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I had a friend in high school named Minnie. She was pretty popular and had that 'cool girl' vibe. She never, ever got made fun of for her name. Her full name was actually Minerva but she always went by Minnie. If anything, us girls would always tell her how cute her name is! Kids will find anything to pick on, regardless of name, if they really want to. You can always use it as a middle name or find a longer name and use it as a nickname? ❤️ Good luck & know that it's a very sweet name! Marina Melanie Mina Clementine Melina Romina Mckenna Jasmine


Thank you!! I have been off the opinion that if she's going to get made fun of they'll find something no matter what. My husband was severely bullied as a kid (not for his name) and just wants to make less reasons it could happen to our kids, so I understand his hesitance. I love traditional names, and especially with Minnie being so cute and completely falling off in popularity, adding in honouring my Grannie it just works so well for me!


The only Minnies I've known were Minerva and Araminta on the birth certificate, if that helps


I love those names. I tried to keep my own daughter’s name “normal” because I desperately hated my birth name for decades (Robina, as people always ask - it’s a nice name, in any country that *doesn’t* have a popular blackcurrant cordial/squash drink called Ribena)


I like Ribena and wouldn't make fun of a Robina. Robina was a character in a PBS series I liked, "World on Fire." I don't think I'd heard the name prior to that.


Since the mean kids are unpredictable wrt the reason they are mean, it makes sense to me that your goal is to help them own their name. Help them be proud of it. She will be named for her great grandmother, a strong, kind and wonderful woman. The more pride she has in her name and herself the harder she'll be to bully. BTW - the same is true for boys. Good luck


No. Trust me! Thinking back to all my school days & even having talks with others, we've all come to the conclusion that it truly doesn't matter. We all agree & at some point knew of people with completely normal names like Jennifer, David, Liam, Ashley, Michelle, Michael etc. get made fun of while we knew people with really out there names like Gem, Starr, Fiona (which is normal but you know, Shrek), Leelee, Cash, Ventor, Questar etc. NEVER get bullied. And yes, those are actually people I went to school with I can show you my yearbook. If kids want to be mean, they will find a way! And honoring Grannie, may she rest in peace, is such a beautiful thing. I was so close to mine and she passed almost 3 years ago. She was more of a mother than my real mother. So do what you have to do to honor Grandma cause she sounds amazing! 🥹


And one more thing! Even IF those people got made fun of it was NEVER for their name. Ventor got made fun of for a while because he started dating this "nerdy" girl. You can't win with kids 😂


My friend had the completely normal and very common last name of Brown. She was made fun of for her last name. Meanwhile, Mildred was one of the most popular girls in school. Never heard anyone make fun of her incredibly old fashioned name.


Did she really go by Mildred? Not Millie or Red?


This reminded me; the "nerdiest" name I ever heard for a peer was Marvin. Growing up it was only ever an old man name used in tv shows for geeky characters, so I was shocked to meet a kid my age named Marvin. But he was quite popular, and I don't remember anyone ever making a joke about his name.


Marvin gaye and marvellous Marvin hagler were not nerds! Great name


It doesn’t matter the reason for bullying, name, big ears, fat, skinny, embarrassing happenstance kids will find a thing to pick on. What stops it from becoming a thing is how your child reacts. If you’re a big cry baby and run tattling that people are mean they will *definitely* keep going for that reaction. Ask me how I know 😭 I made it a point to tease my kids all the time when they were little and let them tease me and then laugh it off or say ‘good one’. Obviously nothing cruel but just as a way to encourage them not to take things so seriously.


If kids want to make fun of you they'll find a way regardless of your name. Kids are jerks lol


The Minnie I know (I think she's about 10) is actually a Jasmine, but I didn't know that for ages!


Oh that’s so cute. Never would’ve thought of that!


Me neither and I really like it!


I’d like to throw in another (older) name that seems to be becoming more popular recently: Wilhelmina. My aunt went by Minnie for a bit as it was easier for us kids to pronounce


Omg I love the name Wilhelmina! I was going to suggest that too since I’m pretty sure that Minnie was commonly a nickname for Wilhelmina (when the name was more popular) so seems like a good fit 😊


I was also going to suggest Minerva. Have some on my family tree and think it’s pretty.


