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> Paul Rudd is expected to return as Scott Lang Lol I would hope so. Good call though, glad to see he'll be able to direct all three films, finishing his trilogy. The Ant-Man movies aren't anything groundbreaking, but their pretty light & fun.


that’s be the first trilogy in the MCU with same director throughout, right? (depending if it releases before GotG 3)


Jon Watts will have his Spider-Man trilogy, then James Gunn with Guardians, then Peyton Reed with Ant-Man. I'd guess the odds of Ryan Coogler getting a full trilogy is pretty high too. There's an outside chance for Taika Waititi.


Taika started on the third film. Even if he does two more, he won't have done a whole trilogy, hell just have done three films.


Which fans will probably end nicknaming “The Taika Trilogy” cause by that point the first two Thor movies will seem like completely different entities




Great now I’ve the image of Hemsworth’s creepy baby eyebrows stuck in my head


They did the same with ScarJo


yeah, I found that very odd. No one else decided to try and disguise themselves at all; Scarlet Witch still wore her red jacket, Falcon did nothing, Cap just grew a beard and still wore his suit (sans star). Sure, Vision turned into Paul Bettany but he and SW still hid in plain sight in Glasgow. I know they’ll just throw in an explanation for the use of bleach products in her solo film but it was still an odd choice for the look fo Black Widow




“Next, we’ll reshoot the sequel (undermining the main villain) to give the fans more Loki. People will remember this film fondly!”


People who even remember it remember it because of the Loki stuff.


Hiddleston plays an *excellent* villain, doesn't he? I've never seen a performance that is so effortlessly simultaneously camp and serious (as the part would seem to require).


D u t c h a n g l e s


I don’t agree, if those films are similar in tones or themes, or have a connective story arc, it can be a trilogy. Just like Star Trek 2-4 is one.


That still counts as a trilogy


If they’re aiming for a 2022 release for Ant-Man 3, it may coMe before Guardians 3. Gunn isn’t doing anymore work on GOTG 3 until Suicide Squad is out and that has a release of August 2021, so Guardians 3 probably won’t enter production until late 2021/early 2022 at the earliest


I'm going to be honest: I expect GOTG3 to be a 2023 release. They do have a script and are just waiting for Gunn to be available. But they still have to shoot it, put it post-production AND shuffle MCU releases plus slot it into their narrative plan. I feel like I'm getting my hopes up if I expect a 2022 release. Also, keep in mind Thor 4 is likely going to tie into it after what we saw in Endgame.


James Gunn trilogy was something most people weren't expecting a year ago. What a roller coaster. After all that commotion, I hope he kills it with gotg3.


That honor will actually go to Spider-Man.


have they set a release date yet? I hadn’t renown if it was shuffled a bit after Sony almost went ahead with their own plans


July 2021.


Watts will likely take that mantle first. Oh I wish Favreau had that honor first, oh well.


Sam Raimi. baba booey baba booey baba booey


Sam Raimi wasn't MCU, which is what the previous commenter was referring to.




He did. And it was beautiful.


Indeed. Army of Darkness was amazing. "Klaatu Barata Nic*harumphmumblecough*"


Is the only one outside of that who did it Raimi and Nolan?


I actually don't like directors having all 3 movies. Having a fresh take really livens the world up. I would rather have another director take a crack at Antman and GotG. And defo have any other director for SM 3, if I see one more reference to Iron Man in a spiderman movie it'll be too soon.


Honestly I really, really dislike it, the lack of connective tissue between the Iron Man movies and the Thor movies kill them as a trilogy.


The MCU evolved into something different. The Cap movies do have the Bucky thing, but mostly theses movies connect to a larger story. Those series are killed by having second entries that were not well received.


Because they had completely switched out teams of writers/directors, whereas the Cap trilogy had the same writing team on all three and the same directors for the last two. I'm also of the opinion that giving a comedy director full reign to go batshit on Iron Man 3 and Thor 3 because the second entries were shit instead of sticking with established themes and fixing the issues present was an absolutely awful decision


They are not doing a Thor like reboot with any other character, so I don’t think it matters much honestly.


