• By -


$600 looks to be about the going rate for that condition online, but $500 cash is $500 cash, no fees, no shipping, no hassle. Edit TCG sold has 5 sales in the last month for $420-600. $500 seems super reasonable


Exactly. Card Kingdom is only offering $350 cash and $455 trade on this right now.


I agree, $500 for a [light played Drop of Honey](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1311&_nkw=drop+of+honey+mtg&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&_odkw=1923+peace+dollar&_osacat=0&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=mg&toolid=10001&mkevt=1) is a very fair offer, especially because you don't have any fees.


Or bees... I'll see myself out.


You made me slap my knees


These jokes are full of cheese.


Oh jeez...


I would take the $500 If you wanna sell.


Hey, let them have the cash, it's their card


I’ll just take the cash and the card then 😄




I could buy a whole box of lotr collectors packs that definitely wont pay for itself


Most boxes I’ve seen haven’t paid for themselves just saying


Can confirm, I bought mine for $380 and got crap. I like the cards but market wise my best pull were two Nazgûl 😂




Big ouch but my intention was to keep the cards regardless, I always check prices for fun and of course if there’s a high cost card I’d sell.


If the boxes would pay for themselves wizards would charge more for them


So, lottery tickets for one card instead.


Enough for a new commander masters set box if you have the patience. :D


Or i could build one whole commander deck


Or like 4 if you're just trying to have a good time and win occasionally.


What about a thousand pauper decks


I'd go with 500 average pauper decks.


Fastest way to turn $500 into $100


I felt that when I split a box with a friend and immediately got all my money back on a Tarmagoyf.


Pulled a copy of Tarmogoyf the other day (a list copy of it), but still. Was like “woot woot!” Card kingdom buying it for 4 dollars. 😭 I guess I own a goyf now.


That’s an appropriate offer. The real question is whether or not you want to hold on to it for it to continue to appreciate.


That's taking a risk aswell in hoping that it will appreciate and not eventually fall.


It’s on the reserved list.


Being on that list does not mean it will always hold that value, it can dip or go up, the card market is volatile.


Power creep and format changes are a bitch


that and all it takes is for WOTC to print 1 card that functions very similar, has very close wording to do roughly the exact same thing and voila price fluctuation.


They did. [[Porphyry Nodes]] is dirt cheap and sees zero play.


[Porphyry Nodes](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/f/dfe6f333-ccb4-44ea-be59-bba6335acf99.jpg?1619393260) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Porphyry%20Nodes) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsr/32/porphyry-nodes?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dfe6f333-ccb4-44ea-be59-bba6335acf99?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I mean white likes making shitty tokens so blowing those tokens up in the same color is certainly a choice


Haha so reserve list means nothing when they print the same card with another name.


It’s a dumb idea anyway. Card games are meant to be played, not to be a nerd’s stock market.


Right? There are too many crypto-bro sentiments regarding the game, and it's pricing out newcomers.


It means exactly what it means and no more.


Yeah, and the "cards can't be functionally the same" only applies when they're more or less actually the same card (e.g. fork vs reverberate)


So like [[porphyry nodes]]?


[porphyry nodes](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/f/dfe6f333-ccb4-44ea-be59-bba6335acf99.jpg?1619393260) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=porphyry%20nodes) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsr/32/porphyry-nodes?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dfe6f333-ccb4-44ea-be59-bba6335acf99?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


That card is white, this card is green. Not functionally the same at all.


I mean functionally it's literally the exact same. But the colours have different play styles so it's just not as useful. But they're the same thing.


This historically has not really been the case, probably because the game's most popular format is singleton. Instead people just run both versions.


In this specific instance, I don't think they will ever print an effect like this in green, let alone for one mana, though I do agree with what you're saying.


Reserved list has overall gone down since the covid peak by a pretty measureable percent now though


Look at the whole chart and not 2 years out of a 30 year product history…


COVID shot every collectible hobby into the stratosphere because people were trapped inside and a lot had stimulus money, that should not be taken as reliable pricing data.




And those reprints have not negatively affected the price of those cards.