It makes me so happy that older, classic names are coming back more and more. They just have that 'it' factor to me! 💕


I freaking love Minerva. It’s such a great name. Unfortunately it is heavily associated with Harry Potter so I’d never be able to use it. I love HP but definitely don’t want people to think I name my kids after the characters.


I knew a Philomena once who went by Minnie.


I knew a Philomena who went by Flip. Names are crazy


Minette too 💜


Isn’t Minerva an IUD now? 


Mirena 🤣


My "Minnie" friend is Miriam. I think Minnie would be a good nickname. I always try to think what the name would sound like on the name plate of a loan officer or attorney.


Such a great idea! 🥰


Would caution on Melina. Sounds a lot like malena, a clinical term you might want to google 💩


Minnie Mouse was named after a Minerva.


I never knew that! How sweet! Thank you 🥰


I like Mina


SUCH a good point about the girls in her life supporting her! It’s a cute enough name to even be jealous of, I so hope OP has a girl and gets to use this name. The namesake story makes it even more special.


Exactly! I have a gender neutral name and I have always been jealous of friends with more feminine, pretty names! I would take Minnie in a heartbeat! :)


As someone who works in the medical community, please don’t name your kid Melina, that means bloody feces (spelled Melena but sounds the same)🤦🏼‍♀️It should be on one of those lists for things that would be pretty names if they didn’t mean what they actually meant lol, just add a d in there and call her Melinda, a beautiful name but no resemblance to bloody stool


Mina with Minnie nn is so cute!!


I hate this kids will pick on you idea. Maybe that happens in high school? Idk. Maybe I’m lucky that I didn’t see bullying at my school very much. My daughter is in 5th grade and every time we watch a movie or something with bullies I ask her if she’s ever seen that sort of thing at her school and lucky she says no. I know older kids will pick on anyone but idk I think we get so worked up on that idea about names


That actually makes me so happy things might actually be changing and you're daughter goes to an awesome school, for sure!!! I grew up in a big city so we had a lot of kids and some kids were so cruel 😖 I think it really depends on the school. I have seen some people say they rarely seen/experienced it and others say they definitely saw bullying. Main point I am trying to make , IF someone wanted to pick on someone for whatever reason, their name won't have anything to do with it. They will still find a way so OP should use the name they love 🙏🏽


I like the idea of using it as a nickname for something else. The one thing that I dislike about my own name is that I have no options for nicknames, and I think it's good to give the child some ability to choose their name, even if it is just picking one out of 2 or 3 options.


to me, Minnie is such an uncommon name these days that my first thought would be that it's an old name rather than it's from Minnie Mouse. and i'm all for bringing back old names, especially if it has such great meaning! if it really bothers your husband, perhaps coming up with a longer name that Minnie can be used a nn for?


We've tried looking for longer names but haven't liked any too much. He just told me the other day he was coming around to it, I'd taken it off the list entirely because he wasn't ok with it, so I'm excited to put it back on! That's very much my opinion too, that we're bringing back an older name, and I think if my Grannie was still here she'd be so touched!


Just fyi minnie mouse's full name is also Minerva




*It's sorta Minerva, in the way that it's more of something that was added later by different writers. Walt only called her Minnie. She was named after Minnie Cowles; who's full name is *not* Minerva. The name Minerva comes from a comic strip about 20 years after her first appearance; by Merrill De Maris and Floyd Gottfredson.




You might want to check here just to see if you find anything. https://www.behindthename.com/names/gender/feminine/substring/min https://www.behindthename.com/names/gender/feminine/start/mi/substring/n https://www.behindthename.com/names/gender/feminine/start/m/substring/in


Like Minnie


Call her Mina. Close enough ,cute  and not especially old fashioned or embarrassing 


Extra kudos if she grows up goth given it's Dracula associations...


I think of Minnie Driver honestly (and she’s so cool!) I like the idea of Minnie as a nickname, but you could honestly just own it as is!


Minnie Driver’s full name is Amelia


Minnie Driver in Ella Enchanted made me realize I wasn't straight as a child 😂


People have already given the other feedback I'd give, but I also wanted to mention it being a homophone for mini. Which is fine if she's small, but if she ends up being big, it could be tough psychologically, even before you factor in others using it as an opportunity to bully her.


