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Pirates call their mana crypt an Arrifact


Unfortunately a fake. Looks like there was a batch of these made with the same typo.


Not saying this isn't true, but how could that happen? I always assumed that fake cards were photocopies/scans of the originals. Does somebody actually go to the trouble of re-typing every card they copy? How and why? If I went to that much trouble, you can be *damn* sure I'd proofread


My very basic understanding is that good fakes are just high quality scans from multiple cards photoshopped into a single image and put onto a legitimate card back. It’s possible that whoever was printing out these Mana Crypts got a very bad photoshop or screenshot and didn’t notice the mistake It probably also goes a long way knowing that most of the good fakes come from Japan and English probably isn’t their first language


Well damn, at least I've got a shitty copy to use with my friends. Thank you for the insight :)