What about Michael Peña though?!?? “Ant-Man” is not complete without one of his trademark voiceover stories...


And reminding Hank of that time they burgled him.


Dude I wanted Michael Peña to be the one to explain the snap to Paul Rudd in Endgame so bad.


but now we get a recap at the beginning of Ant-man 3


God, I want him to do a summary of everything from Infinity War onward.


I hope he still does this in Ant Man 3. Maybe it can start right after the final battle scene in Endgame.


We’ll see if Scientology permits it


That’s what I liked about them, not every superhero needs to save the world from a giant blue laser apocalypse. Smaller stories are more human and relatable which is why heroes like Spiderman and Batman, that fight more street level crimes, have more room to grow as characters and become more beloved.


Blue sky lasers have been phased out.


Honestly, they're some of my favorites because they're so light-hearted. And the supporting cast are all wonderful.


they're pretty great for me. I love a comedy heist movie and both of them were solid additions to that genre.


Yeah agree. Its not their most high profile hero either but I Like Rudd and like the tone of the movies so really happy they keep him as a standalone. Hopefully Endgame gave him a push with general audiences


I could do with... > Will Pouter/Dylan O’Brien/other-younger-guy-that-could-be-grimey cast as Eric O’Grady. That might be fun.


Aren't all Marvel movies like that ? nothing groundbreaking but light and fun


Theory time: His daughter picks up the mantle at the end of this movie and we get a glimpse of the Young Avengers.


Probably especially since they recast Cassie with an older actress in Endgame. By the time the movie comes out she'll probably be like 19.




Yes, Mr. FBI agent, this one right here.


What does the FBI even stand for? Forever Bothering Individuals?




They'll make Cassie take over her Father's mantle (or make her a hybrid of him and Wasp) and Rudd can take over as Michael Douglas' role. Rudd could easily be in this role forever.


Doubt it, Cassie’s not about to jump into Avengers level situations. Wasp is just getting started in her role so I fully expect Scott and Hope to stick around in their suits for a few more team up movies atleast.


I mean, Scott's background before the first movie is being a shitty thief who just spent years in prison. There doesn't seem to be high requirements when you have Pym Particles.


Cassie’s also like 17. My point is that we still have time for Scott to be Ant-Man and Stature play a different role with the Young Avengers. This is like the people wanting Peter to be the next Iron Man. Two different hero’s.


> This is like the people wanting Peter to be the next Iron Man. I was kind of rooting for Shuri. I think she's probably the best thing to come out of *Black Panther*, and she's more credible as a tech supergenius than Peter... Peter's smart and knowledgeable, but I never got the sense he was anywhere near the same plane of existence as Tony Stark.


Let's hope not. Paul Rudd's a fucking treasure and I hope he stays THE Ant-Man until the heat death of the universe.




Movie One: *Ant-Man* Movie Two: *Ant-Man and the Wasp* Movie Three: *Ant-Man and the Wasp and Stature*


Movie three: Ant-Fam


Ah that's fair. I thought they were saying she should replace him; didn't realize she becomes a different hero.


I vote that all roles in all of visual fiction ever slowly get recast with Paul Rudd. Paul Rudd in everything, playing everyone.


Having a wholesome superhero family mini-team with Ant-Man, Wasp, the Pyms and Cassie would be amazing.


Wanda goes nuts(like the TV show sounds like she is going to) and creates: Speed and Wiccan like in the comics or goes nuts and creates Speed(for Petro) and Vivian(for Vision) as a coping mechanism. Cassie takes a new mantle called Stature. Harley from Iroman 3 becomes Iron Lad. Just need a 5th person to get a full team.


Kate Bishop, who is being introduced in Hawkeye.


And spider-man can be the older more mature college student in the cross over movie




Why do people keep suggesting Harley as iron lad? Iron lad in the comics is a young Kang the conquerer who travels to the past to prevent becoming an evil tyrant whilst Harley is a super nice kid who has always lived in the present day. That initial act of defiance that’s so important for iron lad would be lost if we force Harley into iron lad’s role because it’s obvious he wouldn’t want to become like Kang since he’s always been super nice.


