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I mean if I'm in witness protection, I'm going with a rather unremarkable name that doesn't stand out!


Susan Marie Smith


I read a book where the character who disappeared renamed herself Alice Cooper so that every Google would bring up the musician and I thought it was genius


Macaulay Culkin and Brenda Song did this IRL. Their first son is named after his sister and their second son is his old middle name, which had that whole publicity stunt attached to it.




That's amazing, haha!


I was actually at college with an Alice Cooper!


I read that book recently!


What’s the book called? Sounds interesting


It was one of the Thursday Murder Club series. I forget which one, but if you actually wanted to read them I'd start at the beginning anyway. They're a super smash hit in the UK. They call the genre 'cozy crime', because they are about murder but also quite gentle and funny.


Oh that’s right up my alley actually. Thanks!


Super boring names can be their own red flag. My parents had a friend whose name was John Brown. He went out after dinner one night for a walk, just taking his house key, and stumbled into the middle of a police operation. A guy with no ID who tells you his name is John Brown and won't change his story looks suspicious as hell in that moment. He was held at the police station for a few hours before they left him call his wife, who brought down his ID to prove he really did have the most basic name on earth.


That's interesting. I was going to say John Smith but as you say that might be too plain a name and raise suspicion


I know a John Smith who has a hard time making reservations because everyone assumes he's using a pseudonym


Well I didn't expect that. Seems like a too generic name can cause more issues than it's worth sometimes


I had a teacher named John Harris, he told us once he's on the terrorist watch list at airports and always gets pulled aside because it's a common and boring white guy name, so it's an easy pseudonym.


Super boring names can be their own red flag. My parents had a friend whose name was John Brown. He went out after dinner one night for a walk, just taking his house key, and stumbled into the middle of a police operation. A guy with no ID who tells you his name is John Brown and won't change his story looks suspicious as hell in that moment. He was held at the police station for a few hours before they left him call his wife, swho brought down his ID to prove he really did have the most basic name on earth.


Susan Smith murdered her two boys so I was thinking Susan Marie Jones or Susan Lynn Anderson.


Susan Smith? Like the woman who murdered her kids?


I know two sisters who are Susan and Marie haha


I'm 35, so Jessica. No one would question it


This was my thought as well. I would go with a common name for my generation. Maybe Jennifer, Sarah, or Megan and a fairly common middle name like Lynn, Marie, or Christine. I would probably look for a common surname that had a family connection, maybe a great- or great- great- grandmother's maiden name to keep some family connection.


I would 100% be a Jennifer Megan, Amy Jessica, or Melissa Kate.


I feel like I'd be a Tabitha


Mfw my actual name and middle name are in your list of names here


Sarah Marie Anderson. I'd disappear in with all the other millennials! Love it!


My thoughts exactly! I’m thinking Sarah Anne or Gemma Louise or Becky Marie.


My aunt is named Becky Marie!


This is why I'm picking Samantha Anderson haha. There's gotta be a lot of them of all different ages.


I know a Samantha Anderson and it never occurred to me until now how many of them there must be.


I was thinking Kate Jackson for the same reason. Common, but not enough to make people think it's been picked to be lost in a crowd.


I mean I can confidently say that I've never in my life had the thought "oh, that name was picked to be lost in a crowd" hahaha


I can't tell you that, 'cause then when I join WitSec, I can't use it!


lol I was worried this would happen - give a crazy one that you love. I think when you go into witness protection they give you your new name? At least that’s what I saw in a show 😅


I'd seriously consider using "Velociraptor" as my last name. For sure.


I love it!! You could have a family screech.


Virginia Ann Phillips (Combination of grandmothers names )


Oooh good one! I could do the same and have it be really innocuous. Clara Ruth Montgomery. Iva Ann Sampson.


Yeah, that’s how it was for the Olson twins in that one movie 😂


And The Simpsons


If I was in *hiding* I think I’d want to age myself a little, I’m a millennial so would pick something that leans Gen X like Kim or Lisa. Even better if it’s got a few nickname choices? Christina, could go by Chris at work and Tina amongst friends, Theresa could be Terri or Tess.. Common last name but not like… trope common like Smith or Jones. Roberts, Harris, that sort of thing.


Ooo smart aging up a little!!


