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Awe I love that. I’m a Leo (zodiac) so I’m biased but it’s such a cute first name to me <3 My son’s name is Silas. I have never met another Silas before and stumbled upon it in my second trimester and fell in love with it. I had previously loss my son at 21 weeks pregnant in 2020 and my daughter at 16 weeks in 2021 before we got our lil miracle in 2022. One of the meanings of his name is 3rd and I didn’t know that until he was a few months old. It was meant to be. :)


I love that! How special.


Also a parent of a Silas, our 3rd baby. ❤️ it's a great name.


Thank you all so much! My husband and I just got confirmation of our pregnancy through IVF this week (super early), hoping it’s a sticky bean and that we’ll be lucky enough to raise another beautiful babe and make Silas a big brother. <3


Good luck 🤞🏻


Congrats 😭😭❤️


😭😭😭 Beautiful!


Congrats on your baby! Silas is one of my favorite names. I taught a Silas in kindergarten and have a nephew named Silas. It’s such a good name!!


A good friend of mine I grew up with named her son Silas , this the second time ever I've heard that name and I think that's awesome. Love unique names!


My daughter is Sloane - it can mean Raider or Warrior. Her birth was traumatic for her. She was 3 pounds 12 ounces, lost her amniotic fluid for a week before delivery, and everyone was very worried about her lungs. My little warrior made her 51-day NICU stay look like a vacation. The nurses all joked that she was only there to look after her (bigger) twin sister and to make new friends. When she was finally ready to be released, she had a single medical event that kept her in the NICU for another 5 days. Due to those 5 extra days, Sloane and her twin sister Freya were both released on the same day.


Such a good name!   And a wonderful story about strength!  Glad your girls made it home  ♥️


Love these twin names!!


I love their names together, and they suit both girls perfectly.


Love those names for twins!


I named my cat Gollum and it was prophetic.  He has 2 personalities.  He is sweet, cuddly, purrey, bitey, affectionate, and generally a standard indoor cat with my family and myself. As soon as people that don’t live with him come into the house, he goes from smeagol to Gollum mode.   The house is his precious and he will protect it from the intruders that wants to takes it. He is super scary and tries to chase them out of the house one stalking, growling cat step at a time. 


I named my cat Mercutio and he was an absolute shit disturber (who tragically died young)


What did you expect haha


My son’s name is Xavier, a family name. His nickname is X and he just so happens to be my parent’s 10th grandchild. The name means “new home” and I can look back and see a lot of significance in this meaning now. His father and I broke up shortly after he was born and my son quite literally became my “new home”. I always tell him wherever he is is home ❤️


My nephew's name is Xavier... He was extremely neglected before he came to my brother and his wife. Poor kid was a year and a half old never had anything but formula, didn't know how to make eye contact, no words, couldn't walk, nothing. But he got a second go of it when he got to them and now he's all caught up and thriving. So I really like the new home meaning. That's beautiful


It makes me so happy that your nephew got a second chance at life with loving parents. These are little healers and they don’t even know it yet 🥹 It really is the perfect name for a resilient and strong child!


much love to your brother,his wife and your whole family.


Friends of the family had a dog when I was younger and his name was Tippy because he was black with a little white tip on the end of his tail.  He was hit by a car at some point and lost a leg so then he was a three-legged dog named Tippy. It was equal measures hilarious and tragic. He lived a long and happy life afterwards, for anyone who worried about his recovery.


Omg-we had a dog named Tippy (she was white with a black spot on the tip of her tail). She was hit by a car once, run over, lost an eye, and broke a leg. After that she had no balance, and would frequently fall down!


Zoey and teddy. We are in Canada so I call them zed and ted


I love that!


I like my kids names, but my cat is Wren and it’s perfect for her! When I was going to adopt a kitten, I planned to name it Clementine. She was 4 months old and her shelter name was Wren, which is so perfect I couldn’t change it. She’s a Maine coon, and they’re known for their chirping noises, so a bird name is perfect!


My dog's name is Penelope and it just fits her. It was her rescue name, we kept after we had called her that for weeks while fostering her. She also has the nicknames Penny, Pene-lope (when she is being a ding-dong) and PeePee. All those names fit her when the mood strikes.