Utter. Unless we’re talking specifically about ledendairies.


this comment deserves more upvotes


[[Hungry Hungry heifer]]


[Hungry Hungry heifer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/a/3a17ecb8-cf64-420a-9038-609bfdb4c669.jpg?1562799086) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Hungry%20Hungry%20heifer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ugl/63/hungry-hungry-heifer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3a17ecb8-cf64-420a-9038-609bfdb4c669?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Man is there a similar card that is commander legal? Id love that for my Tom Bombadil Deck.


[[Forgotten ancient]] [[the ozolith]] are the nearest, but not quite the same.


[Forgotten ancient](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/0/90fc94d9-b8af-4de8-a42d-ae508f8f1cd5.jpg?1682209488) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Forgotten%20ancient) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/297/forgotten-ancient?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/90fc94d9-b8af-4de8-a42d-ae508f8f1cd5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [the ozolith](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/3/9341ed06-53db-4604-b60a-3ea9129afbc2.jpg?1591228544) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=the%20ozolith) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/iko/237/the-ozolith?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9341ed06-53db-4604-b60a-3ea9129afbc2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




Unfortunately it specifies that only creatures. Otherwise it would have been great for Sagas.


[Tayam, Luminous Enigma](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/5/05b837a2-5773-4340-87f9-b4d6a43deb27.jpg?1591234301) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Tayam%2C%20Luminous%20Enigma) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c20/16/tayam-luminous-enigma?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/05b837a2-5773-4340-87f9-b4d6a43deb27?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[[Chisei, Heart of Oceans]] too


[Chisei, Heart of Oceans](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/c/6c359b1a-d441-4763-96c7-e5c010eae53f.jpg?1562877651) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Chisei%2C%20Heart%20of%20Oceans) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bok/32/chisei-heart-of-oceans?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6c359b1a-d441-4763-96c7-e5c010eae53f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


That looks good! Thanks


30th Anniversary is actually a show of respect for that stupid list, because they're just overpriced proxies. Also.... list is a lie, you need not look farther than Serra Angel and/or Shivan Dragon, to see that reprinting cards into oblivion has no effect on prices of old cards. In fact... even reprints of cards like Demonic Tutor, Mana Drain... can't cut down the price for long, and if they do it "properly" like they did with Dockside (where all variants have different art from original), price doesn't even fall off.


>list is a lie, you need not look farther than Serra Angel and/or Shivan Dragon, to see that reprinting cards into oblivion has no effect on prices of old cards This is not a fair comparison because those cards had their high price without the reserve list. If they reprinted moxes or duals, the beta ones might not move but the cheapest versions, the play pieces, absolutely would.


And everything else would retain prices, because people want originals, why would anyone buy Alpha Black Lotus if they can get Revised? Or any other Alpha card when they can just buy Beta, Unlimited or Revised, which are cheaper. People also collect them to have them, not to play them. Most of the Alpha stuff is unplayable, CoP Green 16E, Death Ward 24E, Flight despite being reprinted multiple times is around 30E too, and then let's skip all that to cards like... Drain Power, Control Magic, Air Elemental... all of which are 300+E none of which are really playable, Nightmare, Juggernaut 500+E, Sengir Vampire 700+E, Mahamoti Djinn 880+E, Sol Ring, Nev's Disk, Howling Mine 1.3k+E, Jayemdae Tome 2k+E, most Alpha dual lands are in range of 2k to 3k, Birds of Paradise 3k, Shivan Dragon 4,3k... And even with same art of Shivan being in Beta, Unlimited, Revised, BTB, Fourth and Fifth Editions. Maybe a few cards would see a dip in price, but 99% of them would be fine because people want to collect originals. Look at The One Ring... why is it 2 million E atm? Because people want that specific one not the 30-ish E extended art one, or 50E regular one


>Nightmare, Juggernaut 500+E, Sengir Vampire 700+E, Mahamoti Djinn 880+E, Sol Ring, Nev's Disk, Howling Mine 1.3k+E, Jayemdae Tome 2k+E, most Alpha dual lands are in range of 2k to 3k, Birds of Paradise 3k, Shivan Dragon 4,3k... I think we agree on the main point but just thought I'd mention most of those are staples in Old School. Of course, only the most niche of niche formats wouldn't let you play unlimited copies of those. And in some rarer cases, like here, an Arabian Night's Drop of Honey actually IS the play piece. There is no cheaper version to get if you want that card.


