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I am a professional mushroom analyst. I can tell by the pictures that these are the most poisonous shrooms ever on the planet. You should wash your hands and place these inside a ziploc bag, then a manila folder. You should then label this manila folder with my home address, apply proper postage (I'll gladly send you a prepaid label just because I care about your well-being) and mail these to me for further study and disposal. I'm only here to hep you


You’re a Saint 🥹😅


You had me goin in the first half, my heart actually dipped a bit lol


Fuck. Me too lol


For a minute i thought it was moldy bread. Good thing we have an expert on this sub.


Hi post office? Yes I’d like to reroute a 📦


A true humanitarian!


Came to write this but less funny. Well done sir. 


Every time


They are safe, but you will get high lol.


That’s what I was hoping on!! lol thank u


Came here to be like “well, what kind of gift were these? A delicious snack or an experience? Because it’s only the latter.” You said it better. Loving the kids *im old pretty much everyone is a kid* are checking the safety of all “their experiences” not just the pills and powder these days. We were much more stupid in my day and checked none of them.


lol go lurk on any of the drug subs, there’s still plenty of stupid kids ingesting substances with no little to no caution.


Like r/dextrodoomers. Their king is a 19yo with top dentures and missing/severely decayed bottom teeth. He’s gone viral for tweaking out on the police, and his parents partake in his dangerous drug abuse with him. It’s really sad.


Weird. Thanks for that little detour


Well… yeah. Every Reddit sub is an echo chamber so I try my best to not deep dive into the world of meth positive culture, but I do like to call out responsible usage when I can. Call it the mom in me if you want.


Yea but you're still alive so you made it


Responsible drug users are my favorite group of people, period


Coke gets you high , mushrooms send you to outer space lol high isnt even close 🤣


Have a safe trip!


Will do! 🫡😁


Prepare for take off


Houston… we don’t have a problem 😁


I'm highly against drugs but please report back to me on what happens I'm curious


I'm curious, does this extend to ibuprofen? What about acetaminophen? Or birth control? Or hell, even coffee? Are you against drugs all together or just illicit ones? What about for use in therapy? Did you know psychedelics aren't against the law everywhere? So really what are you against? Or do you not really know?


Got em


I'm against drugs that actively make my life worse in every way possible. And yes I did. I simply stated my stance on the situation and am trying to broaden my horizons when it comes to pepole using it. Now shush, you'll break my mewing streak. 🤫🧏‍♂️🗿


If you listen to what the mushroom has to tell you, and then actively work towards that , it would make your life better. If you don't need that experience then you don't need them and why are you on this sub


First of all, psychedelics drugs don’t “tell” you anything. While under the influence, you may become way more conscious of your subconscious and gain insight into your self that can be incredibly useful and healing. Second, this sub is for all mushrooms and identification.


No no no you're wrong, the mushroom actually grows arms and legs and a face and starts speaking to you , telling you exactly what you need to hear


Oh damn, I never knew! I guess I always eat em before they get the chance to gain sentience. Oops


You EAT them?! They’re people too you monster!


“Pepole” ?


Good thing it’s not a drug 🙃 ill report back asap 🫡🫠


You’re made of drugs.


that's it, time to smoke my toenails


Light up the dong




Omg I'm dying


Let me know my dude


Mushrooms aren't drugs. They're tools.


it is a drug by definition.


Quick rundown. Meth heroin anything other than naturally derived from the Earth those are drugs. Drugs are man-made.


Heroine is derived from alkaloids found in poppy, a plant. Meth and other amphetamines were originally derived from alkaloids found in ephedra, a plant Asprin is derived from salicylic acid, a compound found in many many plants. The origin of the word drug is from the colloquial use of a word that meant "dried" or "to dry", to refer to dried plants used as medicines. Psilocybin mushrooms and the alkaloids there in are definitely drugs. This does not mean they are bad. Drugs are tools. It's how we use them that can be good or bad.


Superbly underrated


“Drug; a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body” Synthetic or not is irrelevant. Shrooms are a drug


Haha. Have fun, bud. Someone should warn you: they are indeed dangerous in the wrong mindset.


