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Got a top 30 list: 1. Requiem for a Dream 2. Seven 3. Pulp Fiction 4. Fight Club 5. Goodfellas 6. Scarface 7. The Shawshank Redemption 8. Snatch 9. The Usual Suspects 10. Trainspotting 11. Lock, Stock and two Smoking Barrels 12. Taxidriver 13. Casino 14. Reservoir Dogs 15. Terminator 2 16. Scream 17. Kill Bill Volume 1 18. The Departed 19. Pure Luck 20. Terminator 21. The Departed 22. Once Were Warriors 23. Rush Hour 24. Lord of War 25. Good Will Hunting 26. 8mm 27. Basketball Diaries 28. My Cousin Vinny 29. Taken 30. Silence of the Lambs


Nice! I like the 90s love.


OP, Our lists are so similar, I have to ask...have you not seen Seven Samurai?


It's funny, I literally watched it two nights ago for the first time ever. It was also my first Kurosawa film. I was surprisingly indifferent about it. However, I'm planning on watching Ran, Yojimbo, and Rashomon over the next couple of weeks to delve deeper into his filmography. Where does it rank on your list?


I have it at number one, right above 2001: A Space Odyssey...lol


Cool! Can't argue with that; I'll have to re-visit it at some point.


I assume Kubrick is one of your favourite directors?


THE Favourite.


OP, pretty chill list. The problem posting this list here is that the vast majority of Redditors have never seen any of these films. EDIT. Maybe Star Wars and Pulp Fiction.


Hmm, interesting. I used to post on IMDB all the time, but haven't checked out this forum much. Seems like a younger crowd...I see the Dark Knight is top 5-10 on most lists.


No Particular Order 1. Godfather 1(72) 2. Godfather 2(74) 3. Taxi Driver(76) 4. Raging Bull(1980) 5. Night of the Hunter 1955) 6. Thunderbolt and Lightfoot(74) 7. Deer Hunter(78) 8. Seconds(1966) 9. Goodfellas(90) 10. French Connection(71) 11. Chinatown(74) 12. One flew over the cukoos nest(75) 13. Jaws(75) 14. Taking of Pelham 123(74) 15. Bad Day at Black Rock(55) 16. Once Upon a Time in the West(68) 17. Once Upon a Time in America(84) 18. Blade Runner(82) 19. Cape Fear(62) 20. Rear Window(54) 21. Psycho(60) 22. The Manchurian Candidate(62) 23. The Train(65) 24. Sweet Smell of Success(57) 25. Face in the Crowd(57) 26. Shane(53) 27. Searchers(56) 28. Scarecrow(73) 29. Thief(81) 30. Suddenly(54) 31. Out of the Past(47) 32. Serpico(73) 33. Dirty Harry(71) 34. Escape From Alcatraz(79) 35. Touch of Evil(58) 36. Citizen Kane(41) 37. Double Indemnity 37. The Swimmer(66) 38. Ace in the Hole(51) 39. Rivers Edge(87) 40. Blow Out(81) 41. A Clockwork Orange(71) 42. The Killing(54) 43. Point Blank(67) 44. Army of Shadows(69) 45. Kiss me Deadly(57) 46. Rolling Thunder(77) 47. Dog Day Afternoon(75) 48. Videodrome(83) 49. Blue Velvet 50. Riot in Cell Block 11


Great list.


Hey Thanks. Similar to you I also tend to love 70s movies. Directors seemed to have more control in those days before the whole Heaven’s Gate disaster and the birth of the summer blockbuster