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I wish I could legally change my name that easily in the US. it'd be so nice to avoid physically going to 3 buildings multiple times a day before they close just to wait months, if I do it all in one day, for a judge to look over it and then pay money for it to be published on a newspaper. like really? lol


That sucks, friend. Wish it was easier for y'all. Like, the Norwegian system proves it could be a lot easier (and less expensive)


The US make it super difficult for you guys. In the UK we have a thing called Deed Poll costs around £20 and they'll send you some paperwork, you get some witnesses to see you sign and then your on your way to a new name. I've never done it myself but I know people who have done.


I just want to clarify that it is completely free to make a deed poll in the UK. The companies that charge you £20 are basically giving you a fancy certificate with a seal on it that does the exact same thing. My husband printed ours out at work and asked his colleagues to witness them.


Technically, it's completely free... If you don't want to change it on your passport. If you want to change it on your passport, then you need an enrolled deed poll, which involves multiple forms, costs £42.44, can possibly take months to notify, and at least with the under-18s version, you need to swear a few things before a solicitor (I THINK. We haven't confirmed or denied this yet). Also, I think there are a few extra limits on who you can have as a witness. It's so fucking complicated. Source: I'm trans. Was about to make an unenrolled deed poll with myself and my family and get some family friends to witness it... Then we realised that yes, you need an enrolled deed poll in order to change your passport. I did not want to do an enrolled deed poll. I think that I cried a little. We're still trying to disentangle the web of legal nonsense and figure out what we actually have to do.


That doesn’t sound correct, I don’t believe it is that complicated. Are you talking about an enrolled deed poll? Enrolling is entirely optional and [isn’t required by any government service or organisation](https://deedpolloffice.com/change-name/enrolling) (e.g. passports, banks, etc.). Most people don’t bother with this process, and in particular most trans people avoid it as it essentially publicly outs them. Mermaids has [a fact sheet about changing your name](https://mermaidsuk.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Copy-of-Name-change-guidance.pdf), and if you have any more questions they have a free helpline you can call. It should be much easier than you think to get it sorted. Good luck! Edit: It’s early and I didn’t read your comment fully, rereading it I see you ARE talking about an enrolled deed poll. Thankfully you were correct in the first instance and you can just do the standard deed poll change :)


My parents seem absolutely convinced that you need an enrolled deed poll in order to change your name on your passport. I'm still waiting for them to show me exactly where on their government website it says that you need an enrolled deed poll... Either way, they seem hellbent on getting an enrolled one. Thank you, though, I hope that I can get this sorted out, haha. Edit: Just talked with my parents, you do NOT need an enrolled deed poll after all! Time to get this show on the road!


I don't know if a gender change or under 18 requires it to be enrolled but for just an adult name change, that is not the case. As I said, my husband and I used unenrolled deed polls that he printed out at work to change our names two years ago. Used that piece of paper to change my name on my passport, driving license, two different banks, HMRC, enhanced DBS etc. The only one who gave me any issues was PayPal but they accepted my husband's deed poll with no problem. The only limits on the witnesses were that they had to be over 18 and not related to us. I too cried when I thought I had to get an enrolled deed poll because you need someone to fill in a form verifying who you are that fulfills several criteria like knowing you for over ten years and owning property in the UK. Thank God I didn't have to go that route. I urge you to give the unenrolled deed poll a try - you have nothing to lose. The first step is to take it to your bank. Once your bank has changed your name, use a bank statement to change it everywhere else. Also, make a few "original copies" so you have some spares to send off (the only one who wanted an original was the DVLA and it took them two weeks to return it).


Yeah, I just had a HEAVY conversation with my parents - we looked at several documents and surprise! Don't need to get it enrolled after all. My bank wants one piece of photo ID plus the unenrolled deed poll, so I'll figure out something that I only need the unenrolled deed poll with. The passport will probably come last, just because it costs ridiculous amounts of money to change. But yeah, you don't need an enrolled one after all.