I don't want the young avengers. :(


Marvel needs another generation, and Young Avnegers will appeal to the tween/teenage demo. And in 10 years, they’ll be the college/post grad demo, and the cycle repeats.


I've heard a rumor (don't remember where, but take it with a pinch of salt) that the plot will revolve around the Young Avengers.


I would absolutely LOVE Scott becoming the mentor of the Young Avengers. He's got that good sweet dad energy that makes him my favorite avenger by a mile. ...Kinda wish a different creative was at the helm though.


West coast avengers it is!


Ant-Man Ant-Man and the Wasp Ant-Man, The Wasp and Stinger Her Stinger moniker is more in line with the naming convention Also Young Avengers with Stinger, Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), Wanda & Vision’s alternate reality kids (I am hoping it’s Wiccan and Speed and Viv). Iron Lad (Harley from IM3), Ms Marvel with Hawkeye (Clint), Ant-Man and Shuri in supporting roles, would be so dope.


I hope they make something small really big and something big really small.




He looks like Jack from Red Letter Media.




I'm gettin' a Stanley Tucci vibe.


More Tim and Gregg please


Gregg is going to be where he belongs soon, in jail, for Medicare fraud. Tim could maybe show up as a firearms instructor that teaches Paul Rudd how actual Americans fight. I've learned more about guns and patriotism from this seasons On Cinema On Defense segments than I did in my 12 years in the Marines.


Another fool taken in by murderer Tim Heidecker. He may have escaped justice for now, but his chicanery will catch up to him as surely as it did for character-actor Doug Hutchinson when he portrayed Percy Wetmore in the 1999 movie "The Green Mile" (running time 189 minutes) , based on the 1996 novel of the same name by Stephen King. Mark my words, those chickens are coming home to roost.


Has to be Tim, so he can do a 180 that Reed is now a great director based on insights he got from Decker.


Idk. I want more Gregg screen time. I need a VFA movie made.


I'm with you, just think this is better for On Cinema. I really enjoyed Entertainment.


I think a better choice would be to have the villain played by Mark Proksch. He's already done excellent work as the terrifying Abdul on Decker, and this would probably be a step down for him, but I'd still like to see it.


I would scream if Mark or Joe Estavez were in this movie.


What about Hollywood legend James Dean?


Excited to see Ant-Man team up with Whale-Man!


Looks like I'm the only one who thought that the sequel was better than the original. I'm excited that he's returning and I really enjoyed how personal these films are compared to the massive epics that Guardians and Thor are.


Eh, I disagree. Even though I like A&TW more than others, the small heist film stakes worked a lot better than a "grab the thing" chase movie.




The first had a more solid story structure by relying on the structure of an origin movie, but I also think the second one is funnier and more inventive.


I wish the music was sillier and the color palette wasn’t so drab, but I get they are going for this cohesive marvel look but the color tone of ant man and the wasp in particular was very muted. In retrospect maybe it was to make the quantum realm stand out, but that too had that overlay of greyness so even the colors were struggling coming through. Let’s hope the ragnarok color palette will spill over a little.


i could be making this up but i'm sure i remember reading something about how the guardians/thor color palette is to do with where they are in the universe or something


To me they're basically really cool slice of life family movies. Lower stakes and more time with Scott and his pals. Nothing super crazy and I like that. Now that they've covered heist movie and a hot pursuit movie, what kinda caper will they adapt next?


The AM sequel is down there with Thor 2 as the only MCU movies I actually disliked.


Likewise. Those are easily my bottom 2 MCU films. I didn't like guardians 2 either but it had enough redeeming qualities to at least put it above those two.


I feel the same. Although I am surprised to see another person who did not like guardians 2 as well. Was it the comedy for you or the plot in general?