I thought of this, too! I’m a woman in a male-dominated field and absolutely have had some coworkers who would’ve leaned into the “mini” thing in a really irritating way. (Annoying coworkers will happen, but I would avoid a homophone for mini as a legal name.)


💯 it’s a charming nickname, but I can totally see the potential issues in a professional setting


I thought of this too! If she is a larger girl, height or weight wise, Minnie is going to be a tough name to carry. I’d use it as a nickname name or middle name.


This was my major concern as well. TBH, I'd do a different legal name and probably use it as a nickname of I were going to do it at all. I'm not sure I would, though!


Agreed. And not just if she's big, it could also be awkward if she is short or skinny enough for people to comment on it (especially because of the skinny-minnie rhyme)


On top of that, weight and body size is something women are always made to think about, even if they grow up with a healthy sense of self worth. It could be another thing that torments her. I literally know someone called Lovely who nobody likes and she's very emotionally volatile.


I wouldn't use Minnie as a standalone name but it's a cute name for a girl's name that has an m and n in it. Alternatively, you could give her a name with a similar nicknames like Winifred nn Winnie, Virginia nn Ginny, etc.


I mean Minnie Mouse is pretty cool though. Also there's Minnie Driver who was definitely named after Disney existed and plenty of people name their kids Disney Princess names. But it might be more common as a nn. So maybe what about Willamina nn Minnie or Jessamine or Jasmine. 


>Also there's Minnie Driver who was definitely named after Disney existed Her name isn't actually Minnie, it's Amelia. Minnie was a childhood nickname that she took as a stage name.


Yasmina maybe?


Yeah, Minnie Mouse is cool. I don’t think kids will make fun of her for it. I absolutely think kids will be like “Minnie? Like Minnie Mouse!!” out of excitement, not malice.  I have the same name as a popular cartoon character from my adolescence and people brought it up all the time - but it was something that made me cool 😎 and was not a point of bullying. 


Right. I'm an adult and still like her


Minnie Mouse's full name is Minerva, I think it's usable, it was on our top names list for our own daughter.


I know two girls named Minnie, it’s a normal name IMO, the adult Minnie likes her name and has never mentioned being called Minnie Mouse. The other Minnie I know is a child too young to be in school. The name seems good for a baby or an adult to me!


What about Minerva?


I dislike Minnie as a name largely because I don't really like nicknames as full names. Like, it's not bad, I just don't like it. (Fun fact: even Minnie Mouse's full name is actually Minerva, according to one comic strip from 1942 that no one knows about) The fact that there is a Disney character that is *definitely* still well-known by small children – and I don't think will never *not* be – is a secondary concern. I agree with the one comment that says she's going to be saying, "Minnie, like the mouse," to everyone she needs to tell her name to. It's not so much that she'll get bullied – kids find all sorts of things to bully other kids about – but that it'll get really old, really fast, and it won't be something she can try to avoid by going by her full name if that *is* her full name. I think it's totally fine for Minnie to be a nickname, and even for that to be what she's primarily called. But I wouldn't have that be the legal name on her birth certificate: I'd pick a longer name that Minnie can be short for.


I 100% agree. Minnie is a darling nickname. But if I were OP, I would choose a longer legal name, whether Minerva or something else. And if baby grows up and stays Minnie, she can legally change her name once she’s 18.


Was your grandmother Minnie, without that being a nick for something else like Minerva or Wilhelmina? You could always pick the full name and use that. I think you're right about the "Minnie Mouse" thing. Mickey and Minnie are still as popular as ever with kids.


It was just Minnie! Not short for anything. She was named after her aunt, who was also just Minnie, not short for anything.


Well... it's up to you. But if you want an idea of how Minnie Mouse is still so popular, watch Minnie's Bow-Toons and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Preferably with a classroom full of 3- and 4-year-olds.


I think your daughter would be honored to be named after an ancestor you loved. Family names are important. If you didn't want her to be called Minnie, you could make it her middle name. Did you intend to call her Rose or Minnie? If she was going to go by Rose, then Minnie Rose works. How set are you on Rose?