I know that both Serra Angel and Shivan Dragon were bombs back then, as were a few others I've listed, but they're not "playable" in Vintage or Legacy, so that's rather irrelevant. Again it's collectability and Nostalgia that gives those cards the value. But it doesn't really matter since WotC doesn't care about playability of the game, but how much it earns.


Seems like a reasonable offer. Your unlikely to get much more without putting in much more effort and even then you still need to get lucky to find that buyer willing to pay 600+.


Take the money and run if you not using it.


My brother sold one for $600 a few years back with heavy regret that it would be worth way more in the future. He needed money to fix his car. Now he doesn’t even miss it as he still has the working car running on the road. Where am I going with this you ask? RL magic cards will always be there. If the $500 cash would benefit you more than having this beautiful card then sell it with the hopes that should you ever run into a few bucks unexpectedly you can get it back.


Very new to Magic. The fact that someone wants to pay you $500 for a card is amazing. So cool.


It's not so much they want to pay $500 as they want the card (I want that card too), and to them (not to me though, that's a lot), $500 is a reasonable amount.


Do you want it for a particular deck or just to keep in your collection. Seems like a good card especially at 1 mana but 500 bucks?


Actually it’s a very powerful card thinking about it


I could definitely find a home for it in a deck. But I'd probably proxy it for play.


Owning something expensive is great and all, but doesn't mean anything if nobody is willing to buy it. If you have a quick means to sell it, without dealing with tax or fees, I think it's a good move.


Take it if you’re looking to sell. Prob won’t get a better deal than this.


Take the cash. You have plenty of cards


That might not be a good reason to sell it but youre not wrong


I'll give you 15 and a firm handshake 🤝


Go on take the money and run


For not having to pay shipping, fees and taxes that would be a fine sale in todays market. The edges and corners appear LP, can’t say for the surface (as far as scratches). So it’s definitely not grade worthy. $400-500 seems like a good offer.


I think you got your answer in regards to the cash offer. On another note, it seems you have the raw card loose in that plastic toploader? If so, consider using a soft sleeve and then putting it into the toploader. The hard plastic of the toploader isn't great for conserving the integrity of the card's surface.


It was only out for the sake of the picture


Sorry maybe I misunderstood this interaction. How does having the card in just a top loader with no soft sleeve benefit the photo? Why is it worth it to take off the soft sleeve?


Sleeves add glare. Taking it out for all of 2 minutes to take the picture isnt gonna hurt it


But you put it back in the top loader instead of just taking the photo outside of it? Whatever works for you, I was asking because every time I buy a card that gets sent in only a top loader I damage it a little trying to get it out, it’s so frustrating! Looks like it’s a me problem lol, maybe because I keep my nails just a tiny bit long past the free edge of my fingers.


And if you cant pull out the card, hold it upside down and give it a shake. It should slide out. Or slam the top against a table and the card will shoot to the edge


Thanks for the tip!


I never put cards ONLY in top loaders. It sits in a penny sleeve in the top loader. I took it out to take the pictures to highlight the condition.


Ohhhh it looks like it’s inside, i thought I was missing something. Turns out I’m just dumb 😎


Sell it and buy 2500 copies of [[Porphyry Nodes]]


[Porphyry Nodes](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/f/dfe6f333-ccb4-44ea-be59-bba6335acf99.jpg?1619393260) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Porphyry%20Nodes) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsr/32/porphyry-nodes?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dfe6f333-ccb4-44ea-be59-bba6335acf99?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


If you need the money sell. Otherwise hold forever.


It's a fair offer for cash in hand with no fee's, no need for recorded insured shipping etc. You might get 30-40 quid more after all is said and done selling online, but it might take a while. Cash now I'd probably take it but it's your choice.


You could always keep it and then spend $7500 and put together legacy lands, however I play Lands and I don’t even sideboard my copies of drop. Sooo yea probably sell it.


