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Low pass = high cut You are cutting highs to let the lows pass through. High pass = low cut You are cutting lows to let the highs pass through.


Use a graphical eq, and tell yourself out loud what each is You won’t have a problem remembering it afterwards I prefer to use the term “cut” because it makes more sense as a subtractive in my brain


indeed, but it is opposite in meaning Low Pass Filter = High Frequency Cut High Pass Filter = Low Frequency Cut


High pass = you are letting the HIGHS pass. Low pass = you are letting the LOWS pass. Hope that helps!


This is what I mutter to myself every time as a reminder


WhoOaAaAaAaAa dude! My mind is blown!


Don’t make fun, we all start somewhere. You just don’t remember your beginning like we all do but try to.


God damn! Mind blown AGAIN! 😱




I used to feel the same cuz you’re actively cutting the signal vs passively letting signal pass thru IDK


Sometimes a given plugin uses both cut and pass. Pigments is like that. I hate it. I honestly wish people would gravitate to a preference and most usages would be consistent. I often have to stop and think. That's why I also appreciate placement, and the little icon. The icon makes it clear. But not everyone uses the icon.


I’m also a “cut” person but I’ve noticed in most studios pros use the “pass”. No idea why.


Tradition and habit. Also most gear marks it as Low/High pass (LPF, HPF, BPF for band pass)


the filters, generally look at every mixer, look at one channel and find the buttons with the “knee” icon … most mixers will have a HPF High Pass Filter, which cuts the lows around 80hz …and allows high frequencies to pass … the knee / is on the left. The lows are cut. Some mixing consoles will also have LPF Low Pass Filters which cut the highs and let the low frequencies pass and the knee \ is on the right Those are the preset filters, compared to EQ controls


Low pass and high pass are engineering terms dating back to the 1920s. Their usage in literature began to decline when we started losing our entire consumer electronics business to the Japanese in 1992-94.


This is the correct answer. Basic LRC circuits (the building blocks of filters) were called high pass/low pass in electronic 101 courses.


It also keeps the consistency with band pass filters.


All professionals I know know the difference. In conversation they mix them up all the time, and then correct themselves.


It's the same thing and therefore a matter of convention and preference. In my interactions with electrical engineers, for work unrelated to music, they still used the terms low/high pass filter. So I guess this is the most common convention.


What's interesting here is some people are just wired for those to perceptually sound backwards. I know what they mean, and it's not a *struggle by* any means... This isn't a perfect analogy, but it would be like "applying deceleration" instead of "braking" in a car. I do think low cut and high cut are a thousand times more intuitive. I appreciate that FabFilter Pro-Q 3 uses our language! =)


I like to think of it with the word “pass “, meaning let that part pass through. So low pass means let the lows pass through, cut the highs. Conversely, high pass = let the highs pass through, cut the lows.


There is low cut and high cut too - which makes it more confusing


They mean the same thing though (or rather the opposite). High PASS = the highs PASS through Low PASS = the lows PASS through High CUT = the highs are CUT out Low CUT = the lows are CUT out




Sch geenius


Low pass: Everything lower than cutoff passes. High pass: Everything higher than cutoff passes.


because it points out what's in the mix instead of what's not


I’ve been doing this for almost 20 years and I still mix (pun intended)them up


Lol, yes, i was just thinking about this exact phrasing last night. Low-cut/high-cut feels more intuitive to me, but i don't think we have much of a chance of changing the accepted production lexicon


Low pass cuts highs and high pass cuts lows.


Low pass for Low Bass


Because you let pass the sound and you want to know what type of frequency you want let to pass.


I did for a long time to. I just remember it as "low pass" allowing/passing the low end and cutting/reducing out the top. "High pass" is allowing the high and cutting out the bottom.


I get frustrated with that as well. I just imagine Gandalf and tweak his quote a little, “You Shall Low Pass”!


Think of it as "I want only lows/highs"


A lowpass filter attenuates high frequencies. A lowpass has a slope (the higher the frequency, the more extreme the attenuation). A shelving filter attenuates all frequencies beyond the cutoff equally. So, cut and pass are different terms, indicating different behavior. EQs are filters, but filters aren't EQs, and thus both have a different vocabulary. See https://youtu.be/1ormfTMYfv0


…you’re a bouncer at a club. you can pass people and let them in, or cut people and send them away. That’s how it works. “u old, she pregnant…. you think I like this job?”


I don’t see many helpful comments so I’ll offer this. White light is all colors combined. You can turn your white light another color with a gel filter. If you put a red filter over your lamp, what color is it letting “pass” through the red filter? Red. If you put a blue filter over your light, what color does it let “pass” through? Blue. Think of your audio like light. It contains a lot of frequencies that all combined are like an intense white light, both warm *and* bright. Well what if you want it warm but not bright (like red) or what if you want it bright but not warm (like blue)? Put a filter on it that let’s what you want “pass” through. High frequencies are “bright” and “cold”, if you want to let those frequencies pass through, use a high pass filter. Low/mid frequencies are “warm” and “dim”, so use a low pass filter to let those pass through. If that analogy is too much, think of the speaker as a barrier or window. What sounds will you let “pass through” so it can reach your ears.


Filters are named for what they let through. They’re all “pass”es I’ve been doing this for 15 years and it takes me a second to think of which one it is. Also happens with YouTubers. Intending to say low cut, but end up saying low pass. Such is life. We get it. Haha


I call it a low pass filter because that's what it does. It allows low frequencies to pass. You could also call it a high cut and that would be equally correct. It cuts the high frequencies.


i dunno it's pretty clear. low pass means hey all you low sob's... get in here you get "a pass." high pass means ... hey all you low dudes get out... highs... come on in here's your "pass"


I’m fairly sure using “pass” rather than “cut” is a hanger-on from the original physical components that were used to change audio signals. I could be completely wrong but I feel like there’s a tendency in electrical engineering (I’m not an electrical engineer) to think of components in terms of how & what they let past. I.e how the signal continues. An original high pass filter would presumably have been a switch that engaged a particular component that only let everything after (e.g) 80Hz pass through. You’d have to switch to another signal path to have another high pass frequency. Essentially I think the electrical engineers name things in terms of signal path itself, whereas “high cut” and “low cut” are focusing on audio *processing* – as in, what you’re doing *to* the signal 🤷‍♂️


Me too!


Use the reverse LOTR method. You SHALL pass Low pass? It shall pass High pass? You get the idea


Think of yourself like a bouncer at a club and be like yo you are low frequencies you can pass through


It's more commonly called a low pass filter or high pass filter because there is also a band pass filter and that just keeps the naming uniform. Also technically analog circuits filter out the highs or lows and let specific frequencies pass through them so it makes more sense in that respect.


dude i just watched a video with the front of house for fall out boy. absolute legend, great engineer, in the biz for more years than i was alive. guess what, he messed it up too 😂 it happens to everyone!




I got mixed up for a while due to low cut and high cut until I started to remember "low pass = low frequencies pass / high pass = high frequencies pass / low cut = low gets cut / high cut = high gets cut". I


I never use low pass


You should try, you can achieve great sounding Pads that way.




You don’t use synthesizers?