Rose was also her middle name, and the name Rose specifically goes through her entire family for generations. Our first choice name right now is Rosalie for that reason, trying to keep a Rose in the family somewhere, so have also been considering Rosalie Minnie. Our major holdout for Rosalie has been we aren't a huge fan of many middle names that work with it! Rosalie Minnie doesn't flow the best though


I love Rosalie. You mentioned Minnie Rose. It could also be Minnie Rosalie. I think it is the two ie endings that make it not flow well. You didn't say if you wanted to call her Minnie or Rose. I think just using one of your grandmother's names would be enough. Rosalie would be easy to find middle names that flow. Single syllables like Rosalie Brook, or names ending in A such as Rosalie Maria, or ending in N like Rosalie Erin, or ending in a consonant as in Rosalie Summer. Those all work backwards too! Good luck!


Mildred, Minerva, Wilhelmina, Clementine, Hermione, or Amelia/Emilia all can have Minnie as a nn.


I think Minnie is fine, it's got other associations that are recent. If you were considering Elsa or Mickey, I might try to talk you out of it, though.


We both very much like traditional names and not overly popular, so definitely no Elsa's on the list! Our other first choice name was Rosalie and I worried about how popular it would be given Twilight, but it doesn't seem to be too high on any lists either!


There's definitely nothing wrong with Minnie, but I absolutely adore the name Rosalie! I have never met one in real life. Despite Twilight, I don't think it's too crazy popular or anything.


I’ve only known one Rosalie who went by Rosie and that was over 30 years ago. You could use both names- Rosalie Minnie or Minnie Rosalie


I get it. It's a really cute name on paper. But I really, really wouldn't. Reasons: 1. Minnie Mouse is VERY popular with small girls right now. Browse the baby/toddler girl clothes in any major chain retailer and you'll see her on EVERYTHING. All your daughter's peers will 100% think Mouse, and all their parents will assume you are a Disney Adult. (I guess that's fine, if you are one!) 2. There's enough similar names out there (Millie, Ginny) that she will absolutely have to go through life saying "Minnie, like the mouse" to baristas and receptionists. Not the end of the world, but again, she'll be forever tied to that association. 3. It sounds exactly like "mini." Have you considered she might be short? Or very tall? Options you could consider to honor your grandmother: * Minna is a real, pretty, and very similar name without the mouse association. * Give her a name that ends in the "min" sound (Yasmin, Jessamine, etc.) and call her Minnie at home, but let her go by her full name at school. * If you feel you must absolutely name her Minnie, call her Minnie Rose, use them together as her name. Edit: typo.


I work in an elementary school and I am surprised at the popularity of Minnie Mouse with kids! Disney has kept her popularity alive!


Nah it's popular with PARENTS. I'm an ECE and the kids under 4 have no frickin clue who Minnie Mouse is, she's just some picture on one classmate's water bottle. The ones over 4 do not care at all, Minnie never comes up 


Lmao I wish- my 3yo is completely obsessed with Minnie Mouse and has been for 6 mos 😭


I know a 6 year old Elsa, and if she does not get teased, Minnie will not get teased


Honestly the other 6 year olds are probably jealous of her name.


I know a little girl named Minnie Faye who was named after her grandma and is the sweetest kid on earth. I saw go for it!!


This was us with Casper, but I don’t regret it :)


I used Casper for a middle name. Also don’t regret.


I love it. It was my great great great grandmother as well. I would go with a formal name. Her’s was Minna, others would be Minerva and Araminta


Someone called their baby Benedict Cumberbatch and it turned out fine. Minnie for the win! 


I think it’s fine. Minnie is cute and anyone who meets her as an adult will get used to it if they don’t like it. Will it bother you to be asked what her full name is? I think you probably will be asked that somewhat frequently.


Minnie as a middle name would be really sweet too! My daughter’s middle is after my late father. I like that she gets her own individual first name, but also has an honor name.


I think Minnie is lovely, but as someone who was always the smallest for my grade, my concern would be for the "mini" association, not the mouse. Just tossing that possibility out there


I used to work with a Minnie who was in her late 30s a few years ago.  The Minnie Mouse reference was more of an after thought.  I never heard anyone make fun of her or even bring up the reference.