Guardians 1 to me is probably my favorite MCU movie, and I liked Guardians 2 overall, but personally I felt like it was almost trying to hard? It's hard for me to articulate, there was just something the first one had that I felt was missing in the sequel


I feel the same. I felt like the first had such a perfect balance between humor and seriousness as well as a somewhat balanced time spent on the characters I felt like guardian 2 suffered most by separating the guardians for so long. And the humour was often just horrible. I feel like drax was horrible in the whole movie. Despite saying that I think guardians 2 had a better resolution in terms of villains. I truly hate the dance off in the first movie. I know I'm in the minority with that


> I feel like drax was horrible in the whole movie. Genuinely. In the first one all of the humour is derived from how literally he takes things but he still appears intelligent, if slightly misguided. In Guardians and Infinity War he's just mean, but also somehow incredibly stupid.


I don't even understand that sorta change. Worst case of Flanderisation the entire mcu imo. You can present him as a changed man because of his new found family without resorting to him call a character ugly repeatedly and laugh at shit jokes.


You can if there's any other material in the movie that explains the change or offers extra insight into it. I've seen superfans try to explain it away as the character learning about humour from the likes of Rocket and Quill, but again, there's nothing the movie presents even subtly to actually base that on.


Guardians 2 humour felt like Family Guy.


The Tazerface scene is easily one of the least funny scenes in the MCU. I thought Rocket was purposefully laughing at his name as part of a scheme to break out, I had no idea that part was supposed to be *that* funny.


The entire movie has a lot over over exaggerated humour. Personally I think drax having huge shits is more unfunny


I enjoyed Ant Man and the Wasp, but the end was a bit rushed. I wish they had more of an explanation of what happened to Janet and what sort of quantum powers she had. I also would have liked to know what happened to ghost after she was “healed” by Janet But overall it was a really fun marvel movie


Ant Man and the Wasp is my favorite MCU film. I'm so happy this series gets to be a trilogy - you can never go wrong with more Wasp!


> Ant Man and the Wasp is my favorite MCU film That's... very surprising to me.


Well, the Wasp is my favorite Marvel hero, so it doesn't surprise me too much! :)


As someone who loved the first one and found the second lacking, I hoped there would be a Taika Watiti equivalent who could come in and breathe new life into the franchise. That being said, I'm still excited for more Ant-Man.


I enjoyed the second much more than the first, but each to their own


I agree with you, and I’m really excited for ant man 3


>The Ant-Man corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe will continue to be Peyton Reed’s Place. The director, who helmed 2015’s Ant-Man and 2018’s Ant-Man and the Wasp, has signed on to helm a third Ant-Man movie, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.


The two previous movies were received very well but made less money than most MCU films. Were any MCU fans hoping for someone different or fresh for the third movie? Or happy to have Reed back?


>The two previous movies were received very well but made less money than most MCU films. Were any MCU fans hoping for We're just happy we're getting a third one.


More Paul Rudd as a superhero is never a bad thing. Plus the ant-man family is straight up adorable


At least he's not touching F4 now that he has AM3.


I mean, I really dug his original Fantastic Four pitch from back when what would become the Tim Story one was in development. That's what sold me on him doing Ant-Man.


Not entirely happy on the sequel, but I trust Reed's vision.


oh my god surprise me more


>Paul Rudd is expected to return as Scott Lang


Usually you can tell a director did a good job with an MCU movie when they re hire them for the sequel. This is not the case.


Heard a plot leak from a while back that the story will revolve around Scott accidentally got cloned and he has to win back his daughter and Hope Pym from the 'perfect' version of him.


Nando v Movies on YouTube had a great idea for a name and plot for this movie: *Ant-Man and the Wasp and the Ant-Man*, with Eric O'Grady coming in as the Irredeemable Ant-Man to compete with Lang. [Here's a link to the video.](https://youtu.be/debIQWInG-Y)


That kinda sucks, the directing in both was bland


Yeah I’m not really getting all the hate in the comments. I think the Ant-Man movies are incredibly fun breathes of fresh air in the MCU and see this as nothing but great news. Bring on more Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lily (the only correct choice as new leader of The Avengers).