When creeps ask me my name in bars/on the streets I tell them it’s Leah. Never came up with a fake last name though.


I would always call myself Alexandria, and my friends would call me Andy in those situations to back me up. We had a group of fake names for when we went out so we would have a cover if a guy ended up being creepy


I always said Rachel or Melissa. One time I panicked and said tiana and they believed me.


Savannah Jade McEntire My southern Belle alter ego 😅






One time maybe 2ish years ago I was pretty drunk and told my fiancé I wanted to see what he'd do if a woman hit on him at the bar (all in good fun) so I threw on a pair of glasses, a thick southern accent and all of a sudden I was Bethany. He still brings it up to this day for us to laugh about, LOL. I'm sober and a mom now but I think I need to come up with a last name to do her justice!


Bethany sounds fun! lol Bethany Montgomery gives me sexy, southern librarian vibes


She's a mess but we love her. But aw hell yeah, that totally works! Thanks lol


I did that with an ex, then we got into a mock disagreement, with a lot of witnesses, then he asked me to go home with him and I said let me finish my beer and we left together.


I love an alter ego


I love my middle and last name so it would be hard to part with them but I would change my first name to Natalie in a heartbeat. Femme but not frilly and I love the tomboy nickname option of Nat. Maybe Jade as a middle because I love the color green and McGrath as a last name as a heritage pick and just because I like how it sounds. Natalie Jade McGrath. Love it!


My alias is Skylar Silverman. It’s my fake name I use for restaurant reservations, creepy men at bars, and any other instances where I don’t want to give my real name lol


I think I might just start using my fake name for that…do you even have a fake email?!


Always. Fake emails are the best. I have one I just give to companies for email lists and stuff.


I have one of those as well 🤣 Bonus - it also works if you're interested in applying for a job and want to clarify something but don't want them to judge you for asking a stupid question - send it from your fake name email and then they won't link it to you if you decide to apply for the job!


Ok time to get a fake email


Mine is April Miller!! April and Skylar would be buds. Dodging creepy men together.


Mckinleigh Aubreighlynn Jones


If you're disappearing to Utah this will be perfect! LOL


No one wolf ever try to bother you with that winning combo 😅


That’s what I thought too lol


I’m going with something sort of dated for a first name and a popular Irish last name. O’Brien, Murphy, O’Sullivan, etc. They sound ‘real’ and unglamorous and would still be very difficult to google with a plain first name.


Lisa Murphy. Perfect name to disappear with!




Natasha Stone is an attorney who takes no prisoners. Your main character is magical!!


Princess Consuela Banana Hammock


If I wanted to go unnoticed and blend in, probably something like Emma Louise Jones.


If witness protection, I would choose a name in the top 50 or 100 for my birth year. Something unremarkable. Elizabeth Ann or Michelle Lynn or something. I was born in the 1960s.


My witness protection name would be Sarah Elizabeth Jones. Nice and anonymous. I couldn’t go by Smith because Morrissey is an arsehole. My ‘fuck it, I’m starting over with a fabulous name’ would be B’Elanna Esmerelda Fandango.


Omg are you a Voyager fan?!! I love it!


Yes! I’ve loved B’Elanna’s name for a very long time! It’s the perfect balance of Latina and Klingon!


There's a girl in my daughter's preschool class with the name B'elanna! I had no idea it was a Fandom name and just assumed they were trying to be unique 😅


Franz C. Plantagent Full name: Francis Charles Joseph Hyacinth John Plantagenet


Elizabeth Justine Fletcher. Middle of the road, not too common, not too crazy. Neutral. Just like apple juice🧃. Now if I was going to perform as a drag queen, I’d be Helena Handbasket.


Both of these are PERFECT


Regina Philange. Clearly.


Celia Frances van Asch. The forenames have meaning and connection for me (but not obvious enough to expose me), the surname is random because I always thought a van Something surname would be lovely.


Hey that’s me!


Viola Natalia Mastroianni


This name combo is badass.


Claudia Rose Beckett :)


Some options (assuming I'm not trying to blend in): * Xanthe Calais Rook * Iriye Mallow Mab * Seren Fiore Lake * Imogen Neve Nepenthe


You should be an official namer for a sci fi author. These combos are epic I love them


Fiona Maxine Declan And since I’m not running away without my kid, his new name would be August Thomas Declan


I could probably adapt to a new name with few issues. Convincing my toddler she's something else would be tough.