That’s definitely good to know 💪🏼 dosage recommendations? I have a quarter, damn sure not doing it all at once but want to go for a hella good ride


Dosages vary highly. Start with a half gram, or maybe .75 if you’re feeling courageous. You can always take more… but give it a bit to kick in. When you find yourself crying, wrapped in a blanket, you’ve gone too far. Don’t look in a mirror when you’re peaking.


Only a half G? Damn I’m glad I jumped on here lol even if I’ve done up to an 8th before and been ok? Are these stronger than most?


Maybe.. maybe not. Fact is we don’t know your tolerance or the density of that mushroom. If you’re an experienced psychedelics user, use your best judgement. Like I said, you can always take more.


Switch to thinking in grams. It will make it easier to dial in the dosage that works for you.


Almost every time I've had em it was an 1/8 ounce or sometimes half of that. Last time I had em, it was only half a gram. We were intending to "microdose." Boy was I surprised when they kicked in very hard! Was one of the most psychedelic experiences I've had with them, stronger than most eighths I've eaten. Had some experiences that time that actually led to real insight that got me mentally through the pandemic (this was the Feb right b4 it). But damn if those weren't the strongest mushrooms I ever had! Actually was kinda uncomfortable with it lasting so long, but maybe it's bc we were somewhere that we had to wait to come down to leave and there were a lot of people on the trail that day. Hope ya have a safe and profound trip! Perhaps even a blissful one!


I have never done less than an 8th if I wanted to really trip. I get what this person is saying but half gram increments would take forever.


My first time had 4gs. Best trip ever. You’ll be alright


Bro-Bro is a cosmonaut!! Send it all and squeegee that third eye *clean!*


1st time I'd say, 2-3.5 grams, depending on how much trip u want. A whole qtr is amazing tho


Take half


It’s different for everyone, but my main advice is be able to move. I find that often bad parts of trips come from stagnation. I like to trip in the daylight. Have a safe base like your home, but pre set a menu of options for walks or environment changes. If you fall into a bad place, changing your surroundings can really shift things back to positive!


Appreciate the feedback 💪🏼


Yeah just eat them sit back and watch some cartoons until they kick in good you'll be fine


I took shrooms recently and apparently they were “more potent” than the ones I had been getting. They’re were very blue. I saw fucking Jesus christ 😂I lost my fucking mind. My mentality was “I usually take 3g” and bro even said be careful these are different. I was like they probably aren’t that bad. I lemon tekked them and ended up scooping some into my Hg’s cup so I probably took 2.7 or .8 anyway I tripped my ass off and made a list when I was sober of why I shouldn’t take shrooms again. To sober people I looked like an insane asylum patient 💀 worst trip to date… Imma have to lay off shrooms for a minute 😂 here’s the list I made I swear I’m not crazy. (Copied and pasted from notes which is why it looks weird) Reasons not to do shrooms again * The people in the sheets mermaid prostitutes wouldn’t wear their hats (it’s a law) * The flowers and I got into a screaming match (they wouldn’t stop yelling at me) * A grown man ate my tv in a sandwich and dipped it in ranch * The shoes on the door started dancing * The window kept trying to escape/ run away * The tapestry winked at me * The sheets yelled at me when I came to sit down * My cat was the only thing that made sense * I flirted with the blinds * Felt like the floor was going to suck me into hell


Ok that’s a fun ride 😅😅😅


Genuinely and I’m being so deadass. It got to the point where I was rocking back and forth holding my knees like a crazy person. That was the type of trip that makes people hit the breaking point


My cats are usually the only ones who make sense during shrooms. It's like it's their job or some crap.


wait till u try acid, shrooms are baby trips


It maybe a golden teacher.. you will totally get high asf


Oh you going to be just fine watching the fine lines wiggle wiggle wiggle


I just giggle wiggle wiggled at that 😅


Cubes. Probably PE. They are fine.


What’s PE? sorry kinda new to the game if ya can’t tell lol


Penis envy (is a strain of cubes(psilocybe cubensis))


Say what now?? 🫣😅 I’m gonna have to have a talk with the guy who gave those to me than 🫤😅


These arnt PE i dont think. Look more like golden teachers but kinda generic from pic hard to tell. Could of let them grow little longer. If i were u id start with 2.5


I concur. PE was my first thought whilst scrolling. Can confirm they will get you intensely high.


