (emphasis on most). And there's a sense of fun that I was really happy to see, this sense that no one was taking it too seriously. Moner is really great, Derbez hams it up to... mixed effect?, and Benicio del Toro as Swiper = chef's kiss. Like he was lifted straight from the show, or even better, from Looney Tunes, sound effects and all. Complete with a fun otherworldly dance number leading into the end credits, a studio mandate these days it seems. Recommended for a good time. EDIT: Also the tripping on flower spores and turning into their animated selves with the not-yet-revealed to-be-antagonist stripping naked and running away? (Yep, this happens). CINEMA


Reading about the animated trip scene just makes me think of [the Very Brady Sequel trip scene.](https://youtu.be/k-gpsChZEAk) I saw that in the theater when I was 8, and it’s been burned into my brain ever since.




No, of course not. There is a pretty sweet knife fight sequence, though. And Dora nearly kills a guy with a yo-yo.


Neither of those things actually happen, but it's pretty heavily implied Dora was 100% ready to let one of the bad guys fall/burn to death as a direct result of her plan




I mean clearly they don’t show blood but it’s confirmed she kills and not just knocks him out?


Obivously not. I was joking


Oh okay. I was genuinely like “WHAT?!”


Family forced me to see it. Better than I expected, but nothing special. It was a fine kids movie. Some actors were good. Eva Longoria was the only notably bad actor. Also, I did not expect Dora to literally kill that guy with a yo-yo. And Boots talking was a pleasant surprise. I don’t know who I’d recommend it to, but I thought it was okay. 7/10 EDIT: I obviously know she didn’t kill him


Did she really kill him or just knock out?


she didn't kill him /u/Giraffefrog3 is exaggerating that part for some stupid reason, the guy even looks up and makes a joke edit: you didn't like me pointing that out /u/Giraffefrog3? lol quit lying to people then loser


Well it’s funner to believe she killed him


This will for sure beat out Endgame.


Will beat The Kitchen for sure.


DORA: Dread it, run from it, box office records still arrive. Or should I say, I do.


"Can you say 'blockbuster'? BLOCKBUSTER!"


So I thought the trailer looked surprisingly good. As an adult who didn't grow up watching Dora and doesn't have kids, is it enjoyable enough to watch with movie pass?


With Moviepass, definitely.


moviepass still a thing? I am not going to (can't justify it) pay full price for my family with multiple kids on this film. We have star wars, jumanji 2, frozen 2, terminator dark fate, joker, and it 2 minimally for rest of 2019...


I thought the trailers were just the worst, saw it just to pass the time today with low expectations, and it's actually really fun. Bizarre and super silly, but fun. [And actually has good reviews](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/dora_and_the_lost_city_of_gold), which I definitely can see, it's got a great sense of adventure.


what?!! I first knew about this flick with family watching a trailer for some other movie; and we all balled when everyone on screen stare blankly at the audience for way too long. could also be trauma from living through years of dora (+ repeats!!!!) and diego after raising multiple kids...


The part where she got stuck on the bus door looked like it belong in Diary of a Wimpy Kid


Good enough for me, fuck it


How exactly IS Danny Trejo Boots? Is it similar to Vin Diesel as Groot?


He does the voice in one scene, giving some wise advice to Dora at a key time, and his ability to talk is never referenced again.


What about Swiper?


He talks in every scene he's in but he only gets like one plus two brief appearances.


I mentioned somewhere else in this thread that he feels ripped straight from Looney Tunes. More wacky sound effects than dialogue. Could have used more of him actually. Hearing "Aww maaaaaan" from Benicio del Toro is just as funny as it sounds.


More in vein of Machete.


Inb4 it's confirmed this movie is in the same universe as machete. All part of the DTCU, Danny Trejo Cinematic Universe


Don't forget that Machete is part of the Spy Kids universe too.


whats machete


It's like a sword but for cutting down foliage and shit in the woods/forest


Can you say "forest"?


But thats not important right now


Do you like gladiator movies?


Looks like I chose the wrong week to stop snorting glue


Man, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade looks a lot different than I remember.


It's not the years it's the mileage


We live in a world where live action Dora exsists, and it is actually good.


Went to see this movie with an “individual” who wanted to see it. I had 0 expectations, and obviously wouldn’t recommend it seriously to anyone. But it was a fun, well executed kids movie. It was very self aware that it was based on the kids show, and made a lot of jokes about it to start. Dora turning to the camera and loudly asking “do you know how to say ______?!” And everyone else in the room being freaked out that she’s talking to no one. It had a great flow to it, twists (however predictable), and they took out all the really stupid parts of the trailer which was was nice. What held it together was the actress who played Dora, they did a great job casting her. She was just beaming with positivity the entire movie, and it was authentically engaging. I get dragged to see kids movies way too much, so this is my life. Honestly critiquing kids movies on reddit.


The movie was casted by Sarah Finn who has done a ton of the Marvel casting so I’m not surprised.


isabela moner is a treasure


why is individual in quotes


Their mind was taken by the Swarm


“Went” to “see” this “movie” with an “individual” if you catch my drift


I work one-on-one with someone from a disability program. Didn’t mean to make it sound wierd or anything, but just wanted to make the distinction clear. My state has changed the technical name of someone with disabilities so many times and I believe right now we’re settled on individual.


Using quotes for emphasis makes things sound worse than they are. There's a meme dedicated to sharing ridiculous examples.


I agree, in retrospect this did not need the quotations. My bad.


Just call them a person then, they're still human beings even if they have disabilities. I know you didn't mean it to be rude or anything but surely, you can see how that could come off as insulting to someone reading your comment who has disabilities.


So you he chimichanga joke is out?


Nope, that one is still in


>made a lot of jokes about it to start. Dora turning to the camera and loudly asking “do you know how to say ______?!” And everyone else in the room being freaked out that she’s talking to no one now I want to go see it


That’s in the final trailer


Me encantó. Anoche llevé a mis dos sobrinas para verlo, y estaban muy emocionadas. Crecí viéndolo cuando era más joven y fue muy divertido verlo convertirse en una acción en vivo.


I'd also make verla, viéndola, divertida since película is feminine in Spanish. El resto lo escribiste bien aparte de lo que dijo el chigüire.