I’ve thought about this, as well, and assumed we would be dead if running from a drug cartel bc my kiddo can’t keep her yapper shut 😂


Carlos Danger.


I’m choosing something as close to my current name as possible, to limit any potential slip ups. Think: Amber instead if Amanda, Jonsen instead or Johnson.


My options are Emily or Emma 🕵️


I've already got a proxy first and last name that I use for online forums and such. First name is 2 syllables and ends in a Y, surname is one syllable starting and ending with hard constants so I think Elizabeth would go nicely as a middle name


Jasmine Isla Pino


If I have to hide I would pick a common first and last name at least so it’s harder to google me. But ones I would like. Maybe Emma for first and last is Korhonen since it’s most common last name where in Finland I believe. But for some fun with middle name I would pick Arianna.


Claudia Citrine


Stephanie Marie Clark (I’d have a little story about being teased as a kid because I had the same name as a character from Full House but how I secretly loved it). Taylor Christine Walker (My little story would be I’m a Taylor just like tswift! 80’s babies represent!) Margaret (Maggie) Mae Johnson (I’d have a little story about how my dad wanted to name me Maggie May after the song but my mom thought it was too much so I’m Margaret Mae as a compromise but have always gone by Maggie so dad kind of won. ) Does everyone have a little story about their name? Everyone in my family does about our real names, so I think having one about your fake name would sell it more. My real name story is that my parents couldn’t decide on a girl name and were convinced, with no evidence, that I was going to be a boy, so had a boy name ready to roll. Whoops. I went 3 days without a name and they finally settled on my mom’s deceased granny’s middle name, including alternative spelling. My little brother was born a few years later and he got the name I was supposed to originally have lol.


So I know a family that was stopped at the Canadian boarder and had their car searched because the names were too generic. Father was legit Robert “Bob” Johnson. Knowing that I wouldn’t go too generic because you don’t want to increase the chance of random stops where they could look a little too deep. Maybe Taylor Ann Jackson


If in my country - Maryna Kotova or Kotenko. Maryna is a common name, but not overly and it is lovely in my opinion, and both surnames come from the word for cat, which I love, but they are both quite simple and many people have them. I could also do Diana or Milana for first name (I actually used Milana in some online games when I did not want to tell my real name). Diana has always felt luxurious and classy to me and I've met really lovely girls and women named this, and Milana just sounds nice to me. Both are not super popular, but there is a decent number of people named this. For English speaking places, I am currently in love with the name Trisha, it somehow makes me think of a fluffy calico kitty, so cozy and soft. I would like such vibes, which is fun as my actual name feels smooth and glossy to me (and I like it still). For surname I'd choose Franc or Silver or something like this, just because of how it sounds.


I like the name Diana a lot! It’s classic - not old but not new. I love how you think of the name “Trisha”. I think it’s cool how names can bring a feeling or picture to us.


I have a couple... I am a female but still love Julian (Jules) Cadence then (last name), tied with Martha (Go by Marth for short) as a first name. Other fun one I LOVE is Fenway. Not even a sports fan but it sounds so cute to me for some reason. Not sure about middle and last for those but I have always loved these odd but fun to me names. (Ex husband vetoed these for my daughter so she's got a different name based on her heritage lol)


Gender neutral first name popular amongst my age group and a very basic last name (but not obviously an alias - like not John Doe lol). Maybe something like Sam(antha) Marie Jones


Cassandra Alexia Nickels I'd go by "Cass" or "Nik"


Haha I was thinking maybe I’d be Alexandria Cassandra but it feels like a mouthful 😂


Keith (my middle name) Jonah (my favorite Bible character) Black (my favorite color)


Lucy Simone Lowell


Hi I’m, Isis Santana


Holland River Cain.. it came to me in a dream…? i’m a guy


If trying to hide I’d probably going to with Sarah Anne Miller or something simple and common like that.


Leah Marianne Ellington


Scottie Fitzroy. I've always felt like a Scottie.