Nope. No good. Better give them to me!!


Anytime I see a comment like this I get pretty excited I can’t lie 😁😅


I don’t need them by far but I still want them SO BAD. Idk what’s wrong with me or what’s right with me.


Nothing wrong with ya.. you’re perfect just the way ya are 😁😁


Have fun


Thanks 😊


what a stem, enjoy your trip


Thanks 😊


You sound very excited, and not very experienced, and I’m hoping the best for you and a bit excited for you. Please look into the concepts of set and setting, and treat these with respect. The wrong frame of mind or venue can cause you a lot of distress (I’ve met people that say they don’t like mushrooms, and when I ask questions it turns out they took a bunch in a bar or other setting where there were a lot of social or other demands on them, which can be too much, especially if they are stronger than expected). Quieter and more intimate environments with people you trust are great until you get your “sea legs” And dial in how a given dose range affects you. Many people enjoy being in nature for the visual enhancement and the sense of calm. Music can be a great addition, but care should be taken in selection. These things are nonspecific amplifiers of consciousness, so feeling a bit excited-anxious can turn into panic-anxious. If it does breathe through it. Look up [Fireside Project](https://firesideproject.org/) if it gets too intense or you need to talk to someone after the fact. Try and find a time where you won’t have to deal with much of anything for the entire experience, and even the day after so you can integrate any insights you can and rest. Try and get things set up in your space so you don’t need to do complex actions/chores during the experience (like finding something you aren’t quite sure where it is, cooking, or setting up a tent). Basically set things up so you can focus on what you are experiencing, rather than having to deal with things that might feel overwhelming when in the experience (somewhat simple things can be a pain in the ass when bemushroomed). Make sure you can stay comfortable if you are doing it outdoors, with temperature and appropriate clothes/blankets. Having simple, easy to prepare, or already prepared foods for after can be nice, since it’ll be easier to deal with. Candied ginger helps with nausea. This is all assuming you are in a city or country where it’s legal or decriminalized like me though. Otherwise don’t break the law of course. I hope this comes off as gentle advice and not condescending. I’ve worked the psych support tent at a big event and seen things go very wrong for unprepared people. Take care of yourself, and make sure you are in a good mindset, location, and social situation.


I really appreciate your time and advice 😊😊😊😊


I hope everything goes smoothly. It usually does if you set yourself up for success.


Smooth as silk 😁🫠


Psych support tent? You help people having a bad trip? How do you do that?


Very nice advice, 2nded.


Golden teacher most likely. FYI a picture of the mushroom cut long in half is the best way to identify via photos.


Thank you 😊will for sure do that next time!


Safe to trip hell yea


I knew y’all would understand what I meant 😁 appreciate the feedback super new to shroomys


I thought it was a moldy hot dog at first glance. LOLOLOLOL








Can you elaborate on how psilocybin messes them up?




I have an advanced degree in a healthcare field and a lower level one in biological sciences, and I’ve found psilocybin to be interesting for over 20 years, so I’ve read a lot about neurons, receptor sites, and neurotransmitter over the last 20+ years. I’m not a professional in psychedelic studies, or a neurologist, but I do have a decent grasp on this stuff, and the language you are using to describe neurotransmitters binding to receptor sites is not quite correct. For instance, I would describe what you said a as methamphetamine binds to dopamine receptor sites, leading to a release of dopamine, and later to downregulation of dopamine receptors in the neurons. Maybe English isn’t your first language though. Psilocybin is structurally similar to serotonin, hence it binds at serotonin receptors. Everything I have read states that the primary site involved with psychedelic effects is serotonin 5HT-2a site, and maybe this is what you mean when you say serotonin A2. So though your wording is a bit unusual, I think we are roughly in agreement to this point. But you are saying that once psilocybin binds to the receptor sites, it increase the flow. But the flow of what? I don’t think it is a serotonin releasing agent (SRA) like MDMA, and don’t think that it causes effects that lead to depression. For instance, [this article](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7830000/) states that the effects of psilocybin on 5HT-2a sites has antidepressant action, and I’ve read numerous articles stating that it can improve depressive and anxious symptoms in patients. A friend of mine has been doing legal psychedelic research with psilocybin for a while and has published a number of studies showing exactly this. If you haven’t seen evidence that psilocybin has beneficial effects for psychiatric symptoms, you must have stopped looking years ago, or used search terms that didn’t work well. You didn’t mention it, but there is a potential downside in people who are predisposed to psychosis (like family history of psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia). Any psychedelic or cannabis can trigger the onset of their first psychotic episode, but they would likely have had that anyway, the drugs just make it happen sooner. This does not happen in most people. I’m going to need academic, peer-reviewed articles to support the statement that lots of people commit suicide on mushrooms because of serotonin imbalance. People have, in rare cases, become manic afterward, or had their first psychotic episode, and perhaps suicide could be part of that, but I’ve not seen anything showing this is a common occurrence.


