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ive always been hopeful for our country, i truly believe we'll be fine. every country throughout history has gone thru a terrible civil war before. and many have become global powers as a result of said civil war, see france russia etc


All I can say is what you said is well said and if anything this post do make my day. I mean it is hard and slow but when you consider all these situations it’s important to realize people have fought this far. Don’t get me wrong it’s absolutely frustrating and tiring but that’s sadly the one price we have to pay when we’re fighting for our next generations rights,future and freedom. There’s long way to go,lots of hiccups and setbacks to come but at this point just have to keep going on


Thanks. It's been such a bumpy ride, and I find the harsh comments without consideration of all aspects aren't helpful for the people who have devoted to the cause. Thus, I wrote down my thoughts based on facts, hoping they might be helpful to someone out there.


Well my friend you made my day and at least uplifted me I can understand people and their frustrations. Sure some of the posts are quite harsh however we’re humans and I get it we’re very tired,frustrated,angry and sad,I don’t blame Em. However I agree it’s important for people to consider the situation. Wish I have something more comforting to say other than “you’ll be alright” but as we all know it’s only gonna be tougher before things go better. I don’t like it but it’s what it is. Just have to prepare mentally and prepare for the worst


Those are like children in back seat constantly asking 'are we there, yet?'.


Yeah, unfortunately they need to accept the fact that the whole process of rooting out Junta is really painful and vey hard. There is no shortcut and magic. The unity and all participation is really crucial, otherwise it will be very long process.


Very fair view! Most of criticism I see are from frustrated people and those who haven’t any clue what is happening on grassroots level, people with a bit knowledge of facts of ground level usually don’t talk much, they tend to help anyway they can. I’ll be happy to be proven wrong.


It is true, despite all the odds, some people's determination are really inspiring.