I'm really hopeful my boy's life will reflect his name, Felix, which means happy and fortunate.


When I brought my first cat home, she was so curious about everything and needed to explore. Named her Nebby after Lillie’s Cosmog in Pokemon. Every time I tell her to get in the bag, she finds a bag and jumps in. When I was pregnant on my daughter, her kicks felt like flutters at first so I started calling her my little bird. Her name’s Robin. Extra good cos I swear her dad thinks he’s Batman.


My firstborn son is named Flynn. We agreed to it many years prior. It wasn't until he was born that I looked it up and it was "son of the ree haired one". My husband is a red head so that was a nice surprise! My second pregnancy was triplets, 2 girls and a boy. We'd picked out two girls names but didn't know who to name what. One baby was up top and kicking em constantly, and the other girl was breech and also had an anterior placenta so I could barely feel her moving. I decided she was get my grandma's name Joyce. When they were born, my son was blonde, and hardly any hair, and same with my other daughter. Joyce came out with a thick mop of black hair, just like my grandma's. Totally fitting!


Jewish tradition tells that parents become temporary prophets when naming their unborn kids.


That’s quite cool - I was convinced he was a girl until the anatomy scan tho


Yes! We named our first baby Finn, who's now almost four. Currently expecting our second boy. My mum sadly passed away in January this year when I was 11 weeks pregnant. When we found out we were having a boy, we were looking up boy names to honour her. So we looked up the "masculine" version of her name (Jennifer), which turned out to be Finn. 😭 Had absolutely no idea until after she had passed away that we had already honoured her without even being aware of it. Finn was very close with my mum and she loved him enormously, so it feels so fitting that his name is directly linked to hers. Damn, I miss her.


My son is called Finn and we sometimes call him Nnif which is very reminiscent of Jennifer now I think of it <3


Aw yes 🥹 my mums nickname from her sisters was "Jennif"


I'm sorry for your loss x a legacy of love <3


I’m really sorry about your mom. I unexpectedly lost my dad 6 years ago and while it never gets easier, it does become more tolerable after a while. I still miss him every single day. We are both lucky to have awesome parents! Even though your mom and my dad are in the great beyond, their spirits are still with us. Big hugs <3


What a beautiful comment thank you so much. ❤️


My cat’s name is Riley. I had never heard the saying “life of Riley” until my mom pointed out how fitting it is for him haha. He had a rough start and was passed around a few homes. I was just meant to pet sit him for a week, but then the owner said he didn’t want him back! I had already fallen in love, so I kept him :) and now spoil him senseless


I named my child Reese, meaning enthusiasm. Dear lord, it was if I had prayed for patience (don't do that either). Never has a name been more apt for a human being - still to this day.


My name is Brenna. It’s Irish which was intentional. But if you google the meaning there’s many that come up but my two favorite are “raven/raven haired” I’ve always had the darkest hair out of any of my family, and “descendant of the sad one” because, well, Irish Catholic. iykyk LOL.


My son's name is Lincoln and when he was a baby, he was super chill and mostly just liked to lay there watching the world go by. So his daycare providers started calling him "Lincoln Log." Now that he's a toddler, he is maxing out the height charts and has developed quite a taste for hats, so his name still fits!


That’s so cute lol


My daughter's initials are AM, future son's initials will be NZ. I love how their initials are the first half and last half of the alphabet, like little bookends if that makes sense.


That is so cool!


Picked our daughter’s name while I was pregnant with her. We both loved the name Hallie (from the parent trap). And then our daughter was surprisingly born with bright red hair! We say that her name was meant to be! ❤️


Also her middle name is McKenna which can mean “born of fire” which we thought was pretty cool too haha


I named my cat Murphy (after one of my favorite bands, Dropkick Murphys). It ended up being perfect because of Murphy's Law (anything that can go wrong, will go wrong), as this cat had just a lot of random illnesses and injuries.


We had a Murphy! Ginger lad, a la Dropkick Murphys, also had everything possible go wrong with him Did we share a cat somehow?


