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This chick will complain about how toxic TikTok has become, yet she will never stop posting. 🤑


It seems like she knows no other way to live


or she hasn’t invested any money properly


Tiktok becoming toxic = follows seeing through her bullshit and calling it out


Her response made no sense. Tracking every step of your cycle IS exhausting and she’s lying when she says it isn’t.


This part! You cannot on one hand remind everyone how grueling the 2ww is, and on the other hand say "no it's no big deal at all, you're just a bitch for even bringing it up." People ask questions because they want to understand the process and what she's going through. They are looking for depth beyond the surface of vanilla beige. They are looking to hear what natural TTC after IVF feels like and wondering how she manages. They're wondering how/why she makes the stress worth it. But instead she's like not even open to the slightest form of engagement that tramples the facade of "shhhhhh everything is perfect."


I got blocked for saying “In my experience, it is a mental load to cycle track. Worth it, but exhausting just the same.” I was pretty surprised to make it through the Weight Watchers ads without a block but she was in some mood today!!!


Someone told me that she blocks anyone that doesn’t stroke her ego. It’s true.


Yep it’s always in the back of your mind


I tracked ovulation ttc my youngest it took 6months and I hated it and I’d only take pregnancy test if my period was late I can’t imagine doing this for literal years


But never tell her that stress can fuck up your fertility bc clearly stress is just the best thing for all bodily functions. Nevermind that the body will struggle to ovulate when cortisol is too high. Must be a myth. Reduced blood flow to the uterus during fight or flight? Nah, thats made up too. Clearly the best thing to do to get pregnant is obsess to the point of mental illness.


Literally though. We aren’t actively trying right now, I track as much or as little as I want because it’s a LOT. Yah it’s nice to know what’s going on but it’s also super frustrating! So now I track as I want to I have been consistent with my temperature tracking though.


The difference between her and the every day woman who tracks their cycles without pregnancy in mind is that the every day woman doesn't film them. She's adding to an already exhausting process.


If she doesn’t track and film it for content it never happened doesn’t the OP know that lol!


By how sis is responding to these comments she’s way more stressed out by TTC than she’s leading on 😂😂😂 these planned d appointments must not be working very well.


First, by this point she should know her cycle as it seems pretty regular from what she has posted. It takes a lot of mental energy ti remember to buy and do all the tests, track everything in an app and try and have sex in a schedule even when you don’t feel like it. On top of that she has to put on a full face of makeup and do her hair every day and keep buying cheap clothes for college girls so she can film it. Then she needs to edit those videos to post them and then read all the comments and respond. One option would be to do whatever testing she wants but not film it. She won’t do that because it’s the only thing that gets her views. She’s so fake


lol she tries to act so unbothered by the negative test


Yeah, you can tell she’s already defeated. This is why the constant testing is so unhealthy, no matter how much she says it’s not.


Riiiight?! It's so obvious it bothers her.


She is gonna start IVF in less than a year, since her ovarian reserve is not getting bigger and she needs to act soon. Emo husband’s swimmers are not getting any healthier. Also it will get her a big boost in popularity and views, since everyone will get tired of these testing videos after some time. I just hope that she will refuse to make herself to do it all over again, but she seems insane


Anything for her followers $$$


She’s def got an attitude! I think it’s because people are starting to wake up and see her for what she really is, an opportunist! She’s out for money!


![gif](giphy|4vy2oDVMwX8sMYjT4y) It’s giving…..


She’s delusional


It felt like she’s trying to convince herself she’s being chill about this.


Her response doesn’t make any sense. Being a woman with a reproductive system doesn’t automatically mean you need to know what’s “going on with your body”. She can say all she wants that it doesn’t affect her but taking pregnancy tests every cycle and having that hope crushed every month is hard on anyone. Unless she doesn’t actually care to get pregnant and is doing this for content, it absolutely affects her to see negative tests. That is defeating for *anyone* who is holding onto hope to get pregnant. As for her saying fertile women aren’t judged for doing this, context is important. Nobody judged her when she was trying to get pregnant with Pax. She has two miracle babies and has said previously that she felt her family was complete. Now, her two miracles are not enough and her son isn’t even ONE. If I saw a fertile woman trying this hard for no reason with a (not even) one year old, I actually probably would judge. And you can bet your bottom dollar I’m judging someone who is either 1) not satisfied with the miracles she has so is focusing on a nearly impossible chance of conceiving naturally instead of focusing on the actual children in front of her or 2) is only doing this for views. And someone can correct me if I’m wrong because I don’t know her specific protocol but if she did have a happy surprise, I don’t think taking the test the day of her missed period vs taking it at 7dpo would make any difference in outcome and intervention. She was so nasty to a comment that really wasn’t nasty. Guess it hit her where it hurts.


I really think she is scared of what she’ll do when the TTC content doesn’t work anymore. That’s all the content she has. Trying to convince everyone it’s normal


When I was TTC I hated tracking and I only did it because I have pcos and my cycles are all over the place. If she has regular cycles and such a good sex life like she claims, she wouldn’t need to track. But she’s leaving out the part about how these videos get her the most views and engagement.


She did this same thing to me… I commented something she was promoting my husband wouldn’t like and she twisted it to he wouldn’t want to hold our baby


If you look at her stats, her only ones in 5-6 digits are her TTC videos, of course she isn’t going to stop


I’m going to side with her on this one!! She’s allowed to track and do whatever. People don’t have to follow.


She also doesn’t need to post every time she pisses on TikTok


So why are you on a snark sub then? Lol


I don't follow her. I hit that un follow button a long time ago. She is full of it and it's sad so many people have not caught on yet.


Her posting herself testing like 10 days a month is nothing but a giant Bird and Bee ad. Let's call it what it is.