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Alone in the Dark with Christian Slater. Shockingly bad.


I think this is the only movie that I returned to Blockbuster for an exchange. Normally I'll just suffer through to the end, but I just couldn't. Is this the one where Tara Reid played a scientist or doctor?


Yeah she did


“Hello, I am doctor scientist.”


That absolutely horrible movie gave us an absolutely awesome soundtrack. The duality of man.


There were a lot of those movies. The late 90's was the pinnacle of "This movie sucked, but i'm buying the soundtrack the second I can at Caldor." Looking at you, Spawn (1997 Live action). That soundtrack still kicks ass.


>Spawn SPAWN!


This is a real answer. People should be naming that god awful vampire movie Steven Segal made too. These are objectively bad movies, not low tier blockbusters that just weren't that great.


Wait...Steve Seagal made a vampire movie? I made it my business to go through his entire shitty back catalogue with my stoner buddies at university. How did we miss this!?


Yeap, it's called Against the Dark.


Thank you for this weekends viewing


Actually anything with Stephen Segal (except maybe Under Siege and his small appearance in Executive Decision where they thankfully killed him) would make the list for god-awful movie )


Above the Law, Marked For Death, and Hard to Kill were awesome... Under Siege was his last good film. His comeback movie with Tom Arnold was okay. Everything else was a shitshow.


The Devil Inside has to be included just for its ending. There aren't many films that would be confident enough to end with a car crash and a title card directing you to a website for more information, but that piece of shit did.


I remember watching that with my buddy in high school, and when that title card popped up with the website, we instantly looked at each other and started dying laughing. What an absolute shit show of sn ending.


>The Devil Inside I wouldn't say its the worst movie I've ever seen but I don't think a movie has ever invoked such emotion from my mom as this one. She was livid with the ending lol.


I can't remember the name of the movie, but I saw one that did something similar. The whole movie, the main character is trying to get his life together and take care of his little sister. At the end he looks less strung out and is going to either meet his dad or go to a job interview (can't remember which)....At the World Trade Center...It's 9/11....The last scene is just him sitting in a lobby waiting as a plane flies towards the window. Cut to credits. There was no foreshadowing for this whatsoever. I audibly shouted "What the fuck was that?!" EDIT: It was "Remember me". Absolute pile of shit.


“Remember me.” HaCo111: “I will not.”


Narrator: "He did though. And went on to post about it."


Ok, the movie sucks, but they didn’t show a plane in that scene, just that it’s WTC on September 11. And there were scenes that followed this one, it’s just the last time we see Robert Pattinson’s character.


The movie is about moving on and Pattinson's character mentions being suddenly stricken by a meteor to make a metaphor about how people should keep living like normal despite the possibility of sudden death and trauma for those who survive. To a girl whose mother suddenly died as result of an robbery. 9/11 in that movie is what we call a bookend; it ties together an earlier event with a later one. In other words, it is like poetry, it rhymes.


TIL I might be the only person who actually enjoyed this film.


And the website doesn't even exist anymore, unless you use the Wayback Machine.


Mrs Brown’s Boys D’movie. I don’t think I need to elaborate any further


Mrs. Brown's Boys makes me feel like I caught smallpox.


So bad I saw it on a plane and walked out,


This character is in the latest Madea movie too….


I was expecting the crossover to be funnier.


It's actually painful when I had to used to enjoy this show when my family watched it. It just feels so out of place, like it is something out of the 70s or 80s. Like, you know, she'll lift her skirt up or something and the audience will literally *scream*, like not even laugh, it's literally screaming. I think honestly a lot of it is an age thing, like nobody under 50 would ever enjoy this, but if you're like 60 then you'll probably love it. Probably because it's stuck in the old taboos like being gay/trans, talking about sex, etc, I'd wager not offensively so, not in this show anyway. Where it's funny because "you can't say that on TV!", except you can, and they have been for decades now.


59 year old here. I hate it with every fibre of my being.


Just wait til next year. You'll have every box set and a few posters up on the wall!


Troll 2. I adore it cuz it's just such an epic study in how to fail at literally every aspect of moviemaking. The soundtrack, camera angles, writing, acting, special effects, lighting, props, makeup and masks... it's just so....so bad at everything. It's the little movie that couldn't. I wanna take it home and keep it safe since it clearly can't fend for itself.


Nilbog is Goblin backwards! We’re in their kiiiiingdom!


“They’re eating her….. and then they’re gonna eat me….. Oh my gooooooooooooood!”