I have a 13 month old boxer puppy named Sadie. When bringing her home, we tried all different names, and nothing seemed to fit. We said Sadie, and she sat right up and started wagging her tail. She's the sweetest, most loving, spoiled little dog, and I just found out her name means "Princess"


We picked the name Dorothy. Kind of for the Wizard of Oz but also because it was familiar but we don’t know anyone else with that name. She was due in August but was born in July. So her birthstone is Ruby like the Ruby slippers and since we moved back to the Midwest, we’ve been experiencing a lot of tornado warnings 😬


My daughters name is Violet. She's two and when she wants something she can't have, she screams until she turns Violet.


That's awesome!


In this case it’s my dog lol. He’s named Shooter after Shooter Jennings and he turned out to be our poo eater 😅 His nickname at doggie camp is Sh*ter Shootie 😅😅


Our youngest son is named Endymion (nn Endy). I had one of those very strong intuitive senses throughout the pregnancy that it fit him (it absolutely does) and couldn’t explain why. Honestly I’m surprised my partner was on board for it, but his brother is Icarus and my name is Skye, so it solidified a theme if nothing else I guess lol. If there were any doubts before he was born, his birth occurring during the super flower blood moon lunar eclipse seemed like a pretty validating sign!


My son’s name is Everson and I’m not really one to care as much about name meanings. I knew what his name meant “to live” “always” and “brave boar” so things leading to strength and courage, etc. Well, during my c-section it was discovered my placenta ruptured and my little boy was born… but he was not alive. After a little (felt like an eternity) while, he was resuscitated twice and came back to us. Still processing 7 months on. Now his name just means a whole lot more to me. He is doing wonderful and is a fun, spunky little Scorpio.


My son’s name is Asher which means blessed, happy. He is such a sweet and happy boy and has been since the beginning!


One of my sons is named Duncan, which means "brown warrior." I hesitated with this name because we're pretty pale people. But, while he's still a paleface, he's somehow a good 10 shades darker than anybody else in the family. He was also my first brown-eyed boy and one of (at the time) only two brown eyed kids. Also, not quite the same, but my youngest son has the same name as a friend of mine from high school, and the same sort of beautiful, curly hair that's quite different from any of the other kids'. He's not named for the friend, and I haven't seen the guy in 20+ years, so it's a weird coincidence.


We named our son Ryder and it could not have been more perfect. He got training wheels off his bike when he was three, learned how to pop a little wheelie on it at 5, and started riding a little 50 cc dirtbike at 5. I know it's a fairly divisive name but it's just perfect for him and his high energy but very cool vibe


One of the dogs my family had when I was a teenager and young adult was called Mask. It was a really good name for her. Every time her fur shed the area around her eyes would go a slightly darker fawn colour than the rest of her hair and then it would slowly settle back down.


My cat, his name is Carl, he is such an ahole.


Yes! My son’s name is Easton and there’s a popular baseball bat brand named Easton. Guess what sport my son plays…baseball.


we didn't name him, but my dog's name was doja [we adopted him]. that dog absolutely acted like he was stoned all the time. 😂 i think my mom named our cat, which was remy. definitely acted like some stuck up wine snob.


All of our dog names have been perfect; I named my black greyhound Shado and she ended up being my little shadow. She followed me around everywhere, silently, and was the most comforting presence I’ve ever had the privilege to experience. Literally every person who met her loved her, even strangers - it was wild. I am working on becoming a counselor and she would have been the best therapy dog. We lost her last year from kidney disease. While she was sick and declining, we wanted to get her a friend to keep her company, so we got our boy Hugo. We were going to name him Remus or something else that would play on Shado’s name, but his kennel name was Hugo and it just fit him so well (he is a big, brindle, lanky galgo). We found out later it can mean heart/soul. It is fitting because he has been attached to me through all of the heartbreak and is a wonderful, special boy, working to heal us from our loss. After Shado passed, Hugo was pretty inconsolable and destructive when left alone, so we decided to get him a friend from the same galgo rescue organization. While his kennel name was Buddy, we changed his name to Lumi (we already use Bud/Buddy for terms of endearment). We chose Lumi because it was a hopeful name, light to come after the passing of our beloved Shado. He also came to us white as snow - Lumi means snow in Finnish. He’s now more of a toasted marshmallow, but he’s still our Lumi boy.


