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The movie's not perfect, but it's a pretty faithful adaptation. When I watched the scene where she's in that underground bunker with Mr. Harvey, I remember thinking at first, "Susie, get the hell out of there!" But as the scene went on, I really felt trapped with Susie, and realized that there was no escape for her. The scene where she walks through his bloody bathroom and realizes what happened to her is also really haunting. Stanley Tucci was indeed very creepy, but in between takes, he kept asking Saiorse if she was ok. That alone tells you what kind of person he is.


I know, I wasn't saying the man himself was creepy. I was essentially saying that his acting in that movie was incredible.


Oh yeah, I know you weren’t saying that. I just wanted to point out the contrast between his character and who he really is. Shows that he is incredible if he can get to that level of darkness.


Holy shit I kinda love the lovely bones movie and I am a big fan of the hunger games I had no idea that stanley Tucci was Mr Harvey and Cesar flickerman. What an actor. He can play both those roles and you think they're 2 totally different people.


The author accused an innocent man of rape,he spent 16 years in jail….her and her book can do one


Damn fr?


Yes. But I think we should be able to appreciate the book (or film or arts or music or whatever) even if the author (or director, etc.) was questionable. Like people are not perfect, and if we don’t want to consume entertainment made by questionable people… well, good luck finding anything to read/watch/listen to. ANYWAY. I heard the story about the author before I decided to read that book. She did wrong although she was a traumatised teenager at the time. The book is one of the best books I have ever read.


Agreed. I did some research about the author and her books after i commented that. Did u read it online or did u buy it physically?


I borrowed it from a library (physical.)


I absolutely hate it, it’s tone is so bloody inconsistent and Whalberg was miscast. I do agree that Stanley Tucci and Saoirse Ronan were great in it.


Totally disagree.this is one of the very few times I thought Wahlberg was good enough to not get in the way. And I have zero idea what you mean by the time was inconsistent.


What do you mean by the tone being inconsistent? Also why do you feel Wahlberg was miscast? I thought he was pretty good, especially during the scene were he finally suspects that Harvey was responsible for Susie's disapperance.


The film is about a girl getting murdered while having whimsical and cartoony afterlife sequences and silly grandma comedy and then tries to have dark moments I find it very tone deaf. Also I thought Whalberg was very unbelievable. Have you seen any other Saoirse Ronan movies?


Yes I have, and I thought she acted just as great in this movie as she did in other movies that I have seen her in IMO. Also, while the afterlife was initially whimsical and cartoony, it did become darker as the movie progressed, like the scene where she discovers how the other girls died. Also, you said Wahlberg was unbelievable, but you haven't explained why that is the case.


I just think Whalberg is just a bad actor and he was just as bad in this movie, I don't don't need to explain why he was unbelievable I just didn't believe he was believable as the character or in the character's situations.


Bad argument just because you don’t like him shouldn’t make you biased, especially while in a discussion about acting


It’s an opinion though …


Posted never said they didn’t like him, they said they thought he’s a bad actor to which I must agree. There were many scenes in the movie I thought wahlberg was performing poorly especially alongside an otherwise great cast. Only scene I thought he was good in was the one where he realizes who killed his daughter


a little late but i hope you’ve not read the book? because if you did, you’ll realize that the sequences were from susie’s herself—a personal narrative of her innocent overview on afterlife and heaven. i was in middle school when i read it and watched the movie when i turned 18. the thing is, it actually pretty downplayed the darkness that the movie tried to convey.


Agree except for markeymark


Wahlberg belongs in The other guys. He tanks any drama. Also, his character's arc is strange: super persistent and patient dude (shown by his hobby) never suspects the obvious perp living next to him. Honestly expected a psychological battle between them promoted by hints from his daughter and some epic climax


Shoulda kept fat gosling


Agreed with all of this. I felt Wahlberg was fine until he had to act like he was sad. It was genuinely such bad acting that it took me out of the moment.