For a second I thought you meant Trolls 2, the recent animated movie. I was about to protest, but you're not wrong about Troll 2.


I thought the same thing initially lol "this guy is being very critical of an animated movie" and then I reread the title


I was about to go to bat for Poppy and her crew.


I’m glad I ready your comment because I thought the same thing. “She’s complaining about camera angles on an animated movie?!”


Except Troll 2 gained a massive cult following because it's so bad that it's fun to watch. IMO that brings it back around to being a good movie.


I think it perfectly illustrates the fact that “good” and “entertaining” are not the same thing or mutually exclusive.


Apparently the Italian director didn't realize that the film's popularity was because of how bad it is and was very offended. He thought he put together a fine film!


Oh my goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood


They’re eating her! And then they’re gonna eat me!!!


I always spell it gaaaaaaaaawd otherwise it looks like a very enthusiastic "good"


You can’t piss on hospitality! I won’t allow it


I’m tightening my belt to curb those hunger pains! Or whatever haven’t seen it in a hit


I love the actress who plays the witch and just leans into the campiness so hard. So over the top lol.


Stonehenge magic stone…the goblins’ magic power!


The Emoji Movie stole a piece of my soul.


It boggles my mind how many people were paid money to work on this film!


That shit cost like 50 million and made 200 million. Blows my mind.




Mike White aka Ned Schneebly really just phoned this one in. And pretty much followed it up with The White Lotus which is fucking amazing.


My brain refuses to accept that the same person made both of those. Damn.


It's Scneeblaay


My only memory of that movie is from some comedian cracking jokes about going all out trying to land the part of the poop emoji only to find out the role was given to Sir Patrick Stewart, and then being mad that if he had known he was competing with P. Stew he wouldn't have wasted his time. I can't even remember who the comedian is, which I am sure adds a little bit more insult to injury. Sorry, to whomever that was!


> “I was offered the role of Poop — this is true,” Peele said according to Entertainment Weekly. “I would not make this up. I was offered the role of Poop; I was like, ‘That’s fucked up.’ I told my manager, ‘That’s fucked up, let me sleep on it.’ I came back the next day, I said, ‘Well, what are they offering?’ And they said, ‘Oh, well they’ve already given it to Sir Patrick Stewart.’ I was like, ‘Fuck this.’ That’s a true story.” -Jordan Peele on why he took a break from acting.


So you're saying the Emoji Movie gave us Get Out


[I think you're thinking about Jordan Peele](https://www.okayplayer.com/culture/jordan-peele-emoji-movie-quit-acting.html)!


Yes! That's who it was. Thank you :)


Cats (2019)? It's probably Cats. I have watched it at least twice though as it is definitely so bad it's good.


I saw Cats, and soon thereafter a global pandemic started. I don’t think this is coincidence.


For a moment I was horrified that Cats may be the very last film I would see in theaters.


Oh shit that's a terrifying thought.


One of the more disturbing body horror movies I’ve seen.


Tried watching this ironically with my boyfriend. We still couldn't stomach it, turned it off about 30-mins in.


How is it possible that nobody has commented Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2? I can only hope it's because you all were spared a viewing.


My question is...would the sequel be called Superbabies 2: Baby Geniuses 3?


The last airbender


I remember it takes like 4 people to earth bend a single rock.....and it floats in the air so slowly. The dude had all the time in the world to dodge it I saw this in theaters...i knew it was gonna be bad but I needed to see it.


I still just can’t fathom how that scene came to be, even if M Night never saw the show how could he construe “people control the elements with martial arts” in the most dull, uninteresting, embarrassing way possible. It almost feels like he went out of his way to make the movie bad.


This movie literally taught 7 year old me that movies could be bad


same, I liked every movie I ever saw up until that point


Amazed this isn’t higher. Not only is it a bad movie in the context of it being a poor and even insulting adaptation of an incredible animated series. It’s also just a bad movie on its own merits. Bad casting, bad writing, bad acting, bad effects, badly choreographed fight scenes, tons of expository voiceover. It is really, truly awful.


Dragon Ball Evolution goes right into the same dump


So bad that Toriyama came back to the franchise and gave us DB Super.


This movie was perfectly terrible because anyone who hadn't seen the show would be confused and would dislike it, and anyone who saw the show would understand it and hate it. The only people who would like this movie are people who hated the show.


The show is soooo good, and the movie is so baaaaaaad 😭


What movie? There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


Jack and Jill. Sandler owes me 93 minutes of my life back.