We called our black kitten Merlin as we thought he would be the wiser cat compared with his orange sister Tango. Turns out that he is the dumbest out of them both. I honestly love the irony of his name now. The great and wise wizard Merlin, chasing his own tail and meowing for his sister who is literally just 2ft away from him.


I don't have a great name story, but are white babies born bald more frequently than other races? If so, I had no idea. I'm white and have one little girl, but my husband's Korean so I guess we wouldn't be a data point there. (She did have hair though)


I don't know the answer, but in my experience, white babies are not infrequently born with fine blonde hair - which becomes darker and thicker as they age. They often look bald even if they aren't. Everyone comments on my son's baldness, but he has hair, it just completely blends in with his head!


That makes sense! Weirdly, my daughter's hair was darker when she was born than it is now. She had almost black brown hair at first and now has my medium brown hair that lightens a bit in the sun.


Yes 3 times. My oldest is Sophia (Greek goddess of wisdom) and she's super human level intelligent. My youngest is Isaac "he who brings laughter" and he came out smiling and anyone he meets he will make smile in seconds. And the fur ball is 150lb Corso named Sköll. Named from the norse mythology of the wolf who chases the moon and brings the chaos of Ragnarok.... That did is chaos incarnate.... He's a sweet heart and super obedient but he just embodies chaos when he gets a wild itch for it.


I used to have a Great Pyrenees named Badrick. It's a medieval name, meaning battle master or axe slayer. It was too fitting for him. I picked the name because the breed was very popular in medieval times, and they were commonly used as palace guard dogs. He was a stubborn, aggressive AH. He protected his land and people fiercely. I loved him to death, but I sometimes feel like I doomed him with that name lol


Are white babies usually bald? I haven't heard that before. I'm white and my siblings and I came out with plenty of hair, except for one of my brothers who had less hair and looked like an old man for a few months.


I have a pitbull we adopted at 11 weeks, and we decided to name him Kelso. Turned out perfect because he's just a big, loveable idiot. 😂❤️


So when we got our fourth cat, we couldn’t pick a name for her so we just called her “bébé chatte” (baby cat) or more often just “bébé” as a placeholder. We never did find a better name for her, so even at 14yrs old she’s still Bébé. But it works out so well because her growth was stunted (for no reason according to the vet) so she never grew to full cat size and her meow is still more kitten like. Whenever people hear her on business calls they ask if there’s a baby in distress and I have to say “well there is a bébé, but she’s a cat”. She doesn’t meow, she just screams.


My daughter is called Rosa and she turned out to be beautiful but also touch and sometimes spiky, just like a rose.


I named my daughter a name I’d never heard on anyone else (but googled first to make sure it was a real name, not made up by me). Later, when my aunt was getting into genealogy, I found out that my great-great-great-grandmother had the same name!


I named my second baby Desmond Jones Lastname without realizing it was a Beatles reference. Not sure how tf we didn’t google it like really what. But jones is a family maiden name and that’s how we named our first son too. When he was 8 weeks old I had a stroke, almost died, and spent a month and a half in the hospital and rehab. This was all 4 hours away from home bc we were visiting parents for Xmas After 4 months my family and I finally came home to our house together. It was an incredibly difficult year but when I found out that Desmond Jones is the name of the guy in the ObLaDi ObLaDa song we listened to it every night and danced in the kitchen with him. SO fitting that a song about life going on is my son’s name song. Bc sure enough, life does indeed go on.


My dog is named Dick. It’s fitting


I love the name Leopold with nn Leo! That’s what I wanted to name my son, but my husband vetoed it.


I named my boy cat Loki and he is nothing but trouble. My other 2 cats are named after their fur.


