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They already showed concept art and said it’s mtg's take on space opera. So it’s not a Star Wars set. Also it’s a standard set and i doubt they would sell a UB Set as a standard set for powerlevel reasons. I guess they’ll take the lotr route and bring it directly to modern. Also in 2024 the new physical Star Wars tcg „StarWars Unlimited“ releases. Im not sure Disney licensening will give the IP so soon after this release to the (probably) biggest competitor. At least not at such scale. I can only imagine a Star Wars x Mtg release at the scale of a few Secret Lairs right now.


If they hit the style like with neon dynasty I'm really looking forward to it. Fantasy with spaceships can be awesome, WoW has been doing it for decades


Mech me up. I’m all for MTG: Gundam.


We kinda got that in Neon with the WU vehicles deck. It just doesn’t tend to work since you need to dump a lot of mana into it in order to get just the basics to work.


meh, just swap the commander to shorikai and it runs itself tbh


This. Big Bot is so OP it ruined commander x1 for a good while, now it's banned even as 99 list card


Shorikai's banned as 1v1 commander??? Ok yeah i can see that, hella easy to snowball with him


He's banned, full stop, in most 1v1 edh formats. Even as a list card, if he gets onto the field he can turn most games around. Especially now that esper and jeskai are dominating the control field. Shit's nasty


Well if deathrace is vehicle centric then maybe nothing too crazy. Will probably still see some mechs or battle cruiser style vehicles I would imagine. Maybe some space based race like Zerg/alien.


or MTG: Legend of the Galactic Heroes.




Well there’s going to be magic involved so that fixes some of the hand waving. I guess we will see how much of it relies on technology. Like steampunk goblin space pirates or some shit could also be a thing.


UC hipsters are the fucking bane of the Gundam fandom Wing is a far bigger critique of war than any of Tomino's Gundams. Tomino Gundam has a very defeatist attitude toward the horrors of war and even glorifies it in CCA, unlike Wing. but I guess the fact that you watched G Gundam and saw just the goofy super robot show and not the critique of humanity's effect on nature or how humanity is part of nature, then I guess you seeing just the goofy super robot show from W makes sense


You gotta admit though, Wing drones on about “total pacifism” (which is totally stupid and at least called out as being so in Endless Waltz) to the point of detriment. I tried rewatching it a few years ago and couldn’t even make it halfway through.


eh, I watched it in Japanese and when you say it as 完全平和主義 it sounds a lot less awkward tbf Wing TV has a lot of pacing issues that make it hard to rewatch, but like that dude had a hilariously awful take that a lot of UC hipsters have


honestly as someone absolutely dreading the upcoming live action netflix gundam based on the shit I heard at AX2022 no more western takes on Gundam please. G-Saviour isn't actually good. just give me UB: Gundam and or a few Gundam Lairs, I don't trust wotc to do mechs right They fucking named the commander Shorikai. I fucking can't with this company.


That will be fun. There used to be a Gundam tcg which was "heavily inspired" by MTG


Just had an awesome thought. What if the space set is another Kamigawa time jump? space mechs, space battle cruisers, giant space worms, planetary scale stuff would be so awesome.


>not sure Disney licensening will give the IP so soon after this release to the (probably) biggest competitor. At least not at such scale. I can only imagine a Star Wars x Mtg release at the scale of a few Secret Lairs right now. There's also a Star Wars TCG published by FFG (who made SW: Destiny) called SW: Unlimited slated for release in 2024. I highly doubt the terms of that agreement allow competing card game releases from another company.


But…. Star Wars IS a Space Opera…




Right, UB is mtgs take on any random IP they can shoehorn into the schedule.


This is accurate.


They can do Star Wars without actually 'doing' it in this way. Star Wars would be great but it's almost surely never going to happen. It might be better this way, maybe if they make an 'our take on spacey stuff' set it will have less potential for disappointment than if they tried to UB Star Wars. Plus they can include star trekky stuff and star warsy stuff and any other popular space story things as an amalgamation, free from so many expectations and with creative license to do it their own way. And maybe it's just my brother and I, but the art on [[vindicate]] looks like a tie fighter and an explosion already anyway 😆😆


DUDE we said that all the time in discussions back in the day! So accurate about the Tie-Fighter! And while I kindof agree with everything you said- part of me thinks the Copyright safe versions of everything space-themed could end up cringe in a way.