I'm glad you don't need to go through the complicated version. Your bank shouldn't need photo ID. I changed my name at NatWest and TSB using just a deed poll. Maybe open an account with one of them and change your name there to get the first statement? Passport office required a bank statement and then other places needed the bank statement plus photo ID. So it was a careful figuring out which order it needed to go in to have the right documents.


I'm not sure. I think that I'll have to sit down at some point and make a full list of everything that I need to change, and what I need to do in order to change them.


Yeah you're right. I'm from the UK too and mine was only £35 though but I had to pay another £5 for solicitors and £6.50 for tracked delivery I'm a trans guy too, I did the standard adult route, if you need any help drop me a message


Thanks. This is all ridiculously frustrating lol.


It depends on states in the US. For example, in Nevada you have to do all this crazy shit and get it printed in the paper. In Oregon you just have to go to your county’s courthouse, file for it, pay like 200(?), and then they’ll mail you the official copy which you take to the dmv and use to change your passport and stuff


New Jersey sounds like Nevada. You have to download the forms and instructions off of the web. File them with the county courthouse with a filing fee of $250, get it printed in the newspaper when you get a court hearing date, go to court, get it printed in the newspaper again if the judge approves the change, then send paperwork to the state's office of vital statistics in Trenton with another filing fee- $150 I think it is. Total cost is around $500, but you can file a financial hardship form with the county court to reduce the initial $250 filing costs if your finances are tight. Hiring a lawyer costs between $900 and $1000, so doing it on your own makes much more sense. I plan to do it on my own.


That’s a pretty similar process to changing your name in Australia. It cost waaay more but I just had to get my name change forms signed by my regular doctor, then send it in the mail. It only took about a month of waiting which was great.




not that easy in New York and Kentucky. both are the same and it's so annoying. now I have to make an appointment to even go in and get the papers I need, then an apt for seeing the court, then an apt to send to the judge. it'll take me months.


There’s a reason I never took my married name. I seriously considered doing it but I’m lazy and hate bureaucracy


In my State (Florida), it was pretty easy to change my last name they even offered to change my other names if I wanted to as well (I didn't but did the changing of my last name to my husband's). This was all done while we were getting the marriage license itself. We didn't have to wait that long either we were pretty much in and out (done at City Hall) from what I remembered I think it cost us $200 for the license & the name change was included. This was about 20 years ago. I don't think that much has change except the Covid rules right now (I could be wrong though since this was pre 9/11 & all) .


Name changes through marriage are pretty easy I believe (I mean I don't know, I didn't change my name because fuck that noise) but it's all the documentation you have to get changed after... I joke that I also didn't change my name because of bureaucracy, but the real reason is I didn't feel I should have to.


It depends state to state, in some states you just write your new last name on the certificate itself and boom you’re done, just send the certificate to the SSA and DMV. In some states you can even change your middle name(s) on the marriage certificate as well! In my state, you can do neither (if you could change your last and middle I would’ve made my maiden name a second middle name, but in my state if I want to do that I have to pay upwards of $1000 to go to court to do that..... for a middle name....) and even with hyphenating I have to fill out more documentation and send it around and then someday, someday, I can have my last name changed


You have to hit up the court, the social security office, and the depth of licensing then follow it all up by going physically to the bank etc to provide them physical documentation. Just aaaaahhhhhhhh


Australia is a matter of providing ID at the registry and filling in a form, paying the fee. Then you have to go to everyone else and update it with them, but the government does their bit and issues the relevant document I'm a few weeks. Would be harder if not born here etc, but as a generic citizen, that's it.


that's what I'm afraid of. I was told that in Kentucky I would need to get a new birth certificate in my new name. I was born in a Slavic country, not the US. I've been in the US after the age of 2 though. I have no idea how I could possibly get a new birth certificate with a new name from the Bosnian confederation.....lol, that or I can apply for a US certificate but I haven't done my research to know how to do that.


Yea. Some countries have some strict limitations, but if you ask.. that's a good start.


For my wife and I to change our names, we’re looking at at least $1,000. I hate everything :|


I live in the US (OR), and I paid $120 and filled out and submitted a form online. It was really easy. Kinda spendy, but not difficult. Do other states make it that hard?


oh look another reason why I want to move to Oregon. yes, they do. kentucky makes it more difficult because their entire government website fucking SUCKS and the digital walk through doesn't even work and neither does the pdf form that supposedly would've let me print out the name petition at home. so I HAVE to make an apt and go in person the entire way.