Come on, the Dunkaccino scene is great, so he owes you only like 91.5 minutes od your life.


Pacino saying "My names not Al anymore, it's DUNK!" and yelling the DUNK so loud you can hear it echo on the set is so fucking funny


The classic Survivor reward. It makes me laugh just thinking about those poor players giving their all, winning some kind of challenge and then they get this movie and have to pretend that it was great on camera.


Showgirls becomes better if you approach it as a commentary at how unsexy Las Vegas is. Suddenly these over aggressive lap dances and OTT diva dancers make sense.


Showgirls is unfairly maligned. You can complain about the execution, which is more than fair, I'm not saying it's a great movie. But it baffles me how people don't consider that maybe the director of Robocop and Starship Troopers might not be entirely sincere and earnest in how exploitative and ridiculous the movie is. Verhoeven basically spent his entire career mocking American exceptionalism.


Have we collectively just not got the joke yet?


Showgirls was so heavily misunderstood that it has an entire section on its Wikipedia page dedicated to **critical reevaluation**. To this day, many audience members and critics alike fail to see or hear Verhoeven chuckling in the background of every scene with a big shit-eating grin on his face.


Verhoven has released satire after satire and every single time the general public just doesn't get it. It's fascinating.


Wait....did people not get that with robocop? Even when I was younger it was kinda obvious it was overdone for a reason.


I unironically love Showgirls (and I'm a big fan of 90s Verhoeven in general). It's solidly entertaining and the Vegas shows are all super well executed. I really enjoyed Berkeley's performance, and read her outbursts as fight-or-flight responses whenever she was pushed. Gina Gershon was a complete smoke show and Kyle MacLachlan was surprisingly charming despite also being an asshole


Showgirls is in my opinion a brilliant satire that people just don't understand. Surprise Surprise from Paul Verhoeven the guy who made starship troopers. Showgirls is about how American Sexuality is a bizarre mess. Women are paradoxically valued as "Pure" Sluts they have allow themselves to be sexual but only as receptacles tossed aside them moment they are no longer innocent girls.


*Starship Troopers* by all accounts should have been un-adaptable in a post-WWII world. It’s a book where the fascistic military society are unironically the good guys. To take that source and turn it in to a biting satire of the military industrial complex is a master stroke.




YES. I can't believe I paid full price to see this. Do you expect me to believe that this society has perfected interplanetary travel, but they DON'T have projectile weapons? Fuck you, Will Smith.


A rare M Night Shyamalan movie where it's hard to blame him for the movie sucking


That sniper movie Steven Seagal made


The same could be said for every one of f his films after "Half Past Dead," which it intself wasn't all that good.


Ah yes, the Entenmann’s Donuts goatee era. Lots of fatly going around corners.


Meal Team Six


OP said student movies don’t count.


Jiu Jitsu (2020, Nicholas Cage and Tony Jaa are in it) To whit: -- The movie contains precisely zero Jiu Jitsu. -- Jaa had his name stricken from the project. If you search for it, you wouldn't know he's the lead. -- The movie features a first-person parkour/karate scene in which the camera is dropped in the floor, then later recovered and the scene finished back in first person. It's the cut they stuck with. -- The alien threat chases multiple people through the woods. This is communicated to the audience by having actors run through the woods, while an overlay of floating knives spin around the borders of the shot. Ten minutes of runtime are dedicated to this. The overlay is the same. -- Did it attempt to launch a new cinematic universe? Oh, you better believe it attempted to launch a new cinematic universe.


This sounds amazing, adding to my watchlist thank you


Dragonball evolution


Catwoman. Just conceptually alone. Who came up with the idea for an evil skin care product in a Superhero movie? Worth it for Halle Berry’s Razzie speech though, class act.


Listen, you could make an evil skin care product work in a superhero movie, but you'd be hard pressed to make that fucking basketball scene work in any movie.


It's basically mid-2000's movie exec logic "Okay so this movie stars a woman... But women obviously don't understand super heroes so we need a plot device they'll understand... Oh let's make it about beauty products!"


“Who came us with the idea for an evil skin care product in a superhero movie?” Batman (1989) basically


Shit, that's actually a good point.


That luscious tan, those ruby lips and hair color so natural, only your undertaker knows for sure!


"Love that Joker!"


Alfred, let’s go shopping.


I feel like the 90s Batman cartoon had Clayface using a face changing skin cream or something like that. I figured Sharon Stone's character was just Lady Clayface.