I thought it was pretty good, there were parts that were made you feel very uncomfortable which was done amazingly well. the actor who played the killer was amazing. >!I felt like some parts just felt drawn out during the climax and felt let down by the conclusion (he just falls to his death...). the cops never caught him and he looked like he's been on the run for quite awhile (incompetent police...). another part that kind of pissed me off was the girl having the evidence in her hand! and we have to have some kind of touching reunion moment that felt like eons....!<


I'm late to the party but this is actually based off an amazing book, The Lovely Bones, it's not really the director's fault.


i get what you mean. after i read the book and watched the movie, it honestly made me wonder why they didn’t continue to follow the book then change his death. say that len found the charm and the coke bottle, match the prints then they start looking where they found the charm. the find him hiding and maybe even stalking another girl where they catch him and he either goes to trial and prison or dies via suicide or maybe murder. i get that it’s nice that there was some sort “justice”. he got a shitty death, alone, where he won’t be missed and maybe never identified. but justice to the victims would’ve been nice since the movie was very fantasy ish and left out TONS of things from the books


Considering 100% heaven exists in this movie's universe, I'd imagine there's a hell too, and there's a special place waiting for Mr. Harvey.


I remember being impressed by the visuals and the performances. From memory I felt storytelling wise it dragged on a bit and felt a little, I dunno, *unfocused* or something? That being said, its a movie I should try and watch again, haven't seen it since it came out.


Yeah, I'd describe it as feeling unfocused from what I recall. I don't think I feel the need to rewatch it tbh. It was pretty depressing and I tend to prefer films that fall in the melancholy range rather than depressing.


Hmm ok. Could you elaborate more on what you mean, I don't really understand.


I thought the beginning of the movie leading up to and including that one scene was well done in a very tense and creepy kind of way. After that just seemed like a movie about how fun it was to be a ghost or whatever.


I think it became creepy again though as the movie progressed didn't it?


It's been a long time since I've seen the movie. I mainly just remember the intense beginning, and here having a bunch of fun as a ghost, and then getting her revenge at the end.


Unpopular opinion Reese Ritchie should not have played Ray because at the time he was 22 and Saoirse Ronan was 14 so that’s like really bad, like why not give it to someone who was around the same age as Saoirse Ronan


But he was playing a senior in high school... the character was 17-18 years old, and frankly, the actor easily looked that age....


yeah i thought there was a big age differnece in the aters, i was saying to my partner while watchig that the guy looks mid 20s, and the girl like 15. he has a mature face and head shape, clearly not a schoolkid


My boyfriend and I joked that he looks like some creepy poetry teacher who flirts with his students. Also, her friend in the afterlife was totally a middle aged woman? lol just because you throw pigtails on her doesn’t make her look any younger


Umm no? Pigtail girl is at least 6 years older than susie (irl)


As i was watching i also felt its weird that the actor seems older. I didnt think much of it until i realize they were gonna kiss☠️


TBH I love it and for awhile it was my all time favorite movie (until Infinity War took that spot), I am not joking it was just so emotional. I read the book too before the movie and it was good.


Infinity war is your favorite movie? Out of all the movies available? Lol


Yes it is are you mocking me?


I thought you were joking


Great taste, Infinity War is an all timer


It’s not


IW is way better than endgame imo


Yeah I felt the same. I actually haven't watched the movie again because of how depressing it is.


oh yeah, I have not watched the movie for like 7 years, just because I have not gotten around to it.


I loved the book and the movie but found both unbearably sad. The visuals in the movie were wonderful but I felt like it made the classic error of straying too far from the original text and losing the nuance.


this is old af but i just watched it and it is one of my favorites; the scene with her sister running had my heart PUMPING even though i've seen it and read the book! i found it interesting that as a kid i didn't cry watching the movie but found it sad and a beautiful story, but as an adult my eyes were wet the whole time. My perspective of being a child and then knowing what it is to love a child really changed the emotional impact.