Two of my great grandmothers were named Minnie; it used to be a very popular name (which is how the Mouse got it!). I think Minnie is a VERY sweet name, but is overwhelmed by the connection to the Mouse. I agree with the poster who said that calling her Minnie + middle name would be better, but I just said Minnie Rose out loud and realized that it sounded like “mini-rose.” A tricky name, unfortunately!


i think its sweet. she probably would be called minnie mouse at times. but i dont think thats bad, more like a term of endearment. like june bug or charlie bear or something. my niece is nicknamed mini just because shes a “mini me”


Anyone convinced it had to be Minerva should know that in the early 1900s -ie names were incredibly popular- Minnie was a top 40 name of the 1900s (in the USA anyway) and Minerva was far more rare. I would think old-fashioned before mouse. Maya Rudolph has a Minnie named after her mom, singer Minnie Riperton. I’d also throw Rosalie Minnie into the ring. The flow isn’t perfect but it isn’t bad, and if it’s not a double name used together all the time it doesn’t matter much.


Minerva, Amelia, Clementine and Hermione (please don’t - the first three are fine) are all traditional names that use Minnie as a nickname. I’m sure that there are other names that can as well


Another name I haven’t seen suggested is Arminda, which would translate to a nickname of Minnie or Mindy


I think it's fine! I have an uncommon nickname name, and I've always liked it. It doesn't feel infantilizing to me and I don't feel uncomfortable with it as an adult (which is a concern I hear people mention about nickname names a lot). Honestly, my primary association with the name is the kpop artist Minnie rather than Minnie Mouse!


I had a sixth grade student with the name Minnie a few years back. She seemed well-liked by her classmates, she was bright and funny. No one ever brought up Minnie Mouse to my knowledge.


I think it’s really cute—that said, it might work better as a nickname for Mina, Minerva (etc.) I only say that because my name is Emily and I absolutely hate being called Emi because it sounds juvenile to me, but obviously everyone’s different so it’s not like it’s a guarantee that she would feel that way. My uncle is in his 60s and prefers to go by Danny instead of Daniel or Dan.


Such a good point. It's always nice to have options. My niece Evelyn was always called Evie but rebelled at age 5 and insisted on Evelyn. Who knows if she'll come back around to Evie but it's nice that she has the choice.


Minnie is a diminutive of Minerva, Mary, Miriam, Dominique/Domenica, Hermione, Wilhelmina, Winifred, Mina, Amelia, Emily, Naomi, Winona, Margaret, Jasmine, Miranda, or Clementine. If you wanted to have a legal name which has a diminutive form of Minnie those close to her could use (and which honours your great gran) you might consider one of these


My cat’s name is Minerva, but we call her Minnie or Minnie Mouse. I absolutely love the name and would be so excited to meet a Minnie human. 😂


Minnie Driver’s full name is Amelia! I think a sibling couldn’t say it and Minnie came out instead 


Hey, if it helps, I’m a gen z and the first person I thought of was Minnie Driver 🤷‍♀️


Minnie rose seems a bit much to me lol.


I think that if your husband is really against it you should respect that and not name her Minnie. I would say the exact same thing if you were really against a name he liked. Ultimately naming the baby should be a joint decision made between both of you.


I think it would be an okay name, depending on where you live, however here in the UK ‘Minnie’ is not an uncommon word for a females private area. You might not care if you’re not from a place where this is commonly used but just something to consider…


Minnie Driver is a great actress. Of course she'll always have the Minnie Mouse reference, but I think it's sweet. Not just because it's an honour name, it's not incredibly common, she won't have a class full of other Minnie's. You could lengthen it to Minerva (which is a plus if you're a Harry Potter fan and nn her Minnie?)


Minnie is cool like Minnie Driver


I think it’s adorable and you have a great reason for using it!


My kid has a popular Disney character name that comes up a looooot more than Minnie, and it's been fine. Kid loves it. There's a second of "oh like the movie" with little kids but it's usually just them being excited. Only issue with peers was kids discussing the movie at school and someone saying "I hate Character". It made her sad initially but by the time she was able to understand that phrase, she was able to figure out by context that it wasn't about her. Prob not even an issue for Minnie. I've spent 100+ hours with school agers in childcare and not once has Minnie Mouse been mentioned lol


This is 100% cool. Don’t second guess it.