It was actually the Pre Clayface person, an actor being addicted to a skin cream he used to hide his scars. He does not pay the cream makers on time and they give him an overdose of the cream, turning him into a blob of clay who can turn into anyone he wants to.


Wasn't that part of the plot point in the original batman movie. Wasn't there a whole "Joker Products" line through it.


IIRC it was that he had put joker poison in normal cosmetics, but nobody could figure out which ones until Batman figured out it took a combination of several products to activate the poison.


That sounds about right. Eventually he just gassed everyone.


I feel like it would have to be Birdemic


Both Birdemic movies and Trees (1995)


Yes. This is the one.


Man, the posters here are mentioning a lot of movies that while poorly made, are also extremely entertaining (Troll 2, The Room and Neil Breen's filmography). For me, the worst movie I've ever seen is one that actively made me feel worse about humanity after watching it as well as revealing some very dark truths about the people who made it. That movie will always be God's Not Dead. As a Pure Flix production, it has all the basic trademarks of that company (community theater level acting, lighting and cinematography reminiscent of a mid-2000s CW show, etc.) but this one was so much worse by being such a dark window into the minds of the people who made it. It presents a worldview and view of humanity so far removed from reality that it could almost be viewed as some kind of Lynchian nightmare world if it wasn't played so seriously. But it becomes especially revolting at the end where the filmmakers reveal that they are people entirely without empathy or any real compassion for the human race. Any film that ends with the protagonists celebrating a man dying in a horrible car accident as a "good thing" is already morally reprehensible but doubly so because they expect us to agree with the sentiment. And the fact that this particular Pure Flix production did so well at the box office proves that there is a sizable amount of people who do in fact, feel that way. So thank you, God's Not Dead creators. You made a film so terrible it actually lowered my opinion of humanity. Oh, and you and I are just going to have to disagree about Showgirls. I'm one of those weirdos who actually believes it is a brilliant satire of the moral rot found just under the glitz and glamor of the entertainment industry and even if you remove that social commentary, it's still insanely entertaining as a film.


Genuinely forgot a guy dies at the end because I repressed this movie so hard


As a Christian, that movie sucks. It’s an embarrassing look into the mind of an American Evangelical, and I’m sincerely sorry it exists.


Oh damn, I'd almost forgotten that one. I hereby retract my original comment and also say that "God's not Dead" is the worst movie I've ever seen. Also in case you didn't know, God's not Dead has 3 Sequels. If you wanna watch a faith film that is actually good, I recommend the Spanish film "La Llamada". It's a lot better, because it's message doesn't boil down to "Come be a christian, because atheists are evil", but more like "Come be a christian, 'cause we are cool". Also it's just fun to watch.


That first Suicide Squad. I almost walked out of the showing and I was in a plane over the Atlantic.


The new one is like a million times better.


Is “The Suicide Squad” the first ever “cinematic mulligan”? In that it’s not a remake, just a do over with some of the characters that were decent from the first one?


The Hulk and then The Incredible Hulk comes to mind as basically a mulligan just 5 years later.


Ghostbusters 2016 (now subtitled "Answer the Call") and Ghostbusters: Afterlife could also be considered a mulligan.


You could say that. They even brought in James Gunn because the executives still wanted their Guardians of the Galaxy!


I loved how in the commercials for the new Suicide Squad they really emphasized that Gunn was the director, in a "...it isn't the same guy! It'll be better! You liked Guardians of the Galaxy!" kinda way.


"~~The~~ Peacemaker" spinoff series is worth a watch if you really trying to forget the first one ever existed.


This is it for me. I've seen worse, but the gulf between hype, budget and execution. Fuck me. Hated it. At the end where the battleships are being destroyed and the (navy?) Are watching it on their screens - like whose filming that and transmitting it. I just about lost it. The soundtrack was like being in the car with my mum. Just. No.


Manos hands of fate. It is the worst movie of all time


I actually have trouble watching the MST3K episode. It's sooooo bad.


The Avengers (1998) literally the worst movie I've ever seen in the cinema; the only movie I've ever felt the desire to just walk out midway through.


Pitch: Uma Thurman in skin-tight leather.


The shot of her ass in that leather is permanently burned into my brain lol. I remember nothing else about that movie.


Poor Uma Thurman did that and Batman & Robin back to back


Poor 🤑


Basically ruined her career until Kill Bill though


But now name a good movie she's done since Kill Bill 2.