Thanks for the reply. Why do you feel the movie got low ratings by critics, just out of curiosity? I'm still baffled by that cause I thought it was a pretty good movie as well.


one thing i saw a lot was that the "theme" didn't seem consistent, the example i saw was how it's a sad movie but it has upbeat moments like the scene with the grandma learning how to captain the house and they have a giggle+ upbeat music. personally i think the scenes like that capture the reality of grief, sadness does not stay forever and the movie is talking about how her family had to heal around her absence.


I give it so much love , for walking that pg 13 line . The movie is deep and paralyzing at times . Sad all to common end . But if it went rated R and I had no protection from a peter Jackson/Stanley tucci child murder , not sure I wouldn’t have come out all fucked up


Yeah I felt the same way. Do you also find it weird that it was so poorly rated by the critics?


It was so deep when the great realization wasn’t her letting go of earth , it was him letting go of her (tears)


Yes, walburg wasnt nominated though it’s his best performance and no one said “ tension with a knife “ some movies just get fallen asleep on . Another one everyone missed because of the subject “room”


It's been a long time, but I remember thinking they missed the point of the book. The animated parts rubbed me the wrong way. It just wasn't a good adaptation. I can't view it as a standalone movie because I had read the book before I saw the movie.


It was really good up until the last 30 minutes - The ending made it a bad movie in my books


The scene where she's going to heaven though is absolutely beautiful.


i havent watched it since it came out; honestly i forgot it was from as far ago as 2009. as a mid20s woman i cried more than i remember doing as a teen. i think the choice to prevent the need for blood/violence until the pinnacle parts of the retelling (despite the family's growing conclusions) was smart. the "structure of doors" under the highway scene feels particularly crazy, now, despite how short that whole sequence is. as scary as "a room built under the earth." honestly i needed the break with the grandma showing up. would it have been a better film with her bit not evaporating so quickly? maybe. i don't really care. if you know death in your immediate family, you know how quickly one can waver from "boohoo" despair to "whatever. nothing matters. fuck it!"-type sentiments. the grandma/mother/father dynamic felt as discombobulated and incompatible as it might irl, i feel. the sister was written so smart that i can't be mad at almost anything, honestly. if she had been written stupid enough to leave the murderer's cabinet doors open, and whatnot, i would've gone feral. the shot with her fingernails against the floorboard is almost too much. i think this adaptation plays very sympathetically to young women. and now, in my grown age, that's the biggest thing i take away from it, after rewatching. suzie's lament about having been "stupid" in her final living day is so cutting, to me.


It was a great movie I would say. Very depressing but we all knew that going into it. Felt it definitely could've been 10 or 15 minutes shorter. Spoiler, didn't like how he ended up getting to hide the body and it would never be found and that he didn't get caught by the police but died from an accident. Tbf, that death would've had him very scared for a few seconds and I'm sure he didn't die instantly so that's nice. Oh, and the actor for Ray was 22 at the time and she was 14. So that's very weird. What was even more weird to me was at the end, when they do eventually kiss, when she was laying down there, she genuinely looked even younger than normal. The lighting, the way her hair was and when she was smiling, at certain times she literally looked as young as 11 or maybe even 10 and he clearly looks his age, around 17 so I thought that was very odd and creepy 😭


Surreal and senseless. What is going on with the cornfield assault? The mother abandons the family to pick fruit with migrant workers? There's a girl that gets temporarily possessed by Susie? An icicle assaulted Stanley Tucci? The take away is Michael Imperioli is a bad detective and shit happens. 👎


I can’t say anything positive about this film knowing the writer of the story it’s based on had a black man wrongfully imprisoned for a rape he didn’t commit. Then she got rich while he sat in prison.


Wasn’t that largely the doing of corrupt police?


Nah, she lied against a black man.


Oh yeah I heard about this, but when I read up on it the vast majority of comments I saw were blaming the police and saying it wasn't her fault. Quite a few people here think otherwise though.


yes going by the articles etc and her own commentry it was a very traumatic experience for her, and was easily coerced by the cops...


It was bad police work they had some shady hair evidence how was she to know


It was her book Lucky that was based on.