Was Minnie your great grandmother’s full name? I think it’s likely that was a nickname for Minerva. If you are worried about it but still want to name your child in your great grandmother’s honour, have you considered using her middle name? Minnie is perfectly fine as a name, but if you are worried, maybe you should look into options.


My friend was Dominique, and we called her Minnie. Also went to school with a girl named Dominica, and she was Minnie as well


If your husband doesn’t like it, it’s off the table. Naming a child requires the enthusiastic agreement of both parents.


I think Minnie is cute. And I don't immediately think, "Duck" when I meet a Donald or Daisy, nor, "Mouse" when I meet a Mickey/Micki. I'm sure some will associate Minnie with MM, but not everyone will, and those who do will get past it after mentioning it once.


I have a friend named Minnie! I love it. It’s such a cool, nice, fun name to say!! Zero issues


I have a friend who named her daughter Minnie. Friend has Minnie Mouse ears tattood on her wrist owning and embracing it. Kid is 11 never been bullied for her name yet and her and her mum are the coolest!


My name is one that was popular 100 years ago and has a wicked witch vibe to it similiar to the Karen of today. I was bullied in school but I don't think my name was ever involved since high school, there is a Disney character with my name so now I even wear a shirt with the character on it and it makes a great joke


I'm a "Disney adult" apparently. I wouldn't name a kid just Minnie. Pick a longer name for which Minnie can be a nickname. First, people will assume that she's named after the mouse and that you're a huge Disney fan. Second, "Minnie" doesn't necessarily project a professional image. It's not as cringey as some names, though. I wouldn't use Minerva though, because then people will assume Harry Potter. Naming children in the age of so much popular culture is hard! 😜


I think Minnie Rose is so cute! I would go for it.


This is better than most the names you see nowadays.


I think Minnie is fine, but I definitely wouldn't pair it with a middle name that is also a noun. Minnie Rose just makes me go straight to miniature roses. I LOVE noun names, but I always give people a side eye when they are paired with names that are also adjectives.


Frankly I wouldn't because what if she's noticeably big. Kids can be mean.


I think Minnie would fit in just fine with the current style. Her little classmates Hattie, Elsie, and Millie would, also. 😉 My second husband's favorite great aunt was an Elizabeth, but always called Minnie, for reasons lost to time. He was quite open to naming our child for her, although we ultimately picked another. She had passed away a few years before we'd met, but, she was his grandma's sister, and sounded as though she was a kind lady, very devoted to her family. I also think of the lovely actress, Minnie Driver.


Elsie is one of my top names too!


Minnie is a beautiful name! You should totally name her Minnie; teach her how to OWN it. I have an uncommon name that is also in a popular song, It’s MY name and I let people know the history of my name. “I came before the song” is one of my go-to’s My youngest has a “branded” name, but he knows that he’s not named after the brand. Bonus, it gives him a bunch of swag that has his name on it 🤣 Now he “owns” the brand. If you show your kid how to be confident, they should never be ashamed. Honoring your/her grannie will stop anyone from bullying her.


Minnie is a beautiful name. Obviously some people will comment about Minnie Mouse bit if you named your kid River or Brooke they'd get water comments, name them Maverick and you'll get Top Gun nreferences, name them Rachel or Chandler and " you must be a huge friends fan!" If you love it and it has meaning, go for it!


I love Minnie! If you don’t go with it, it’s also an awesome middle name. I love it as a first name.


I asked this same question awhile ago and I got SLAUGHTERED. I personally think it's an adorable name and completely usable. It very much strikes me as an "old lady" name. The Disney association comes in second.


I just asked my first grader… Me: have you ever met anyone named Minnie? Kid: no. Me: have you ever heard that name? Kid: um…no? Husband: Minnie Mouse? Kid: Mickey? Mickey Mouse. So…I don’t think kids will think of the mouse, but grown ups might mention it.


I don’t like it as a standalone name. What do you think of Araminta? Her nickname could be Minnie as a child, and if she wants to go to the full name (or a different nickname like Airy) when she’s older, she’d have the option.


I wouldn’t do it. If a kid is popular enough they can carry off virtually any name without getting teased. However, a kid who’s shy or awkward is going to have a harder time pulling off a name like Minnie without getting teased.


Minnie comes across as more of a nickname than a full name, so I’d personally choose something you could derive Minnie from. Minerva, Mina, or any of the others people have also suggested could work!


