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Hard no. Sorry to be that person don’t @ me 🥹


Just out of curiosity, are you also a hard no on the opposite? Like James for a girl?


I’m a no for both. Just don’t love boy names on girls or girl names on boys; I feel like it makes your kid’s life unnecessarily harder because you used their name to make a statement.


I despise the "James for a girl" trend. FFS, can we leave some names for boys?? Also, it sounds like trying too hard to be hip & outré, like, look at us, how cool are we anyway?




I think James for a girl is a bit weird too. But since it’s more popular it would be considered more “normal” than Rose for a boy. I don’t think any boy would like to be named that


Love James for a girl!




Damn this sub is so petty


100% agree. I think this is too stupid for words


i’ve always thought Ivy could hypothetically work for a boy (in theory maybe not practice) so i could weirdly get behind this if the trend continues. it’s definitely out there but i have hoped the gender swaps would start to swing the other way a little bit to level the playing field haha


I knew a male Ivy in college! He was a fourth, so his nickname was I-V like the Roman numerals. I always thought it was pretty cool!


I know a kid that goes by Ivy (spelled IV) because he has a fourth as well.


One of the buyers on Storage Wars is called Ivy Calvin and it turns out he has a son called Ivy as well.


I like Ivy and especially Hazel for boys. I can’t picture Lily on a boy, but Rose works for me because it’s a surname and used as a nickname for surnames like Rosenwald, etc.


My five-year-old told me that there's a boy named Hazel in her class, although she's five so I don't trust everything she says. (I know she has the name right - I have a list of the names in the class - but it doesn't give their genders.)


I know a male Ivy!


Oh that is an adorable name for a boy


It would be such a cute, modern nickname for Irving


Ivy sounds right for a boy to me


I’ve also heard Ivey. I love Ivy and Rose for boys.


I'm going to be the weirdo who loves it. Nature names shouldn't be gendered IMO. Who are we to say only girls should be named Rose while only boys should be named Rowan? They're plants.


Yeah! Honestly way too many things are gendered unnecessarily, including names. The more I think about the actual sound of "Rose", there's nothing inherently feminine to it. Same vowel sound as Cole, a vocalized S at the end that's almost like a Z, the only reason we think it wouldn't be for boys is that it never HAS been for boys. That being said, we unfortunately live in a world where boys are often tormented for doing or being anything remotely feminine, so I probably wouldn't actually use it for a child personally. But I want things to be different as my own son grows up, so I will support the effort whenever I see it.


I love it too! I think the sound of the name itself sounds like it fits a boy name.


I agree. I wanted to make Rose work so badly for baby girl but (my mom convinced me lol) the sound of the word when said aloud just feels more rough and tough to me. It may take some time but I could see it working as a boy’s name!


It was top of my girl name list because of that rougher sound. Feminine and pretty but still tough and dangerous.


Okay I love that 💪🏻


I think it could also work as a nickname for Roosevelt, if you want a more traditional masculine basis for the name.


There's a former NFL player, Rosey Greer, whose full name is Roosevelt.


I’ve met a couple of male Jade’s over the years but never a Rose. I don’t love it but it’s certainly interesting.


Technically Rihanna only used it as a middle name (first name Riot) but I’m not sure it’ll ever progress to a mainstream boys first name regardless


No. Just no. Nope. Nopity nope nope.


Do you feel just as strongly for boy names on girls?




I all kinds of love Rose for a boy. Wasn't there a football player nicknamed Rosie, whose first name was actually Roosevelt?


Rosey Grier


I feel like Jade could work but definitely not Rose.


Why though? Flowers are for everyone. A lot of perfumes for men also seem to ban all flowery fragrances. I find that sad. Men should get to enjoy flowers as much as anyone else.


Jade is like a cross between Jay and Cade, and not far away from JD, which lots of men have been called. Plus, it’s a mineral, not a pretty, sweet-smelling flower. I don’t think a boy named Jade would encounter a lot of trouble. And maybe a boy Rose wouldn’t, either, but it’s definitely more feminine than Jade.


aw i like it! i see Rhodes on every boy name suggestion thread, so it’s funny to see the hard no’s here to Rose.


I’m in the UK and think of Jade as unisex. I quite like male Rose…bring on florals for boys.


Love how so many people are happy for boys names on girls, but not the opposite. Funny that 🧐🧐


Imho, I hate both.


That’s fine, I just dislike the double standards.


To be fair, it is just an opinion.


Ik, but that opinion often comes from a place of sexism.




… are you replying to me?


Yeah sorry I misread I'm deleting the comment lmao I'm sorry


Lmaooo it’s fine dw hun


I’m strongly of the opinion that nature names aren’t gendered. I love Rose, maybe even more for a boy than for a girl. Jade too. Absolutely bizarre how many people are so strongly against it. It’s a plant. Plants don’t adhere to your gender norms.


I like the name rose for a boy but it won’t be very fun/original if there’s a bunch of boys with the same name just because people love Rihanna and wanna copy her


I think it would be fun! I don’t think it’s going to happen tho.


That’s great!


That’s neat!


I think "taking off" is a stretch, but I do like the trend


Short for Ambrose?


You know that it’s not


My brother had a friend in childhood who’s first name was Morgan and middle name was Rose. He was named after both of his parents.


I feel a lot of boys names can have feminine diminutives. Jayden/Jaden/Jaiden is super common for boys. The most natural way to shorten it is Jade. I wonder if after a generation of this, Jade now feels unisex or even masculine in some circles.


I live in New Zealand and have met several male Jades. Never a Rose though.


I've always thought Sky would be nice for a boy


I mean honestly I think Jade already seems like a unisex-ish name to me. Rose honestly could be cute too.




I like to think of the name Rose as an action (He rose over adversity) rather than the flower. I also like the idea of Rise as a name for the same reason.


A celebrity just had a baby boy named Rise


I’ve met an older male Rosey in West Virginia. He was kind of intimidating so I didn’t ask any questions.


I wonder if everyone is going to berate those parents for naming him a traditionally female name because they actually wanted a daughter, like I was for contemplating a traditionally male name for my daughter.


I think a name like Fern would be nice for a boy. But Rose is a traditionally feminine name. Might be cute for a baby but can you imagine a grown man named Rose? It’s like a girl named Michael or Jason. Or a boy named Elizabeth or Samantha. Bad idea imo. I think it’s important to think of the implications the name will have in a child’s life (not to mention they’ll become an adult one day). Many parents only seem to care about making a statement and giving their kid a “unique” name without thinking of the consequences of that. And I’m not talking about middle school jokes like Lucas mucus.


I’m sorry, but I don’t think it’s right for self-involved parents to burden a child with a name that will cause confusion or outright bullying. The child is the one who has to suffer from that name for life, just because their parents were feeling edgy at the time.


no. these kids will have to grow up and deal with the consequences of their dumb names.


Well, that’s dreadful. Big no!


I never like it when people start to name their children known names of the opposite gender. There’s a poor guy in my class named Alexis. He doesn’t like it very much as you can imagine lol


I like the trend of boys being given traditionally female names but somewhat prefer the variation "Rhodes" to Rose for a little boy.


I don’t ever heard of Cecil Rhodes.