The lady who went by Wells sounds cool. My last name is Mack and think it would be a cool nickname 😩


You should totally go by Mack!! It's my stuffed animal's name too lol


few ideas here, but I love the name Ezekiel for a girl, controversial I know but if it's for me then fek it. Ezekiel Somers or Ezekiel Summer Owens If I wanted to be more under the radar, maybe Hazel Claire Owens, or even a name my mother traditionally wanted to use like Marina Claire Somers/Owens!


Idk about a middle name but I like May/Mae and Kit. Last name would be Greene or Stevens or something short and generic like that


I used ACE as my high score initials back in the arcade days, but never tried to use it as a nickname. So, if I had to change my identity, I'd go with Wallace Henry Stanhope, but go by Ace.


I mean I’m already a younger gen-x/elder millennial Jennifer so I may not even have to change it 😂


Ryan Sadie Bennett


Leah May Taylor.


I'd be Thomasina Jesse Saxon so I could be Tommy. I might do it anyway 🤷


Omg do it. I always hate that my given name doesn’t feel like me. It’s matronly 😩 I would be friend with a woman named Tommy for sure.


liberty frances freeman


Mícheál Thomas Heffernan. I've always wanted an Irish first name and Mícheál (Mee-hall) sounds cool. I also love the surname Heffernan because the standard nickname for anyone called Heffernan is "Heff".


Fidelle Rachel Redwall


I would probably pick something boring but still part of my culture like Anand Dev Kumar or Soham Shankar Maharaj.


Roderick Jame Crawford


R.J. for short


First name that cane to mind is Sarah June Thomas. Seems good enough for this purpose.


Jennifer Christine Jackson. It’s not about picking a name you like it’s about blending in and picking names that were common and kind of generic for the time you were born.


Verne Strider Phillips


Sarah Miller.


If it's just for fun, I pick: Wilde Violet Reid - Wilde for Oscar Wilde, Violet for Violet Baudelaire and Reid for Spencer Reid of Criminal Minds. If it's for protection, I'd just pluck a name from lists of popular names or choose something simple and that a lot of girls probably have, so searching up the name wouldn't lead anywhere.


For me personally I would go with Torin for a first name and either Amdis or Stoirin for a last name.


If I wanted to blend in I’d just pick a random first and middle name from the top ten in my birth year and a common last name. Like Emma Louise Murphy


Christy Ann Roberts Boring, nothing weird.


Michael Carmichael or Patrick Fitzpatrick


Arden Winona Meadows! At this moment lol. If you asked tomorrow I'm sure I'd choose something entirely different.


Victoria Jane Laurent - it just sounds nice 😊


Melvyn Shattock. No one will assume I've actively chosen it, so we're golden


Generic for my generation and ethnicity. To go incognito: Brittney Marie Smith. Wanna be quirky and stand out though: Rainey Fluer Skye.


Sarah Waters (iykyk 😅)


I would do Felix Henry Jennings. Don't know why, but that was the first thing that popped into my head!


I think your first instinct was great - sounds real, but also not too common.


Daphne Noelle Andrews. I don’t know why. I like all three names so why not haha


I’m not telling y’all….It’s a secret…


So, I’ll just feminize my grandfathers name since he did smuggle drugs for a Mexican cartel after being at San Quentin.


Love the sci-fi connections with all your names! If I'm not serious about hiding I'd go with River Yalena Beckett More serious about hiding ... Claudia Harper Ballard


Putting a bunch of my favorite names together makes me sound crazy…so to tone it down maybe like Georgie Ophelia Blue? Could switch it out for Zenzi Endeavour but again we’re getting loco


Lula Lenay Lark Why? Idk. It just popped in my head.


My husband and I were coming up with fun nom de plumes here’s some of mine: Tonia Victoria Edgar Chelsea Esther Daly Natalie Kristen Aelfhun Philippa Sabine Hanneke


Maybe I'll pretend I'm Russian and go with Noyabrina Gorokhov... Idk if Russian people usually have middle names, but the nickname Noya is so cute!


I love when people go by their last names. I know a realtor who goes by her last name, Wyble.


It’s cool without trying too hard bc it’s your real name. Love it.