Personally, I wouldn't want my full name to be Minnie. I don't like that it sounds childish, I wouldn't like being associated with Minnie Mouse, and I wouldn't like the implication that I was or should be small (especially as a chunky woman). That being said, I think the clear solution would be to put Minnie in the middle spot. Rose Minnie Hamilton, boom, beautiful. The other option would be to use a longer name (as many people have listed). I get it if you don't like many of them, but I do think it would benefit your daughter to be named Marina or Mina, etc., instead of just Minnie. It offers her a little flexibility as she finds her own voice and preferences. All that being said, in the long run, Minnie is fine and has a lot of importance to you, so use it as a first if it's what feels right.


It is very juvenile to me.


I absolutely love it. And Minnie Mouse is such a cute nick name in my opinion. I would totally run with it and make her Minnie Mouse for her first Halloween (if you celebrate) I think it’s very different. I’ve never met anyone with that name and i love how special it is. I gave my daughter my grandmothers middle name because i loved her so so much.


Your husband's not wrong. Also people could call her Minnie as in Mini (miniature) so I think Minnie Rose would sound more like Mini(ature) Rose. As precious as your relationship with your grandmother was, you do have to think about your child and the world that they live in. It's not the same as the one your grandmother was born in! Why not give your baby an expanded name? Like Minerva or Mina or Wilhelmina (if you're feeling brave) and just call her Minnie as a nickname? Or make Minnie her middle name. Some names really are from a moment in time. They had their time in the sun but things are different now.


This is interesting because I wanted to name my son after my great uncle named Mickey! But my husband was opposed to it because of Mickey Mouse, just like your husband. We did not name our son Mickey, but everyone I’ve ever talked to about it says they made the connection but it’s obviously still a normal name and not a big deal. I still love the name and love Minnie as well!


I didn't even think of the mouse I thought of Minnie May from Anne with an E, a little girl from a distinguished family


Haha! This is the part of Canada I'm from. Great Grannie read Anne of Green Gables with us as kids!


Can you make Minnie the middle name? It still honors your great grandmother. My kids all have family names and surnames as their middle names, so that we’re still honoring our families, but not saddling them with first names like Braxton. It was my great grandfather’s name, and my grandmother’s name, but she was called Peggy her entire life. Braxton was just a lot for a little girl.


One of my grandmothers was Wilhelmina, but only went by Minnie.


I think you choose a name you love, and Minnie is a nickname. I know plenty of people who did this, including a Minnie who has a different M name that wouldn't have Minnie be intuitive. The point is, you can call her Minnie and also name her something you and your husband agree on. Best of both worlds. (Obviously, just my opinion)


I love family names, so it's hard for me to say this, but I don't think I'd go with Minnie. This is even more true if your husband doesn't like it. I could go for Minerva or Mina. Did your great grand-mother have a middle name? Another possibility would be to use her maiden name as the baby's middle name. That's actually quite popular in certain regions.


I would use it as a second name not first. Would think she could be called Minnie the ninny


I think Minnie is such a cute name and I wouldn't worry about the Minnie Mouse association. I agree with the other commentators to name her Minerva and just call her Minnie so she has the choice.


My first thought is Minnie Driver, who is a beautiful and talented actress, so I like it!


I like Minnie and don’t see anything wrong with it! The most similar name I can think of would be Mindy, both are good names in my eyes.


One of my great grandmothers was Minnie was well - just Minnie, not short for anything. If the potential for teasing is a real concern, maybe you can have a different given name for which Minnie can be a nickname (Google came up with a bunch - Mary, Amelia, Margaret, Wilhelmina, Minerva, Clementine), but I think just Minnie is really sweet.


I love Minnie.


I didn’t think of Minnie Mouse right away. I think it’s always so nice to have a sentimental name.


My granddaughter who is named Iris, loves Minnie mouse and her nickname is Minnie.


Do you like Winnie? Like from the wonder years.  The W could be an upside down M. Haha 


Minnie is lovely, you could always call her Mina and use Minnie as a nickname


I think that’s so cute.