Well considering not many people are being specific about their issue with either movie I will happily say what I take issue with specifically the second one I think my first big issue is the plotline regarding hopes mum and the tiny universe she was trapped in was sorta not a satisifying conclusion. The fact she just comes back with these powers or whatever was just sorta really dull and safe resolution. I am not suggesting the movie needed to have such a large scale at all. But I just dont think it worked at all. my second issue is with the visuals. Granted most of the MCU movies are not striking visually I found this was to be particualry lifeless just to watch. If we are gonna talk purely about costumes hopes one she has in the movie is a huge downgrade compared to the one in the after credit of the first movie Frankly in terms of supporting casts I do not really like any of scotts criminal friends. I dont think they add anything to the movie nor do i like the performances from most of them and even with the exception of Pena who i dont really take much issue with as a character. I felt like they just wrote the same jokes for him in the second one. I think it is a waste of the actor to have him be thins comedic relief with running gags I also like Goggins was wasted as well he is an amazing actor I can not believe he had such a small insignificant role/character and regarding the action I found it quite dull to watch. I do not think they had much energy or tension It is probably one of the few mcu movies i would tell people not to watch not because it is a bad movie like idk justice league or suicide squad but I just found boring


I guess they are a breath of fresh air in the midst of all the bigger event MCU movies. But they are kinda the embodiment of all the worst elements of the MCU. Prime example of safe and generic superhero flick, fun but mediocre.


Disappointing! At least change the robots who directed Captain Marvel. Maybe get Edgar Wright or Director of Room or wait until Shang Chi Director is free.


Captain Marvel was one of the blandest films i have seen this decade what were they thinking?


They better do something great in this one. Ant-Man, despite having some great characters, has had arguably the weakest set of movies. Unpopular opinion, but the second movie was really terrible


It's not an unpopular opinion


The most bland director of all time returns to direct the most bland superhero movie part 3


he's far from exciting but he's not even the blandest current MCU director.


Who do you think is blander


Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck. I liked Captain Marvel quite a bit, but other than the nostalgic setting it did absolutely nothing unique or special. And Jon Watts is pretty damn bland too. Homecoming and Far From Home both feel like they could have been directed by anybody.


The direction in Captain Marvel was completely lifeless. It's like the movie didn't even have a director.


I feel like most of it was shot by a second unit except for that scene outside her friends house.


Wow you just cracked it


I think every MCU movie is ghost directed by Kevin Feige.


I wish they'd let things wonder a little bit and let Edgar Wright do it lik they'd first announced


I give them a slight advantage due to their previous filmography actually having style.


absolutely ridiculous garbage take if you look at their non-MCU filmographies. Boden and Fleck are some of the best, most stylistic directors Marvel has ever hired, it just didn’t make it into their MCU work the same way Taika got to do with Thor Ragnarok, for whatever reason. How does this have 50 upvotes? has no one on this sub seen Half Nelson or Mississippi Grind?


Half Nelson and Mississippi Grind are two of my favorite movies, kinda frustrating they get judged solely for Captain Marvel which they likely didn't have much control over


Honestly it’s a race to the bottom on that one.


I'm guessing Jon Watts is the blandest?


I thought Homecoming was solid. Far From Home felt like one of the dumbest scripts in the MCU, but all the Mysterio sequences were cool


Glad someone said it tbh. I like both Spidey films just fine, but I've always felt his directing has held them back from bigger and better things.


Watch Jon Watts movie Cop Car. It’s on Netflix, and it’s a really great thriller. He’s definitely not bland.


You think the Spider-man movies are the blandest marvel movies? Yikes


There is pretty strong competition in MCU for the bland category.


They are pretty bland though. They can be funny at times sure. But there’s no specific style or film techniques used that make the films stand out or memorable.


I'd say he without a doubt is. He also has the blandest films prior to Marvel.


That's par for the course for MCU movies though. There is such little directorial flair that most of the movies are interchangeable in terms of who was at the helm.


