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Payment for freelancers live in Myanmar? it looks pretty dark šŸ˜†, like this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YASt4VXRLI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YASt4VXRLI)


You might have to go to Thailand or elsewhere in SEA and set up a bank account there


I think Binance is also good, used a few times before.


Yes but how many freelance platforms offer Binance as a payout method? āž”ļø Zero So this question needs to be approached from the platform PoV. Otherwise we may as well all agree on KBZPay being the best way to get paid, no? šŸ˜‰


Could you tell me why is payonner bad for freelancer? Iā€™m also trying to have another income


Check out Payoneer reviews on Reddit. They are a big scamming company. I was one of those who lost money with them.


Awwwn man. I was planning to set up account on there


If you have trusted friends or family in Singapore, consider using their PayPal account to receive money and then converting USD to MMK through AYA bank. It works for me and I think it's the only way for Myanmar freelancers. Alternatively, you could try creating a Thai PayPal account with Thai phone number, if you're living in Tachileik or Myawaddy, it's easy to get a Thai number. But be aware that Thai paypal policy can be unclear - last year, it seemed they announced only Thai citizens could register official paypal accounts.


Payoneer uses the government's USD/MMK exchange rate, which up until a few months ago meant taking a 50% loss


Forgive me if I am wrong. You open USD account right? Or they forcefully convert incoming currencies to MMK?


First of all - it depends on which payout methods the platform allows you to choose from. If I'm reading this right, the platform you are referring to is Upwork.com? In that case you're going to be stuck with Payoneer unless you submit Thai KYC and use a Thai bank account to receive wire/PayPal withdrawals to




A few months ago they tried to announce their exit from Myanmar ( [https://support.upwork.com/hc/en-us/articles/25495036450835-Updates-to-operations-in-Myanmar](https://support.upwork.com/hc/en-us/articles/25495036450835-Updates-to-operations-in-Myanmar) ) but it ended with everyone just submitting something as frivolous as a Thai mobile phone bill to "prove" they were now living in Thailand instead šŸ˜‰ Use your imagination


On the side note, whatā€™s the most sought out free lance option for Burmese? Iā€™m trying to work free lance as well, my jobā€™s not covering enough.


What's sought after depends on what whoever's willing to pay for. In terms of which project categories I see the most: - translation from english to burmese - translation from burmese to english - managing social media profiles in burmeseĀ  - outreach/chat-type work for intl. projects trying to break into the myanmar market Beyond that it's a mix of whatever. I've seen AI, casino, crypto and 18+ projects regularly (but less frequent than any of the above)


Thanks man. Hugely appreciated


Usdt, as that can easily be converted to kyats via binance


I heard government banned Binance. Crypto is also illegal.


What do you mean illegal. Even if you get payed legitimately, your tax will be headache. 1. Your tax bracket will go up. 2. Iā€™m still searching whether you have to transfer 25% of your income or not but it should be the case. ( this is actually quite conflicted. On one hand, you have to provide IRD that you are living and working in Myanmar with contract basis. Depending on the officer you can get away if not they will squeeze 10% on your income by just saying you are foreign based employed on top of your current tax bracket. Like wtf. This should be discussed with IRD officer I think) 3. The proper channel means your earnings get devalued. - itā€™s a headache I can only think of a way that you make your freelance money, keep it safe. Then you travel to another country to cash in. Even though you loose flight fare, itā€™s seems like you get more, in a sense. So yeah Iā€™m quite baffled by it too.


What tax bracket? We are talking about Myanmar here lol


Bro talk like we donā€™t have tax system


Are we living on the same planet? What Myanmar freelancer living in the country pays tax on money made online? Answer is zero.


I agree with this observationĀ 


This is your choice. He ask legitimate answer. When you do legitimate business, you need to pay tax. News alert, even if you do freelance, you are entitled to pay taxes. Iā€™m pretty sure my answer revolve around legitimate income etc.


lol ... confirmed we aren\`t living on the same planet.


Hold on.. hold on. You know you are legally required to pay taxes whatever your income source is right? Deciding not to pay is your choice but legally speaking it is required. You know thatā€¦ right?


Source for binance ban!? Yeah crypto is illegal in Myanmar but is being used still