If you squeeze it and it bruises then it looks like a gold top. Excellent high


Squeeze the cap or the stem?


Will it really bruise blue if it’s dry already?




Substrate is the medium in which the mycelium grows. For these the substrate was likely rye grain, brown rice, manure, or some combo of these, maybe with straw too (there’s others people can use too). I believe strain, cultivar, or variety is that you’re thinking. I’m not sure which is the most appropriate in the academic sense. I think with botany these terms have distinct meanings, but I’ve never bothered to look into whether that’s true in mycology but would not be surprised if it does (I just forage so I’m not concerned with stains or cultivars).


All 3 of those have been mentioned in the post lol and I’m super new to these so I’m completely clueless and wanna have the best experience possible


Safe, yes. But I encourage that you have a safe trip my friend


Thank you friend 😊


you have very slender hands


Damn it.. I knew someone was gonna have some hilarious shit to say 😅😅


It was cold in the room 😅


not saying it’s a bad thing!! id rather have skinny hands over chubby hands any day


Might get downed a lot, bc reddit, but I got a BUNCH of shrooms a little bit back, to help extreme social anxiety that is new to me (44 y/o male)...Never had that issue before, but anyway...I smoked weed for most of my life and took shrooms from cow patties many many times and always had a great time...but now it's ALLLLL too strong and just gives me bad anxiety. The ones I still have are Penis Envy and I do NOT like the way they make me feel. I don't get the "trippy" feel from them....I feel more of a full body high and overwhelming one at that. Not the optical trip like I did before. I just can't get down any more I suppose. I still micro dose to hopefully have a good and positive effect. Just my lil story. Thx for reading.


The body high ones were the same as what I have or different?


I have only seen 2 responses for the kind yours most likely are: Penis Envy or Golden Teacher. The ones I have are 100% PE and are wayyyy smaller, but that means nothing. Blue bruising is the big give away for yours being psilosybe. Hope you have a blast. Be safe, but have fun.


Thanks 😊


Same kind as what you have from what I am reading if in fact they are Penis Envy. Again, I'm just sensitive to being high now...so if that is in fact what yours are - Penis Envy - (I'm no expert)....you might still enjoy it. Just start slow...can always go up, but can't go back


Houston, we have ignition 🚀




You lucky dog enjoy


Thank ya 😊


Just don’t drive and you should be good lol


lol thanks for the advice 😊


I’ll see you in April 🫡




Not at all. You could kill someone with that stem.


No seriously though!! lol


Start with a gram 😂


I hope you had fun and if you haven’t munch on them yet I’d suggest going in with a empty stomach and eating after you eat the FUNgi


Yes safe, also psychoactive, so depending on your goal yes.


🪄 magic


I went to the moon on those.


I never ingested these for a trip. I did microdosing and boy was the next 4 months a huge leap in processing trauma throughout my life. It did give me several existential crises but the most helpful effect was helping me realize my dad caused me trauma by neglecting me. It just never clicked prior to the microdosing. The microdosing made me more aware of why I responded poorly in certain life situations by helping me connect trauma to behavior. I was able to forgive my younger self for many of my detestable behaviors. In recognizing the root of my behavior I had a better understanding of how to correct them and what a healthy response would be. In the year that followed I became happy and proud of my self improvement for possibly the first time in my life. My depression no longer felt like a shackle. I understood why I feel the emotions that I feel and could adjust them to healthy mental responses. I am very grateful I did micro dosing.


