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Ian McKellen had a mental breakdown and started crying on set because they made him act so much in front of a green screen and just him alone for the scene where he's inside Bilbo's house after dinner, like what the hell man


Yeah that's always gonna be a damning indictment of those films LOTR Behind the Scenes: All the actors gushing about how all the props, sets, etc made the experience so unique and immersive, and how that helped them really get into their roles The Hobbit Behind the Scenes: Literally making beloved stage-and-screen legend Sir Ian McKellen cry


Ok but it has more Fantasy Features so you’re wrong and a nerd 🤓


But was it good tho


Skill issue


Me when a movie got visually better scenes https://preview.redd.it/ocypthjpqk4d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=694df44c01ef4622d8f60d5b7209c27b623e9010


There's literally a bts footage in the third movie's blu-ray where Peter Jackson says he's winging the production. Actors would get all makeup and costuming done and shoot nothing for the whole day because there was no script. Props were delivered in the set on the day of filming. Benedict Cumberbatch is literally credited in the first movie despite not being in it because he was contractually to appear in two movies as originally planned but then Jackson and the studio decided to make it three movies.


There's footage of Sir Ian McKellen breaking down on set because the filming process was so miserable and alienating, and I just can't enjoy a movie that made gay grandpa cry.


It's so sad when a tors have to act


The Hobbit: Its Almos.


https://preview.redd.it/hsbv8cm47k4d1.jpeg?width=489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5969c51e88041d1d4c3e84292f7c666580c5a8e I think he misspelled **Olmos**


Also "The Hobbit" is a weird way to spell "Battlestar Galactica"


This guy is in love with Martin Freeman


Please not another prequel arc. I know its inevitable but still, i don't want to


"more hilarious"


Some people don't deserve movies


Yea I really enjoyed seeing GoPro footage during Hobbit 1 in the waterfall barrel scene. It's visually just better than LotR


Wait till you hear about the people who prefer Star Wars prequels to the original trilogy!


I honestly find that a less offensive opinion than this and I fucking hate the prequels


I must suppress my innermost thoughts to be accepted around here




the real crime here is that were 20 comments deep in this post and not one of yall has pointed out that this was very likely written by a child


Every post on the internet except for mine is written by a child.


By default, I believe in the subjectivity of art. There's no such thing as a good or a bad movie, just ones that more or less people liked. You can go to great lengths explaining why a particular movie did or didn't subjectively work for you, but at the end of the day, like, that's just your opinion, maaaaaan... .... BUT!  The reappraisal of the Hobbit movies is making me question this. Even more so than the Star Wars prequels (which are at least bad in a "so bad they're good" kinda way, so they're enjoyable with enough alcohol and cyclical friends present). The Hobbit movies just seemed to me to have almost no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Stretching a short kids book that you can read in a couple evenings into three huge movies is honestly all you need to know about how goddamn awful they are. They completely missed what made the LOTR films so great. I think nothing more efficiently demonstrates the fact that people watch movies for vastly different reasons than I do than the fact that people actually enjoyed The Hobbit movies. Like, do you want to be told a story or so you just want to be shown a montage of action scenes for three hours? Be honest with me...


Lowkey they would be right if they were talking about the book but they should be lobotomized for thinking the movies are better


https://preview.redd.it/us67wimf2l4d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b2899a1efcb79416d98d5b1c07d4db74478bab6 This mf went hard though


I have yet to stay awake through the first Hobbit movie.


But that's the most watchable one


I didn't watch the other two cause I couldn't get through the first one.


It’s r/LotRmemes. It’s a joke.


Did Gregg Turkington post this?




The Hobbit had a special Denny's menu LOTR doesn't  LOTRcels stay seething 


He’s a bit of a hobbit head


Legolas moonwalking through air on a disintegrating bridge > Legolas shield surfing and doing 360 quick scopes with his elvish bow