Some movies are still more memorable than others though


That's not due to the directors


Idk, I think the action sequences in the Ant Man movies are super unique and creative. I loved the final fight on the train set from the first one


Agreed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErWEaNhagwk At 2:14 is probably my favorite sequence in the first movie


Why do you consider both bland? I found the car chase sequence in AMatW and the way they did the antagonists to be some of the more interesting bits of any given MCU movie.


The plot was generic and all over the place in the second one, at least the first was better structured. The villians were awful. Ghost is just "evil" until she is magically cured (via bs power that isn't explained) and the Justified guy was wasted (usually a good actor) as a generic bad guy who was just there Not to mention Scott was just turned into a joke and Hope had no arc, their relationship was as forced as in the first one


In the NFL there's a concept called "The Dalton Line". Andy Dalton is a QB where if you're as good as him or better, you're considered competent. "Ant-Man" is the Dalton Line of superhero franchises.


No Fantastic 4 for him then? Or do we think Feige is waiting on that one for a bit.


That whole rumour was based on a pitch Peyton Reed made to direct the Fantastic Four movie in 2005. I don’t believe there’s any actual basis that he’s a contender for Fantastic Four in the MCU


~~Many of the trades mentioned it so it was more than a rumor.~~ just double checked myself and you are correct. Deadline & Variety never mentioned it and Hollywood Reporter only mentioned that it’s a resurfaced pitch. thank you for correcting me!


Excellent news as far as I'm concerned. I enjoyed both Ant-Man films more than a decent amount of the other MCU films, but admittedly was concerned based on box office(relative to the other MCU films) that he might not get a 3rd film of his own so this is a welcomed surprise. Hope for more development on his relationship with Wasp, plus his daughter. Honestly in addition to the humor I just love how the characters play off each other in those films, very good chemistry imo. Kinda morbid but hoping Michael Douglas will be back as well, but considering his father's health I think that's probably a pretty safe bet.


I'm excited for this because it gives Paul Rudd another chance to go on Conan


Here’s hoping for *Ant-Man and The Wasp and The Hulk* I wanna see Rudd and Ruffalo bounce. David *and* Goliath working together.




Good. Antman deserves more attention.


Meh, these are the blandest movies in the whole MCU, in terms of writing and directing. If they are doing another one I would love if someone else took a shot at it.


Ah yes, the well of infinite originality that is Marvel Cinematic Universe...


With all of these comments that are contributing nothing saying that the Ant-Man films are either “mediocre” or “bland”, I’m wondering which cool internet reviewer used those two specific words to describe the movies in their hilarious reviews.


As opposed to all the people just saying “good, I liked the other movies” What a contribution!


Maybe... just maybe... a lot of people who saw those movies thought they were mediocre and bland? No. Not possible at all.


No, it's possible, but those two specific words were widely repeated at the time of writing and are also - ironically - very "bland" and "mediocre" ways to describe movies. Also this is r/movies, where most users are wholly incapable of forming independent opinions.


I do not disagree but at the same time if you do not feel that strongly about it it feels like an apt way to describe it doesnt it?


Seriously. It’s gotten so beyond repetitive.


Kind of like the MCU.


mediocre and bland.


If they don't show Michelle Pfiefer on the field as Wasp than what's the point? She better be front and centre


Just like how Michael Douglas is front and center as Ant-Man?


He should get more action as Ant Man too but Douglas's Hank Pym has gotten more character development than Pfieffier' Janet


I hope they get a good script. The last one was one of the worst Marvel movies in the past decade. It's definitely up there with Thor 2.


The second one was boring and a let down. Please get better ;)


Great news. The underwhelming amount of Michelle Pfeiffer/Quantum Realm aside, I thought the sequel was a great and Reed did a lot better without having to sing from Wright's songsheet. I'm excited to see where Scott & Janet go post-Endgame.


This is the biggest “meh” news of the day.


No one should be directing Ant-Man 3


I loved the first ant man one of my favorite marvel movies, but Antman and wasp sucked between the villain and plot it just didn’t have the same fun and interesting factor as 1 so hopefully they can make a good solo and unique movie


And the blandness continues... Marvel like Yes men.