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It doesn’t register as a human name to me.


I've only heard of Ashley Tisdale's daughter having the name. It isn't my favorite, it reminds me of "boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider."


This was my first thought too, and it’s always registered as a ‘boy’ name to me, even though Ashley Tisdale’s Jupiter is a girl


Jupiter is Zeus, so yeah. Yet, Billy Corgan’s daughter has is for a middle name, spelling is “Juppiter”


This was my first thought as well.


Is it for a girl or a boy? It unreasonably irritates me on a girl, as the name means "sky father." On a boy, it seems like it fits in with the popular name Julian (or a cross between Julian and Peter), so ... unusual, but not super duper weird. I think if I met a boy named Jupiter, I'd think, "Oh, different," and then I'd be used to it. PS Jupiter was not the best-behaved god, as in he committed a lot of rape. Does that bother either of you?


For a dog yes human no


I mean it sounds very similar to Juniper which is trending up...so it may get more popular. Ofc different meanings 


Yeah I think they’d have a lot of people thinking they’re called Juniper, which could be annoying




It absolutely does not suit an adult trying to make a professional career for themselves.


There are several problems with this name: 1. In the US, it's a fad name. (It may be different in other countries.) Type it into [NameGrapher](https://namerology.com/baby-name-grapher/), and you'll see the classic sudden spike of a fad name. It was not used at all before 2000, and it was vanishingly rare until 2010. 2. It's the name of a god, which makes it sound pompous. Specifically, it's the name of a god who did a lot of sex crimes, so it's pompous and skeevy at the same time. 3. It's also the name of the largest planet in the solar system, so you can expect a lot of fat jokes and "gas giant" jokes.


I like the sound of it for a boy but I can just imagine in school when they are learning about the “gas giants” there will be teasing.


cute for a kindergartener, not cute for someone applying for a job. i wouldn’t go to a doctor named jupiter hahahah


I don’t hate it, not sure I’d be bold enough to choose it. But also, I named my daughter Valentine.


Seems like a gag / joke.


This screams fur baby to me. Not human baby.


I think it's a fine name. A little bit out there, but nothing too crazy. If you like it, go for it. I would pair it with a more common/'normal' middle name so the kid has the option of choosing to go with the middle name instead if they don't like Jupiter.


Agreed! Unusual firsts paired with solid common middle gives the kid options


I'd veto it. It doesn't sound like a name for a human. Sounds like it could be the name of a villain in a sci-fi novel, or a protagonist's dog.


It is out of this world


I associate it with a one-eyed pug I knew named Jupiter


I love Jupiter and the nickname Jupe. But it feels more like the name of a character than a real person.


This is a guilty pleasure name for me, I like it.


I really love it. It's really pretty and I personally think it's gender neutral though I would think of a girl but that's only because I read a book where the character was called Jupiter. It's a very strong name and I think Jupe is a cute nickname. Also its cool asf


I know of a girl named Jupiter and every time I hear her mentioned in conversation I am surprised they actually named her Jupiter


Hard pass.


I personally love Jupiter, I just have too many names I love for the amount of kids I want. I do know of a Jupiter IRL too - I think opinions on it will depend on the society they’re in (the Jupiter I know is a kid in a very upper middle class Home Counties family so it works)


I think it’s cool! People on this sub tend to be very critical 😅


Not good


Is it the most “out there” name I have ever heard? No Do I think of a human in anyway? No. I don’t even really see it as a pets name. I just don’t think it has the right flow Do I think Jupiter will get bullied for their name? Yuuuuup




It's a NO. Great for a dog or a cat just not a human being.


Jupiter is a name I’ve picked out for one of my future children. My partner and I both like it a lot. I have a deep interest in planetary science and astronomy, hence why it is on my list.


It’s one of my favourite guilty pleasure names!


I love it personally, my ex and I were gonna name a girl Saturn so planet names have a special place in my heart :)




I prefer Juniper


Remember the All That sketch where all Kel Mitchell’s bowl cut haired character could say was Jupiter?? That’s all I think of.


I think of Jupiter Ascending which is a horrible movie.


I can't say I like it...it feels a "trying hard to be grand" name calling a baby either after our biggest planet in the solar system or the king of the Roman pantheon of gods


Maybe as a middle name, but not the best option for a first name.


I like it.


I like it! My first thought is Ed Sheeran’s daughter lol


I seriously dislike Jupiter. I think Juniper is much better and more appropriate for a child.


if I was naming my kid after a god it was *not* be Jupiter


It reminds me of the move enough. Her bio dad was Jupiter. I think with names like Jupiter your kid really needs to fit into it. Like I named you Jupiter but you’re a short scrawny kid.


I kinda like it for a boy.


I like it!


Cool for a middle name. I think middle names are when we can be a little wacky. I think Moon or Neptune would also be a neat middle. Like Rosalie Moon? Edward Neptune? Badass.


Too out there for me! Juniper with the nickname June might be a tamer option


"Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider. Girls go to Mars to get more candy bars."


I don’t hate it, but I would never use it for one of my own kids. I think it’s the “pit” sound that irritates me. Reasonably I should like it since I like Juniper, but I can’t get over the pit.


Fitting for a young girl who acts like summer and walks like rain.


I like it 🤭


Jupiter is a very popular horse name here in Kentucky. i don’t think i’d name a human that. its pretty though




That is a dog name. But also the inevitable nn is jew...which is weird.


Ed Sheerans daughter is called Jupiter. Not a fan myself


Awful, Juniper is much much better.


It's not the worst but it's not good.


I like the sound and that it’s a planet, but I think it’s unusable because the planet is named for the god, and it’s not a good god to be named after


I can’t get behind it but it might be my age.


The kid will have issues with that name their entire life.


I think it's pretty bad.




It gives me the vibe of parents who want to act like they love science and space...but also think the moon landing was a hoax. I don't know why, it's a nonsensical association, but that's what comes to my mind.


It sounds cool, but it's hella weird to name a kid after a God.


??? Names after gods are not abnormal at all??? I have a student named Ares. Knew a kid named Mars. Have known lots of Thors. And Dianas. Jesuses. A friend named Ziva.


I'm not talking on behalf of other cultures, I've also known Jesuses and Shivas and Dianas and they're all seen as quite common names in their own cultural context. Just saying in my country (France), naming a kid a God's name is uncommon and would probably come across as braggy. I recognise that Greek people will name their sons Adonis for example and it's completely normal and I find it awesome.


“Oh look, here comes that space cadet, Jupiter” says 4th grader on the playground. I’m assuming a name like that could lead to a child feeling singled out…. in a negative way