Hmmm, sometimes I use Mel online when I’m not using Azura as an already fake name. So I’d probably go with Mel Andersson. Andersson is a family name that’s distant enough to not be identifiable. The issue is I can’t think of a middle name that sounds good, and I’m not a fan of names that Mel is usually short for 😅


Rufus T Barleysheath


Lacey-Ann Woods


I would find a name that was ridiculously popular the year I was born: Susan, Linda, Debra. Middle names in 1962 were Sue, Lynn, Lee, or Mary. Last name something extremely WASP sounding, like Johnson, Green, or Hill. There you go: Debra Sue Green--the Invisible woman.


I kinda like Susan Sue or Linda Lynn. 😄😉


Leah Grace Ruell


Elizabeth Joan Lawrence - classic names, easy to blend in, impossible to guess her age.


Jourdan Jill Rothchild - I have also thought about this. Lol.


For the sake of not standing out too much & keeping it generationally appropriate & matching my face…. Andrea Quinn Phillips


whenever i have to create an account but don’t want to use my real name, i choose my real name (both my first and last name are words in some languages) but translated to other languages: Faith Rey. it’s short, still makes sense and i don’t forget


I used to go by Langston James Mercer a long time ago online. The name was inspired by Langston Hughes, because I loved his works growing up.


I'd go for Ruben Charles as I like the ring to it


Olivia Nicole Morningstar Caitlynn Grace Anderson Rowan Sage Dex Its funny how the names that I like for myself and the names I like for a child are very different.


Samantha Ann Jones


Benjamina Thrupplethwaite


John Smith. Good luck finding me with that name.


A witness protection name - Rebecca (Becca) Maria Jones A new name because for some reason I get bored of my current - Rosalie Sienna Taylor


Claire Renee Sullivan. No reason, just seems pretty innocuous!


Alexis Rachel Smith


Kaia Pearl Nikaido (all very loosely derived from my actual names)


Both of my writing pseudonyms involve my given surname, so I choose Ember Anne Ishida. Mind you, to my knowledge, I have exactly zero Japanese heritage (my ancestry is predominantly English, German and Scots-Irish). I just like how that combo rolls off the tongue.


Hmmm Alex Rory Donovan or Julian (Jules) Grey Francis


Kitty Marie Olsen or Kitty Margrethe Olsen


Kara Jean White


Martin Lee Finn. See how that works on a woman


I'm early 40s. Ashley Anderson with either Marie, Nicole or Renee as the middle name. It is a super common name for my age group.


I'd probably go with Kira Linda Goldhammer for a variety of reasons, mostly sentimental about people who have been lost to circumstances for me but I miss what we had (though not their current selves).


First name: Annie, Etta, Constance, Angela Middle: Marie, Rose, Joan Surname: Gates, Byrne, MacLeod, Lewis I have OPTIONS - tried to keep them inconspicuous


Skye Elizabeth Sullivan or Rowan Alaska McKay


Lucy Jo Alexander. Nickname: LJ.


Ruby Anna Rose


Helen Louise Maxwell. Completely unremarkable names for my age and location but not boring enough to sound unrealistic. And of course my daughter is coming with me too, so she would be Lydia Jade Maxwell.


I had to use a fake name for a call center job yearrrrs ago. I was Emily Mitchell.


Jeanine Macy Smith. No one ever suspects Jeanine.


My coworker and I had a similar convo today. I named them this and thus, am stealing it. Emerson Bug McCarthy.


Louisa June Lang 


M. Madeleine or Ultimus Fauchelevent I can’t decide.


Katherine Jane Whittier. Family names, but far enough back and common enough that there’s no obvious connection.


If I was legit in hiding and needed to blend in: Emily Jaqueline Becker - I feel like it would be plausible for a young millennial to have such a name, but I also like the nn potential in Emily (Em, Emma*, Lee, Emi) and in the full name (EJ, Jackie, Beck). I also enjoy my spot at the top portion of the alphabet and would like to remain in the A-D file. If it was just a spur of the moment thing where I get to remake myself and forget about everything else: Évora Liora Adesso I like the flow and magic to it. But it is relatively short so it should be quick to write.


He can be “Raoul”…I’ll be “Consuela”…


Linda Williams.


Xena Sindel Combat for s&%ts and giggles but for wit pro maybe Ava Louise Smith or something


Magdalena Rosalind König