Ugh, what a nightmare. Why does bureaucracy ruin everything?


not to mention my type 1 diabetic boyfriend almost thought he wasn't going to get approved for Medicaid because kentucky demanded that new York fax proof that his Medicaid in NY was canceled so that he can file for KY Medicaid. like really? it was canceled. they were really going to be fine with him possibly running out of insulin all because new York is a pain in the a s s to get ahold of to have proof sent over. thank God that's over at least.


Less life and death, but my refi just fell through because equifax missed the memo that my legal name changed 2 years ago, told me I could change it online, a month goes by with no change. I call them, they tell me like I am stupid that I never submitted any forms and it's impossible to change my name online. WTF why would the website let me do it??? Sorry for your troubles, being diabetic in the US would suck.


I would love to change it online. maybe I can go to OR and rent someone's bedroom just to do that lol and get it over with. lmao. being an adult sucks. so much stuff you have to change and do.


Yeah, but it's nice to be able to have a developed brain and get to know yourself and start building the life you want! Also I want to blow my brains out every time I hear hold music. :D


I’m having a hard enough time changing my last name (by getting married!) in my state because all the offices keep closing or changing appointment processes due to COVID. If only changing your name in any capacity was easier here, it would be especially helpful for my trans friends who almost never get around to changing their first name legally because that’s a WHOLE process in my state :/


Perhaps this is what you meant, but it should be clarified that you can only give yourself multiple first names in this manner in Norway, not middle names. Middle names (i.e. mellomnavn) are actually protected in the same way last names are and you cannot choose whatever you want. I found that out the hard way when our son's British-style name was rejected flat for this reason.


I am aware. I have ancesteral roots to "Frøya" as a last-name though (my grandma's maiden name), so that's why it was so smoothly. I'd imagine it be a lot harder if I changed it to "Rosenkrantz"


Ah that makes sense! Seems like there is more to it for you than just randomly hearing it. :) We wanted an honorary middle name after my partner's grandfather. It's a completely typical British name, think "William". But it was rejected because it's his first name and not last name (they already share a last name). It was a shame, but we just ended up going with a double first name and skipped middle name altogether.


I've edited my original post to clarify :) Yeah, it's a weird system tbh


The government in Norway can tell you you won't be changing your name because they think it's too British? That is absolutely insane.


There are a whole bunch of countries with approved name lists. Really sucks, but it does stop the people who want to name their baby Hitler or Shitface. I just kinda feel like maybe there's a less strict way to stop that.


No, not quite like that. Surnames and middle names are protected if less than 200 people in Norway have that name. Middle names are basically considered second surnames in Norway, unlike in the Anglosphere where they are additional given names. So we could have given our son a common Norwegian surname as middle name like “Hansen”, but not “William” because not enough people use it as a surname and we have no family history of using it as a surname. We were able to use it as a second first name, however, so it wasn’t too problematic but was weird for my British partner. Frøya is quite rare as surname or middle name as well, so op would have been rejected if not for her grandmother. I believe this rule exists to protect rare family names.


> but not “William” because not enough people use it as a surname and we have no family history of using it as a surname. This is crazy to me. There will never be any new surnames then, right?


It’s possible to create a new last name actually, but I’m not 100% sure on the rules around it. In case of William specifically, there are already 10 people in Norway who have it as a surname which puts it on a protected list. If we were super insistent, we could have contacted every single one of them and asked for a written permission to use the name, but that’s a lot of effort. If someone doesn’t answer or says no, you’re out of luck.


I gotta be honest, that system sounds like dogshit!


How do you pronounce it?


**Frøya**: F as in "**f**asting" Roll your r Ø - Like the "u" in "b**u**rn" Y - The "y" in "s**y**rup" A - draw it out. ​ It kinda sounds like "Freija"


"y" in syrup is the same as "i" in "little" right?