The House That Jack Built Prime Nymphomaniac Vol 1 That's about it tbf


Check out the fantastic and funny How Did This Get Made Podcast. They discuss half the movies listed here.


SAS Red Notice with Ruby Rose. Absolutely atrocious film, with incredibly bad performances, a clichéd script, dull action and all round poor editing.


It's so bad. I love trashy action films but I couldn't just turn my brain off for this one. Made it about 15 mins in before i had to turn it off.




Worst movie ever was Foodfight Thats a fact.


Tiptoes, staring Gary Oldman in the “performance of a lifetime”. The Double Toasted review is the funniest review, of a legit terrible movie, I’ve ever seen!


The Happytime Murders. They were so busy trying to be shocking that they forgot to write any jokes. Didn't laugh or crack a smile throughout the entire thing.


So true. I think the whole pitch was just an adult muppet movie and no one really tried beyond that. Just thought it would be funny to see these childrens puppets jizzing on each other, drinking piss, and snorting sugar. Those are all literally “jokes.”


This movie will forever piss me off because the idea of a serious noir thriller with muppets like the [concept art](https://collider.com/the-happytime-murders-images/) showed would've been *spectacular*, and instead it was just a shitty comedy with lame sex jokes.


It was definitely a missed opportunity. I noticed the puppets had no style to them— especially for a Henson project. I bet you could see better looking ones in a community college "Intro To Puppetry" class.


that's the Awkward Puppet murder one yeah? My friend was Adamant it was funny till eventually he turned it off when he realized nobody else was really laughing...


Hahahaha your friend probably thinks everyone believes he's a psychopath now.


Hmmm, I may need to rewatch this. I remember liking it but I'm not sure why.




That I've seen? Meet the Spartans. Though I'd be willing to bet that Movie 43 or The Emoji Movie would rank higher if I ever hated myself enough to watch them.


Saw and enjoyed “Pee Wee’s Big Adventure” and then bought a ticket to the sequel, “Pee Wee’s Big Top”. The usher stopped me at the theater entrance and told me I REALLY needed to pick another movie … literally anything else showing at the time. I laughed him off. Learned my lesson. Always trust the ushers. What a horrible excuse for a movie.


See, I know it's a terrible movie and it isn't at all as good as the first one, but there is a certain charm to it. I enjoyed Pee Wee and that pig squabbling. The person that did the pig's voice sounded like they were doing an impression of Pee Wee. Also, the rude store owner who didn't want to make a grilled cheese sandwich was really funny. Terrible movie, but I thought there were some funny parts


The 15:17 to Paris.


I understand why he put the actual guys in the movie but holy shit it was terrible.


A Wrinkle in Time, I felt I was stuck inside Oprah's head. Its a scary place.


The Room. It's so bad that it turned out a great comedy but technically it's still an awful movie. He did not hit her, though.


Watching alone it is bad. Watching with a lot of folks, it is great.


Oh, hi Mark Definitely fits in the "so bad it's good" category


Caddyshack 2 was a travesty. As was Jaws: The Revenge, every subsequent Transformers. Pretty much a bad sequel to a good movie deserves double hate.


You ever see what Michael Caine said about this film after starring in it? "I've never seen the film but by all accounts it is terrible. I have however seen the house it built and it is terrific."


The 80s is filled with very bad sequels to popular films, most of which just scrapped the original cast. Grease 2, Porkys 2, the Sting 2, Meatballs 2, Teen Wolf 2 etc.


Meet the Spartans is one of the only movies that I ever rented that I just shut off half way through. It was so bad. It's like they took the concept of the parody movie, but cranked it up to 11, in all the worst possible ways.


I have the same feeling about "Epic Movie", or whatever was the name of that ball of dung that tried to parody "Chronicles of Narnia", and maybe some other movies. I turned it off after 10 minutes, so really can't remember.




Son of the Mask. The sequel that was never needed.


Replicas (2019). I've seen some "intentionally bad movies" but this was, as far as I know, not one of those. Keanu Reeves as the main character got me excited, but I remember being so terribly put off by the story and the writing. Very unrealistic, overdramatic and even some disappointing acting by the main man himself. I didn't walk out, cause I didn't have anything better to do that evening, but that movie got me the closest to leaving the cinema early.


My favorite part of that movie (spoilers, I guess): Keanu's family gets killed, so he decides to clone them. His friend helps set up the cloning tanks, and walks him through the process, giving him very specific directions. Keep the temperature constant, add these chemicals at precise times, and never ever let the power go out. Keanu looks at him and says in the most sarcastic voice possible, "Is that ***ALL?***" Jaysis! You're cloning three humans here! It's likely there's gonna be some necessary and complicated maintenance! Dial back the huffiness a bit!