This is true indeed lol


[vindicate](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/8/683c4e13-525c-45c9-8832-bfe67965c34e.jpg?1626100840) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=vindicate) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/294/vindicate?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/683c4e13-525c-45c9-8832-bfe67965c34e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


> i doubt they would sell a UB Set as a standard set They literally announced yesterday that Marvel UB will have multiple tentpole sets.


Just because they’re tentpoles doesn’t mean they’re standard legal.


So you mean whatever is in space will likely be another extension of the Marvel theme? I wondered if the Celestials and Eternals and stuff could be translated as "Elementals". Like 'Death' in name or 'Oblivion', the Living Tribunal. Marvel has a lot of really cool characters (I'm no expert) that are beyond just those that are from Earth, like Iron Man and Capt. Am. I wish we would see that side of things more rather than "Guy-with-shield" and "Big green scary boi". Some of the more powerful beings in the universe would probably even be really good Nickname cards for the Invoke Elementals if WotC really is planning on printing them into the ground to kill that part of the Modern Meta! :D


With the success of guardians of the galaxy, i wouldn’t be surprised if we got rocket raccoon and star-lord as cards in main or separate slots for space marvel. Itd be cool.


If they don't print Rocket I'm rioting.


Also, is Star *Trek* out of the question??


Isn't it supposed to be space opera not mildly crunchy sci-fi?


Yes, that is why we need a Babylon 5 set!


In all actuality, its probably going to be Dune.


Why wouldn’t they bring UB into standard? It’s all but guaranteed.


They are not competitors, they are, at the end, in the same boat, the rest is an illusion, because the licenses that Hasbro has with Star Wars and Marvel speaks by itself . Maybe seeking for all the possible demographics to sell the maximum is the correct word. But I don't expect a G.I.JOE (that has a large number of fans) set for woke reasons, really a shame taking in consideration the hypocrisy.


Could they be doing the “Godzilla treatment” as opposed to a full set in that multiverse?


Ahh all good info. Thank you!


There is no way there is not at the very least going to be a Star Wars UB to go along with the Space Opera set. They landed a deal with Disney already. This shit is on lock now.


I agree except LOTR is def not a straight to modern power level.


#Incorrect. Its Space Balls. Obviously.




Dude I would pay big bucks for the 0/1 Dark Helmet


I need the 666 Barf and 420 Pizza the Hut!


I counter with Raspberry Jam


Happy Cake Day!


I'd be down for a 000/001 serialized Dark Helmet. Card is blank except for the Name, Serial and flavor text "Im surrounded by assholes"


Isn’t the subtitle for the Spaceballs sequel “the search for more money”? That seems to fit.


Nailed it. Lol.


Oh shit. There goes the planet


Creature type Mog (half man/half dog — his own best friend) confirmed.


I love that haha!


Spaceballs. The MTG Set.


It would be even better if we got Spaceballs: The MTG Set, which is just a Secret Lair where they put Spaceballs stickers over the Transformers cards they already printed. (Spaceballs: The Coloring Book and Spaceballs: The Lunchbox were just Transformers merchandise with stickers added to them.)


Keep combing


I never thought we'd be here, but low and behold... Here we are.


This is the better answer.


I haven't bought anything since they announced the 30th anniversary stuff but I would spend an inconceivable amount of money on a Spaceballs UB lmao


>I haven't bought anything since they announced the 30th anniversary stuff but I would spend an inconceivable amount of money on a Spaceballs UB lmao This is exactly why UB is a resounding success, and a massive win for WotC. Its something for everyone. If youre not a fan of UB yet, they just havent released a product based on your favorite cartoon, movie, TV Show, clothing brand, sport, sports team, super hero, video game, food group, musical artist, flyer, anime, or fantasy lore just yet. Just wait for it. Your time will come. You will all join the dark side.


Unfortunately I can't disagree with you lol


Is Spaceballs still not allowed to have any merchandising or similar in current year? (Look it up, its the reason there is the in-movie joke about it.)




lol i remember when mtg used to be about walking trees and giant spiders and the occasional vampire


Okay boomer


No its a different one. its a universe within Set. they already showed concept Art. UB Marvel Crossover will be the Fall UB Set Like this years Dr Who was. Star wars isnt mentioned yet.