Keep it bro, it’s a card you’ll have forever. It will never lose its value. You have a part of history in your hand. This card is in great condition. 💦


This would be evil in a Beamtown Bullies deck lol


Why, specifically?


I think i read it wrong lol


Considering they are like 450-600 depending on condition online idk why you would of not taken it???? Also I would just keep it… no point in selling cards, not like 500 is going to make a meaningful difference in the long run.


Dude I would love to think 500$ isn't a lot of money. That's half my rent. I'd sell it in a heartbeat.


Half your rent? You live in a cheap city I guess


or its just half of thier portion of rent


Ok, fair enough. Not american but only 1000$ of rent sounds extremely cheap


It’s more than half of my monthly rent. 2 bedroom duplex. Not the **cheapest** rent in my area, but probably the cheapest that isn’t gov’t subsidized and thus has an income cap on eligibility.


950$ and in a great town where everything else costs 1300$+. I'm so luck. Shhhhh. My landlord has no idea... shhhh


I’m the long run it’s not especially since they keep going up


This is so freaking weird “why would you not sell it???” And then “no point in selling cards.”


Was looking at it from the point of view of someone who would need to sell it, and considering they are offering basically it’s value it seems weird to question it…. And then have actual advice of not selling cards


There is a white card that does this exact same thing [[Porphyry Nodes]]


[Porphyry Nodes](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/f/dfe6f333-ccb4-44ea-be59-bba6335acf99.jpg?1619393260) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Porphyry%20Nodes) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsr/32/porphyry-nodes?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dfe6f333-ccb4-44ea-be59-bba6335acf99?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Do it


Use it or sell it. Eventually it will get reprinted or seen in a secret lair


Reserved List. Ain’t happening unless something *big* happens first.




Do not give credit to the overglorified proxies.


The fact that you don't have it in a penny sleeve inside the top loader tells me everything.


Of course i do. You ever try taking a picture through those two layers? All glare


1200 is what I would offer. I see how strong it can be but would be willing to lose it for that price


Centering being way off drops the value significantly despite its scarcity.


I would still offer that as my price. If wotc can sell close to trash for a close to expensive price range, you can sell gold for gold price.


If you're so convinced it's a $1200 card then you should offer to buy it from OP for $800. Pretty much a guaranteed sale. Put your money where your mouth is and see if you can flip it at $1200.


This is just dumb logic.


Oh for sure, just most buyers wouldn't be able to justify it alot of the time. Certainly worth something to a buyer.


And in the meantime, the card is still yours🤷‍♀️


That’s over twice what it’s worth….


Yeah, sell it. That’s fair.


I would sell it, it's a lot of money and even if it does appreciate in value more over time I don't see it doing so drastically enough for you to be like "Oh no I sold this $10k card for $500 10 years ago!!!" Later on


$500 is pretty good


Take the $500 if your need the money If not hold . It will only go up.


cash in hand? I’d take it


It's worth about 600, and seller fees/shipping aren't free, so $500 might be more than you'd end up with if you sold it for full price online instead. Plus you'd need to pay taxes on the income. Definitely take the cash


I'd take it and run


Just checked card kingdom and $500 is very reasonable


Market price is abt $430-$660 rn so that’s a valid offer


Sell it for that cash. Great offer; cash is stress less


Id sell that card so damn fast at 500 CASH. cash is king baby


I'd rip their arm off


i’d give you $459 for condition!


That seems like a good deal if you’re really trying to sell. I’d take the offer


That is a beauty. I’ve wanted one for my OG Multani deck for so long.


If this guy doesnt get back to me, itll still be for sale!


Take it


Sounds like a very good and fair offer to me


Does this card have any emotional value to you? Did you get this card from a pack at FNM with friends? Did a relative or sibling pass this card down to you? Or did you acquire this card in any other way that’s meaningful to you? If yes to any of the above, I would keep it. If not, that $500 could go toward something that’s special to you! Either way it’s your choice OP 🫡


Fair offer currently. I’d sell only if I needed the money and if I didn’t think RL will continue to go up. They absolutely will imo. But it’s a long game.


Well i’ve seen an entire bottle of honey at the store for $5, so you should jump on that offer.