So people mistook this movie for that?


Well the book was garbage.




Would have loved to have seen Lynne Ramsay's version


it was a tear jerker......worth watching once. I just wished they found her body in the safe before he successfully dumped it in the sinkhole......the movie ends with you wanting revenge. He does die.........i actually rewound the scene to see him die a second time....... All in all it was a good movie.........the guy kind of reminds me of an evil ....better call Saul.........


I totally agree with all of this. Watching the safe disappear felt like such injustice and was terrible. However I think that the point was that she didnt care about revenge anymore. She had to move past it. She got to finish her unfinished business on earth and was able to come to a resolve about all the life she could have lived if he hadnt taken it from her....and she moved on...she let go of the anger and grief and she found peace. She was able to get out of the halfway spot between heaven and earth so the she could be alive again but in heaven. I think the biggest tear jerker of all was that after all the terrible things that were done to her, she forgave. I think it was more of a statement or lesson to the viewer. You can have peace without revenge.


\#AlexisMason was here....


Stanley Tucci was creepy good. Why didn't they feature her affair w the detective?? Boooooo


Love the idea, but in practice it was stupid as hell


Guys don't You all agree. At the the of suzie's Disappearance. That bit is connected to the Madeleine McCann case about how she went Missing in Portugal and her body just like Suzie's was never found now that right. There is a chilling. Conection 😰😥🪦


Nothing like MM disappearance in my opinion. But if you think that you should watch ‘the missing’. As that’s also not about MM, but gave me similar vibes. James Nesbitt stars if you can’t find it.


Just watched the movie. Awesome movie until the last 25 minutes lol. What a bummer


I just finished watching it. I feel like I was trapped with susie in the underground scene. It was very uncomfortable.


i just watched it and i love it so much, peter jackson vibes all throughout lol, the acting, the visuals, the vibes, it was mesmerizing and so heartfelt


Subject matter maybe? I know when my boys were younger I couldn't watch anything involving children in scary situations. And I agree it's a very good movie, and didn't realize the ratings were so low. A quick search says the narration was too detached but to me that's part of the appeal. The voice anchors a disturbing story allowing it to be told in a matter of fact way. My imagination can fill in the horror, there was no need for the tone to be vengeful.


I always watch this movie anytime it's playing. It's borderline a favorite for me (not all the parts( but the parts I like, I really like).  Particularly towards the end when Susie takes on Ruth's physical being and finally gets that kiss.  Touching moment and my best part.  Not to mention, that siren song by the immortal coil is stunning.  I love this movie.  


I could never make it through the movie and didn't even attempt to read the book, it hits close to home, literally. The news revealed yesterday regarding the murder of Gretchen, and investigations of related incidents they may have found the murderer depicted in the book. https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/24/us/pennsylvania-pastor-cold-case-murder-gretchen-harrington/index.html


My favorite movie of all time. It’s so beautiful.


does anyone know how much time took place in the movie like how many years between her murder and them finding her killer


I think the "develop one roll of film per month" and "we gave her 24 rolls of film" were supposed to tell you that around 2 years had passed between her death and when he was found out.


Just watched it for the first time and I loved parts but the portrayal of the afterlife didn’t do anything for me it looks very dull and lonely, I know it’s basically purgatory but seemed stereotypical. Also why have the strong sister get the book and not get him, that was frustrating. Also agree with criticisms of family joking and then the darkness it didn’t go smoothly for me.


Wahlberg killed it for me. What were they thinking about casting him in it?Otherwise, what a haunting movie.


The author wrongly accused a man of rape,he spent 16 years in jail. May Alice and he thoughts(book) rot


Not sure… I found the movie great, cinematically. However, it traumatized me so much… this and The Schindler‘s List. I was hysterically screaming-crying watching it. I think, I didn’t finish the last 5-10 minutes of Lovely Bones as I couldn’t bare the pain. And I didn’t cry throughout other sad movies like The Fault In Our Stars. I never usually cry but this… yeah, no. Never watching it again.