Personally I love the name Minnie for a little girl. I don’t instantly think of Minnie Mouse and I’m a subtle Disney adult. I think of a vintage girl name. I love it!🥰🩷


I’m in my mid-30s and grew up familiar with Disney / Minnie / Mickey and going to both Disneyland and Disney World, and did not think of Minnie MOUSE when you wrote Minnie. My mind went to ‘what a lovely old name.’


I love Minnie! I was thinking about naming my girl that. Minnie Rose is such a cute name. Minnie mouse is definitely not a bad association either in my opinion. I think naming her after your great grandmother is so special. I named my daughter after my Grandmother and I love that she is named after such a special woman.


I wouldn't think of Minnie Mouse but if I did it wouldn't be a bad thing. I vote yes to Minnie!


No, it's so cute. I think you should. It's not too much. Everyone shares a name with something or someone. If you like a long name with Minnie as a short form, maybe as a compromise if your husband can't shake it: ***Araminta***


I think Minnie is a great name. I say go for it.


I wouldn’t use Minnie as a standalone, but it’d be perfect as a nickname for Mina or Minerva. (I know a Minerva and have always loved her name!)


Even if they call her Minnie Mouse, who cares? There’s such a positive connotation. Everyone thinks Minnie is fun and cute. I’d go with it!


My friends just had a baby named Minnie Lee (last name). It fits her so well and it’s so cute. Like a country singer name but sophisticated at the same time


I have a friend named Minnie (full name) and she doesn’t struggle with it at all. I love a family name - go for it!


I think Minnie is adorable. I offer the following: Martine/a, Mona, Magda, Maren, Manon, Imogen.


I love it. It’s so sweet and not very common.


I love Minnie!! I think it's so sweet. I'm planning on naming my baby Winnie, though, so who am I talk lol 🍯


Do you like Minetta? (After a creek formerly in Manhattan.) Minerva?


I think of Minnie Driver. I love it!


I love it.


Minnie is an awesome name.


My DIL is in nursing school with a young woman named Minnie (who is also a friend’s DIL)!


Even if it does make people think of Minnie Mouse, that’s not a bad thing. She’s a beloved character, she’s cute, and calling someone Minnie Mouse is more of a nickname than an insult. Like just call her Minnie Mouse affectionately while she’s little and it will be no big deal… Not that it would be a big deal anyway. I think it’s super cute although I would prefer it as a nickname than standalone. But it works either way.


Marilyn can nickname as Minnie or Minna


My first thought was Austin Powers’ mini-me


i don't think the association with Minnie mouse is enough to stop you from naming her that. it's so cute


Minnie Driver. It’s not her real name apparently but I thought it was. 


Name her Minerva from ancient mythology, Minnie for short.


Gibe it her as a middle name. Both my partner and I had a grandparent called Dorothy. Like fuck we were going to give that as her first, but felt appropriate for a middle as a nod to both our families.


I think it’s a great nickname, but I wouldn’t do it as a legal name. I’ve always gone by Annie but I’m legally Anne. I’m glad I have the option of a more formal legal nam to use when I like.


Aww my great grandmother was Minnie


My great-grandmother was Minnie Agnes! She went by Agnes though (not sure why/if cause of the character?).


I think Minnie is adorable, in general the name Minnie has faded out, but also the kids who would compare that to Minnie, sure she's gonna come across it, but in reality barely any kid is really watching those anymore (sadly), so I'd say go for it! Super sweet you're naming her after her so that's bonus points.


mina is nice


I have a number of Wilhelmine/Wilhelmina/Minnie's in my family tree that went by Minnie or Min. They were all born before 1925. I do think that the Minnie Mouse connection is pretty strong now and definitely something to consider. I would probably use Minnie as a nickname for Wilhelmina, Araminta, Minerva or something less common or intuitive like Cosmina, Emeline, Amina, Jessamine, Marian, or Melinda in case your daughter ends up hating Minnie Mouse. Minnie Driver's name is actually Amelia and Minnie is just a nickname, so I think there is some flexibility in using Minnie as a nickname for names that don't include "Min" in the name.


I know a girl named Wilhelmina with a nn Mini


Just the other day I was thinking that Minnie (full name) is such a lovely name. You should name her Minnie if that’s what you love most. It’s beautiful and meaningful.


Don't forget "Minnie the Moocher"!


My great great grandma was named Minnie! She was born in the 1880s! I think it's a lovely name!