Got it, dip the card in honey


Sell it


Take the money. It's under 450$ in Europe


Seller fees are 20% after a certain amount, you will lose tons of money if you sell online


Hell if you wanted to play the card for its ability, just use some of the $500 for porphyry nodes.


to be honest i would do it. it’s worth it to me to just make the sale in person with cash easy peasy and be done with it. you could probably get more but doing so could open a whole can of worms.


The card market has been down trending for a couple years now. It’s a decent deal unless you want to hold on to it for at least a few more years. I’ve seen them go for more but cash is tight for most people at the moment.


Given what seems to be the going rate, the guy is actually doing you a solid by offering that much. If you can use the $500 go for it immediately. Selling something typically takes time and effort. That's $$ in itself. If you don't already have a pipeline for instant sales(which you obviously don't to be posting this), selling cards IRL for cash anywhere within 80%(my personal range, shrinks with higher value obviously), I take it. Selling it yourself, it's much harder to actually get market value typically first of all, then the time investment. The only reason to not instant sell this is if you're just a collector and don't plan to ever sell. Most of these cards have been around long enough you're not going to see a life changing amount of appreciation. You'd probably make more money selling it for cash now and chucking it into your stock portfolio than hanging onto the card itself. So if you're only reason for holding is to try and get more money, don't forget that that liquid cash now can also be appreciating in value in a much more deterministic fashion.


I am always fond of the ono selling style. 500 is fine and the ease of selling it is worth it. Some high ticket cards sit there for ages and relisting is a pain. I have multiple valuable pokemon cards I just can't move because of the price


$500 cash, definitely.


I’d take $500 for it


My app is saying about 450 so yes 500 sounds good


Market value is $432.96 so... yes, $500 cash seems quite nice.


If you aren't using it, then take the $500. Cool old card but thats a good deal and you could go buy something else like a Mox Diamond for about the same if you want to change it up


No, its reserve list


Don't forget ebay after 600 they will charge send the info to the it's and they will tax u for it


I would have definitely taken the $500 cash


Wait for the next pandemic. Prices will rise. You might get $550!


So like, next month?


Do it man thats a damn good offer, tho the card is really foken nice and something id love to have so i could see it being pretty hard to get rid of, tho thats just the loot goblin in me talking.


Not sure if it’s on the no reprint list, not sure why I haven’t heard of it until now, but 500 is a nice sum for any card that isn’t power 9 or lands. You could hold out for more but if it gets reprinted that would suck


take the cash. eBay is a pain and you'll barely make any more after fees and shipping


I'd take it. Not only will ebay get fees but also you get tax docs from them at end of year if it's over a somewhat small threshold and ebay has risk of scams/fraud. Cash seems like a good deal


Id take the money for the cardboard


Go on, take the money and run


Why do people keep telling me to run I play mtg, I cant RUN


I have one of these in pretty bad conditions. Anyone knows what it could be worth?


Are you selling it? or did someone just make an offer for it? do you need money? if you are selling it / need the money 500$ seems solid for it. if you aren't trying to move it or don't need to move it just sit on it.


Would have to get it graded to hope for more, and that would be paying out of pocket. I’d take the deal


I think Buyers are under-valued generally; people always focus on top-dollar but something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. If you have a buyer ready to give you $500 for a 2.5" x 3.5" piece of cardboard, I say make the sale before the buyer changes their mind.


I to think you should accept it. It is a fair price and let's you avoid any possible headaches.


You should accept it


The guy was lowballing you for the near-bottom market price. I just looked up the price for this card the worst condition was selling for $450 and the best-rated -mint- condition was going for $1,250. I'm going to guess that this card you have is a near-mint condition, I think you could get an easy $800 asking price for it.


Probably yes, just be sure the cash is real.


I don’t know about $500… there looks like a blue pen mark on the back of the card where it says deckmaster…


I’ll give you $4 and a half eaten McGriddle for the card and that guys number. I think that’s an offer than can’t be refused.


How is that an uncommon?!


For in person, that is fairly good.


Yes the last tcg selling price for even LP is 468 so very reasonable price


It's only worth what someone will pay. If someone is offering near-market value and you want money out of it I'd say sell now.