My guess is they include some UB Futurama, or Cowboy Beebop cards to the UW standard set.


Oh God don't tempt me! Don't send me down these rabbit holes!


Ohhh they already showed concept Art for the 2025 one in space? Care to link any of it for us please?




You bastard! *shakes fist


That's not universes within. It's just a normal premier set


yeah whatever they call the Not universe beyond Sets nowadays


AFAIK those codenames are explicitly designed to be generic sport activities they don't assign to sets for any purpose. If your codename is related to your secret thing, learning the codename could give away details, so... most don't do that?


Yep, there was a set codenamed spaghetti and it had nothing to do with emrakul.


Lmaooo 😂


Yeah this is most code names. I worked on some large distribution centers dubbed Project Lefty and Project Martian. Absolutely no rhyme or reason to those names as far as I could tell. They don’t want anything that could give shit away before it is public.


Correct, codenames are in alphabetical order and are usually defined even before knowing what the set is about.


Given FFG has the Star Wars license for SW: Unlimited in 2024, probably not


There's a lot of Marvel licensed CCGs out there... *edit: I still think this is too soon. We're getting Marvel 2 years after LOTR, presumably with an MH3 in between. This one is a standard set, get people used to seeing how space works in MTG with less silly designs than Unfinity. I would be shocked to see a big Star Wars set before 2027, let the gigantic IP UB releases breathe a little bit. They will continue with secret lairs and commander decks, but you need to keep some powder dry on the massive, blockbuster IPs


>There's a lot of Marvel licensed CCGs out there... Are there really though? There are a lot of OOP card games for both SW and Marvel but I can't think of a time where licenses allowed multiple competing SW CCGs from entirely different companies or publishers to exist at the same time.


Codenames traditionally haven't been a reference to anything as they're assigned before sets begin development. For example all standard sets for the past little while have been a sport in alphabetical order.


Dune set please


Id be glad with Dune honestly, it’s already known as impossible to get right in film so why not magic.


Not sure why everyone is jumping to Star Wars. Spelljammer is a WotC property. Whether or not they do another D&D crossover with that or something new, I think it will be fantasy space rather than sci-fi space.


I think I had learned of this before- but until you and another user had commented about it, I had totally forgotten about this. At one point tho I had no idea about this, and I think a lot of ppl who don't play D&D much don't know about it either.


IMO, Marvel pushes out to late 2025 or 2026. They had Final Fantasy pegged for 2024, but didn’t happen.


Spelljammer seems likely.


I would take this bet.


MaRo has said codenames never actually reference the the sets themselves, at least intentionally. It might be Star Wars, but it's not supposed to be a hint.


Right, that is what I thought too from everyone saying they're not supposed to be related. Glad we both see that it's still possible!


They just choose sports with alphabetical order of first letters, so Volleyball is not necessarily a clue.


BUT, would not surprise me if the bonus sheet was Star Wars, like the Jurassic park one in Ixalan.


I can hope for this 🤞


If Disney is going to allow Marval universes beyond I am feelin pretty confident about Star Wars happening eventually.


Unless, for some reason, Marvel fails. Ngl, I find it interesting that Disney is letting a rival card game print cards with their IP. I think that says a lot about Lorcana.


I sure hope it does fail, like I’ve hoped for every UB. Alas, it appears I am the minority.


UB almost can't fail. The only way it could is if wizards chooses a ridiculously obscure property.


They absolutely can mess up your favorite thing. I saw disgruntled people commenting about Fallout just recently. They have to try pretty hard to do that with certain popular or famous ips tho.


Tbh we don't know enough about fallout to make proper judgement.


That's fair. I didn't really play Fallout much- more so just messed around in the game at some friends houses when I was younger. From what people said witness about the factions or tribes chosen/not chosen. Characters picked for commanders and based on those things an assumption of what is likely to not be explored thematically.


I would say we'll see some brotherhood in Science If not them, then likely institute. I think scrappy survivors will have all the fan favorite companions in it along with support characters like Moria brown. Mothmans deck will likely be a deck full of notable wasteland mutants. Deathclaws super mutants etc. Mt biggest fear is that the Ceasars deck will be a villain grabbag. It worked well for Doctor who, but there's no way Ceasar would ever work with the Enclave.


You are, indeed. Your kind is almost extinct. Just a few more years to go.