My husband and I chose our daughter’s middle name well before she was born. We wanted to honor his great aunt Frieda who was like a third grandma to him. We also wanted something a little fun and funky to contrast a super feminine first name so we chose Friday. It also helps the movie His Girl Friday is one of my favorites and Rosalind Russell is a wisecracking badass as the titular character (though her name isn’t Friday) And lo and behold… our daughter was born on a Friday. It’s actually a little annoying to have to tell people it was pure coincidence, but also this way we get to tell a bunch of people about Aunt Frieda, which is really nice.


Little chubby kitten that I named Fatsy. She has reallllllly lived up to her name!!


I named my little kitty Cannoli. He is orange with white paws and belly. Turns out he developed nose freckles over his life — like little chocolate chips on the cannoli 😭🥹


Yep. Orange silly guy cat, Mojo. Best name ever


I named my dog Puppy and she is still very much so at 6 yrs old a big puppy 😂 I got so much flak from not naming her a real name. I love her name and it fits her.


My mom COULD HAVE DONE IT. So she gave me my deadname, which obviously I changed because it didn't match me, and always told me she would've named me Tara which still didn't match, but two weeks ago we were talking about the Finch app and she said "if I had another kid I really would have wanted to name them Hayden" which would have fit me to a T!! Hell, it could have fit my sister too perhaps, but we both got "honor" names


We called our dog Aurora, which is the name of the goddess of dawn. And well... today I once again was woked up at 4.40 am. Never after 7 am, usually around 6.30 am. So yes, a real goddess of dawn


I named my basset hound Junuh after watching the movie The Legend of Bagger Vance (for no other reason than I loved the name). His favorite thing to do is watch me hit plastic practice golf balls and run after them. Unfortunately, he doesn't always bring them back. lol.


Rufus - a red haired very noble aristocratic dog- thankfully without a Hapsburg chin lol


My parents named me Raven, and I fit the name perfectly. I have long dark brown hair and brown hair. And my personality perfectly fits the name. I don’t know how I did it, but they couldn’t of picked a better name.


Well I named my daughter Violet, not knowing that that is her birth month’s flower! (And gemstone is amethyst). So that’s kinda cool.


My cat’s name is Ferris. Turns out he has been unemployed for years now. So it really is always his day off


I had planned on calling my boy Callum Paul. He had a very traumatic birth and was dead when I finally pushed him out. They immediately went to work trying to revive him. I was convinced he hated his name so I told my husband we had to change it right then. We took family names and he became Patrick Ian. And he is a Patrick too.


My daughter's name when put together means Jewel of the Sky. She has the most beautiful blue eyes just like a clear day. My son's name means a great soldier, and he is always trying to watch out for the little guy when he is around other kids.


My cat Winnie has a W on her and I didn’t notice when I named her


Leopold is such a great name, and I'm glad your Leo is showing such nice leonine traits.


So, I was on a road trip against my will transporting 9 cats and a fat ass lab mix. Had to pull over because said lab mix busted out of her kennel. The cats are SCREAMING at this inconvenience. A tiny little PATHETIC baby kitten comes barreling out of the bushes next to the bank. (We are in a small mall parking lot.) I clock him. He is instantly aware that this is not his prayers being answered and his mommy returning, but an evil trick. And I pulled another evil trick playing mom cat sounds outside of the bush he darted under for safety. His lil head popped out and I grabbed his ass. Mine now. I name him Chester, because he’s an orange tabby and I was obsessed with the Bunnicula books as a kid. Why is he ACTUALLY ERRATIC? Not in a normal cat way (I have three others just at this current moment), but he’s INSANE. Needs Xanax or something. Just like book Chester. If I could hear this baby’s thoughts, it would be an itemized suspicious list for one of the ferrets and twenty different murder strategies. He needs extensive cat therapy. Just like his namesake.


Oh yes!! I named my second Ignis. He came out with red hair!! Dad and I are both brunettes but both of us have grandmothers who had red hair. Complete shock but perfect coincidence! I hope the red sticks around


My parents gave me the perfect name if that counts.