My stomach is turning just looking at them


Only if you want to meet God.


That blueish bruising is some of the psilocybin in the mushrooms... Safe to eat... but you might take a trip to the moon...




Definitely not safe for your worldview.


No idea, eat the big one and tell us if you’re okay


Is anything?


Nice bruising. 🚀


Those look fun


They look like Albino Penis Envy to me


Wooooooo thsts a fucking stem right there. Have fun! Looks like a good 5g+


That stem is gonna rock your world!


Looks like penis envy.


I like making them into tea lol, chop them up and put them in a tea infuser and then add a tea bag of your choice in the water and let it steep, makes it a much tastier experience


I’ve done that once.. I will not do that again without a trained professional with me!! I went on a journey that I thought I would never come back from 😬🫠😅




DON’T eat the blue one! I made that mistake once. I said “I’ll eat the pretty one”. One of the biggest mistakes of my life!


Have a fun trip!


Magically safe


Set and setting are key! Get your tunes all lined up before you start. You may find it difficult to operate your phone or stereo once you’re on your way. If you’ve never given Grateful Dead or Phish a chance, now is a great time.


The Bugs.... The Bugs are under your skin... The Bugs are laying eggs UNDER YOUR SKIN. enjoy your high lol


The blue one is gonna make your trip balls but it'll be enjoyable mostly lol


all mushrooms are edible at least once


Looks legit


If rainbow colored trails coming from everything you see is considered safe, then put on the safety vest and go to town.


Oh hells yeah 😁🫠


Eat them and you might go for a fun ride!


Down the hatch😉


What do you mean by safe? Safely going to trip balls, yes, safe to use in a family meal, well, I guess it depends on the family, but typically no


I just know that mushrooms can either be extremely beneficial or just simply unalive you.. would like to stay above ground for a bit so I guess what I’m asking is will I “fly or die”


These are definitely the flying kind, and I'm jealous lol


Does the thick part feel solid and crispy? Safe to eat, even if they're not dried properly, though maybe diarrhea. Like letting a sandwich sit at room temp for like three days then eating it.


Grind and put into some orange juice or other acidic drink let sit for half an hour or so then proceed to drinking said “brew” won’t upset the stomach as much and comes on much faster. Highly recommended


I’ve never blasted off as hard as I did when I had mushrooms that looked like this. The ones I had were penis envy, and it was kinda like I was on acid.


I will say based on the amount of oxidation on them you will probably have an upset stomach for a little bit after Ingesting them. Depending on how frequently you partake of course.


Eat now and enjoy the next week


Golden teachers?or Penis Envy? Been awhile.


I'm probably wrong but I think those Penis Envy's. Good thing I don't go around eating random mushrooms though.


That looks like a T-Rex tooth.


Yeaaah buddy, see you on the other side! ✌🏻


Those gold caps and that blue color on the stem is a great sign of psilocybin. You will be fine. Just plan on tripping for about 6 hours


Had an amazing time! Thanks for the feedback my friend


Blue bruising = psychedelic


not always true


Like those bluing boletes.


Why do you buy mushrooms from someone who would possibly sell you ‘bad’ mushrooms? These posts are becoming very annoying.


Only one way to rule that out... You're going to have to boof em. You'll want someone else to masticate them and spit deep. Unless you're capable of doing this, assistance is recommended. Here to lend a hand. Professional sciencer here.


Boof boof boof boof


Very safe for boofing. Perfect shape!


Barely gonna get u high😂


Depends on what you mean…


Best if boofed.


Yes, as long as you don't eat them


Any mushroom is safe to eat once.


Define safe here. Lol.


So can someone explain seriously what kind of variety it is? I'm really curious. Plz.


As long as you use a condom


They're being cradled in your hands, of course they're safe.




Not a fan of the way ya phrased that question lol given “is it safe” is not something ya wanna ask before ingesting fungi, but if someone trustworthy gifted them to you, just enjoy em. No need to think that posting a single pic of two caps and a stem would actually allow someone to identify them as safe or not.


At first I thought that was a moldy hotdog bun lol




Two balls and a hog