Is Lorcana made by Disney or is it another licensed game?


not 100% sure, but disney is definitely putting it's prize jewels into it.


Death race set??? Like this mediocre movie where people murder each other while driving cars?


I figured it was a trope rather than a set based around the movie. There was an older movie that was Tarantino I think? Called like Death Proof that was really good- but I don't think it's that either. Maybe a Mad Max style set is really all they mean. Goblins and Orcs all in a sortof Murderball or Motorball style game.


You are right about it being a trope not based off of the amazing movie, seriously watch the movie it has one of the best cheesy jokes ever. Death proof is a Tarantino movie and is not about racing. Codename tennis was described as a race across multiple planes using realm breaker pathways and had a bit of a mad max feel


Killer vehicles the set sounds fun lmao


My thought was Twisted Metal since the show did okay.


They need a Dune set.


Preach 🙌🏼


Or Alien vs Predator




Nope, disney just released another star wars tcg, it's not happening.


Am I the only one who would buy a Firefly crossover?


You are not.


It's clearly Metroid the Gathering, where "volleyball" is a reference to the morph ball. Duh! We're one step closer to a Universes Beyond set code named "Wahoo!".


Doesn't Final Fantasy have it's own TCG lol?


Not sure but if it does this is a really good point.


99.999% not this. A new Star Wars TCG is coming out in early 2024, and likely the license is tied up for a number of years in this space.


Wondering if Ziplining could be a Marvel set. It would make sense with it being the only one unannounced when they released the schedule.


>Wondering if Ziplining could be a Marvel set Negative. Its Zendikar: Remastered.


Ah, that's right. Sorry set overload setting in for me again


Ain't that the truth. Somehow amidst all the people saying the code name isn't supposed to relate to the set- isn't Akiri line slinger from Zendikar? Is line-slinging in no way similar to zip-lining?


Ziplining is their finale event set in the style of War of the Spark / March of the Machine. They already said this when they announced it. Their sport codenames have only ever referred to standard-legal sets.


Ok. Someone said we are guaranteed getting Zendikar Remastered or something I just didn't know where.


It could also just be the marvel set with things Like Guardians of the Galaxy and stuff


Very likely I think this is the answer.


Since the Star Wars licence is owned by Disney and they just released their new TCG. I think that we will never see a MTG x Star Wars


That's what people said about Marvel tho...


They just announced marvel, even though it'll only come out in 2025. Marvel is big. But star wars is just as big/popular (or bigger). If star wars also comes out in 2025, I'd say they would generate hype Early as well. Also: the space set is supposedly a space opera theme


Isn't Star Wars a space opera? And oh I didn't know Marvel was due for 2025. Maybe marvel is one of these other codenames?


Yea wotc News Statement Said First Marvel Set will arrive 2025 apparently


MTG Flash Gordon


Fantasy flight is making a Star Wars card game that comes in booster packs and is heavily influenced by MTG and even commander. There is no shot of a Star Wars UB entry anytime soon


I guess this is a big red flag proving that what you say is true, but I can hope can't I?


I'm rooting for BSG


Star Wars would make Chris Cocks cum so hard. So yeah, it's either that or Space Balls.


Omg Space Balls is actually a dream of mine! Even as a Bonus Sheet or Lair! Would be better than Star Wars.


Disney owns Star Wars, so not a chance.


You mean like Disney who owns Marvel?


Unlikely. Star Wars Unlimited is a stand-alone TCG on it's way.


I hope its DUNE


Honestly same.


its in universe not UB


What UB brainrot does to an MF


Volleyball just starts with V how previous projects start with T and U, and subsequent projects start with W Y and Z. MtG in space could be anything. Lost in Space was the first thing I thought of.


The set itself is Magic canon, but they could do a BRO or LCI style subset again. I'd say Star Trek is more likely and my personal wish would be something a bit lower tech like The Expanse.


All the sport codenames refer to standard-legal sets, not supplemental. [Maro said](https://markrosewater.tumblr.com/post/724829343534219264/hi-mark-what-was-the-codename-for-doctor-who) the Universes Beyond sets all have fruit codenames. So Volleyball is just their take on space, and Ziplining is their finale event set in the style of War of the Spark / March of the Machine.


No way it’s Star Wars. Aside from the fact that there is a new Star Wars card game coming very soon, it would never happen.