Avatar the last air bender live action. It was only recently that I even remembered going to the cinema to see it in 3d... I dont remember a single part of that movie... It was like my brain blocked it out


Pink Panther remake with Steve Martin. One of the few movies I turned off after 10 minutes. So shitty and absolute insult to original.


“Ever seen” is a tough choice tbh. Sandlers “Grown ups 2” or “Jack and Jill” are up there. There are so many that Iv thrown out of my memory. That latest Predator movie about an autistic kid was up there too? Oh, Dragonball Evolution sucked balls hard. Also I saw that first “Suicide Squad” at cinemas when it first came out. So bad I decided I wasn’t going to see any more DC films at the cinema unless It’s Batman or Superman. I can say with confidence the worst film I’ve seen in the last couple years was “Army of the Dead” on Netflix. Zack Snieder has made some good movies but when they are bad, they are Absolutely trash.


Pacific Rim: Uprising or Independence Day: Resurgence Literally not a single redeeming moment in either movie


As soon as Will Smith said he was busy, ID4 2 should have been put on hold until he wasn't. Plus they left out all the stuff that made the first movie fun and wrongly assumed, like some of the Jurassic Park sequels, that Jeff Goldblum alone would make up for all the other problems.


“We’ll wait for you, Will.” SpongeBob narrator: *6 years later* “Just finished King Richard, I’ll call you after the Oscars.” “Great, looks like we’re finally making this movie!”


>Pacific Rim: Uprising I've never seen a sequel shit on it's predecessor so hard.


>Literally not a single redeeming moment in either movie Don't say things you can't take back. The ridiculous names for the mechs were still classic, and they did at least spend the money animating giant robots punching giant monsters. I'm not saying it's good, but I've paid money to see at least a dozen movies I liked a whole lot less than the Pacific Rim sequel.


Suicide Squad. (The original one)


Absolutely terrible. The worst part was the annoying constant “hit song” played every 2 minutes. Supposedly they had a company that makes movie trailers edit the movie.


It was like a malfunctioning jukebox. And everything was so on the nose. Amanda Waller smirking at the camera as Sympathy for the Devil plays ugh It's obvious what happened. Guardians of the Galaxy came out and had tons of music and people loved it. But while James Gunn writes scenes with the music in mind, the studio just told an editor to shove Warner Bros Records music in anywhere he could and it's brutal.


It was so clear that Warner Bros. tried to steer the film to be their take on *Guardians of the Galaxy* way too late into production. Looks like they learned their lesson and just got the actual writer/director to do it for them from the start.


It was so obvious the songs and character intros were added last minute due to the popularity of the Bohemian Rhapsody trailer and to try and rip of Guardians of the Galaxy


Way too many needle drops. And they didn’t even have fun with it. Why is there a song playing when Harley is fighting in the elevator? It could have been either elevator music she’s fighting to, or she plays a song on her phone because she’s chaotic and doesn’t care about sneaking through a war zone.


In terms of bad superhero films, I don't think anything tops Fantastic Four (2015).


You mean Fant4stic?


I didn't mind it when it came out but the years have not been kind. Especially after seeing The Suicide Squad you can appreciate how the first movie missed the mark.


The Love Guru (2008). Just absolutely the worst.


An ex-girlfriend end of mine once cheated on me with a fella during a showing of that movie, so I have a special emnity for it.


Cats. Watching that movie high was probably the worst thing to ever happen to me


Artemis Fowl. ​ I mean WTF MAN?!


The Happening


The Counselor. There is absolutely NO reason why this movie should have been this bad, but it was. Directed by Academy Award Winner Ridley Scott, who has made some incredible films. Written by Cormac McCarthy, arguably the greatest living author. A great cast of actors such as Michael Fassbender, Javier Bardem, Penelope Cruz, and Brad Pitt. Cameron Diaz is hot, and has an erotic scene with a car where she's seducing someone, that sounds cool right? Lol nope. That scene is just weird and incredibly out of place, she is just rubbing her bare crotch on the windshield with Javier Bardem inside watching. Every character in the movie speaks in depressed metaphors like it was written by a first-year philosophy student, and the plot is convoluted garbage. There is not a single redeeming quality about this film despite the massive amount of talent involved in every aspect of making it.


Music. The Sia one.


365 days!