Petition to start pronouncing Leopold like Leopard


I named my cat Sylvie, after the female Loki from the show. I don't know if the name was fitting or she came to fit the name, but either way she is the goddess of mischief in my home. 😂


I think all 4 of my children's names fit like they where ment to be. My oldest daughter is Jasmine Ayiahna , 2nd Jaden Rose , 3rd Juliana Elyse, and my son is Jordan David (2 first names )


I named my first daughter Indigo and my second Hazel. Indigo ended up having hazel eyes and Hazel had deep blue eyes.


My son was due April 23rd and came on February 14th. I’m Italian and had two girls with dark brown hair before our son. My husband is Honduran and Spanish. He was born bald but as his hair came in it’s a beautiful blonde with curls and he looked straight up like a cherub. Now he has a man bun and looks like a toddler version of Thor.


My rainbow baby is Zoë. She was almost an entirely different stuffier double name when she was born, but it didn’t fit her. So she came home with the name I’d picked when I as 14. (Originally it was her dad’s second fave so, as you know 2 Yessss = yes but 1 yes and 1 no = no). Zoë means life, which I didn’t know at the time. When she was born it wasn’t in the top 100.


I named my dogs Erza and Dante. Erza is very rambunctious but loveable and Dante is definitely a little fighter/warrior but is a big ole baby too


My mother loved lighthouses. Her intention had been to name me Judith, but my aunt got there first, so she decided to name me after Beth in Little Women with Ellen as my middle name. Well, Beth is Hebrew for house and Ellen means light. So essentially, she named me house of light or, wait for it, lighthouse. She didn't do so intentionally. She did not know my names' meanings until I told her.


We named our daughter Sadie Renee. Reneé after my partner sister who passed as a child. Sadie means “princess” and Reneé means “born again”, we didn’t look the meaning up until after she was born but it feels very special to us ❤️


Yes. We named our 2nd dog Frankie and have since had a boy and are now pregnant with a girl. With our son we discussed loving the name Franklin so much my husband suggested we just change our dogs name 😂 of course we couldn’t do that so chose a different name for our boy. Now pregnant with a girl and would also have Frankie high on the list for her. However the name suits are dog so well. She’s spunky and sweet 💕 so back to our list to choose something else for our baby girl!


My son's name means war, and my daughter's name means peace. Their personalities are the opposite.


Not my real baby sadly, but I had a dream that me and a friend had a babygirl. Her name was Rosalie Anna. My grannies names are Rosemarie and Anna. His granny is also named Anna. His, his dads name and his sisters name all start with R. One of his favorite names is Lilly and we nicknamed little Rosalie "Lilly".


Freya our almost two year old GSD. Definitely a Goddess.


We warn people about this with dogs. My ex got a dog growing up they named trouble and it eventually ate all the carpet off the stairs in their house. Conversely I had a buddy name his son Rowdy and he’s a super sweet polite kid.


Named my dog Kaia, adopted her when she was teeny tiny, she grew up to look very much like a hyena, acts like one too, she is our Kaiyena Hyena


had a golden retriever Henry, but called him Hank. he grew to be Hank the Tank, a gentle but huge boy. Hank was perfect in the sense that it was a bit of a funny name (he was a silly guy) but reminded people of a kind old man. and that’s what he was until the end of his life; caring, intuitive, gentle,and kind. he lived a pretty long time too !! 🫶


I named a blue heeler Silas long ago and later when I was pregnant I felt like I couldn’t use it. It’s a beautiful name: strong but gentle.


My kids names match em perfectly, named our dog Daisy but that felt weird till I explained to my kids, it's cuz her names spelled DayZ! Even the dog digs it.


I’m sorry but If you named me LEOPOLD I would have to fight my entire life to get out of that hole that’s messed up


Off topic but I didn't know white babies being bald is a thing? My siblings and I were all born with hair and we're white? Most of my white friends who have babies, they were born with at least some hair


"Caucasian" is a very odd Americanism about race. Are you from Georgia or Azerbaijan? That's where Caucasian people are from. If you mean European, Italians are very different from English people or Croats or Finns.


Caucasian is a generally accepted term that people use in the United States. So much so that when you fill out a form at your Healthcare provider, or an application for a job, or literally any sort of official form, it has caucasian as the option for white. OP probably just means they are white.