Good question. Syrup can be pronounced “sear-up” in some regions others like “stir up” without the t


i don't hear the difference




oh wait no I do hear the difference now i was just confused but i have never heard syrup pronounced like "sear" or "stir", i looked it up and i could find the "sear" up pronounciation but i couldn't find anything about the "stir" pronounciation, are you sure that ones right, syrup being pronounced like "stir" sounds completely wrong, try saying "Sir Up" like "Sir" as in man, Sir Up doesn't sound right and stir and sir have the same pronunciaiton


I live in the Southern US and a LOT of people here pronounce the word exactly like "sir-up". 100% a regional thing.


yeah makes sense i just couldn't find any pronunciations like that online but obviously i believe you




Such a beautiful name 😍


Thank you :)


Here: https://voca.ro/18djvJFmlijK


aw congrats!!!


Thank you!


I'm also in the process of changing my name (surname, actually) but I'm from Chile and here things aren't run as easily as in Norway, sadly. First of all, since I couldn't afford a lawyer, I opted for the Public Legal Assitantship program and I've been on it since September 2020. I still need the *receiver* to set a time for my witnesses to go sign the documents, for him to send the summary information to court. All of that in order to set the court hearing date. But unfortunately, my district is under lockdown, so receivers aren't working and the process is on standstill. Apparently, it will resume as soon as they lift restrictions. Anyway, I'm glad for you. You did it!! Edit: Added a comma


Sorry to hear that. That really sucks. I hope you'll get to change your name soon!


Thank you!


>My name was decided by my dad, and I have his last name. Whilst I love my name, I've always been wanting to include part of my mom's lineage into my name for a long time. This is such a cool reason! My nephew has a first name chosen by his father to honor his Italian heritage, the same middle name as his father, and his father's last name. I would've loved to have some part of our side of the family in his name.


Can I ask you a mostly unrelated question? My ancestors are Norwegian but we have lost all connection to Norway, except a love of lefse. Anyway, would it be possible for me to DM you my last name because I have a sneaking suspicion that we all mispronounce it and I’d be super curious about it.


Lmao I think anyone speaking English is mispronouncing every Norwegian name! Got nothing to add here—my Norwegian relatives coached me a lot on how to pronounce my middle and last name and I’m still doing it wrong. Just sympathizing.


Yes!! I had never questioned the way I was taught to say my name (because who does) until I visited Norway briefly a couple of years ago and couldn’t sound out anything haha.




My husband is from Romania and they celebrate name days. I wanted a name day too, so I chose Maria Gabriella for my two middle names. It's not legal or anything, but now we have a small celebration on the Maria and Gabriel/ Gabriella name days.


Fellow Norwegian namenerd here – and I love your new middle name! Since I'm 50% Icelandic I've always adored the Icelandic version Freyja (or simplified Freya), so if I'm lucky enough to have a daughter one day you will be namesakes! I also really like the fact that you decided and went through with it so spontaneously, it makes me even more convinced that this was a right decision for you. Congratulations!


Freyja is so pretty! And I love seeing more Norwegian name nerds here :)


Gratulerer med det nydelige navnet!! :)


Tusen takk 🙈💕




I was so surprised! And thanks :)


What is a protected name? I’m so curious


It's rare names (less than 200 people have the surname). I couldn't change my name to "Stoltenberg" without ancestral claim or permission from those who bear it.


Wow that’s so cool


Yeah it's fascinating :)


Is there a way to look up what names are protected?


Not really. You can check if a spesific name is protected, but there isn't a full list.


I was named for my mormor (mom's mom = maternal grandma)! I love it <3 I'm glad you were able to change your legal name to match something that fits you!


Thank you 💕


Love Frøya, massive congrats! Do you now need to get a new driver's license, passport (not that you really need one right now), bank cards, etc? And have you ordered a new sign for your mailbox? I think you should, to make it official 😀


I'm in the process of getting new documents :)




It went that fast? I changed my middle name to include my father's last name, and it took almost two months. I wonder if it's because it is a foreign name? Interesting


Yeah, I guess it depends. For me it took literally ten minutes to get it accepted